Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer

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Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Master's Theses Theses and Dissertations 1959 Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer Howard Bernard Schapker Loyola University Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Classics Commons Recommended Citation Schapker, Howard Bernard, "Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer" (1959). Master's Theses. 1693. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's Theses by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. Copyright © 1959 Howard Bernard Schapker ARISTOTELIAN R1mfDRIC IN RlMIR by Howard B. So.plc.... , 5.J. A Th•• le In Partial , .. lIIIMnt. of t~ ~lr.-.n'. tor the 0.0'•• of Mas'er 01 Art. Juna 19$9 LIFE Howard B.rnard Schapker was born In Clnclnnat.I, Ohio. Febru­ ary 26, 1931. He attended St.. Cathe,lne aral&llnr School, Clnclnnat.i, trom 1931 to 1945 and St. xavIer Hlgb School, tbe .... cU.y, troll 1945 to 1949. Fr•• 1949 to 19S.3 be attend" xavier University, Clncln..­ natl. In Jun., 19S3. h. va. graduat." troll xavier University vltll the degr•• of Bachelor ot Art.. on A.O.' S, 1953, he the Soclet.y of J •• us at Miltord, Oblo. The autbor Mgan his graduate .tucU.. at Loyola Un lve.. a 1 toy. Cblcago, In september, 19S5. III TABLE OF COm'ENTS Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION .. • • • • .. • • • • • • • . .. 1 A. Ancient. Reverene. for HOMric Orat.ory • • • • 1 B. Ancient. Disput.e over Ho.. ~'c Orat.ory •••• 2 C. Scope, Procedure, Purpose of Thl. The,'s .... 3 PART ONE. RHETORIC IN ARISTOTLE HISTORICAL can"EXT OF ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC 1. I A. Sicilia. Orl"lal • • • • • • • • • .. • .. .. • 1 8. Sophll" lnaova"Iona ................ 8 c. Influence of Sophists on At.henlan orators. .. 9 D. Plato's Approach t.o Oratory .. • • • .. • ... 10 E. R.sultlng ConflIct Bet.ween Philosophers and Sophl,ts • .. • .. • • • • • • • .. • • .... 12 F. Doetrlnel ot llocrat.a". • • .. .. • • .. .. ... 13 G. Arlatotle-. Regard for Oratory • .. • • • ... IS H. The Rhetoric - Date and ,laoe In Arlatotle'a Works • • .. .. .. .. • • • • .. • .. • • • • • • 16 11. ARlSTOfUts GENERAL RHETORICAL ORIE.NTATlON 18 A. Arla\otlef, Crltlcls. of Ot.her RhetorIcian. 18 9. The ,.,~.. or Rhetoric .. • • .. .. • • .. .. .. 21 C. The oratort • Chlet Means ot P.rsuaslon •• 22 D. Arlstotle's Organic Conception of a Speech 23 E. o.neral Survey of tbe Rhetoric, .. .. .. • • ... ~ Ill. ARISTOTLE-S niEORYOF RHETORIC 27 A. Relatlon.f ~t.rlo. Dialectic, and Demon- stration • • • • ;I • • • • • • • • .. • • •• 2:7 B. Induction and Deduction In Rhetoric •••• 30 c. The Enthyae_ ... Nature and oratorical Slgnlf... lcance •••••• ,. • • • • • • • • • • ... 32 Iv D. The Aristotelian Topol • • • • • • • • • • • 3$ E. Thre. Type. of O... to .. y..-Requl,e.. nts ot tM SJ"l~r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 37 F. Rhetorical Importance ot the Speaker's Character • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 38 O. Rhetorical l1apo.,tanc. of the Audience'. Emotional Disposition • • • • • • • • • • • 39 H. S.... ,ry of Book 111 • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 ~LUSION 10 PART ON& • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4S PART TWO. RHETORIC IN Jt::)MIR 'NTRODUCT ION TO PART TWO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 47 A. General Est... of Orat... l081 Skill In Homer 47 8. H)rpothetlcal Quilty of Ho... lc AUdlenc.. •• 49 C. Four-Fold Division of Ho.... lc S,.,ch.. • • • SO :hapt,.. I. QUARUI., S2 A. "..11.1.... ' •• ot A_IIftOn'. At-tack on Acblll.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• S2 B. A...... t. At-tack Oft Achill•• (1. 1.31.147) S6 C. Achlll,.' Det ••• (I, 149-171) • • • • •• 59 1. It.. Ute.t.lna•••••• Fo .. enale S, 64 2. Role ., Etbo. • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6S ). Achlll•• f Skill In Exagg.... tlng wrongs Sutt.... 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 65 4. Acblile.' Adept. U.e ot Facts. • • • • 67 S. AptM•• of tbe S,.,cb'. La"Guage • • • 68 11. THE IMBASSY A. Cont.ext of Odysseus' Speech (IX, 22>-3(6) 10 1. The AI',... "". • • • • • • • • • • • •• 70 2. 'ul\ability of the Argument.. ••••• 73 3. 04,..•••• Oras, of .Achille.' 76 4. Further O... t.orlcal Qullt.l .. of Odys • ••u.· Speech • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17 v S. Llngulst.le Aspecta Relative to Ora. tory • • • • • • .. • .. .. .. .. .. • .. ... 79 B. Achille. f neply to Odysseus (IX,306~"'9). 0,3 1. Dltt.... nc •• In Enda and Meant between. tbe Speech.. • .. .. .. .. • •• .. .. • .... 8.9 2. The Arguments ................ as a. U.e of Irony .. .. •• • • • .. • .... 86 b. Invective................. 90 ). Su.ltabilityof the Argument.. as AMwers to' Argument.. .. • .. .. • .. ... 94 4. Import ot Achilles' Dtalectlcal Reason- Ing .. .. .. • • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • ... 9S c. Prohl •• RaS ••• by Odya,eus' 'all... t. • .. .... 98 111. Ftm'nll:Ji CORRELAT 1<*5 102 A. PurpO.. e ot the .. .. • .. .. • .. • • .. ... 102 D. Agamemnon t , Speech (11. 310·394) • • • • .. ... 102 1. Aristotelian Prelb,ln.arl.. .......... 103 a. RhetorIcal J~ea ot Arousing emot10ns. 103 b. Anal)'81a ot Youth .. • • .. • .. .. .. ... 103 2. The ArgUlltints .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • • .. .. .... let a. The Fabl_ of Delusion • .. • • .. .. .... lG7 3. The speech', Apt Ending .. .. .. • • .. • ... 109 C. Prl•• -a Supplication of Achill•• and Ethos (XXIV, 486-S06) ........ '" • " " .. • .. ••• 110 1. Importance ot Ethoa for Oratory.· .... " III 2. Prlamt • Nobility.. • • .. " • " " • • • ... 111 3. Th. ArguMn\a " '" " • " ...... " " " ... lt2 4. SWWlary of the Rhet.orlcal Quallt! •• of Pvlam's Speech" • " ... " •• " • " • •• 113 GmlERAL CONCLUS ION " . " '" .. .. " " " . .. .. .. liS A. Arlat.otle'. Ido.l Orator • .. " . .. .. '" . liS B. Homer'_ 14•• 1 Orator • • • • • . " . " . .. " . 116 C. 1.lmlted Correlation Explained " . " . .. , .. Ita 1. H~rlc OTat.or. as Orators In the Full " . .. .. , .. .. .. 119 vi. D. Rhetorical Slmlla"ltl•• anet Their tau... •. 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY • ,. • • • • • • • • • .. .' • • • ••• •• 122 vii GENERAL INTROl)UCTIOH "I .hall, I think, be right In following the principle ••• t 'With Jove let ua begin,' and In beginnIng with Ho_r. He Is like ~l. own conception ot Ocean, which be d•• crlbe. aa the source of every atream and rlver,l tor he hu given u.s • model and an in­ spiration tor every depe:rtM'nt of eloquence.w! QulntSllan-. en­ coalum .r Ho.... 'a doubly .Ignltlcant. Coalng a. 1\ doe. troM the Intluentlal rhetorician ot hi. own as wll •• of late R01l&n tl••• ,' It can be consldereet .s repr.sentatlve of conteltpOrary ta.te., to • large extent. Mor. Important, the la.t gre.t cl •••l­ cal theorl.t and te•• h~ of rhetoric very appropriately fixe. his ~ .eal to the centurle..... old tradition or HOMric rhetoric. The actuality ot this tradition 1. sketched. A c.ntur~ ~etore Qulnt'1l.n, CScero (106-43 B.C.) wrote. "It eloquence were 1 HoMr, Iliad, XXI, 19.$ .... 191 II 2Qulntlllan, Inst1t"tl0 Oratorla,J , , x, I, 46. Tr. H.!. Butler. ~ vols., London, 1920. Qulntllian elaborat•• hi. tribute 1ft Nos. ~6-S'. 3 Qulntlilan lived tr•• 35 A.D. t. approxl ..tely 96 A.D. 1 2 not. highly e.t.eemed In T1"OJan tl... tHo.. ,. would hardly have ,tngle" out tor dlat.lnctlon Odysseus- and t • oratorical skills. F.,. t.. the tew.r he gave power, to t.he latter a soot.hlng quality ot speech. What 1. fIOr •• all \hIs .... uld hardly have been po.slble. unle •• the poet had been an Illustrious and cons ....... orator In bl. own "llht.~ Down t.hroUGh Hellenlstle tl... , a running was tought between rhetoricians and phll••• phe,., Oft the precl •• point ot Ho.. ,.lc eloquence. Phlloa.phe,a .ought t.o dl.eredlt the rlalng tide .r rhet.orlcal st.udle•• > Tbey clt.ed Homer a. proot that rh8. to, .klll I. ,.81y a natural gltt. tor which no for_l art. 't po•• lble or needed. The rhetoricians answered that Homer'. speeche. only a rude s.rt ot eloquence, which was the natural coneoaltant. .f -logical r ••sonlng and a certain sharpne•• ot _lnd.-6 Thetr Itt. of rh.torlc~ th.., allege., originated with 4 . Cicero, Brutus, XL. Fro. Rhet.orlc., Vol. 11, OXford, 1935. >Tbe pbllosopher. found tbelr chief spoke.san In Plato. HI, Gorpl.s attacks rhetoric .s being opposed to the end of phllo,op~A Wblch I,the p.~.ult .t truth. In the Pbaderu., Plato modltS •• ht, peslt.lon, a. will be ,bown. 6 KfU1Md)f',G•• rge A., "The Ancient Dispute over Rllet ... 1c In HOMr, - Au.. lcan Journal of PhllOl!SXa LXXVIII (January, 19S?), 24. IAceofeUno' II tKi author, me ,.aa iVer rhetoric In Hose .. reached It, hlgh•• t In the , ..ond cefttvy B.C. Cf. page 30, note 19. 3 the Sicilians Corax and· Tlalaa. The 'aportant point for oW" PUI"PO ••• ,. tbat 1II.1'l)' ancient. were aware ot Ho.rlc eloquenc., no matt.r bow they .xplalned It or ,xplalned It away. '01' many of thea tbree ot the h.r... In the Iliad •••mpllfl.d the th,.,. _In braftChe. of cla.alcal orat.ory. Odys.e ...s' apeeche. exblblt.ed tbe grand atyle. Neatorts tbe aldeUe .tyl., and Menla ..' the plaIn 8t)'le.7 Modern achola.. s, att... exaalnlng tbe development ot cal orat.ory, draw wbat they conal4er to be aure conclusions. Fr"se write., WHoa.,. was tbe real tather of oratory,_S Vbll, In Roberta' opinion, -the Greeka rightly thought that, even tor the prolalc pollt.lclan or lawyer, tbere were DO better .-dell t.han 9 ao_ ot the apeechea found In the III ad and ttws Ocll!a!l. If Only authorltl•• on cl••• lcal rhetoric -.y venture auch .t.te~ unta. A. tar a. Helterlc oratory Is concerned, OUl" IlOre _cleat. ettort will attempt. t.o bring .ut the rhetorical ele.. nt. In tew ot the Iliad'. 118ny speech... WIthOut " ..ylng t.o re.olve \he 7Clcero and Qulntlltan both held thla traditional viewpoint. ct. Kennedy, 26, Wher. other prominent wrltera holdinG thla opin­ Ion are clt.ed. SArtatotle, The Artot Rh.torlc................... Tr. John Henry Fr••••• London, 1926,;;..;;.;;,;;.
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