


1)}msenteb ta flot!J ~ousess of lflndfament, UJ! ~ommanb.


To His ExCELLENCY TilE Gon:R."\"'OR-IN-Cm:EP, &c., &c., &c. 1. The Trustees of the have the honor to submit to your Excellency this their Tenth Annual Report. 2. The Museum has been open to the public daily (Sundays excepted) during the past year, a.nd has been visited by 35,155 persona. 3. The system of exchanging specimens of natural history 'rith the principal Foreign Museums is still fostered by the 'l'rustees, who have received several valuable collections during the past year, a list of which is appended. (.Appendix No. 2.) 4. Numerous donations have been received during the year, a list of which, with the names of the donors, is appended. (.Appendix No. 3.) 5. In Appendix No. 4 will be found a list of the various objects sent in exchange, together with the names of the persons or institutions to wl1ich they have been trans­ mitted. 6. Several valuable works, purchased out of the Endowment Fund, have been added to the Museum Library, a list of which is appended. (.Appendix No. 5.) 7. Two experienced ta:ridermists have been occupied during the year in prepa.ring and mounting the following specimena :- 14 skeletons of mammals and birds, 111 mammals, 268 birds, 35 reptiles and fishes, and in cleaning and preserving from decay the collections already displayed for public inapection. 8. The Trustees have to record the retirement of the Honorable John Hay from the Board, and the election of the Honorable A. W. Scott, M.A., to fill the vacancy. 9. A catalogue of the specimena in the Museum is in course of preparation, and the first part, comprising the mammalia, is now in the press, and will shortly be sold to the public at a price just covering the cost of publication. 10. The Trustees have been under the necessity of economizing the available space in the Museum as much as possible; and by erecting a series of additional cabinets, they have been enabled to display the whole of the geological and mineralogical collectioDB received from Paris last year. 12- 11. AUSTRA.LIAN MUSEUM.

11. The Trustees, in expectation of the new building being finished during the course of this year, have ordered from England a number of skeletons of the larger mammalia.. These may be daily expected ; but unless some portion of the uew building ia specially and without delay fitted up for them, they will of necessity be deposited in a damp and dark cellar, with other specimens which ha.ve already suffered from the same treatment. 12. The Trustees accordingly, while they readily and gratefully acknowledge the highly liberal provision which the Legishture has already made for the edifice and the successful maintenance of the Museum, feel it their duty earnestly to recommend to the fil.voW"able consideration of tho Government, tho great need that exists for the speedy extension of the spaee at their disposal. And in view of the length of time \vhich must necessarily elapse before the completion of the whole building to a stago in which it might be generally occupied by the national collection, they would respectfully mggest that the northern wing might at once, and at a comparatively small exponse, be partitioned off from the remainder, and rendered available for the exhibition of those collections which they are now unable to display to any good purpose, and which are, to a great extent, liable to rapid deterioration from the condition of the rooms in which they are stored. 13. Appendix No. 1 cont!lins an abstract of the receipts and payments of the Trustees on behalf of the Museum, for the year ending 31 December, 1863. 14. Appendix No. 2 contains a. list of the specimens received .in exchange from other Museums. 15. Appendix No. 3 contains a. list of the various donations during the year, with the names of the donors. 16. Appendix No. 4 contains a. list of the specimens sent in exchange to Yarious persons and institutions. 17. Appendix No. 5 contains a list of the books purchased for the Museum library. 18. The Trustees have the honor to submit this their Report for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three ; and in testimony thereof, have caused their corporate Seal to be bereunto affixed, this fiflh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. By order of the Trustees, (L.s.) E. DE.A.S THOMSON, GERARD KREFFT; Chairman. Acting Curator and Secretary.

APPENDIX No. 1. Oll'llJI.ENT ExPENDITURE of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, during the Year 1863

1862. £ s. d. 1868. £ 8. d. Jan. 1 To .Balauce ...... 208 4 2 " 13 , Cash from Ooloninl By Sal~r!es during the year .. 773 4 0 .. Requtsttes for Taxidermist's Treasnry 260 0 0 Mar. 3 u Do. d~:· department ...... 47 0 8 :::::: 100 0 0 .. Purchase of specimens April7 " Do. do ...... 260 0 0 193 15 0 July 7 ,. Do. do ...... , Contingent expons

GER.A.R.D KREFFT ------Acting Curator ~d Secretary. APPENDIX AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 3


Fro• His Ezcellency Sir W: T. Denison, K. C.B.1 Governor of Mad1·

From the Madra~ Government Oenll·al Museu,.. MAMMALS. REt>TILES. Hymn~ atri~ta, skeleton ...... • .. 1 Tutudo atello.tn. . .. • ...... 2 Emys triuga ...... • 2 BIRDS. Emydn punctatn. . • ...... 2 Hypotriorchia ...... 4 Monitor dracmna ...... • • .. 2 H ypotriorchis chicqucra ...•.. ••...•..•• 2 Cnlotea veraicoiCir . . • • ...... • • • • 2 Oi~ca~.tus gallicus ...... 2 'l'iliquu. rufesccns ...... • • ...... 2 ~p•z nctus ...... •••...... •..••.•.. 2 Euprcpes inoronta . .. .. • ...... • 1 lblinstur indus ...... 2 H emidactylus triltedrus .. .. • • .. • • • • .. • • 4 Accipiter virgntus ...... 1 H emidactylus maculntus.. . . • • ...... 4 Vultur ...... 2 Sitnon ponticeruana .. • • ...... • • .. .. • • • . 13 1\li I vus cboola ...•....••...... •. .. 2 Obamrolco vulg~ris . . . . . • . . . . • . • • • • . . . . 2 Bubo bengalensis ...... 2 Gongylopbis conion ...... •• .. •• •• 2 .Atbono brnmn ...•..•.•...... •.....• 2 Oylinclrophis maoulnta...... •. .. .. 1 Athono soutellata ...... 2 Clothonia johnii ...... • .. • • .. 1 Cacatuo. moluccensis ...... • ...... 1 DipHadomorphus trigonatus . . . • . . • • • • . . 4 Quorquodula ...... 2 Cryptoclon fo sciolatus ...... • • .. .. 8 DnfiltL nouta ...... •...... •... 2 Dryopbis prnsina • • ...... • .. .. • • .. . . 2 Fu li gu l~ cristata ...... ••...... •... 1 Dnboin elcgans . • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . . . • • • • • • 4 Sarkidiornis regia ...... 2 Echis cnrinnta ...... • • • • . • • • 2 Botnurus stellnris ...... 1 Naja tripudians.. .• ...... •• . . •• . . • . •• .. 5 Ardon cinerea ...... 2 Bungarus linoatus ...... • . • . • .. 2 A t·dnn, spec. ? ..••...... •..••...•...• 1 Bungarus semifascintus • ...... • • • • . . • • 1 Geronticus molnnocephalus ••....••.... 1 llydrophis sublev is ...... 2 Ibis, spec. ? ...... 2 H ydropbis, spec. ? ...... • • . . • • . . • • . . • • .. 1 Ccntropns phillipen~is ...... •...... 2 H ydropbis, spec.?.. . . • • • . . . • . . . . . • • . • • . 1 Himantopus candidns ...... 2 Polamia bicolor .. . . • ...... • . . . • • • • 1 Ithaginis ...... 2 Rana tigrina .. • • ...... • • • .. •• • • .. • • •• 3 Rbyn~hro_a ·: ...... 2 Oxyglossus lim~ . . . • . . . .. • • .. • . .. . . • • • 4 Cor&Cll\8 IDdtca ...... 1 Bufo melaooaticus • • • • .. .. • • • • . . . . • • • • 6 Cerylo ruclio ...... 1 Diplopelma ornatum... . • • • • . . • • ...... S Turtur bumilis ...... 2 Polypedatc:s waculatus • • • • • • • • .. .. • • • • ll From Mr. C. L. Salmin, Hamburg. 1\lA?tntAIS. Dipsas rhombeatus . •••••.•.. ••...••••• 1 Lynx borealis...... •• ...... • .. •• 1 Sepedon bcmnchntos ...... 1 Anti lope rupicnpra ...... • • . • ...... 1 Bungarus C8$0intus ...... 1 Lepus variabilis...... • . • . • •• .. •• 1 Oyliodropbis molanota.•••...•.•.•••..•• 1 Lepus variabilis (var. albus) . . . • ...... 1 Spilotes variabilia ...... 1 Canis lngopus . . • • . . . • • . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . 1 DcudropiJislioceroua ...... 1 Myeetos ursinus...... 1 .Anguis frajtiliB ...... •..•..••.• ..•••••• 1 Cynocopbalns...... • ...... • • 1 Anolia uowtoni ...... 1 Oervus tarandus ...... • • . . • . . . • • • • 1 Snlawandra waculata ...... 2 Dipus decumanus ...... • • . . . . . • • . . • . • 1 Lnccrta agilis ...... 2 Myoxus glis .. . • ...... • . .. • • . . • • 1 Emys punctata .•...••...... • . .•..•..•• 2 Gadus Iota.. . .•...... •....•..••• •• 1 'BIRDS. Gndus cullnrias ...... 1 Anns histrionics ...... • . . . • . • • • • 1 Esox Jucius ...... 1 Pboonicopterus antiquorum...... •• . . .• .• 1 Leuoiscus tcses ...... 1 RF.PTILES AND FISHES. INSECTS. Tropidonotus vipcrinus . • ...... • • 1 South Americnu and Indian Lepidoptera.. 76 Elaps frontalis ...... • .. • • ...... • . • • .. 1 European Lepidoptora • • • • • . • • . . . • • • . • .. SS Liopbis cobella .. .. • • ...... • . . .. . • .. • • 1 From the National .Museum of the Netherlands, at Leyden. MAMMALS. Somnopitbecus maurus ...... • . . • • • • 1 H~rpest~s j~vanica .. • • . • .. • • .. . . • • . .. • 1 Cercopitbccus cynomolgus ...... • 1 Vtverra md1ca ...... • . • .. .. • • • • • • .. • • 1 Pnpio silonus .. . .. • • . • • ...... • . . . . . • .. 1 Paradoxurus mueanga .. • • • • • • .. • • . .. • .. 1 Pteropus edulis ...... • ...... 1 Felis minuta ...... • • .. • . . • ...... • • • • 1 P11chysom~ tittacheilus .• . . .. •. .. .• •• . . 2 M us decuwnooidea . .. • . •• •• •• . . • ..... 1 P acbysomn brnchyotis • • ...... • • • • 1 Cricetowys gambianua.. . • . • .. .. • • . • • • • • 1 1\!acroglossus minimns ...... • . . . • . .. . . 2 Sciurus platn.ui ...... • • . . • . . . . • . •• 4 Vespertilio bleplotis ...... 3 Sciurus JJigrovittatua . • • • . . • • • • • • . . • • • • 4 Vcspert~l!o imbr~catus...... • .. •• 4 Sciurus vittatus...... • •• ...... •• • • •• •• 1 Vospel'hlto tennts ...... • . • • • • . • ...... • • 2 Seiurns laticaudatua...... 1 Nycteris j avanicus . . . . • • . . • • . . . • . . .. • . 7 Seiurus bicolor . • . • • • .. . • •• ...... • • • • • • 1 Nycticejus tcmminckii • . . • .. . • ...... • 7 Sciarus leucllstigmr...... •• 2 Rhinolophus nippon ...... • • ...... • • .. 2 Sciurus erythropterus • . .. .. • . . . • • • • • • .. 1 T upaj aj~vnni ca...... •• .• ...... • 1 .Anomalurus peelii.... •. •• . • .. .. •• . . .• •• 1 Erinaceus curoprous . • ...... 2 Antilope mnxwelli.. • . .. . . • . • . . . • • • • . . .. 1 M us tela itn.tsi.. . . • ...... • .. • . .. • • 2 .Antilopo pluto ...... • • • • ...... • • • • 2 Lutra vulgaris • • . • . . • • • • ...... • .. . . 2 Moscbus J&vanious . • ...... • • ...... 1 Together, 46 Mammals. 52 Birds. 107 Reptiles and Fiabea. 138 Insects. .du1tralian M'U-st~M~J, GER.A.RD KREFF.r, , May 5, 1864. Acting Curator and Secretary. APPENDIX AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. ·~------APPENDIX No. 3. DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, DURING THE YEAR 1863 MAMMALIA. PBEI EN'l'I.D BY Mr. W. Oatley. A Lr l yi n ~; F ox (Pieropus poliocephalus) ...... · .... • · · • ...... · · " .. l\tl·. Wontr.ol. A Flving ~'ox ( P t.ropua poliocepha!lu) • • • · · • • • • • · · · · • • · • · · • · · · · • · • • • l'llr. B. P. Rodd. A F lv io ~ Fox (Pieropur poliocephalua) ...... · · .... ·· · · ·• · · ··".. llfr. F. A. Brougbtoo. A .Flying Fm!J• ltue()ga~ltr) .... •• .. •. •• ...... Mr. nmes ar 0'"·

AVES. An Emn (Dr1>maiua novre hollandire) ...... · · · · "] A C_rane ( Gru• australluianus) · · · · • • · · • • · · · · · · · · • • • • • • · · • · · · • • · • ·: F rom the Botanical Gardens. A Srlvc1· Pheasant ...... · A. South Son Island Pi ~con ...... ••.... : ..•...... ••.•...... •• ·. A Grnclo ( Oracu!rHtlti7iosa ) ...... • • ...... " .. .. 'M " F A A ltel·on (Nycticoral. caltdonicua) ...... • • ...... r. \ T. • ngae. A Roller (Euryatomua australi&) ...... 111r. "\~entz el. An Apteryx (A111tryx manttlUi) ...... • .. Cnptnrn H ay cs. A Htuvk (il1tur approziman1)...... Mr. 0 . \Vest. . A Fishing Eagle (lchthyaetus uucogaater) .• ••..•••• . ••.••.•.... . • · • liT r. G · H. liiorrrLs. S ,. rtb Commander W. . tanuo , A collection of Bird Skins ...... · • · • { R.N. A Cockatoo ( Cacatua galeril<>)...... Mr. W. J. Stepbcna, M. A. A Curlew ...... } A Podargus ( 1\xlargua humtrali&) ...... ·.... Mr. B. P . Rodd. A Shrike Tit (li'alcunculusfrontaiUI) ...... An Owl (Athtntboobook) ...... ,...... A Spoonbill (Platalca rtgia) ...... • • ...... Dr. Cox. Nests attd Eggs of five species of Birds .• ...... l\Tr. J oscph Jamee. A H&wk (A•tur appr11%iman1) ...... Mr. F . H . Brougbton. A Gannet (Sula au•tralis) ...... Mr A~h. Boyd. A. Ouckoo ( Ohry1ococcyx lucidus) . . • . . • . • . • . . • • . • . • . • • . . • ...... • • • Mr. S ~dn ~~ Blaxlnnd. An Albatross ( Diomtdta e:tulans) . . . . • • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • . • Oaptnm Hrxon. R.N. ~\ Podn rgua (P~>dar,qt•& humerali1) ...... lllr. J ohn S~rmour. A F ishing Engle (fchthyattua lcucogasttr) ...... • • • • . . . . • • ...... Mr. Ed. S. 11l. A ;\leOitra (M~nura 1upuba) ...... • • ...... • • ...... Mr. W. J. F itzbardingo. A i\Ienura (Jllenura 1uperba) ...... • • . • • • ...... • . • • Acclimatisation Society. Two Diamond Birds (Pardalotu& punctatu1) ...... • • . . . • • . . . . • • . . . • Mr. F k. Scymour. Two Diamond Birds ( Pardalolua purn:tatua) ...... Mr. J oh n :=ieymour. A Procellaria (ProttUari~ giganlta) • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • . . • . . • • . . . • Botanical Gardens. A Kingfisher (Halcyon mgan1) .. .. •• ...... Mr. E . P. Ramsny. A Tern ( Thalal~eu a pdecanoidu) ...... Mr . J. U. 0. Colyer. A Dovo ( Ocapelia tranquilla) ...... • .. .. Mi~s Newman. A Silver-eyed Zosterops (Zo&uropa dortalu) ...... •• ...... •• .. Mr. F. Scy mour. A Tern (T/wla31tUI peu~n1>idea) .••... •...... · • • · .... } 111•·· Arch. Boyd. A. Gannut (Sula austral11) ...... A Blood-bird (Mywmela 1anguinolenta)...... Mr. J ohn Parry. An Acanthi 7.& (AcantMza nana)...... 1\!r. F. Seymour. A Pelican (Ptlecanu& con&picillatus) ...... • •• ...... •• ...... 1\J.I'. J amcs Budd. A. D uck (.t1na&lpec.1) ...... Mrs. Dunn. A J

REPTILIA. A Black Snake (l'Jcudcchiaporphyriacua) ...... \M A B TlvO Death Adders (Acanlhaphi1 antaretica) ...... ; r. · utt. A Giant Oyclodus ( Cyclodus giga~) ...... • • .. • .. • .. .. • • Mr. Gcorgo Sirkett. A Grnmmatophora ( Orammatophora barhata) ...... Mr. 'l'h. Gibson. A 1'rachydosaurus (Trachydo,aurua rugoau&) ...... l\1r. G. F . A.ngns. A Tortoise (Emy• longicollis) .. • • ...... Mr. Adams. A Snnko (Doplocepltalus variegalu1) . • . . •• . . . . • • •• . • . . • . •• •• • • •• . . . . Miss Oaroline F. Parsons. Two Black Snakes (E'Ieudeclli& por-phyriacu&) .. .. •• ...... Mr. Dalton. A Roclr. Snake ( Petrodymon cucullatus) ...... { Tbfli.~:C.' 4 . W. Scott, M. A., REPTILI A--(:ontinutd. PRESEI'TED DY A Linlis ( Lialia burtoni) . • . . . • . . • . . . • • ...... • • • . . . • • . . • . • . • • . • Mr. D. Dny, j unr. A Collccti~.n of Reptiles from Ash Island (Hopl«tphalu• aignatua, Ptlo·} M Ed F d drya1 ccrrultus, Hyla ourta. Dyla peronii, Hinulia tltgan•) ...... 1"3. ' w. •or e. A Tree Snnko (Dtndrophis punctulala) and a Oyclodus ( Cyclodua gigaa) Mr. Edw. S. Ilill. A Gigantic Frog ( Cyllignalhm ocellatu1)...... l\Ir. D ugh Pnteraon. A R~~,!~:)ko. ~~~~.'~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~ . ~ . ~i~~t. -~~z-~~. .~~~~~~~'::~} Captain M aides. A Tortoise ( Emy• longicollis) • . . . • • . • • • .. • • ...... • • .. • • .. . . . • . . . . . Jltr. ll. R. Hurford. A N!ght Lizurd (~ltyllurua i!'trmis) . . . . • • . . •...... • . . • .. . . • . Jllrs. JCihn liRy. A Lrznr~l ( Omol~prda ca.,uarm~) .. . • • . • • • • • • .. . . . • .. .. • • . • . • . . • . • • • • lllr. JoA~ph Hokin. A Litoria (Lrtoriu tra1uta) ...... • . .. . . •• •• • • •• •• ...... • • . . . • . Mr. Arch. Doyd. A Snnko (UoploupholuJ curtua) . . . . . • . • ...... • • • • • • • . . • • . . • . . • J\[r. AI f. JI[• Jntoeh. A Lizartl ( Omoltpido ca1uorin~) • • . • . . • . • • . • • . • • • • . • • . . . . . • • . . . . • • lllr. W. S. l\IRclcoy, M.A. A Snuko (.Ditmenio &llptrcilio.so) ...... lllr. John Thompson. A Tree Frog (Byla lrre.f!tii) ...... • • .. .. Mr. W. H ouston, junr. A Pygopus (Pygoptulepidopus) ...... Mr. W. llou~tou, junr. A R inged Vermicelli\ ( Vermictlla onnulala) .. •• • ...... • •. •. •• .. •• .. •• :t.Jr. Wm. Taylor. A Diamond Snnke (Morelia 1piwlt1) • • ...... • . • • . . . . • • • • Mr. T homas Jnmea. Two L iznrdH (llinulia ruvesii) ...... } T bo cnst·off Skin of n Black Snake ...... Mr. B. P. Rodd. A Brown.banded Snnko (lloplocephalu1 curtus) ...... A Tortoise (F:myl longicolli&) ...... M116ter Tienry Foster. A J.izard ( Orammatophora barbata) . . . . . • • . . . • • . . • • . . • • • • . . . • • • • . • . Mr. D . A. 'l'homns. A Lizard (llinulia lenuia) ...... Mr. Arthur Zouch . .1\ Sea Snalto (l)/at!lru8 laticaudatus) . . • • . • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . . . . • • . . . . • • llfrs. Onndiottis. A 'l'yphlops ( Typhlops p1·eis1i) • . . . • • ...... • • • ...... • . . • . • • . . • • • . Mr. C. Martin. A Collection of Ucptilcs fl'om Ash Island ( Dendrophi1 punctulata) Iloplo- } ctphal11a &ignatu., Pelodrya& c~ruleu&, Hyla ptronii, Hyla atma. Dyla Tbc flon. A. W. Scott, M.A., 1/trrtauxii, f!;Jeroleia marmorata, Limnodynoslta affini8 and Limno· llf.L.O. dynaatu lrrtfflii ...... A Diamond Snnkc (Mortlia •pilotu) ...... Mr. J ohn Uearnc. A Lizard ( Omol1pida ca1uarin~)...... 111r. Foster. A Lh:nrd ( Omokpida cawarin~) ...... lllr. Will. Gnnnon. A Snake (Diemenia reliculola) ...... • ...... Mr. Pat. Miller. A Lizard ( Orammalophora muricota)...... Mr. John Vnugban J enkins. A Lizard ( Orammalophora barbala) ...... lllr. Grear. A Death Adder (Aeanlhophi~ antarclico) ...... • .. .. Mr P. Sirkitt. A Lizard (Uydro1auru1 variua) ...... lllr. Bed well. Two Snakes (Hoplocephalus curlus and Dumenia rtliculala) ...... Mr. Kenneth Mackenz i t~. A Liznrd ( Orammalo;_hora barbata) ...... lllr. W. Dolly. A Frog (Dylo peronu) .. .. • • ...... Mr. John Vnughan Jenkins. A Death Adder (Aconthophi4 antarclica) • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . . • • . . . . • • • • . . Mr. Gcorgo Chfford. A Diamond Snake (Mortlia &pilotu) ...... Mr. Peter 1\I\IJTI\y. A. Red-capped Snake (lJrochy1oma diaderrw.) ...... Mr. F. Soymour. A Liurd ( fhommolophora barbata) • . • • ...... • . • • ...... • . • Mr. Jnmes Neil. A Black SDI\ke (Preudtchil porphyriocu1)...... Mr. J. D. Ilolds\VOrth. A Brown.banded Snnke (Dopl«tpholu• curtu1) ...... Mr. John Beyley. A Black Snake (P1tudechis porphyriocu1) .. .• ••..•• . ... •• , , • • . • ...... D1. Sncl1s. A Dlnck Snnkc (P1eudecllia porphyriacu&) ...... J\fr. A! b. Vnssnl Cooper. A Black Snnko (l'ftudcch~•porphyr!ocu') .• . . . • •• •• •• .. . . •• •. •• •• •• . . Mr. Cohcn Cryeu. A Black Snnko (P&eudechu porphyrtacus) ...... 1\Jr. E d. T homas. A Death Adder (Acanlhophi$ antarctica) ...... lllr. Masters. A Cyclodus ( Cyclodu1 giga&) ...... lll r. Don is H urley. A Drown·bnndcd Snnko (Iloplocepho.lus curt111) ...... Mr. W. S. 1\faoleay, M.A. Reptiles from :-Diemmio. reticulala, Hitllll-ia elegans. Ptlo-} ~~;ic~:::;•~l~•:~·. ~i~~r-i~?e~ :·. ~~:~ . ~~~~n.i~•. ':_~l~. :.,~~~~~~~~ ·. -~o~~l:~ Mr. J ohn Brazier. A Dit~mond Snako (Jllorelia spilotta) . . • . • • . . • • • • • • . • . . • • • • . . . • • • • . • • 1\'{r. Rioh. llill. A L inlis (Lialis punctulala) ...,...... • ...... MI' . Robert lf. Cooper. A Collecti.~n ~f :J!'rogs from Mulgon (Hyla ewingi!, D!J.la aurea, Uyla} Dr. Jruncs 0. Cox. peronu, L.torta mormorata, and P1eudophryne btbrom) ...... •• .• •. Frogs. from Richmond (~ilo~ia nas•tta. Hyla vtrreauxii, Hyla aurta,} Mr. Robcrt 11!. Pitt. Ltmnodyrlo81tl tosmoottn&ll, Pelodrya1 c~leus) ...... A Brown Snake (Ditmtnia auperciliOII:l) ...... ilfr. Dugb 1\f. Rowland. A Death Aclder (Acanlhophiaanlarclica) ...... 1\Ir. l>l\nicl Uoins. A Sleeping Lizard ( Oyc/odu1 giga•) ...... · ...... 1\Ir. J. B. Bagstor.


A Fish (Juli•) ...... Mr. Henry Jamcs. A young Cod Perch ( Oligorua macquaritn&il)...... Mr. Mandelson. A Cat-fish (Plotomunego11omua) ...... Mr. German. · f Fi h (El 1 · I d ,.. l · 'b ) { Honornble A. W. Scott, IILA T \VO specres o s es eo r11 aua ra z·.., an no axta& &crt a . • • • • • • • 1\I.I •. C. ·• T wo Fishes ( Cmlropogon aualrolia) • • ...... • • • • . . • • • • • . . . . • • • . . • • • • 1\Ir. J . Fitzh11rdinge. Fishes fro~ 1\Julgon.Cr<'e~ (Mega~• etlifinnia, Golazioa ~CO:~ba, Rfeotri•} Dr. Jnmcs C. Cox. ouslral11, .Eltoln• ccn:u. Ekolrt& grondiupa, Therapon prttn) ••...... Fishes from the Upper B awkesbury (Nugil dobula, Mugil compreuus, } Ct~!ropogon. rl)bullu&, ~kotri& au&lrali~, ~le_olria gran~ictpl, . Eleotri1 Mr. Georgo 1\f. Pitt, jnnr. co:nr, AllgurUa au&Crali&, Megolop1 &tltpmnu, Oalaxra& ICrtba, and Plotycephalu1 ta&maniu$) ...... A Fish (Sauru•)...... 1\fr. Georgc Thomson. A Fish (Plolox) ...... 1\fr. Hu,tth Pnterson. An Eel (Mur~na) ...... • ...... l\Ir. A. l'llurks. A Shl\rk ( Carcharioa) ...... • . • • .. • • Mr. Jnmes Rico. Three Cocl P urch ( Oligorus macquaritmia) ...... Mr. Alfr~d Robe.rts. A H ammer·hcndcd Sbnrk (Zygama) .. . . .• • , •• .• •••. .. ••. .. •.. , . . . Mr. C. F r tzbar~rn g6. A Sun.fish (Zeu&) ...... •• ...... Mr. Geor·go ~rr gl.i t: A H runmt)r·hcadcd t:!hl\rk (Zygama) ...... 'Mr. G. H . F ltzhardtnge. T wo Sf.CCies of Fishes (Blepharusfasciatus and a Plataz)...... l\tr. J ohn ~Valter Smart. T wo ll ishcs of tho genus TetraodMr • • • • . . . . . • ...... • . . . . • • . • • • • . . . Dr. Sbcrwrn. Three Fishes of the genus O&tracion...... l\1r. J . Crook. . A. CoiJQction of Port J nekson Fishes...... Mr. Edw!ll"d S. Hrll. 6 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM.

P li.ESENTIID BY PISCES-ctmtinued. Mrt. Candiotti1. A Flying Fish ...... "" "··"" " .... " •• Mr. John Barlow. A Fish (Diodon) ...... · · .. •• .... · · "" "·· · · " "· · """ · · Acclimatisation Society. Two. Gour~mi ( Oaphronemu.r olfaz} ...... • • " " .... ·: :: :: :: :: :: : : Mr. Mitcbell. A Ftsh (Ihppocampu.r) · · • • ...... • • .. · ·" • • · · • • • .. . • • • . . • • • • Mr. J. Fitzbardinge. An Eel (.Mura:na) .... · · .. ·· •• ·• •• · · " .. "· · •• · • ·• • • · • lllr. W. JI. Aldia. A Fish ( Ohiron«tu) . • ...... • • ...... "· ·" • • " .. " • • • • .. " Botanical Gardens. Two species of Fishes (E~totri& awtrali1, Eltotria compreuu•) • • • • • • • • Mr. James Mo.carthy. A Shark (SquatintJ vulgar18) .... · · · • .... · · · · •• .. " • • · • ··" ··" "·· Dr. James 0. Cox. A Fish (PatUJCtU fronto) . · .. · · · · .. · · .. • • ...... · • "" • • · • • ·"" • • .. {Bonoro.ble A. W. Scott, M..A., Fishes from the Hunter River ( Galaziaucriba) • • • • .. · · • • .. " • • • • .. • M.L.C. Fishca from Lagoon near Ricbmo_nd <4!1!luilla au1trali1, Eleotri• grandi·} Mr. Robert M. Pitt, jum. ctpa. Eltotm awtralia. Eltotm c~u, Otntropofltm robwtua) . • • • . . •• Mr James F. WilcoL Two Cod Perch from the Olarence Rtver ...... • · • • .. • • .. · · • • · UOLC.USOA. Dr. James 0. Cox. A collection of Shells from the South Sea Islands.· · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · 1\Ir. J. Fitzhardingc. A Shall (Bulla) ...... ·: ...... • • .. · · ...... Dr. James 0. Cox. Six Shells of the Gouus HelL.'t ...... ·. · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · • · • Mr. E. 1Iaviland. A large Shell (Tritm awtrali&} ...... • • ...... • • .... " • INSECTA. Two Heroulcs Beetles (Scarilu herculu) ...... · ·.. TbM•·. HHugh ;aWtoraSon.tt 'HA • { 0 on. a. • CO , w.. ., A collectiou of Austi'Rlian Coleoptcra and Lcptdoptera · · · • · • · • · · · · · · M.L.O. A collection of Australian Lepidoptera •....•..•..••.. • . · · · · • • • · · · • Mr. Masters. OflUSTACEA.

A Hermit Crab (Paguru1) and a Neptunru ptlagicu& ...... • ...... • • Mr. William Macleay, M.L.A. ECHINODERi\!ATA. A Star Fish (.A3ttria) ...... • • .. Mr. William Child. ENTOZOA. A Tape. Worm from a human subject ...... Dr. M.ilford. POLYPL A collection of Corals ...... • • .. • • .. . . • . . • ...... Mr. W. J. Williama. BOTA.NICAL SPEClliENS. Specimens of Sphceria robtrtlii •• ...... •• ...... •• .. .. •• .. .. •• . • Mr. John Miller. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Fossil Teeth and Bones of Diprutodon awtralia and Mruropu• atla• .. : . Mr. Daniel Egan, M.L.A. . . . {The International Exhibition A collection of vanous Ores and Minerals ••.•.•.. · .• · · · · • · · • · • • · · · · Commiaaioners. Iron Oro from P.mnsylvania. and from the Fitzroy lltincs...... llfr. J. R. Burr. A collection of Fossils from Sboalhaven and J crvis Bay...... ML Geoq:~e 'fhornton. Fossils from Ill:1long ...... • ...... • • ...... • . . Mr. Ed. Schoficld. A collection of Copper Ores...... • ...... • Mr. R. A. A. Morebead. A specimen of Calca.reous Spar . . . • ...... • • ...... Mr. D. A. Thomas. BOOKS, &c. A Des.cr.iption of twenty new species of Australian Coleoptera, by} Mr. William Maclcay,M.L.A. Wtlham Macloay, Esq., M.L.A ...... Tho ;~~~~1\~~-o-~ -~f- ~~~. ~~t~-~~~~~~~~. ~~~i~~~ .~r. ~~~v. ~~~~.t~. ~~ ~~c~.'} The ~~:c~0~fei~~ Entolllolo- A Series of Maps and Plans, and various Catalogues of tho Intc'i·na.-} The International Exhibition tional Exhibition for 1862 ...... • . • ...... • Commissioners. Fragmento. Pbytographlre Austral ire. 3 vols...... •.•...... ••••.....• } D. F d M " U FRS 1 Plants indigenous to the Colony of . 1 vol... • • . . • • • . .• ...... • er · u er, • · · Tbe Transactions of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land .. • . .. .. Dr. Bedford. ]'our Nos. of tbo Syd11ey Gazette, A.n. 1823 and 1824...... • .. •. .• .. .. Mr. B. P. Rodd. COINS, &c. An ancient Roman Coin ...... • . .. . • .. . • Mr. Levy Grisdale. A Collection of Modern Coins from Rusllia ...... { 'fho Intem!lti~naelrsExbibition 0OmMISSIOn • MISOELLA!\"EOUS. A 0~:!~~ ~~ -~~: -~~~~·.. ~~~·.. ~.e~~: -~~ .~~~~~ ·. ~~~.. v.~~~ {The ~::~~~:!~.xhibition GERA.:RD KREFFT, .&wtralwn Mu.ftn.tm, Acting Curator and Secretary. Sydney, 5 May, 1864.



2b His Excellency Sir W. T. JJenison, K.O.JJ., Governor of :Madra1. 300 specimens of Australian Timber.

2b the GoveNtment Central Musettm at Madrtu.

MAl\J:MALS. Aoanthogenys rufogularis . . . . • • . . . . • • . . 1 Pteropus poliocepbnlus ...... •..••.. 1 Tropidorbyncbus comiculatus • • ...... 1 A.prosmietus scapulntus ...... • • ...... 1 BIRDS. 'l'richoglossus s wainsonii .. • ...... • .. 1 Falco frontatua ...... •...... •.•.• 1 Platyccrcus l>nuori ...... • . . • • . . 1 Accipitor tOr

To Mr. 0. L. &bnin at Hamburg.

MAMMALS. Trichoglossus pusillus ...... 1 P toropus poliocephalus ..•.••••...... 1 l\Iacropygia pbaeianella ...•••....••••.• 2 Macropus mnjor ...... •.•...•..•• 2 Chalcophaps chrysoclora.. ...•...... • 1 PbaRcolarctos cinereus ...•••...... •••• 2 Geopbaps scripta . . . ..•....•.• ..•• . •.. 1 P halnngista cookii ...... 2 Platycercus pennnntii ...... 1 Belidcus Oav iventer ...... 1 Dromaius novl!l bollandire .•...•...••... 1 H ydromys lcucogaster . ...••• .•.....••. 1 Dromaius uovro hollandiro (skeleton) .... 1 Mus longipilis ...... 1 H rematopus novre zealandim ..•...•••.•• 1 Hiaticula nig:rifrons ...... 2 BffiDS. Himnntopus lcucocephalus ...... •• 2 H aliastur s pbonurus ...... 1 Parra gallinacoa ...... 1 Astur approximans ...... 1 P odiceps gulnris .•. , ...... 1 Aetur novro bollandilll ...... 1 Xema j amesonii ...... 2 Accipiter torq\llltus ...... 1 Ardea novDJ hollnndiro ...... 1 Atbono boo book ...... 2 Ardetta stngnatiJis ...... 2 Ath one maculato. .. .•...... ••.•..••.. 1 Phalacrocornx loucogastar .•....••..••.. 1 Podnrgud humcralis ...... 3 Artamus ...•.....•.. ...••..•..••...... 1 Merops ornatus ...... 1 E strilda. bccchenovii ...... 2 Scythrops novro bollandire •... ••.•..••. . 1 Estrilda modesta .• ...... •...... ••.. 2 Centropus phasio.nus ...... 1 Donacola oastaneothomx ...... 1 Eudynllmis flindersii ...... 3 Pardalotus punctatus ...... 1 Dacelo gigantua . •...•...... ••.•....•• 2 Sci.sura. volitans ...... 1 Cracticus destructor ...... 1 Glyciphila fasciata ...... 1 Campcphaga ....•...... •••...•.... 1 Petroioa multicolor ...... 1 Graculus ...... •••..•...... 1 Petroica phalnicca ...... 1 Pitta strepitans ...... 1 Erythrodryas rhodinogaster ...... 1 Oriolus viridis ...... 1 Oincloramphus ...... 3 Orcocincla novre bollnndire ....•..•...... 1 Limo~a uro.pygialis ...... 1 P sophodcs crepitans ...... 2 Turmx vanu...... 1 Ortbonix spinicaudus ...... 1 Sarcophorus pectornlis ...... 1 Malurus cynneus ...... •...... 2 Oedicnemus grallarius ...... •••...•.•..• 1 Malurus mclanooepbalus ...... 2 Cbaradrius xantbocbuilua ...... •... 1 Stipiturus malachurus ...•...... ••.•.... 1 A.nous stolidus ...... 1 Dasyornis austmlis ...... 1 Gallinula tenebrosa...... 1 Ptilonorhyncbus boloserioeus ...... 2 Daption oapensis ...... 1 Ptilonorhynchus smithii ...... l Menura superba .• .. •...... •...... 1 Sericulus chrysooepbalus ...... • •••••.•• 1 lll eliphaga novl!l hollandiro ...... 2 REPTILES AND FISHES. Meliphnga sericea ...... 2 Bydrosnurus variua ...... 1 1\felipbago. australasiana ...... 1 Hinulia wbitei ...... 2 GIY.cipbila fulvifrons ...... 1 Hinulia gerardii ...... 1 Pttlotis auricomis ...... 1 Omolepida casunrinro ...... 1 P tilotis chrysops ...... 1 Pygopus Jcpidopodus ...... 1 Xanthomyzo. pbrygia ...... 1 Grammatopboro. cristata .. ••...... •...• 4 Tropidorhyochus corniculatus ...•.•...• 1 Grammato[!bora muricata ...... 1 Eotomyzn cyanotus ...... ••...... 1 Morclio. spilotes ...... 6 Calyptorhynchus baol

To the Nata(mal Museum of the Netherlands at Lc!Jdcn. llll!MALIA. Ptiloti! ...... • • • • · • • • · · • · · · · · ·• •• 1 6 Zo9torops dorsalis • • ... • .. • • · • • • • • . . . • 1 Scotoptilus pumilus .. ·. · · · • · · · · • • · • · · · · 1 l'ctroica bicolor ...... • . . . • • . . • • . . . . • • 1 Onychogalea frmnatn ...... •· ·· ·• · · ·• Xemajamesoni.. .• .• •...... • •• • • .. •• • . 1 Diprotodon austral is . · · · · · • · · · · · · · · • 3 Melopsitlncns undulntJ!S . • . . .. . • . . . • . . .. 1 (Casts of fossil sknll and lower jaw.) PAChycophala guUnrah~ . . . . • • . . • . . . . . • • l BmDS. Trichoglossus chlorolep1dotus . • • • • • • • • • 1 . 2 Accipiter torquatus .. .. • • • .. . • • • • ...... 1 Podargus hum era1 18 ...... • .... • • .... • • 1 1 1 Jcracidea berigorn ...... • ...... • .. . . 1 llfolhthrcptus unu atus .. • ...... 1 l'nrdalotus punctntus ... • •• • ...... 1 Aatur approximans ...... ·• ...... · .. Ohryscx:nc~:yx lucid us .. • • ...... • • • • • • • • 1 Acoipitor torquatus .... • .. • .. .. • .. · .. .. 1 Acnuthiza nana ...... • • . • ...... • .. . • • 1 Athcne maculato...... · · ...... 1 ( th ~6 · ) Dacelo gigantca.. . . • ...... • . . • • . . . . 1 28 species of birds' eggs toge or apeClDlens. Centropus phasianns...... 2 REPTILES. Merops ornatus ...... · · ...... " .. ~ Py,npus lo~id opodua ...... J\lcnura nlberti ...... " 1 Oincloramphus ...... 2 Diplod11cty us ornatu~...... l! Pittt~ strepitans .. .. • ...... 1 Limno~ynnstca krcfl'tn ...... t Ptilonorhynchus bolosericuus...... 1 Psuudopbryno bibronii ...... 2 Spbecoteres australis . • ...... • . . 1 Psoudophrync australis • • · • • • · · • · · · • • · • G Stipiturus malacbnrus ...... 1 Litorin, spec.? ...... · · ...... 1 llfalurus m«lanocephalus...... 1 J,itoria mnrmornta .. · · ...... · · · · · · · · .. 1 Myingra plumbua ...... 1 Hyla phyllocb•·oa · · · · .. · · .. • · .... · · · · .. 1 Aprosmictus scapnlatus ...... 2 Hyla krcfftii ...... · • 4 Pezoporus formosos ...... 1 llylanurca ...... · · 2 Tricboglossus swainsCinii ...... 1 By la p~ronii ...... 1 Atheno boobook...... • . . 1 Pelodryas croru]eus ...... · . .. · · . . · · · · .. 1 iUyzomela sangninolenta...... 1 Together, 21 i\fammnls. 178 Birds. 109 Reptiles and Fishes.

..d.ustralian MU8eu-m, GERARD KREFFT, Sydw:y, 5t1~ May, 1861-. .Acting Curator aDd Secretary.


IMt rif Books purclwsedf~ the J-tuseum Library.

Ribliotbeca Zoologica, 1 vol., Svo. List nf Lepidopterous Insects, parts 2 and 8, Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence-Birds of North .l:tmo. America, 2 vols., 4to. 0:1talogue of Lyoaenidre, 4to. The Zoology of the Voyage of thu "Erobus" List of Lepidopterous Insects, parts 22 to 27, and "•rerror," 15 parts, 4to. G parts, 12mo. Giinther-Cntalo~ of Acauthopterygian Fishes Catalogue uf Hymenopterous Insects, parts 4 1 vol. (vol. Hl.), Svo. to 7, four parts, 12mo. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1861, Cataloguo of Ooleopteroue Insects, Cassidide, parts 2 and 8, Svo. l:lmo. P roceedings of the Zoological Society, l8G2, Oal!lloguo of Jfnlticidro, plll't 1, 12mo. parts l to 3, Svo. Catalogue of Neu•·optllrous Insects, part l, 12mo. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1863, List of Mollusca, part 1. 12mo. part 1, Svo. Catalogue fJf Bivalve Mollusca. part 1, volutide, British Museum Publications- Catalogue of tbo 12mo. Mammalia and Birds of Nepal, 1 vol., 12mo. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca, part 2, 12mo. List of Birds, part 4, Columb:e, 1856, 12mo. List of Shells of the Oaoaries. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles, part 1, 4to. Cuba. Catalogue of Bones of Mammalia, 1562, !2mo. South America.

.Australian MUJJeum, GERARD .KREFFT, Sydney, May 5th, 1864. Acting Curator and Secretary.

[Price, 6d.]