Campaign in review S o u n d B it e s 1991 becomes the first volley of September - Democrats and "family values" attacks on Republicans haggle over formats. April - is the first Democrats. times and number of possible Democrat to enter the race. debates. They eventually settle on "I didn't inhale." October - Six Democrats are in a mix of single-moderator, panel, the race: , Tom and talk show style formats for Harkin, , three presidential and one vice- Bill Clinton, when asked if he and . Many call for presidential debates. had ever snioked marijuana Mario Cuomo to enter the race. October - "Magic" Johnson December - Conservative Pat withdrawals from President Bush's "I didn't have my hearing aid on. Tell Buchanan enters the race. Mario AIDS commission and endorses Cuomo vascillates about running. Clinton/Gore ticket. Questions me agam. about Bush's role in the Iran- 1992 Contra arms deal resurface. Perot James Stockdale, during the re-enters the race and names retired vrce presidential debate January - Bush visits Japan and Admiral James Stockdale as his throws up on Japanese Prime June - makes running-matc. Minister. Republicans unite to "potatoe" spelling gaffe at sixth "Absolutely. I certainly hope I am." keep ex-Klansman off grade spelling bee. Bill Clinton many ballots. Tabloid magazine appears on an MTV Choose or Dan Quayle, on whether he The Star runs a story on Bill Lose forum. Perot takes the lead was on the Republican ticket Clinton, alleging an affair with in some polls. Jesse Jackson and PEROT secretary Gennifer Flowers - Bill Clinton feud over rapper Clinton drops 12 points in the Sister Souljah's claim that "blacks polls. Wilder drops out. Mario should take a week off from "I suppose I could have stayed home Cuomo still debating about killing blacks and kill whites entering the race. instead." and baked cookies and had teas, but what I July - George Bush's approval decided to do was fulfill my profession." FOR PRJESIOENT rating falls with the economy. Bill Clinton names A1 Gore as his Hillary Clinton, responding running mate. and to attacks of her law practbe George Bush become involved in a Perot is invited by the while her husband was governor "Texas blood feud" over alleged Republicans to the presidential investigations of Bush by Perot. debates and does well with folksy Democrats hold their National delivery. appears on an "If anyone thinks I've quit, they're going Convention in New York City and MTV Choose of Lose forum. to be in for an October surprise." are uncharacteristically unified. and Ross Perot drops out after coming Philadelphia Enquirer endorse the under close scrutiny by the press Clinton/Gore ticket. On 6 0 Ross Perot, allegedly to his volunteers and continually dropping numbers Minutes, Ross Perot alleges the two days after dropping out of the race in polls. Bill Clinton and Al Gore Bush campaign engaged in dirty- begin their cross-country bus tour. tricks by attempting to embarrass "Don't be so naive as to believe that the February - Paul Tsongas wins August - Secretary of State his daugthter with doctored New Hampshire primary, Bill James A. Baker quits his Cabinet pictures and by trying to wiretap volunteers will have anything to do with it. Clinton comes in second, Jerry post to lead President Bush's re- his phones. It will be determined by his own egotism." Brown third. Libertarian candidate election campaign. Republican wins first vote in National Convention held in GeraW Ford, on Perot's claim Dixville Notch, New Hampshire. Houston. 's speech is seen as more memorable than that he will rejoin the race only March - Ross Perot declares his President Bush's. Ross Perot's if his volunteers insist upon it candidacy on Larry King Live. United We Stand book is Bill Clinton sweeps the "Super released, outlining his platform. Tuesday" primaries. Late in the "Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i- ft month. Bob Kerry, , and Paul Tsongas drop out. Bill and Hillary Clinton appear on 60 Iowa Senator Tom Harkin on how he Minutes to quell attacks on his thinks Quayle woukJ sing the song fidelity. April • George Bush secures November • Candidates wrap-up enough delegates for the campaigns and America heads to "Well, I don't have much job security." Republican nomination. Bill the polls on the third. Clinton utters the "I didn't inhale" Bill Clinton on why he has kept up his line about his marijuana use. May - Dan Quayle makes TV hobby of playing the saxaphone show Murphy Brown an issue by Compiled by Commentary Page questioning single motherhood Editor Jack Duval.