Phys 500,

Reference solution for Homework 1

Posted: Friday, September 26, 2014

Problem 1 (5 points): In class we introduced the Hermitian adjoint X† of an X through the dual correspondence X|αi ←→ hα|X†, ∀ |αi ∈ H. (1)

Denote by [X] the corresponding to the operator X in some ONB B, i.e. [X]ij = hai|X|aj i for |aii, |aj i ∈ B. (a) Show that for the matrix representation [X] of a linear operator X, taking the Hermitian adjoint according † ∗ to Eq. (1) amounts to the familiar Hermitian transpose, i.e., [X ]kl = ([X]lk) . (b) Show explicitly that taking the Hermitian adjoint of an operator X in some matrix representation [X] is - independent. That is, consider the transformation of [X] from one ONB to another, and demonstrate that (i) first taking the Hermitian transpose and then transforming to the other ONB and (ii) first transforming to the other ONB and then taking the Hermitian transpose yield the same result. (c) Likewise, show that taking products of operators in some matrix representation corresponding to an ONB is basis-independent.

Solution: (a) We use the property of the scalar product hγ|βi = hβ|γi and the dual correspondence Eq. (1). Choosing |γi = X|αi, we find   hα|X†|βi = hα|X† |βi = [hβ (|X|αi)]∗ = hβ|X|αi∗.

Now choose |αi, |βi in some ONB. Then,

† ∗ [X ]αβ = ([X]βα) .

(b) The transformation from one ONB to another is by conjugation under some U,

[X] −→ [X]0 = U[X]U †.

Then, ([X0])† = U[X]U †† = U[X]†U †. That is, first transforming and then taking the Hermitian transpose is the same as first taking the Hermitian transpose and then transforming. (c) [X]0[Y ]0 := U[X]U †U[Y ]U † = U[X][Y ]U † =: [XY ]0. The second equality follows from U †U = I (U is unitary). Problem 2 (5 points): The Hamiltonian operator for a 2-state system is given by H = a (|1ih1| − |2ih2| + |1ih2| + |2ih1|) , (2) where a is a constant with the dimension of energy, and the kets |1i and |2i form an orthonormal basis. Find the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenkets, as linear combinations of |1i and |2i.  1   0  Solution: Upon the identification |1i =∼ and |2i =∼ , the Hamiltonian H can be 0 1 represented by a 2 × 2 matrix  1 1  H =∼ a . (3) 1 −1

1  1   −1  √ √ The eigenvectors of this matrix are √ and √ , with eigenvalues 2a and − 2a, 2 − 1 2 + 1 respectively. Back in the original orthonormal basis B = {|1i, |2i} we thus have

√ √ |1i+( 2−1)|2i E1 = 2a, |E1i = √ √ , 4√−2 2 (4) √ |1i−( 2+1)|2i E2 = − 2a, |E2i = √ √ . 4+2 2

Problem 3. (5 points) The Pauli matrices σx, σy and σz are 2 × 2-matrices defined as follows

 0 1   0 −i   1 0  σ = , σ = , σ = . (5) x 1 0 y i 0 z 0 −1

T Consider a vector n = (nx, ny, nz) of unit length, and n · ~σ := nxσx + nyσy + nzσz. Are there r ∈ R such that I + rn · ~σ O = 2 is a projector? Solution: For O to be a projector we require O† = O and O2 = O. The first property holds for all r ∈ R. Regarding the second property, we find just by expanding

(n · ~σ)2 = I, ∀n with |n| = 1.

Therefore, (1 + r2)I + 2r n · ~σ O2 = , 4 and O2 = O iff r = ±1. (6)

Problem 4. (5 points) Consider a -1 particle which can assume the states

|+i := |s = 1, sz = 1i, |0i := |s = 1, sz = 0i, |−i := |s = 1, sz = −1i, (7) and any linear combination thereof. The Sz-operator for this system is Sz = ~(|+ih+| − |−ih−|. Consider the 2 sequential measurement of the operator (Sz) (first) and Sz (second) upon the initial state |+i + |0i + |−i |ψi = √ . 3

2 (a) What are the possible measurement outcomes of (Sz) and the probabilities of obtaining them?

(b) What are the possible measurement outcomes for Sz in the second measurement, and the conditional prob- abilities for obtaining them? (The outcome probabilities are conditioned upon the outcome of the first measurement.)

2 Solution: (a) Sz = |+ih+|+|−ih−|, which has eigenvalues 0, 1. Thus, the possible outcomes of an 2 S -measurement of a spin-1 particle are 0 and 1. The projectors P 2 and P 2 on the sub-spaces z Sz ,0 Sz ,1 corresponding to the eigenvalues 0 and 1, respectively, are

P 2 = |0ih0|,P 2 = |+ih+| + |−ih−|. (8) Sz ,0 Sz ,1

Then, the probabilities p 2 and p 2 for obtaining outcome 0 or 1, respectively, are given by the Sz ,0 Sz ,1 Born rule 1 2 p 2 = hψ|P 2 |ψi = , p 2 = hψ|P 2 |ψi = (9) Sz ,0 Sz ,0 3 Sz ,1 Sz ,1 3

(b) The possible measurement outcomes of the Sz-measurement are ±1, 0.The corresponding projectors are

PSz,1 = |+ih+|,PSz,0 = |0ih0|,PSz,−1 = |−ih−|. (10)

2 2 Case I: The outcome of the Sz -measurement was 1. Then, the post-measurement state is

P 2 |ψi |+i + |−i ˜ Sz ,1 |ψ(1)i = q = √ . hψ|P 2 |ψi 2 Sz ,1

By the Born rule, the conditional probabilities pSz,1, pSz,0, pSz,−1 for obtaining the outcomes 1,0,-1, respectively, are ˜ ˜ 1 pSz,1 = hψ(1)|PSz,1|ψ(1)i = 2 , ˜ ˜ pSz,0 = hψ(1)|PSz,0|ψ(1)i = 0, ˜ ˜ 1 pSz,−1 = hψ(1)|PSz,−1|ψ(1)i = 2 . 2 Case II: The outcome of the Sz -measurement was 0. Then, the post-measurement state is

P 2 |ψi ˜ Sz ,0 |ψ(0)i = q = |0i. hψ|P 2 |ψi Sz ,0

By the Born rule, the conditional probabilities pSz,1, pSz,0, pSz,−1 for obtaining the outcomes 1,0,-1, respectively, are

pSz,1 = h0|PSz,1|0i = 0, pSz,0 = h0|PSz,0|0i = 1, pSz,−1 = h0|PSz,−1|0i = 0.

Problem 5 (5 points): A spin 1/2 system is known to be in an eigenstate of S · n with eigenvalue ~/2. The unit vector n lies in the xz-plane at an angle φ with the positive z-axis, i.e. S · n = nx(φ)Sx + nz(φ)Sz. Furthermore, the angle φ is oriented such that for φ = π/2, S · n = Sx.

(a) Suppose Sx is measured. What is the probability for finding +~/2? 2 (b) Evaluate the dispersion in Sx, that is, h(Sx − hSxi) i. Check your answers for the special cases of φ = 0, φ = π/2 and φ = π.

Solution: (a) With the specifications given, n · Sˆ = cos φSˆz + sin φSˆx. The eigenvector with eigenvalue +~/2 is φ φ |φ, +i = cos |+i + sin |−i, 2 2 where |+i, |−i are the eigenstates of Sˆx. (To check the above, you may find the relations sin 2α = 2 2 2 sin α cos α, cos 2α = cos α − sin α useful.) The probability of obtaining the outcome√ +~/2 in a 2 measurement of Sˆx on |φ, +i is p(+) = |hx, +|φ, +i| , where |x, +i = (|+i + |−i)/ 2. Thus,

2 p(+) = 1 cos φ + sin φ = 1+sin φ . (11) 2 2 2 2

ˆ (b) Then, the probability p(−) for obtaining the outcome −~/2 in the Sx-measurement is p(−) = 1 − p(+) = (1 − sin φ)/2. The expectation value of Sˆx therefore is

hSˆ i = ~ sin φ. x 2

2 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ2 ˆ 2 ˆ2 ~ The dispersion (variance) of Sx is Var(Sx) = h(Sx − hSxi) i = hSxi − hSxi . Also, Sx = 4 I, and thus 2 ˆ ~ 2 Var(Sx) = 4 cos φ. (12) 2 2 For angles φ = 0, π/2, π the variance is ~ /4, 0, ~ /4, respectively. This agrees with the expectation, since for φ = 0, π the measured state is an eigenstate of Sˆz, and for φ = π/2 an eigenstate of Sˆx. Problem 6 (5 points). A beam of spin 1/2 atoms goes through a series of Stern-Gerlach-type measurements as follows:

(a) The first measurement accepts sz = ~/2 atoms and blocks sz = −~/2 atoms.

3 (b) The second measurement accepts sn = ~/2 atoms and blocks sn = −~/2 atoms, where n is a unit vector lying in the xz-plane, at an angle β with the positive z-axis.

(c) The third measurement accepts sz = −~/2 atoms and blocks sz = ~/2 atoms.

What is the intensity of the final sz = −~/2 beam when the sz = ~/2 beam surviving the first measurement is normalized to unity? How must the second apparatus be oriented (i) to maximize, and (ii) to minimize the intensity of the final sz = −~/2 beam? Solution: The state of the atom after passing the fist SG apparatus is |+i, the state after passing the second apparatus is β β |β, +i = cos |+i + sin |−i, 2 2 (see Problem 4), and the state after passing the third apparatus is |−i. The probability for the atom to pass the second SG apparatus (conditioned upon having passed the first one) is 2 2 β ppass,2 = |h+|β, +i| = cos 2 . Likewise, the probability for the atom to pass the third SG apparatus 2 2 β (conditioned upon having passed the second one) is ppass,3 = |hβ, +|−i| = sin 2 . The two events are independent, and therefore the probability ppass,23 for passing both SG apparata is

2 β 2 β 1 2 ppass,23 = cos 2 sin 2 = 4 sin β.

π The final intensity is the initial intensity × ppass,23. The output intensity is maximized for β = ± 2 and minimized for β = 0, π.

Problem 7 (5 points). (Continuation from class) We noted the Born rule for measurement for the general (potentially degenerate) case. If Pa is the projector on the subspace corresponding to the measurement outcome a for the A, then the probability p(a) for obtaining the outcome a given the |Ψi is

p(a) = hΨ|Pa|Ψi.

P Show that p(a) ∈ R and p(a) ≥ 0 for all possible measurement outcomes a, and that a p(a) = 1. † ∗ ∗ Solution. p(a) = hΨ|Pa|Ψi = hΨ|Pa |Ψi = hΨ|Pa|Ψi = p (a). Hence, p(a) ∈ R. Furthermore, 2 †  † p(a) := hΨ|Pa|Ψi = hΨ|Pa |Ψi = hΨ|Pa P |Ψi = hΨ|Pa (P |Ψi). Hence, p(a) ≥ 0. Finally, denote by Pa the projector on the subspace of eigenstates of A with eigenvalue a, Pa = P i |a, iiha, i| where A|a, ii = a|a, ii. The key point is that BA := {|a, ii, ∀a, i} is an ONB of H . You may use this fact without proof, since its pure linear algebra, but a proof is given below. P P P P Then, a,i |aiiha, i| = I, and hence a Pa = I. Therefore, a p(a) = ahΨ|Pa|Ψi = 1.

Why BA is a basis of H, for any observable A: First, H is by definition complete, hence has a basis. Then, it also has an ONB, B0, which can be constructed e.g. by the Gram-Schmidt procedure. We may compute the matrix [A] corresponding to A in the basis B0. Now, [A] may be brought into [J] by a unitary transformation U,[J] = U[A]U †. Since [A] is a matrix over the complex numbers, the Jordan normal form always exists. Furthermore, since A is Hermitian, [A] is a , and so is [J]. Therefore, [J] is actually a . Its eigenvectors ej span the full space. Therefore, the † † eigenvectors of [A], {U ej} also span the full space. {U ej} corresponds to BA in the matrix representation induced by B0. Total: 35 points.