Teaching and Research Community College of Biological Sciences and Medical School faculty and students moved into the new $80 million Molecular and Cellular Biology Building this summer, creating a community of biologists who will work together to push the boundaries of knowledge.


Changes at CBS and the U

Welcome to the first issue of Bio, the College of Biological Sciences’ new magazine, which replaces Frontiers and reflects the growth and change at CBS and in biology.

We chose the name Bio, Greek for ‘life,’ because life is what we are about, from understanding how it works at the molecular level to pro- moting quality of life on our planet. Increasingly, the world’s problems are biological in nature: the effects of pollution on ecosystems; the Robert Elde, dean FALL 2002 ■ Vol. 1 No. 1 strain of global population growth on food supplies; and the threat of cancer, infectious diseases, and bioterrorism, to name a few. More and more, the world is DEAN Robert Elde turning to biologists for solutions. EDITOR As you can see, Bio brings us to you in living color. I was very glad to make this change Peggy Rinard because for me, biology is colors. There is nothing quite so disappointing as a black and white ADVISERS photo of a wild Minnesota orchid or a monarch butterfly. The cost difference between printing Janene Connelly in black and white and color has narrowed over the past few years. And this year, we were Director of Development and External Relations able to close the gap by doing design, production, and printing within the University rather Judd Sheridan than using outside services. Associate Dean This year is one of other important changes for the College of Biological Sciences and the John Anderson Associate Dean University of Minnesota. Over the summer xx faculty and staff made the long-awaited move into the new Molecular and Cellular Biology Building on the campus. This Department Heads David Bernlohr change, which makes us the only two-campus college at the U, is an evolutionary event in our Biochemistry, Molecular history that presents many new research and education opportunities. Biology, and Biophysics Robert Sterner A $1.7 million grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to use Itasca as a base for Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior training more K-12 biology teachers also extends our reach. This is a distinct change from the Kate VandenBosch role the station has played in its 93 year history. Plant Biology Brian Van Ness There are big changes at the top, as well. With the departure of Mark Yudof, regents have Genetics, Cell Biology, and entrusted Bob Bruininks and Chris Maziar with leadership of the University. As veterans of the Development Yudof administration, they are very knowledgeable about the University and will provide great CONTRIBUTORS leadership. We are in good hands. I look forward to working with them. Emily Johnston Alumni Relations Coordinator Please read this issue of Bio and let me know what you think. I welcome your feedback. Just Justin Piehowski send an e-mail to belde@.umn.edu. Communications Intern Regards, GRAPHIC DESIGN Shawn Welch U of M Printing Services PRINTING U of M Printing Services Robert Elde, Dean Address correspondence to: e-mail: [email protected] Visit our Web site at www.cbs.umn.edu.



2 Abstracts Biodiversity, bugs, lions, Biodale, and books by faculty. 4 College News Itasca Science Teachers Institute, Cedar Creek Anniversary, 6

Microbial and Plant Genomics Building, CBS people. 6 E

15 Alumni News G A

New BSAS President and Board Members, Class Notes, P Homecoming. Gene Wars 22 Calendar of Events Check out the line-up of fall events.


9 More Than a Building 0

The new Molecular and Cellular Biology Building provides $80 mil- 1 lion worth of labs and classrooms for CBS faculty and students. But 1 E

the opportunities it creates for collaboration are worth even more. G A P FEATURES Cover Story

6 PLANT GENOMICS — Gene wars between plants and pests. 7 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY — Fruit fly genes provide human cancer clues. 12 STUDENT LIFE — Summer at Lake Itasca. 13 FIELD NOTES — IMAX film about Jane Goodall’s research opens soon. CAMPAIGN COUNTDOWN — Scholarships and fellowships are a top

14 4

priority as Campaign Minnesota enters the last year. 1 1 16 BIOTECHNOLOGY — Julie Kirahara, president of ATG Laboratories and MNBIO. E G A 18 Honor Roll P Scholarships CBS donors for FY 2002

The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its BIO is published three times a year by the programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, University of Minnesota College of Biological age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Sciences for alumni, faculty, staff, and friends Printed on elementally chlorine-free recycled paper containing 20 percent post-consumer waste. of the college. It is available in alternative for- mats upon request; please call 612-624-0774 On the Cover Located between Moos Tower and Jackson Hall on Washington Avenue, the new Molecular and or fax 612-624-2785. Cellular Biology Building is at the entrance of the Academic Health Center and across the street from the Institute of Technology. This strategic address will promote collaboration with health sciences and engineering.

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 1 More kudos for Tilman Less buggy world David Tilman, McKnight Presidential The world is far less buggy than Professor of Ecology, was elected to the previously believed, according to a National Academy of Sciences in May. study involving CBS plant biol- Membership acknowledges distinguished ogist George Weiblen. The research and is considered one of the study, which lowers the estimate highest honors for U.S. scientists. He is from 31 million bug species (most- the only U of M faculty member elected ly insects, spiders, and crus- to the NAS this taceans) to four to six million, is year. Tilman’s based on the finding that insects research proves feed on plant families rather than Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feed on the leaves of Ficus nodosa in the New Guinea rain forest. that grasslands individual plants. Weiblen, principal with many plant biologist on the team, says eating species. The total number species of plants that “bringing some reality” to estimates of species of all kinds on the earth is survive drought of worldwide biodiversity will enable sci- unknown. Estimates range from 7 million better and pro- entists to get a better handle on how fast to more than 50 million. Of the 1.8 mil- duce more vege- species are being lost. The study, funded lion species documented thus far, about tation than land by the National Science Foundation,

TIM RUMMELHOFF half are arthropods. The study was with only a few looked at 51 rain forest plants in New species. The NAS, reported in the April 25 issue of Nature. ■ Guinea and more than 900 types of plant- which acts as an adviser to the federal government in matters of science and technology, was established in 1863 and Smaller, lighter, cheaper, DNA chip reader has 1,907 active members. Other NAS Mark Sanders and Martin Blumenfeld toaster and weighs 15 pounds, would cost members from ecology, evolution, and have invented a DNA chip reader that is half as much as the least expensive behavior include emeriti professors Herb smaller, lighter, and cheaper than any machine now on the market without sac- Wright, Margaret Davis, and Eville other models on the market. An associate rificing technology. DNA chip scanners Gorham. “I did not do this alone,” says professor of genetics, cell biology, and now available are about the size of a copy Tilman. “Everything we accomplish in life development, Blumenfeld created the machine, weigh up to 100 pounds, and is the result of team work. A lot of the company Blizzard Genomics to commer- cost $75,000. The U has filed three credit for these accomplishments goes to cialize their invention, which relies on LED patents for the device. Blizzard Genomics my graduate students and colleagues.” technology rather than costly lasers. LED has raised $1.6 million to produce and Tilman was also named a Regents technology is used in traffic lights, tail market this invention, and is attempting to Professor—the University’s highest lights of cars, and stadium scoreboard raise another $5 million Sanders is direc- honor for faculty—this spring. ■ lighting. The reader, which is the size of a tor of the CBS Imaging Center. ■

Viral transmission in lions Craig Packer, ecology, evolution, and behavior, has received a five-year grant of $1,482,000 from the National Science Foundation for his research project, “Viral Transmission Dynamics in the Serengeti.” His study will investigate the transmis- sion dynamics of three viral pathogens: rabies, canine distemper virus, and canine parvovirus, identifying reservoirs of infection through a combination of approaches that include intervention trials, genetic analyses, and disease surveillance. Of the emerging infectious diseases, zoonotic and generalist viral pathogens pose a par- ticular threat to public health and biodiversity. The effective control of these dis- eases requires both the identification of reservoirs of infection and an understand- Packer will study viral transmission among prides (social ing of viral transmission dynamics within complex host assemblages. Yet for most groups) of lions in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and emerging infectious diseases, reservoirs remain to be identified and little is known Ngorongoro Crater. about mechanisms by which infections are maintained. ■

2 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES New gene transfer method Books by faculty David Largaespada, genetics, cell biology, and development, reported on a new gene “Ecological Stoichiometry: The Biology of transfer method in the April 2 issue of the Elements from Molecules to the Biosphere,” by Proceedings of the National Academy of Robert Sterner and Jim Elser. This long-await- Science. Largaespada and his colleagues ed book on ecological stoichiometry – the balance describe the use of a transposon and of chemical elements in ecological interactions – Sleeping Beauty transposase, an enzyme, to brings this field into its own as a unifying force in genetically modify a mouse. The technique ecology and evolution. Synthesizing a wide range has many potential applications for treating of knowledge, Sterner, CBS professor and head of diseases such as hemophilia and cystic ecology, and Elser, University of Arizona, show fibrosis. Largaespada, is co-founder of how an understanding of the biochemical deploy- Discovery Genomics, which has exclusive ment of elements in organisms from microbes to rights to Sleeping Beauty technology. ■ metazoan provides the key to making sense of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The book Biodale “shop” opens won’t be published until Dec. 1, but can be ordered now on Amazon.com. There will soon be another “shop” opening at Biodale, CBS’ shopping mall for biotech research services. David Bernlohr received Michael Simmons and Peter Snustad an NSF Research Instrumentation Grant of have published the second edition of $490,891 to establish a Proteomics Core their very successful textbook, Facility as part of the Biodale technology Principles of Genetics. The book, corridor in the College of Biological which has been translated into numer- Sciences. The facility will house a robotic ous languages, is a standard genetics spot picker, digesters, and MALDI plate text in universities around the world. spotter along with a 2-D gel system and Simmons is professor of genetics, cell software license. It will interface with the biology, and development; Snustad is Mass Spectrometry Facility and be located in professor of plant biology. 46 Gortner Laboratories. Bernlohr is a McKnight Distinguished Professor and head of the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics. ■

Claudia Neuhauser, has published the second edition of her textbook “Calculus for Biology and Medicine.” Neuhauser developed a course and wrote the text to relate calculus to life sciences research. “I wanted students to under- stand calculus conceptually, not just to be able to differentiate and integrate func- tions,” she says. “And I wanted them to see how calculus is used in cutting-edge research and to enjoy it by using life sci- ences examples.” After discovering that no book on the market addressed this issue,

TIM RUMMELHOFF she wrote one herself. Neuhauser is a pro- The Advanced Genetic Analysis Center is one of sever- fessor of ecology, evolution, and behavior. al “shops” in Biodale.

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 3 Lake Itasca Science Teachers Institute Cargill Genomics CBS was awarded a $1.7 million grant teachers in the Bagley, Bemidji, Grand building topped off from the Howard Hughes Medical Rapids, Park Rapids, Waubun, and Institute to support biology education White Earth Reservation school dis- in northwest Minnesota. The grant will tricts. Program directors are Robert be used to create the Lake Itasca Elde, CBS dean, and Steve Yussen, Science Teachers Institute to ease the dean of the College of Education and shortage of biology teachers in the Human Development. Other partners area and to encourage more Native are the University of Minnesota Americans to enter this field. Lake Science CentrUM, Itasca State Park Itasca Forestry and Biological Station naturalists in the state Department of PAUL GERMSCHEID PAUL will serve as the campus for the pro- Natural Resources, and the six school gram, which will provide rural intern- districts. Jane Phillips, coordinator of The Cargill Building Microbial and Plant ships for future K-12 biology teachers CBS instructional labs, prepared the Genomics building, under construction on and professional development for cur- grant proposal and will be involved in Gortner Avenue, reached its full height in rent middle school and high school its administration. ■ July. To mark the occasion, the building was topped off with a mature corn plant rather than the traditional evergreen tree. In June, Celebrate Cedar Creek’s heritage on Sept. 21 Regents approved naming the building to You are invited to celebrate the 60th tracking was developed to study ani- recognize Cargill Foundation’s $10 million anniversary of Cedar Creek Natural mal behavior. We hope you will be gift, which covered half the cost of the History Area from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. on able to join us for the day to celebrate building. The 65,000-square-foot facility will September 21. A living laboratory for this unique University of Minnesota support genomics research to improve the ecologists, Cedar Creek is the site resource. The event begins with a food supply, clean up the environment, and were ecological theory was born and program at 1:30 p.m. followed by develop new drugs. It will be used by faculty continues to thrive today. Research refreshments, tours of Cedar Creek, from CBS and the College of Agricultural, conducted at Cedar Creek on the and a radio-tracking demonstration Environmental, and Food Sciences. A grand value of biodiversity is helping ecolo- with Goldy Gopher. Children are wel- opening is planned for March, 2003. ■ gists understand how to manage come. For more information, contact global ecosystems. Cedar Creek is Emily at [email protected] or also known as the place where radio- 612-624-4770. ■ Correction: The article “Living Laboratory” in the spring issue of Frontiers contained incomplete infor- mation about the development of telemetry at Cedar Creek Natural History area. In the late John Tester and Dwain Warner, Bell Museum of Natural History, and engineering professors Tom Irvine and James Hartnett explored the possibility of studying wild ani- mals in their natural environment using equipment similar to that used to monitor Laika, the dog in the Russian sattelite, Sputnik. With funding from the Hill Family Foundation of St. Paul, a research team headed by William Cochran and Larry Kuechle developed radio transmitters and receivers that were used to monitor movements and activities of many kinds of animals. Our thanks to William Schmid for calling this omission to our atten- tion, and to John Tester and Dwain Warner for providing additional information.

4 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Greenhouses get PEOPLE $17.7 million Gary Nelsestuen, professor of $17.7 million for Plant Growth Facilities biochemistry, molecular biology, was included in the capital bonding bill and biophysics, is the first holder of approved by the 2002 Minnesota the Samuel Kirkwood Chair in Legislature and Governor Ventura at the Biochemistry. The chair, which end of May. Funds will be used to com- honors the memory of biochemistry plete phase 2 of construction to replace professor Samuel Kirkwood, was obsolete greenhouses. Dean Elde thanks created to support outstanding fac- all faculty, staff, alumni, and students who ulty. Nelsestuen, a former student contributed to the grass roots support of Kirkwood’s, is a leading effort by writing letters and making phone researcher who studies mem- calls. Special thanks go to Ruth Shaw, pro- brane-protein interactions and fessor of ecology, and Dave Biesboer, pro- mechanistic enzymology. He devel- fessor of plant biology, who led planning oped a protein now licensed to Eli for the project and advocated for funding. Lilly as the first drug to treat sep- Phase 1 of the project—a 9,600 square- sis. Kirkwood joined the biochem- foot biocontainment facility to study insects istry department in 1956 and was that transmit diseases—among crop RICHARD ANDERSON the first professor to receive the Gary Nelsestuen plants, will be completed this fall. ■ Morse-University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Undergraduate Education. He became head of general biology in 1981, retired in 1987, and died in 1999.

Palmer Rogers, professor emeritus of microbiology, died suddenly in May from an aneurysm at the age of 74. Rogers received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1957 and served on the faculty at the University of Minnesota from 1962 until his retirement in 1999. A dedicated teacher and researcher, he was much admired by his students and associates. Rogers served the College of Biological Sciences as the Director of Undergraduate Studies for Microbiology and was recognized in 1998 with the Stanley Dagley/Samual Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award. An active Undergrad research researcher in the area of microbial physiology, he focused on genetics of For the 13th consecutive summer, under- organic acid production by bacteria. With assistance from his wife, Donna graduate students from across the coun- Gunderson Rogers, CBS has established a Palmer Rogers Microbiology try participated in the Life Sciences Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment. Contributions can be sent to: Summer Undergraduate Research College of Biological Sciences, 123 Snyder Hall, 1475 Gortner Avenue, St. Program, (LSSURP) at the College of Paul, MN 55108, attention Janene Connelly. Biological Sciences. This year, 72 students Bill Herman, genetics, cell biology and development, retired this spring engaged in intensive laboratory or field after 36 years at CBS. After earning his Ph.D. at Northwestern University and research experiences under the tutelage gaining postdoctoral experience in endocrinology at the University of of U of M faculty, including 10 faculty California-Berkeley, Herman joined the zoology department at the University mentors from the College of Biological of Minnesota in 1966. He joined the genetics and cell biology department in Sciences. Objectives of the program, 1976 and served as head from 1980-89. Herman was devoted to teaching and which is co-sponsored by the Medical research in invertebrate endocrinology. His classes were very well received School, are to increase the number of and filled a clear need in this area. According to his long-time colleague, undergraduates who earn graduate or Ross Johnson, “If you ever wanted to see Bill wax enthusiastic, all you need- professional degrees in the life sciences, ed to do was ask him about the mode of action of a hormone.” He also and increase the number of women and enjoyed his studies of monarch butterflies. ■ individuals of color in these pools.

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 5 Gene wars– the evolutionary struggle between crop plants and pests

only to vulnerable already been ‘hanging around’ for crops, but to vulnerable a long time.” people, says May. In contrast to crops and Antibiotics used inap- pathogens at war with each propriately to treat other, corn and the fungal human infections or in pathogen known as corn smut livestock feed have seem to have declared a truce of been implicated in the sorts, and this forms the basis of rise of drug-resistant a second project. Working with bacteria, some of which Ron Phillips, Regents Professor have wreaked deadly in agriculture, May is investigat- havoc. The cycle is ing why the smut isn’t a serious bound to continue, but problem for corn, even though May is out to slow it the crop is usually planted in down. She is using her large monocultures—the classic RICHARD ANDERSON skills as an evolution- “sitting duck” for any pathogen Georgiana May helps crop plants stay one gene ahead ary biologist to find of pests. that comes along. “I see myself as genes that will protect plants while evoking “We’re trying to understand why providing evolu- f you think the world’s milder or slower counter-evolu- certain pathogens haven’t evolved hypervirulence,” says May. “Corn tionary informa- energy resources are being tion of resistance in the pests and Igobbled up too fast, ask pathogens that afflict them. breeders early in the century Georgiana May what’s happening must have done something tion that will As part of two efforts funded by to our genetic resources. The right.” Because the genetic the National Science Foundation’s help people genes that allow crops to resist makeup of smut is part of this Plant Genome Project, May looks pests also challenge the pests to equation, May and Phillips are manage genetic for promising genetic material in evolve new means to pull an end examining its genome, too. several major crop species. One resources to run around the resistance mech- project focuses on the plant family As efforts to protect both valu- anism. The result: a constant provide more that includes potatoes, tomatoes, able plants and nature’s reserves cycle of “gene warfare” in which eggplant, tobacco, and peppers. of genetic resources continue, crop breeders must run to stay durable resist- She has studied resistance genes May regards her evolutionary one step ahead of whatever “bug” and the molecular mechanisms by approach as the best because it ance for crops is breathing down their necks. which the plants have evolved gives a “big picture” of what’s and develop “Most major resistance traits last many and varied copies of the going on. “I see myself as provid- about five years,” says May, an genes. Now, May is drawing on ing evolutionary information that more ecological- associate professor of ecology, her knowledge of those evolution- will help people manage genetic resources to provide more ly sustainable evolution and behavior and of ary mechanisms to predict which plant biology. “After that, scien- genes will protect the crops durable resistance for crops and systems.” tists have to scour the wild and against future threats in a more develop more ecologically sus- cultivated relatives of crop plants sustainable manner. “We look for tainable systems,” she says. —Georgiana May to find new genes that confer DNA sequences that are similar to —Deane Morrison resistance.” known resistance genes but occur in different species,” says May. Overuse or misuse of different “These are genes that have forms of pest control leads not

6 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Fruit fly genes provide cancer development clues

t first glance, a fruit fly pediatrics and in genet- seems distantly related ics, cell biology, and “If I want to Ato those of us with back- development. He will also bones. The multi-faceted eyes hold the Martin Lenz explore the func- and elaborate bristle patterns on Harrison Land Grant tion of these body parts, which have appeared Chair in Pediatrics. A in many a science fiction movie, developmental biologist genes in verte- are outright alien. with an interest in dis- brate model sys- Yet, as is often the case, appear- eases, Selleck holds M.D. ances can be deceiving. At the and Ph.D. degrees from tems, such as Washington University cellular and molecular level, the zebrafish and similarity between fruit flies and School of Medicine in St. Louis. And he spent four Scott Selleck will join a distinguished team of humans is stunning—a fact that drosophila experts. mice, on the way new faculty member Scott Selleck years as a post-doctoral toward studies in uses to better understand, diag- fellow at M.I.T and nose, and treat cancer, the second Brandeis University, associated with a number of humans, all I leading cause of death in the U.S. studying cell division in fruit flies, malignancies. The gene Selleck before setting up his own lab in discovered encodes a cell-surface have to do is Selleck joins a distinguished Tucson, where he also served as protein that affects how cells team of drosophila genetics walk down the director of molecular genetics at respond to messages from neigh- experts, including Michael the Arizona Cancer Center. boring cells. “These molecules hall and say, O’Connor, holder of the Ordway are important regulators of how Chair in Developmental Biology Fruit flies are an ideal tool for ‘Hey, I have this cells receive instructions govern- and a Howard Hughes Medical studying cancer development, he ing many biological processes, Institute scholar. Alumnus Ed says. “The basic mechanisms of idea, let’s work from cell division to the assembly Lewis won the 1995 Nobel Prize how cells talk to one another, of blood vessels” Selleck adds. “I on it together.’” in Medicine for pioneering work how development proceeds, and am confident that understanding in fruit fly genetics and human how tissues are assembled, are this new class of molecular —Scott Selleck development that he began at the all conserved in the evolutionary receptors will have many medical University of Minnesota. tree,” he says. Whether human or fruit fly, the genes that control implications.” Of the roughly 64 human genes cell division operate in similar Selleck was attracted to linked to tumor development, 70 ways. Understanding how cell Minnesota by opportunities to col- percent have a corresponding division is controlled during fruit laborate, as well as the joint gene in the fruit fly. “That means fly development has led to a num- appointment and endowed chair. that for more than two-thirds of ber of discoveries relevant to The U offers him the chance to human cancers you can look to human cancer. bridge the gap between pediatrics fruit flies for insight,” says and development biology, as well Selleck, who has been studying “The first fruit fly gene we identi- as work with colleagues across a Drosophilia melanogaster for fied at Arizona corresponded to a wide range of disciplines. the past nine years as a profes- human gene that affects tumor sor at the University of Arizona development,” Selleck says. at Tucson. Humans who inherit a mutation in Genetics of drosophila, or fruit flies, has that gene are more susceptible to This fall, Selleck joins the faculty long been an area of strength at the at Minnesota with appointments in tumors, and loss of the gene is University of Minnesota.

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 7 CBS faculty members David Kirkpatrick, Pete Magee, and Judy Berman all conduct research on various forms of yeast, including Candida Albicans, a pathogen that causes a variety of infections in humans. Their labs are now joined, which enables them to work together more easily. TIM RUMMELHOFF

8 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES olecular m Cellular Biology BUILDING& The $80 million Molecular and Cellular Biology Building provides exceptional facilities for CBS faculty and students. More importantly, it creates a community of scientists where open labs and meeting spaces encourage collaboration, the key to discovery, and where biology students rub elbows with top life sciences faculty.

n the upper floors of the gleam- form new alliances based on their inter- hood, which includes Jackson Hall, the ing new Molecular and Cellular ests in addressing specific questions Basic Sciences and Biomedical O Biology Building on Washington about life’s most basic processes. Engineering Building, and Moos Tower Avenue in Minneapolis, lab benches on the South side of Washington Avenue A joint project of the College of stretch along the length of each wing, and Institute of Technology buildings Biological Sciences and the Medical flowing one after another without across the street. Lots of windows let School, the seven-story, 270,000- walls or doors to separate them. In the ample light into laboratories and meet- square-foot Molecular and Cellular words of David Bernlohr, Head of the ing areas. Building was designed and constructed Department of Biochemistry, Molecular with state funding, at a cost of $80 mil- In this new building, scientists from the Biology, and Biophysics, “it’s impossible lion. Four upper floors are dedicated to College of Biological Sciences and the to tell where one person’s lab stops and research, and two lower floors are Medical School work side by side, apply- another starts.” devoted to undergraduate and graduate ing the latest technologies in molecular Welcome to the University’s newest aca- instruction. There is also one floor of and cellular biology to answer a variety demic building, where the traditional research resources. On the outside, red of research questions. Faculty from boundaries between colleges and scien- brick and pre-cast concrete integrate three departments are the primary ten- tific disciplines blur, and researchers the building into its campus neighbor- ants: About half are in the Department

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 9 in crafting a plan to create joint basic research departments. And the University’s commitment to win funding from the Legislature for a new building to house the departments catalyzed the reorganization.

The Molecular & Cellular Biology Building takes the reorganization process one step further, giving 70 researchers a strategically located home at the intersection of medicine, liberal arts, and engineering. On the simplest level, the new building allows them to share expensive equipment, making research more efficient eco- nomically. More importantly, it enables them to share and discover knowledge. Discoveries are often made at the boundaries where disciplines intersect.

Below is an overview of research in

Instructor Mark Decker leads a class in one of the new General Biology labs. The General Biology program offers the new departments that occupy the basic biology courses for undergraduates throughout the University. building.

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular of Genetics, Cell Biology, and research universities. The separation Biology, and Biophysics (BMBB). Development; 40 percent in the was maintained when the College of Scientists in this department focus on the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biological Sciences was created in structure and functions of molecules and Biology, and Biophysics; and 10 percent 1965. But with advances in biology, the assemblies. Their basic science investiga- in the Department of Neuroscience. The differences between basic biological tion provides new insight into fundamen- first two are joint departments of the research in agriculture and medicine College of Biological Sciences and gradually faded. Medical School; Neuroscience, which is “Over the years there was affiliated with CBS, is part of the talk of merging the depart- Medical School. Researchers are clus- ments,” says Bernlohr, tered along programmatic rather than whose father was a profes- departmental lines. Cross fertilization is sor of microbiology in the a primary objective in bringing these Medical School from 1961 disciplines together. to 1974. “But because they The opening of the MCB Building culmi- reported to separate deans nates years and in some respects on separate campuses,

decades of discussion and planning. administrative hurdles got RICHARD ANDERSON Similar academic departments, such as in the way.” The lobby of the new building provides a comfortable, quiet, and biochemistry and genetics, developed attractive study area for students. In 1997, when President separately on the St. Paul campus (to Mark Yudof identified support agricultural research) and molecular and cellular biology as a tal biological and chemical processes and Minneapolis campus (to support med- major university initiative, faculty-driven the foundation for clinical research pro- ical research). Creating duplicate plans for merging similar units re-sur- grams in cancer biology, aging, diabetes, departments to support different pro- faced. Deans Robert Elde, CBS, and Al and other metabolic diseases. grams was common practice at large Michael, Medical School, took the lead

10 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, “Scientists used to live their lives building is its flexibility and openness. and Development (GCD). Many faculty inside a box—an individual lab with “As technologies change in the decades researchers seek to understand how walls,” says David Bernlohr. People ahead, we can re-configure the space to genes function in normal and abnormal talk about ‘thinking outside the box.’ In support them,” Bernlohr says. “The cell and organism development. These this new building, there are no boxes. assembly of exceptional scientists and programs are clustered around model The implicit assumption is that the combination of facilities, programmatic organisms, such as yeast, worms, combination of people and facilities organization, and open floor plan zebrafish, and mice. In addition, cell will serve as a catalyst for thinking assures that the Molecular and Cellular biologists study functional mechanisms outside the box.” Biology Building will be among the top and structure of cells. research facilities in the country,” says Brian Van Ness, head of the Depart- Van Ness. Department of Neuroscience. ment of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Neuroscience faculty study the control Development, expects the open design The Molecular and Cellular Biology of sensation, movement, and thought at to enable scientists to apply lessons Building opened this summer. A dedi- the molecular and cellular level. Their learned from simple organisms, such cation ceremony will be held October 9, work has profound implications for as yeast and zebrafish, to more complex 2002. If you would like to attend, please understanding and treating chronic organisms. “The open format of the contact Janene Connelly, pain, addiction, and disabilities caused building is uniquely designed to pro- [email protected], or 612-624-7496. by stroke and spinal cord injuries. mote those interactions,” he says. —Frank Clancy Because biology is advancing at such a tudents at all levels also benefit rapid pace, a key advantage of the from the state-of-the-art labs S and classrooms. The General Biology Program, which provides basic biology instruction for students University-wide, and the CBS Instructional Laboratories which serves students majoring in biology, are both housed in the new building. There are also instructional laboratories for med- ical and dental students. Graduate stu- dents and post-doctoral researchers work in the new laboratories. The build- ing is a powerful lure to faculty mem- bers and graduate students who are being recruited into the University’s molecular and cellular biology pro- grams.

But it’s the building’s expected boost to research that administrators most look forward to. The open design is at the core of that excitement.

“One of the most important things a dean can do,” says Bob Elde, dean of the College of Biological Sciences, “is TIM RUMMELHOFF bring people together. The new building David Bernlohr head of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics (front); Tim Ebner, head of is a magnet for bringing people togeth- Neuroscience (back left); and Brian Van Ness, head of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Biophysics, take time out in er and encouraging them to interact in a beautifully designed break room. Faculty in their departments occupy the building’s four floors of research new ways.” labs. Break rooms are located on each floor to encourage interaction.

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 11 Summer at Lake Itasca “By the time fall ajestic pines . . . edge of the headwaters of the dents to get to know each other pristine lakes . . . Mississippi River, surrounded by and faculty. The station, particu- session starts, Mlifetime friendships 32,000-acre Itasca State Park, it larly during the summer, is also a students already gained and lessons learned . . . offers an invigorating venue for magnet for researchers because such are the images Jon Ross education and research for some of the abundance of flora and have friends and carries from the first year he 1,000 station visitors each year. fauna represented within the park. faculty they’ve spent at the Lake Itasca Located at the convergence of Forestry and Biological Station three great biomes—northern met, they’ve as an undergraduate in 1973. coniferous forest, prairie, and

made s’mores Thirty years later, Ross—now hardwood forest—the field sta- tion is a unique resource for with, counted resident biologist and assistant director of the station—enjoys biologists. the stars with. . . watching the next generation of Prominent among academic You can’t do students build memories of offerings is the summer biology their own. program. Two sessions give stu- that here in the The Itasca station, established in dents the opportunity to take a Twin Cities.” 1909, is high on the list of features rich variety of classes focusing that make the University of on topics such as botany, animal —Stephen Ekker Minnesota a great place to be a behavior, photography, insect DONALD RUBBELKE budding biologist. Perched on the diversity, and telemetry. Other upper Midwestern colleges bring The field station is a valuable their own students for similar complement to campus-based courses in spring classrooms and labs says station and fall. director David Biesboer.

Sarah Suskovic had a blast taking The away-from-it-all atmosphere the mammology course this year. also creates a learning-enhancing “We watched beaver, caught and camaraderie among individuals observed bats, tracked small from a variety of backgrounds rodents with fluorescent dye, and “It’s a terrific experience,” says howled for wolves and coyotes,” Stephen Ekker, a faculty member she says. “I enjoy the opportunity in the Department of Genetics, to be out in the field, to intensively Cell Biology, and Development, concentrate on an area without who co-directs the molecular biol- everyday distractions, and to ogy session. By the time fall ses- interact with others who share my sion starts, he says, students interests.” “already have friends and faculty The summer field biology program they’ve met, they’ve made s’mores is one of many offerings at Itasca. with, counted the stars with. . . . Others include international You can’t do that here in the Twin exchange programs, neuroscience Cities.” University of Minnesota biolo- gy students have enjoyed courses, and before-school orien- summers at Itasca since 1909. tation programs to enable new —Mary K. Hoff DONALD RUBBELKE undergraduate and graduate stu-

12 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Behind the scenes of “Wild Chimpanzees”

ou won’t see Anne Pusey on screen in the film Y“Wild Chimpanzees” when it premiers at the Science Museum’s IMAX Theatre this fall. But she had a substantial behind- the-scenes supporting role in the making of this film about Jane Goodall and her studies of chim- panzees.

Pusey took that role on a few years ago when she accompanied a group of Science Museum film- makers to Tanzania and gave them a tour of Gombe Stream National Park where Goodall’s research is based. A student of Goodall’s in the early 1970s, Pusey now heads up the Jane See Jane Goodall and friends in the IMAX film “Wild Chimpanzees,” opening at the Science Museum October 17. Anne Pusey, director of Goodall Institute’s the Goodall Center for Primate Studies at CBS, was scientific adviser. Center for Primate Though she Studies—housed at the As part of the well as videotapes to the center, doesn’t appear College of Biological Sciences. film’s promotion, Lonsdorf will making it the archives for her This fall, “Wild Chimpanzees,” serve as a science educator and research and an important onscreen, Pusey which evolved from that initial visit, guest speaker, visiting classrooms resource for primate researchers served as princi- will premier in IMAX theaters and science centers across the worldwide. But the records must across North America. Slated for country in the coming year. be cataloged, translated, and pal scientific scanned before they can be made worldwide tour, the 42-minute film The release of the film coin- available electronically. Pusey is tells Goodall’s story, features lots cides with an extensive redesign adviser for the raising funds to make this possible. of shots of cute chimps, and cham- of the center’s Web site filmmakers and pions the ongoing work of scien- (www.discoverchimpanzees.org). Contributions may be sent to the tists such as Pusey and her stu- Funded by the Science Museum, Center for Primate Studies c/o she reviewed dents who study chimpanzee the new Web site is an educa- Janene Connelly, 123 Snyder Hall, behavior and work to preserve tional tool and an interactive 1475 Gortner Ave., St. Paul, MN the final script their habitat. showcase for the center’s work. 55108. For more information about for scientific making supporting the center, Though she doesn’t appear Pusey hopes the film and Web site contact Janene Connelly at connel- accuracy. onscreen, Pusey served as principal will bring the center more visibility [email protected]. scientific adviser for the filmmakers and attract financial support for its and she reviewed the final script for mission. In 1995 Jane Goodall —Joel Hoekstra scientific accuracy. CBS doctoral entrusted all of her hand-written student Elizabeth Vinson Lonsdorf field notes, some in Swahili, and makes her screen debut in the film. photographs (38 years worth) as



tate support for the University annual scholarships and fellowships. passes a friendly welcome along to many is shrinking and tuition is While the former insures that the future other students. She also sings with the Sincreasing. Although the will be strong, the latter meets needs of University of Minnesota gospel choir, University of Minnesota is a land-grant CBS’ growing number of current appli- and last summer recorded her own CD. institution, it is rapidly becoming a cants. hybrid university—a cross between a You could help a public and a private university—as its student like dependence on private support increas- Melinda Buck, a es. That’s why contributions for schol- senior majoring in arships and fellowships are more genetics, cell biolo- important than ever before. gy, and develop- Here at the College of Biological ment, who will be Sciences, the need is particularly acute. the first person in CBS’ scholarship and fellowship endow- her family to gradu- ment is much smaller than those of ate from college. most other U of M schools and colleges Melinda received because it is a relatively young school. the Biological Dean Elde hopes to increase this endow- Sciences Alumni ment to $10 million. Society scholarship

The College’s future is tied to building and the Paul Morris the endowment because competition for Scholarship. the best and brightest students is keen, Born in Bay City, Elde explains. Top high school students Wisconsin, she are recruited by other universities and became interested offered generous scholarships. At the in genetics in a sev- University of Minnesota, only 18 percent enth-grade science of new freshmen receive academic class. After attend- scholarships while more than half have ing Bethany College financial need. Thus Minnesota is at risk in Mankato for two of losing gifted young people to other years, she trans- states with more scholarship resources. ferred to the Even though Minnesota may be the first University of choice of these students, their need for Minnesota because financial assistance may lead them else- of opportunities to RICHARD ANDERSON Melinda Buck, the first member of her family to graduate from college, where. participate in received the BSAS and Paul Morris scholarships from CBS. The College of Biological Sciences offers research. She was also attracted by the small-college feel- approximately 70 scholarships and fel- This year, Melinda is doing a directed ing of CBS. lowships each year. There are many oth- research project in cancer genetics. ers who need and deserve this support. “It’s been easy to make friends here,” After she completes her education, she And CBS students are among the most she says. plans to be a genetic counselor or to qualified at the University. Now president of the Genetics, Cell work as a scientist for a biotechnology Gifts are needed for both endowed and Biology, and Development Club, she company.

14 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Meet BSAS President Phill Lawonn “I decided to become eet Phill Lawonn, the new involved with BSAS president of the Biological because I felt my college MSciences Alumni Society. A and career experiences native of , Wisconsin and might enable me to help die-hard Green Bay Packers fan, Phill other young biologists received his B.S. degree in microbiolo- wrestling with the same gy from CBS in 1984. He is now man- questions and decisions as ager of analytical and regulatory serv- I did,” he says. “I’m ices of Cellresin Technologies. impressed by the caliber of Phill lives in New Brighton with his today’s CBS students, who wife, Mary, sons Andrew and are very bright and moti- Benjamin, and German Shepherd vated. I have had a great Shelby. Phill is involved with his time giving back, and church, enjoys most sports, and plays encourage others to do the same.” “I decided to become As this year’s president, involved with BSAS because I Phill has outlined three RICHARD ANDERSON goals for the board: felt my college and career BSAS President Phill Lawonn is a manager at increase active involvement Cellresin Technologies. experiences might enable and membership in BSAS; provide events that are useful and CBS Homecoming me to help other young biol- interesting to a broad alumni base; Don’t miss the CBS Homecoming and strengthen connections with CBS ogists wrestling with the Extravaganza on Friday, October 11. students. same questions and deci- There will be fun and games for all to “The common thread among these enjoy. There will be a barbeque on the sions as I did.” goals is drawing on our diverse alumni lawn in front of Snyder Hall as well as group to provide opportunities for —Phill Lawonn the bonfire later that night. So mark career growth, networking, socializing, your calendar and get out the maroon and mentoring students,” he says. and gold. Homecoming with CBS is just golf and tennis as often as he can. He around the corner! Watch for your invi- also enjoys gourmet cooking, wine “If you are currently a member of tation in the mail tasting, and listening to jazz. BSAS, let me say thank you for your involvement. I hope we can continue to Phill decided to join BSAS to share his be a group that you find fun and inter- CBS Mentor Program experiences with students and recon- esting. If you’re not a member, I ask Attention mentors! The 2002-2003 men- nect with CBS alumni, he says. “I’ve you to think about those times when tor program will begin on November 7 had a great time so far, and I’m look- you got some helpful advice, and to with the Mentor Program Kick-off at ing forward to many years of promot- consider passing that along. You may 6:00 pm. Enjoy a light reception and ing the University while having fun find it as rewarding as I have.” take this opportunity to meet your stu- meeting and networking with other dent, discuss your goals for the rela- alumni.” tionship, and plan your activities. If you He’s particularly interested in helping haven't signed up yet, contact Emily at students as they make important edu- 612-624-4770 or [email protected] cation and career decisions. or www.alumni.umn.edu/cbsmentor .

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 15 Julie Anderson Kirihara receives alumni honor service, and who have demon- ing their specific problem.” strated outstanding achievement Kirihara also serves as the volun- and leadership. teer president of MNBIO, an “Julie is an extremely talented industry association representing scientist,” says Peter Snustad, biotechnology companies in professor of genetics and associ- Minnesota. Over the years, her ate head of the department of efforts to promote biotech have plant biology. “More importantly, even involved the U: She has hired she is simply a wonderful per- several U graduates and often son.” returns to campus to talk to stu- dents about careers in biotech- In 1994, Kirihara founded ATG nology. Laboratories with a former coworker, Laura Torborg Kakach. A Minnesota native, Kirihara Based in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, obtained a bachelor’s in biochem- the company now employs eight istry from the U in 1981 and a people and provides services in Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1988. As TIM RUMMELHOFF gene cloning and expression. an undergraduate, she developed Julie Anderson Kirahara is founder of ATG Specifically, ATG clones genes methods for purifying cysteine- Laboratories and presi- s a U biochemistry stu- and expresses recombinant pro- rich protease inhibitors from soy- dent of MNBIO. dent in the 1980s, Julie teins in bacterial and insect cells beans. Her dissertation research AAnderson Kirihara earned a for work in a variety of research examined genes encoding pro- reputation among her peers and fields, chiefly pharmaceuticals. teins in corn that are high in the professors as researcher who was “Julie is an The company’s clients include amino acid methionine. The work going places. This fall, the Fortune 500 companies, govern- earned Kirihara a U.S. patent and extremely talent- Universityw ill acknowledge that ment labs, smaller businesses, may eventually lead to the com- she has arrived. Kirihara, now and academic researchers. mercial production of maize lines ed scientist. More president of the biotechnology with elevated methionine levels, ATG was a significant contributor company ATG Laboratories, Inc., making them better as livestock importantly, she to the work of researcher Gary and head of the trade group feed. Nelsestuen, professor of bio- is simply a won- MNBIO, will receive a 2002 chemistry. His recent findings Laid-back and soft-spoken, Outstanding Achievement Award about the role mutant proteins Kirihara seems embarrassed by derful person.” for her work in cloning and her play in blood clotting required all the attention that goes with efforts to promote Minnesota’s —Pete Snustad experiments with nearly 60 differ- leadership and public honors. Her biotech industry. ent protein samples, all created company’s track record is the Kirihara will accept the award by ATG. result of simple hard work, and at the CBS Recognition and the dedication of her staff, she “Julie’s company was very impor- Appreciation Dinner at the says. “Our clients want high- tant,” Nelsestuen says. “Access to McNamara Alumni Center on quality, rapid turnaround,” she biological services is a central October 10. The honor, approved says. “We have high levels of cus- feature of what I think of as the by the Board of Regents, is con- tomer satisfaction.” new science, which emphasizes ferred upon graduates who have outsourcing so that a small attained unusual distinction in —Joel Hoekstra research team can focus on solv- their professions or in public

16 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Class Notes BSAS Board Allen B. Schlesinger (B.S. in Zoology, 1949, M.S. in Amelia Birney (B.S. in Biology, 1987) is principal Zoology, 1952 and Ph.D. in Biochemistry, 1957) was investigator on several grants to develop and test Members for a student of Magnus Olson’s, former head of zoolo- the efficacy of computer-based health and patient gy, who passed away in March. After reading about education products related to cancer. Amelia 2002-2003 Olson’s death in the spring issue of Frontiers, recently completed a CD-Rom on treatment options Schlesinger wrote “Magnus was an outstanding for prostate cancer patients. Phill Lawonn, President field biologist. He once told me that he learned to Jon Benson (B.S. in Microbiology,1988) manages IT B.S. Microbiology, 1984 be at home in the field when he and his brother Systems for Neurome, a life sciences company in lived off the land during the Great Depression. I La Jolla, CA. Inc. Neurome specializes in neuro- Mervyn de Souza, President-Elect was most fortunate to have been instructed by imaging and analysis. M.S. Microbial Engineering, 1997 some of Minnesota’s great life scientists: Burr Lisa Lumbao (B.S. in Biology, 1990) is working part Ph.D. Biochemistry, Molecular Steinbach, Nelson Spratt, Sam Eddy, Fred Smith, time as a business development consultant for Biology, and Biophysics, 1998 Paul Boyer, and Dwight Minnich.” PADCO Inc., an environmental consulting firm Richard F. O’Neill (B.A. in Zoology, 1954) attended based in Washington, D.C., and is developing a pub- Dick Osgood, Past-President th the June 4 CBS reception and UMAA annual cele- lication on poverty in Papua, New Guinea for the B.S. Biology, 1977 bration. While majoring in zoology at the University, Asian Development Bank in Manila. M.S. Biology, UMD 1979 Dick obtained his pilot’s license and after gradua- Lisa Schneider (B.S. in Genetics and Cell Biology, tion became a pilot with North Central Airlines. He 1991) recently became a partner at Sidley Austin Carol Pletcher, National Board later joined Pan as a captain. Brown & Wood. She practices intellectual property Representative Retired since 1990, he and his wife, Lynn, spend law in the firm’s Chicago office and specializes in summers in Duluth and winters in Naples, Florida. Ph.D. Biochemistry, 1979 patent litigation involving pharmaceuticals and Merle S. Olson (Ph.D. in biochemistry, 1966) has medical devices. Carolyn Bagne been appointed dean of the University of Dat Nquyen (B.S. in Biology, 1993, M.D. 2000) is fin- B.S. Biology, 1997 Health Sciences Center Graduate School of ishing up his residency in Internal Medicine at the Biomedical Sciences. Olson has served as profes- University of Southern California Medical Center. Jeff Carpenter sor and chairman of the UTHSCSA Department of Ph.D. Cell and Developmental Biochemistry since 1983. Katherine Koehler (B.S. in Biology, 1995) has trav- eled, finished over two years in the Peace Corps, Biology, 1991 Pearl Bergad (M.S. in Botany, 1968) was honored and is now finishing a master’s degree in public by President Bush during his July 11 visit for her health in Tucson, AZ. Katherine works for a profes- Jennea Dow volunteer work promoting Chinese culture in the sor who studies the health effects associated with B.S. Biology, 1999 Twin Cities. Born in Honk Kong, Bergad came to exposure to organophosphate OP-pesticides. the U.S. in 1962. She was a key planner of “Bridge Laura and Scott Erickson Mazen Abbas (B.S. in Genetics & Cell Biology, 1996) of Souls,” a musical tribute to Asian victims of th Laura: B.S. Zoology, 1977 World War II. “Bridge of Souls” was presented last has started his 4 year of medical school at Ohio year by the Chamber Music Society of Minnesota. University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is M.D. Medical School, 1981 Bergad volunteers with the Chinese Senior Citizen also a member of the U.S. Army as a Health Scott: Friend of the college Society, the Chinese Min Hua Chorus, and the Professional Scholarship Program recipient. His Curt Henry annual Asian Pacific Heritage Festival. wife, Corrie, and their son, Jad, are expecting another addition to their family in November. Henry Colvin (M.S. in Microbiology, 1976) and his B.S. Biochemistry, 1996 Henry Park (B.S. in Biochemistry, 1996) is an attor- wife, Claudia (B.A. from CLA, 1969) are volunteers Jane Johnson with Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra in ney at Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto, specializ- B.S. Biology, 1976 Atlanta. They recently took 85 musicians to New ing in pharmaceutical litigation and intellectual property. York City, where they played in Carnegie Hall. Douglas Pratt, Ph.D. Matthew Finke (B.S. in Biochemistry, 1997, M.P.H. Dee McManus (B.S. in Microbiology, 1977) was B.S. Natural Science, 1952 elected to the National Board of Directors of Sigma 2000) began medical school at the University of M.A. Botany, 1959 Delta Epsilon-Graduate Women in Science in June South Dakota in August 2002. Prior to that he was 2002. SDE-GWIS is an international group that pro- an epidemiologist for the Colorado Department of Ph.D. Botany, 1960 vides fellowships, grants, mentoring, and network- Public Health and Environment, where his respon- Joan Schroeder-Dale ing for women in science. Dee is currently the sibilities included disease surveillance and public Administrative Director of the Lillehei Heart health practices under the Emerging Infections B.S. Biochemistry, 1997 Institute. Program. Last fall he was involved in dealing with the anthrax threat. Jennifer Seffernick, Ph.D. Haile Meshansho ( Ph.D. in Biochemistry, 1980) Ph.D. Biochemistry, Molecular was recently featured on the cover of the annual Joy Wavra (B.S. in Microbiology, 2000) is attending report of the American Chemical Society. The arti- the University of Minnesota Pharmacy School and Biology, and Biophyics, 2001 cle highlights his work at Proctor & Gamble Co. hopes to graduate in May, 2005. She is interested in Tom Skalbeck, Ph.D. Haile is credited with eight patents and was named clinical or rural pharmacy practice and is consider- an ACS Hero of Chemistry in 2000. ing a residency. Joy also has plans to marry anoth- Ph.D. Entomology, 1976 er U of M grad, David Ward, this December. Douglas Light (M.S. in Zoology and Ph.D. in Kevin Waddick, Ph.D. Physiology, 1986) an associate professor of biology Paul Pease (B.S. in Biochemistry, 2001) has begun B.S. Microbiology, 1976 at Ripon College, received the James Underkofler working on a Ph.D. in the molecular and cell biolo- Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching gy at UC-Berkeley this summer. Previously, he was M.S. Microbiology, 1983 during the college’s 2002 awards convocation. a protein biochemist for R&D Systems. Ph.D. Biophysical Sciences, 1993 Submit your news to [email protected]

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 17 ur sincere appreciation Marjorie H. and Bruce L. Larson M Timothy and Caroline Miss Constance J. Stieger to all of our donors and Rex E. Lovrien Donakowski Mr. Michael K. Stock corporate/organization- Joan O. and Joseph D. Novak Mr. Mark A. Einerson M Barbara J. and Andrew J. O Dr. Roger H. Erickson Streifel M al partners! Your contribution Dr. Gerald and Kathleen Probst Susan J. and Gunnar J. Erickson M Mr. Larry B. Sundberg to the College of Biological Ethel L. and Paul A. Rebers Beth and Jerome Fahrmann Ms. Sandra M. Talbot * Sciences during fiscal year Dr. Orlando and Gloria Ruschmeyer M Mr. Thomas J. Fischbach Mr. Dennis N. Thaden 2002 will have a long-lasting Melvin P. and Dorothy B. Stulberg Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Footh M Dr. Jeffrey Thorkelson effect. Together we can ensure Dr. C. Ivar Tollefson M Dr. Carl E. Frasch Dr. Cheng-Hsien Tsai * M that current and future gener- Janet B. and A. Vincent Weber John E. and Janet M. Fredell M Elizabeth C. and Roger Tsang ations of students will experi- Janice M. and Curtis M. Dr. Thomas R. Fritsche Mr. Strand L. Wedul * ence high quality education. Wilson M Mr. Jeffrey D. Gabe Dr. Jane I. Wenger M Every gift makes a difference! Dr. Howard B. Gale Merle and Mary Wovcha M 1960s Dr. Stanley E. Hedeen Mrs. Judith L. Wulff If your name is missing or Ms. Margaret Johnson Barch Dr. James Martin Hogle * M Dr. Thomas H. Zytkovicz incorrectly listed, please notify Dr. A. Linn and Margaret P. Bogle Drs. C. L. Hult and C. B. us by calling 612-625-7705 or Dr. William C. Buhi Godfrey M 1975-1979 email [email protected]. Dr. Bryce A. Cunningham * M Dr. John D. Jackson Kent J. and Susan M. Ms. Kathleen G. Fahey M Bradley P. and Nancy B. Jahnke M Anderson * M Drs. Mikul and Aparna Ganguli Drs. Nancy J. Jarvis and James J. Mr. Robert A. Arntsen Dr. Norman R. Gould M Wheeler * Ms. Marcia J. Bains-Grebner * Dr. Claude H. Hills M Susan A. and Roy H. Mr. Terrance J. Kaase * Dr. Laurence C. Berg Max A. and Erika E. Lauffer M Hammerstedt Dennis L. Keierleber and Pamela Professor David and Suzanne Pamela H. and Edward B. Lewis Drs. Richard N. and Meredith S. K. Kaufman M Bernlohr M Mrs. Evelyn W. Moyle Hill Drs. A. D. Keppel and D. E. Dr. Paul C. Billings Schneider Dr. Edgar P. and Ruth R. Painter Dr. Gordon L. Houk James L. and Louanne S. Brooks Drs. Sally B. and Charles R. Todd R. and Amy E. Dr. Lillian P. Burke M Klaenhammer M Jorgensen M Patrick J. and Anne D. Byrne M Mr. Arlo S. Knoll M Drs. Susan C. and John R. Henry M. and Claudia B. Colvin M Jungck M Ms. Kathryn R. Lamar M Mr. Kevin W. Custer Dr. Richard J. and Patricia L. Penny I. and James T. Langland M Carole N. and James F. Kirschner M Dr. Bryan K. Lee M Drake, Jr. Mr. James G. Mackie Drs. Rhoda A. and Jack L. William K. and Suzanne M. Dr. John A. Mayo M Liebo M Drehmel M Dr. Richard H. Northrup * M. G. Lindberg and M. J. Hansel Mrs. Milta Rabell Dudek Miss Amy Oganeku Dr. Gary and Mary Nelsestuen M Susan M. and Mark E. Edstrom M Professor Douglas C. and Mr. Daryl E. Nelson John M. and Marsha M. Eibert, Jr. Beverly A. Pratt M Patricia G. and Douglas R. Ms. Kathleen A. Ferkul M Mr. Gerritt Rosenthal Nelson M Drs. Colleen Fitzpatrick and John Mr. Richard V. Schedin * Mr. Kevin R. Nickelson M Griswold Beverly L. and Murray B. Randi Nordstrom and James Mr. David L. Flaten M Schomburg M Walker M Ms. Cynthia K. Folland M CBS alumni, faculty, students, and staff enjoy Mrs. Marcia M. Tholen M Mary and Douglas Olson M a gathering at Gabes-by-the-Park before Maura A. Gage and Phillip V. Mr. John Francis Wetzel * Dr. Michael F. Otto attending a St. Paul Saints game this summer. Vanderschaegen M J. Quast Paulu and G. R. Paulu Dennis Garin and Mary 1970-1974 Mr. James J. Pearson M Connolly M Lynda and Gary Ackert Suzanne M. and William R. Ms. Myrna M. Halbach M 1940s Kay and Richard Allen M Peglow Dr. James M. Haynes Carrell and Grenaviere Kucera Mr. James D. Anderson Mr. Dale W. Perman Dr. Paul W. Hladky Dr. Richard W. Luecke M Dr. Karl J. Aufderheide Dr. Larry Puckett Dr. Jeffrey P. Houchins M Dr. Frank W. Putnam Dr. Kathleen M. L. and Dr. John J. Reiners, Jr. Dr. James C. Hunt, Jr. * Mr. Max L. Schuster Sabri Ayaz * M Charlotte M. and William P. Mr. Jerome L. Johnson Ridley III Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Sperber Mr. Philip A. Balazs M Dr. Thomas A. Jones M Dr. Michael D. Rohwer Mr. Kenneth L. Tannehill M Mr. Thomas E. Boelter Drs. Mary Kemen and Brian Dr. Cindy J. Brunner M Ms. Susan V. Schauer Randall M 1950s Monika and Keith Burau Dr. Martin and Rhoda Schularick Mary M. and Daniel S. Knudsen M Mr. Aaron W. Burchell Dr. Alan E. Comer Mr. Steven J. Schuur M Dr. Jeffrey A. Kohen M Dr. Milton H. Fischer M Mr. Michael F. Coyle M Mrs. Sandra Seilheimer Linda C. and Jon B. Korshus Dr. Irwin J. Goldstein David and Wendy Devin M Dr. Gary B. Silberstein M Dr. Richard A. Krzyzek Dr. Robert C. Hodson M Shayne E. Dizard and William H. Carmel and Duane Skar Dr. Bruce A. and Stephanie K. Arthur A. and Martha K. Johnson Kojola M Dr. Kathleen A. Smith Kudak M Dr. Craig and Dolores Solberg * M Rodney and Beth Kuehn

Boldface donors who have given both of the last two years to CBS * first-time donors to CBS M membership in the University of Minnesota Alumni Association/Biological Sciences Alumni Society

18 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Dr. Roberta K. Lammers- Dr. Terence C. Wagenknecht Mrs. Christine A. Schousboe M Mrs. Candace J. Johnson * Campbell Mr. Kenneth F. Walz Marcia K. and Gregory J. Jeffrey S. Johnson and Stephanie Marilyn and Allan Baumgarten M Mr. Edward M. Welch Schuyler Jo Decker Ms. Jane S. Levy Dr. John B. and Mary W. Welch III Dr. Susan E. Senogles Mr. Jeffrey D. Killion Nancy O. and Daniel H. Dr. Jimmy D. Winter M Mary M. and Randy A. Shelerud Julie and Randolph Kirihara Lussenhop Kam and Lo Wong Dr. Val H. Smith Mrs. Julie A. Knott * M Mr. Daniel O. Lynch M Lindsay M. Sovil Mr. Jeffrey R. Krueger M Melanie A. and Douglas G. 1980-1984 Dr. Linda K. Stevenson Dr. Lawrence M. Leon * MacLean Katherine A. and James R. May T. Stewart Dr. Karen A. Malatesta Ackerman M Dr. Kipling Thacker and Kevyn K. Dr. Steven C. Matson Ms. Christine M. Ambrose Riley M Dr. Joseph and Susan Mayo III Dr. Jeffrey J. Anderson Mr. Steven J. Thompson Dr. Bradly J. and Terry L. Narr M Dr. Paul A. Arbisi M Dr. John D. Trawick Ms. Patricia J. Neal Mr. David W. Baloga Mark J. Vellek Mr. Douglas A. Nelson Dr. William D. Benton Patricia Walsh and Dallas Hoover Ms. Mary H. Nett M Christina and Mark Bigelow M Dr. Marie P. Welshinger * Mr. David R. Noreen M Janet S. Boe and Thomson P. Mr. Michael P. Winegar * Ms. Beth Nelson Null * M Soule M Mr. Jerry F. Zelesnikar Dr. Kennedy J. O’Brien Terrie and John Brandt M Mary Jo Zidwick and Gerald Alice S. and Kirk M. Odden M Ms. Rebecca A. Brenner * Arneson M Mr. Michael P. Oliver M Dr. Eric W. Burton * Mr. Michael R. Olson * M Mr. David G. Butler 1985-1989 Mr. Ronn Douglas Olson M Mr. Bradley E. Carter Ms. Susan J. Allen * Mrs. Leslie K. Olufson M Dr. Paul L. Cisek Michele and Chris Armstrong M Deans and department heads do the cooking at Deborah J. and Dick A. Osgood M Mark S. Citsay Dr. Lisa and Richard Baker, Jr. M the CBS Year-end picnic on the last day of Jean G. Parodi Sheila M. Close La Vonne M. and Paul B. classes. About 550 students, faculty, alumni, William and Margaret Pilacinski Maria S. Dlott Batalden M and friends attended the event. Drs. Carol A. and Wayne A. Dr. Mark I. Donnelly Ms. Leah R. Becicka * Pletcher M Mr. Mark K. Erickson Mr. Jon D. Benson M Mr. Steven W. Popper Scott P. Erickson * Dr. Marc D. Berg and Katherine E. Ms. Paula E. Marquardt Furman-Berg Theresa and John Reik Dr. Frederick E. Goetz Dr. Allen S. Melemed * Jeffrey and Cynthia Bergsbaken Barbara A. Roach, M.D. Dr. Lori Ann C. Gray Mrs. Cynthia M. Moorman * M Daniel D. Billadeau * Barbara and Calvin Roff Dr. Eric W. Green, Jr. Mr. Jon E. Ness * Ms. Amelia J. Birney Russell and Nina Rothman Dr. Eric C. Grimm Mr. Bradley L. Olson M Ross A. Bjella Joyce O. and Gerald A. Roust M Mark A. Griep and Marjorie L. Dr. Jennifer Horn Ommen Jennifer B. and Edwin H. Ryan, Jr. Mikasen Ms. Julie A. Bjoraker M Jon Ong Elizabeth and Paul Scheele M Dr. John A. Haarstad Ms. Patricia L. Bourgoin Connie L. Osbeck Mr. Peter M. Schmitt M R. Grant and Susan C. Ms. Carol J. Brozek Dr. Parag V. Patel Dr. Allen Seilheimer Hawthorne M Cynthia A. and Janus D. Butcher Dr. Robert B. Petersen M Gary Seim and Lee Pfannmuller Dr. Michael D. Herman * Dr. John J. Cierzan James R. and Patricia M. Pray M Michelle and Dale Setterholm Mr. Mark S. Hillegas M Christopher and Pamela Contag * Ms. Anne L. Raich M Dr. Frederick T. Sheldon Jean and Theodore Dr. Mary L. Cowan Ms. Ruth A. Semlak M Dr. Arnold W. Sodergren Hoffman, Jr. M Michael and Patricia Decker M David R. and Julie A. Simonson Mr. Jon P. Springsted Jennifer W. Humphrey M Mr. Daniel D. Defore Dr. John G. Steiert M Dr. Nancy N. Stark Marc and Karen Jenkins M Mr. Eric A. Drier * Professor Robert and Joan Dr. Bret M. Steiner Dr. Steven T. Johnson Dr. Bruce B. Edinger Sterner Ms. Shelley A. Steva M Larry M. Karnitz M Mr. Jonathan D. Erickson M Theresa L. Stiernagle M Dr. Jay A. Stoerker Mr. Michael P. Kowski Ms. Barbara J. Fealy M Ms. Diane R. Storvick Ms. Jean E. Takekawa Dr. Paul D. Lampe Steven D. and Lisa A. Fosdick * Mr. Gary A. Strand Mr. Jeffrey E. Tam Dr. David A. and Elizabeth H. Lee Dr. Sherilyn C. Fritz Dr. Mark A. Tomai M Dr. Michael G. and Joan E. Dr. Stephen K. Leenay Dr. Preston S. and Renetta J. Mr. Shye-Ren Yeh * M Thomas Dr. Lisa A. Lund Gable M Ms. Joann L. Young Mr. Paul C. Thompson Dr. Terrance D. McLaughlin Dr. Nancy J. Gassman Laurie Zempel Forsythe Ms. Elizabeth A. Thornton M Dr. Haile Mehansho M Mr. Robert J. Geraghty M Drs. Elizabeth and David Thorson Dr. J. William Munger Ms. Sabiha A. Gokce M 1990-1994 Dr. R. Thomas Tilbury Mr. Thomas D. Nelson M Dr. David A. Hanych M Mr. Nathan J. Arthur David and Mary Tosteson Emily A. and Kenneth E. Mr. Barry A. Hart Dr. Carl V. Barnes * Dr. Michael A. Turner Nietering Dr. Ellen M. Heath M Mr. Aaron J. Binstock * Dr. Robert M. Valente M James and Nancy Pinckaers M Dee and John R. Hollerud * M Mr. David S. Blehert Brigitte L. and Scott Q. Vidas M Sandra G. Porter Dr. Colleen M. Jacks M Dr. D. Gordon Brown Dr. Thomas A. Vogelpohl M Dr. Sidna M. Scheital Dr. Douglas B. Jacoby Dr. Debra L. Carlson

Boldface donors who have given both of the last two years to CBS * first-time donors to CBS M membership in the University of Minnesota Alumni Association/Biological Sciences Alumni Society

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 19 Mrs. Paula J. Carlson * Ms. Molly Freeman M Vivian C. and Melvin C. Drs. Robert Elde and Cynthia Lisa A. and Jeffrey J. Coombe Robb M. Garni M Anderson * Wetmore M Dr. Manuel R. Cortinas Mr. Luca Gunther * Paula and Thomas Andrzejewski Mrs. Maxine A. Enfield M Miss Deanna L. Croes M Mrs. Rebecca J. Gustafson Julie M. and James M. Ms. Jean M. Engblom * Joelle M. Crosson Mrs. Theresa M. Harmon Angermeyr * M Kin C. Fong Mr. Paul E. Cunnien Ms. Katherine E. Himes * James R. Azarski and Nancy Mr. Carroll G. Forester Werner-Azarski Mr. Ross C. Ducept Ms. Rana Khoury * Mary and Dan Fowser * Dr. Loren L. Bahls Dr. Jeffrey G. Ehnstrom Ms. Punnavin Koy Violet Fredgren * Stephen D. and Jill M. Barry * Dr. James B. Ferrari Ms. Sarah E. Kreykes * Sandra K. and James A. Fuchs M Marjorie and Anthony Bartovich Dr. Peter J. Franco Ms. Natasha T. Kushner * Mr. A. C. Gilby * Ruth E. H. and Alfred M. Beeton * Teresa A. and Bradley R. Christopher G. Marquardt * Ms. Janice Gleason * Judith G. and Michael Berman M Fruen * M Mrs. Carolyn E. McLachlan * Charles M. Goethe Estate Michele L. Berner * Sarah Catherine and Stefan Tate Mr. Maxwell J. McLaughlin M Dr. William R. Gordon Kavitha and Bopaiah A. Biddanda Gantert M Rachelle P. Menanteau Professor Eville and Ada Gorham Susan L. and Ronald B. Billings * Dr. Erik J. and Sara J. Heggland Joanna L. Miller Richard G. and Dorothy C. Mrs. Marcia F. Birney Neal D. and Denise L. Heuss * Dr. Derek A. Moline Guilford * Clayton E. Birney Angela L. Hodgson Drs. Steven and Denise Myster M Dr. Perry B. Hackett Professors Victor Bloomfield and Darrin P. Johnson and Charla R. Kyle and Caroline Nelson * M Shirley and Kenneth G. Hall * Bunton-Johnson Elsa Shapiro M Henry W. Park Miss Ruth E. Halverson * M Ms. Jacki R. Just * M Professor Martin Blumenfeld and Mr. Kyle Hammond * Ms. Elissa Peters *M Amanda Horton M Dr. Patricia Jo Keely Dr. Kathryn L. Hanna Mr. Corbett M. Peterson * Mrs. Evelyne J. Boddy * Ms. Mary J. Kenyon Ms. Malinda M. Hansen * Mr. Aristeo Sandoval * Ms. Anna L. Bosacker Dr. Philip E. Kerr Margherita Gale Harris Dr. Meegan M. Schaeffer Dr. Paul and Lyda Boyer Lt. David M. Langlie Mr. Milton E. Harris * Dr. Clint S. Schmidt * Professor Walter and Dorothy Scott R. Larson M Dr. Edward F. Haskins Ms. Tina Seeland M Breckenridge Scott C. Likely Barbara J. and Gary L. Hegarty Miss Satinder K. Singh Joanne J. Brooks Dr. Zhangiang Liu Mrs. Amy S. Hentles Ms. Lynda K. Smith John R. and Sharon K. Buley * Mr. Bradley D. Luthi Robert L. and Carolyn W. Herman Mr. Robert M. Stupar * Paulette M. and Milton L. Dr. Andrew J. McCullough M Ms. Susan M. Toyli M Bullock * Sarah Hobbie and Jacques C. Trudy L. and Lance D. Olson M Finlay Ms. Angela Van Heel Professor Richard and Lucille Helen Jo and Robert Pierce M Dr. Ralph T. Holman * David C. Watrous-McCabe Caldecott M Ms. Diane C. Pietig Bruce W. and Alison S. Jarvis Dr. Robert C. Wild * Cheryl J. Campbell * Timothy I. and Jannelle Durnett Karen E. and Stephen F. Jessica Jane Wormley * Helen S. Carkin Richardson M Jensen M Marion L. and Charles J. Ms. Marcy C. Salzer Carlson * M Melody E. Jewell M Dr. Alison E. Schini 2000-2001 Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Johnsen Dr. Wenping Chen * Dr. John T. Carlson Lt. Robert T. and Lisa M. Dr. Iris D. Charvat Mr. Wilford F. Johnson Schweiger * Dr. Chungui Li * Shin-Lin Chen Dr. Michael J. and Mary E. Dr. Bianca Williamson Shaw and Ms. Gina M. Micko * M Kallok M Dr. Anita F. Cholewa Joe Shaw M Hoang O. Nguyen * Mr. Robert B. Kelly Mr. Larry D. Cole * Dr. Fang-Miin Sheen Mr. Jay R. Parlet *M Dr. Sylvia J. Kerr Ms. Jean Conklin M Julie Ann and Ted Sherman Ms. Tiffany L. Rankin M Ms. Catherine A. R. Kirkpatrick Ms. Janene M. Connelly M Dr. Kristen M. Sigurdson * Mr. Kyle M. Ruesch * M Mr. David T. Kirkpatrick Carmen K. Converse Dr. Gregg D. Simonson Ms. Megan L. Skokut * M Lloyd W. and Patt Knudson M Sarah Nelson Cook Estate Dr. Jami R. Stromberg Mr. Jeffrey C. Zervas * M Kristin M. and Donald E. Dr. David E. Culley Ms. Wendy N. Taylor * Kramer * Professor Edward and Carolyn Brent and Amy Theisen * M Friends Mara M. La Rock Cushing Ms. Angela M. Trepanier * Mr. James G. Aagaard * Ms. Pamela J. Lachowitzer Peter Dardi and Bridgette Barry * Mr. Paul C. Truso J. David and Betsy L. Abramson * Mr. Lawrence J. Landherr Andrew M. and Kaari B. Davies Lee and Stacy Unowsky M Ms. Marge Almquist * Carol and David A. Lee * M Amy R. Alpine Regents Professor Margaret B. Ann E. Vellek Davis Steven H. C. and Melinda J. C. Carl G. and Barbara K. Anderson Lee M Mrs. Carolyn R. Vitek Dr. Louis S. Diamond M Mr. Carl J. Anderson * Phyllis and Duane Letourneau M Mr. Brian E. Weckwerth M Alison J. and Martyn J. Dibben Carol I. and Curtis W. Irvin E. and Dorothy J. Liener M Mr. Brent L. Wyrick Ms. Brigid R. Dixon * Anderson *M Dr. Douglas B. Light Dorothy L. and Paul C. Durand * Eloise and Don Anderson * Dr. Johng K. Lim M 1995-1999 Mr. and Mrs. Rene Durand * Jeanne and Marvin Anderson * Alice V. and Robert C. Ms. Melinda A. Bimberg Dr. Denneth C. and Joan L. Kerri A. Bostrom * Professor John and Rebecca Livingston * Anderson Dvergsten M Ms. Elena A. Caturia * David W. and Mary E. Loveless Ms. Louise Anderson * Mark and Deborah A. Edlund * Mr. Joseph C. Fong M Judith L. Maccanelli * Ms. Mabel Anderson * Ms. Cleo Ekberg *

Boldface donors who have given both of the last two years to CBS * first-time donors to CBS M membership in the University of Minnesota Alumni Association/Biological Sciences Alumni Society

20 COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Professor Paul T. and Beatrice Dr. Mark Schmidt and Susan Detroit Lakes Animal Muscular Dystrophy Association Magee Reid * M Hospital, Inc. N.A.I.S.T * Karen L. and Orrin Mann * M Professor Claudia Schmidt- The Diabetes Trust Fund, Inc. * Nestle Foods Corporation Associate Professor M. David Dannert Dibner Fund * David and Lucile Packard Marks * Christopher L. and Janet L. DuPont Company Foundation * A. J. Marlow and P. J. Stromberg * Schottel Eco Trust Pasadena Foundation Ms. Ella L. May * Mrs. Max O. Schultz Ecolab Foundation The Pharmacia Foundation, Inc. Rosemary J. and Richard B. Winfield J. and Retha M. Scott * Eli Lilly and Company The Phileona Foundation McHugh * Dr. Michael Scullin Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Esther G. and David J. Nikki R. and Robert W. Seabloom Ford Motor Company Fund The Procter and Gamble Fund McLaughlin Philip and Laurie Sieff * GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The St. Paul Companies Roberta A. and Robert O. Dr. Robert S. Sikes The Jane Goodall Institute Foundation Megard M Professor Donald B. and Alaine L. Harris Steel, Inc. Syngenta Corporation * Dr. Richard L. Meyer M Siniff M Insect Biotechnology, Inc. * Triad Therapeutics, Inc. * David and Donna Miller Professor D. Peter Snustad M International Paper Company Turbolinux, Inc. * Henrietta N. and Philip J. Miller M Mrs. Margaret M. Snyder Foundation Waters Corporation * Mr. Norman R. Moody * Mrs. Marion S. Sund * Edith W. and Roberts Jones Wells Fargo Bank * George G. I. and Cheryl L. Moore Jeanne M. and Steven W. Endowment * The Whitaker Foundation * Dr. Ralph O. Morgenweck Tanamachi * Land Institute The Windibrow Foundation Dr. J. Emory Morris Donna and Warren G. Tang * Jim and Penny Langland Winnebago United Fund Professor Patrice A. Morrow M Mrs. Sophie D. Tang *M Charitable Fund * Mrs. Ida M. Mullan * M Ben and Louise Thoma Laurel Steel Company * Timothy and Mary Nealy * M Dr. Genevieve M. Tvrdik The Leakey Foundation Jeff Nelson and Jill Lundeen Mr. Michael C. Urban * Lowry Park Zoological Society * Nelson * C. Edward and Patricia M. McQuay International * Professor Claudia M. Neuhauser * Vaurio * M The Medtronic Foundation Mr. John Nielsen * Robert S. Veit M Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mr. Todd A. Nielsen * Dr. James S. Vinson Merck and Company, Inc. Dr. Kevin J. Niemi M Dr. Dennis Watson M Metabolix, Inc. * Robert M. and Carolyn J. Dr. William P. Wenstrom MGM Grand , Inc. O’Brien M Sue Wick and Glenn W. Shifflet Mrs. Lucille M. Odlaug * Mrs. Janice A. Westerling Margaret Odlaug * Mrs. Patricia H. Whitacre * M Dr. Neil E. and Gail W. Mr. C. Robert Wikel Olszewski M Elinor and Wilbur Wright * Ms. Colleen L. O’Neill * M Dr. Helen M. Parker * Mrs. Jean M. Parmelee M Corporations, Elaine E. and Richard E. Phillips Foundations, and Meredith B. and Richard E. Poppele Organizations 3M Foundation, Inc. Ms. Bernice Randa * 3M Company Jeraldine F. Reiner Ajinomoto Pharmaceuticals Ms. Alice Reiners * USA * Dr. Jack E. Richman American Heart Association * Lois and Lowell Ring * Andcor Companies, Inc. * Janice and Janet V. Robidoux * Argonne National Laboratory * Elizabeth M. Roderick * Arnold and Mabel Beckman Professor Palmer Rogers and Foundation *

Donna Gunderson-Rogers RICHARD ANDERSON Beckman Coulter, Inc. Craig and Karen Rollag Binational Agricultural Research Dr. Louise A. Rollins-Smith and Development Fund Winners Circle – Outstanding CBS alumni and faculty were recognized by the Sandra K. Rosenberg and James Biogen, Inc. University during commencement. Awards were presented by Dean Robert Elde E. Liston, Jr. M Biological Sciences Alumni and Regent Robert McNamara. From left to right are Rebecca Goldburg, Ph.D. Ms. Nancy S. Rowe Society ecology, Honorary Doctor of Laws; Robert McNamara, Regent; Ruth Shuman, Ms. Doris Rubenstein M Blizzard Genomics * Ph.D., genetics, Outstanding Achievement Award; Dean Elde; Margaret Davis, Jill Rudnitski Cargill, Inc. professor emeritus of ecology, Honorary Doctor of Science; Bernice Folz, Ph.D., Joy A. and Paul T. Russell and Carnegie Institute of Washington biology, Outstanding Achievement Award; and Franklyn Prendergast, Ph.D., bio- Family * chemistry, Outstanding Achievement Award. Goldburg was recognized for her Melvin S. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Tamara J. and Paul D. public policy role; Shuman for biotechnology leadership; Davis for paleoecology Datasmith, Inc. * Saunders M research; Folz for software engineering; and Prendergast for cancer research leadership at the Mayo Clinic.

Boldface donors who have given both of the last two years to CBS * first-time donors to CBS M membership in the University of Minnesota Alumni Association/Biological Sciences Alumni Society

CATALYST ❙ FALL 2002 21 CBS Calendar CBS Year-End Picnic

Cedar Creek Natural History Area The College of Biological Sciences Year-End Picnic won the 2001-2002 60th Anniversary Celebration Program Extraordinaire award from the University of Minnesota Alumni Saturday, September 21, 1:30 to 5:30 Association. The event, held on May 10 on the lawn in front of Snyder Hall, p.m. at Cedar Creek Natural History Area in East Bethel. Program, was attended by about 550 students, faculty, staff, and alumni who gathered refreshments, tours, radio-tracking to celebrate the last day of school. CBS deans and department heads grilled demo with Goldy Gopher. Bring a burgers. Radio K was on hand to play requests. And a photo was taken of the picnic lunch at noon. senior class. The award will be presented at the UMAA Volunteer Appreciation Molecular and Cellular Biology Reception and Awards Program on September 14, 2002. More than 50 volun- Building Dedication Wednesday, October 9, 11:00 a.m. at teers contributed to make the picnic a success. the new Molecular and Cellular Biology Building on Washington Avenue and Church Street. Program, tours, time capsule, refreshments.

Recognition and Appreciation Dinner Thursday, October 10, 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., Memorial Hall, McNamara Alumni Center, University Avenue and Oak St., Minneapolis, for donors and recipients of CBS scholarships and fellowships.

Homecoming Picnic Friday, October 11, Snyder Hall, 1475 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. Food, prizes, games, hayride, and bonfire.

Homecoming Game Saturday, October 12, 1:30 p.m., Metrodome. Tickets are $20 lower deck; $10, upper deck. Join other CBS alumni to cheer on the Gophers.

For more information, contact Emily Johnston at [email protected] or 612-624-4770. TIM RUMMELHOFF

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