Wednesday, 12th October, 1977 THE MERCURY

FARM AN* GARDEN Reprieve for man who C h e c k to VILLAGE ALL CLASSES CATTLE, Sheep, MOURNS Pigs and Casualties bought. Best h e m a d e prices paid.—R. Pigg Ltd., The put wrong fittings Abbatoir, Park Lane, . on village LOSS OF Tel. Darlington 3330 or Dinsdale 2448.______on his new bungalow MR C. T. CLOSE Mr J. A. Peart has won a reprieve and will now j u n c t i o n A memorial service took place J.C.B. DIGGING be allowed to keep bargeboards on a bungalow he has A check i9 to be made on the at St. Mary’s Church, , on DITCHING, DRAINING, built at Eastbourne Farm, Woodland. junction of the Eden 4Crest road Saturday, followed by interment of LEVELLING, ETC. Two months ago Teesdale coun­ bargeboards between Woodland and with the main road at Gainford, the * ashes, of Mr Christopher DROTT H IR E cillors ordered the removal of the South Side. He was against using a following protests that many motor­ Thomas Close, of 19a Coronation ists have difficulty there. and for bargeboards—long strips of timber sledge hammer to crack a peanut, Gardens, Staindrop. along the edge of the roof—be­ which the council would be doing Coun. Norman Colling told Tees­ The death of Mr Close brings IP l o u g h in g a n d s l u r r y dale road safety committee that a the end of a long line of monu­ SPREADING cause they had been put on without if it enforced a change here. Mem­ planning consent. bers would be making idiots of wall made it difficult for drivers mental masons. Bom in Staindrop, But they did an about-turn by themselves. coming from the estate to see traf­ like his father and grandfather, he fic coming from . Ring cancelling the order and giving per­ Coun. John Heaviside comment­ lived all his life in the village. KEARTON mission for the boards when Mr ed that he liked some variation in Mr J. Hardy, of the county en­ One of his last occupations as a Barnard Castle 2365 Peartt put in a new request. houses and felt barge boards did no gineer’s department, said there was mason was to carve and place the Mr Michael Pease, chief plan­ harm. He asked: “If a .person not a bad accident record for this late Lord Barnard’s memorial stone FOR SALE, Rolled Oats and ing officer, suggested that the plans wants to put barge boards on his junction and he did not feel any at the church bridge behind the Barley. — Mutum, Gardner & committee should stick to its deci­ house, why not let him have them?” action was necessary. memorial seat. Co. Tel. Barnard Castle 2021 or sion and rule that the boards be Coun. Cecil Allinson said the But Coun. Colling commented: He was also a good musician, 3275. taken down and replaced by cem­ man had apparently been in some “Surely it is our duty to try to playing in the Staindrop Band as ent sections at the gable ends. doubt abut whether barge boards prevent accidents rather than to a very young boy and having to He stated that bargeboards were were allowed. It would be better wait for them to happen before we stand on a form to practice along . - u r n For all your do anything.” not traditional to this area and to put a clear indication on plan­ Miss Gwyneth Jane Linsley, only with the men. His first public ap­ He added that there was often a Evans, a friend, Miss Diane Golds- AGRICULTURAL were not in keeping with other ning consents that barge boards daughter of Mr and Mrs Vernon pearance with the band was at the nspsoa m | delay before drivers could get out borough, the bridegroom’s cousin, new houses and bungalows approv­ were not allowed, if that was the Linsley, of Grey stones, Copley, was Miss Tina Brown and Miss Joanna King George V coronation cele­ a w eie j i CONTRACTING on to the main road and added: “If G o -a h e a d ed by the council. case, he suggested. married on Saturday to Mr Robert Moses, friends of the family. They brations. Bin, tod a police patrol driver was trying to He asked the councillors: “If But Mr Pease said there should Gittins, only son of Mr and Mrs wore sea jade velvet dresses with At the age of 17 he joined the degrooaftwl L PLOUGHING get out of there to chase a motorist, you grant someone planning con­ be no need for this. All plans Robert Gittins, of Wood House matching bell boy hats and carried g iv e n to army and at 1$ was in France, attended bfr R otavating it would be hardly worth trying, for sent subject to certain conditions, showed clearly what was allowed. Lane, . where he was wounded and dis­ bo wove in the person could be in Darlington sprays of pink and crea roses. Reclamation & Reseeding are you going to let them do what If they showed five windows, the The ceremony was conducted by Mr Neale Vickers was best man charged. His father formed a small on cape ui| before he even got on to the road.” b u i l d o r Complete Muck they want?” builder would be exepected to put the Rev. Butt, at St John’s Church, and the groomsman was Mr John band in which he played the violin, and Hly oiv Inspector Keith Tweddle said the •ley, whon| Spreading Service But Conn. Tracy Mudd said that in five windows without having to Lynesack. Goldsfoorough, the bridegroom’s and they played all around the dis­ Gainford policemen did not seem c o n v e r t trict at dances. Id float i£ Hedge-cutting between Cockfield and Woodland be told, how many were allowed. The bride was given away by her cousin. to have any difficulty in getting on In recent years he tried to get te and cunei! Flail or Saw he counted 31 houses with barge­ But the committee decided by father. She wore an ivory velvet The bridegroom is in government Planning approval has been boards and he felt they looked bet­ 17-6 votes to allow Mr Peart to to the road. Any police car would the band started again in Staindrop, and Qy im Digging, Ditching dress cut in Victorian-style and service and the bride is a private given by Teesdale District ter than oement fillets. keep his barge boards. be able to get out by putting on its trimmed with guipure lace with but found little support from the and Drainage flashing light. secretary. Council for the following If Mr Peart had done an inferior matching silk veil, held by a Pope The couple went to Majorca for youth of the village. on howga Mr Hardy said he would make a schemes: Tractors, Trailers job it might be serious, but the Paul hat, covered in orange blos­ their honeymoon. They are to live Mr Herring, Ivy Hall, , He succeeded his father in sound­ lilac laoem Rotavators, Rotaspreaders A c c id e n t check on the corner to see what ing the Last Post in church on The coafkl boards were better and more expen­ som. Pink rose buds and orchids at Dene, Bishop Auckland. converting a store to form a pri­ fo r H IR E sive than cement. If he now had to could be done. were carried. vate garage; Mr J. L. Sparks, 14 Armistice Day and was a keen is Coort, DdS The committee is to give a road remove them and put in cement She was attended by Miss Julie Picture: Colin Bainbridge. Raby Avenue, Barnard Castle, con­ supporter of the Royal British v e r d i c t safety Christmas card to all junior Reasonable Rates fillets, he would to split tiles version to form two flats; Mr and Legion. A lover of the country­ Colin school pupils in Teesdale. They and the job would never be com­ A verdict of accidental death was Mrs D. McCann, 43 South Green, side, he was interested in shooting will have pictures which can be ELLIOT & MOSS pletely satisfactory. recorded at a Darlington inquest Staindrop, new lounge at rear; Mrs and fishing and was a. keen gar­ coloured. Coun. Mrs Mary D*Aguiar said last Tuesday on Mr Clarence THE INVESTORS B. M. Wilson, Road Ends, Mar- dener. Ooun. Russell Holmes comment­ £65 to pay the' bargeboards were only a tiny ’Valentine Young, 75, of Bridge- wood, retention of loose box; Mr He gave many valuable years as Tel. ed : “If the cards impress even part of the house and she could field Bungalow, Middleton-in-Tees­ C. Chipchase, JLathbury East, Coth­ cemetery superintendent and valu­ one child and make him more aware Whorlton 389 238 not see why they were making such dale, who died from an injury after Anthony Clive Woodford, 40, of Barnard Castle School will again erstone, private garage; Mr R. able service as a mason to Stain­ of road dangers, the money will be a fuss over them. falling on a footpath near the Tees. West Pasture Farm, , was be competing in the annual busi­ Banks, 34 Newgate, Barnard Castle, drop Parish Council. A member of A. THORN & CO. LTD., Agri- well spent.” fined £50 and ordered to pay £15 ness game, arranged by the Insti­ cultural Merchants, Barnard Conn. John Armstrong said he It was stated that Mr Young sitting room converted to hair­ Staindrop Over 60 Club, Mr Close Castle, are now stockists of the counted well over 30 houses with often walked along the path, compensation at Durham Crown tute of Chartered Accountants, in dressing salon. was a keen whist player. full range of I.C.I. minerals. though it was dangerous in places PARTY BRANCH Court when he admitted damaging which they can make or lose mil­ Mr R. Robson, 11 Highcliffe He was always ready to give and had a notice board saying so. A Labour Party branch is being an electricity meter and unlawfully lions on a make-believe stock ex­ assistance and information about t has beakc FOR HIRE, 3£ ton Tipping W o m e n ’ s Edge, Winston, temporary residen­ After he went for a walk and started in Barnard Castle. There abstracting electricity. change. There will be 357 schools the village he loved. Staindrop Friday, 6-lji Trailer.—J. R. Tiplady. Tel. tial caravan; Mr J. M. Ward, 5 . Barnard Castle 3210. I n s t i t u t e s failed to return he was found lying are said to be a number of party He had elected to go to the taking part. Barnard Castle School Town End, Middleton, new shop mourns the passing of one of its Uartfoith t v on the path by Mr Edward Hutch­ supporters in the town who have to has done well in the past in the well respected citizens. vilj be aox 30 POULTS available. — Phone crown court. It was stated that he front; Mrs A. E. Blenkinsopp, 14 Mrs Kynaston opened the meet­ inson, of 14 Town Head, Middle go to other branches for meetings drilled a hole in the meter to stop game, which is based on sound in­ Representatives from many or­ Dastlc graf 1 I Darlington 720149 (evenings). Delaware Avenue, Evenwood, kit­ ing and Mrs Rhodes read the ton. at the moment it turning properly. vestment sense. chen and bathroom extension; Mr ganisations were at the service, is Tony Be# minutes. It was reported that - a R. Proud, 1*1 Model Terrace, Cock- which was conducted by the Rev. assisted by! For Hire collection for Richardson Hospital, field, extend storeroom; Mr N. Wil­ T. F. Hampton. Royal British y Hama,# TRACTORS AND organised by Mrs G. Allison, raised kinson, 8 Coronation Terrace, Legion standards were dipped in xme to tritf SPREADERS £42-69. Thanks were expressed to Cockfield, private garage. salute and in memory of an old comrade. rth. with Drivers everyone concerned. J. W. Cameron, Sun Inn, Waoker- PLOUGHING Mrs Mayhew and Mrs Mayer field, new toilets; Mr M. Shield, trot laden' ROTAVATING were congratulated on winning the Laneside, Middleton, bungalow with ild in eariy i and other contracts Glaxo tennis tournament. Resolu­ garage; Hamsterley Tennis Club, House, ft u n d e rta k e n tions for the annual meeting at The Quarry, new tennis court; Mr Pictures took p8it | Darlington were read by Mrs K. Raw, 5 Abbey Terrace, Sfart- to instnct,! J. W. & A. S. Rhodes and discussed. forth, house extension; Mr M. show the g, an ■ RICHARDSON Mrs Thompson explained about Rosenberg, Pecknell Cottage, Lar- ado gM WHORLTON 240 a Christmas entertainment to be tington, porch and sun lounge; Mr Ik and slide! presented by combined W.I’s. at D. Slack, Summery House, Wood­ threat to Robinsra* FOR LADIES’, Gent’s and Child- on l7*th and 18th Nov­ land, private parage and porch. ren’s Protective Clothing, Work ember. An invitation from Mar- gt anaid:ii Mr R. S. Jackson, An thorn countryside Boots, Shoes and Wellingtons, wood and Langleydale to their party lining. consult A. Thom & Co. Ltd., House, Moor Road, Staindrop, Montalbo Road, Barnard Castle. was accepted and nominations taken erection of a flag pole; J. S. Luck Mrs B. Coates, president, wel­ BanafifJ Td. 2537. for next year’s committee. and Son, Milestone House Farm, part in oei Members were asked to make a Bowes, farm stock building; Mr W. comed members of Barnard Castle lis wed 9ti special effort for the coffee evening Elliott, Klicken Gabies, Hummer- Business and Professional Women’s j Middled! D a le s on 8th October, as this is Cother- beck, four loose boxes, store and Club when they met at the Black iio equips* stone’s money raising event. aquarium; Mr J. G. Thompson, Horse. 1 to scoai r G a r d e n An enjoyable demonstration on Roseberry, Darlington Road, Bar­ Miss J. Gamon, an administrative hairdressing by a team led by Mrs nard Castle, new access. officer of the Durham County Con­ Horseman, from Freda Parker’s H. L. and D. Stainthorpe, Pin­ servation Trust, was given a special S e r v ic e salon, followed. Many members fold Lane, Butterknowle, flat joofed welcome by the president for taking tried on wiigs. Mrs Mayhew ex­ time to visit and address the mem­ (Phil Thompson) private garage; Mr L. E. Wade, Landscaping, Trees and Shrubs pressed thanks to the hairdressers , design and access for bers in spite of a very busy and Supplied and Planted, Rotovat- and their three models. bungalow; Co-op Society, 17 Horse- demanding job. ing, Fencing, Paving, Chain The competition for a hair dec­ market, Barnard Castle, alterations Miss Gamon illustrated^ her talk noN sawing, Dangerous Timber oration was won by Mrs Davidson. to shop front; Mr W. R. Thomp­ with a series of colour slides, show­ Wjnoved, Factory Grounds, Mrs Pleasants won the mystery Village Greens etc. maintained. son, rear of 6 South Green, Stain­ ing the desecration of the environ­ Tel. Bamingham 346. prize. The meeting concluded with drop, alterations to buildings; Mr ment in various irresponsible ways, a paper tearing competition, which T. Bailey, Aztec Site, High Ether- such as overhead pylons, river pol­ VUCklC't ; NATURAL POLL Hereford Bull, provided much amusement and was ley, private garage. lution and careless tipping of waste HALL Bom 25-4-76. Accredited. — won by Mrs Thompson. The next Messrs K. A. and G. M. Crab­ materials. Tel Middleton-in-Teesdale 378. meeting is members’ night, and m m tree, King’s Head, Barnard Castle, There were many hopeful pictures HURST Garden Pride Seeds. members are asked to go in old- improved bedrooms and toilet ex­ of improvements being undertaken New stock now arrived at time costume, either male or fe­ cillin. He moved to Barnard Castle tension; Mr G. Parkin,. 14 Spring and examples of more public recog­ Thom’s, Barnard Castle. male, if possible. H is to r ic in 1946, shortly after the opening A c o t t a g e Gardens, , house nition of the need for conserva­ of the factory, to help commission 4 0 y e a r s extension; Miss C. A. Mason, tion, but much remained to be the freeze drying process. f r o m a Jandes Cottage, Middleton, demoli­ done. * Mr Jim Cawthome has become After working in sterile opera­ tion of cottage and extension of The idea of conservation being •the first man in the history of tions and the analytical department, Bluebell Cottage to form studio; concerned only with wildlife has he joined the research team in the W h at else goe s into a Glaxo’s Barnard Castle factory to f a i r y t a l e Mr F. E. Bell, 76 Toft Hill, house been modernised to indude all as­ technical development unit, where um «M celebrate forty years with the com­ extension; Mr A. Kirkman, Dothe- pects of our environment The he is now employed. Teesdale councillors were advised pany. boys Hall, Bowes, change of use of Bowlees centre in Teesdale was Jim joined the research depart­ Mr John Brennand, factory by Coun. Mrs Mary D’Aguiar to b ag of H argreaves fertiliser storage space at front into self- especially mentioned as of out­ ment at Greenford in 1937 and was manager is seen presenting Jim with take a look at a “magnificent” contained flat. standing interest and well worth involved in the early work on peni­ a barograph, the gift of his choice. cottage near Bowes if they did not visiting. already know it. besides the fertiliser? Conservation trust membership in “It is well worth seeing,” she WORK OF New session Durham has trebled since 1971 from Girl rang said of Bowfield Cottage, on the HEALTH 700 to over 2,000 men and women. NINC road from the A66 to Scargill, oppo­ There are eight groups in the police to WATCHDOGS site Hundah Farm. of guild The first winter meeting of Coth­ county including the Teesdale group Mr Michael Pease, chief plan­ Barnard Castle Methodist Guild erstone British Legion, women’s sec­ ning officer, was equally enthusias­ formed last winter, but more mem­ complain tion, was attended by 20 members, held its opening meeting of the ses­ bers are always welcome. tic, calling if a “delightful cottage, sion on Friday evening at Trinity. a new member and two visitors. almost of the Hansel and Gretel After a period of questions, ably Richard Adrian Parr, 25, of 9 The president, the Rev. G. K. The chairman, Mrs T. AshweM, type.” answered by Miss Gamon, the warm Alpine Terrace, Copley, had an Johnson, wa$ the speaker. Fellow­ introduced Mrs M. D’Aguiar, Bowes, He reported that the cottage, appreciation of the members for argument with a girl friend about ship was the theme of his address. who is no stranger to the branch. recently put on the open market, this insight into the work of the 1-30 a.m. and she ran info a tele­ The meeting \vas presided over She spoke about Darlington Com­ had no bathroom or mains services, trust was expressed by Mrs I. phone kiosk (to call the police. by Mr J. Pratt, who also read a munity Health Council, an inde­ one bedroom upstairs, two rooms Hepple. He started kicking the kiosk to selected passage of scripture. Mrs During the business session the persuade her to let him in, and pendent group of men and women downstairs and a small T-fall i l l from local authorities and volun­ kitchen. J. Robinson was the acoompanist. report and findings of the commit­ smashed* two panes of glass, Tees­ The meeting was arranged by the tee concerning the town council’s dale magistrates were told on tary organisations whose aim is to He suggested that the Depart­ act as intermediaries between health ment of the Environment be asked devotional .section. A warm invita­ review of local facilities was pre­ Wednesday. tion was given to everyone to join sented and agreed by the members. Farr pleaded guilty to damaging and social services and the people to upgrade its listing, so that the of Teesdale. Mrs J. Wilson thanked council could have more control in these meetings every Friday at Plans were also discussed for the the kiosk. He was fined £25 with 7-30 p.m. annual Christmas outing. Quite a lot But they're not things you It means that with every bag of £10 costs and ordered to pay £6-87 her for her very interesting talk. over any extension that was wanted can handle and weigh. They can be Hargreaves fertiliser comes an assurance for repairs. Mrs Stringer, one of the visitors, by a new owner. summed up though, in two short phrases. % of consistent quality correct analysis and won the surprise parcel. Councillors agreed to this, but Technical services. And quality control. good condition. Talk to Hargreaves— It was stated that as a result of the girl’s call, PC Thwaites went Members later attended a No. 3 it was pointed out that sympathetic AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND , Hargreaves sell direct to the farmer it's a good idea that's growing. ADVISORY SERVICE to the kiosk, and found her inside group meeting at the branch under consideration would be given to and get to know his problems-and his soil— Hargreaves Fertiliserlndustries Limited the chairmanship of Mrs M. Cat- alterations, provided the design and Northern Division, Pinfold Lane, Bridlington. with Parr still out on the pave­ at first hand Our technical background ton. materials were acceptable. doesn't stay in the background It comes to Tel: Bridlington 75201 ment. WINTER FEED CLINIC the farm. We offer services like soil sampling The girl complained that Parr | H | and crop walking free of charge. If you w ant to grow; talk to us. had kicked her, but there was no EXTRA BEDS Discuss rations and costs with a Nutrition Chemist at the h i A s for quality control, all our aranular sign of any injury. But the officer Mr and Mrs A. Roberts have CHARGE DENIED Market Caravan fertilisers go through an auto-analyser saw the smashed glass and booked been given the go-ahead to convert Colin Young, 35, of 16 Dawson which monitors the production stream, are Parr for that offence. a building to provide bed and Road, Barnard Castle, pleaded not constantly measured for moisture levels In oourt Parr said the damage breakfast facilities at West Netlepot, guilty at Teesdale Court on Wed­ Next WEDNESDAY, 19th OCTOBER and daily tested for storage quality was an accident. He meant to kick Lunedale. They have to provide nesday to stealing a bicycle worth the side of the kiosk to make the some car parking spaces and do £5 from Kevin Jackson. The case MAURICE STAN BURY girl let him in. landscaping. was adjourned.