
High-impact in AUTHOR Valentı´ Rull ϳ PDVSA Exploration, : Production and Upgrading—Caracas, Venezuela, PA1394, P.O. Box 02-5304, Miami, Applications from Venezuela Florida, 33102–5304; [email protected] Valentı´Rull has worked in Venezuela since (northern South America) 1981. He is a biologist and holds an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. in . He Valentı´ Rull worked at Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research-IVIC as a palynologist from 1981 to 1989 and at Petro´leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) Exploration and Production as a ABSTRACT senior palynologist since 1990. He has been chairman of Past Global Changes (PAGES) at This article documents the application of high-impact palynology the International Geosphere-Biosphere (HIP) in the Maracaibo Basin of Venezuela and its influence on such Programme (IGBP) for Venezuela since 1997. exploration and production aspects as regional planning and strat- He has conducted basic and applied research egies, risk reduction, optimal drilling decisions and investment, pe- in ecostratigraphy, biogeography, , troleum-system modeling, new discoveries, and secondary recovery , and paleoecology of the by fluid injection, among others. High-impact palynology has been Neotropics, from Late Cretaceous to defined as the coupling of high-resolution sequence , . He has taught palynology, multidisciplinary work, and the alignment of palynology with the paleoecology, and ecostratigraphy at the IVIC and the Central University of Venezuela attainment of business goals. The first part of this article explains (UCV). Rull has published approximately 65 the high-resolution ecostratigraphic methods used and the concept journal articles, 50 congress abstracts, and 60 of integrated work applied. The second part of the article shows technical reports. His personal Web site is the results obtained in selected case studies, which illustrate the Ͻhttp://mipagina.cantv.net/valenti/ advantages of HIP. Among the most relevant studies are high-res- vrchome.htmϾ olution ecostratigraphic frames at a basin level, timing between structural trap formation and oil migration, differentiation of pe- troleum systems in adjacent reservoirs, the concept of palynoblocks ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in structurally complex areas to estimate missing sections, strati- This article is dedicated to the memory of Fer- graphical models for exploratory wells with better predictions of nando Cassani. I feel especially indebted to M. target horizons, fine-scale reservoir correlations, and discovery of Antonieta Lorente for constant support and new reservoirs. The use of HIP in other areas is recommended, with encouragement. Special thanks to Estela Di palynology as a common in-house practice within multidisciplinary Giacomo and Mercedes Hidalgo for their help teams formed especially for each specific task. in palynology, and Carlos de Sousa in compu- tation. Many people contributed during the development of the case studies presented. INTRODUCTION Among them, I would like to mention J. F. Ar- minio, F. Cassani, I. Dura´n, A. Fasola, F. Galea, H. Gamero, S. Ghosh, M. C. Go´mez, R. Higgs, In the oil industry, palynology is a stratigraphic tool especially use- S. Mederos, G. Norris, P. Pestman, R. Pittelli, ful in the study of rocks deposited in continental, coastal, and C. Poumot, O. Quintero, M. Ruiz, J. Schiller, I. shallow-marine settings. Palynological analyses are used mainly for Truskowski, and M. Vela´squez. The critical re- chronostratigraphic correlations, paleoenvironmental studies, and view of three referees (L. Maher and two the evaluation of potential source rocks. The integration of paly- anonymous reviewers) and the associate edi- nology with other geological disciplines, such as sedimentology, tor (J. Kupecz) notably contributed to the im- provement of the manuscript. I am also grate- ful to J. Crux for grammatical revision. Copyright ᭧2002. The American Association of Petroleum . All rights reserved. Manuscript received June 4, 1999; revised manuscript received February 26, 2001; final acceptance June 25, 2001.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 2 (February 2002), pp. 279–300 279 geophysics, , and petrophysics, is needed METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK for geological modeling and petroleum system studies, which in turn are essential for planning and developing Two main methodological aspects are discussed; one better exploration strategies and for optimizing reser- is conceptual, dealing with ecostratigraphy and other voir exploitation. Good examples of the benefit that quantitative methodologies, and the other organiza- palynology has provided to the oil industry through tional, dealing with the functioning of exploration time are given by Hopping (1967) and McGregor et and production teams and tasks. al. (1996). The recent development of new geological con- Ecostratigraphy cepts and methods, such as sequence stratigraphic analysis and high-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) Ecostratigraphy is related to the nature of the seismic technology, has caused significant changes in record. As a discipline based on organic evolution, stratigraphic work. In palynology, and in general in which is directional and nonreversible, palynology biostratigraphy, the classical qualitative or semiquan- considers the ranges of palynomorphs as chronostra- titative studies based on selected marker taxa have tigraphic markers. Indeed, global first and last ap- been enhanced with modern quantitative methods pearances (FAD, LAD) are unique and have chro- that use the whole palynological assemblage (includ- nological meaning. These events, however, can be ing particulate organic matter), high-resolution sam- distorted locally by environmental factors (and, of pling, and multivariate statistical methods (examples course, diagenesis). For example, a LAD could result are presented in Jansonius and McGregor [1996] not from extinction but from the lack of suitable and Jones and Simmons [1999]). To refer to this environments locally for fossil-producing organisms. new approach, Armentrout (1996) used the term Therefore, differences in the environmental toler- ”high-resolution sequence biostratigraphy” (HRSB). ance of these organisms are potentially distorting the Biostratigraphy is no longer viewed as a service, as fossil record. As a result, in the classical biostrati- it was in the past, but as a part of integrated team- graphic frame, are commonly separated into work projects. The integration of HRSB with other chronological and environmental markers, the latter disciplines to develop integrated geological teams has being commonly downgraded as less reliable or bad determined the alignment of biostratigraphy with chronostratigraphic markers. the attainment of business goals, which is called by Modern biostratigraphic concepts, however, are Payne et al. (1999) ”high-impact biostratigraphy” changing this view. Martinsson (1973) introduced (HIB). the concept of ecostratigraphy to develop a new ap- The purpose of the present article is to docu- proach that encompasses all the ecological (biotic ment the application of high-impact palynology and abiotic) aspects in . The basic prem- (HIP) approaches in the Maracaibo Basin (Vene- ise is that evolution does not proceed on isolated zuela) through the analysis of selected case studies. taxa but in the frame of ecosystems and is, there- This is done to open to a wider audience of petro- fore, intimately associated with the ecological suc- leum geologists and related professionals several of cession (Margalef, 1986). Environmental factors, far the potentialities that palynology can offer, as well from being distorting signals, provide the basis for as to encourage beginner biostratigraphers to use more accurate correlations (Brenner and McHargue, these methods. This article is not intended as a re- 1988). They are especially useful in three types of vision but as a methodological update. phenomena: (1) eustatically driven ecological events, The article is divided into two sections, one (2) ecological events at a basin level (for example, methodological and other practical. The first part in- regional anoxic and orogenic events), and (3) global troduces the methods used and their theoretical climatic changes (Brenner and McHargue, 1988; foundations. Emphasis is on ecostratigraphic meth- Gladenkov, 1990; Olo´ riz et al., 1996). Events are ods, mainly palynocycles and ecologs, because they restricted in space, but if the geographical domain have been intensively used in the study area; how- in which they occur is known, a space-dependent ever, other methods are also documented. The sec- stratigraphy is possible. In some cases, this stratig- ond part of the article illustrates the results obtained raphy could be local, but in others (for example, in in selected case studies using ecostratigraphy and eustatic and glacial cycles), it can have a worldwide other quantitative methods and integrated work. extent.

280 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) Ecostratigraphy is a challenge for classical biostra- mangrove open forests that expand because of cli- tigraphy, but it is a more realistic approach to the com- mate cooling. munity behavior in time (Rull, 1997a). Evolutionary 5. Herbs. Just before the lowest sea level position, a events are not neglected; on the contrary, they are phase dominated by of herbs indicates placed in their correct context by recognizing that both the reduction of the mangrove fringe and the re- evolutionary change and ecological succession are in- colonization of coastal terrains by herbaceous termingled in the complex history of biotic systems communities. through time (Margalef, 1986; Rull, 1990). Ecostratigraphic techniques are synthetic, and Rull and Poumot (1997) added three groups (for- commonly deal with multivariate statistics, because ests, marine, and hinterland) for the Neotropics. For- they consider ecosystems rather than individual taxa. ests refer to coastal rain forests located behind the Therefore, ecostratigraphic techniques need represen- back-mangrove open forests, which began to develop tative counts (Rull, 1987; Poumot, 1989) to estimate between the palm and the mangrove phase, when both reliable fossil abundances and commonly deal with as- sea level and moisture were increasing. The marine semblage zones (Salvador, 1994). The two ecostrati- group comprises dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal graphic methods used in this article are palynocycles linings and commonly occurs slightly before or at the and ecologs, which are described in the following sec- same time as the mangrove phase. Hinterland is a tions; other, nonecostratigraphic methods are also group constituted by pollen from inland and mountain used and are explained in the corresponding communities (mainly savannas and mountain forests), examples. whose maximum is recorded in coastal when the sea level is reaching its lowermost position Palynocycles (before or at the same time as the herb group). The term ”palynocycle” was introduced by Poumot Palynocycles of the same nature, although with (1989), but the concept of palynological cycle was pro- different floristic components because of biogeograph- posed by Van der Hammen (1957), who found a cyclic ical differences, have been recognized in the character in the palynological record of northern South and Neogene of tropical areas from Africa, Asia, and America, related to astronomically driven climatic cy- South America (Poumot, 1989; Poumot and Suc, cles. Poumot (1989) made a detailed paleoecological 1994; Lorente and Contreras, 1997; Rull and Poumot, study of palynocycles, showing their dependence on 1997; Van der Zwan and Brugman, 1999), reinforcing the effect of eustatic events on coastal ecosystems. As their global nature. Furthermore, several have been a result, the sequential record of fossil pollen assem- correlated with the second-, third-, and fourth-order blages turned into a practical tool for the study of sea global eustatic cycles of Haq et al. (1987). level oscillations and their phases, which are linked to particular depositional systems tracts. Five of these as- Ecologs semblages were important (Figure 1a). Biologs are logs based on biological properties of fossils (Reyment, 1980). A special type of biolog is the 1. Ferns. During the lowermost sea level phase, ero- ecolog, which considers relative frequencies of fossils sion and transport predominate, and the coastal pol- in the assemblages, as well as physical and chemical len assemblages are dominated by fern from properties of sediments in which they are included. coastal swamps and inland forest, transported by Rull (1992) used two types of palynological ecologs, rivers. the paleovegetational index and the salinity index. The 2. Palms. At the beginning of sea level rise, a peak former is the ratio between the scores of two significant of palm pollen is recorded, due to the ability of principal components representing different vegeta- palms to colonize incipient prograding sandy tion types. If this index is built using lower coastal plain accumulations. and alluvial plain components, it can be considered a 3. Mangroves. In the maximum transgression, an in- tidal limit index (TLI), roughly indicating the limit of crease of mangrove pollen is common, owing to the the saline-water influence (Rull, 1997b). Using the combination of a high and stable sea level and a coastal association as the numerator, high TLI values wetter climate. represent increased marine influence, whereas low TLI 4. Open forests. The initial regressive stages are char- values indicate regression. Consequently, TLI maxi- acterized by a maximum of pollen from back- mums (M) should coincide with flooding surfaces, and

Rull 281 Figure 1. Original definition of palynocycles. (a) Generalized (a) transect of coastal vegetation zones for the tropics of Asia and Africa (redrawn from Poumot, 1989). (b) Hypothetical example showing the strati- high tides graphic expression of palyno- low tides RAIN OPEN cycles (Rull and Poumot, 1997). SAVANNA FOREST FOREST MANGROVE Curves represent pollen per- centages, and black areas are significant peaks or values (b) above the mean. Only the five main phases (1–5) originally SPORES PALMAE MANGROVE OPEN FOREST GRAMINEAE described by Poumot (1989) are depicted (see text for 5 details). (c) Correspondence be- tween the phases of the palyn- 4 ocycles and the depositional systems of the sequence strati- graphic analysis (Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Posamentier et 3 al., 1988; Poumot, 1989; Homewood et al., 1992; Rull 2 2 PALYNOCYCLE ס and Poumot, 1997). HST 1 ס highstand systems tract, TST 5 transgressive systems tract, LST DEPTH lowstand systems tract, SB ס ס sequence boundary, MFS ס maximum flooding surface. 4


(c) HST high

Sea TST level



4-Open palynological 1-Spores3-Mangrove 1-Spores phases 2-Palms forest 5-Herbs

palynocycle 1 palynocycle 2

282 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) TLI minimums (m) should represent sequence bound- prevented the development of sequence-stratigraphic aries. The salinity index (SI) is the ratio between the studies in the classical way (Rull, 1997b), but many relative frequencies of marine and freshwater fossil re- others are possible and useful, depending on the bio- mains, commonly from planktonic organisms. The geographical region and the problem under study. For most common marine palynomorphs are organic- example, Wiggins and Hill (1987) used the ecological walled dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal linings. shift plot, which is the ratio between pollen and The common freshwater components are the colonial characteristic of either warm or cold climatic extremes. algae Pediastrum and Botryococcus (Chlorophyta). Be- Its application to the Tertiary of Alaska helped with cause of the tolerance of some of these organisms to regional basin correlations. intermediate brackish waters, however, a simple statis- tical test (for example, linear correlation) should be Integrated Work done previously to choose the most suitable indicators (Rull, 1992, 1997b). High SI values are related to Concerning the organizational aspects of petroleum transgressions, and low values represent regressive exploration and exploitation, palynology (and biostra- phases. When used together, these two ecologs show tigraphy, in general) is no longer considered a lateral close correspondence, supporting the validity of their discipline or a service (either in-house or not). The aim theoretical foundations (Figure 2). of this article is not to erect a discussion on the his- The two ecologs presented in this article have been torical causes for that; an excellent summary is in especially useful in continental and coastal sediments, Payne et al. (1999). According to Payne et al. (1999), where the scarcity or absence of , calcar- in the old model of perception of the geoscience com- eous nannofossils, and other usual marine fossils has munity, much of the geological and petroleum-system

Figure 2. Comparison of pa- leovegetational and salinity in- dices in a Tertiary section from the Maracaibo Basin (modified from Rull, 1992). The salinity in- ס dex used in this case was SI ,e/[(0.1 ם M)/(0.1 ם ln[(F Salinity index Paleovegetation index where F is the sum of fresh-

ChronostratigraphyPollenzones-0.8-0.400.4 -1.001.0 Globalcycles water fossils and M is the sum of the marine fossils. Therefore, negative values represent TA higher salinities, and negative MFS 3.3 peaks are maximums of marine influence. The paleovegetational SB 46.5 ם ln[(C ס index used was TLI e, where C is/[(0.1 ם MFS 0.1)/(I SB TA the scores of the principal com- 3.2 MFS ponent representing the most distal vegetation belt and I is

MIDDLEEOCENE E.trianguliformis SB 48.5 the principal component associ- ated with the innermost plant associations. By construction, TA the curves are inverse. The co- 3.1 MFS incidence of inland ecosystems and freshwaters suggests se-

Y SB 49.5 Ma quence boundaries (SB), MFS TA whereas the coupling of saline

R.felix EARL

EOCENE 2.9 waters and shore plant commu- nities indicates maximum flood- ס ing surfaces (MFS). TA Saline Fresh Inland Coastal Tejas A.

Rull 283 modeling proceeded by itself, with only occasional bio- Gulf of Atlantic stratigraphic input. Biostratigraphy was considered a N Mexico static science useful only as a chronostratigraphic tool Riecito in regional exploration and unreliable in establishing Mach outcrop Caribbean Sea valid fine-resolution correlation frames at a reservoir scale. In part, this is due to the classic perception of Mara-Maracaibo area biostratigraphy (see previous discussion), in which large-scale correlation potential is high but strati- Well graphic resolution is low. Quantitative high-resolution F-3 biostratigraphic methods, however, have been pro- Center Lake gressively established, determining an outstanding im- provement in the subregional correlation power. This Block III has increased the confidence in the biostratigraphic Lake methods within the new geological framework and Maracaibo contributed to the incorporation of this discipline into Ceuta integrated teamwork projects. In the new model (Payne et al., 1999), HIB is fully integrated into team- work projects, with a continuous interaction and feed- South Lake Rio Chama block back, just as any other component of the geological outcrop 100 km study. In this way, the usefulness of biostratigraphy is largely enhanced, because the results are placed in the correct context, with subsequent benefits for petro- Figure 3. Map of the Lake Maracaibo area, indicating the sites and areas discussed in the case studies. leum geology. Moreover, biostratigraphers have addi- tional stimulus for creativity provided by the existence of definite goals and questions to answer. and Poumot (1997) using late Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene well sections. As a result, a preliminary sub- CASE STUDIES division into 21 palynocycles, corresponding to third- order eustatic cycles, was made (Figure 6). Further Examples in this section are a selection from the rou- studies on well cores and outcrops reported additional tine work I developed during the last decade at Petro´- third-order palynocycles from the Paleocene and early– leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) Exploration, Pro- middle Eocene (Rull, 1998, 2000). Furthermore, these duction, and Upgrading in the Maracaibo Basin (Figure studies ascertained numerous lower order palynocycles 3), using high-impact palynology. The examples range with a periodicity between 200 and 400 k.y. on average from exploration planning of new areas to well-drilling that were related to Milankovitch orbital cycles. More control, including poorly documented aspects of the studies are needed for the establishment of a new pa- palynological work, such as, for example, fine-resolu- lynostratigraphy of this type, but several tests in tion reservoir correlation. different areas and ages have shown that it has high potential (Rull and Lorente, 1999). In addition, palyn- High-Resolution Stratigraphy at a Basin Level ocycle methodology has been used successfully in the Maracaibo Basin in tectonic interpretations (Lorente A detailed and well-calibrated stratigraphic framework and Contreras, 1997) and high-resolution reservoir is essential for a realistic geological model. In the Ma- correlation (Gamero et al., 1997), as can be seen in racaibo Basin, the classical palynological zonations more detail in further examples. based mainly on taxon-range and concurrent-range zones (Figures 4, 5), have been the base for a successful Correlations and Reservoir Tracking exploration history. With the growing use of sequence stratigraphy, the search for a palynological stratigraphy The following example shows how ecostratigraphy en- related to global eustatic cycles has led to the appli- hances the stratigraphic resolution, improving regional cation of new techniques, such as, for example, Pou- correlations and reservoir tracking. In the Mara- mot’s palynocycles. A first attempt was made by Rull Maracaibo area, Eocene sediments are remarkably

284 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) Ranges of the key sporomorph markers for the Late Cretaceous and the Cenozoic in northern South America (redrawn from Muller et al., 1987). Figure 4.

Rull 285 NANNO- FORAMINIFERS NORTHERN SOUTH AMERICA VENEZUELA SERIES STAGES PLANKTON (Berggren et (1) (2) (Martini, 1971) al.,1995) ZONATION (Muller et al., 1987) (Lorente, 1986) PLEISTOCENE CALABRIAN 31-Alnipollenites verus 1.65 1.77 NN19 PT1 IX-Alnipollenites

NN18 PL6 GELASIAN 2.6 LATE NN17 PL5 E/A PIACENZIAN PL4 VIII-Fenestrites 3.5 3.55 NN16 30-Echitricolporites mcneillyi PL3 longispinosus ZANCLEAN NN14-NN15 PL2 Pc EARLY 5.2 5.3 NN13 PL1 PLIOCENE NN12 Se 6.3 MESSINIAN 7.12 NN11 M14(N17) M13(N16) LATE 10.2 11.2 NN10 29-Echitricolporites spinosus VII-Asteraceae TORTONIAN NN8-NN9 NN7 M7-M12 SERRAVALLIAN NN6 VI-Grimsdalea 15.2 14.8 M7(N10) 28-Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni MIDDLE NN5 M6(N9) V-Crassoretitriletes LANGHIAN M5(N8) 16.2 16.4 NN4 M4(N7) M3(N6) IV-Psiladiporites BURDIGALIAN NN3 MIOCENE 20.0 20.5 27-E. maristellae/P. minimus EARLY M2(N5) III-Verrutricolporites AQUITANIAN NN2 26-V. rotundiporus/E. barbeitoensis 25.2 23.8 M1(N4) "Interzone" NN1 LATE CHATTIAN NP25 P22 30.0 28.5 P21 I-Magnastriatites-Cicatri NP24 25-M. grandiosus/C. dorogensis cosisporitesdorogensis RUPELIAN P20 EARLY NP23 P19 36.0 NP22 OLIGOCENE 33.7 P18 NP21 P17 P16 24-Echiperiporites estelae NP19-20 LATE PRIABONIAN 23-Janmulleripollis pentaradiatus 39.4 37.0 NP18 P15

NP17 22-Bombacacidites foveoreticulatus BARTONIAN P14 P13 42.0 41.3 MIDDLE NP16 21-Retitricolporites guianensis


20-Bombacacidites soleaformis LUTETIAN P11 NP15 19-Retitricolpites magnus P10 NP14 18-Echitriporites trianguliformis 49.0 49.0 NP13 P9 YPRESIAN NP12 P7 P8 EARLY 54.8 NP11 17-Rugutricolporites felix 54.0 NP10 P6 NP9 P5 THANETIAN NP8 57.9 NP7 16-Foveotricolpites perforatus NP6 P4 LATE SELANDIAN NP5 60.2 60.9 P3 15-Gemmastephanocolpites gemmatus NP4 P2 EARLY DANIAN NP3 P1 14-Spinizonocolpites baculatus

PALEOCENE NP2 66.5 65.0 NP1 CRETACEOUS MAASTRICHTIAN 13-Proteacidites dehaani Figure 5. Chronostratigraphic equivalence of the palynological zonations for northern South America and Venezuela (modified from Lorente et al., 1997). Ages of stage boundaries (in Ma) are according to (1) Haq et al. (1987) and (2) Berggren et al. (1995). thick, especially in the early Eocene, which encompass were deposited in continental and transitional environ- some of the prospective Tertiary reservoirs in the ments and are commonly devoid of planktonic fora- region. Correlation and well-drilling control have com- minifera and nannoplankton. The classical monly been handicapped, however, by the lack of suf- palynological zonation was not detailed enough to re- ficient biostratigraphic resolution. Eocene sediments solve stratigraphy at the reservoir scale. Indeed, the

Figure 6. Application of Poumot’s palynocycles methodology to the Maracaibo Basin (Rull and Poumot, 1997). (a) Example of well F-3 (Figure 3). used correspond to Figure 5. Eustatic cycles and sequence boundaries (in Ma) are according to Haq et al. (1987). The original phases of palynocycles as described by Poumot (1989) are in capital letters. Other intermediate phases were represented by single-taxa groups (Deltoidospora adriennis, Spinizonocolpites echinatus, Clavatricolporites leticiae, and Echitriporites trianguliformis) that are abundant but of doubtful or unknown ecological affinity. Their situation within the sequence is tentative. (b) Palynocycles obtained in the four wells (M-1 and F-1 to F-3) studied by Rull and Poumot (1997). The composite column of all the palynocycles found is called ”general” and is correlated with the Tertiary global eustatic cycles of Haq et al. (1987), at right.

286 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) BIOZONATIONS (a) WELL F-3 0 100% ATICCYCLES YNOCYCLES



CHRONOSTRA- EUST PAL PLANKTON SPORESD. adriennisPALMS FORESTS MICROPLANKTON MANGROVE S. echinatusC. leticiaeE. trianguliformisOPEN FORESTHERBS 100 SB 37 220 340 460 580 700 820 ? 940 4.2 TA 1060 1170 1310 SB 38 1432 1554 1642 1760 1878 P13 - P14 1990


NP18 2237 TA 4.1 TA 2357 2478 2598 2718 2831 2937 SB 39.5 3050 23 - 24 3170

3280 3.6 A NP17 3390 T 3500 SB 40.5 3610 3720 ? 3818 A 3.5 A F-3.1 F-3.2 F-3.3 F-3.4

3915 T 4035 4157 SB 42.5 NP16


22 ? ? 4395


PCY23 F-2.9 3.3 6.3 F-2.8 PCY24 TB3 3.2 8.2 LATE F-2.7 PCY22 3.1 10.5 2.6 12.5 F-1.4 PCY21 2.5 13.8 F-1.3 PCY20 2.4 TB2 15.5 MIDDLE F-1.2 PCY19 2.3 16.5 MIOCENE F-1.1 PCY18 2.2 Y 17.5 2.1 21.0 1.5

EARL 22.0 F-2.6 PCY15 1.4 25.5 F-2.5 PCY14 TB1 1.3 26.5 F-2.4 PCY13 1.2 28.4 OLIGOCENE F-2.3 PCY12 1.1 30.0 F-2.2 PCY11 4.5 33.0 F-2.1 PCY10 4.4 36.0 TA4 4.3 37.0 F-3.4 PCY8 4.2 38.0 LATE F-3.3 PCY7 4.1 49.5 F-3.2 PCY6 3.6 40.5 F-3.1 PCY5 3.5 42.5 M-1.4 PCY4 TA3 3.4 EOCENE 44.0 M-1.3 PCY3 3.3 46.5

MIDDLE M-1.2 PCY2 3.2 48.5 M-1.1 PCY1 3.1

Rull 287 early Eocene was represented by a single pollen zone, lynocycle of G (Rull, 2000) (Figure 5); its sands were Rugutricolporites felix (Muller et al., 1987), accounting probably deposited in continental environments. for almost 5 m.y. (Figure 5). Several attempts to sub- These fourth- and fifth-order palynocycles have an av- divide this zone were made, but the chronostrati- erage duration of about 200 k.y.; hence, the related graphic value of the resulting assemblage subzones was depositional units are most probably parasequences. doubtful (Barbeito et al., 1985). As a result, the ac- The application of this high-resolution correlation curacy in the stratigraphic location of the reservoirs design contributed to the improvement of exploration within the early Eocene interval was not always satis- practices in the Mara-Maracaibo area in several ways. factory, and errors in correlation and reservoir tracking From a regional perspective, it defined more precisely due to lateral shifts were not uncommon. the stratigraphic interval of interest and made it easily To improve the stratigraphic resolution, part of the detectable in seismic lines and electric logs. This fur- Riecito Mache´ composite outcrop (Figure 3) was re- nished better tools for both planning and control of interpreted using ecostratigraphic techniques. The sec- exploratory drilling. Indeed, prospect proposals were tion studied embraces the late Paleocene–early Eocene more accurate, and, therefore, exploratory risk was re- and has enough sample density and sufficient pollen duced. Furthermore, operational drilling costs dimin- counts for ecostratigraphic purposes (Rull, 1999). Rull ished because of a better fit between predicted and ac- (1999) compared the results obtained using Poumot’s tual well stratigraphy, as well as a more confident palynocycles and a TLI ecolog. Both methods resolved appraisal of the reservoir depth. Additional benefits, the same cycles, which were correlated with third- not yet realized, would rely on (1) the possibility of order global eustatic sea level cycles (Rull, 2000). At reconsideration of former field development strategies, least eight palynological cycles could be determined, of in the light of the new stratigraphic knowledge, and which four, E–H, correspond to the early Eocene and (2) the usefulness of low-order cyclicity in fine- were correlated with the regional Eocene sand stratig- resolution reservoir correlation and its application to raphy of the Maracaibo Basin, as well as with reservoirs secondary recovery practices. of particular interest in the Mara-Maracaibo area (Fig- ure 7). In this way, sands C-3 and C-4 correspond to The Timing between Trap Formation and Oil Migration palynocycle H, sand C-5 corresponds to palynocycle G and the upper half of F, sand C-6 is close to the bound- A good example of integrated work with explicit goals ary between palynocycles E and F, and sand C-7 co- is provided by the exploratory survey of the northern incides with the major part of palynocycle F and the Andean foothills. At the beginning, extensive field top of D. Reservoirs 1 and 2 (R1 and R2) are located campaigns yielded enough samples for a broad litho- on the top of C-4 and C-5, respectively, which are as- bio-chronostratigraphic picture of the area, allowing sociated with the minimum 7 (m7, the third minimum evaluation of some exploratory possibilities and con- after the upper Paleocene–lower Eocene boundary), in straints (Boesi et al., 1985). Potential Cretaceous and the transition between palynological cycles G and H. Tertiary source rocks, reservoirs, and seals were iden- Reservoir 1 is at the beginning of palynocycle H, in tified as input for petroleum-system modeling. Because which palm pollen dominates (Rull, 2000) (Figure 4), this is a structurally complex area, however, the timing and is therefore associated with a transgressive systems between trap-forming tectonic events and oil migra- tract (TST). Reservoir 2 is at the end of cycle G, char- tion was considered a critical parameter. If migration acterized by a peak of pollen from hinterland forests had occurred first, there would be no need to continue and spores (Rull, 2000) (Figure 4), which is typical of exploration. Previous geochemical and structural stud- lowstand systems tracts (Figure 1). Fourth- and fifth- ies suggested that both oil migration and structure for- order palynocycles allowed higher resolution in this mation, associated with the initiation of the latest An- correlation frame. Indeed, palynocycles G and H could dean uplift, began in the Miocene (Gonza´lez de Juana be subdivided into two and four minor cycles, respec- et al., 1980; Blaser and White, 1984). Therefore, the tively (Rull, 2000) (Figure 5). Reservoir 1 corresponds existence of suitable traps before oil migration was to the lower half of the second minor palynocycle of questionable. H (Figure 7), associated with prograding phases (1–3) A subproject was designed to evaluate this risk, that are characterized by sand bars and beaches linked involving structural, sedimentological, geochemical, to the initial steps of sea level rise (Poumot, 1989). and biostratigraphic expertise. Geochemical studies Similarly, R2 coincides with the end of the second pa- showed that there was no new evidence against the

288 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) TLI scores Figure 7. Palynocycles and (a) LS CS PZ -1 0 1 2 PC ecologs in the Riecito Mache´ outcrop (Rull, 2000). (a) Tidal M8 C-3 limit index (TLI) correlated with H other stratigraphic features. R1 ;raw data ס C-4 Dotted line six-point ס m7 solid line R2 M7 G polynomial smoothing. Maxi- C-5 m6 mums (M1–M8) and minimums M6 F (m1–m7) of the smoothed C-6 ס m5 curve are noted. C-3–C-7 Misoa Formation LOWER EOCENE early Eocene sand bodies com- Rugutricolporites felix M5 E monly used in the Maracaibo position of ס C-7 Basin. R1–R2 m4 reservoirs of interest in the ס sands Mara-Maracaibo area. LS ס M4 D lithostratigraphy; CS ס chronostratigraphy; PZ m3 pollen zones of Muller et al. ,palynocycles ס PC ;(1987) M3 C according to Rull (2000). m2 (b) Decomposition of third- PALEOCENE M2 B order palynocycle H into lower

order palynocycles A–D using

UPPER the original phases of Poumot,

Marcelina Formation m1 which are indicated only for pa- Foveotricolpites perforatus A lynocycle H-B, as an example. ס M1 R1 reservoir 1.


Spores Palms MangrovesUnknownForests Herbs




B ? 4 3 Palynocyce H 2 R1

1 A

0 10 0 20 40 60 0 0 10 0 20 40 0 %

Rull 289 Miocene as the time for oil migration; therefore, the outstanding stratigraphic regional marker across the key parameter became the initiation of the latest An- whole basin, characterized by the unconformable dean orogeny. Efforts were concentrated in the post- Eocene–Miocene contact (Gonza´lez de Juana et al., Eocene section of the Rio Chama outcrop (Figure 3), 1980). Because Oligocene sediments had not been which was intensively resampled for foraminifera, pal- identified so far in the south lake area (because of the ynology, and sedimentology (Higgs and Mederos, lack of intensive biostratigraphic studies), this regional 1992). These three disciplines intersected in finding re- picture was assumed also to be valid for the South Lake worked Cretaceous and Eocene elements in almost all block. Therefore, seismic and log correlations were the samples of the Oligocene part of the Rio Chama constrained by this view, and exploration strategies fol- Formation. Biostratigraphic evidence mainly consisted lowed the traditional scheme based on the search for of the late Maastrichtian pollen form-species Proteaci- structural traps only. dites dehaani and the Eocene markers Echitriporites During the last decade, however, some new find- trianguliformis and Rugutricolporites felix, together with ings questioned this model. On the one hand, Oligo- common Cretaceous foraminifera and chert fragments cene sediments were undoubtedly identified in well A, from the Cretaceous La Luna Formation (Pittelli and situated in an adjacent block at the south, using pa- Rull, 1993; Rull, 1997c). This substantiates the pres- lynology and calcareous nannoplankton (Rojas et al., ence of upstream Cretaceous and Eocene outcrops in 1997). On the other hand, the reinterpretation of sev- a higher topographical position. Furthermore, sedi- eral seismic transects crossing the South Lake block led mentological analysis documented a shift in paleocur- to the finding of a wedge that, owing to its stratigraph- rents, which began to flow from the south-southeast in ical position, was most probably Oligocene in age (Mo- the Oligocene (Higgs and Mederos, 1992). Therefore, lano and Araujo, 1997). A multidisciplinary approach consistent indications existed of highlands situated in was thus undertaken to evaluate new possible strati- the same position as the present Andes, suggesting that graphic interpretations. The first significant result was mountain building had already begun. This supported the confirmation of the Oligocene age for the wedge the possibility of structural-trap formation before oil observed in the seismic lines. Indeed, the high-resolu- migration and encouraged continuing exploration. The tion palynological analysis carried out in well B iden- area is now under exploitation. tified Oligocene sediments in an interval previously in- terpreted as Miocene (Figure 8). The boundaries of this Stratigraphic Traps and Petroleum Systems Differentiation Oligocene interval coincided with the seismic markers interpreted as the sequence boundaries (SB) 25.0 and One of the contributions of sequence stratigraphy anal- 30.0, which could be traced in several seismic transects ysis to exploration is a better understanding of the or- and mapped (Figure 8). Further palynological analysis igin, types, and distribution of stratigraphic traps, along a major east-west transect enabled calibration of which are commonly associated with sedimentary Paleocene and Eocene seismic markers. In this way, a wedges and erosional surfaces. High-resolution paly- new stratigraphic picture emerged in which wedges nology integrated into a multidisciplinary team whose limited by erosional surfaces were the rule (Figure 8). goal was the stratigraphic reinterpretation of the south Three main units were recognized: a Paleocene lake area in a sequence stratigraphic context deter- wedge sharpening toward the east; an Eocene pinching mined a change in the traditional exploratory concepts out toward the west; and the Oligocene wedge, facing and practices. In the South Lake block (Figure 3), the to the east again. This stratigraphic arrangement was two known oil-bearing reservoirs of the Tertiary (C-2 interpreted as the result of successive tectonic events upper and C-2 lower) had been traditionally consid- at a regional level determining the tilting of the basin ered to lie in middle–upper Eocene sediments, close to in opposite directions, interrupted by phases of uplift the top of the Eocene (Figure 8). The top Eocene is an and/or low sea levels, which promoted erosion. In this

Figure 8. Tertiary stratigraphy in the South Lake block. (a) Palynostratigraphical section of a northeast-southwest transect and .(interpretation after the study reported in this article ס traditional interpretation; 2 ס detailed chronostratigraphy of well B (1 Palynological zones (14–25) are according to Muller et al. (1987), as detailed in Figures 4 and 5. Ages of sequence boundaries are according to Haq et al. (1987). (b) Seismic interpretation showing the palynologically dated sequence boundaries (modified from Molano and Araujo, 1997). (c) Map of the Oligocene wedge in the South Lake block. L-I–L-V are the seismic lines used to locate the control points (stars).

290 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) Rull 291 framework, the two reservoirs previously found in the tures (Arminio and Growcott, 1996; Rull and Lorente, area were in two different sedimentary units (Figure 1997). Other applications to oil geology are discussed 8), C-2 upper in the Oligocene and C-2 lower in the in more detail in the following case studies. Eocene. Furthermore, geochemical analysis showed In the Maracaibo Basin, an outstanding regional that their hydrocarbons were different in composition peneplanation subsurface exists in the unconformable (35Њ and 28Њ API, respectively) and origin. As a con- contact between the middle Eocene and the lower sequence, the oil accumulations were interpreted to Miocene. Upper Eocene and Oligocene sediments are belong to two different stratigraphically segregated pe- missing (Gonza´lez de Juana et al., 1980); however, the troleum systems, one developed to the east in the Eo- extent of the gap has not been settled and is still con- cene stratigraphic unit and the other to the west within troversial. In a regional survey carried out by Rull and Oligocene sediments. This was confirmed further by Lorente (1997) in the central area of the basin, five the production results of the block situated at the subsurficial palynoblocks, PZ17–PZ21, were defined southwest of the South Lake block, in which the pe- and mapped (Figure 9). The maximum diachronism of troleum system corresponding to the Oligocene unit the subsurface, that is, the maximum difference in age was identified and characterized. Nowadays, the Eo- between the palynoblocks, was estimated at 10 m.y. cene of the South Lake block is being intensively re- (see Figure 9). This suggests the existence of a signifi- studied from an exploratory point of view, using a cant paleorelief before the terminal Eocene erosive combined structural/stratigraphic approach in the event. To quantify the magnitude of the eroded sedi- search for traps. ments, it was assumed that missing sections in older palynoblocks (those topped by older pollen zones) are Concept and Use of Palynoblocks: Paleostructures, Burial similar in thickness to sediments preserved in the History, and Reservoir Prediction younger ones. In this way, the missing section in a given palynoblock could be estimated as the difference in A palynoblock is a tectonic block, that is, limited by depth between its top and the corresponding isochro- faults, characterized by the occurrence of a single pal- nous boundary in an adjacent palynoblock (Figure 9). ynological zone in its top, and designated according to The actual estimates range between about 250 and this palynological zone. For example, PZ17 denotes a 1700 m in palynoblocks PZ21 and PZ17, respectively. palynoblock topped by palynological zone 17 (Rull and The real values, however, should be larger, because the Lorente, 1997). The original definition uses the zona- upper part of the top palynological zone of each pa- tion of Muller et al. (1987), but any other scheme can lynoblock has probably been eroded as well. Further- be applied. Similarly, palynostratigraphic units other more, using the average sedimentation rates for the than zones (for instance, superzones, subzones, etc.) middle Eocene (ϳ160 m/m.y.) and the duration of can be employed. As a consequence, a palynoblock is palynological zones 23–25 (about 13 m.y.), the thick- a concept holding both tectonic and chronostrati- ness of the upper Eocene–Oligocene section can be es- graphic attributes, with interesting but still largely timated to about 2000 m. Therefore, the total thick- unexplored applications. For instance, a palynoblock ness of the missing section would range between 2250 mapping of a given area provides an immediate chro- and 3700 m, depending on the palynoblock consid- nological picture in space, and the interpretation of the ered. These results were of immediate utility in the relative movement of tectonic blocks can be straight- understanding of petroleum systems, via the recon- forward. This has been of great help to infer the tec- struction of burial history. Indeed, dissimilar thermal tonic evolution of the central area of the Maracaibo gradients and maturation patterns in different Basin during the Paleocene, which is characterized by palynoblocks were explained by differences in the sed- the alternation of several extensive and compressive imentary gaps, which could be quantified using the pa- events that reactivated and inverted preexisting struc- lynoblock methodology. This provides more accurate

Figure 9. Application examples of palynoblocks in the central Lake Maracaibo (a, b) and Ceuta areas (c, d). Palynological zones, in numbers, are according to Figure 5. (a) Map of the Eocene subsurface palynoblocks defined in the central Lake Maracaibo area. (b) Schematic picture of the contact between two hypothetical palynoblocks (PZ18 and PZ21), illustrating the minimum estimation top ס for the missing section d. (c) Seismic interpretation of an east-west transect across the Pueblo Viejo fault system in Ceuta. E top Cretaceous. (d) Map and schematic ס top Paleocene; K ס top of Misoa Formation (early–middle Eocene); P ס Eocene; M palynostratigraphic correlation of Eocene palynoblocks at both sides of the Pueblo Viejo fault system in Ceuta.

292 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) (a) (b)

PZ21 N 5 km PZ21 PZ18 PZ20 VLE-400 fault 21 18

PZ19 20 Lama-Icotea fault d

19 PZ17 PZ21 PZ21 18 PZ17 PZ21 PZ21 PZ21



E E M P K P K Pueblo Viejofault system Pueblo Viejofault (c) 2 km


NW 19/20 19/20 SE WELL 1 WELL 5 20 19/20 18 19 18 21 21 21 21 18 4500 18 17 17 PZ21 5000 17 N 17 14 20 PZ20 ? 18-20 WELL 3 18-20 0 indet.

19 ? WELL 2 WELL 4 1000’ 5500 ft 17 17 5000 2 km

Rull 293 input parameters for geochemical modeling and re- wells of the same area, as well as seismic interpreta- source evaluation, which increases the confidence of tions. Currently, the biostratigraphy contributes to the the results and diminishes the exploratory risk. model by identifying certain key horizons, such as, for Another example from the Ceuta area (Figure 3) example, formation tops, which should successively be shows the application of the palynoblock concept to a found during the drilling. This contribution can be no- reservoir scale. The interpretation of an east-west seis- tably enhanced, however, as noted in the following mic transect crossing the Pueblo Viejo fault system ex- example. posed a thickening of Eocene strata in the eastern side In the Mara area (Figure 3), a first stratigraphic (Figure 9). This thickening was especially evident in model for the exploratory well P-1X was based on ex- the middle Eocene, which contains several important trapolations from regional seismic lines because no reservoirs within the B sands. A multidisciplinary pro- wells existed in the vicinity (5 km or less). The ex- ject involving the palynological study of the middle Eo- ploratory objective of the well was the so-called middle cene (zones 18–22) in several key wells was carried out Eocene sands, situated at about 1050 m depth, accord- to elucidate the exploratory significance of this seismic ing to the first stratigraphic model (Figure 10). The feature. That project discovered that the east side of evaluation of the palynological information existent in the fault system was a PZ21 palynoblock, younger than neighbor fields from the same region, however, showed PZ20, located at the west side. This indicates that the interesting and useful spatial trends. Indeed, both the western block had been topographically more elevated early and middle Eocene tops showed a roughly linear before the peneplanation, which removed zones 21 descending trend (in depth) in the northwest-southeast and younger from the top. A further intrablock de- direction (Figure 10b). The top of the middle Eocene tailed study showed that the thickening observed in sands followed the same tendency and was consistently seismic lines at the east was due to a greater thickness situated 150–180 m below the middle Eocene top. The of palynological zones 18–20, indicating that faulting exploratory well P-1X was situated in the middle of was active during their sedimentation. Therefore, the these trends, and, therefore, these three datums were thicker reservoirs within B sands should be expected estimated by linear interpolation. Furthermore, the to be on the east side of the fault, that is, in the younger depth and stratigraphic extension of the Eocene– palynoblock. Similar case studies from the same region Miocene unconformity was predicted using the same yielded the same results, allowing confirmation of two palynological studies. By comparison with the regional rules in the exploration of highly tectonized areas: data, this hiatus should omit palynological zones 19– (1) the contact between two palynoblocks is a good 25, representing most of the middle Eocene, the late area for prospecting because faulting can provide seal- Eocene, and the entire Oligocene (approximately 23 ing, and (2) thicker reservoirs can be expected in the m.y.). Finally, the Paleocene and Cretaceous tops were younger palynoblocks. also prognosticated, using the known depths of their corresponding palynological zones (Figure 5) measured Enhanced Palynosteering and Well-Drilling Control in wells from neighboring fields. This furnished a pal- Improvement ynological stratigraphic model that fit almost exactly with the observed tops during the drilling (Figure 10). Well-site biostratigraphy is a long-established tool for Especially useful was the accuracy in the determination the stratigraphic control of drilling (for example, de- of the top of target sands before the previously ex- termination of the stratigraphic position of the drill bit, pected depth and the absence of Cretaceous rocks in coring and casing points, and total depths), which con- the section penetrated, contrary to the prediction of tributes to lower drilling costs (Payne et al., 1999). the first model. From an economic point of view, the Commonly, wells are monitored during their drilling application of the palynological model resulted in a by comparison with a stratigraphic model based on lower investment (otherwise, additional drilling would previous studies (including biostratigraphy) in other be necessary to reach the Cretaceous) and a reduced

Figure 10. Example of enhanced palynosteering and well-drilling control. (a) Stratigraphic models proposed before the drilling of well P-1X as compared with the final electric log. Model 1 was based on regional seismic interpretation and model 2 on palynology (details in the text). Actual tops are indicated in the log by arrows. Ages according to Berggren et al. (1995). (b) Graphical display of the palynological method for estimating the tops of the middle Eocene, the early Eocene, and the target sands in well P-1X, using linear interpolation. Estimated depths of the tops (gray symbols) are indicated with arrows in the depth scale.

294 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) Rull 295 exploratory risk. Indeed, the calibration of the time/ rated by the SB 44.0, which is a major boundary iden- depth curve considering the tops identified and the ex- tified in the whole Maracaibo Basin (Ghosh et al., tension and duration of the Eocene–Miocene hiatus re- 1997). As a consequence, these two sand units were sulted in a more precise knowledge of thermal and deposited in different sequences and were interpreted maturity properties in depth, thus helping in the iden- as independent flux units and, therefore, as different tification of the more prospective sand intervals. reservoir compartments (Gamero et al., 1997). This new sedimentological model notably impacted the de- Reservoir Correlation and Enhanced Recovery cisions in the water injection project, which is now suc- cessfully implemented. Intrareservoir correlations are particularly difficult in fields with complex lithostratigraphy and/or strong High-Resolution Palynology and a New Discovery tectonic influence, where the internal reservoir archi- tecture is disturbed by faults and frequent lateral facies The application of high-resolution ecostratigraphic shifts. In these cases, ecostratigraphic methods can pro- studies together with the use of the palynoblock con- vide a detailed chronostratigraphic and paleoenviron- cept allowed calibration and reinterpretation of seismic mental frame as the basis for high-resolution sequence- profiles and the finding of unknown oil accumulations. stratigraphic interpretations. The following example In the Center Lake area (Figure 3), it had been tradi- shows the contribution of this biostratigraphic ap- tionally accepted that all the reservoirs were within the proach to a multidisciplinary study (including seismic C sands. In the general stratigraphic column of the Ma- reinterpretation, sedimentology, petrophysics, and pal- racaibo Basin, the C sands underlay the B sands, ex- ynology) of enhanced recovery. tending from the early Eocene to the base of the mid- The studied reservoir is in block III of Lake Ma- dle Eocene (Gonza´lez de Juana et al., 1980). In the racaibo (Figure 3) and produces medium petroleum study area, however, most of the middle Eocene sedi- (19Њ API), mainly from the massive lower B sands of ments had been eroded, and, therefore, the B sands the Misoa Formation (middle Eocene). Of the total es- were apparently absent (Figure 12a). timated reserves of the reservoir, less than 15% have Using this assumption, a study was initiated to cor- been produced during the last 45 yr (Gamero et al., relate the reservoirs of the Center Lake block, as in the 1997). A program of secondary recovery was initiated example previously analyzed from block III. A very de- recently to increase the productivity. As a part of it, a tailed core sampling program was carried out for the novel geological model based on 3-D seismic data palynological study to obtain fine-resolution correla- caused a change in the strategy for reservoir manage- tions. The general palynostratigraphy indicated a thick- ment and recommended the injection of water to stim- ening of the middle Eocene sediments toward an as- ulate production (Gonza´lez et al., 1996). The lower B sumed depocenter situated at the north, beyond the sands, however, comprise two different units (B-6 and boundaries of the block. This fit well with the Eocene B-7), and the question of reservoir continuity through paleogeographic scheme for the Maracaibo Basin them remained open. A detailed study of cores em- known so far, and the trend was accepted to establish bracing both units was undertaken in a joint palyno- log correlations. The accurate palynological analysis of logical-sedimentological subproject. A middle Eocene the southernmost well H, however, revealed a strati- palynocycle containing the palynological zones 18 (up- graphic anomaly. Indeed, palynological zones 17 (early per part), 19, and 20 (lower part) was identified (Fig- Eocene) and 18 (base of the middle Eocene) were in a ure 11a). The maximum of mangroves coincided with lower stratigraphic position than in other wells, and a the maximum salinity index, thus indicating a maxi- new palynological zone (19, middle Eocene) was de- mum flooding surface (MFS), which was dated as 43.0 termined below the Eocene–Miocene unconformity Ma (Rull, 1998). The boundaries of the palynocycle (Figure 12a). This strongly suggested the presence of a were SB 42.5 (upper) and SB 44.0 (lower). The MFS body of B sands, which was further confirmed by seis- 43.0 was located in a shale layer situated in the contact mic and log reinterpretation (Figure 12b, c). After an between upper and lower B sands and is a regional cor- integrated teamwork task, the final model considered relation datum, which can be traced across the whole the existence of a normal fault between wells G and block using the electric logs (Figure 11b). Furthermore, H, which separate two subsurface palynoblocks (PZ18 this shale layer constitutes an effective sealing layer for and PZ19, respectively). In palynoblock PZ19, the lower B sand reservoirs. Sands B-6 and B-7 were sepa- body of B sands was more than 100 m thick, and it was

296 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) (a) Figure 11. Reservoir correla- tions in block III, Lake Mara- Salinity index fresh brackish caibo. (a) Example of palyno- 2900 -3 0 Pollen ZonesSPORESPALMS MANGROVES OPEN FORESTUNKNOWN cycle found in core samples SB (modified from Rull, 1998). The 20 5 42.5 1 2 unknown group is dominated 4 by Echitriporites trianguliformis, an extinct form-species with un- 3 known botanical affinity, possi- 19 MFS 43.0 bly related to continental plants 3000 intolerant of high temperatures

DEPTH (m) (Rull, 1999). Pollen zones of Muller et al. (1987) are indi- 1 2 5 cated at the left side (see also SB Figure 5), and the salinity index 18 44.0 according to Rull (1992, 1997b) 4 is at the right side. Values of 0 001020 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50% indicate fresh water, and 3מ 3100 values around zero are typical of brackish water. Note the ab- (b) I II III IV V VI sence of fully marine water throughout (3ם SB 39.5-42.5 (values up to the section. Ages follow the cal- ibration of Berggren et al. (1995). (b) Log correlation across block III using the key horizons provided by palynol- ogy (modified from Gamero et al., 1997) and the shale con-

Upper B sands taining the MFS 43.0 as the da- tum. Sand units B-6 and B-7 DATUM MFS 43.0 are indicated. Inset is a sketch B-6 SB 44.0 map of block III. B-6 B-6 B-7 B-7 B-7

I II III 100 m

Lower B sands Lower IV V 2 km VI considered worth evaluating for light oil. The drilling the alignment of palynology with the attainment of was successful, and the production of the area in- business goals, has enhanced exploration and exploi- creased by about 4000 bbl/day. tation results in the Tertiary of the Venezuelan Mara- caibo Basin. Selected case studies from my own expe- rience show how HIP has contributed to exploration CONCLUSIONS AND FINAL COMMENTS and production results, decisions, and planning. The development of a high-resolution ecostrati- During the last decade, the use of HIP procedures, graphic frame at a basin level is a long-term project that is, the integration of ecostratigraphic and fine- initiated in 1995 on Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, and resolution techniques with other geological work and Miocene sediments. So far, a preliminary subdivision

Rull 297 (a) North South A B CD E F G H 26 26Early Miocene 26 26 26 26 26 26 Middle Eocene 19 18 18 18 18 18 ? C-2/C-3 18 18 17 18 17 ? 17 17

Middle Eocene 17 A Early Eocene C-4 and lower B

17 D C 17 E 100 m F 5 km G H

G HI (b) G Early Miocene H (c) PZ-18 PZ-19 N S

top Eocene C2 C C3 R. magnus R. C2 B B C3

C Middle Eocene 100 m Middle Eocene E. trianguliformis E.

E. trianguliformis E. GR C

GR Figure 12. Case study of a new discovery using high-resolution palynostratigraphy and seismic and log reinterpretation. (a) General Eocene palynostratigraphy of a north-south transect in the Center Lake block. Palynological zones (17–19) are according to Figure 5. Letters A–H represent wells. Note the anomalous occurrence of zone 19 in well H. (b) Detail showing the different correlations of sand bodies in gamma-ray logs from wells G and H before (thin lines, C2 and C3) and after (thick lines, B, C) the high-resolution palynological study. (c) Magnified 3-D seismic image with the final interpretation in which normal faulting (thick line) separates two palynoblocks (PZ-18 and PZ-19), with different below the Eocene–Miocene unconformity (top Eocene).

298 High-Impact Palynology Applications (Venezuela) into third- and fourth-order cycles has provided a use- achievements in the Maracaibo Basin. Analogous re- ful correlation tool that has been applied with success sults could be expected in other areas with similar sed- to tectonic interpretations and reservoir correlation. In imentary characteristics. The maximum efficiency of the Mara-Maracaibo area northwest of the basin, the high-impact procedures is attained when palynological use of ecostratigraphic tools such as palynocycles and analysis is carried out in-house, as part of multidisci- ecologs helped to define more precisely the intervals plinary teams specially formed for each specific task. that have exploratory interest and made them easily detectable in logs and seismic data. In this way, ex- ploratory risk and operational costs diminished, be- REFERENCES CITED cause of a better fit between predicted and actual well stratigraphy. In the northern Andean foothills, inte- Armentrout, J. M., 1996, High resolution sequence biostratigraphy: grated petroleum system studies (field sampling, seis- examples from the Gulf of Mexico Plio-Pleistocene, in J. A. Howell and J. F. Aitken, eds., High resolution sequence stratig- mic, sedimentology, mineralogy, palynology, forami- raphy: innovations and applications: Geological Society Special niferal analysis) revealed that the formation of Publication 104, p. 65–86. structural traps could have begun in the Oligocene, be- Arminio, J. F., and A. M. Growcott, 1996, The inverted Lamar sub- basin, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: tectonic evolution and hy- fore the timing of oil migration (Miocene), thus en- drocarbon habitat (abs.): 2nd AAPG/Sociedad Venezolana de couraging the exploration of new areas in this region. Geo´logos International Congress and Exhibition, p. A2. In the south of Lake Maracaibo, the involvement of Barbeito, P., R. Pittelli, and A. M. Evans, 1985, Estudio estratigra´fico high-resolution palynostratigraphy in multidisciplinary del Eoceno en el a´rea de Mara-Maracaibo, Venezuela Occiden- tal, basado en interpretaciones paleontolo´gicas y palinolo´gicas, teamwork analysis (seismic, petrophysics, geochemis- VI Congreso Geolo´gico Venezolano, p. 109–139. try, palynology) allowed differentiation of two petro- Berggren, W. A., D. V. Kent, C. C. Swisher, and M. -P. Aubry, 1995, leum systems in adjacent reservoirs and contributed to A revised Cenozoic and chronostratigraphy, in W. A. Berggren, ed., Geochronology, time scales and global a change from exploration practices based on the stratigraphic correlation: SEPM Special Publication 54, p. 129– search for structural traps to a new approach based on 212. combined structural/stratigraphic oil accumulations. Blaser, R., and C. White, 1984, Source-rock and carbonization study, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, in G. Demaison and R. J. 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Rull 299 Higgs, R., and S. Mederos, 1992, Sedimentological study of the uplift Posamentier, H. W., M. T. Jervey, and P. R. Vail, 1988, Eustatic of the Venezuelan Andes, and applications for petroleum ex- controls on clastic deposition I-conceptual framework, in C. K. ploration in the northern Andean foothills: MARAVEN Inter- Wilgus, H. Posamentier, C. A. Ross, and C. G. St. C. Kendall, nal Report, 84 p. eds., Sea-level changes: an integrated approach: SEPM Special Homewood, P., F. Gillocheau, R. Eschard, and T. A. Cross, 1992, Publication 42, p. 107–124. Corre´lations haute re´solution et stratigraphie ge´ne´tique: une Poumot, C., 1989, Palynological evidence for eustatic events in de´marche inte´gre´e: Bulletin des Centres de Recherche Explo- the tropical Neogene: Bulletin des Centres de Recherches ration et Production Elf-Aquitaine, v. 16, no.Њ2, p. 357–381. Exploration-Production Elf Aquitaine, v. 13, no. 2, p. 437–453. Hopping, C. 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A., 1986, Palynology and palynofacies of the upper Ter- zuela: Boletı´n de Geologı´a, v. 18, no. 31, p. 57–61. tiary in Venezuela: Dissertationes Botanicae, v. 99, p. 1–222. Rull, V., 1987, A note on pollen counting in palaeoecology: Pollen Lorente, M. A., and C. Contreras, 1997, Datacio´n de las secuencias et Spores, v. 29, no. 4, p. 471–480. Oligo-miocenas en el a´rea de Alturitas y sus implicaciones para Rull, V., 1990, Quaternary palaeoecology and ecological theory: el conocimiento de la evolucio´n tectono-estratigra´fica de Perija´: ORSIS, v. 5, p. 91–111. Memorias VIII Congreso Geolo´gico Venezolano, v. 1, p. 483– Rull, V., 1992, Paleoecologı´a y ana´lisis secuencial de una seccio´n 490. deltaica terciaria de la cuenca de Maracaibo: Boletı´n de la So- Lorente, M. A., V. Rull, M. Ruiz, I. Dura´n, I. Truskowski, and E. ciedad Venezolana de Geo´logos, v. 46, p. 16–26. DiGiacomo, 1997, Nuevos aportes para la datacio´n de los prin- Rull, V., 1997a, Notas sobre ecoestratigrafı´a: Boletı´n de la Sociedad cipales eventos tecto´nicos y unidades litoestratigra´ficas de la Venezolana de Geo´logos, v. 22, no. 2, p. 34–36. cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela occidental: Boletı´n de Geo- Rull, V., 1997b, Sequence analysis of western Venezuelan Creta- logı´a, v. 18, no. 31, p. 33–50. ceous to Oligocene sediments using palynology: chrono- Margalef, R., 1986, Sucesio´n y evolucio´n: su proyeccio´n biogeogra´f- palaeoenvironmental and palaeovegetational approaches: Paly- ica: Paleontologı´a i Evolucio´, v. 20, p. 7–26. nology, v. 21, p. 79–90. Martini, E., 1971, Standard Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous nan- Rull, V., 1997c, Oligo-Miocene palynology of the Rio Chama se- noplankton zonation: Proceedings of the 2nd Planktonic Con- quence (western Venezuela), with comments on fossil algae as ference, v. 2, p. 739–785. palaeoenvironmental indicators: Palynology, v. 21, p. 213–229. Martinsson, A., 1973, Editor’s column: ecostratigraphy: Lethaia, Rull, V., 1998, Middle Eocene mangroves and vegetation changes in v. 6, p. 441–443. the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela: Palaios, v. 13, p. 287–296. McGregor, C. D., et al., 1996, Economic applications of palynology: Rull, V., 1999, Palaeofloristic and palaeovegetational changes across examples, in J. Jansonius and D. C. McGregor, eds., Palynology, the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in northern South America: principles and applications: American Association of Strati- Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 107, p. 83–95. graphic Palynologists Foundation, v. 3, p. 1277–1286. 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