oooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooa j ! I HOlfiECOMING IS HOMECOMING IS I Icollege been' ! IDduca- NOVEMBER 10 NOVEMBER 10 j I . • .. faoaooooaoooooooooaoa ~· oo o oo o o oo o o .oo ~ oo o o o a OFFICIAL ORGAN SOUTBEA.ST.BRN ST..A.H· COLLBQB attA!Ia!l \':0~. XXXVI. NO. 11 ~tionaJ SoutAeastein StudentS Se~~tors GC)"' sse ~ - Debaters Continue canc!11 of tJae ·. ~ · · · · · · · -· :to .State OI·SA - ~ " · . . - . e .Receive National A.Ware/ Me"et At A&M . OU >_Cha•pionship trail ration., TWenty-four students have been 1tary of student senate. She is also l)rorlty chosen for membership 1n Wb • mbe f dina! K d The student senate appointed C!.outheastern State college de- Just as South~--~rn debaters 0 s I a me r 0 c ar ey an members to attend the Oklahoma '~"' CCIG..., tapa In 1 Who Among SPJdents in American pledge mistrees of. Alpha Sigma Intercollegiate Stud~t aaaociation baters · c9ntinued on their champ- took off ·for a new triumph in Colleges and U~versitiee. Tau social sorority. meeting at Stillwater November ionship tr&.n this weekend when Texas this past weekend their !&YB In Students were nominated by ' . 16 17 th . coach. Ruth Hatchett, waa Inform- were faculty apd students and recom- DebMe Champlou • · . ey ventured their first tourna- ed that a new honor had COJqe to seated mended to the national erganiza- Of national promtnent:e in col- Those who will attend are Doyle ment of the seaion at Tau Tech- her students. other· tion. legiate debating is Dan Batchelor Bostic, Karen Reynolds, Buddy noilgical coll~e, Lubbock. Miss Hatchett reCeived an in- t.hday• . Chosen cm the bula of 8Cholar- Durant. He is president . of . th~ BOstic, .Jane Pardue, Bill , Blake- Dan Batchelor aitd Sam Pool, vitation .,:or her debaters to enter J ·ship, character, and potenttal qual- state organization of student sen- more, DBJ\ Batchelor, Letha Fly, who won troP.bies at «'ulane and an invitaflonal debate tournament ilV8.8 In ities of service as citizens were ates and is a mem~r of Pi Kappa ~d Betty Ahboah. ~Ylor_last year and ended the sea- at Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. !lts for Betty Jo Ahboab Dan Batchelor Delta. He is also active in Wes- , Convention theme is "Why stu- son as runner-!lp champions of ·H. lon of . hw Blakemore, ~Ylt' BosUc, .Tan~ ley foundation. ~t government?" sse students the ~u~'1{est uea, won the high- A . representativ~ number of col- Burwell, Earlynn Cartwright. Bill Blakemore, Kingston, is a attending wW take part in panel est award available. le~ and univerjlities wltb. out- Alberta Donica, Letba Jo Fly ge.neral business major. He serves discussions, debates, and other con- A ~nd team compose dot Hor- standing debate ~rda have been Shirley Getel', Bill Gibblna, Do~ as president of Gamma vention ac~vities. man Vilfarreal anti Gail Sam.mons invited to the t.olirnament Febru- M.artin, Wilma McFatridge, Phyllis fraternity and vice-president of The student directory, originally lost· only. one.debate and ended up ary 22-23, Miss ~tchett was~- Leake. ' '}4eek, Bascom Kelson, Sandri. student senate. . . scheduled to go on Jlale tomorrow, with at} "excellent" rating. vised in. a letter from the - ke, bfJ' :Mobley, Loxia Cockrell Mozley. While maintaining a high sch- has been delayed at the printers A tbir,d team also received a mouth director of forensics, Herb- ned II. Jacqueline Compton Peters , olastic standing, Doyle Bostic, Hu- but willbe out very soon accord- commendable record. Gene Slaugh- ert L. James. 1isston 1Gwendolyn Querdibitty., Nancy go, has been a member of Magic ing to senate secretary ~tty Ah- ter and' Mack Bedwell won half Although one team, Dan Batch- serves Ratcliff, Frank Rickard, Lynne Pentagon, Southeastern Science boah. Price of the directory h8.s their contests and a rating of elor and Sam Pool, has the best Smith, Shirley Stenhouse, ' Homan society, and .- He is not been set at this writing. . "gOod." ·~. . - · · record at this time, other South- is the Villarreal, and Kathryn West. now president of student ~nate. Plans and rules for the friendly . Ruth Hatchett: debate ·coach, eastern debaters :wvm have a ch;ance lthood, ~tty Jo Ahboah, b~eu edu- Jne Burwell, Rute ,is maJoring boy and girl contest are under accompuped her-students to Lub- to_ make the trip, ~Hatchett as biB catton major from Apache, is pres- in busine~ edqcatlon. She is presl- 'discussion and will be posted when bOck and expresse,i great aatisfac- satd. ident of Pi· Omega Pi and secre- (See ONE, Pace 2) · they are completed. . · ~tion With the performances of all TWo teams ,from each of the locks" six students colleges are beil;lg inVited. The !id St. :------: · · • records W'hich the debaters make Fellow coaches from neighboring up until the time of the Dart- To the Editor: lltates we~ most _generous in their mouth tournament will determine 1200 Baptist Students. praise of the Southeaatern atu- the personnel of the teams the 'ED The Student Senate on behait dents and predi~ted more champ- Southeasterrl coach explained. of the Studeat Body wishes to . tonship ~onors , Mias Hatcbett re- In addition to Batchelor and re ex­ Ar~ E~pected On _Campus commend the. Southeastel'll staff ports. · Pool, other Southeastern de~ .rbook Baptist students from Oklahoma colleges ana univer­ for the excellent coverage, and The coll~e d~bate question this are Gail Sammol}S, Horman VU- _ 1dents ttreless eff~rts of bringing the : year is R~lved that the United larrea.IJ Gene Slau~hter , Mack Bed­ UTlve. sities will arrive at Southeastern Friday for the annual ~tate~ should discontinue direct well, Buddy Whi~man, and .T'-!rry news to Southeastern. economic· ald to foreign countries. Welch. Oklahoma Baptist Student convention. ' l .· tfrOm - Over 1200 students from approximately 24 Oklahoma · W e 11 d o n e , Southeastern sse Staff1 . ' . m m ""mpuses are exp~ted to register during the weekend, ·non ~· \.Awtrey, local BSU presidentraaid . --- -..-- --: fjnaf :V~te for .PrettY Girls •s de-~ Dr: A. E. Shearer will welcome the students at the first .• . . . J;least- general session Friday night in Montgomery auditorium. Dr. Grady .Cothen, pastor of.,______;_ __ ...:....._ ___ -:- -~...!...._- Oli vet Baptist church, Oklahoma .Follows Asse•llly Thur., ',City will be the speaker at this Jneeting. . ' . Soutbe83tern's TWenty. Pret1ttymle~------~-~--­ • Dr. Culbert Rutenblar, professor Girsl wtll be reducecs to Ten Pretty of religion, ~rn Baptist The­ Girls Thu.rsir will sing Satur­ lobby before the assembly and . Follo~g ~e ~t p~ of the day morning. will be fillec.I -out and placed in discUSSion :Which will be planned the )>allqt box in the lobby follow- quesf:ions directed at the panel, the EDdsS~ ing the 11_1eeting will be opened ques- The Sunday morning service, ~bly. to The ten girls Jrth the most tions from the floor. which will close the conven~ion, vyill be at the First Baptist c)lilrch votes will be named Southeast­ with messages by Dr. 'Rutenber, ~,n's- Ten Girls. Their pic- CLASS PICTURES an<,i Rev. Joe pee Ray, pastor. t;ures will . b,e - ~l:!mitted by year- "This is the big event of the book editor Bill Gibbins to a noted CAN BE BOUGHT year for Baptist college'yoUDg peo­ personality who will select one to ple and BSU members are working rei ~ as 1.957 S~vage queen. "You'll be h elping yourselves and pro for its success," Don Gibbins has -also announced that The Savage staff too whe~ you , the deadline · for reserving year- buy your class pictures," said Edi- i' ~d. "We cordially invite everyone to attend any of theae services." - books has be~n ~extended through tor Bill Gibbin& · ~day, November 2. A deposit of Class pictures are now on sale two dollars wiQ reserve a year- in the publications offi~e. ~elve book aJld .the balance may be paid blllfOid size pictures-in addition in the spring .when the yearboo"'k to-the ones for the annual...L,have MRS. GATES HONORED is received. • · been printed for each student who '• HeadQ9.8rters for yearbook u.lea has had his picture made. These AB The Souijleastem went to ia the jQurnalism office in the stu- pictures may be bought for one press, reporters learned that Mrs. Floy Perkinson Qates, <:lent union. The)' may alao be dollar. - "It lookS good !" As member of the yearbook bonght -in the College Book ex- The staff 1s counting on students • chairman of the EngUsh. depart­ chanp or." frOm any meltlber of The to buy all or part of Uteir pictures. ment, had received a 81piftcant staff _La~ra Cordy aets a lQok at pro.ofs of the first section Savage staff. \ student pictures · whlch are not honor at the OEA meeting. . . of The Savage. With its big magnolia title page, a "ghost ' bought by the students themselves / :--__...... , ______,_ muat be paid for by the staff• . . Mrs. Gates was cited by the printed" two-page spread of tradi~ional Southeastern acti­ Seniors in partic,uJar will find Oklahoma Council of Te.achere vities, -a color shot of the ad building, and other interesting NOTICE TO 80tJ'l'IIEA8T- . of English for ber diltingl.llldled the wcturea of peat service Jn fob service in lier field of atady. features, the 1957 annual seems destined for success if this ERN Bpo~Beport Ia applications, Gibbins ll&id. A make-up day for class pictures preview of the introductory pages is a fair sample. . ~ ofllae at ' p. .. A plaque was preHDted to t,he will be announced 10011. So "Get your order in now!" says Editor Bill Gibbins, Weclll ·~Q for...._. for .~ tbeutem JDnglJtb pacber .. ~ edHiaa ., an apreai.OA of tbe council"• re­ "so·w e'll know just how many copies to order-:and so you ..i' tile gard. won't be disapppinted in not having one when the books paper. come in next spring." f'lte BOUI'BBASI'BRN. IJuralat. OiiMNia

business education major and a member of Pi Omega Pi. Her soph­ omore year she was choaen u at· Wesley F•ndltlon Westminster Sorowlly klledulel d~ nt of WRA and an active mem- tendant to homecoming queen an4 ber of Baptist Student union. She first basketball q.ueen. is also a member of Pi Omega PL Edlta Sa-nee Plans Hallowe'en NameS Wade Pidy For Allnnlie Beadl!l Two Groupe Editor of The Savage for '57 Tlae Alpha Si~a Tau soc~ sor- , Earlynn "mica major from Colbe\-t. She is a mem- member of Blue Key and Sigma 1ts Halloween party torught at the 1956-57 .President of WestDUn1Bter building. ·· ber of Pi Oipega Pi. Tau Gamma fraternity. 'fqnnell farm located about ~ur fellowshfp, Presbyterian yo u t h The sorority has extended ~ m.! P~esident of FTA is .Alberta Don Martin. Idabel, is one of m!)es so.uth of Durant. The party group, has held offices in the na· vitation to all alumnae and guests ~omc a, eleme~tary education rna· the colleges' best known and most Will begm at 7:30 and conclude at tional organization of young peo­ of ptembers to come to 'the-!" tea, JOr .from. Nashoba. She is ~ mem- versatile music students. His rna- 10. ple of her church. said Shirley Stenhouse, ~man b~ of Pi Kapp.a Sigma -soctal sor- , jors are instrumental an(\ vocal Entertainment for· the.. event will Before she graduated from high­ of the p~g committee. 1 onty and Cardinal Key. music and he has contribUted to include square dancing and such school in her home town, TaUhina, Tessie Savag-e and Gayle ~IPoper, Moet Val~ many programs in the area. He is traditional capers as apple dunk- Martha had held responsible poal­ social chairmen, have set F,rtday 18 Letha Jo ~y, Hugo, an .elem· well remembered for his perform- mg. The ·fellowship eohunittee tions and worked extensively in as the day for a w~ner roaat e~try . educa~on major. She. 1s ac- ances in the college's perform- composed of Tom Ritter,. Barbara Presbyterian youth groups of her which will be 'held at Lake. Tex- bve m Cardinal Key and 1s sec· ances of '"Amahl and the Night Tunnell, and BoJ> Paul are plann· local ·church and on state and na­ oma. ~ re&ary of ~appa Delta Pi. She Visitors." He is a member of Sig- ing recreation and refreshments tional levels. All members and their guesu/. was chosen as the most valuable rna Tau Gamma and MENC and is for the party. Other officers are Ross HatJtie, student senator her junior year. now teaching part-time at Ben- Charles Herndon, Wesley group will meet m front of Halli~ Mc­ Not only bias Shirley Geter, Du- - d t d th t t vice-president; Odessa Payne, sec­ Kinney hall and go to the lalte in rant, been selected as one of the \ nington. . presi en • a.ruto~ce a rans- retary; Kaylin Dupree, treasurer; a group. , girls chairman. ten pretty for two years, _. BSU ~tor. portation will belprovided for those Bea FeTllandez, program Betty Jo Ahboah, ch~ of she has maintained an unusually Be&ldes serving as director of wishing it. ' Cars will leave from Imogene W i s d o m , Jellowabip­ the homecoming float co~ttee, Ba ti t St d t uni Wilm Me Hallie McKinney hall and Okla- high scholastic record. She ia a P s u en . on, . a • homa Preshnterian college at 7:10 ship chairman; Hu¥1berta de la has namM Edith Riedt, Joan Hut­ Fatridge, Durant, 1s active in col- OTJ Vega, outreach chairman. Dr. and ton, Francine Porter, Gail Osborne, lege dramatics and Sigma Tau Del- P· m. Mrs. James Morrison are sponsors and Joyce Williams to d~ an~ ta. She is ' also a member of Pi The Tunnell farm Where the and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilion are decorate the sorority float. Omega Pi. party will be held is located on the co-sponsors. 1 Transferring from Eastern Okla- highway 2 1-2 miles south of the New officers have invited any homa A&:M two years ago, Phyl- Country club on the east side of interes{ed students to attend the Wayne E-vans Lecads · lis Meek. Panama English major, the road. The mailbox m front of group's meetings which are held T k 1 PI c1g Cl has maintained a high .scho_last:lc the house bears the name "Claude eac}) Stinday at 6 p. m. in the youth e es . e •. CIIU Tunnell." building of First Presbyterian ' . th .. the 1 "Everyone is welcome," aaid church. , Wayne Evans 18 e new..,- Tom Ritter, fellowship chairman. A guest speaker is invited for ehosen.president of the 'r~ Jf&PP\, o.ra.t ,...,. '·Bring your guests, friends, and one meeting each month. The Oc- Epsilon pledge claaa. dates. We'll be having a lot of tober guest speaker ~ ::Mary Other officers are Wendelli Bar­ .,., fun." Scott, Austin college senior, who ris, vice-president; Paul Jenptnp, attended a work camp la.sf IIWD- secretaey; Bob Paul,_ ~r. J'JolRl'l few All Ot d­ mer in Equa.dor. Bill Hamm, actiVlty chal.itnaD;, Olda. Pbaae 110 ~ ..... _.._ __ standing. ~he is a Ir).ember of stg- and Mack Bedwell, pledge~- ... I rna . Tau Delta, Phi Alpha Theta, . Kappa Delta Pi, and Cardinal Key. S~1th, Broken Bow. She has re- - .1 ------:-'------:'---'-7-~~---;------~ Lce1ved an art scholarship for the The Southaos+~•n Bascom Melson, Sweet Home, outstanding work in her major ~ l/GlL . Oregon, is an outstanding art ma- field. She is a1ao a member of Pi Kember . I by Chester Field jor. He has pr(\Dloted sdlool spfrtt Omega Pi. . A.SSOCUTBD COLLBQU.lB as a cheerleader and member of Shirl Stenh0 \lse At~t.- 18 PaB88 i ~-be 'of ey ' ...._ · PobUahe. Slace lepteaber, Ill ' 1 H e llhoun ds · H e s a .u•-.u r an elementary education major. - ' · Sigma -Tau Gamma and Art club. She was choaen as one of the ten Official organ of the South tern San~ra Mo~ey,. Hugo business pretty girls for two years and College association P u b 11 ~ h • 4 education maJor, 18 editor of The served as president of Alpha Sic- weekly during every month ~-~ Southeastern this year. In add!- rna Taq secial aorority'het junior ~~::=e t=or:!!.Iyt:Otte.Ai(i:~: ti~n to being ~resident of Alpha ~ear. est of Southeaatem State C«tDep, S1gma Tau, social sqrority, she is A triple-president ia Horman Durant, Oklahoma, and ot higher a m~mber of Pi Omega Pi and Villarreal, a pre-law student from education. Cardmal Key. . Mercede, Texas. He i8 resident ------+-- Loxhl. Cockrell Moxley, .Eagle- of Bfiie Key pt. Kappa 'Delta, and t~wn, is a member ?f Pi Kappa sentor class.' He is also secretary ~1gma and won a nationalschola.s- bf Newman club and a' member of (Second class mailin pri'rilepa tic award for her sorority. She has Sigma Tau Gamma tratemlty. authorized at Durant, ~kla.) also been honored as one of the An English major from Ardmore .,; ten pretty girls and last year ~ is ·Kathryn West. She has lerved ,-----___:=------;---;-­ Hellhounds queen. Her major is as secretary of cardina:l Key and business educati~n 8.l)d her minor , and 11 al8o a SCIENIE WITH THE HOUSE-PARTY QUEEN home economics. . . member of Phi Alpha Theta. She A Durant EngliBh ma~or 18 Jac- f S a member of The 'Southeastern She sat ne to me on the train that day queline Compton Peters. Attending f laff and works as publidity as8iat- Ahd a w ve of perfume wafted my way Oklahoma university one year be- ant. ..., -A dange~us scent that is called "I'm Bad!' fore coming to Southeastern, she ------has made no grade lower than A BLUJl KEY MEE'DNG Deliberately made to drive men mad. at either school. She is a member I tried to tliink thou,ghts that were pure and good Blue Key President Horman Vll­ if Sigma Tau Detla and College larreal has called a special meet­ I did tMvery best that I could! Players:' ing for Thursday, November 1. But alas, that perfume was stronger than .I Gwendolyn Querdibitty, Carne­ Members are asked in the pri­ I gave her a kiss .•. and got a _black eye! gie, iS"'&n OPC student an. done vate dining room of Hallie McKin­ of Southeastern's best art stu­ ney Hall at 12 noon. dents. Her majers are elementary If kissing strangers has its ~gen. in education and art. Have you tnvited anyone to smoking at east enjoy the real thing, the Nancy Ratcliff, Durant, is an b.omecomiRg ~ovember 10? j:nglish major with a home ec min- ---~--~- big, big p!.eqsure of a Chesterfield King! or. With a particular interest in Big size, big fiavor, smoother journalism, she has contributed to all the way ~use it's packed college publications. She is a mem- Swinney Drug Co. WHITE'S more smoo hly by Aceu·Ray. ber- of Pi Kappa SigD}a and a leader iJ;l the Wesley foundation. The REXALL Store Ready-To-Wear • " Like your pleasure big? Frank Rickard, Ryan, is major­ We Deliver Headquarien for Collep 8b4ellt. ing in music -education. He f.l Feel At Home 'ro Look ~ . drum major for the Southeastern PHONE91 band and is presi8ent of a cappella Phone 951 130 Ka1n ~t. choir. ' President of Art club- is Lynne ------....,...... ,~~~., '!"'------: __.;...... ;:------.---.---- K.!.. E..~!i!!o: s -SHERRER'S 1.. WHITE HOUSE · GBOCB&,Y (Good 'l'blllp To ~) 51f South NIDth Phone 8Z or 81 ll'rea Dellnq

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You'll be hearing a lot of talk about this shirt. For here STEAKLE¥ ar'e all the dress-up details of an Arrow, University style •.• in a sport shirt! Button-down collar, front and back, full box pleat. And ydu can Be as formal or informal as you hlce in our full choice of last-word CheiJriJ/et fubrics and colors."'See them soon. University ("IVy Leagu~") shirts, $5.95 and $7.95. I ·,eompany COME IIV FOR P11BTS _, v AND SERVICE I ,, r-·· . DURANT,OKLAflOMA

/ 'WBDNBBDAY. OCf'OBBB 11.1911 r• BOUFBBABf'BRN•. ~~~------~~~~--~------"-~-88---~---·-·-• "''lew Naty'' Offers · Poll. Picks !Bowm Poslpotes : $OU~th _asfe"n Savages. ~ld ·2 Pnar• ~~. ~~~~~~.J~~~~~;~.~.ybas f,· Ju~ .' Ogs To · ie Of ~'-~ The navy batt announced two I - f ~st three to one cbllege Ibeen postpone9 until after the - Coacll Melvin Brown's South- was concerned programs through wb14' a young ft~d~nts feel the Republl~· will homecoming game November 10, eastern SaveBes layed their Biggest Confereoce Upae& man may earn a eomm sslon and take this year's presidentiaV-elec- Coach James Bowers. has ~ounc- pest game of ~e season Saturday The Bulldog-Savage tie W88 the a career_ in ~e new navy. tion. Were the students expressing Ied. . night when th~y dueled the South- biggest upset . the Oklahoma Col- The . rur officer candidate pro- their party preference, however, 'Pudgy" said the- remaining Iwestern Bulldogs' to a 6-6 dead- legiate Conferenc.e has seen this am IS o~fered ~ college gradu- ~ the Democrats would receive top Igames will not be played until af- lock. _ .. • season. ates, marrted or omgle. bUling, since the ACP Poll release te>· the up-~ming ~vent to insure ·Bob. Bayne's desperation aerial Coach Brown heaped pral8e After a four and one-half month of o ctober 22 showed that 40 per the piaying fteld bemg in tQp play- 'to Tom Weast with 16 seconds re- among his whole defense unit and indoctrination school the candi- cent of the college students con- ~ ing condition. . I maining in the game proved to tie called the tie game a most success­ dat~ is ~o~ioned and tb.en sidered themselves Democrats, S3 In the gam~s already _coD;\pleted, th& combination the Sav~es were ful one for the underdog Savages ~egms his p~nod of_ fligh~ trrun- per cent Republicans, and 27 per Iit lo<;>~ a~ tf we_ ma}' see l~t .looking for all night._ Ferdie Bur~- (rrom Little Dixie. . mg. . Once ~ght t~ng 1s c_om- cent Independents or other. year's fmahsts buttmg headf! agam et's extra-point try ~to -a 40 ~lle The Savages enjoy a r~st next pleted he Will recetve the wmgs Associated Collegi~~ P•r e s.s this season for the intramural an hom: Oklahoma wmd was Wlde 1week due to the open date but CQl- o~ a full fl_edged pilot. gath!lred collegiate op~on on this title. . by only a foot. " tide with Southern State the fol- The officer candidate pro'gram preference . by ~piing from a The Phi Sigs, defending mtra-·I Scorel~ .First Ball lowing week. SoutheaStern now ls open to college g~uates who r~presentabve national cross-sec: mural fo. otball e~amps, showed . f'he Savages batteld the favor- holds a 3-2-1 record and ia in wish a naval career but do not tlon of college students. The fol Igood 'form in downmg the scrapp~ ed· B. ulldogs to..-a scoreless first fourth place in the conference race. wish to fly. lowing question ':Vas a.:med:_ T exans with an impressive score OI.J half. ~th team:s defe~se was em- · . , The OCS school _lasts ~pur Who d? you ~ will ~ the 25-0. · . .1 pbasized du~g the f1rst half of Don't forget November 10. .months. After graduation the stu- presidential election this fall, The Dirty Dozen who lost out Iplay and .netth~ team moved the •__1 :_· ______dent Is commissioned eD81Bn- RepubUcans or ~ocrats? Ia.t year bl the .toss of a coin pigskin .toO lm~resslvely; '--~-- Obligated service for these two The results: may be picked as the team to beat. Soutllwestern s only touchdown I.-...... --& programs is approximately t:hree Men Women Total These boys boast two equally tm- C?&llle . w_h~p Choate barrelled o~er • ToM eDuBarry and a half years. Republicans .. 68% 58% 65% pressive victories •the last one be- trom the _sayage two yard stripe COS' ..ET.1C'O Pemocrats ... 21% _28% 23% ing at the cost of the Sigma :raus: climaxing. the Bulldog's only sue- lD o Undecided . . . 11% 14% 12% Before advancing to the tiDals, cessfu! drive. Flash! . A large number or students con- both o fthese t,eama must play and : . So~thw":"t~m '!"":" more impreo.- 1 DURANT DRUG I have ~ust discovered (puff sidering themselves either ~mo-- win one more game. The·Phi Sig's stve m .the statistical department I 119 N. 3rd . puff) what 18 going on behind . ~e crats or Independents feel the will have a much easier gam~-tban but was not in the same class 88 Phone 1730 Green Door. On the thither Side Republicans will win on November the Dirty Dozen when they as far as team spirit ?f that

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/ " 0 ' does its job so well the flavor reall~ · COJDes •What's all the shouting about? .Flavor. through to you. Here's a filter. Cl~~ Full, rich ftayor -:- in a fil~ smoke! Yes, ,. college smokers can enjoy! Get Wmston ~ filter- that t • • - . • - 11 . J . llllYNOLDS and Winston's exclusive a ~ter TOaACCO CO. • W INSTON•SALIUI, 11. C. h ...... - Americus best.. seDing. ~·fm;l;jng ~ -~~ Switc ¥I . ~ · - -· _.1 • " ,.· .. .- 0 • / I Campus Life ~No Ho~eltr To New Libmiy AssiSta .t . _...... • - I Sandra Hugo, has been Mrs. J~e Wilson, &pecia& Ubrary When :Mra. Wilaon was asked! the elected Blue lley favorite. staff assistaDt, is certalDly 110 loaded -.uestion, UWII&t impreMed Horman Villarreal, Blue Key stranger to campus Ufe. . you moet on your arrival in Du- president, bro~ght the news to the Kra. Wil8on .baa been ,a part of rant?" the librarian replied. ..L . new favorite f the Southeastern campus life amce enterlbg Loul8- think the friendliness of tlut ~' chapter of th national leadership lana State college where abe re- ple of Durant atands out in ,w fraternity. ceived her K. A. . mind aa being the most imp~. A native of Lawrence, La. she We just don't feet like s~ Sandra is 'tor ot the South- was dean of girls in the .A.'ll8tin. any more." eastern; presiclent of Alpha Sigma Texaa, school ayatem while her Tau social rity; and member h~band . W. W. Wilson, new SSC A bee hu a attnger 0312& SDCil of Cardinal K y, Pi Omep Pi, and history profeaaor, worked on hill • Boule. doctorate at the university there. long. The other 24 inches is your She is also ne of the new 1958- Later she became dean of wo- ag1nation. ~7 selections or oolJege· students men at Lamar college In Beau- . ------' ( Who's Who. , mont, Texas. While at Lamar she Wealthy people miss one of Jlfe'e' She is a business education ma­ also ·taught phyaical education greatest thrill8--paying the 'laat jor and ts minpring tn l:nglish. She cou~. installment. has been on the preatdent•s or dean's honor ron most of her sem­ esters at Sou,lheastem. LEADERSHIP COURSE iiOUJS .. IJAIP'roN Olt ENDS WI COO'K.OUT 1 The youth leaderslllp tra1nlng course, which has been offered at , I I COMPANY Southeastern under the direction · of Oscar Boriil, district Scout ex­ I BELL PRODVCTS ecutive, will ~ completed Wednes­ day evening th a eook-out. I O~EN 24 HOURS A DAY The group ·n meet at the am­ phitheater at 4:30 p. m. and will PHONE 388 FOB SERVICE lay out a camt>US site for the troop. · . 11 Marion ~lda. 8COUtmaater LIBRARY WORKERS Gwea .Jones, right, student aide, &ad Mrs. WD- · First and Ninth St~. Durant, Okla. for a new l:roop at t!le First son, new staff worker. - • ••. . Christian church. will lnatruct the •••-•- -·- -·-·-• -·- -•-m-•- -•-a- -~-~-~~-~-·-. class on carrw cookiug, axeman­ .. . I sbip, @aid, ground bead, and 1 use o the ~pass. All studenta who are eurolled in the c urse must attend to receive HAPPYiJ0E-LUCKY presents STitKl'ERS! credit. Each student should eome pre­ pared with a a:me-po\Uld coffee can What is a joblest ho~1 to be Used in cooking .upper. The Wbal is a Clift evening will close with a eamptlre. tired I l ISMSAT Truman ster, 19i0 graduate 'of Southeast rn State college, is the registrar at central State col­ lege, Edmond. Rester, who ·taught pl&them&tiCII at Central be ore beelNnmg regis­ ~ trar, was an outatand!Dg student on the South~astern campus. At • that time biB home towtl waa Manetta. I ... He was sttldent coanoD presi­ dent, a merrl.Wr of m-. Key, and junior class !ll}eF.~dent. After grad­ STUCK FOR MOtiiYf DO . A 'I I uating he taught matlaematics in - , _\ ~ - . I Russell · · school. I Lovingly two sat under the lilac bush. SJae had lMned her -~:: . Uttle head against hia cheek. "Oh, .,;~~ . treasure," he niumured, "Tour hair is so soft!" "Y ur head is too," she I whts~red gen y. r ~ember iNT ember 10. home­ commA day. _ .

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