Major Bowes Amateur Magazine 3403.Pdf

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Major Bowes Amateur Magazine 3403.Pdf T HE MAGAZINE OF TWENTY MILLION LISTENERS MAGAZINE MARCH 25 CENTS T HIS ISS U E AMATEUR S IN PICTURES AND STORY HAMBURGER MARY THE YOUMAN BROS. DIAMOND·TOOTH MARY PE~RY THE GARBAGE TENOR SARA BERNER DORIS WESTER VERONICA MIMOSA BU$·BOY DUNNE WYOMING JACK O'BRIEN AND- FIFTY OTHERS • SUCCESS STORIES lilY PONS DAVID SARNOFF ROSA PONSELLE EDWIN C. HILL AMELIA EARHART LAWRENCE TIBBETT FRED A5TAIRE GR .... YAM McNAMEE AND OTHERS • SPECIAL FEATURES MAJOR BOWES-HIS STORY GENE DENNIS WOMEN'S EXCLUSIVE FASHIONS •• •• AND MEN'S YOUR LOOKING GLASS LOWDOWN ON BROADWAy •••• AND HOllYWOOD NIGHT AT THE STUDIO AMATEURS' HALL OF FAME LOOKING BACKWARD FAMOUS AMATEURS OF HISTORY PICTURE TABLOID AND OTHER FEATURES REVOLUTIONARY! ACTUALLY WIPES WINDSHIELDS o C leans Because It Drains! I - I (' I ' I "~ the fil '~ 1 I'crd .I1'",>I" I'IIICIlI in \l indshid.1 wi pe r ], I:u/, ·.. - a n; \"olul iUllan" " vl1 slrut:! iUII I h at kee ps windshields .. Ie,OWI' a 11.1 .h-i(' I'. TIle Uc,, -Hidc il la.l c cO lisish of a Iw l· low. I'l'dol"alc .1 tulle o f Foft. carlWII·lJasc rll],l,c r, SC i ill " slwf, of stain ic;;;; iilcel. A~ l ilt, blade sweep! OI cross the g la ~s . .. h c nHlt,· ,II','as of I" "C:", III"O .lIul \'a CIIIIII1 arc c rca tcII, fore· ill ;': wal(" ," throll;.: h Ihe holl's aTH I COII ,,- talltir cl c allil1~ the w i!,i!! ;! ,"ill,;. .1 \ IIlIltilly w ilillshie hi w-ill I, c cleallctl lillII'll ra ~l l'I" . The ha llooll shape pcrmits the wipi ll g: ribs 10 hug I'n:n a w;l q .ell ~ la ss runl wipe it tlry. The 1:01I l! 1'1I11 fl cxin;! "f tilt: l' ul,l.c r pn'\'e nls i('c .In.1 smm' a (· "uIlIU I:llious. ext'cpt UII<I .. 1· Ill e 111 ('1 :0- 1 se"cre ( · o ' l<lilioll ~. "'or I~·,.· fr.·",,· I.. •. ",,,I .<; "",._ 1);" I'" "N/i,mry "i,le .·I.·",,,·r i" #I..·.·.·r;"'·. 1... ,,,1 " ~",,,II h ... ,k "" m,,' .. "'/ . ...,,1 1.. ",# ;" "". ,ri/'''r '''/'e. TI,;" ,rill ",,,i,,',,;,, a .·I. ·.·I·r.''''.''·;''# t:1."r<·ri".· fi l", ... , .... mr " 'i",/,, /,i,,'" lor ~.· , · •. rt" I,,,,,r ~. ' uu'lt lIa "" ,·I,·; mer " i ~ ioll -"o ll ' l l I. e safer- with a H,·x­ lI i.l t' HLt <l.·. If \'0111' ./.·:de l" "ca ll 't SliPI'll' "UIl , send 35r ./il'eel 10 fo ... t" ..., '1 ;;0.' fr"tII C; l an,', \~' f II IHail one. post.pai./. ;\11 1\1 ",,,1 I '" r' ~ Rex -Hide Inc., East Brady, Pa. * ST,\I,,'I,ESS STEEL MAt.:EHS 01-' HEX· II II)E CA nnON· n AS I-: m~At.:E L.lNI N("; ~-~ l.3aUuvn PERFORATED WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADE YOU will want to Enioy MAJOR BOWES AMATElJR MACAZINE EVERY MONTH Of course you don't wa nt to miss II single issue of this new, Future Editions different, delightfully fascinating magazine. Use the coupon below ,,",t once and be sure of getting every issue every month Will Brin g You fo r an entire year. AMATEUR STORIES • THE INSiDE FACTS ABOUT THEIR RISE TO FAME SUCCESS STORIES • CONCERNING BIG BUSINESS M EN OF TODAY RADIO STARS • W HO AR E FAMOUS THE NATION OVER STAGE and SCREEN • PERSONALIT IES AND THEIR INTE RE STING LIVES AMATEUR ROAD SHOWS • MAJOR BO W ES AMATE URS ON TOU R BROADWAY NEWS • HOT O FF THE NATION'S MOST FAMOUS STR EET FASHION PAGES • W HICH GIVES YO U THE LA TEST FO R MEN A ND WOMEN BEAUTY PAGES • NEW SEC RETS FROM NOTED BEAUTY EXPE RTS RAi110 NEWS • W H AT' S NEW EST IN THE GREAT RAD IO FI ELD Read the act".1 h.ppen;ng' .It the Majo, Bo ..". A",.t" ." HoY, lelle .. d.ity; . boul Ih, . ",.I"u, m.i! ... IS .OOO 1"1l,,,. weekly; b,o.dce,t ... the broadca.! for which 40,000 p . ..o n..... ail about the amaleun you heat on Ih•• i . each Sunday n' 9hl. •• tong .I. three month. to ."end . The mon'hlr in". of thi. You ,ec.'we il .11 in Ih ., 80 .... " Am~leu. Ma9a1;ne. Fill great m"get;n" bring. you .It the detail, in inl.' ."ing defY in Ih. coupon no .... and ,end it .t Once lo"!eth •• with your and pidure fo,m. Read aboul th. Ion. 01 fen . .. 3,000 1ublc.iplion money, for the "Ire. I.. , m'9uonC value of I:,. dey! ; .. -_..... ... .. .......... --.. ~ .... ---.. ~ ...... --.. _-----------...... .......... -.-~ MAIL THIS rANDREWS PUBLISHING CO. : ! 220 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. j : Enclosed find $2.50 for which please send me Major Bowes AmateUr! COUPON NOW! !Magaz ine for one year. • , I' Name • Subscription Rate ! I R. F. D. or Street .~2. i'itJ I,er l 'etlr , , C·,'y .. ....... .. ....... .c1/1e' t I I.. ...... ....... ........ ---_ .... .......... _.. _ _.. ---_ .... .. .... ...... ................. --_.... -.. .... ~- - MAJOR BOWES' AMATEUR MAGAZINE HERE WE ARE, FOLKS, WITH DUR FIRST ISSUE- AND WE HOPE YOU LIKE IT. IT' S THE FIRST CHAPTER IN THE GREAT VOLUME TO COME­ WE HO PE-ON THE MOST DRAMATIC AND ROMANTIC STORY OF AMERICAN A MBITION-MA JOR BOWES' AMATEUR HOUR AND ITS PERSONALITIES. SAVE THIS ISSUE-AS THE FIRST MAGAZINE TO BE DEDICATED TO YOUR FA VORITE, AN D MOST F ASCINATlNG ENTER· TAINER-THE AMATEUR. HENRI WEINER .. EDITOR MARCH AMATEURS . Pgge STRANGER TH AN FICTION . _ . Mic:hael Bryant (lslasl MarQohs) " FROM GARBAGE TO GLORY · Bill Vallee . (Joseph Roqato) CINDERELLA or THE AIR · fohn Galvin (0"115 West.. ,) " FAMOUS AMATEURS or HIS'OR.Y · Curtis W. Boke. HAMBURGER MARY • Murray Ma ~lln " PATRICK DUNN ., , , .. , . , , . , . , Marie Port ... MiI.bel! "38 VERONICA MIMOSA .•. ...... lack lames on 40 THE MAJOR WAVES HIS WAND! .... J.. rry Mas on ., • {Sara ikroe-Il COWBOYS~EAST AND WEST .. .Ieue W. Somuel. .. STR .... NGE TALE Of THE YOUMAN BROS. · Made Parler Mitchell UNITS ARE COMIN' TO TOWN .. " SPOTLIGHT . 5. W. 60" STARS Of TOMORROW . · :'eny Mas on 62 DiAMOND TOOTH 1Il.l\.nv P::;RRV . Her own 5Iory ... .. SPECIAL FEATURES EDITORIAL , '"GOOD EVENING fRIENDS'". .. Maior Bowes . , MAJOR MAKES HIS BOW! , Off MIKE! · leon Abboll " PICTURE TABLOID 17 AMATEURS' HALL Of f AillE. .. W.1. S. 12 CLEAR ALL WIRES! .... Donald G. Cooley (Telephone S"IVlce) " A NIGHT AT THE STUDIO .. ... ...... .. .. · Donold G. Cooley POEM~ '" THE BALLAD Of AM ATEUR HOUR'" . ..• Phyllis McGinley .," • THIS MAN BOVlES! .... ... ... .. By Reporle. fASHION PA RADE ... ..... Ann Morlowe " HOT fROM HOLLYWOOD! .... Marlin f ow ler " BROADWAY BITS •. .... B. R. Oadwaye " fOR MEN ONLY · Eddie ASlor Hayes .. "73 LOOKS AT BOOKS . .... O nr! Weblle r P OEM~ " A ROUND THE CORNER" . · Chal. Hanlon Towne " YOUR LOOKING GLASS . S"" anne .. ................. " " SUCCESS STORIES . CASTLES IN THE A IR . · frank Morris .... 30 (DaVId SarnQfil GENE DENNIS .. MQrle PQrler Milchell .. 4\ (MInd Reader, LOOKING BACKWARD. .• Byron Lanq 48 (Edwin C. Hill-Amelio Eorhoft-R~so POllwU.. 1 • LILI PONS , lanel Bonnis ler GRAHAM McNAMEE ANNOUNCING! , .• , 5, W. " " 1~'''Ii,I ...1 ".""11,,, "I .In""" . 1'.""".ln, 1'"".".",- t ......"I" ... oI!l'~' ~~d lI .d.!!lhl .~I .. :>.~ \,,,,~ " lIt_ .1 J ~' .II~'"'. I· .. ·"k·n': .1. n " ... ,..... \'1, .. " ,..1,1",,: \\",",[., t:llI. ~",.,,.,, rro"",, •..1·h<tIl .II" """,.. :::d w,·., l~,." H, .... " ro'k "H,'. So, ,." •• ,.,',1. '" ,,,,.,,11,,,,,,., ,,,.,,",,.'),,,, .n~ ~f."'"'" W~I ,.. .... ","",".1 "rM.<' ..... ""'~.n'.' ,,' '<'iU'''I'''·'''''· "".'" ... ,,.,,1 .... ,,0]01" . \'tll., I. :"\1 I, , MAlOR BOWES A MATEUR MAG A ZINE II IAL S\)~ Who un describe the tru ly buuliflll, the . ..... -i nspiri ng butsl 01 the Aulumn d ..... ", 1"-' tender Irll! shnen aline buddi n, Rowel, the m.jeJty .nd !ltniul 01. glu t , rti ,I', m.sli!rpiccc, Ihe smooth, lasle Inlh •• lling th'ill of • liqueur? ... A ll 01 th cs. imple" the loyer of true b • • uly. It Wei in I deh!lmined .ttempl 10 ,tain pc/fulion, th,t we spent YUII studying .nd Plllleeli"! the Ifusured lormu', th.t goello make this mlrv.lous drink. De, Ittidyi ng , n quisilt A",'or th.t wins, ',voled plItt in the hurt 01 every connoisseur. All ArlOw fruit liqueurs " . ,Y l il.ble in the exdusive D. B. Fifth . nd pint puk." , .nd .Iso in pint . nd hi li-pin t R.sks. > } > ARROW DISTILLERIES IM('· DETROIT < < ( MARCH 1!.'?6 , EDITORIAL • • • • \\'ITII TIllS ISSL I the \1.\J01t BnwE5' A;\1.\< ~L\ t;.\Z I~ E ll1 :1 kt:s its debut. \\'1; trust ils btl\\' intu the social circles of the publication world wiJl not on ly be hnalrkd as an occasion Olu spicious in the wurld of radio art, but .!lso as a ddlnih.:I) valuable contributioll to the life of the nation. Only si nce A pril of I{H+ has the Bowes Amateur I iour bCt: 1I nil the air. .A nd yet, during the brief interval frum tha t date tu the present, America h as witncsscd the amazi n~ spcctack of twenty millions uf lis· rCIH.:rs m:lrshalkd intI) cllthusiastit: support and rap' attention for its llllUSlI:l1 en te rtain1lle n t values. F nlm thi s e.\pcrilllcnt in radio a rt has arisen /lot only a new c h an nel of c.\pn.:ssi1m o,·cr tht: air, but. 'in add ition, a rej uven ation o f the spukc:.:n stage in the J\ l ajor Bowes rni ts o n tour; in the fcalUrettt.:slll:tde with the newly­ discon:rt.:d ta len t ; and in the youthful stars bci ng d evt.: lnped fo r the talk· ing pictu re sc reen.
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