Government Department Cornell University 214 White Hail Ithaca, New York 14853-7901 College of Arts and Sciences t. 607.255.3549 f. 607.255.4530
[email protected] 308 White Hall Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 September 6, 2017 Anthony M. Cerreto Village Attorney Village of Port Chester 222 Grace Church Street Port Chester, NY 10753 Email: tcerretoOportchesterny. com Dear Mr. Cerreto, Please find our response to the Request For Qualifications (RFQ) in response to Village of Port Chester RFQ #2017-02 Alternative Governance Options for Consideration in Future Village Trustee Elections. We are a group of political scientists with current affiliation at U.S. research universities who have expertise and experience in the ability to collect, ana lyze, and interpret vote records and election results; work with U.S. Census data; analyze racial and ethnic voting patterns; develop and make recommen dations for policy and local election systems. We have worked on redistricting research both as consultants and expert witnesses to asses polarized voting and to draw districts in Washington State, California, Texas, and Florida. We have worked on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants so we appreciate and understand both sides of the VRA issues, Our extensive research experience and consulting expertise ensure we are well positioned to evaluate the current system of cumulative voting instituted by the consent decree in 2009 and provide insight into what, if any, governance options would be better suited for the Village of Port Chester while still ensuring compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.