uum.Bmm college qf technology








We the imdersigned, members of iJimbda Sigma Chi,

liie can^vHi of Lamar State College of Technology* Beaumoat, Texas.

Thepurpose and ideals of CM are in accord with the hi^ stan

dards of Delta Sigma Pi and we respectfully request ttmt tibis petition be giyen coosideratioa.

In seeking this af&llation we pledge ourselves to uphold the Ccmstitution and I^LawBOlt&eJDitemationalFiatemity of Delta Sigma Pi and to MthfiiUy oteerve all rules 9M regulations of the fraternity.

f^'ur-^r^^fr. C^-^p&^h^iT

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la 183S, a ran^aed Tennesseaa, Noah Tevls, with his wife and seven hungry diUdfen, immigratedby coveredwagon to a �^oi on the ^w^Urn^ river in the laMm' hifested, Mteidcan-domiaated wilds of southeastTexas, later to be named Beaunumt.

Back in diose days about die only Industry was lumber and the shingle mills which stretched atoag the Nedies river. Tba early settlers located on i^u^s along the viver sad engaged in trade with the boats ni^ch sailed ^ from tlie Oulf ^

Menace to a settlemeffit caUed Coocord* about tea miles up river from Bewimciit.

Beaumooi <^eia% received its name on JN&y 12, 1837, when Henry Ik^llard, Jos^ P. Pulsifer, Thomas B. iiuUng* Nmcy Tevis and l^seph Orig^ tc^ether deaated 200 acres d land for the settlem^^ imd organisatioa fd the towaslte of Boaumoat.

BoMiBioMsislocstedinJfeffersoB County, tto 93rd largest county In Texas, v^db was establidied in Bwfay, 1837.

Alter tibe first battle d tim Texas revdlutlfm in 18SS, all the idble-bedied men d Beamnoat w^it to war against hStrnXGO. Re<)iigees fleeing fnsn other parts of Texas and attemfMHiB^toreadi ^ United States as Santa Annans cosM|uerlag armies mardbed in tliis direction camped i& teats over tb� area that is mm the heart <^

BeaiHnoat*s downtown district. They were waltiag for dlu� swx^en waters of die

Neehes to rec�^ ti^ien the mm9 iji die defeat ai Santa Amok reached them, so

Hitey stayed and m^ade Beaummit tiieir home.

BianiiBiaBt grew as ^� railroads came, and an 1870 the dre(%ii^ of Saline Lake be^m, which was to chsnge BeaimMiat into a deqp water port. BswuaoBt is settled in Hie caiier c^ vast timberlands, and ringed wit& ii^julously rich i�tl fields. FortlieutilizatioBftftlie reiKHiroes, sawmills have been constructed, reftaerieshavebe(�bttilt. Ricegrows in abundance itiroui^tout the area, and dryers and wazehcmses have bMa coostmcted to h<�ise and process the yi^l

The most importuit single phase in the development of Beaumont b^ian on Jaauary 10, 1901, vAien Captain Anthony Lucas and Patillo Higgins brouj^ in the world famous Lucaa gusher. The site of tbs Lucas well, now known as Spindletcq^ Fieldisoaeoftberli^st oil deposits in the world. Beaumont and area has b&&3m& one d the greatest refining centers in the Ooited States, andthe rui^r, chemical, and plastic industry has grown here as an ofispring of the oil industry. Beaumoatand area Industry now consists of petroleum extraction and refinti^i;, rice growing, shlpf^ng, lumber, dairy products, catde raising, truck farming* stt^nir extractioa aad refiidag,i^p-bulldiag, fisheries, domical, petrochemical, rtidber, idB^ piasfics.

Beaumont has grown fr

This is not an idle slog^. It tells the story ei industrial Port Arthur. We are tibee oil r^falingcenter of the world and are rapidly becoming a chemical manu facturing mecca.


Today more dum 600 products carry the Orange CHsc of Gulf Oil corporati

Largest sellers among the 600 products are m<^or gasoline, aviaticm gasoline, fUmace oils (home heating), kero8esie,n<^>tha,lui�ricating oils, was and kMmker &iel

(^lips). Tim veJ^mexy iKyw has 5,7(K} emisloyees.

From its be^miteg, the Texas C

It took somediing more dum vision by Texaa}'s �otmders to guide the Texas Company frcoa its small and inauspicious beginnii^ at Beaummit in 1902 to die two-


TexMCO likes to say that its 42,000 employees are its best asset. If that is the case, this locality is forttmate, for there are more employees of die Texas Company in the Port Arthur area than in any other locality, at home or abroad. Theworld*8largestbatadieneplaiid:,locatedat Port Neehes, Texas, may become even bigger. The plant sold by the government to Goodrich-Gulf Chemicals, hic, and the Texas-U.S .Chemical Company for $53 million last ^ring, has increased its GUQmt 88 per cent since it was turned over to private interest.

In 1942, Port Nedies was selected as &e {dant site because of its c^tral locatioBi and die five oil companies organixed Ned^s i^tane Products Company

to si^rvise, desi^i, construct and qperate tte plant for the government.

Construction began in May, 1942, and sp^^icaticm butadiene was first pro

duct on Fdmiary 25*1944. The plant was giv@n a rating of 100,000 tons of 98 per

cc�t iwre butadiene annually produce vip to I50,(K)0 tons. Butadiene is the major ingredient used in die manufacture of synthetic rubber.

Hm Nedies IEten�Be Company em^ys alxmt 3,000 people in our area. Forty-four of die men who built the Pure Oil CcMO^pffliy's Smith fflufl refinery

bade in 1922 are still on the roUs-ddefiy as operators of processing units or as

craftamcoi. The eeonpany now emplc^s about 1,075 workers. The latest additicm

hi this refinery is a catalytic reformdbig imit "a^ildi covers three-quarters of an

4M�re and will employ a piatiaum type napdia into a hig^ octane product.

tlie Atlantic BMBniBg com^wny actually came into being in I860, just one year

after Odaid Edwin Drake drilled the first U-S ell well iwar Titusvtile in Nordi-

westem P^msylvania.

UseiBlfidi company was called War(^,Frew and Ccmpany and was establisbed

in Ihilade^phia to i^U barelled oil from western Paonsylvania. After a series oC

mergers, the Adantic Refinii^ Compaiy vme formed in 1911. In the 44 years

since, the Atlantic has jprown tauH it is mm amosig the tc^ 1^ in size among ^m ICX) largest industrial firms in the United Sta^s.

Last year, ilm Atreco refbiery had a thsmwout of over 6,000 barrels daily.

Another Atlantic activity in the Oulf Coast area is the Adantic Pipe Line company. At die Atreco terminal, oil produced in Texas and New Mexico is loaded aboard the nadcm's tankers, including Adantlc*s fii^t ctf si^rtmkers. Itie number of Adaittic employees in the Port Ardnir area now exceeds 600. You name it* diey make it, in the way of steel containers at die U. S. Steel corporadon products division plant here In Port Ardwr. The plant, which makes contaiaers d all sizes, slopes aad tyij^^s for ^ oil Industry in tibis area, is lo cated on ^ Port Arthur sidp canal. Approximately lOO people are employed in dK� plant.

The king bee of Oroige, T^cas* Chemical Row is still ^dargtng his beehive

II years after he started work on it and the current construction Is ta more than passing interest to the oil Inckistry,

DttPoat, whldi came to Orange county in 1944 to build a nylcsi hitermei^ates pittit aad has since spent over 100 million dollars to provide facilities for manu- �BC�iriag that product aad diree odiers.

^^l^faUe construction �ad laboratory e3q>erimaBts are going on, the other vribist- Itaig, v4iialDg, roaring mlata d die vast Sabine River works are cont^uhig to turn o^ eaormoiis quaaddes d methand, a synthedc wood alcohol used s^lmarily for and-freexei adl^ acid, a ms^tMrnte m&emmtf to d� final proces^di^ �tf s^cks, aad die nylon intermediates whidi were ite first product of die company's local woaelcs.

Two dEoamnd peo^ are kept busy �d& di^e acdvldes besides die several bimdred engaged on die various testing aad cmmmctym programs. The payroll this year will exceed 10 mlUion ddlars, and purdiases d materials aad supplies in Mb area will add other millions to the district's booming economy. PICTURES m THE ��USTR1ES OF SABINE AREA




4. GULF REFINERY \m 6*. fe 5 9 m

a?rj Wi;*'



m^i^mm ':iy^:aML^:M' ^�^:':;;v i'jfe^'' it ,.'*'''j





Lsmar Smm Collcig^ of Tc-chndogy, mm in Its $.3rd ye^xt shMse It wm fmm^m^

A� $oudi Htk Janiof C�ll�g.;5 In 1923, f.&mskm a mm p@�k In both tardlmanf Md adhicvtsm^nt witih s:>acli �*ice*/.'�^d^ ymi\

Th$ �dl<$g�: gho^i wh^c iSi eommunii^ cm 4o In ^- fiild i^ i^i^r 4^�te.^tlon.

In 1923, wh^^ ih.^ Soudi Paik Boa <; d el Educ-^tion um^ to pfovldt ft^isioaml ttdbH�die^ foi ib-e ^^r&a.'.^ youdi Is^yond ih^- M^ ^hod e^rs^'d, a way-wa^ tmi^ to dbtafa dk^ j�^0� college.

|. B. Morriis, now

1^ bill 0OB�fiejid di� way tm dte Cf-.?aU�30 �^ |iimi�.r cdl4'i�* In oih�-r ptrts el tbs scat�.

At fii'�$� L&mar h^ to $har# ^a:&<^ ^ Soui^ Bark High Sdtodi but it^ gi o#di c�ill&^4l for S'^perata &clli.^es; 1^ ^ I9$2 L^mar had a buildiog �^ im mm, di.;

Maxil^'diur Junior High btiild^. .'Hm asm'-;:', was ditag^ Irom South Pajri; .^oiior Co[bg<� to Lam&r JimtO'f Co^^agg, So ph^tiom^aal was dug gtew^ of die sdiod aad die demaade lor udmlttioa

�r.om mmB outni^a ih� locil ^f�m th�t ^m msc&ad m^jor ph^si? In '^ �dioal*s histetf took 0a6@� WIdl tte >ald of di^i Yom^ Um*& $mm^m U-^gm ^ad odiers. fte Lamar |ml�r Cdl..:gs mmsMt mm lorwgd, % diit p�st^'a.r y�aw, L���r wte

rated aiitioaiilly m b&mg one o� th^ t^ junior colleges In �h@ nation.

By .^47, ihi a�c*d Cor a seeliEBdogi�al edl>r^^. was reeegi^ed nad |e0�raon Ceua^ r?��iitoats supported ^e school in pt^raoailng di^i Ui^sUmrz to cr^ie a four-year ta4^Bfrii<^ic<4 c^^gd* The 1949 LeglsltHurs f^m4 di@ L^mar MIL but btetu^^ ol Lick of ^mds it did BOt be:com� a lew. Soudl^ast Texts cendmied its work widi die L4"gialata.r* and ihi� time d�& mma wm �ic�j<>mpll�iheil widi a lour �yc-ar tchool csp^nlng in 1951.

Whil(* many pd.s;.!M�� wssritid haidi to mak<- Lamar T^tM a rttality, a grs.it 4~^ of cr^it goei m Qm� hUm ^lv�,r�,di�� li#ur..nant governor, liad to United Slates

R�^pr@ii�ntativa |ack B. Brooks, at dui: eim;^ a G}c':mb. 01' tfa^ Legislature. " Lanur*3i growdi since 1923 defies all Imagiaatic�. From Uss dian200 atu- d�ntstei 1923, Lamar tbi� fall had 4,dS3 studt^ts. It ia a member of the Aasociadon


Colleges �ad Secondary Scho^s as a ganior oiUa^. Persoaalides that stand in r@co

Its pr& aidants have included the late L. E. Piat^sch, the^ late C. W. gingham,

JMm 1. Qxi^y, now vice-president of First National Baoik, B<5aumiont, and Dr. F. L.

McDimald aarr@nt president* O. B� Ardti��, now vice-pre^ideiEMC and dean has b&m with the college @in��! its beginning in 1923. At various thaes, h^ hag served, as acting presidtsaat of th@ schocd.

Lamar Tech's campus is one diat draw@ t^ pral@4' of visidag '^^ducacora. A



Much remains to bte; done in a |^@ical way if Lamar Tech is to continue* its growth; but, with tbs united support oi itm am^^ and capdbl^ leadisir^hip being i^xartad, die mast

At present tims, Lamar boasts a total oi' 52 ot^^xiizattoos on the campus.

These consist of dirae Honor Sociedee, fivs R ligious Otganizations, seven

Service; Organizations, 23 Professional, �^ij^t Social, and six Mutual lotereat Orgsmisadons. Thte i@ Lamar,. and m iditoty! iwt ^.,itolag diat .wm^a Ltma.r di� tmt&Bt gt&wlmg .oAUgi: in th& South, die, thing that ti^km Lamar such an oucftaading echool caa not b@ ,adequat^y descrlbd^d' In m�re wordB* It is the Bm^ of t^ school aad it0 traditions a�tablish':'<^� aS:"

#ociated with' it diat malt Lamar d^ tchool soon to be acdelai^ tha fimm In . dislteit^fd .States, CAMPUS m LAMAR STATE COLLSOE OF TBCHNOLOOY








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Althottgh Lanaar Stat^ Collegt <^ Tecimolo^ wa� o:rgini2^ to emphasise

Tadaiological studies, tihe� atoee in tbt late I94a*s & etreag demand on die pa it (d stud�at� sad ia^ecry for a depe.ftXBi�i ei epeei�ato!�d tretehig. ia die field �l Comm^iree.

U SepteiBbar, 1951, ^e DiviaSoe of m�imm AdBilaistfation we t&mm under

1^ m^srHBim of Dr. Eichard W. ietewr, wi^ th�- pntpoee of filling this demand.

1^ Division �rf Boainee� Adaaialstrati^i had a vety m&item b^gtradag In �fee faU oi im with 80 majoirs and 6 Ua^ty msmbtrs. Slaee mM time th� iSivision i^e e3[^ri<3Bced steady m& �couraging growdi &rou|^ the p�s�t tin^>

Becatts�^olthl�st�a#gr�wth^ School of S^tiaees A�hBinl�ti'atioa was fo-na.S!d hi the faU of 1984. Dr. Richard W.fetaser wa� awarded i*^ dietlaetien of first Dean. of the Sdiool of INs^ass,. bo^ l^eeaee of his m^xim a^tehiistrativii ability, and his enviable jreeord in th@ mvidion ai Business*, the Sdiool of Busiaees now boa.sts ov^ r |^M)0 majote mi IB faculty membert. Id I9SI Lamax- ofletaS dtgr^ee la Aecmiatlag,teafe^urM Soignee, aad-

ISumt&MM A^aMetmHoa. hi I9�6, L&mM- i^e� a l^^elor of ineteeee Altedais- tfadcffii degree wi& m^jms la idbe foUowloEig: Aeeotmtlng, Oaaeral Itoshiaas, feeire* earial 3cieiK:^^, Indu^rial Managem^^, Economies, Finanee, and Marketing. Th@ Division of ^rniamn had l&ree cdaasroome a.e0ign0d to it In I9SI, and ia 1956 only 6 classrooms. Tim im^d and �tea^ g^owi^ i&

Lamar Schocd of j^sineas c&rri&n om t&M&Arch prc^ams in can|unctioa with the araa Ommi^vB of Co�Bietce pr^&BBi&mX eo<^etie@, and area huhiscriee*

Bach year Lamar prinnOtee a Wmimem EtiieetiOB Day, hteoase T^sm OMcs, and an ext-jnaive' Certifi-*d Putdlc Stenograidtei" progrs^m. la 19S4 one of m gradual^ of Latsmr Bct��oi of Susineee Administration wae ^ ^leat of Nationel AsBoci&tim of Manti&ctnrere in N^ York, and is presently doing exceptional work in graduate school. Peat gmdmtm of Latnar Sc^miI of ^eii^aa are pree^fitiy completing gmdyeie work in such ichoole m die University of Tema, Texan A&M, North T^^tas State, and the University of Arkanaas. At die pXB^m tkm Lamar can boaet ^mt none of its ^mdtm^a have fiOled to eomplete ^caduysito work started* Of the �i&(ilty of Lamar School of j^ainese Admliiiatmllon,dttee hold dsgreea aa Dociorai of Philos^y, vm are mmab&m of the Stais Bar, three are writing diasertaliona lor dieir ck}rc�omte> oae Is a CPA, and Mra� Norma IMl, Head of the

Department of Secretarial Sc^ce, w�� tlie 193$ -Jte^i^atlsinal Gre^ Cham|�ion in Perfection of Writing Characters* This combination of f^cllitiee and Uu&ation bv the Lamar School of lEbalneaft* ACnVlTIES OF LAIi^>A SKIMA OH




�M M

i i^t ^ 4� I




Duringdie^r^g B&mm%m of I95S, Larry H. Fifttte3r,E. D. Walp aad Carl D,

Siab^thall recogalsEed the need, for e .prof�9�aional frnt^mity that wg&M ci��biiK� aU th.i outstanding suidents In the school tii bmlaem at hmmt StEte College of Ted^B^ogy. Thesci dirae studaita with ^ms aid of Dr. Richard W. S^txtr, 4&mL

Oiarter members were Ml^sctml according to personality and schoiestic rating, a B average wa� rt^red. Th@ original memberahip of nint^ts^ aj^inted a constitution committee vi^ch formed and pres^ant^d a constitution co the members on May S, I9SS. On ^t dace the constitiitloa wm ratified.


Lionel A.D@Rott@n, secretary; Edgar A. Williamson, treasurer; Cai:! D. Sisb^diall, ptdbticlQr and business manager; Thomas L. Mets, historian.

Dr. Ridhard W. S-tser and Mr. Howard V. Oalliher were elected sponsors. D%irit^ die fall $@mes@t�r oi I9S6 Mr. David 0. Tatyior and Mr. Barney Smld^ were diected by die mooobers as additional sptmBOia* Mr. Taylor am! Mr. Smith &m dlimmii of Delta Sigma Pi. Logically die next major et@p in di^s accomjiiialmit^ttt of the aim&- c^ Lambdasig was the pledging oi new mantra to oar frateniity.

Th^ first of our rushing activities was in di@ form of an Informal party and introduction diecussi

A beuch cabin at neacfcy Gilchrist provided the scene for mir second rush activity. This was an extrem-4y informal affair which afforded the members and

titahees the oi^itunity of a full weekend in v^ch to Kcomc bettSi. acquainted. A formdi (Hnn@r wm beld to ^tcc&pt fhosa m^mM who we�@ �^^:^ tn ]^-ed|p!

Lambda Sigma Ctd. This dhm�^r mM-sked the op<@ning of a vtty stteess^ol Uratt ple%@ reason for our fraternity. Tyms Sibley and Arthur H^misih were tdlected eo-eaptidns of d^ pledge gro^. Frior to tlm time of rushing pro^^ctiv^ ms^mbers Lambdaslg had launclied im ptof^jsional activities with & tmns of tht First National Bank ol Beaumont. The tour consisted of delving hito tht; tti^mtc^ties tnd intrlcacks of the l^nidng profession. Rallying the tsdmicalinfonnation and conducting the tour wm Da . ^hn

vice of W�Clray,�^i^cuidve ^pr^tidsnt the bank and foitnsr ptmidmt c& Lamar College.

Sine� d^t tim^ and in can|imcticn with our odier activities various ixtsinsss and ^Minstrial @mt�rpriiie.s have h�m. the siibj#6t ^ professional a^ld work of our fi-atdxnity.

A professioa^a c^mnmittea is continually seskhig out n^w araas for advancing our knowledge iai profi^ofiional and indu^cri^ fi�|da of dbe area.

How-�v�r, ih� social li�@ i�F ou.v fratamity ha# not be@@

Lambda Sigmii C3ii. Mis� Evelyn Sw#at, head drum majoreet� of Lamar, was dboft^ ta t&0it�Mmx. us in social functions of t!i@ fraternity m& of Lamar Tseii.

is thl� caj^city, h@r first dnty was to W'^nr tha longest shirttail ^ver seen at th� amiual shirttail para,d& c^ Lamar. The app^ndag^ lor �^e^ she won firet ptiam measured sli^^y over 1200 faet in leng^. M^as Sw^^t @nd tl^ ingenuity of ottr fratemiQr r&c�ived national r�>cogiidtlon thi^anig^ tib& trade puldUcattoa oi iS^

American Linim A�

Honor cam^ ag^ �> Lambda Sigma Chi, tbr(�ijg^ m,t Rose, i^an Evelyn, bacl^d hf mir fraternity, plac<3d sacond against tw^nty'^aix candidates in th@ raee for Homecoming Q!^&m oi Lamar Tech. hi the midst of campaigning for Miss Sw^^at, the members were buisily engrossed in th>i caak . Also di^ members and ple(%ei3,throu�^ die time spent together and the co^ieradan ixiiich was manif&stad �^hila building die float, gained a closer feslhig of frateroity bro^erhood.

Whlkthiisa isvaitta w@retaking(dacedie|d@c%>a season was progressing smoothly and rapi

Lambda Sigma Chi W'^ all enjoyed a banquet.

W>si are prasendiy envdlved in thts^ activities of mxt second pledge gra�ip. This grmtp will t^ inltlatad mo our fratsmity at tii@ coisqpletion of tl^ir ei|^ week

' j^a%@ season. Tltese, gentkmien,-a�<^ the highli^ts of Lambda Sigma Chi, an organisation

diat has grown from oAiscurity to campus proaatdnsoc^^ in les� than iwm year*

The motivating fore� behind all our ^ndsavors has l^@n and still is our ckslre

to become a chapter �ti Delta Sigma Fl. Lnrry IL - 'l^cmer Degc��Fl�BiJ BBA*Accoam4i^ Am ^ Chaidua^on Datiej ^iii�l9S7 Campun Activities: Frenhman ; Voti^rann Cftute Lnn^bdi Sima, Chi FresidontiFiti Delist Spnibini fetetcto OcmeiliBiislBeMi Onaijelli "^^mm^ iiil^ Ace^amg Atnodtei^iM} latfnimisBl Sports.; Donriii^ S@ttior OottoM^*

. dam C%Qlce�� Jwalm CMm Tmmm&t, Awnrds and Schoinrs^ps: T@aniSocio^Qr

Military Experlenco: U,S. A. F. - 2 1/2 years. Home Adfhreaa: 2M Thtmms Boulemrd, Fort Arthur, Tme8��

Anooatry: Eiigliah Eeliglem: Churdi of Chrlat Mlxmt Dilitm Walp ^ - ^^' Degree Wanj mk Meaa�em�aK Oca

of Lamar Awards and Schtrtarshlpa: HiMMMf Society Oal^ge* H. S. R^Jber Gulf Oil Laboratesry TW^ciaa. Work Experience:^^ Corporations CoH^jany,

� It^tnry EitperJience: U.S.A.F. 4 years. Texas* Home A

Ancestry: Oerman-Iri^ Eellgton: 9apmt Serato I* i9��<^

- ^^* ^ Degiree Plans fflA Aeeouating Graduatl�n Data: ^flial9S6

AmerJcaa aad Awards and Schoiaiahlpei Honor Roil; Who's Wh� la CMlegea tMveraltiea.

Work E3i�enaBtcet Oulf Oil CtKporatton, Sale8ir�an. Military Eisperleacej U.S.A.F* � 2 yeara. T&sm* Home Addseas: las MarabaU Avenue, Fort Ardiur,

Ancestry: Freadh Religion: CalMIc lieael A. OsRonen

Degree Flan: S$A * Management Apt ^ Oradi^tion Date: Jvmt9&^ Campus Acttvidea: Lambda Sigma Chi, Secretary Business Muiagsmeitt Club,'

Military H^qperleace: tl�$,A�F* � 4 yeara. i^me Adckesai 302$ - I2th Street, Fort Ar^mr, Texas* Anoeatry: Freiidi*lrii^ RellS^on: Ca^oUc Bdgar A# WflUtemsoa DiH^ee Bant 8BA � AccotaBltog Age: 22 Oraduatinn Date: ^iael957 Campus Ac^vlCies: Acconntl^ Association} Lambds Sigma OA, Tteasuxer, Work Bsqpenence: Bethlehem Bm^y Con^aa^j Oilwell Si^ly Otm^pmsy, aad Lalce Censtruc^en u^aai^* Home Address: 1208 Ana Av^mSt Sour Lalce, T^cas*

Ancestry: Sws

Degree Plan: BBA - Accounting

Graduation Date: 1957

Elected Offices Held: Editor of Student Newspaper Campus Activities: President of Freshman Honor Society, Vice President of Vets, Publicity and Business Manager of Lambda Sig; Member of Phi Delta Epsiion; Student Council; Mterclub Council; Accounting Association; Intermural Sports; Editor School Newspaper; Pledge Master of Phi Delta Awards: Freshman Honor Society

Military E3q;)erience: Three jrears Air Force

Work Eiqperience: Ttiree years radio annoimcer; one year assistant accountant.

Home Address: 4326 Eisenhower Beaumont, Texas

Ancestry: German and Irish

Religion: Church of Christ. Thi�nas L, MetsE

Degree Flan: MA ' G&mxal Jbadaess Age: ti Oraduatton Date: |itnel9$8 Campus AcdvltSesi Veterans Clnbi C^rrensondlng^SeomMmn Newrnsn Onb Lambda Sigma Oil, HIstoxlaa; Redbira Blif@ Rales hi Cou^� Stag@ Promibtioi^. Work B3(perience: Salesmsn; Trudk Driver,

Military Ij^^erieaoe; U,S*M.C, '3 years* Hmne Addr^is: 1245 Houston Street, Beaumimt, T@sas�

Aaeeaitiry: �terman-lndtot Religion: Cadiolic Ben A. Appleby

Degeee Plan: SIA - Economics Age: 20 Oraduatian Date: J^me 19S6 Campus Acctvltles: Lambda Sigma Chls Pi Kii|)pB Alplii. Awards and Scholarsh^i Earnest &:owae Scholari^t^. Work E^?&tlmtsei Estimator, Ram^y*Kant^ hic� Steel Fabicatora. Home Address: ^)6 Burton Steeet, Orange, Tmtas*

Ancestry: Dutch Religion: Bap^t pixms M. Aubey Degree Plan: IBA * Mamgement Graduation Date: Jfyae 1958 Campus Activities: Lambda Sigma

Work Esiperience: Promice D@partn:>@nt, Henke ^ Pillot, 3 years*

Military Eaperience: U.S.N^vy, 2 years. Homie Address: 77t) Hgie Street, Bt^umont, Texas, Ancestry: Frendi Eeligiosi: Q&^oiic Rtteft T� Aiibsy

Fhm: * Etegcee 1^ Managem

ft^Htery E^^ierleace: D,S.Navy, 3 :yeare� Home Addiiess: 770 Ei|^ Street, Beaumont, Tsxae. Ancestry: Freadi Religion: Catholic Bdiby �^ Barras Degi^se Plam BBA * Manageme^ Ags: W^ Orathiation Date: |imsl9S7 Campiaii Activities: Lambda Sigm^ OEii; Busineas-'Managsmeat CSlt^, W<�rk &qperlence! Texas Coi^�iQrt Home Address: 1829 Los Falmas, Pmrt Ardtin?, Te�is* AOHcestry: Freadh Eeligi

Degree Flan: ISA. � Acoounttag Age:' 20 Gra^iatien Dfite: ^aiel9^$6 Can^�i8 Actli^ties: Lambda Slgtaa CH; Accoia^lng AssodatfaRi, TVeastirer* Wotk E:^nenoe: |* C. Penny Company; GiOf Ol Corporation* HomeAddsess: 149^ Florida Avenue, Fort Artlnir, Tessas.

AneestxT: Bsgli^*irish ReH^pion: Church of Christ Frai^ A* 8^ ^ � ^8�* Degree Flan: WIA Acconnidag Osa^iation Dais: |^iael9S6 Assoelatioa* Presldentj Canine Activities: Lambda S^jOdi Accoimting

Work Biperieaee: Survey Crew; Grocery Store* Texas* Home Address: 133 Cravens Drive, Silitea,

AocsMCry: |rlsh*lBdiatt Iteliglon: Baptist Jerry Neal Soysfcoa Degree Plan: WA - Gmieral Business Age: 20 Graduation Date: 1957

CarapiES ActivltleE: Newmaa Clvib^ Lambda Sigma CM; Honor Society* Work Eaperience: Radio Announcer, KIUM, 6eaum<�U;, Texaa. Home Address: Beaumont, Teseaa* Ancestry: English-French-German. Religion: Catholic entries Hy OitSBier

Degree Flan: B@A * Accounting Agi: 2S GraduatiQa Date: |tinel9S6

Campus Activities: l^ambd^ Sigma Chi; Vetaraas Ottb; Aeeouitthtg Association �

Work E:q|p�risnee: Douglas Aitisx&tt Company, Reed Con^iiany, stock derk*.

Military Bjiiwrleniie: D.S*Nttvy * 4 years* Hmmi Address: Hamiailxe, T�siai8* Ancestry: Dutch-German Edilglon: Baptist I

Avery <^DISBns Defcee Plan: BBA * Accounting A^: 24 Gradua^on Datsi |unel9$0 CamiHis Activitiess Accounting Association; Lambda Sigma OiL Awards and Scholarsh^a: Honor Roll Work Ejqperleaee: Salesman; Warehouseman* Military B^qiterience: U.S.A. F. � 4 yeart* UQm� Address: 1029 Trials Av^nie, Port Arthur, Texas* Anceitry: French Religion: Catholic Artlttir Anderson Hmatm

Degrees Plan: iB4 - Managgtmenl Age: 24 Graduation Date: June I9$f Campus Aet^rttiesj Spelts Editor, Ee(i�ird; Vetsraas Clob, Treasioer; Business Mamsg^memQiili$Lambda Sigma Chi� AasistwaEtPle<%e Captahi* Work Bxperleaioe: SalesmiM

Military E^^rlenee: U*S*Navy � 4 yeazs* Home Address: 1793 Milam Street, SeaumozH^ Texas* Ancestry: Irish Rellginn: Methodist Curtis B, KlUtoa

Degree Plaa: BB^ * Aec^uming Age: 26 <^caih�tlon Date: Juael9S6 Can^tos Activities: Accouitting Asaodationi Lambda Sigma Chi* Awards aad Scbolarahips: Honor Society of Lamar Tedu Work Eimerienoe: Cost Department, Neehes ^itane Qmi^pmB^i Om Clerk, Oil City Brass Works* Military mtparieam: 0,S*A�F. - 4 years* Home Address: Boat 703, ifen^ihill, Texas.

Ancestry: Seoteh ReUgion: Me^uxBst f�^aa|# Landry ^ DegjreoPlaaj BBA * Maaagement ^8"** Qm^mtim Qami |intmryl9�7 Lambda teal��d�llj Football* Campus Aot^teless MMagemeni Qidw Sigma Chl| A^wedsandSdiolarships: Foo^wdl Sdi^arshlp* MUltary Exi^rtoce: U*S.A,F* �4yediM. MomeAddfess: 2l�J - m Street. Port Ard�ir, Taeas*

Ancestry: Fcm^ Ri^U^cmJ Cktholic WUHam lU Mn^Ovo

* Degree l^aa: Mh Accouming j^ Graduatimi Date: |uael957

QmapmAemmam Landida Sigma Ch!; Accotmt^ Aseo<^atiffii* Work Bxperienos: Aneo Pansmaa, Oil Field Worker, |zoa��orker, Rodman. Military Ejiperlence: ll�S�A*F� - Syears* Home Address: R^ne 1. Bok 6-B, Silsbee, Texas, Ancestry: Ftmach Religion: Cadi^io Degree Plan: WBA ** Mwoagemeat Ages 2$ Oraduatto Date: ^me 19S7 Campos AQtivltSes: Maaagamei�; Clnbi Lambda mgma Chl� Work Ei^rlence: Mall dork Mfliiarylaperieace: D*S�A�F* �4yeara� Home Address: 395 Belvldere Drive, Beaumont, Texas

Anoeetry: Oermaninsh Ri^ig^: Methodist Harold B* Fabner

Deg]�eeFlan: BBA �* MsxiGStbig Age: 2S Oraduatloa Date: ,^aol9S7 Caminis Activities: MarketbigOliiit Lambda Slg^na Chi* Work Esq^erlenoe: Liie Biousanoo Agsn^ Salesman*

Itifilliary l3p�n�iee: U,S* Ara^ �* 4 yeara* Homo Addrews 4636 Harrisoa, Groves, Teacas* Anoestvy: Dtoch-Xrish Ridtt^on: Ba^^ri^n: WIEiam Don Parker

Di^ee FUn: BB4 *' .Maaag&moi^ AgiS 25 QjmSm!0iO& ISmet |tauaryl957 OU^pua ActlvitioS': Mana^ment Cliib Awi�ds sttd Scbolan^iips: Foodaall scholarship* Work Ej^orlwaee: Gulf Oa Cozporatbm miliary i^iperiimce: D*S*A,F* �4years. HiKffla Addeess: 2120 � 17di Street, Port Arthur, Tessas*

Aneei^ry: F�meh-En#ish Ridlglint: Cadiotic Alva A� Rl^iardson, |r. Degree VUm 8BA - M^nagem^it Age: M ll^cadufttioa Dk^! |uttel9S7 Campoo ActtvlHes: Mamigement Club; Lambda Sigma Chi* W<�rk EiK^melmmi Rex Si$if^yCompany, Bethlehem Stfply Company, aad Lakevlew Oil Company. Milliary Biperjence: U*S.Army- 2years* llon!�i AMreas: 2134 Lwssm Dsivm, Be&\ammit, TeastMi* Anceatry: Gerrman, Irish, Frendi* Relli^: First Assembly of God* Lawsoaee L* SditeMle DegceeFlan: fiBA*Managem�it Age: 25 Graduation Oats: June 1956 Can^ms Activities: Cavaliers. Pr^nildeats CIrde **iC*! Rod Skirts aad Shirts; Maaagem^K CItib; Veterans CStii^ Gamma Delta; bnex^ali Council; Sorority - Fzatemity Gouaell; Stoimi Cooaell; latramurai FoodaaU; RodMrd Itai^ Loos Stsr Coaloreaoe Goad ^xeoNoiaaship League, Oialn^mai iadostnal Bisgiaeers dob; Texas Soctety of Ix^essloaal l^iglasors; Tessas biter* ��Qtllegiate Studeoit Association* dasS'Ofifioes: Sophomos��E^resentaeive,|uniorEepresemative,Preaideos|,St^ Associatioa* Awards and Scholarah^: Junior Class Favorite; Who*s Who Among Studeitts In Amerlcmi IMverelttes and CoUegE�* Work Ej^ri^Bce: Customer Eagiaeer, WM, EAM e^pment; Sales Engineer. MUlmry Experience: U.S.A.F. - 4years�

Home Address: 4815 Dryden Road, Fort Artteir, Texas.

Ancestry: German Rell^on: Ludieian tfmm K Sibley

* 2S Degri^ Plaaj WSA Markett^ Ago.*. aiiadaatioo Dates |inuarylf57 CampiM Activitiess Mar^tiag Clii>, President; lambda Sigma Old. Awards aad Sdiolarih^s: Ftx^tell Sch^an^*

Work EiJperience: Tesae Coti^paiqr Millmry ExperleiK!�: VS* Ntvy - 4 years

Home Address: 4314 llseafeower, Beaumont, Te^s*

Ancestry: Scetcsh-lrlsh Religion: Bi^ptist Keaaeth Loo Sndlh� ^* Oegreie Plan: fSBA � IM^m^mmm Age: 22 Gmdiotton Date: pxmB^ Campus Activitkrs: GemteX fiMsiness Cicdi; Management CInhb Ptosldent; Phi Delta Epsiion. Wf^k Siq;ierieace: Ei^lneerlog Survey Work; O^ce Clerk; li^rt-lo^rt Work* MUitary E^^nence: U*S.M*C, (Platoon Leaders Coursel l^emie Aii0mmi 2405 � 16th Street, Oraagie, Terns, Ancestry: Germ^m*Eii#ii^ ReHgimi: Ca^diolic Bt^iby Taylor Digcee Plim: BRA � Accounting Graduatioa Date: Mayl9S7 L ndidi Chi* C^i^ms Activlttes: Accoaating Associatioa, S^^na. Lrfioror, Work li^perteace: Servtee Seatimi Attendant, Cmnmoa HomeAddfess: 115 Ifoltton Dive, Sllsbee, Texas^

Ancestry: Irish Religion: Sapth^ Fhttllp Tayiiwf Oegime Flaa: WA * General Business Age: Grathiatltoi Date: |uae, 1957 Can^�is Activities: K^ipa Kam% PL Treasurer; Cavaliers, T^reasorsr, Vice*

Awar^ and Scholarship^: M^ic 3dK�kn^t^*

Work Ixperl@!ice: CCKietrtsctlon w^rk aad asal^tsat manager ol a oale* Home Addxeesi'. 138 South End Boule^rd, LuMn, Tessas* Ancestry: En^lidi ReUgion: Methodist Glea F� Thcsmaa

Degeee' Flan: WA � Aocoisitiag A^: M Graduatloe Date: ^8iel956 Can^us Activities: Lambda Si^pooa CM; AccouatH^ Assodatfoa; Newman Cli^ Intramund Foi^iiall*

Work Esgperlaioe: Faimer; carpenter.

Home Address: 29^ * M^ Street, Port Arthur, Texas* Ancestry; Frendi*@a#8h ReU^on: Catholic Rictord W. Setaer

Di^m, School of Kisiaees

A. B. LeB�9ir Rhyme College 1939 M. A. GeOTge Peabody College 1947 Ph. D. George Faabody College 19^

Work Experience: High School teadtor,a>ach-d years, ThomasvilleaadBurllngtcm, N. Carolina. Two years tmmisg, Salisbury, N. C; one year purchasingagent, Westea^ Electric Compaay;tWD years teachiiu; C^orge Peabody, Nai^hville, Teoaessee; nve yE^rs teaching ana administration at Lamar State CoUege of TednuaJbgy. Fraternities & Org^zations: American Asaodatlim ciatioa Soudiem EoOQomics AssociatUm Southwestern Social Scleau^ Asaociati^a Phi Delta Ka^a Kappa Delta m College Classroom Teachers Associatioa American Association IWi^rsity Professor Natiooal Office Managers AssoclaGUm Rotary Club David G. Taylor

Assistant Professor of Business Adminlstratiim


B� A. Baylor University 1948 M. A. Baylor IMvergity 1949 Grmdtote Work tlaiversity of Arkamnm 1953 1954

Frefessional Recogoition: C^dlegeHBualnese Eimhange Fellow, Summer 1951, Aasign* meat. Sears, RoelKick k Company. College*Busiaes8 Exchange Fellow,Summer I955,A88ign- mem:. Aluminum CQm|>any of America. Member, SdNicator's CSeaference, StanthudiOil Ccuupany , (N.J.) 1954. Participant.Chicago Board ofTrade Syn^^osium, September 1955. Member: Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity. Sigma Delm Pi, liowjrary Spanish Fraternity , Honorary Social Science Fraternity Pi Omega Pi, Honorary Ihiaiaess Education Fratem PI Kappa Alpha, Social Fraternity American Legion Soudiwestem Social Science A8�K:iati

Experi&xce: Lab Assistent, Mississi^i College, Clinton, MiaB.*1944 U. S. ArmyAir Forces, March i945-September 1946 (Personal affairs Ccmsultan^ Aseistaat Instructor, Baylor University, School of Business, June 1948- August 1949. Instrucmr, Department of Business & Economics, Ai-kanaas State College, 1949-1951. Assistant Professor, Same, 1951-52. Barney McCoy Smidi, Jr.

Assistant Prolessor of Kialness Administration


A. A. Lamar College 1940

B. B. A. IMversity of Texas 1949

M, B. A. IMversity of Texas IfSB

L, I. B. University of Texas 1954

Fraternities & Organizations: Delta SiOTia Pi jp&ta Aiptia * K* Phi Alpha Delta St. Edwards Eaperlence : Lab instructor and grader, University of Texas; Grader, University; Law practice. Howard V. GaUiher &stnictor*Aca>untiag Degrees

B.'. Centenary College 1948 M. B. A. IMversity of Houston 1954 L. L. B. LaSalle (Mveraity 19SS Experience: Herren and Brown, CPA, Natchitoches and Shreve^rt, Lousiana: Thompson and Compamr, CPA, Hoijsmn, Texas; Geo Byes, CPA Houston, Texas; Jotmstxm Testers and Co., Oil Well Service, Housmn Texas; General Crude Oil Company, Houston, Texas; Associated Oil Field Rental, Pipe Rental Service, Houston, Texas; Watson Con- structi

January 20, 1956 O B. ARCHER


Mr, J, 0. Thoiqpson, Executive Director International Fraternity of Delta Signs Pi S2 \4est Adams Street Ghioago, Illinois

Dear Hr� Thoi^sons

I wish to eyqproas my hearty approval of the petition of our local fraternity, Lanfcda Sigraa Chi, for the establishnent of a cdtapter of Delta Sign� Pi at Laraar*

The fine faculty of the School of Business, the excellent quality of students who are available for membership in the chapter, the heart waxming support of the people of the area, and the phenonsnal growth of the College should produce a chapter which Delta Sigma Pi can claim with pride*

Lamar State College of Technology is fully accredited by the Te3@8 Education Agency, the Association of Texas Colleges and our regional association, the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

My reoonsnendaLtion to you is made without reservation.

Very truly yours,

0�< B* Arclwr Vice-President and Dean

Cm.:iaair Lamar State College of Technology Beaumont, Texas January 20, 19S6


t3�9M&. Secretary'Treasurer Interaaatioa^l Fi-aternity oi Delta Sigma Pi tZZ West Atiaxns Street CMcage� lUiiidls

l>ear Mr. Tliempsont

It is a real privilege for me to reeommes^ the l�usi:MS8 students �^o liaim ba�4fi4 togetlier under t&e name I^uoaMa Sigma Oil ax^ vrho are* at tiiis time* maMag application to year orgaiiiaatic^ lor a aatioaal charier*

I liave observed with keen interest the activities ol Lambda, Sigma Chi dtiriag the pa^t year. It has been* by lar� the most active and aggre^^lve &tgmdz�tiosk oi its type on the ea�%pms� The Bean of Sttadent life* Mr, Eelto&i and other ol oar adnalnistrators have* on several occasions* commectted on the outstanding achie'reixients ol this grot;^ oi @tuden$a�

I know very iHirso^aaUy each and every ntenaber* and I reeomnnead tibem to yoa collectively and individually as men oi oatstanding chara<;ter and high acade�ruc acMevement. I feel that a national chapter oi your organisation on -

' our cms3pn.B vmiatld be a real asset* smS. we sincerely ho^ that yo^ur org&niisa� tion vvill look with favor upon the petition.

The fiaitmre of the School of Business at Lamar tech seem.s asswred* Oa Febrimry 16, |95'6> we wl.ll start constrmction of a half�miUion dollaur building lor the School of Business. The factUty. ! feel* is outstanding aea4emiea|ly and their ttajkards are high. Our graduates 1^0 have gone eia t� graduaiNi institutions have* without e%c�pti�m* made excellent recordis.

It If my office con in any way supply you with needed i�ytormatlon* will be a pleasure to answer any request.

Tours very truly*


Richard W. Setser Dean

RWS:dc Upf%X^fif:

Jantiaiy 86, 1956

m Pi

Mr, J, D� Thompson, Executive Director international Fraternity of Delta Sigiaa Pi 22a ^iest Adams Stre�% ,��,��,^ ^^^^. Chieago, Illinois

Dear Mr. f hompsont

It is my privilege to reootoiaerid Lambda Sisjna Chi'e petition for membership in the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi.

This group has fulfilled all requir^aents of the College, accepted their responsibilities, and have been vary ooopeirative in all respoots. The organisation iteelf Is very active aad Its membership takes an active part la all phases of student life on our campus* Individually and oolleotively the iaaabda Sipia Chls have earned the respect of the faoulty and of fellow students �

I heartily endorse their petition and feel that it ia worthy of your serioxis consideration.

Tours truly,

"� ;�- Of H, H. KEUTOH Dean of Student Life mmt&B

Z?' / "COPY"


December 14, 1955

�r� J. D. Thompson, Executive Director International Fraternity of Delta Si^^ma PI 222 west Adams Street Chica?^, Illinois

Dear Atr. Thomson:

It is m.y understanding: that lambda Siscma Chi of Lanar State Collet of Technology in this city is being considered for recog nition and affiliation with the International Fraternity of Del ta Si-^ma Pi. I sincerely hope that this recognition and affili ation mav be granted, because in ray opinion Lambda Sigma Chi is extreme a chapter of ^vhich the International Fraternity would be ly proud.

Recently the members of Lambda Sigma Chi came to the First National Bank for a field trip. I was impressed with the sin- cerety of purpose and the high type of membership. Dr. R. W. Setzer, Dean of the School of Business Administration of Lamar State College of Technolo^gy, Is a close personal friend of mine; and he is a nan of outstanding leadership and highest academic qualifications. I know that under hjs able direction Lambda Si^'ma Chi, as well as all of the other activities of the School of B'jsiness Administration of Lanar Tech, will maintain extremely high standards.

For some ten years it was my privilege to serve as president of the College, and I ]mm from first hand the high morale of the student body and faculty. As a Junior College Lanar was a fully accredited member of the Southern Association of Colleges and secondary Schools for many .years; and its successor, Lanar State Collep-e of Technology, the senior institution, has recently been admitted to membership in the Southern Association on its first application.

Any consideration which you may be able to give Lambda Sl^ma Chi will be deeply appreciated.

Yours very sincerely.

/s/ John E. Gray "COPY" Executive Vice President February 7, 1956

Mr. J. D. Thomson, Executive Director Internatioaal Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 222 West Adams Street Chicago 6, Illinois

Dear Mr. Thomson:

It is a distinct pleasure to write you concerning Lambda Sigma Chi. All of the students that constitute the organi^^ation have been in one or more of my classes, and I am sure they will more than mieasure up to the caliber of college students who compose the active fraternity rnemberu.

I believe each menxbex can m.ake a tsigmticant contribution to the frateriiity, and it is my sincere hope that he will.

From nny observation and contact with the organisers of Lambda Sigma Chi, it Is evident to me that they are a hard-working and sincere group. The character and stamina of the fraternity will be enhanced by the recognition requested by Lambda Sigma Chi.


lb,' k; Williams Instructor

DEWtfw January 26, 1956

Mr. Jina Thomson E-'.: ecutive Secretary International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 222 West Adams Street Chicago 6, Illiaois

� Gentlemen: � l-aSAiSfc. &ipfc

1 am a sponsor of Lambda Signaa Chi and have worked with iti members since the frater nity *�> Jlnc option* These boy a have put a great deal of hard work into the formation o� thoir "*^" fraternity and have's^'ome e^ccellent plarf'^r' l"o1^ the future, i^ 0^m m -ifgrn^ ^* mmmM*

I feel that Lambda Jligma Chi ll^'t ^ as its mem.bership sonae of our topnrioist student.->, both academically and from a standpoint of personal c h a ra c te r �w^^^''"^'*^'*''*^^'^'"^'^' �^^^s^^^^^p^*"********'' �>^"--*' -"�*wt'^^^

Youria; very truly,


H. V. Galliher Instructor


Tb� m^smbera aad oncers of Lambda Sigma Chi are extremely grateful to the foUowiag p^ogie for ^& aasistaacs and ooop^ cation given us ia th^ cimtpletion Ot this petition:

Mr. David @o�t. Director of Puhlicaa<�is at Lamar for facilities.

Our apcmsore for guldaace aad inapiratioo shown by dieir luelief ia aa. Sm Sherer for her eStorta ia cypii^ the coatsats. Praak Cricchio, Jam^s Bruo@* ai�3 Paul Ouptoa foi i^btotogmphy.

ladlviduals aad orgaoi^ationa v�hQ so graciwi^y ccmaeated to provide us widb lettars of rectmim^tdatiaa coitaiaed her&in.