Local resident submissions to the Metropolitan Borough Council electoral review

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Starkie, Emily

From: ANDREW DAVIDSON Sent: 21 October 2014 22:50 To: Reviews@ Subject: Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall, Barnby Dun ward

Dear Sirs

I wish to object to the proposal to remove Barnby Dun from the Edenthorpe Kirk Sandall Barnby Dun council ward. Kirk Sandall and Barnby Dun have a strong community identity sharing a parish council. Removing Barnby Dun from the ward could damage the cohesiveness of community groups.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Davidson


Local Boundary Commission for Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

Doncaster District

Personal Details:

Name: Barbara Day



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

My husband and I live in Barnby Dun. We do not want to be merged with Stainforth

Uploaded Documents:

None Uploaded

https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4099 20/10/2014

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

Doncaster District

Personal Details:

Name: Nanette Decent



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I think Barnby Dun should STAY with Kirk Sandall and Edenthorpe

Uploaded Documents:

None Uploaded

https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4091 17/10/2014

Starkie, Emily

From: Ann Devy Sent: 22 October 2014 11:41 To: Reviews@ Subject: Edenthorpe boundary

To whom it may concern,

Just to say thanks for listening to the population of Edenthorpe and we are so pleased you have decided in our favour to not split us down the middle.

Once again thanks so much.

Regards Ann Devy

1 Starkie, Emily

From: Richard Dickinson Sent: 20 October 2014 18:17 To: Reviews@ Cc: Porter, Johanna Subject: Electoral Review of Doncaster: Further Draft Recommendations September 2014 Attachments: Objection to Boundary Commission Draft Proposal October 2014.docx

Dear Sir of Madam, Please find attached a letter listing our concerns following your review of the Draft Recommendations in relation to boundary changes in Doncaster. Yours faithfully Jean and Richard Dickinson

1 Mr and Mrs R J Dickinson

20 October 2014

Reviews Officer Doncaster Review Local government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76‐86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

Dear Ms Porter

We wrote to you in August regarding the proposed plan of the Boundary Commission which involved moving Hickleton from Sprotbrough to the Adwick Ward. Whilst we agreed with the sentiments and objectives of the plan which set out to equalise the number of electors represented by each Councillor, to reflect community identity and provide for effective and convenient local government, we could not see how the draft proposed move for Hickleton would contribute to achieving these objectives.

Although the revised plan now retains Hickleton in the Sprotbrough Ward which was our wish and for which we are very grateful, it is of considerable concern to us that you have referenced several group schemes in gathering information for your revised draft plan but seem to have made little or no reference to the Joint Rural Parishes submission which was well argued, evidenced and highly supported.

There are several of your key proposals in your Further Draft Recommendations that really do not make any sense to us:

1) The rural villages currently in one (Sprotbrough) ward, all located to the west of A1(M) and within a 7 mile travelling radius of each other, to go into 2 and then 3 wards 2) Hampole and Skelbrooke to move into the Norton and Ward to which there are absolutely no community links or direct transport links 3) Brodsworth/Pickburn village (adjoining villages within a radius of 1 mile of each other) to be split into 2 wards 4) Brodsworth Parish to be split into 3 wards.

Rural and urban communities, as you are well aware, have very differing needs and issues that require very different approaches to achieve reasonable outcomes which will not, and cannot, be achieved within a single ward combining the two without creating conflicting issues. It is abundantly clear to us that attempting to merge these different communities together will inevitably mean that the community with the larger number of residents (urban areas) will always win at the expense of the much smaller rural communities and thus our rural way of life will slowly be eroded and lost forever.

We wholeheartedly supported the Joint Rural Parishes Submission and we respectfully ask you to give it very serious consideration before compiling your final plan. You appear to have relaxed many of your own guidelines and rules to accommodate the wishes of others, so we now hope you can do the same to accommodate us and reunite all the western rural villages backe into th Sprotbrough ward.

Thank you for your time in considering the contents of our letter.

Yours faithfully

Jean and Richard Dickinson

Porter, Johanna

From: Martin & Nichola Edmunds < > Sent: 06 October 2014 16:14 To: Reviews@ Subject: PROPOSED BOUNDARY CHANGES IN DONCASTER MBC

Dear Sir, I understand that Doncaster MBC has proposed to combine Wadworth, presently in the Torne Valley Ward, with . I strongly object to this as there is no commonality between Wadworth and whatsoever (other than the Comprehensive school). We do not shop there or use any of the facilities, and few in Wadworth would need to go there for any reason.

In fact in my 26 years in the Loversall/Wadworth area, I cannot think of a single occasion when I felt it necessary to go to Edlington, whereas I shop and socialise in Tickhill a number of times each week.

The orientation of the entire village of Wadworth is towards Tickhill, Balby and Doncaster – all linked by the A60 which has a direct bus route. We have no direct road – or bus service - to Edlington. So I ask that my objection be noted appropriately.


Porter, Johanna

From: Sent: 16 October 2014 12:22 To: Porter, Johanna Subject: Boundary Changes

For Attention of Johanna Porter Boundary Changes in Doncaster

I have been informed of your proposals for the ward boundary changes in Doncaster. I am a resident of Clayton with Frickley . I wish to register my objections to your latest proposals. You are now proposing to split the rural villages into 3 wards which is further removed from your previous proposal. This will again reduce our electoral balance and representation The proposal by the Joint Rural Parishes was fully supported by the villagers but appears to have bee rejected in favour of other submissions with little or no evidence. May I request you reconsider your proposals and resolve this problem by keeping all the rural villages together enabling them to retain their community links Sincerely Sheila Ellis


Starkie, Emily

From: Robert Eyre Sent: 22 October 2014 15:19 To: Reviews@ Subject: Change of boundaries

Dear commissioner I am writing with regards to barnby dun joining stainforth. I strongly object to this idea as barnby dun is 3 miles away from stainforth & kirk sandall is less than 1 mile away, our village has been associated with kirk sandall schools, clubs, social events & gatherings ever since I can remember & it does not seem sensible to change the historic boundary between 2 adjoining villages. I've lived in barnby dun since 1971 & my grandmother lived in this village all her life yours sincerely Robert eyre

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