Lenk Have you found anything in or around the ice? 0 1000m – Do not recover the object or only if it is directly threatened. – Photograph the object and its wider surroundings. – Mark the location. – Write down the coordinates of the location or mark it Département de la mobilité, du territoire et de l’environnement du canton du Valais on a map. Service des bâtiments, monuments – Archaeological finds belong to the canton in which 3 et archéologie they were found. Report them to the relevant cantonal Departement für Mobilität, Raumentwicklung 2 authority. und Umwelt des Kantons Wallis Dienststelle für Hochbau, Denkmalpflege Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern und Archäologie Brünnenstrasse 66 Case postale, 1950 Sion Postfach Téléphone +41 27 606 38 00 3001 Bern +41 31 633 98 98
[email protected] [email protected] www.vs.ch/web/sbma/patrimoine-archeologique www.be.ch/archaeologie 4 Wildhornhütte SAC Service des bâtiments, monuments et archéologie Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern Avenue du midi 18 Direction de l’instruction publique du canton de Berne Case postale 1950 Sion Amt für Kultur | Office de la culture +41 27 606 38 00 3 Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern
[email protected] Service archéologique du canton de Berne www.vs.ch/web/sbma/patrimoine-archeologique Postfach, 3001 Bern Telefon +41 31 633 98 00 Thank you very much! 1 Schnidejoch
[email protected] For archaeological services of other cantons and www.be.ch/archaeologie information www.alparch.ch The Schnidejoch and Lake Iffig as hiking destinations Useful information: Iffigenalp and the Barrage du Tseuzier can be reached Nowadays, Lake Iffig and Schnidejoch are popular and worth- by public transport.