December 2010

Periodical Review November 2010 – No. 2

This report summarizes the most prominent events mentioned in the Jihadi online

forums in the first half of November 2010. Following is a list of the main issues

raised in this report:

• A new audio tape by Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

• Anwar Al-Awlaki in a new video clip: “there is no need for a Fatwa in order to

fight the Americans”.

• An increase in the range of materials pertaining to the manufacturing of

explosive charges and to their concealment.

• A new issue of the “Turkistan Islamic Party” (TIP) Jihadi magazine.

• The search for operational solutions for the activity of unmanned drones


• Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claims responsibility for sending

the explosives packages and declares a new strategy – an economic attrition


• A threat to attack American targets over Christmas.

1 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

New publications


• The “As-Sahab” Jihadi media institute published a new video tape by Osama

bin Laden on October 27 th , 2010, on the “Al-Jazeera” station. The tape was

addressed to the French people. 1

• The “As-Sahab” Jihadi media institute published a new video tape by Ayman

Al-Zawahiri titled “Who will help the scientist ?”. The tape was

published in four languages: , Persian, and Pashtu. 2 Aafia Siddiqui

is a 38 year-old Pakistani scientist who was sentenced to 80 years in prison in

the for attempting to kill Americans. Siddiqui is married to

Ammar Al-Baluchi, who has been accused of financing the terrorists who

carried out the attacks on September 11 th .

• The Jihadi forums published a new video clip by Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki,

titled “To Make [the Truth] Clear to the People and Never to Conceal It”. The

1 2 2 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

title of the video is in fact a verse from the Quran in which Allah addresses

the Ulama and explains to them how they must conduct themselves.

It should be noted that the tape does not bear the stamp of the “Al-Malahem”

institute, which has been responsible for various publications on behalf of Al-

Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. It is possible that publication of the tape was

the personal undertaking of Al-Awlaki.

On the tape, Al-Awlaki chastises the Sunni Ulama, and especially the Yemen

Ulama, for their helplessness and for their lack of effort in the struggle to

raise the level of awareness regarding the sad state of the Muslim nation. He

demands they intervene immediately to improve the situation. Al-Awlaki

accuses the Ulama of ignoring the problems that plague the Muslim nation,

including the poor standards of living in Yemen, the brothers’ war between

Muslims, the increase in ignorance, the rise in ’s influence and the

increased danger of Shiite propagation. According to him, neither giving

sermons over the mosque podiums nor publishing articles and videos on the

matter is enough. He suggests that the Ulama follow a series of steps to

address the various issues:3

a. Clarify that the rulers in the Muslim world have abused their positions and

are considered traitors due to their lack of success or lack of willingness to

defend the nation, in addition to the fact that they promote American

interests. Emphasize that they should no longer be considered ,

even if they outwardly display religious characteristics.

b. Unite under a responsible leadership that acts in the interests of the

Muslim nation, especially in the face of the existing struggle between Iran

3 3 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

and Israel and the United States, and gain influence and take over Sunni

territory wherever there are Muslim regimes leaning one way or the other.

c. Reviving the spirit of in the nation. Jihad is the only means capable

of eliminating the danger of heresy.

d. Fulfilling the duty to guide the nation towards the right path, through


According to Al-Awlaki, the Muslim rulers have failed to fulfill their basic duty

of caring for their flock. As a result, the are the only hope for

changing the current situation. Al-Awlaki further claims that, in light of this

reality, one should shy away from any contact with the Muslim rulers.

Moreover, no one need be consulted regarding the legality of fighting the

Americans. According to him, as there is no need for a Fatwa to fight the

Devil, there is no need for a Fatwa to fight the Americans, as America itself is

considered to be the Devil. Hence, fighting it is a duty, regardless of whether

a Fatwa has been made or not.

Al-Awlaki concludes the video clip by calling on Muslims to support and follow

the Ulama who take action to mend the ways of the rulers and by warning

against the Ulama acting on behalf of the authorities.

4 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• The “Al-Malahem” Jihadi media institute, operating on behalf of Al-Qaeda in

the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), published a video titled “Deterring

aggression”. 4 The video is about the policy of discrimination and the trampling

of citizens’ rights by the Yemen regime. The video contains testimonies from

citizens whose rights were allegedly abused by the authorities. According to

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, this policy stems from, amongst other

things, the support and guidance provided by the Crusaders, headed by the

United States. The organization warns that the existing situation will not

continue without reprisal and that its people are acting with determination

against the Yemen government forces. It mentions, as an example, a long

series of terrorist attacks it has carried out against the Yemeni authorities.

• The “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum allocated its virtual stage to “an open

discussion” with Sheikh Abu Walid Al-Maqdisi, the Amir of the “Al-Tawhid wal-

Jihad group in Jerusalem/Palestine”. Those registered to the forum have the

opportunity to pose questions to the Sheikh on various topics.5

4 5 5 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010


• The “Al-Furqan” Jihadi media institute, operating on behalf of the “Islamic

State of Iraq” (ISI), published an audio segment titled “From the soldiers of

the Martyr’s Brigade to the Christians in Egypt”. According to the message,

the “” demands that the Christians in Egypt release

Kamilia Shehata from prison immediately. In the message, the “Islamic State

of Iraq” also addresses the Vatican, demanding it intervene in the matter and

pressure the Christians in Egypt to release Shehata, and giving the ultimatum

that, if they do not do so, the Christian hostages kidnapped from a church in

Baghdad will be executed within 48 hours. 6

• One of the surfers at the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum expressed his

desire to begin a discussion on the willingness of Muslims to acquiesce to the

“Islamic State of Iraq’s” request to attack Christian targets in the “Al-Sham”

region (, Lebanon and ) as well as media channels, churches and

their congregations and other targets. Another surfer, participating in the

online course for Jihadi propaganda via the forum, stated that the “Islamic

State of Iraq” has declared that all the Christian centers, organizations and

groups are legitimate targets for the Mujahideen. Yet another surfer wrote

that the true struggle of Islam is against the Christian western countries and

the Jews, and that as long as the Christians residing in Islamic countries

maintain neutrality, they should be left alone. 7

• The “Al-Ma’asada” Jihadi institute, which publishes much of its materials on

the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum, published a booklet titled “The political,

military and educational plan: a student guide on the training of the knight

commanders”. The booklet, which is 43 pages in length, was written by

6 7 6 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

Abdullah Al-Haj. The booklet itself is dedicated to the “Aden-Abyan Army”,

whose founding was declared by the military commander of Al-Qaeda in the

Arabian Peninsula. 8

Abdullah Al-Haj is the nickname of Sami Al-Mutairi, a 32 year old Kuwaiti

citizen, convicted in 2003 of killing an American citizen and sentenced to life

imprisonment. The “Ha’aretz” newspaper reported on May 24 th 2010 that Al-

Mutairi was released from prison and has become one of the senior

commanders in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. According to the report,

he was released from prison in 2007 and today is in charge of Al-Qaeda’s

activities against Israel in Palestine. 9 In May 2010, the Jihadi forums

published “an important article”, 25 pages long, by Abdullah Al-Haj, titled

“The strategy of the upcoming war”. In the article he writes about the

combat strategy Al-Qaeda must adopt in the region, following the increased

signs of a possible war between Iran and the United States.

The guide professes to be a study program, meant to provide its readers with

knowledge on four main subjects: history, Sharia, military materials and the

memoirs of leaders and politicians, including military and other insight – all

with the objective of training a generation of commanders with the proper

skills. The guide also contains a list of recommended reading and referrals to

several video clips. According to the program recommended in the booklet,

one should dedicate 4 to 5 hours daily for reading, for a period of up to a


8 On the subject, see: w_October_2010_No_2.pdf , page 7. 9 , 10 7 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

Instructional and Guidance Publications

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum published a

detailed manual containing reference to two video clips on the preparation of

an explosive device detonated by dialing a cell phone. The first lesson is

called “How to prepare a bomb in the kitchen of your own home”. The second

lesson is called “Important guidance”. 11 In additional correspondence it was

said that the third lesson in the series will be published later on. 12

11 12 8 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• A chat room dealing with physical fitness and military training on the “Al-

Tawhid” forum contained, amongst other things, information on how to

prepare Nitro urea explosives, video clips on how to use various types of hand

guns, and a recommendation to use the skyGrabber software to hack into the

computer systems of the unmanned drones that kill senior commanders in the

border region between and . The surfer who posted the

latter recommendation said that the Mujahideen in Iraq succeeded in

intercepting photographs from the drones' cameras using the skyGrabber

software and that, as a result, they were able to change their location before

being hit. He provided links to the software and to a video clip that explains

how the software was originally designed for hacking into coded channels. 13

An explanation of how to install the software

13 9 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• The “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum published detailed instructions,

accompanied by illustrations and explanations, for the preparation of adhesive

explosives. 14

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum put up a post

titled “How to turn rat poison into weapons of mass destruction”. In the post,

the surfer suggests that U.S. security could be damaged by poisoning the

water in the United States and in other countries fighting against Islam. He

clarifies that he does not intend to poison closed water reservoirs, as they are

tested regularly before being transported to the consumers, but rather that

he intends to target the “distilled ready to consume water, already in the

pipes on the way to the residents”. According to him, one could perforate the

pipes and add lethal poisons such as rat poison to the distilled water. The

surfer also explains that one kilogram of poison could take out an entire

neighborhood quietly and without raising a riot. Moreover, such an attack

14 10 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

would have far reaching repercussions on the targeted countries’ economies.

The surfer recommends the summer as the best time to carry out such a

poisoning, as the number of casualties will be larger due to the increased

thirst and the many diseases. He adds that it is better to execute such an

operation secretly, without sending a threat, so as to maintain the element of

surprise. According to him, if this act of poisoning is successful, then the

pressure exerted by the population on the governments to accept the

Mujahideen’s terms, such as withdrawing from Muslim lands or ceasing their

support of Israel, will increase. 15

• The “Al-Muhajir” Jihadi media institute published an 8-page guide (no. 9)

titled “Prepare your weapons by yourself: landmines”.16

• The “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum began publishing “The series of the Abu

Al-Khayr Training Camp”. Apparently this undertaking was commenced by

surfers who are active in the “Equipment and preparation” chat room.

According to one of the project’s initiators, he had been considering the idea

of “a virtual training camp” for some time and he eventually decided to form a

group specializing in the propagation of old and new materials on military

subjects, or, as he put it: “Amongst the goals of the camp are gathering a lot

of military information that could later become an extensive Jihadi military

encyclopedia on the internet […]”. He addresses anyone with knowledge in

the field, asking them to share their military knowledge with the forum

members. 17

15 16 17 11 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

In honor of the launching of the 'Camp', the “Shumukh Al-Islam” forum

published all of the issues of “The periodical publication for the self

development and the enrichment of knowledge of the Mujahideen”, edited by

Abdullah Dhu Al-Bajadin, who is known on the Jihadi forums as an expert in

the preparation and manufacturing of explosive devices. The issues cover

many diverse topics, including an analysis of the terrorist attacks on the

Madrid subway in 2004, instructions on how to prepare an explosives belt,

discussions on prominent terrorists, explanations of how to use chemical and

other materials to prepare explosives charges and more. 18

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum posted a

correspondence titled “Military chat: how can we obtain this material…? And

where can it be found around us?”. In the correspondence, the surfer asks his

fellow forum members to post questions and problems pertaining to the

18 12 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

procurement of materials for the preparation of explosives. The answers to

these questions will be given by a small number of surfers that have

accumulated expertise and knowledge regarding the preparation of explosives

(he mentions their names). According to him, collecting questions and

answers in one correspondence will make learning about the preparation of

explosives much easier for those seeking to do so.19

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum posted

correspondence containing a detailed guide accompanied by illustrations on

how to prepare hand grenades that can be thrown at the enemy and that are

manufactured by the “Islamic State of Iraq”. 20

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum posted an

instructional video on welding electrical circuits.21

19 20 21 13 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum posted

correspondence titled “biological poisons”. The correspondence is about

, the preparation of poisons, their transfer and more. 22

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum addressed the

importance of introducing guided missiles to the Jihad theatres. The surfer

claims that if this type of missile is introduced into the Jihad theatres in

sufficient amounts, all of the armored vehicles will become easy targets and

could be destroyed from a safe distance. However, he states that the problem

lies in procuring them in sufficient amounts. Therefore, the surfer calls on his

fellow forum members to take part in this correspondence and contribute

their knowledge on the manufacturing of guided missiles. 23

• The “Al-Fajr” Jihadi media institute published its 15 th audio segment, titled

“Surveillance security”, by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Adm. This segment was

published as part of the series of publications called “The industry of

: a course in security and intelligence”. 24

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum published information on hiding bullets inside cell

phones. 25

22 23 24 25 14 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010


• The “Sawt Al-Islam” Jihadi media institute, operating on behalf of the

“Turkistan Islamic Party” (TIP), published the seventh issue of the party’s

magazine. 26 Amongst the subjects discussed in the current issue were: the

story of a Muslim female preacher from Eastern Turkistan; reference to the

Chinese government’s alleged oppressive policy against the Uygur Muslim

minority in Eastern Turkistan; the story of the immigration of a female Uygur

Muslim from Eastern Turkistan; a call to the Muslims to help the Muslims in

Eastern Turkistan and more.

26 15 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

Reports from the field

Afghanistan - Pakistan

• Since the elimination in May 2010 of the Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan,

Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid, and the elimination of other senior members of Al-

Qaeda and the in the Afghanistan–Pakistan region, surfers on various

Jihadi forums have displayed concern over unmanned drones.

These surfers advocate doing everything possible to neutralize the activity of

the drones and to hack into their systems, so as to prevent further losses to

the Mujahideen. They complain of the activity of the American Intelligence

agents in Pakistan and offer to provide safe shelter to the Mujahideen leaders

and to ensure their return from Pakistan to Afghanistan, so that they do not

fall victim to the drones. 27

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum reported that the no. 2 man in the Afghan Taliban

organization, Mullah Abd Al-Ghani Baradar, was released as part of an

exchange with the Pakistani government. 28

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum reported that 34 people were killed and over 40

injured in a carried out at a mosque near Peshawar, on

November 5 th 2010. 29

• The “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum (Al-Mojahden

Electronic Network) reported that on November 13 th 2010, 14 suicide

bombers attacked the airport in Jalal-Abad, serving the interests of the

Coalition Forces. 30

27 28 29 30 16 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010


• There have been reports on a suicide attack carried out in Iraq. The suicide

bomber was called Mukram Al-Majeri; he was of Tunisian origin and he

resided in Sweden and was married to a Swedish woman. No information was

given on when exactly the terrorist attack was executed, but on November

14 th 2010 one of the surfers posted a page commemorating him on


• A surfer on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum, participating through the

forum in an online course for Jihadi propaganda, expressed his desire to open

a virtual workshop to help the “Islamic State of Iraq” spread its messages via

email. The surfer stated that, “We ask every member to gather personal

emails of Christians in Egypt and to send them the following: ‘A message

from the Martyr Brigade soldiers to the Christians in Egypt’” and a “Warning

message and an ultimatum to the Egyptian Christian Church”. The surfer

31 , 17 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

claimed that he has already succeeded in preparing an initial list of such

emails, most of which belong to Coptic and Egyptian churches. 32

• One of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum published

statements made by Sheikh Abu Al-Mundhir Al-Shanqiti, a Salafi Jihadi sheikh

from Mauritania, regarding permitting the spilling of blood of Christians

residing in Islamic countries. According to the Sheikh, the Christians living

today in Islamic countries are no longer considered to be under protection

(Ahl Al-Dhimma) and therefore it is permitted. He enumerates several

reasons why they should no longer be considered under protection:33

a. They do not conduct themselves as they should and they express

dissatisfaction about their inequality vis-à-vis Muslims.

b. The do not pay Jizyaa (poll tax).

c. They do not accept the laws of Islam.

d. They harm Muslims and Islam. Furthermore, they should be attributed

with spreading secular principles and other heretic ideologies since the

beginning of the 20 th century. In general, “The Christians were the bridge

through which the West came to the countries of Islam, and thus they

have become a fifth column and a poisonous dagger striking the countries

of Islam and the Muslims […]”.

For these reasons, the Sheikh rationalizes that the Christians in Muslim

countries must no longer be considered as enjoying protection.

In the meantime, the attacks against Christians in Iraq have continued. Three

people were killed and 25 injured in Baghdad on November 10 th 2010 in an

attack targeting Christians.34

32 33 34 18 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum reported that the “Islamic State of Iraq”

organization claimed responsibility for a series of terrorist attacks against the

Shiites, occurring on November 2 nd 2010. 35

The Arabian Peninsula

• Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) published an announcement on the

“Attrition explosive charges terrorist attacks”. The organization claimed

responsibility for an attempted attack on an American UPS aircraft on

September 3 rd 2010, after its takeoff from . According to the

organization, the enemy media has concealed the fact that the plane itself

crashed, possibly since it could not identify the cause of the crash or since the

“Obama administration wanted to hide the event so that the security failure

will not be discovered as the attack occurred on the eve of the interim

elections in the United States”.

Furthermore, the organization claimed responsibility for sending booby-

trapped packages aboard UPS and FedEx aircrafts. In an announcement, the

organization claimed that it is in possession of an advanced explosives charge

that cannot be detected by security mechanisms and that can be detonated

either during flight or when the plane lands.

Moreover, in its announcement, the organization asserted that the failed

cargo attack is evidence of collaboration between the Saudi government and

the Jews.

Finally, the organization threatened to attack the interests of the U.S. and its

allies, and that civilian aircrafts will also become targets.36

35 36 19 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• Following the explosive packages affair, a senior surfer at the “Shabakat Al-

Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum (Al-Mojahden Electronic Network)

claimed that the packages were discovered after the Mujahideen themselves

revealed their existence to the Saudi authorities. By doing this, the

Mujahideen caused hysteria and panic in airports around the world and in the

West’s security and intelligence services. Furthermore, the ploy revealed the

connection between the Saudi authorities and the American espionage

services. The surfer added that this now is a different type of war – it is an

intelligence and security war and an economic attrition war whose strategy is

to intimidate. 37

• A surfer at the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum (Al-

Mojahden Electronic Network) also wrote on the subject of the explosive

37 20 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

packages affair. He addressed those in charge of manufacturing explosives'

charges, asking them to continue with their work and to manufacture

explosive devices whose discovery is difficult, so that the attack on the West

will continue. 38

• An announcement by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula refuted the Saudi

Minister of Interior’s claim that the Mujahideen intend to attack during the

time of the pilgrimage to Mecca. The organization evaded responsibility for

terrorist attacks at markets, mosques and places of worship, and warned that

the “enemies” try to make claims of their involvement so as to discredit the

Jihad movement. In the announcement, the organization again accused the

Saudi royal family of collaborating with the Americans and the Jews in

exposing the explosive packages, and of giving the Shiites free reign to attack

the pilgrims. 39

• One of the senior members of the Jihadi forums, called “Asad Al-Jihad2”,40

claimed that Saudi Arabia is planning a large scale terrorist attack in the heart

of Riyadh that will be blamed on Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, in an

effort to discredit the organization, to strengthen the campaign against it, and

to lure more religious clerics as well as others to condemn the organization.

According to him, the Saudi authorities may place bodies of Mujahideen who

were recently arrested in the vicinity of the attack, so as to reinforce the

impression that Al-Qaeda is behind the attack. The writer noted that he does

not rule out the possibility of Saudi Arabia carrying out such a terrorist attack

38 39 40 The identity of Asad Al-Jihad2 is unknown, but he is considered to be a veteran activist in the field of Jihadi propaganda and as someone with definite ties to Al-Qaeda. Recently he was “upgraded” in Jihadi online forums to “Military expert and political commentator”. 21 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

in another city or even another country, in an effort to discredit Al-Qaeda in

the Arabian Peninsula. 41

• Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula published an announcement titled “The

recent events in Mawdiyya”. 42 According to the announcement, a Yemen

government military force advanced towards the city of Mawdiyya to arrest

one of the Mujahideen on false pretenses. The operation was led by the

Abyan Governor, called Ahmad Al-Maysari. In order to stop the arrest, a

group of Mujahideen left the Al-Ayn region and ambushed the military force.

The Mujahideen and the Yemeni government forces exchanged heavy fire.

Although they suffered the loss of the Mujahideen leader, Jamil Al-Anbari, the

overall results were in favor of the Mujahideen:

a. Seven soldiers and officers were killed, including one of the Regional

Governor’s bodyguards, who was also his brother.

b. Several vehicles caught fire and were looted.

Two days later, another military force was sent, accompanied this time by

tanks and armored vehicles. The Mujahideen went to confront them again in

the Al-Ayn region. A suicide bomber named Sallah Al-San’ani (Dhuya Al-

Shar’abi) drove a towards the tanks and blew himself up. As a

result, two tanks were destroyed and several soldiers were killed, including

the force's commander.

According to the organization, once the Yemen government forces realized

that they could not defeat the Mujahideen, they bombed “the homes of the

weak and the wretched”.

41 42 22 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• One of the surfers at the “Shumukh Al-Islam” forum posted photographs,

originating from the Yemen “Al-Sahwa” website, depicting the explosion of an

oil pipe in Yemen. Blowing up the pipe is unique to Al-Qaeda activists. 43

• A senior surfer on the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum

(Al-Mojahden Electronic Network) posted correspondence in which he called

for Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula. According to the surfer, Jihad should be

carried out in the Arabian Peninsula first and foremost so as to liberate Mecca

and Medina from “the Zionist-Crusader occupation”. Jihad is also required in

the region to liberate Muslim oil from the hands of the occupiers. Finally,

Jihad is necessary to establish Sharia in the region and to serve as a starting

point for the liberation of other neighboring regions and countries. 44

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum published denials by Yemen of reports claiming

that the Al-Qaeda leaders who were detained in Iran, including the

organization’s former spokesperson, , arrived in Yemen

to manage the organization’s activities. 45

43 44 45 23 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

The Maghreb

• One surfer made an appeal via his forum, asking for any help possible to be

provided to the families of the Mujahideen in Algeria on the Muslim Holiday of


• A surfer on the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum (Al-

Mojahden Electronic Network) encouraged his fellow surfers to join the Jihad

in Algeria, explaining that the area can easily be reached to meet with

Mujahideen fighters. 47 It seems that this correspondence followed the many

reports surrounding the weakening of the Jihad in Algeria and the poor

leadership of the Amir Abu Musab Abd Al-Wadud.

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum reported that Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

threatened to take revenge on Senegal after the country extradited five

detainees to Mauritania and Morocco. 48

The Al-Sham region

• The “Jama’at Ansar Al-Sunnah – Aknaf Bayt Al-Maqdis” (wings of

Jerusalem/Palestine), a Palestinian Salafi-Jihadi group, published the first part

of the book titled “The necessary things for the road: A departure base for

those seeking liberation”. The book, which is 142 pages long, was written by

Sheikh Yasri bin Atiyya Aal-Salih, known as Abu Hajir Al-Filastini. The book

contains the “Principles of Jihadi Da’awa”. The book's introduction was written

by Sheikh Abu Al-Nur Al-Maqdisi, who was assassinated by Hamas on August

2009. 49

46 47 48 49 24 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• The “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” Jihadi forum (Al-Mojahden

Electronic Network) reported that Abu Hafs Al-Maqdisi, Amir of the “Jaysh Al-

Ummah” and leader of one of the Jihadi organizations operating in the Gaza

Strip, was released from prison in the Gaza Strip. 50


• A supervisor on the “Al-Jahafil” forum wrote about instances in which Copts in

Egypt recently converted to Islam; he also provided video clips. Examples

include a Christian who was appointed by the Coptic Church to follow Islamic

chat rooms using the “Paltalk” software who has converted to Islam, and a

woman who has fled the Al-Azhar nunnery, converting to Islam after having

suffering insults at the nunnery. 51

• Following the crisis arising between the Coptic Church in Egypt and the

Islamists in Egypt and Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-

Electroniya” forum (Al-Mojahden Electronic Network) published data and

research regarding the Christian presence in Egypt. The goal of this

publication was to emphasize the danger posed by the Christians to the

Muslims. 52


• The “Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen” movement threatened to carry out terrorist

attacks in Uganda and Burundi in retaliation for the activities of the African

Union Forces in Somalia, which led to civilian casualties and injuries in

50 . On his arrest, see: w_October_2010_No_1.pdf , page 31. 51 52 , 25 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

Mogadishu. Both countries participate in this force and therefore are

considered legitimate targets.53

• The “Hanein” Jihadi forum published a statement made by the “Al-Shabab Al-

Mujahideen” movement’s spokesperson, Sheikh Ali Muhammad Raji. The

Sheikh's statement said that the organization will continue its activities until

the Somali government is defeated and the African Union Forces are driven

out of Somalia. 54

The West and the rest of the world

• Following the attempted attack using explosive packages sent via FedEx, one

of the surfers on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” Jihadi forum threatened to attack

American targets over Christmas. In his post, the surfer posed the idea of

sending booby-trapped Christmas trees disguised as holiday gifts - “Will the

bomb be hidden between the folds of the leaves or between the tree

branches? At the top of the tree or at the bottom? […]”. 55

• A female supervisor at the “Al-Mushtaqun Ila Al-Jannah” forum posted a

missive written by the Mujahideen in Chechnya addressing women who have

left their homes and families for Jihad. In the missive, they send these

women their support and promise that soon they shall return to Muslim

Chechnya and not . They also warn them against “the enemy’s ploys”.

In addition, a call is made to women in general, asking that they educate

their children in accordance with Islam instead of following the ways of the

heretics. They also ask that they collect clothes for the families of the

casualties and even to form groups that help these families.56

53 54 55 56 26 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

• A senior surfer at the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” forum (Al-

Mojahden Electronic Network) published an article on the forum, titled

“Europe will be under Al-Qaeda’s microscope”. In the article, he refers to a

message in which addressed the French people, stating that

Bin Laden is addressing the people in his messages and not the governments,

as the people are the one bearing the consequences of their government’s

actions. The people are also the ones who elect these governments again and

again, and in doing so, participate in the oppression of the Muslims in

Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world. The author of

the article mentions Al-Qaeda's warnings to Germany prior to the elections

there as well as the threats and subsequent terrorist attacks in Spain which

directly altered the course of the elections. The author claims that the people

in Europe understand only the language of force and deterrence. Therefore,

he concludes, the equation shall remain as it is – just as you kill, so you shall

be killed. 57

• A surfer on the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” forum (Al-Mojahden

Electronic Network) enquired about where the Mujahideen are in France and

why they do not act in response to the oppression exerted by the authorities

on Muslim women in the country.58

General reports

• A surfer on the “Al-Mushtaqun Ila Al-Jannah” wrote about Al-Qaeda’s rising

force and mentioned that “Al-Qaeda has sent a message in the recent

packages attack, stating that we exist without a doubt and are expecting

you…”. The surfer also challenged NATO forces, saying that he is looking

57 58 27 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

forward to the day they reach the region. The surfer stressed Al-Qaeda's

rising force in all theaters and expressed his wish for the establishment of the

Islamic Caliphate. 59

A map published by the surfer according to his aspirations

• A surfer posted a report published in the Arabic press on a Chinese company

that has developed a product that enables a license plate number to be

covered up by a new number within seconds. The product was also offered via

email to surfers in Saudi Arabia. The surfer who posted the report suggested

that the Mujahideen use it in their movements and activities. 60

• The “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” forum (Al-Mojahden Electronic

Network) published the “Shura Al-Fikr Al-Islami Center’s” first

announcement. 61 The “Shura Al-Fikr Al-Islami Center" is a group that was

founded in September 2010. Its goal is to be a link between the Islamic

nation and the Mujahideen. The announcement of the group's establishment

59 60 61 28 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010

was published on the “Shumukh Al-Islam” forum, where it was explained that

this group will operate within the “Shumukh Al-Islam” forum as well as within

the “Al-Boraq” media institute. 62

In the announcement, the ““Shura Al-Fikr Al-Islami Center” calls on devout

Muslims to send it advice and ideas that will help the Islamic nation. The

Muslims are asked to send materials focusing on theoretical and technical


• A surfer on the “Shabakat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniya” forum (Al-Mojahden

Electronic Network) posted on the forum, suggesting the Mujahideen in Al-

Qaeda send emissaries to the Mujahideen in Iran with the “Jund Allah”

organization, so as to increase collaboration between the Mujahideen. 63

62 63 29 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.

December 2010


• A surfer on the “Al-Jahafil” forum raised questions about whether Sheikh Abu

Yahya Al-Libi is still alive and why bin Laden has been publishing only audio

segments and not video segments recently. One surfer attacked him for his

questions, while another one defended him. A forum supervisor gave the

following response: “neither of them lives in grand villas and they do not have

their own studios to record themselves and appear every day before the

public, like religious clerics on the satellite channels who appear every day to

no benefit for their nation… The Jihad sheiks are hunted and stalked. That is

why a video recording is dangerous for them, and maybe they have even

altered their features so that they can move from place to place”. 64

• A surfer posted a photograph that had been altered using “Photoshop”

software, evoking both praise and condemnation. The surfer denied

knowledge of the software. Those praising the photo’s editor used this

opportunity to lash out at the Saudi royal family for not hoisting the flag of

Jihad alongside the Israeli flag. Those condemning it argued that a photo

meant to mislead is wrong. 65

64 65 30 P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel | Tel: +972.9.952.7277 | Fax: +972.9.951.3073 ict @idc ac. il. | www .ict .org il.