NEWSLETTER of the MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume 19 Number 4 October 30 1974


by Robert F. Ruppel

Leafhoppers are numerous in species and in­ 2. Place it in a 10% NaOH solution in a shallow dividuals, and almost ubiquitous. Many species watch glass or in a depression slide and are restricted in hosts and habitat. They are warm it over an alcohol lamp until the inner found almost everywhere samples are soft parts become soupy. taken and are an excellent group for ecological 3. Tease out the soft parts as much as possible studies. They are relatively difficult to with a pin; re-warm the solution if needed. identify as there are many species and the in­ 4. Transfer the abdomen to another watch glass ternal male genitalia are frequently used as with clear water and tease out all of the diagnostic characters. And, while it takes remaining soft parts. some patience, their preparation for identifi­ 5. Transfer dark-colored specimens to house­ cation is not difficult. There are several hold bleach in another watch glass and \

The NEWSLETTER of the Michigan Entomological Society is published as four numbers yearly, at irregular intervals. Please send all notes, news, new insect records , research requests, season summaries, important dates for the Entomologists' Calendar, other items for the NEWS­ LETTER, membership inquiries, dues, etc. to the Executive Secretary, Michigan Entomological Society, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824. The Executive Secretary 's Page

1974-75 OFFICERS OF THE MICHIGAN ENT0140LOGICAL FOR SALE: Can. Entomologist, 1960-1963, plus SOCIETY Memoirs 1,7,8,13,14,16,20,22,24,47, 49-51, 56-59, 63, 65, 67, 74, 82, 83. Three President ...•...... •...... Robert W. Husband volumes plus 23 memoirs for $45.00. H. M. President-Elect ....••..•. David C. L. Gosling Kulman, 3279 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Executive Secretary ...... M. C. Nielsen 55112.

FOR SALE: J. Economic Entomology, 1950-1971, ENTOMOLOGIST'S CALENDAR 22 Volumes for $200.00. H. M. Kulman, 3279 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55112 . The thirteenth annual meeting of the North central Branch of the Entomological Society of America will be held at Kellogg Center on the campus of Michigan State University. Dates are March 25-27, 1975 . NEWS OF MEMBERS

RICHARD SNIDER has accepted a position of HAVE ANY GOOD PHOTOS? Curator of Education at the Michigan State Uni­ versity Museum and Assistant Professor of Ele­ Irv Cantrall , our j ournal editor, needs good mentary and speCial Education. He leaves the quality black and white photos for the cover of post of Executive Director of the Woldumar the Great Lakes Entomologist. If you've got a Nature Way Association--a post he held since good "bug s hot" languishi ng away in a drawer 1970. so~ewhere, why not share it with us. Irv pre­ fers ~hotos of living but any interest­ RICHARD SAUER, Extension Specialist at Mich­ ing photogenic entomological subject will be igan State University, received a 1974 Presi­ considered. Also, if you have a good colored dent's Citation for superior and outstanding slide, loan i t to us and we'll have a black and accomplishments in youth education as a member white made and return the slide. How about of the Cooperative Extension Service. Dr. taking a look at your photos and see what you Sauer I"as presented wi th this award at the can come up with! Send them to Irving J. Annual 4-H Conference May 9, 1974 in recogni­ Cantrall, Museum of ZOology, University of Mich­ tion of his outstanding 4-H Program in Entomo­ igan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 or contact L. F. !ogy. Well deserved Dick! Wilson, 215 Natural Resources Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823 (Tele­ WILLIAM WALLNER, Forest Entomology Extension phone: 517-355-0090). Specialist, received a special resolution of commendation from the I-lest Michigan Christmas tree growers in their pursuit of a quality pro­ NOTICES duct. He was cited, in particular, for his work with Ghristmas tree insects and for his WANTED: Records of all Michigan CatooaZ.! outstanding educational endeavors. Great job , species for compilation of tentative checklist Bill! of "underwings". Please list data by species, county and date of capture. Would like any ad­ ditional information as to method of capture, sex, etc., especially for the "black underwings"! MES ANNUAL ~EETIN6 Will make determinations of questionahle materi­ al. Please send all data to M. C. Nielsen, Captions for the photos on page 3 3415 Overlea Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48917. 1. Lou Wilson, Newsletter editor and Bob Hus­ WANTED: Records of unusual lepidoptera col­ band , MES president, discussing the merits lected during 1974 in MISSOURI, KENTUCKY, WEST of window-pane traps. VIRGINIA, OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, MINNE­ 2. Mo Nielsen, our executive secretary explains SOTA, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN and ONTARIO. Inter­ the uses of a bait trap (for moths, what es ted in new state or significant county records, else?) to Les Ferge a member from Wausau , range extensions, new foodplant records, migra­ Wisconsin. tions, predators-parasites, etc. Information t o be incorporated in the Annual Field Summary 3. Coffee break between sessions gave members of the LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY. Address all a chance to examine collecting equipment. reports and information to M. C. Nielsen, 3415 4. Bob Averill, intrepid "ichneumonologist" OVer lea Drive, Lansing , Michigan 48917. quips with Irv Cantrall our journal editor. 2 Sure window-pane traps ca~ch mites Louie, but to Honest Les, I had two rare ge' a Podapoi ipid you've Erora Zaeta in here this .90+ to Itlhack him across morning, but they the "chops" Iike this! out Th ~-



The list below is arranged alphabetically , ALDER , LARRY G., 525 W. Marshall, Ferndale, giving the full name and address of all MI 48220 . classes of members and a brief note of their ALEXANDER, RICHARD D., 5530 Warren Rd., specialties and areas of interests. In order Ann Ar bor, MI 48105. ORTHOPTERA, to encourage more communication between mem­ cicadas. bers, the names of members have also been ALFORD, MRS. RUTH B. , 2316 Fernwood, listed according to their specialties and Ann Arbor, MI 48104. areas of interest. ALL, JOHN, Univ . of Georgia, Athens, As of October 1 , 1974, the Society had a GA 30601 total of 435 members in good standing . The ALLEN, DAVID R., 101 Katherine , N.E. totals by membership class and country break Grand Rapi ds, MI 49505, COLEOPTERA : down as follows : Cicindel idae, LEPIDOPTERA: Sphingidae . ALLEN, DOUGLAS C., State Oniv., College of Active Belgium 1 377 Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210. Canada 27 Sustaining 10 COLEOPTERA: Cerambycldae, and fores t Institutional Columbia 1 10 pes ts in general. England 2 Honorary 2 ANDERSON , MARILYN P., 16131 Negaunee Rd. , Greece 1 Student 36 Detr oit, MI 48240. TOTAL 435" Malaysia 1 New Guinea ANDERSON, WILLIAM A., 2619 S. 101st St., 1 West Allis, Wisc. 53227. Spain 1 Thailand 1 APSEY, ROBERT PATRICK, 1452 Sunnyside NE, U.S.A. 399 Grand Rapids, MI 49505, LEPIDOPTERA TOTAL 435 (Lycaenidae, Precis, Cercyonis), ODONATA, COLEOPTERA (Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Scarabaeidae) Western N. Honorary members are designated by ** and America and German faunas. Institutional members by * before their name; ARMIN. CLAIR, 191 W. Palm Ave., Reedley. Sustaining members have their names under­ Calif. 93654 . and ecology of lined; and Student members have (student) COLEOPTERA: Carabidae. after their name or specialty. ARNOLD, RICHARD, 735 McKinley Lane, Any correc t ions or omissions in this list Hinsdale, IL. 60521. LEPIDOPTERA should be s ent t o the Executive Secretary. Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Speyeria, BoZoria. ASKINS, SCOTT E. , 555 N. Mildred, Dearborn, MI 48128. DIPTERA (CulicIdae and Tabanidae) , E. E. Encephalitis in Mich. -- mosquito control. 1974 LIST OF ME~BE RS AVERILL, ROBERT D., Building 85, Denver Federal Center, U.S. Forest Service, Lakewood, Colorado 80225. Pest Control, behavior, A biology, and ecology of Plantation Pine insects, . ACKER, THOMAS , Univ. of Detroit , Dept. of Biology, Detroit, MI 48221. Neuroptera. AGURKIS, RONALD , 1861 Oxnard, Downers B Grove, IL 60515. Medical ento­ mology, biology, ecology, and insect BAKER, NORMAN T., Fish & Wildlife, Univ. of photography. Minnesota, St. Paul , Minn. 55101. DIPTERA. ALBRECHT , CARL W. , 49 E. California BARR, WILLIAM F. , Dept. of Entomology, Univ. Ave., Columbus, OR 43202 . RHOPALOCERA, of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843. COLEOPTERA: esp . Hesperiidae (Ohio distribution). Buprestidae and Cler i dae . 4 BARRY, Patrick J., P.O. Box 5895, Asheville, Univ., Rochester, MI 48063. Toxicology, NC 28803. Physiology, Behavior. BATESON, DOUG, Route 1, Box 72A, Blissfield, BRISTOL, MAURICE, L., 511 May St., Elgin, IL MI 49228. MALLOPHAGA, particularly those 60120. Sphingidae, Arctiidae, Catocala sp., of game birds, (student). Strymon sp. BATH, JAMES E., Dept. of Entomology, Michigan BRITISH LIBRARY, THE, Science Ref. Lib . , State Univ., East Lansing, MIT 48824. Bayswater Division, 10 Porchester Entomology in general; aphids and other Gardens, London W.2 ENGLAND virus vectors. BRIVIO, REV. CARLO, P.I.M.E. Entomological BEATTY, JOSEPH A., Dept. of Zoology, South­ Museum, c/o Maryglade Seminary, 17400 ern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL 62901. Quincy Ave. Detroit, MI 48221. Collecting, , evolution, and Chrysome1idae of Michigan. zoogeography of ARACHNIDA, NEUROPTERA BROWN, DONALD F.M., 3575 North Dixboro Rd., in North America and pacific islands. Ann Arbor, MI 48105. BELAIR, CRAIG, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, BROWN, J. ALAN, 198 Forestwood Drive, Adrian College, Adrian, MI 49221. Interest­ Oakville, Ontario L6J 4E6. Nearctic ed in insect flight (student). RHOPALOCERA, esp. Lycaenidae. BELYEA, GLENN Y., 8051 Clark Rd., Bath, ~rr BRUHN, NANCY L., 172 Wilson #64, Albany, CA 48808. Collecting, taxonomy, biology, and 94710. U.S. biological control of ecology of LEPIDOPTERA. Porthetria dispar. BENSON, JOHN R., 11675 Beaconsfield, Detroit, BULL, JAMES, 1105 W. Maumee, Adrian, MI 49221. MI 48224. Behavior, collecting, biology Interested in insect photography. and ecology (student). BURGESS, DARLENE, 108 Deans Hall, Adrian BENSON, MARLA C., 20999 W. 14 Mile Rd., College, Adrian ~u 49221. Interested in Birmingham, ~rr 48010. COLEOPTERA: aphids (student). Cincindelidae, CicindeZa sp. of Michigan BURGOON III, CARROLL F., Morris Hall, Univ. or the western United States. of Georgia, Athens, GA 3061 BERNARD, ERNEST C., 19510 Biltmore, Detroit, BURTON, JOHN J.S . , Institute for Medical MI 48235. COLLEMBOLA: LEPIDOPTERA: Research, Univ. of Calif. I.C.M.R. Kuala Noctuidae, Geometridae; HYMENOPTERA: Lumpur 02-14, ~falaysia. Chrysops (DIPTERA: COLEOPTERA. Tabanidae) of Indiana; Tabanidae of BEYER, A. R. , 5145 N. Okemos Rd., East LanSing, Southeast Asia. MI 48823 BUTCHER, JAMES W., Dept. of Ent., Hich. State BICR, GEORGE H., Biology Dept., St. Mary's Univ., East Lansing, }U 48823. Pesticide College, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. ODONATA. side-effects stud~es. BLAND, ROGER G., Dept. of Biology, Central BUTLER, GARTH, R. R. #1, l04th St . , Howard Mich. Univ., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858. City, MI 49239. Collecting, photography of BLOOMER, ARTHUR W., 13905 Forest Hill Rd., COLEOPTERA (student). R. #3, Grand Ledge, MI. 48837. Com­ municable diseases. BOGGS, GORDON L., 833 47th St., Sacramento, c CA 95819. HYMENOPTERA and aquatics. BOLDT, PAUL, American Embassy, A.P.O. , CAMELET , WILLIAM E., Math and Science Dept. NY 09794. Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI BOOTH, HOWARD D., 1107 Pearl, Ypsilanti, 49022. DIPTERA. MI 48197. CAMERON, H.D., 2048 Charlton, Ann Arbor, MI BOUGHNER, JACKSON L., 848 1st Ave. No. 48103. Naples, FL 33940, LEPIDOPTERA. CAHPBELL, GEORGE A., 12629 Bender, Sterling BOWE, }fRS. D.J., 9780 Ann Arbor Rd., Heights, MI 48078. Behavior, collecting, Plymouth, MI 48170. 4-H Leader. taxonomy, photography, apiculture, biology BO"~ING, THOMAS A., 2801 Jolly Rd., 6-308 and ecology of LEPIDOPTERA AND COLEOP­ Lansing, MI 48910. TERA. BRACE, RANDY, 622 W. Main St., Grand CANTRALL, IRVING J . , Museum of Zoology, Univ. Ledge, MI 48837. LEPIDOPTERA: Satur­ of Mich., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ORTHOPTERA nidae and Sphinqidae. and Michigan Phyllopf~ga. BRACHER, RAY W., 17145 Cherokee Dr., Granger, CARLSON, DONALD, 626 West Lawn, Racine, lYis. Ind. 46530. LEPIDOPTERA. 53405. LEPIDOPTERA: Pterophoridae. BRADSHAW, WILLIAH E., Dep t. of Biology, Univ. CARLSON, STEPHJu~IE, l632-E Spartan Village, of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. Termination E. LanSing, MIT 48823. Saturniidae, of Diapause in ChaObO~UB (Culicidae). Sphingidae, Noctuidae (Genus CatocaZa). BRATT, A. L., Dept. of Biology, Calvin ColI., CARR, THOMAS W., 5317 Jackman Rd., Apt. 8, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Aca~yptrate Toledo, OR 43613, LEPIDOPTERA and DIPTERA: , expo Phe~belZia. COLEOPTERA. BRICE, JAMES R., 121 N. California, CASE, FREDERICK 1-1., JR., 7275 Thornapple Lane, Mundeleim, IL 60060. R. #212 , Saginaw, MI 48603. Moths, esp. BRIEGER, G., Dept. of Chemistry Oakland HyaZopho~a columbia. 5 CHARBONEAU, ROBERT W., 9200 Elm. Ct., Apt. DOBRZECHOWSKI, MISS DIANNA A., Dept. of 314, Federal Hts., Colorado 80221. Biology, Wayne Univ., Detroit MI 48202. LEPIDOPTERA. DONAHUE, JULIAN P., Los Angeles Co. Museum, CHERMOCK, RALPH L., P.O. Drawer 0, Univ­ Natural History, Los Angeles, CA 90007. ersity, AL 35486. Biogeography of Butterflies of the Oriental Region (esp. RHOPALOCERA of New World. India), Arctiidae of North America. CLARK, TERRY, Route 1, Box 200, Hudson, MI DOUGLAS, PAUL E., 233 College SE, #4, Grand 49247. Insects and insect Products Rapids, MI 49503. associated with pharmaceutical uses DOUGLAS, W., BRUCE, Dept. of Neurosciences, Mc­ (student) • Master Univ. Medical Center, 1200 Main St. W., CLARKE, JOHN LYELL, JR., 200 Hayes St.. La Hamilton, Ontario, Cfu~ADA. LEPIDOPTERA: Grange, IL. 60525. Pest Control. neurophYSiology of locomotion in insects. CLENCH, HARRY K., Section of Insects, DOWNEY, JOHN C., Biology Dept. Univof Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50613. LEPIDOPTERA: Lycaenidae. Lycaenidae (LEPIDOPTERA). CONDELL, PETER G., 1001 Ulmeston, #118, DREW, LESLIE C., 410 S. 12th Ave., Bozeman, Largo, FL 33540. COLEOPTERA: Scarabaei­ HT 59715. ARACHNIDA. dae. DUDEK, THOMAS, 208 Cedar St., East Lansing, CONNIN, RICHARD V., Dept. of Ent., Mich. MI 48823. Aquatic insects, pest control, State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48823 collecting, taxonomy, biology and ecolo­ CONNOR, LA~v.RENCE J., Extension Entomologist, gy. Band Z Bldg., 1735 Neil Ave., OSU Columbus, OH 43210 DUNCAN, J . BRUCE, 5821 S. 2150 West, ROY, UT 84067. Pest control; collecting biology CONWAY, PATRICK J., 4533 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 60515. North American RHOPALOCERA. and ecology of Saturniidae, HyaZophopa. COOK, DAVID R., Dept. of Biology, Wayne State and N.A. LEPIDOPTERA. Univ., Detroit, MI 48202. Acarology: DZIDOWSKI , GARY R., 3669 Crooks, Apt. IS, Royal Oak, MI 48073. COLEOPTERA and HYDRACARINA. HOMOPTERA of N.E. United States. CRAIG, GEORGE B., JR., Dept. of Biology, Univ. of, Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. CuliCidae, esp. Aedes. CRAIK, JANE, Aberlemno Down Rd., Tavistock, S. Devon, ENGLAND. LEPIDOPTERA (Macro) , E bees. CRUDDER, FREDERICK H., 2841 White~'70od, Ann EDGAR, ARLAN L., Dept. of Biology, Alma Arbor, MI 48104. COLEOPTERA. College, Alma, MI 48801. Physiology, behavior, taxonomy , biology, and ecology of ARACHNIDA (Phalangida). EDMONDS, WILLIAM, 68 Olive Ave., Toronto 4, D Ontario, Canada. LEPIDOPTERA of Ontario. EIBER, THOMAS G., 3720 Mount View, Alliance, DALE, JOHN lv., 206 E. Broadway, McLeansboro, IL OH 44601. 62859. Forest Entomology; cone and seed EISELE, PAUL J., Dept. of Environ. Health, insects ; insect transmission of tree School of Public Health, Univ. of Mich., diseases. Ann Arbor, MI 48014. DALEY, DARRYL L., 14833 Mapleridge, Detroit, ENGEL, ROBERT L., Rte #2, Box 306, Oconto MI 48205 (student). Falls, WI 54154 DANIELS, SIDNEY, 90 Stuart Avenue, Will~wda1e, Entomological Reprint Specialists Ontario, CANADA. LEPIDOPTERA: Bolor~a P.O. Box 77224, Dockweiler Station, and Callophrys sp. of Ontario bogs. Los Angeles, CA 90007 DAVIDS, WERNER, P.O. Box 1434, Martinsburg, EPPELHElMER, DAVID, 245 East 44th St., WV 25401. 4-H leader. Fremont, MI 49412 (student). DAVIES DOUGLAS M., Dept. of Biology, ERADICO EXTERMINATORS, INC., c/o Myron McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA. Sempliner, 2285 Indiandale, Detroit, MI Simuliidae, Tabanidae, and other DIPTERA. 48238. DAVIS, LLOYD R. JR., 304 W. Stanage St. EVANS, DAVID A., Dept. of Biology, Kalamazoo Champaign, IL 61820 (student) . College, Kalamazoo, MI 49001. Mutillidae; DETTWILER, DANIEL LOREN, 3062 N. Newhall Ave. migration of Aphididae. Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. COLEOPTERA of EVANS, ELWIN, 16106 Peacock Rd., Haslett, MI Wisconsin, esp. Carabidae, Cucujidae 48840 and Coccinellidae. EVANS, FRANCIS, Zoology Dept., Univ. of Mich., DILL, JOHN J., J. J. Dill Co., P.O. Box 788, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Kalamazoo, MT 49005. Chemical control. EWART, DONALD D., 7 Sora Drive, Streetsvi11e, DILLERY DEAN G., Biology Dept., Albion Ontario , CANADA L5M lBl. LEPIDOPTERA of Coliege, Albion, MI 49224. Aphididae. Southern Ontario. DIXON, JOHN C•• R. R. #3. Box 165, Eau Claire. WI 54701. Sco1ytidae: Ip8# Dendrootonu8. 6 dea, Chalcidoidea. F GORTON, RALPH J., 6609 Byron Rd., Dur and, MI 48429. ODONATA: Aquatic (esp. FERGE, LESLIE A., Rte. 5, Town Line Rd., Gerridae) • Wausau, WI 54401. Behavior, collecting, GOSLING, DAVID C. L., R. #1, White Pigeon, biology, and ecology of LEPIDOPTERA of HI 49099. Cerambycidae. North America. *GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LI~RARY, Environmental FERGUSON, DOUGLAS C., Systematic Ent. Lab., Info. Library Center, Library Plaza, USDA, c/o U.S. National Museum, Washington, Grand Rapids, MI 49502. D.C. 20560. Nearctic and Holarctic MACRO­ *GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC MUSEUM, 54 Jefferson SE, HETEROCERA. Grand Rapids, MI 49502. FISHER, JAMES R., 207 South Blaine, Moscow, GRAVES, DR. ROBERT C., Dept. of Biology, ID 83843. HOMOPTERA: Coccidae, Pseudococcidae. Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, FISCHER, ROLAND L., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State OR 43402. COLEOPTERA (esp. Cicindel1idae, Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. HYMENOPTERA. Carabidae). FLEMING, RICHARD C., Dept. of Biology, Olivet GREEN, LAWRENCE A., P.O. Box 6Al, Jackson, OH College, Olivet, MI 49076. LEPIDOPTERA: 45640. Aquatic insects: biology and ecology. Papilionidae, Sphingidae. GRIFFIN, LINDEN L" Griffin Pest Control, FLOOD, THOMAS, 42 Park St., Phelps, ~.Y. 14532. HOMOPTERA: Aphididae, Chermidae. Inc., 5721 S. Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, FLORY, GERARD, R.R. 1-1576 Standish Ave., }U 49002 (student). E. Wareham, MA 02538. GRI}lliLE, DAVID G., Applied Forestry Research FOLKERTSMA, MISS JACIE, 5477 McCords Avenue Inst., College of Forestry, Syracuse Univ., Alto, MI49302. (student). ' Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. COLEOPTERA, Cerambyci­ FOLKERTSMA, JAN KAY, 5477 McCords Ave., Rt. dae. I, Alto, MI 49302. LEPIDOPTERA: COLEOPTERA GROOTHUIS, DENNIS, 1700 East 56th St., Apt. 380~, Chicago, IL 60637. LEPIDOPTERA: esp. (student) • CoZ~; Nymphalidae, esp. HoZoria. *FORD FORESTRY CENTER, Mich. Tech. Univ., GUREGIAN, MISS MARY, 9200 Ann Arbor Rd., Alberta, L'Anse, MI 49946. Plymouth, MI 48170 (student). FORSYTHE, HOWARD Y., JR., Dept. of Ent., GURNEY, SHELDON R., Miami Valley School 5151 Univ . of Main, Orono, ME 04473. FOWLER, RICHARD F., 1735 Iyoodbridge Ct., Apt. Denise Dr., Dayton, OH 45429. COLEOPTERA. GUYER, GORDON E., Dept. of Bnt., Mich. State 12, St. Paul, MN 55113. Forest Insects. Univ., East Lansing, MI 48823 FRANTZ, GALEN II, 204 River St. #3, East Lansing, MI 48823. Disease transmission. FRETWELL, STEVEN, 445 Abbott Rd., East Lansing, MI 48823. HEMIPTERA: Belostoma­ H tidae; COLEOPTERA: Dytiscidae, Hydrophil­ idae. HALL, DAVID J., 210 Walnut St., Oregon, FULLER, A VERNE , 914 Lee Barton Place, Kalamazoo, MI 49007. WI 53735. HAMRUM, CHARLES L. , Dept. of Biology, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN 56082. G ODONATA: DIPTERA. HANNA , HURRAY, 654 Cornell Ave., East LanSing, MI 48823. HOMOPTERA. GANGWERE, S.K., Dept. of Biology, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI 48202. Food selection HANSEN, CLARK B., 4901 - 39th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55417. LEPIDOPTERA and and general behavior of ORTHOPTERA. COLEOPTERA, esp. of Hinnesota (student). GEMRICH, EDWIN G., II, The Upjohn Co., Dept. HARDING, DOUGLAS H., 373 Maple Grove Drive 9730-50-1, Kalamazoo, MI 49001. Insect Oakville, Ontario, CANADA. ' toxicology. GERSABECIC, EDWARD E., 5025 Amsterdam, Holt, HARDWICK, DAVID F., Ent. Res. Inst., (;entral MI 48842. HYMENOPTERA, LEPIDOPTERA, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA. LEPIDOPTERA: Noetuidae. NEUROPTERA. GIBSON, ANDREW H., Science Div., Delta College, HARRIS, MISS DAWN, Box 96, Dansville, HI 48819 Univ. Center, MI 48710. (student). GILL, GORDON D., Dept. of Biology, Northern HARRIS, TODD L., Purdue University, Entomology Dept. - Ent. Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Mich. Univ., Marquette, MI 49855. , stomoxys and CaZaitrans. HART, SHERRY L., 1114 L. University Village, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48823. Interested in GLOYD, HRS. LEONORA K., Museums Bldg., Univ. honey bees (student). of Hich., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ODONATA: HARTMAN, CATHERINE, R. #4, Box 504D, Elkhart, Argia, Amphiagrion, Gomphoides. Ind. 46514. Rearing Saturniidae. GOMULINSKI, MELVIN S., Box 192 , R. #2,15350, HEADINGS, MARK, Gates Rd., RD 2, Box l78A, A1bain Rd., Petersburg, MI 49270. Geneva, NY 14456. Pest control, biology and COLEOPTERA. ecology. GORDINIER, HOLLACE C., JR., 32127 Bunert Dr., Warren, MI 48093. HYMENOPTERA: Ichneumonoi­ 7 HEATON, GEORGE C., 215 Natural Res. Bldg., JAQUA, DAVID E.,ll14 L. University Village, MSU, Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, MI48824. East LanSing, MI 48824. Biological control­ HEDGES, F.W., M.D., 215 W. Saginaw, St. Louis, predaceous insects (student). MI 48880. JOHNSON, JAMES B., Apt. 303, 251 River St., East HELIN, CHARLES, 4099 Beaufait Ave., Detroit, Lansing, }!I 48823. MECOPTERA. DIPTERA, MI 48207. and Cyclorrhapha. HELLER, PAUL R., OARDC - Dept. of Ent. Wooster, JOHNSON, KEITH R., 350 Old Kiln Road, Marquette, OH 44691. Behavioral and ecological invest­ MI 49855. Pest control; taxonomy, biology igations of Aleocnara tristis (Staphylini­ and ecology of forest pests. dae, Aleocharinae) parasite of the face JOLIN, NORMAN, l208-K University Village, East (student). LanSing, MI 48823. LEPIDOPTERA of U.S., HESSEL, SIDNEY A., Nettleton Hollow, Washing­ (student) . ton, CT. 06793. LEPIDOPTERA, esp. JONES, PRIMAS, c/o Green Things, 7167 S. noctuids Papaipema and Catocala. Exchange, Chicago, IL 60649. HEYD, ROBERT L., 2212 South Rundle, Lansing, JONES, ROBERT E., 426 Malzahn, Saginaw, MI UI 48910. Forest Insects. 48602. Medical entomology. HICKS, S.D., 1050 Pinewood Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K2B 5Y5. HILSENHOFF, tYILLIAM, Dept. of Ent. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Aquatic K insects. HILTUNEN, JARL K., Great Lakes Fishery Lab, *KALAMAZOO NATURE CENTER, INC., 7000 N. P.O. Box 640, USBCF, Ann Arbor. Ml Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, MI49007. 48107. Immature aquatic insects and KAUFMANN, D.L., Dept. of Biology, Wis. State pollution biology. Univ., Superior, WI 54880. COLEOPTERA: HINTZ, Hm-lARD W., Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Chysomelidae. OH 44883. HEMIPTERA: Miridae. KELTY, JOSEPH, Biology Dept., Highland Lakes HODGES, RONALD W., Sys. Ent. Lab, USDA, c/o Campus, Oakland Comm. College, Union Lake, U.S . National Museum, Washington, D.C. }U 48085. Biology and ecology. 20560. LEPIDOPTERA: Gelechioidea and KENAGA, EUGENE E., 3309 Isabella Rd., Midland, nearctic Gelechiidae, }1omphidae. MI 48640. HOEBEKE, E. RICHARD, Department of Entomology, KENNEDY, BRUCE, P.O. Box 365, U.S. Forest Comstock Hall, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY Service, Delaware, OH 43015. 14850. COLEOPTERA: Staphylinidae. KENNEDY, PATRICK C., CIBA-GEIGY Corp. Agric. HOFFMAN, J.R., Dept. of Natural Science, Div. P.O. Box 11422, Greensboro, NC Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. 27409. Ichneumonidae. HOLZBACH, JOHN E., 229 Maywood Dr., Youngstown, KERR, DIANE, 18814 James Town, Northville, OH 44512. MI 48167. Insect photography, secondary HOLZBAUER. PHILIP A., R. 1, Box 214, Palmyra, education (student). WI. 53156. Lycaenidae, Ichneumonidae, KING, HERMAN, 306 Admin. Bldg. Mich. State Cicinde1idae (student). Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. Pentatomidae. HOLZMAN, RICHARD ~-1., 215 N. Center, Royal Oak, KLEE, GEORGE E., 3920 Darlington, N.W. Canton, MI 48067. Michigan LEPIDOPTERA. OH 44708. Formicidae; Opiliones and Aranea HOOPINGARNER, ROGER, Dept. of Ent., Mich. (Arachnida) • State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. KLENK, JEFFREY W., 5539 Lansing Rd., Lansing, HOWE, RICHARD T., Eau Claire Fruit, Inc., MI 48917. Aquatic insects (rearing), col­ P.O. Box 327, Eau Claire, MI49lll. lecting and taxonomy of ODONATA, LEPIDOPTERA HUBER, RONALD L., 2896 Simpson St. North, (Saturnidae), aquatic HEMIPTERA (student). St. Paul, MN 55113. COLEOPTERA esp. Ci­ KLOPP, WAYNE W., 6705 SW 44 St., #10, Miami, FL cindellidae of Minn., LEPIDOPTERA: 33155. Papilionidae, Cetonidae, Lucanidae, RHOPALOCERA, esp. Hesperidae. Carabidae, esp. genera Microcallisthenes, HUSBAND, ROBERT W., Dept. of Biology, Adrian Megodontus, Coptolabrus, Calosema. College, Adrian, MI 49221. Mites on KNIGHT, ALLEN W., Water Sci. & Eng. Dept. bumblebees. Univ. of Calif., DaVis, CA 95616. PLECOPTERA: MEGALOPTERA: Tanyderidae. KOCHENDERFER, ERIC J., Rt. #1, N. Lake Rd., I - J Fostoria, MI 48435. Spiders, esp. Lycosidae: Geolycosa. lMAI, EDWIN M., 714 Green Ridge Rd., Battle KOHALMI, LESTER L., 238 Epsom Downs Dr., Creek, MI 49015. DIPTERA: Tephritidae. Downsview, Ontario, CANADA. LEPIDOPTERA: IRWIN, RODERICK R., 24 East 99th Place, Chicago, Sphingidae, Arctiidae, Catoaala of IL 60628. RHOPALOCERA, esp. distribution in Ontario (student). KORMAN, GARY D., Fennvllle, High School, Ill. JACKMAN, JOHN, 1113 Univ. Village, East Lansing, Fennville, MI 49408. Teaching material and student projects. MI 48823. LEPIDOPTERA. JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Science Office, KOT, CAROL, 29314 Van Vaan, Warren, MI 48092. 310 Steward Ave., Jackson, MI 49201. KRAFT, KENNETH J •• Biology Dept., Mich. Tech. 8 Univ., Houghton, MI 49931. LEPIDOPTERA: MACLEAN, BONNIE, 280 E. Western Reserve Rd., Olethreutidae. Youngstown, OH 44514. HYMENOPTERA: Bombu8. KREBS, CHARLES F., 1478 Roundleaf Court, MACNAUGHTON, ALAN, 236 Guelph St., Kitchener, Reston, VA 22090. OntariO, Canada. Collecting, biology, KREGER, DENNIS, 1057 West Stein Rd., LaSalle, ecology of LEPIDOPTERA. MI 48145. Use of insect as food (student). MAKI, JON R., College of Human Biology, Univ. KULMAN, HERBERT M., Dept. of Ent., Fisheries, of Wisconsin-GreenBay, Green Bay, WI 54301. Wildlife, Univ. of Minn., St. Paul, MN MANLEY. GARY V., 12738 Borgman Ave., Huntington 55101. Behavior, biology, ecology. Woods, MI 48070. COLEOPTERA: Pseudoscorpions. MARBRY, DAVID L., 2367 N. Burkhart, Howell, MI 48843. Saturnid moths and COLEOPTERA (larger beetles). l MARTEL, PAUL, 117 Roseval, Ste. Rose de Laval, Quebec, Canada. LABERGE, WALLACE E., Faunistics Div., Ill. MARTIN, DR. E. C., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, Ml 48824. Nat. History Survey, Urbana, IL 61801. HYMENOPTERA: Apoidea, Formicoidea. ~~RTIN. LELAND L., P. O. Box 4, Wellington, LANCOUR, KAREN L., 8576 Gooddale, Utica, OH 44090 . LEPIDOPTERA. MI 48087 (student). MARTINAT, PETER J., 515 Ann Street, East Lansing, LANKTREE, P.A. DESMOND, Dept. of Biology, Ml 48823. ODONATA, immature insects, spiders. Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, MASTERS, JOHN H., 5211 Southern Ave., South CANADA. Nearctic, Indo-Malayan, Indo­ Gate, CA 90280. RHOPALOCERA, esp. of Chinese RHOPALOCERA, part. Nymphalinae. Venezuela, Columbia, and Bolivia. LAROCHELLE, ANDRE', College Bourget, C.P. 1000, MATHER, BRYANT, 213 Mt. Salus Dr., Clinton, MS Rigaud, Quebec, CANADA JOP lPO. COLEOPTERA: 39050. LEPIDOPTERA, Esp. of Mississippi. Cicinde1idae and Carabidae, nearctic region. MATHEWSON, JOHN A., Dept. of Zoology, Univ. LAVALLEE, ARTHUR GEORGE, Dept of Entomology, of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Univ. of Georgia, Athens , GA 30601 HTIfENOPTERA . Aquatic insects (DIPTERA: , Simu­ MATTHEWS, ROBERT W., Dept. of Ent., Univ. of lidae, ), taxonomy, behavior, Georgia, Athens, GA 30601. Solitary wasps and bees; Braconidae. biology. LAVY, RICHARD, 548 S. Prospect Ave., Hartville MATTSON, WILLIAM J., JR., North Central Forest OH 44632. LEPIDOPTERA and COLEOPTERA. Exp. Sta., Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN LAWRENCE, DONALD A. , Rt. 1, Carbondale, IL 55101. 62901. LEPIDOPTERA: Lycaenidae, esp. IL. MCADA}ffi, ROBERT w., 1314 Elm Ave., Round Lake Beach, IL 60073. LAWSON, GEORGE, 7E. 8th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202. DIPTERA: , Culicinae of **MCALPINE, W. S., 2501 Bogie Lake Rd., R. 3, U.S.A. Union Lake, MI 48085 . LEPIDOPTERA. LEEUW, IRWIN, 1219 Crystal Lake Rd., Cary IL MCCABE, TIM L., Comstock Hall, Cornell Univ., 60013. LEPIDOPTERA : Satyridae, Nymphalidae, Ithaca, NY 14850. LEPIDOPTERA: Noctuidae. Lycaenidae, esp. midw'estern United States. MCCLAIR, LESLIE, Box 606, Oshawa, Ontario, LEONARD, JUSTIN ~., 1041, Arlington, Ann Arbor, CANADA LiH 7N4. LEPIDOPTERA. MI 48104. MCCOY, C. E., Ferris State College, Big Rapids, LEWANDOWSKI, HENRY B., JR., 9901 Piedmont, MI 49307. Detroit, MI 48228. ORTHOPTERA. MCDANIEL, EUGENIA 1. (MISS), 105 So. 2nd, LIETZAU, CHARLES, 18641 St. Louis, Detroit, MI Herington, Ran. 67449. 48234 . ORTHOPTERA. }1CMAHON, JOE, 89 Western Ave. , Chillicothe, OH LINDELL, LANCE, 4621 Hillcrest, Royal Oak, MI 45601. Collecting, taxonomy, biology, 48073 (student). ecology, photography of LEPIDOPTERA esp. LITTAHORSKY, ANTON, 3808 Union Rd., St. Sphingidae and Microlepidoptera. Louis, MO 63125. MCPHERSON, J. E., Dept. of Zoology, Southern LOAHARANU, SRISAN, Office of Atomic Energy Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL 62901. for Peace, Srirubsook Road, Bangkok, Aquatic HEMIPTERA. Thailand, Diptera pests of food products. MEIER, PETER G., 2518 School of Public Health, LOAN, C. C., R. R. #5, Kemptville, Ontario, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 CANADA. MELTON, LEE JOSEPH, Ill, 5438 High Tide, Ct., LOVITT, DEAN F. , Mich. Dept. of Agric., Columbia, MD 21044. LEPIDOPTERA: Papilioni­ Lewis Cass Bldg., Lansing, MI 48913. dae. LUCAS, WILLIAM J. JR., 1217 Houseman, N.E., MERTINS, JAMES W., 237 Russell Labs., Dept. of Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Ent., Univ. of Wise., Madison, Wis. 53706. }fETCALFE, JOHN A., R.F.D. 1, Oregon, IL 61061. 4-H leader. M METZLER, ERIC H., 4648-A Northtowne Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229. LEPIDOPTERA. MACCOY, BRUCE D., Box 1041, East Lansing, MI }fEYERS, DENNIS J., 11828 Robinwood, Warren, MI 48823, Forest insects. 48093. Collecting, biology, and ecology. 9 MICHAELS, RON, 53 Duncan Dr., Georgetown, NIELSEN, MOGENS C., 3415 Overlea Drive, Lansing, Ontario, Canada. LEPIDOPTERA, Arctiidae. MI 48917. LEPIDOPTERA of Mich., esp. Hesperii­ MILES, CATLING P., 104 Victoria Pk. Ave., dae, Lycaenidae, Sphingidae, Noctuidae. Toronto 13, Ontario, Canada. NIELSEN, SANDRA KAY, 3415 Overlea Drive, MILIOTIS, PAUL S., Depot St., Dunstable, MA Lansing, MI 48917 (student). 01827. NORD, JOHN C., 345 Milledge Heights, Athens, MILLER, WAYNE A., 416 Douglas, Kalamazoo, HI GA. 30601. 49007. LEPIDOPTERA of N. America, North NORDIN, JOHN S., 1826 Roan Drive, Warrington , of Mexico. PA 18976. LEPIDOPTERA. HILLER, WILLIAM E., North Central Forest NUNAMAKER, SHERRY, P.O. Box 154, Beaver, PA Expt. Sta., Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 15009. History of insect products especial­ 55101. Olethreutidae (LEPIDOPTERA) of ly mead, elementary education (student). Great Lakes Region; gall-making LEPIDOP­ TERA. MOCKFORD, EDWARD L, Dept. of Biological Sci., Illinois State Vniv., Normal, IL 61761. o PSOCOPTERA of the world. OEMKE, MARK P., 2022 Stieber, Westland, MI MOERLAND, ABRAHAM, 80 79th St. S.E., Grand 48185. Nepidae, Trichoptera, and tropical Rapids, MI 49508. insects (student). ~10LINA-PARDO, ADOLFO, Universidad Naciona1 de OLIVER, CHARLES G., R. D. 1, Scottdale, PA Colombia, Apartado aereo 568, Medellin, 15683. LEPIDOPTERA. Colombia. SOUTH AMERICA. HYMENOPTERA: OLSEN, LARRY G., Dept of Ent., Mich. State Apoidea. Neotropic. Univ., East Lansing, MI48824. MONTGOMERY, B. ELWOOD, 906 North Chauncey Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47906. OOSTING, DANIEL P., 7684 Cottonwood Drive, MOORE, IAN, Dept of Entomology, Div. Bio. Cont. Jenison, MI 49428. LEPIDOPTERA: Nearctic Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92502. Rhopalocera, esp. Mich. distribution. COLEOPTERA: Staphylinidae. Ottawa Hills H.S. Library, M. Lieffers, MORGAN, W. GERRY, R.R. #2 Box 765, Crete, IL 2055 Rosewood, S.E., Grand Rapids , MI 60417. Science teacher; collecting, biology, 49506. ecology. OWENS, CLARENCE, 3390 Allston Dr., Jackson, MOSHER, DANIEL G., 146 W. Howe Ave., Lansing, MI 49201. MI 48906. Forest and shade tree entomology. MULLER, JOSEPH, R. D. 1, Lebanon, NJ 08833. LEPIDOPTERA; esp. strymon~ Apantesis, Ha:pZoa~ HoZomeZina, CatoaaZa. p MYERS, WAYNE L., 4701 Wainwright Ave., Lansing, MI 48910. LEPIDOPTERA: COLEOPTERA PARKINSON, JAMES C., 3502 Mt. View Rd., Apt. 5, (Cerambycidae) . Schofield, WI 54476. PARSHALL, DAVID K., 4424 Rosemary, Columbus, OH 43214. Behavior, taxonomy, evolution N and insect photography of Ohio LEPIDOPTERA. PASSOS, CYRIL F. DOS, Washington Corners, Mend­ NARF, RICHARD P., 410 Gunderson St., Madison, ham, N.J. 07945. Nearctic butterflies. WI 53714. PLECOPTERA. PATTERSON, MRS. MILO J., 3227 Kraft, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49508. 4-H leader. NEEB, EARL C., Seven Ponds Nature Center, PEACOCK, JOHN W., Forest Insects & Disease 3852 Crawford Rd., Dryden, MI48428. Collecting, taxonomy, ecology. Lab., Box 365, Delaware, OH 43015. PECK, MRS . VERNA, 202 East Buchanan, St. Johns, NELSON, DOUGLAS, 2600 Hampden Dr., Lansing, M1 MI 48879. 4-H leader. 48910. COLEOPTERA. PEDERSON, CALVIN E., Route 2, Box 92, Starbuck, NELSON, JOHN M., Dept. of Nat. Res., Oral MN 56381. Roberts Univ., Tulsa OK 74105. Social PENNIMAN, ANDREW J.) 1428 King Ave. 115, Vespidae, esp. PoZistes; Araneae. Columbus, OH 43212. ARACHNIDS, HYMENOPTERA, NELSON, MARK L., 31161 Old Stage Rd., ODONATA (arctic and temperate regions), Birmingham, MI 48010. ORTHOPTERA. parasitology. NELSON, SIGURD, JR., Dept. of Zoology, PERKINS, OWEN A., 2806 Linwood Ave., Royal Oak, State Univ. of New York, ColI at Oswego, MI 48073. Butterflies. Oswego, NY 13126 PETERSON, PRISCILLA, Dept. of Vet. Sci., Univ. NEWMAN, JOHN H., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State of Wisconsin, 1655 Linden Dr., Madison WI Univ::-East LanSing, MI 48824. LIPIDOPTERA 53706. Scarabaeidae. of N.A., esp Noctuidae. PETITPREN, MICHAEL F., 24581 Crocker Rd., Mt. NICHAMIN, HENRY, 26034 York,Huntington Woods, Clemens, MI 48043. ODONATA: Aeschnidae, MI 48074 (student). Anax (student). NICHOLS, JAMES W., Forestry Dept., 126 Nat. PHILLIS, WILLIAM, Dept. of Ent. & Nematology, Res. Bldg., Mich. State Univ. , East Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32601. Lansing, M1 48824. Collecting , biology PICKHARDT, WILLIAM G., JR. , 1012 Elmsford, and ecology. Troy, MI 48084. 10 PINKOWSKI, BEN, Bldg. 9 Apt. 7, 60510 Camp­ RYDHOLM, FRED, 119 W. Arch St., Marquette, MI ground, Washington, MI 48094. 49855. Insects in north }~rquette County. PLAGENS, MICHAEL J., 21208 Centennial Dr., St . Clair Shores, MI 48081. Behavior, collecting, taxonomy, photography. PORTER, T. WAYNE, Dept. of Zoology, Mich. State 5 Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. POWERS, LAWRENCE W., Dept of Zoology , Univ. of SABROSKY, CURTIS W.o Systematic Ent. Lab., Texas, Austin, TX 78712. HYMENOPTERA. USDA, c/o U.S. National Museum, Washington, PRESCOTT, JOHN M., 369 E. Gove Rd., Erie, PA D.C. 20560. DIPTERA: esp. , 16509, LEPIDOPTERA: of PA and Transi­ Milichiidae, Asteidae, Tachinidae. tional Zone. SAMBEL, MARK, 525 Yates Front, Calument City, PRIEBE, KENNETH, 16781 Burgess, Detroit, MI IL 60409. COLLEMBOLA (student). 48219. ODONATA. SA1~ERS, FRANCIS H., 9933 Rutland, Detroit, MI PRIEST, RONALD J., 35091 Drakeshire Pl., 48227 . Bldg. 6, Apt. 204, Farmington, MI 48024. S~~ERS, WILLIAM P., 2721 Keller Ave., Apt. 3, DIPTERA. Santa Ana, CA 92704. DIPTERA: Medically PROCTOR, JOHN, 382 Hillcrest, Saline, ~ important . 48176. Toxicology. SASTRY, K.S.S., Dept. of Biology, Wayne State PURRINGTON, FOSTER FORBES, Dept. of Entomology, Univ., Detroit, MI 48202. HYMENOPTERA O.A.R.D.C., Wooster, OB 44691. HYlmNOPTERA: (Biological Control); ecology of ORTHOPTERA. Braconidae, Chalcididae, Formicidae, Ich­ SAUER, RICHARD J., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State neumonidae. Univ., East Lansing, }U 48823. ARANEAE: esp. . SCHAEFER, CARL W., Dept. of Zoology & Entomology, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268. R . SCHAPER, NED, 440 Overlook Dr., Alliance, OR RATLIFF, WILMA M., 2383 Windemere Dr., Jackson, 44601. LEPIDOPTERA: silk moths of Ohio MI 49202. DIPTERA, 4-H leader. and Michigan (student). RAHN, RUSSELL A., 3214 Springdale Ave. , SCHEEL, CARL A., Biology Dept., Central Mich. Wausau, WI 54401, LEPIDOPTERA: esp. Univ., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858. HEMIPTERA: Rhopalocera, Macroheterocera. ROMOPTERA. RIEDL, HELMUT, Dept . of Ent., Mich. State SCHEIBNER, RUDOLPH A. , Dept. of Ent., Univ. Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. Toxicology, Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. pest control and biology and ecology SCHIMMEL, JOHN C., Gardner Junior Righ, (student) • 333 Dahlia Dr., Lansing, MI 48910. RIOTTE, REV. J. C. E., Dept of Entom. ROM SCHLOEMER, JERRY, Prospect Biological, 2595 Univ. Toronto, 100 Queen's Park, Crestl>1ood (Riverwoods), Deerfield, n 60015. Toronto, On., CANADA M55 2C6. LEPIDOPTERA: LEPIDOPTERA and COLEOPTERA. Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Parorgyia; SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY, 672 Buehler NEUROPTERA. Rall, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, ROBINSON, GEORGE A., 4 Kearney Dr., Roxdale, TN 37916. Ontario, CANADA. LEPIDOPTERA: North SCHMIDLIN, JENNY, 3132 Walbridge Rd., Millbury, shore of Lake Erie from Windsor to OR 43447 . Aquatic insects, Pest Control, and Rondeau Park. biology and ecology in the Great Lakes region. ROCKETT, C. LEE, Dept. of Biology, Bowling SCHULTHEISS, DOUG, 337 Custer St., Sandusky, MI Green Univ., Bo,.,ling Green, OH 43403. 48471. Acarology. SCHWEICKERT, FRANCINE, 19814 Tireman, Detroit, ROGERSON, JOHN L., 59 Ridout St. S., Apt. 12B MI 48228. Behavior, collecting, biology London 14, Ontario, CANADA. North Ameri­ and ecology, and insect photography of can Rhopalocera. ORTHOPTERA. ROTH, JAMES C., Dept. of Biological Sciences, S.C. Librairie Justus Lipsius, Rue des Menapiens, University of Calf. - Santa Barbara, 31, 1040 Bruxelles, BELGIGUE. Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Chaoborus, SCOTT, WILLIAM E., 10761 SW 124 Street., Miami, Chironomidae, etc. (DIPTERA). FL 33156. LEPIDOPTERA. RUES INK , WILLIAM, G., 10 Alder Ct., Champaign, SEABORG, NORMAN G., 232 East 20th Court, IL 61820.4-H Leader. Lockport, IL 60441. COLEOPTERA: RUPPEL, R. F., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State Rhopalocera, Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. Elateridae. Scarabaeidae. RUSSELL, GERALD E., 65 Devonshire, Pleasant SEELEY, MISS COLLEEN, 249 Center St., Ridge, MI 48069. COLEOPTERA; DIPTERA; East Lansing, MI 48823. Editor, Teen LEPIDOPTERA as Food product contaminants. International Ent. Group Newsletter. RUTHERFORD, JOHN L., 1151 Kyle, Memphis, TN SRADDY, JAMES, Northeast Missouri State 38106. Univ., Science Div. Kirksville, MO 63501. RUTKOWSKI, FRANK, 153 Centre St., New York, SBAPPIRIO, DAVID G., Dept of Zoology, Univ. of NY 10013. LEPIDOPTERA', esp. New World Mich., 1116 Nat. Sci. Bldg., Ann Arbor, Satyridae. '11 MI 48104. HYMENOPTERA: Mutillidaej LEPIDOPTERA: Saturniidae. T SHIELDS, JAMES E., 7229 Wynter Way, Indianapolis, Ind. 46250. LEPIDOPTERA. TABOADA, OSCAR, Dept. of Nat. Sci., Mich. SHULL, ERNEST M., 402 N. Wayne St., North State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. Manchester, IN 46962. LEPIDOPTERA of Cicadellidae. India and Indiana. TAFT, BILL, 3427 Pickwick Place, Lansing, MI SIEKER, WILLIAM E., 119 Monona Ave., Madison, 48917. LEPIDOPTERA: Saturniidae (Mid­ WI 53703. LEPIDOPTERA: Sphingidae of Western) . the world. TALBOT, MARY, 315 N. 6th St., St. Charles, 1!1O SILER, TERRY L" P.O. Box 153, Bronson, MI 63301. Taxonomy, biology, and ecology of 49028. COLEOPTERA. Formicidae. SISK, THOMAS P., 564 Hoxie Ave., Calument TASKER, R. R., 12 Cluny Dr., Toronto 5, City, IL 60409. LEPIDOPTERA (student). Ontario, CANADA. SKOWRON, WALTER S., JR., 1810 North St., TATTER, JORDAN B., Camp Watervliet, Watervliet, Suffield, CT 06078. COLEOPTERA: Scolyti­ MI 49098. Fruit insects, HEMIPTERA and dae, PityophthoT'U8 ~ OT'thotomiaus. HOMOPTERA. SLOAN, PHILIP H., 30231 E. Jefferson Ave., TAYLOR, RICHARD S., 28510 Sunset Blvd., St. Clair Shores, MI 48082. COLEOPTERA: Lathrup Village, MI 48076. Federal plant LEPIDOPTERA. quarantine enforcement. SNIDER, RICHARD J., Dept. of Entomology, Mich. TENHAVE, JOHN R., 1040 Alger St., S.E., Grand State Univ., E. Lansing, MI 48824. COLLEMBOLA Rapids, MI 49507. SNITGEN , DONALD A., 1114 N. Front St., THANASSOULOPOULOS , ANASTASIA, Plant Protec­ Marquette, MI 49855. tion Research, Patras, GREECE SNOW, RUSSELL T., 39659 Memory Lane, Mt. THOMPSON, GENE, 922 4 Mi . Rd. N.W., Apt. Clemens, MI 48043. 4-H leader. 2B, Grand Rapids, 1!U 49504. DIPTERA: Tach­ SNYDER, RICK , 6428 N. Netvgard, Chicago, IL inidae. 60626. Collecting of LEPIDOPTERA: THRONE, ALVIN L. , 1358 Meadow Lark Lane, Saturniidae. Waukesha, HI 53186. NEUROPTERA. SORENSEN , JOHN T., 1846 Dwight Way, TOCZEK, DONALD R., R. F. D. #1, Hillsdale, MI Berkeley, CA 94704, LEPIDOPTERA: Nearctic, 49242. Physiology, behavior, biology, British, Japanese butterflies; Nearctic ecology of Acridoid ORTHOPTERA. moths (esp. Arctiidae, Agaristidae, Sphingi­ TORGERSEN, TOROLF R., Forestry Sciences Lab., dae)j Sphingidae of the world (esp . Holarc­ P. O. Box 909, Juneau, AK 99801. tic); COLEOPTERA: Cicindelidae. HYMENOPTERA: Ichneumonidae. STAATS, JOHN, 21540 Florence, Detroit, MI 48219. TOWNES, HENRY K., 5950 Warren Rd., R. 2, STAFFORD, ROBERT R., 300 Park Ave., Unit PHB-36 Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Ichneumonidae of Calumet City, IL 60409 . El. science teacher, the world. collecting. TOWNES, MARJORIE C., 5950 Warren Rd., R. 2, STANTON, E. N., 21869 West River Rd., Grosse Ann Arbor, MI 48105. HYMENOPTERA: I1le, ill 48138. Ichneumonidae of the world. STEHR, FREDERICK IV., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State TRUCHAN, JAMES, Bureau of Water Mgt., Dept. Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824. LEPIDOPTERA; of Nat. Res., Mason Bldg., Lansing, MI esp. Lasiocampidae. 48926. Aquatic insects. STEPHAN, KARL, 3038 East Eastland, Tucson, AZ TRUDEAU, THOMAS, Dept . of '.Jildlife & Fisher­ 85716. COLEOPTERA. ies, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, **STEYSKAL, GEORGE C., Dept. of Ent., U.S. TX 77843. Arachnids. National Museum, lolashington, D.C. 20560. TRZASKOS, JOHN Z., R. D. 6, Voorhees Rd., STIBICK, JEFFREY N.L., c/o D.A.S.F., Konedobu, Amsterdam, N.Y. 12010. Moths and butter­ Port Moresby, Papua, New Guinea. COLEOPTERA, of the world. most families, esp. Elateridae, Hypnoidinae, TUMA, FRANK J., 821 Clyde St., Owosso, MI Negastriinae of the world. 48867. COLEOPTERA: LEPIDOPTERA. STOVER, CAROLYN, 5353 Shaftsburg Rd., William­ TUTTLE, JIM, Wash. Arms #311, Monroe, MI ston, MI 48895. 4-H leader; collecting and 48161. LEPIDOPTERA. teaching; LEPIDOPTERA and COLEOPTERA. TYRKUS, MICHAEL, 11652 Brougham, Sterling STYER, WILLIAM E., Dept. of Ent. O.A.R.D.C., Heights, MI 48077. ORTHOPTERA. Wooster OR 44691. Aphids, leafhoppers, eriophyoid mites. SURGEONER, GORDON A., Dept of Ent., Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48823. Forest and u-v Shade tree insects (student). SUTER, WALTER R., Dept. of Biology, Carthage USDA, Forest Service, NAB & PF, Folwell Ave., College, Kenosha, WI 53140. COLEOPTERA: St. Paul, MN 55101 . Scydmaenidae. SYME, PAUL D., Forest Res. Lab., P.O. Box VALEK, DOUGLAS, Dept. of Biology, Central 490, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Mich. Univ., Mt. Pleasant, MI48858. LEPIDOPTERA of Great Lakes Basin. 12 Scolytidae. VAN DE WATER, M. ART, 319 E. Spruce, Saulte esp. Heterocera (macros) of Europe and U.S. Ste. Marie, MI 4978 3. DIPTERA and WILLIAMS, CURTIS E., 704 Foster St., Marlin, COLEOPTERA of northern Michigan. TX 76661. ODONATA of Texas; close-up VIDITO, MARY , 7512 N. Fowlerville Rd., photography. Fowlerville, MI 48836. Pest control. WILLIAMS, LEE J., 315 Clinton River Dr . , Mt. DE VIEDMA, MANUEL G., Dept. of En t ., E.T.S., De Clemens, MI 48043. COLEOPTERA. Ing. De Montes, Ciudad Univ., Madr i d (3), WILLIAMS, PAMELA JEAN, 2707 James Rd., Spain. COLEOPTERA. Pontiac, MI 48057. VOSS, EDWARD G., Univ. Herbarium, N. Univ. Bldg., WILLIAMS, RALPH S., 2712 Lincoln Ave., at Univ. of Mich. , Ann Arbor , MI 48104 . Wedgewood, St. Joseph, MI 49085. Macrolepidoptera of Michigan; Hesperiidae Insects of Southwestern Michi gan. in general. WILLSON, RONALD B., Bureau of Water Mg't, Dept. of Nat. Res., Mason Bldg., Lansing, MI 48926. Hydrophylidae. WILSON, BRUCE V., 815 N. Chipman St . , w Owosso, MI 48867. LEPIDOPTERA. WILSON, LOUIS F., 900 Longfellow Dr. , East WAFFLE, ELIZABETH L., Biology Dept. Eastern Lansing, MI 48823. Forest insects . Mich. Univ., Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Mosquitoes WINKLER, ROBERT H., 187 Beauland, Mt. and dog heart worm, parasitic insects, aquatic Clemens, MI 48043. ODONATA: Anisoptera. insects. WITTER, JOHN A., School of Nat. Resources, WAGNER, WARREN H., JR., Dept. of Botany, Univ. Nat. Res. Bldg., Univ. of Mich" Ann of Mich. , Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. Pollination Arbor, MI 48104. Biology, ecology of mechanisms, Rhopalocera. forest tent caterpillars (population WALKER, CECIL HUGH, 184 Beech Ave., Toronto, and natural control studies). Ontario CANADA , M4E 3H9. WONG, TIM T. Y., P. O. Box 944, Vincennes, IN WALLNER, WILLIAM, Dept. of Entomology, Mich. 47591. Control. State Univ., East LanSing, MI 48824. WOOD, DONALD M., Ent. Res. Inst., Central WALTY, JOHN B., 227 Wilfred Avenue, Willowdale, Expt. Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ontario M2N 5E2, CANADA. LEPIDOPTERA. DIPTERA: Tachinidae. WARC ZYNSKI, VIRGIL, 1804 Fitzhugh, Bay City, WOOD, JULIA, 1222 Elm St., Wausau, WI MI 48708. LEPIDOPTERA. 54401. Local LEPIDOPTERA (student). WARD, PHILIP, R. R. I, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, WOOLDRIDGE, DAVID P., 810 East Prospect Ave., CANADA. Behavior, collecting, taxonomy, North Wales, PA 19454. COLEOPTERA: evolution, biology, ecology of LEPIDOPTERA: Hydrophilidae. Tortricidae and other microlepidoptera; Geometridae; all Rhopalocera, esp. East Canada. WRIGHT, DAVID A., 18 Clinton Place, Wood­ WARD , ROBERT D., 810 H. Cherry Lane, East Lansing, cliff Lake, N.J. 07675. ODONATA: MI 48823. World-wide Cicindelidae. LEPIDOPTERA: Papilionidae, Saturnidae, WAS, HOWARD E., 2880 Mark Dr., Brookfield, WI Hesperidae (student) . 53005. LEPIDOPTERA. WEBSTER , JAMES A., Dept. of Ent., Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, MI 4~824. Host plant X-Y-Z resistance. WELLS , NANCY M., 4 t. #1, Box 180, Three River s, YODER , WAYNE A., Dep t . of Biology, Frostburg MI 49093. (student). St ate College_, Frostburg, MD 21532. Pest cont· WELLS 0 , STANLEY G., Dept. of Ent., Mich State YOUNG, CHRIS A., 20476 Kinloch, Redford !wp. Univ. , Eas t Lansing, MI 48824. COLEOPTERA: MI 48240. Behavior, collecting, evolu­ Bupresti dae. tion, biology and ecology of LEPIDOPTERA WENGER, JEROME D., Dept. of Nat. Sci. , Covenant (Macro) esp Sphingidae and Saturniidae. College, Lookout Mt., TN 37350. Cicindelidae. YOUNG, DAN, Dept. of Ent., Mich. State Univ. WENZEL, RUPERT L. , Chicago Nat. Hist. Mu seum, East LanSing, MI 48824. HEMIPTERA; Roosevelt Rd . , and Lake Shore Dr. , Chicago, TRICHOPTERA; NEUROPTERA; ODONATA; IL 60605. COLEOPTERA: Histeridae; DIPTERA: EPHEMEROPTERA; PLECOPTERA. Streblidae. YOUNG, FRANK N., Zoology Dept., Indiana WHELAN, MARY-ELIZABETH, 1422 Jiroch, Muskegon , Univ. , Bloomington, IN 47401. Aquatic MI 49442. COLEOPTERA. ZAMMITT, MARY CARMEN, 1015 Campbell Ave., WILDER, DIANA DEE, Dept. of Ent., California Aca­ Detroit, MI 48209. demy of Sciences, Gold en Gate Park, San ZIELINSKI, DON, Rte . #2, Alpena. MI 49707 Francisco , CA 94118. Behavior, collecting, ZIMMACK, HAROLD L., Ball State Univ., taxonomy, biology, and ecology of DIPTERA. Muncie, IN 47306. Insect pathology. WILDIE, BRUCE, 43587 BannockBurn Dr ., ZIMMERMAN, FLORENCE, R. I, McBain, MI 49657. Plymouth, MI 48170. Aquatic insects; ZIMMERMAN, J . LYNN, 14384 Asbury Pk., collecting, taxonomy , biology and Detroit, MI 48227. Cytogenetics. ecology of HYMENOPTERA. ZIMMERMAN, JOHN H., Dept of Entomology, WILKINSON, RONALD S., 228 Ninth St., N.E., Mich. State Univ., East LanSing, MI Washington, D.C. 20002. LEIPDOPTERA, 48824. DIPTERA: Tabanidae, Culicidae , 13 Simulidae , . LIST OF MEMBERS BY SPECIALTIES ,~ND AREAS OF INTEREST

ACARINA Bernard, Ernest C. Neeb, Earl C. EPHEMEROPTERA Brivio, Rev. Carlo Nichols, James W. Cook, David R. Butler, Garth Plagens, Michael J. Young, Dan Husband, Robert W. Campbell, George Stafford, Robert R. Rockett, C. Lee Cantrall, Irving J. FLIGHT OF INSECTS Styer, William E. Carr, Thomas W. COLLEMBOLA Condell, Peter G. Belair, Craig AQUATIC INSECTS, etc. Crudder, Frederick H. Bernard, Ernest C. Dettwiler, Daniel Loren Sambel, Mark FOOD, USE OF INSECTS Boggs, Gordon L. Dixon, John C. Snider, Richard J. Dudek, Thomas Dzidowski, Gary R. Kreger, Dennis Green, Lawrence A. Folkertsma, Jan Kay DIPTERA Hilsenhoff, William Fretwell, Steven FOREST INSECTS OR PESTS Hiltunen, Jarl K. Gomulinski, Melvin S. Askins, Scott E. Klenk, Jeffrey W. Gosling, David C. L. Baker, Norman T. Allen, Douglas Lavallee, Arthur G. Graves, Dr. Robert C. Bradshaw, William E. Averill, Robert D. Schmidlin, Jenny Grimble, David G. Bratt, A. L. Dale, John W. Truchan, James Gurney, Sheldon H. Burton, John J. S. Ford Forestry Center Waffle, Elizabeth L. Hansen, Clark B. Camelet, William E. Fowler, Richard F. Wildie, Bruce Heller, Paul R. Craig, George B., Jr. Heyd, Robert L. Hoebeke, E. Richard Davies, Douglas M. Johnson, Keith R. ARACHNIDA Holzbauer, Philip A. Gill, Gordon D. MacCoy, Bruce D. Huber, Ronald L. Hamrum, Charles L. Mosher, Daniel G. Beatty, Joseph A. Kaufmann, D. L. Imai, Edwin M. Peacock, John W. Drew, Leslie C. Klopp, Wayne W. Johnson, James B. Surgeoner, Gordon A. Edgar, Arlan L. Larochelle, Andre LaVallee, Arthur G. Wilson, Louis F. Klee, George E. Lavy, Richard Lawson, George Kochenderfer, Eric J. Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. Loaharanu, Srisan 4-H Martinat, Peter J. Manly, Gary Priest, Ronald J . Penniman, Andrew J . Marbry, David L. Ratliff, Wilma M. Bowe , Mrs. D. J. Saur, Richard J. Moore, Ian Roth, James C. Davids, Werner Trudeau, Thomas Myers, Wayne L. Russell, Gerald E. Metcalfe, John A. Nelson, Douglas Sabroskey, Curtis W. Patterson, Mrs. Milo J. BEHAVIOR Peterson, Priscilla Sanders, William P. Peck, Mrs. Verna Russell, Gerald E. Thompson, Gene Ratliff, Wilma M. Schloemer, Jerry Benson, John R. Van De Water, M. Art Rue sink, William G. Seaborg, Norman G. Brieger, G. Wenzel, Rupert L. Snow, Russell T. Kulman, Herbert M. Siler, Terry L. Wilder, Diana Dee Skowron, Walter S., Jr. Plagens, Michael J. Wood, Donald M. HEMIPTERA & HOMOPTER1 Sloan, Philip W. Zimmerman, John H. BIOLOGY & ECOLOGY Sorensen, John T. Stephan, Karl Alexander, Richard D. Stibick, Jeffrey N. L. ECONOMIC ENT., PEST Agurkis, Ronald CONTROL & PESTICIDES Bath, James E. Benson, John R. stover, Carolyn Burgess, Darlene Suter, Walter R. Dillery, Dean G. Dudek, Thomas Askins, Scott E. Headings, Mark Tuma, Frank J. Dzidowski, Gary R. Valek, Douglas Averill, Robert D. Hiltunen, Jarl K. Bruhn, Nancy L. Evans, David A. Kelty, Joseph Van De Water, M. Art Fisher, James R. De Viedma, Manuel G. Butcher, James W. Kulman, Herbert M. Clarke, John Lyell, Jr. Flood, Thomas Meyers, Dennis J. Ward, Robert D. Fretwell, Steven Dill, John J. Wellso, Stanley G. Gorton, Ralph J. Morgan, W. Gerry Dudek, Thomas Wenger, Jerome D. Hanna, Murray Neeb, Earl C. Duncan, J. Bruce Wenzel, Rupert L. Hedeen, Robert A. Nichols, James W. Headings, Mark williams, Lee J. Hintz, Howard W. Riedl, Helmut Jaqua, David E. Willson, Ronald B. King, Herman Schmidlin, Jenny Johnson, Keith R. Wooldridge, David P. Klenk, Jeffery W. Riedl, Helmut COLEOPTERA Young, Frank N. McPherson, J. E. Schmidlin, Jenny Oemke, Mark P. Tatter, Jordan B. Allen, David R. COLLECTING & TAXONOMY Vidito, Mary Schaefer, Carl W. Allen, Douglas C. Scheel, Carl A. Apsey, Robert P . Bens on, John R. Wong, Tim T. Y. Yoder, Wayne A. Styer, William E. Armin, Clair Dudek, Thomas Taboada, Oscar Barr, William F. Meyers , Dennis J. Talbot , Mary Benson, Maria C. Morgan, W. Gerry Tatter, Jordan B. 14 Young, Dan HYMENOPTERA Ferge, Leslie A. Sorenson, John T. Wright, David A. Ferguson, Douglas C. Stehr, Frederick W. Young, Dan Averill, Robert D. Fleming , Richard C. Stover, Carolyn Bernard, Ernest C. Folkertsma, Jan Kay Syme, Paul D. ORTHOPTERA Boggs, Gordon L. Gersabecic, Edward F. Taft, Bill Craik, Jane Groothuis , Dennis Trzaskos, John Z. Alexander, Richard D. Evans, David A. Hansen, Clark B. Tuma, Frank J. Cantrall, Irving J. Fischer, Roland L. Hardwick, David F . Tuttle, Jim Gangwere IS. K. Gersabecic, Edward F. Hartman, Catherine Voss, Edward G. Lewandowski, Henry B., Jr. Gordinier, Hollace C. Hessel, Sidney A. Wagner, Warren H., Jr. Lietzau, Charles Hart, Sherry L. Hodges, Ronald W. Walty, John B. Mistaleski, stanley J., Jr. Holzbauer, Phillip A. Holzbauer, Philip A. Warczynski, Virgil Nelson, Mark L. Kennedy, Patrick C. Holzman, Richard W. Ward, Phillip Sastry, K. S. S. Klee, George E. Schweickert, Francine Huber, Ronald L. Was, Howard E. Toczek, Donald R. Laberge, Wallace E. Irwin, Roderick R. Wilkinson, Ronald S. MacLean, Bonnie Jackman, Joh!'! Wilson, Bruce V. Tyrkus, Michael Mathewson, John A. Jolin, :;orrnar. Witter, John A. Williams, curtis E. Mathews, Robert W. Klenk, Jeffrej." ,"j. \'iood, Julia r-lolina-Pardo, Adolfo Klopp, \-Jayne W. Wright, David A. PHOTOGRAPHY Nelson, John M. Kohalmi, Lester L. Young, Chris A. Penniman, Andrew J. Kraft, Kenneth J. Agurkis, Ronald Powers, Lawrence W. Lanktree, P. A. Desmond t4ALLOPHAGA Bull, James Purrington, Foster F. Korr, Diane Lavy, Richard Bateson, Doug Sastry, K. S. S. Lawrence, Donald A. McMahon, Joe Shappirio, David G. Plagens, Michael J. Leeuw, Irwin MECOPTERA Terrill, James E., Jr. MacNaughton, Alan Williams, Curtis E. Torgersen, Torolf R. McCabe, Tim L. Johnson, James B. Townes, Henry K. PHYSIOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY Townes, Marjorie C. Marbry, David L. Wildie, Bruce Martin, Leland L. MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Brieger, G. lolasters, John H. & PARASITOLOGY Douglas, W. Bruce lw.ther, Bryant Gemrich, Edwin G., II HcAlpine, W. s. IMMATURE INSECTS Proctor, John l1cCIair, Leslie Agurkis, Ronald Riedl, Helmut McMahon, Joe Bloomer, Arthur W. Martinat, Peter J. Zimmack, Harold L. Melton, Lee Joseph, III Flynn, Duane J. Metzler, Eric H. Frantz, Galen LEPIDOPTERA PLECOPTERA Michaels, Ron Heller, Paul R. Miller, Wayne A. Jones, Robert E. Albrecht, Carl W. Knight, Allen W. Miller, William E. Penniman, Andrew J. Allen, David R. Narf, Richard P. Muller, Joseph Sanders, William P. Young, Dan Apsey, Robert P. Myers, Wayne L. Taylor, Richard S. Arnold, Richard Newman, John H. Webster, James A. Belyea, Glenn Y. PRODUCTS OF INSECTS Nielsen, Mogens C. Bernard, Ernest C. Nordin, John S. NEUROPTERA Boughner, Jackson L. Kreger, Dennis Oliver, Charles G. Nunamaker, Sherry Brace, Randy costing, Daniel P. Acker, Thomas Bracher, Ray W. Parshall, David K. Beatty, Joseph A. PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA Bristol, Maurice L. Passos, Cyril F. Dos Gersabecic, Edward F. Brown, J. Alan Perkins, OWen A. Knight, Allen W. Manly, Gary Campbell, George Prescott, John M. Riotte, Rev. J. C. E. Carlson, Donald Rahn, Russell A. Throne, Alvin L. POSCOPTERA Carlson, Stephanie Riotte, J. C. E. Young, Dan Carr, Thomas W. Robinson, George A. Mockford, Edward L. Case, Frederick W. , Jr. Rogerson, John L. ODONATA Charboneau, Robert W. Russell, Gerald E. TRICHOPTERA Chermock, Ralph L. Rutkowski, Frank Apsey, Robert Patrick Clench, Harry K. Schaper, Ned Bick, George H. Oemke, Mark P. Conway, Patrick J . Schloemer, Jerry Gloyd, Mrs. Leonora K. Young, Dan Craik, Jane Scott, William E. Gorton, Ralph J. Daniels, Sidney Shappiro, David G. Hamrum, Charles L. Donahue, Julian P. Shields, James E. Klenk, Jeffrey W. Douglas , W. Bruce Shull, Ernest M. Martinat, Peter J. Downey, John C. Sieker, William E. Penniman, Andrew J. Duncan, J. Bruce Sisk, Thomas P. Petitpren, Michael F. Edmonds , William Sloan, Phillip W. Priebe, Kenneth Ewart, Donald D. Snyder, Rick Winkler, Robert H. 15 (continued from page 1) Johnson, D. M. 1935. Leafhoppers of Ohio sub­ in the genus, cites references, and indicates family Typhlocybinae (Homoptera: Cicadelli­ distribution. The citations are keyed to dae). Ohio Bio. Surv. Bull. 31, 6(2): 39­ Metcalf's bibliography, and the bibliography 122. is needed to use Dr. Oman's fine work. Medler, J. T. 1942. The leafhoppers of Minne­ A word of warning on identification. Leaf­ sota Homoptera: Cicadellidae. Univ. of hoppers are inconspicuous, many species super­ Minn. Tech. Bull. 155, 196 pp. fically look alike, and they never have been a Metcalf, Z. P. 1942. Bibliography of the very popular group for study. New distribution Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha). North Carolina -al records and new species are possible in our St. Col. Agric. & Eng. and Univ. North relatively well known area. Keep alert for them. Carolina, Vol . I, author's list A-Z, 886 pp. Oman, P. W. 1949. The Nearctic leafhoppers: Suggested References a generic classification and check list. Mem. Entom. Soc. Washington 3, 253 pp. Beirne, B. P. 1956. Leafhoppers (Homoptera, Osborn, H. 1928. The leafhoppers of Ohio. Cicadellidae) of Canada and Alaska. Can. Ohio Bio. Surv. Bull. 14, 32(27): 199-374. Entom. 88(2): 180 pp. Sanders, J. G. and D. M. DeLong. 1917. The DeLong, D. M. 1948. The leafhoppers, or Cicadellidae (Jassoidea - fam. Homoptera) Cicadellidae, of Illinois (Eurymelinae - of Wisconsin, with descriptions of new Balcluthinae). Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. species. Ann. Entom. Soc. America 10: 79 ­ 24(2): 97- 376. 95.




Mrs. Leonora K. Gloyd 1 Mus eums Bldg. University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104