"it.' l

Delegates 'Want less of . In terms ofits role inproposed insular area policy council By Rafael H. Arroyo tory authority regarding other Babbitt,forthelastfewmonths, with issues concerning insular agencies'programs as theyrelate has beentryingto drawup a con­ areas under the US flag. THREE leading non-state del­ toGuam,theCNMI,andtheVi!­ sensus among leaders of insular But it appears that insteadof a egatestothe USHouseof Repre­ gins Islandsand shouldnot have area governments as the federal councilcreatedby legislation,an sentatives lastweek flatly rejected such authority relatingto Ameri­ government gets ready with the administrative approach, i.e. an anexecutive draftoftheproposed canSamoa. Givingit acoordinat­ creationof a formal institutional executive order,is up for consid­ insular area policy council and ingroleregardingpolicieswithin structure withinthe WhiteHouse eration. suggested a different approach thejurisdiction of other agencies for territorial issues. The White House apparently , thatwouldseektopromote politi­ would inevitably centralized J The issue of an interagency believes that the creation of an cal development for the territo­ power. ..evenifthatisnotwhatis councilwastakenup byDeLugo insular areas panel (lAP) within ries. intended. This could add a bu­ and Senator J. Bennet Johnston the existingdomestic policycoun­ In ajoint letter last Monday to reaucratic hurdle to decisions," separatebills they introduced to cil, with the InteriorSecretaryas InteriorSecretary BruceBabbitt, said the threedelegates. ,createsuchapolicybodyinvolved continued on page 8 Delegates Ron De Lugo (Virgin Islands), Eni F.H.Faleomavaega (American Samoa)andRobertA. Underwood (Guam) reiterated their opposition to a planned Woman nabbedfor policymaking council as it may putInterior's OfficeofTerritorial andInternational Affairs (OTIA) inaleadroleindealing withinsu­ settingman on fire lar area issues withinthe federal government. By Ferdie de la Torre aggravated assault and battery. poured water into himself. It Subsequently, they indicated Sheu said the victim Tomas was the responsible who also A WOMAN wasarrestedafter Hosei,34,ofKoblerville,survived called up an ambulance; Sheu preference thatOTIA notbegiven said.' anyrole anymore on insulararea she allegedly burned alive a aIld was treated for 1St and 2nd issues. man who was sleeping inside degreebums in the right armpit. It wasnotindicatedhowever, "OTIAcurrentlyhasnot statu- 'her house in San Vicente,the Sheu said according to the re­ what was the relationship be­ Department of Public Safety port,whileHoseiwassleepingon tweenRamarui and Hosei and said Friday. the bedroom, Ramarui covered thereasonwhysheburnedhim, CathySheu,DPS public in­ him with a blanket then burned Sheuexplained. , formation officer, said Tina him by pouringkerosenefuel. The incident' was reported Ramarui, 43, was arrestedfor The victim was awakenedand Thursday at 9:30 p.m, CodyYounggets 5 years FORMER Hot98 FM disc jacky dantwithacrime...andthedefen­ CodyRobert Young hasbeensen­ danthasenteredpleasofguilty..." tencedtofiveyearsimprisonment The plea agreementwas nego­ after entering into a plea agree­ tiated and agreed upon by both mentwiththegovernmentonpos­ parties last Thursday. session of crystal methamphet­ Young was chargedof posses­ aminelocally knownas "ice." sionwithintenttodistributemeth­ Young also faces a number of amphetamine in an amountof 13 other casesin the SuperiorCourt grams.Theprisontermof 5 years includingtwolawsuits againsthim for theoffenseis the most appro­ byTownhouse Department Store. priate sentence, according to the But according to a plea agree­ defendant. mentsigned by Asst. U.S. Attor­ According to thecomplaint filed neyDavid Wood, Public Defender attheDistrictCourt,Youngcom­ ,DanDeRienzo andthedefendant, mitted the crime on two occa­ Young has entered plea agree- sions. one of which occurred on mentwiththe CNMIgovernment. May 5,1993. The district court has been no­ Cody Robert Young Young will be incarcerated at tifiedthatYoung enteredpleasof Young, who was represented thefederal Bureauof Prisonscor­ guilty through fraud, forgery, by Atty. Dan DeRienzo of the rectionsfacilities atStafford,Ari­ trickery, scheme or devise. Public Defender's Office, plead zona wherehe will also undergo The Attorney General's Office guilty to one count of possession drug rehabilitation. has already agreedto request the withintenttodistributemetham­ After the five-year incarcera­ Superior Court to suspend any phetamine. In return, the District tion, Young will be on a super­ prisonterms orderedwith theex­ Court dropped other charges visedreleased termof 3 years. ception of five years imprison­ against theUnitedStatesnational In his December' 16, decision, ment recommended to the local related to drug crimes. JudgeMunsonorderedYoungto court aside from the other five­ The DistrictCourt also agreed pay assessment of $50.00 which year jail term at federal prison not to filed additional charges mustbe paid whilethe defendant facility. against the former radio an­ is in jail. U.S.District CourtChiefJudge nouncer withany"federalcrimes Young was also told to notify Alex Munson handed the deci­ which mightotherwisearisefrom the U.S. district attorney within Laurie Ann Castro Deleon Guerrero waves to the crowd after being sion last week in a closed-door any facts situations where the 30daysofanychangeinhisname, crowned as ·1993 Miss Teen CNMI." (See story on page 4). hearing. (CNMI) has charged the defen- continued onpage 8

PAC--=--__NEVVSPAPER'_'. __ '._ ... -:..-.. STALKS-_-.'"_0"- f .i

2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY·DECEMBER 20, 1993 ====--...... :..- -=;;--_=- -=_.-::...-_--.::.:MONDAY-DECEMBER20;1993 -MARIANASVA'RlETY NEWS ANDYIEWS-3 . Prober seek missing file on Clinton's ex-associate Bradshaw gets back atCamacho NEW YORK (AP) - Investi­ reportedSunday. Times reported. sources. wife, Susan, in 197.8 to develop gatorsare tryingtolearnifamiss­ The federal investigators have Foster committed suicide on It mighthave been turned over land in Arkansas. . By RafaelH. Arroyo resign fnm hispost. ~ widesJEad aOO peva1ett ingfileonaformerbusinessasso­ been told that Vincent Foster Jr. July 20. The file was not listedin to Foster's widow in a box of McDougal, who was once an Accmling to Camacbo, as far as . duringthattiItleand weissuedalla ciale of President Clinton was kept a file in his office on James an inventory ofhisofficethatwas personal items that was given to economic adviser toClintoowheI), TEMPORARY Public Auditor becoaldrenemberpartonhatagree­ number ri. highly-aitica1 audit re­ taken from the office of a White McDougal and Whitewater De­ conducted two days after his the family's lawyer, one source he was governor of Arkansas: Robert Bradshaw. last Friday cited IreIllwasthatBradshawcoo1dnotbe pats.I wasOOingmyjobwellandre: House aide after he committed velopment Corp., McDougal's death, the newspaper said, quot­ said. . eventually left government and widespead corruption dwing the appointedbocktothatsameposition, might have resented that," said. suicide, The New York Times real estate investment firm, the ing anonymous law enforcement A seniorWlUteHouse official.. bought a small savings and loan Camrlx> Administraticmtain tbese irregularities as 00 whether be is prevented fran lawsuit. anonymity, toldtheTimesthatall Hebuiltitintooneofthelargest mainfldXS leading to his falloot assuming office as public auditor HeackJed thai C 'macro strived to files in Foster's office wereprop­ state-chattered associations in with former Governor Carlos again,BradshawtoeKtimetolambast close.1bisled was unaware of the inquiry into costing taxpayersabout $47 mil­ In III interview at his Gualo Rai ''1 really would have wanted to toCamacho's Iioo-item veto eX the the file's location. lion. McDougalwas acquittedin office, Bradshaw expressed maintain alowprofile. Butsince he ,mlic auditor's fuDjing fa 1980, Carlos Camacho Robert Bradshaw The law enforcement officials 1990 of charges related to the with thecooditi

.MONDAY:DECEMBER 20, 19.93 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSANDVIEWS-Ii to-MARIANAS VARIElY NEWS ANDVIEWS-MONDAY- DECEMBER 20, 1993 Skilledlaborimmigrationto U.,S"doubl .. s POSITION VACANCY An unwanted army By DAVID BRISCOE expected each year over the next .. DOlled States. The proposal is lions, she said. Immigrants'win Mexicanbcroer and t,1-rrough ofue:­ several years under laws revised separate from a bill backed by the ANNOUNCEMENT get a chance to redo the applica­ Central American routes, WASmNGTON (AIl).::'- The in 1990. Clinton administrationthatwould tions, she said, but it is assumed The administration,snesaid.hasto flow of skilled immigrants to the Asked about proposalsto limit allow fraudulent applicants to be that many will give up' if they decide soon how to treat C1linest The Marianas Islands Housing Authority (MIHA) is soliciting United States has doubled under immigration to about 300,000 a b leaves reluctantly . arred at U.S. borders. have no serious claim. asylum seekers who base ireir li()o new laws,buUmly a few appli­ employment applications for the position ofChief, Program and . diers and civiliimS were staliooed year,M eissner noted that when- Thenewrules wouldapplyonly Meissnernoted that the wave pI.icatiom 00. China's policy tt,81­ By FRANK BAJAK Russians, SOOle of them fonner cants are using a new provision ever Congress' tries to mesh to- Housing for the MIRA office in Saipan. soldiers. . at 128 bases in· ~ East to people in theUnitedStates who of immigrants from China has lowing oo1y have left, gether various immigrationgoals me asylum applications that are slowed considerably since the MainJmj China ranked sixth in DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: These include, but are WUENSOORF, Germany (AP) to Divest. . partingtroopers.Blackmarketeers Timashkov said. Foertsch said be - family unification, labor ad- obviously incomplete-some only detection of several large illegal trenumberofJegal immigrartsrolhe - At the heartof this century-old Immigration increased in 1992 not limited to, the following: . pick up Russian vodka and caviar believestbeRussiam willbeout00 justments and humanitarian con- contain a name and address and boatloads earlier in the year. She United Statesin 1992, with 38,735, a military city they captured from by tbe·secoodlargestfigureofthe cheaply and sell contraband ciga­ schedule. cems - the number alwayscomes yet now are still accepted - or said some Chinese are still com­ 22.2pereea iocrease overthe JRVi­ the Nazis and made into a Cold last 70 years: Immigration Com­ Administers, supervises, and coordinates the overall administra­ rettes. German officials suspect They woo't be missed. out much higher than that. simply copies of other applica- ing into the United States over the ousyear. War headquarters, the Russians missiooerDorisM.Meissner said "We 'Iljusthave to waitand see tion and management ofa variety ofprograms such as Section 8 some soldiers are dealing weap­ For instance, said K.lucke, the commissioned a mural of their the trend meetS Coogress' goal how thatdiscussionunfolds,"she r------~~~------Housing Certificates and Voucher, Community Development county admini:c;trator, there were .. battlefor Berlin. ons. forgivingpimtytobighlySkilled said Grant (CDBG), and other federal assistance programs. Russia militarybasbeen pared few marriagesbetweenSovietsol­ The curved panorama - 15 feet is Only when there The skilled-worker program PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT diers and locals: ''The Germans wmters. 1973. high and 65loog (4.5 meters high from a Cold War high of 5.5 mil­ allows 14O, immigrantsayear. Prepares annual CDBG grant application package for submission wereforbiddentohaveccitactwith was· aninflux ofJndochinese and by 20 long) - depicts the final ad­ lion men to about 2 million. The The 1992 statistics showed to HUD~ conducts public hearings in accordance with CDBG theRussians. Thefriendship was .. Cubans. sawa greater increase. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation would like vance on the Reichstag, a plane West GwuP, whose bases occu­ Newlypublisbedstatisticsshow 116.108skilled workersand their only 00 paper." . <. program requirements. falling in flames, Red Army sol­ piedSOOsquaremiles(l,300square that 810,635 immigrmits were family members were admitted, to announceto itscustomersthata newutilitypayment kilometers)of Germany, will dis­ Contactremainspoorand suspi_. diers battling SS troops crouched admitted in the year that ended compared with 59,525 the year Prepares Section 8 application packages for submission to HUD. appear,but removingits remnants ciongreat.andthecrimeisafui'tber behind sandbagsin the shell-shat­ Sept. 30, an increase of .06,630, before.Thelargestincreaseswere office schedule will be in effect beginning December could prove problematic. irritanL teredInteriorMinistry. or 15.1 percent, over fiscal 1991. from China, Taiwan, United Interprets and disseminates information relative to federal re­ Hangers-on keep arriving from Petereit'said police summoned 13, 1993. The new scheduled hours is as follows: In its own rotunda at a former The latestreport covers the year Kingdom, the Philippines, India quirements for various housing and community development Wermachtsportsschool,themural Russiainmilitarytrainsandplanes him Nov. 26 to witness the search ofaRussian's apartmentooly about that ended Sepl30, 1992. and Canada. programs. risesaboveshellcasings andother even as the number of soldiersdi­ "Despite the increase, skilled 100 yards (90 meters) fr of crime and that the German police 800,000-900,000 immigrants are tions from people already in the for needed repairs and maintenance in the Section 8 housing his campaign. the 44, apartments being built do not give them eoough protec­ lsi RAMON S. GUERRERO program to ensure continued occupancyof the housing units. "A great army is being dis­ forremmingofficers andtheirfami- tion.Germanofficialscounter that Executive Director mantledthat simplydoesn't know . lies are ready. " . most of the criminalsare not Ger­ Garland Oscar withdrawn Supervises employees and provides guidance in work planning, how to be anything other than an Familiesareforced to live three mans andnote thatGennan police 12114.15.16,17·AC12!ig • execution, and maintenance ofperformance standards; evaluates army," said the Rev. Juergen to an apartmentin converted bar­ are not allowedon the base. . employees on their performance and provides counseling or Petereit,pastorthevillageof2,700 racks.Sometimes, 10families share "This is the same gang thatthey from Hollywood sale enforces disciplinary procedures as required. people outside the garrison gates. abathroom. Membersofotherfami­ unofficially allow to stay in their NEW YORK (AP) - Judy The agreement was binding on "Its whole world has been torn lies are separated, living with in­ garrisons:' saidGen.Foertsch,the Garland's Oscar for her perfor­ all heirs, and Luft inherited the Prepares a variety of routine to moderately complex correspon­ apart." laws. withdrawalcommissioner. mance in "The Wizard of Oz," Oscar whenGarlanddied,the law­ dences and reports for the Executive Director and/or the Gover­ Nine months before the dead­ "This is our pain," Col. Onafrigid Decemberday.groups expectedtobringthousandsSatur­ suit says. nor. line,most of the troopsand armor Timashkovsaid.. of recruits are kept busy chipping day on the auction block, was The lawsuit, filed in Los Ange­ are gone from eastern Germany. Thousandsofcareermilitaryof­ ice off the Wuensdorf garrison yanked fran the sale after the les Superior Court, sought an in­ streets. Military buses, jeeps and Performs other related duties as assigned. TheGermangovernmentispaying ficers who have had a taste of the Motioo Picture Academy said it junction preventing the sale, an about dlrs 9 billion in everything West are takinga huge step back­ black Volga sedans carry officers should get it for a pittance. order forcing the transfer of the andciviliansinandootthroogb. the Oscar for $10 and punitive and SALARY: Salary commences at PL 35, Step I, $28,808 per fromsalariesin Germanmarkstoa ward. The special miniature statuette Thesuperiorpayandlivingcon­ gates. wasex.pected tobesoldforS70,000 compensatorydamages. annum to a maximum PL 35, Step 5, $35,013, commensurate long-terminterest-free loan to get ditions of Soviet times are gone. Timashkov meets withanAmeri­ to $ 9O, at a Christie's auction Afterthestatuewaswithdrawn, withqualificationsofthe applicant. Salary beyond Step 1requires the Russians out. Dozens of former Soviet bases ThoseleavingGermanymusttrade can reporter but oolyallows him k> of Hollywoodmemorabili"3. Ithad Kathleen Guzman, president of the approval of the MIRA Board Chairman. standstripped,crumbling,forlorn. pay that equaled up to $ 7(fJ a see!he IIBJTa1, an adjaced museum beenbilledasIbe Sial"lotofthe sale, Christie's East,said"the family is Someareecologicaldisasterareas, monthforrublesworthabout$200, andsanewell-stoeked basestcI'eS. butwasremovedatthelastminute looking to donate it to an institu­ QUALIFlCAnON REQUIREMENTS: Minimum require­ sodden with dumped fuel, tom up andarenotalwayswantedathome. Not permined was a look imoa by Garland's family. tion" Guzman said she had been ments include a bachelor's degree in business, public administra­ by tanks, littered with abandoned "Even in Russia,there aremany seVeIHtayuniergrooIxlOOnkemet­ On Friday, the Motion Picture asked not to name the institution tion, or accounting/finance from aU.S. accredited university plus equipmentThe Germans sayclean­ placeswherethe stationingof Rus­ work,saidtohave3,roans,built Academy sued Christie's and Sid since negotiations were ongoing. four (4) years of progressively responsible administrative expe­ ing up the mess will cost billions sianforcesisnotsomuchbeloved," by Hitler and used by Sovietradio Luft, Garland's ex-husband, over Garland memorabilia that was rience of which two years was in a supervisory capacity. more. saidtheGermancommissionerfor monitocs tokeepan ear00 NATO. theOscar. The academyclaimedit sold includedherpersonal leather Wuensdorfand other bases still withdrawal, Maj. Gen. Hanrnut "It's all closed \A1WlIAr..._ now,.. says had the right to buy the Oscar - for telephone directory from the WHERE TO APPLY: Interested persons must submit an appli­ operating also have become mag­ Foertsch. Timashkov. "Ibe clectricity is kX> dlrs 10. 1950s - with entries for Fred cation on a MIHA-prescribed employment application form no nets for criminals, many of them More than 540,000 Soviet sol- expensive." TheOscarisactuallya duplicate Astaire, Lucille Ball, Joan later than December20, 1993, to the Executive Director, Mariana of the 1939 Academy Award for Crawford, Bing Cosby, Clark Islands Housing Authority, P.O. Box 514, Saipan, MP 96950. Best JuvenileActressthat Mickey Gable, Bette Davis and John Application forms are available at the MIHA Central Office. For Utility wants $200,000 from ~~ who stole power Rooney presented to Garland on Steinbeck. It brought $5,750. further information, call telephone numbers 234-6866/94477689 WILKESBORO, N.C. (AP) - An utility com- the lawsuit said. . Feb. 29, 1940. Garland told the Her blue and while lest dress or write to the above address. p~y is seeking m.ore than $200,000 from a rural ~inton ~dmits us~g power hedidn't pay for, but academyin June 1958thatshe had for 'TIJe Wizard of Oz" - which resident who admits he stole electricity for more satdDukclsoverstaUnghowmuchheowes.'''They've lostthe original statuette, and she was not worn in the actual movie Garapan San Roque was given the smallercopy. - brought $10,925. A metal and EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: No person shall than a decade. . . exaggeratedwhatwasgoingon,"hesaidinSaturday's 9:00 am-8:00 pm (L.F.S.R. 3·215) be denied employrrient because of race, color religion, sex, B.ut JohnW. Minton,whoruns anelectricsupplies Charlotte Observer. The academy alleges that as a woodswordwieldedby aWinkie, 10:00 am-9:00 pm bus~ess, M~ton one of the witch's soldiers, sold 233-8126/8127 national origin, ancestry, or handicap. says the $202,833 sought by Duke Power . said Duke Powert'robs" small business cooditioo of receiving the copy, 322-8126/8127 CO. IS ~ar t?O much ~d he won't pay. lik~ hi~ by charging high rates. He said he pleaded Garland agreed"not to sell or oth­ for$ 8,050. "lVUHA IS AN'EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Startingin 1982,Minton usedanelaborateelectri- guilty m 1992 to fraudulent diversion of electrical erwisedisposeof" the Oscar with­ The entire sale of 815 lots cal systemto bypass the meteron hisWilkesCounty power and paid the company $3,200. oot fITSt offeringit to the academy brought dlrs 806,314, with 80 AND FAIR HOUSING PUBLIC AGENCY" home, D~e said in a lawsui~ filed last month. The Duke is s~e~g $192,833 in compensatory dam- fm$10. percent of the items sold. system dehvered power to his house and his son's, ages and armmmumofS10,000in punitivedamages. ;~\\00_ •• ~ " ~' .. ~ .. , ,'~_~"_.....' ~...::.~ ~.~' '.~':~':J~'~::'~':::::':" .;~:~.~.~::~~~~ & > E. - !: w MONDAY-DECEMBER 20, 1993 ~MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-13

I2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 20, 1993 ~ates: ClassifiedAnnouncement - Per one column inch - 53.00 Marianas Variety News & Views ClassifiedDisplay - Per one column inch - 53.50 DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to publication

Black -on-White hate crimes rise in US NOTE: Iffor some reason your advertisement isincorrect,call usirrmediately to makethe necessory correctiors. TheMarianas Variety News and Views isresponsible only for one CLASSIFIED ADS Incorrect Insertion. We reserve the right to edit. refuse. reject or concel any add at any whether several black murder chology professor at the Univer­ when most hate crimes were ism have no racial or geographic time. By PHILLIP RAWLS sityof Alabama whostudiesgang TEL. NOS. 234-6341 • 7578 • 9797 FAX NO. 234-9271 committedin the South by whites boundaries," said Dees. suspectsbelongedinKlanwatch's violence, said some factors that against blacks. Dees also is also president of statistics. One of those' in ques­ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)­ couldaffectKlanwatch's statistics 1 .ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 1 ASST. PURCHASINGSUPERVISOR In the last three years, theSouthern PovertyLawCenter tion is Colin Ferguson, a Jamai­ MANACER -' MISCELLANEOUS, ' A group that monitors U.S. race­ are the growingnumber of blacks years experience. Salary: $800-$910 2 COMPUTER OPERATIONS SU­ CLASSIFIED ADS NEW in Montgomery, which has suc­ can-born black man accused of per month. related killings says the cases in Klanwatchhas recorded 58 race­ 1 SALES MANAGER - High school PERVISOR - College grad., 2 years killingsix whites and Asians on a in the population and the stalled Contact: MARIANAS MANAGEMENT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ­ experience. Salary: $900-$1,500 per relatedmurders nationwide, with cessfullysuedmembersof the Ku grad., 2yearsexperience. Salary:$1 ,SOO 1 'DISC JOCKEY which blacks arc charged with economy. Some black activists CORP., P.O. Box 137, Saipan, MP College grad., 2 years experie:nce. Sal­ blacks charged in 27 of them, or Klux Klan and White Aryan Re­ New York commuter train last per month. month. 1 DA~CER - High schoolgrad., 2 years killing whites are increasing dra­ 969SO. Tel. No. 234-6445 ext. 75831 ary: $5.00 per hour. STORE SUPERVISOR - High' school sistanceover hate crimes against Tuesday.Ferguson's handwritten also have decried the increasing Contact: HEMLANI PURANCHAND D. expenence. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 per matically.Butcriticswarnagainst 46percent. Inthetwoyearsbefore 4(12/20)M!7138. Contact: SAl PAN CHAMBER OF notes indicated anger at whites, availabilityandpopularityof guns dba Pacific Island Traders & Mariana grad., 2yearsexperience. Salary$l ,000 hour. that, Klanwatch says only one blacks. COMMERCE, P.O. Box 806, Saipan, per month. jumping to conclusions. Flea Market, P.O. Box 3357, CK, Saipan, Contact: G.I.S ENT., INC. dba Maharaja Klanwatchhasbeenmonitoring­ Asiansand"UncleTomNegroes," in their communities. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 MP 969SO. Tel. No. 234-6132/7058. Klanwatch founder Morris Dees blackwaschargedamong I3hate­ MP 969SO. Tel. No.234-2970(12/20)M/ 2 BUILDING MAIN'TENANCE RE­ II, Caller Box PPP 143, Saipan, MP hate crimes nationwide since as wellas ahostofother irrational Klanwateh has recorded 24 ra­ years experience. Salary: $ 800.00 1 PAIRER - High school grad., 2 years 96950. Tel. No. 234-9127(01/03.)MI said Mondaythat there has been a crime murder cases, or about 8 13710. 1 YARD WORKER - High school grad., 1979. It compilesitsstatistics from grievances. ciallymotivatedkillingsthisyear, month. experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 per 13843. "shockingreversal' inrace-related percent. Contact: GUDEIBA. QUIRIMITdbaa & 2 years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. reports by police, media and pri­ "I think that man was insane," withblackschargedin10ofthose. 1 DEPARTMENT MANAGER - College hour. killings since the early 1980s. "Today, intolerance and rae- grad., 2yearsexperience. Salary: $1,000 P Enterprises, SVRB 7849, Saipan, MP 4 SALESPERSON - High school grad., 1 BARTENDER Lowery said. "The notes in his Six of those murders are attrib­ 96950. Tel. No. 288-1295(12127)MI Contact: GUADALUPE P. MANGLONA, 2 years experience. Salary: $2.50 per 1 WAITRESS NIC vatecitizens,andit acknowledges per month. 13775. P.O. Box 1368, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. hour. 1 DISC JOCKEY - High school grad., 2. thcy are not comprehensive or pockettalkedaboutwhites,Asians uted to Ferguscn. 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school No. 234-5492(12/20)/13699. Contact: HAKUBOTAN SAIPAN ENT years experience. Salary: 2.15-$3.00 scientific.There are no extensive andblacks,butnobodymentioned Klanwateh recorded 18 race­ grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $705 1 ACCOUNiANT - College grad., 2 INC., P.O. Box 127, Saipan, MP 96956: per hour. . motivatedhornicidesin 1992with per month. 1 EXPEDITER - High school grad., 2 government statistics on the is­ blacks." years experience. Salary: $700 per Tel. No. 234-7362/3(12/20)M!7149. Contact: G.I.S. ENT., INC. dba Maha­ 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. sue. Loweryalso menrionedRobert 11blackscharged, and I6racially month. raja I, Caller Box PPP 143, Saipan. MP years experience. Salary: $900 per Contact: PUYAT & SON'S AND COM­ motivated killings in 1991 with 1 PRINTINGPRESSMACHINETECH­ 96950. Tel. No. 234-9127(01/03)MI TheRev.Joseph Loweryof At­ Colleen,awhitemanshot todeath month. PANY, INC., P.O. Box 213, Saipan, MP 1 SUPERVISOR, QUALITYCONTROL NICIAN 13842. lanta, president of the Southern after. trying to stop four black six blacks charged. Contact: TOWN HOUSE, INC. dba Dep't. 96950. Tel. No. 288-1295(12/20)MI - High school grad., 2years experience. 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST - College grad., 2 Klanwatch says in 1990 there Store, KFC, Payless Market, P.O. Box 13708. Salary: $2.45-$4.25 per hour. 1 C~K - High school grad., 2 years ChristianLeadershipConference, youthshe thought were stealing a years experience. Salary: $600 per 167, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234- Contact: YANG JIN COMPANY dba expenence. Salary: $2.50-$2.60 per saidhe isskepticalofKlanwatch's bicycle in Las Vegas in 1991. were 10 racially motivated kill­ month. 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST - College grad., 2 6131/6439(12/20)M!7132. Yang Jin Buying & Trade Information hour. OFFICE: LEGISLATIVEBUREAU, CNMI LEGISLATURE ings, with only one black person Contae!: ASG CORPORATION dba Elite years experience. Salary: $1 ,000 per conclusion."I'mnotawareofany "I think he may have been shot Service Company, Caller Box AAA 12, Contact: MICRO PACIFIC DEVELOP­ 1 ACCOUNTING MANAGER Enterprises, Caller Box 273, Saipan, month. organized black group that sets if he had been striped or if he had charged.In 1989,therewerethree Box 10001, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. MENT, INC. dba Saipan Grand Hotel, POSITION: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1 FRONT OFFICE MANAGER - Col­ MP 96950. Tel. No. 233-2677(12/27)M1 Contact: SUNSET ADVERTISING racially motivated slayings and no 235-2421 (12/27)M/13771. P.O. Box 369, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. out to kill white people," he said. been black," he said. lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary: 13778. GROUP, INC., P.O. Box 5217 CHRB SALARY: $40, 000. OOjyear No. 234-s601 (0 1/03)M17310. Lowery also questioned Steve Prentice-Dunn, a psy- blocks charged, Klanwateh says. $1,700 per month. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-6440i SEND RESUME TO: CNMI PERSONNEL OFFICER " MAINTENANCE ENGINEER - Col­ . CONSTRUCTION" , 9(12/20)M/7148. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ­ 20 SECURITY GUARD - High school lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary: . 'WORKER . College grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary: $2. 15­ FOR MORE INFO: CONTAG MR. GREG SABLAN, 664-5643 PUBLIC NOTICE $3.00-$3.36 per hour. 10 MA'. rllNE PHESSER - High school ary: $4.65 per hour. $2.50 per hour. Inthe Superior Court ofthe Abortion pill may Contact: DIAMOND HOTEL CO., LTO. grad., 2:ears experience. Salary: $2.15­ Contact: ISLAND BOTILING COM­ Contact: JOAQUIN V. & ESTHER A. 2 CONSTRUCTION LABORER - High dba salpan Diamond. Hotel, P.O. Box $6.00 per hour PANY, INC., P.O. Box 266, Saipan, MP GUERRERO dba Island Security Ser­ Commonwealth of the school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ 66. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ 2 COOK 96950. Tel. 'No. 322-2653(12/27)MI vice, P.O. Box 803, Saipan, MP 969SO. Northern Mariana Islands ary: $2.65 per hour. work on males-study 59OO(12127)M'7249. 3 SPRE·\DER, MACHINE OPERATOR 13769. Tel. No. 234-6819(01/03)M113837. Contact: VESTCOR REAL ESTATE 4 BUTION HOLE MACHINE OPERA­ LTO.,P.O. Box 2408, Saipan, MP 96950: ADOPTION CASE NO. By MARILYN AUGUST treatments, isjustdown theroad," TOR - High school grad., 2 years expe­ 1 CABLE SYSTEMS MANAGER - Col­ ENGINEER I Tel. No. 322-3793/4(12/20)M/13697. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 93-140 Beaulieutold the AP. rience. Salary: $'2.25-$6.00 per hour. 2 COMPUTER OPERATOR - College lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary: 1 PROJECTENGINEER-Collegegrad., Contact: NEO FASHION INC., P.O. Box grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $780­ $2,376.00 per month. THIS IS TO INFORM THE GENERAL PARIS (AP)- TheFrench-made Details of his team's fmdings 2 MASON InThe Matter of the Petition for 2 years experience. Salary: $5.80 per 1718, Saipan, MP 9()9SO. Tel. No. 234­ $1,200 per month. 1 (CABLE) TV TECHNICIAN - College 1 CARPENTER - High school equiv., 2 abortion pill may lead to an oral willbe reported in the Jan. 4 Pro- hour. 9642/4(12/20) M/13 702. 1 ELECTR.ICIAN. College grad., 2 grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $6.or PUBLIC TtlAT VENEK LACANLALE, Adoption of: years experience. Salary: $2.15-$2.50 contraceptive for men that would ceedingsoftheNational Academy 1 CARPENTER years expenence. Salary: $1,050 per per hour. per hour. IS NO LONGER CONNECTED WITH 3 MASON - High school grad., 2 years 3 GAS ATIENDANT month. Contact: MARIANAS CABLE VISION, RYAN WILLIAM GUZMAN become active in a few seconds of Sciences: An advance copy of Contact: R & K INC. dba R & K Construc­ experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 CASHIER - High school grad., 2 years 2 BA~ER - High school grad., 2 years AAA-2192 Caller Box 10001, Saipan, FRIENDS CO., IN. AS OF DEC.OS, 1993. CAMMAYO, and could be taken right before the article was obtained by The tion, P.O. Box 1328,Saipan, MP969SO. Contact: EUGENIO C. VARGAS SA. experience. Salary: $500 per month. expenence. Salary: $785-$1,000 per MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-6365(01/03)M1 Tel. No. 234-7242(12127)M113777. Minor, sexual intercourse. Associated Press. dba Vargas Enterprises, P.O. Box 623, Contact: MARGARITA ALDAN dba month. 13840. By: BERNARDO R. CRUZ and Theeffectof themalepill would Beaulieuconductedhisresearch Saipan; MP 96950. Tel. No. 235­ A/dan Enterprises, P.O. Box 532, Saipan, 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ­ ANY TRANSACTION INCURRED BY HIM MA. PAZ. AYUMAN CRUZ, also wear off quickly, said the at France's National Institute of 0297(12/20)~13696. 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER BUILD­ MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-9189(12/27)M/ College grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ 1 ACCOUNTANT - ~Iege grad., 2 I~G - High school grad., 2 yea~s expe­ 7250. ary: $700-$1,000 per month. years experience. Salary: $3.00-$7.00 AS OF THE ABOVE DATE WILL NOT BE Petitioners. developerof the abortionpill, Dr. HealthandMedicalResearchwith 1 ELECTRICAL EN~INEER- College t • nence. Salary: $400 per month. 2 ACCOU~TANT - College grad., 2. per hour. ."', grad., 2 years experience. Salary: li.ONORED BY Tli.E COMPANY. NOTICE OF HEARING Etienne-Emile Beaulieu."I can Dr.PierreJouannetofthe Bicentre Contact: STRINGSTONE ENTER­ 1 SALESSUPERVISOR- College grad., years expenence. Salary: $800-$925 2 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER ­ $1,000-$1 ,670 per month. envisage a pill that can be effec- Hospital in Paris. PRISES, INC. dba Bistro Restaurants 2years experience. Salary: $900-$1 ,SOO per month. High school grad., 2 years experience. BY MGT. 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school grad., 2 Notice is hereby given that on Caller Box PPP 535, Saipan. MP 969SO: per month. 2 BA~ER - High school grad., 2 years Salary: $2.15 per hour. tiveforvarying amounts of time- Beaulieu said their research yearsexperienca. SalSI}': $2.SOper hour. December 23, 1993, Thursday, Tel. No. 322-5417(12/20)M/13701. 2 SALESPERSON (GOLF REPAIRER) expenence. Salary: $3.50-$4.00 per 1 QUALITYCONTROL(SUPERVISOR) for one hour to one week to one showed that the drug in the abor- Contact: CPS ELECTRIC INCORPO­ at1:30 p.m. inthe courthouse of 2 SALESPERSON (TENNIS RACKET hour. - College grad.• 2 years experience. RATED, P.O. Box 3425, Saipan, MP Salary: $5.00 per hour. month," he said. tion pill, RU-486, as well as its 1 CARPENTER REPAIRER)- High school grad., 2 years 1 SNACK BAR ASST. COOK - High the Superior Court in Susupe, 96950. Tel. No. 235-9607/8(12127)M/ Contact: SAIPAN INSPECTION SER­ Recent test-tube experiments chemicalderivatives,prevent cal- 2 WOOD CARVER - High school grad., experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 per school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ Saipan Commonwealth of the 13773. VICES, INC., Caller Box AAA 225 2 years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. ary: $2.45-$4.6-0 per hour. with human sperm show that the cium from penetrating the sperm. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 235~ Northern Mariana Islands, the hour. Contact: LAS VEGAS DISCOUNT 5. CARPENTER (MAINTENANCE) _ .'. 'CARMEN;r l

MONDAY,DECEMBER 20, 1993 -MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEWS-IS 14-MARIANAS :V ARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- DECEMBER 20.·1993 EEK &MEEK® by Howie Sclmeider CROSSWORD' PUZZLER Grants•.•. continued from page 16 the NBA record losing streak. Cleveland season and improved theirrecord finished With 23 home. 11J(REA'5I~ 11H1~ ~ lAJHAT'7 Christian scored IT'S B£CQ.t1(ffi Y ITS TIME. Philadelphia set therecord for the The Cavaliers, who led by as to 19-2. points andeight steals and Kendall Laettner 24 RE CCEAJI2 E: points and rookie Isaiah Rider 18 (£)./fCXJS 10 ME.. -mAT iM T STARTED 10 Answer to Previous Puzzle longestlosing streak at 20games many as 17 in the second quarter, Led by Victor Alexander's Gill scored 20 points for Seattle. RtCQGIJ2£ 11-\€IR UMl,­ ACROSS 32 Beverage OOT C?DA:f31O e£."THE. mAT MY container , Trail Blazers' 105, for the Timberwolves. Rod 1 Courteous in 1973. made onlythree of23 shots in the seven fourth-quarter points, the Sl.{LESS l"Tf-I(XBiT I VJ1.xD... LIM rTATrQ'J'S ATlrns? 35 Claws Strickland scored 16 points for 6 Fruit drink Timberwolves 95 38 Carry on TheRockets, now 21-1, can tie fmal 17 minutes in losing their Warriors closed to a 106-101with 11 Men's Portland, which held an 82-65 39 seventh straight on the road and 4:46 left. Pierce then scored 10 In Portland, Ore., Clifford garment Tint the 1969-70 41 TwiSt about Robinson made a rare start at advantage with 2:50 remaining in 12 Wild ass 01 fm' the most victories with one eighth in nine games overall. points in a 12-5run thatputSeattle 42 Anger India led the Pistons with ahead 118-106. center and scored 22 points, the third period. Integrated 43 Prison defeatat23-1 withwins nextweek 14 compart­ boosting Portland over Minne­ A 10-2 run to close out the circuit (abbr.) against SanAntonio and Denver. 25 points, and Olden Polynice Chris Webber led the Warriors ments quarter pulled Minnesota to 84­ 15 Part of 45 Epoch had 18 rebounds. with 19 points and 11 rebounds. sota. climbing Olajuwon scored eight straight 46 symbol 75, and consecutive baskets by plant Tin Houston points down the stretch Mark Price, whose 25 points Chris Mullin and Victor The Trail Blazers blew all but 47 WalklAQ Likewise five points of a 17- lead in Tellis Frank and 17 appendage after Dallas cutthe Rockets' lead led Cleveland, threw the ball out Alexander had 17 points apiece, 18 Boxlng­ 49 the second half, but held on to made it 84-79 with 10:17 left in victory abbr. Green to 97-90at the two-minute mark. of bounds with the score tied late but Mullin missed nine of his 11 Mountain 20 Greek improve their record to 8-3 at the game. GARFIELD® by Jim Davis State (abbr.) Rookie Jamal Mashburnscored in the overtime, giving Detroit field-goal attempts. marketplace 50 Hymn 01 21 Vat 30 points and JimJackson 27 for thepossession thatled toHunter's thanksgiving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22 Vast agas (2 wds.) the Mavericks. Otis Thorpe had go-ahead 3-pointer.basketbalI2- 24 Land of the 52 Wipes Suns 116, Clippers 109 free (abbr.) out 19 points and 15 rebounds for 54 Lowest Z Roman nine I .: 25 Contest porpoise Houston. In Phoenix, Dan Majerle scored regions 3 ExperIenced 8 Pigeon pea 26 Pistol 551ndlned person Bulls 102, Spurs'go 28 points, including a key 3­ 28 Burdened 9 For example roadways 4 Mental Image (abbr.) In Chicago, Horace Grant had pointer late in the game and two 30 Measure of 5 Chalse- m: 10 Summary weight DOWN 6 cattle 16 points and 18 rebounds as free throws with 23 seconds left, 31 Liquid 11 Chemical - enclOSlq8 measure 1 - dock measure Chicago wonfor the ninth time in asPhoenix defeated Los Angeles. ~: 7 Freshwater 13 Garbed In Majerle made it 110-100 with cloak 10 games, wearing down San 16 Computer Antonio. his 24-foot shot with 3:40 .re­ abbr. Toni Kukoc scored nine con­ maining.just 18secondsafterRon l' 19 Performing (2 wds.) secutive Chicago points in the Harper had pulled the Clippers Ett. -=-+--1 21 Baby frog fourth quarter as the Bulls drew within seven. Another 3-pointer ii 23 Range away to win their fifth straight by Harper with 44 seconds to go PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz -+--1 25 French people ..... game. Kukoc finished with 12 cut the lead to seven again, but l' 12-]~ 27 Yoko­ points. Majerle put the game out of reach ONE OF HIE GREAT ---+--+----1 29 Oxalls plant om: 32 Contort The Bulls led 82-75 when with his two free throws. JO'1'S IN LIFE IS r v "'" -4--+-1---1 33 AcqUired by Kukoc started his scoring spree. Harperscored 14ofhis25points 5L1DING ON AN ' Lr' " labor Ie\.{ SIDEWALK. ' -1'-: - 34 Heat units HisfmalbasketputChicago ahead in the fourth quarter, but was un­ -.,).- .'."L I • ' '35 Bank t --'7- ,'- ., 91-81. San Antonio, which got 24 able to bring the Clippers back L..-l ' .y' employee after they fell behind 88-81 going 36 Jitters points apiece from Dale Ellis and Increase your merchandiSej ,'., tv.. "...... - - (- '\ Slaps into the fmal period. A.C. Green .i -=-4--+-1---1 37 DavidRobinson,never gotwithin __ <... -'. r '- (b \ 40 Rubber tree . scored 25 points and Kevin John­ f-:-:-+--+--1 43 Brilliant eight points thereafter. stroke Chicago's Stacey King and son 21 for the Suns, and Charles ~ .~ -=-+--1 44 Antitoxins Dennis Rodman of San Antonio Barkley had 20 points and 10 re­ and service SALE during 47 Toll II 'I . ',I I ,. 48 School 01 were ejected with double techni­ bounds. SuperSonics 126, War­ whales cal fouls in the third quarter after riors 111 ~: holidays ~ (prel.) this season. 51 Down 53 Spanish getting in a scuffle. In Seattle, Ricky Pierce scored STELLA WILDER (abbr.) Pistons 98, Cavaliers 92 OT 15 of his 26 points in the fourth In Auburn Hills, Mich., rookie quarter as Seattle pulled away to ~ A~VERTISE in the LindseyHunter,scoreless through defeat Golden State. f I YOUR BIRTHDAY threequarters, scored eight points The Sonics, along with Hous­ in the fourth period and five in ton,remained one of twounbeaten overtime, leading Detroit over teams at horne in the NBA this t ~arlanaS C;YarietY7&.~~ By Stella Wilder your dailyguide. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ­ TUESDAY, DEC. 21 Individuals who share your out­ Kings. . . continued from page16 Born today, you are laden with SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. look and expectations will surely contradictions, outside and in. 21) - Watch out for strange oc­ be drawn to you throughout the nemesis on Andreychuk's sec­ currences and odd coincidences day. 1:52. Your personality is not one to be ond goal when his shot hit the easily defined.jmd youare difficult today. Accidents aren't likely to LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Co­ Hrudey and Potvin were reach the households operation is essential today, but it ·~r·"1~:)l''' to read as a result ofyour striking happen very often: spectacular for the remainder defenseman and the puck ended ..:;:::. and often misleading appearance. CAPRICORN ~---- .,...,.--.5_."" I~O tin~ fourth foul with 6:54 re- it! TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ­ lovescope, lucky numbers and fu­ "It's a big win for us, all things 1?s it ~. message in the Also born on this date are: This can prove a memorable day. ture forecast, call Astro·Tone (95e 'MVS '8 '31\018 'S '>lO'P '3SOO8 'z 'S~3Ild '~-NMOa considered," Jarvis said. "With mammg. Henry Clay Frick, steel magnate You have it in your power to dic­ each minute; Touch·Tone phones tate more than notes and memos; '31VHM'6 '3S0l:l 'L 'lln>lS'9 '00181'£ 'Nln8N3d-SSO~8V exams, the week off and every­ "I thought we were in excellent ..n:.:.. and philanthrorist; Max Lerner, only). 01811·900-740·1010 and en­ shape inthelastfive when ~.' Marianas Variety's author anll. teacher; Irene youcan shape the future! ter your access code number, thing else, this loomslarge. Partof rninuutes Dunne, actress. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ­ whIch Is 500. that was being at home, and are he (Dare) went to the bench," n: To see what is in store for you You'll be interested in those things Pepperdine coach Tom Asbury ~.. Special Christmas issue, tomorrow, find your birthday and which can bring you immediate re­ familiarity with playing so many ~ould 've.like~ ~ read the corresponding para­ turns. Unusual speculation is not closegameshere lastyear.They're said."I to be within t'... graph. Let your birthday star be foryou today. CopyrighllggJ. UDikd Feature Syndicate. Inc. a good team though, they'll get a couple of pomts in the final·. December 23, 1993. their20winsandbeina tournament minute." ' ,'. lronomer; Branch Hickey (11]81-19651, TODAY'S WEATHER: On thisdayin News Tips? somewhere come the end of the 1reWavesmanagedoolyabasket ~.' DATE BOOK baseball executive; Irene Dunne 1836, a cold wave with 70 mph winds season." by Dana Jones and a pair of free ". (J 9U J-199UI, actress; Sidney Hook dropped temperatures from the mild throws whilethe 7-foot-1 Dare lan- 1.*•.. (J 9U2- J9891, philosopher-educator; 40s to near zero in several hours in to Theleadchangedhands 10times Dec. 20, 1993 Faxit ~ Max Lerner (J 9U2-19921, journalist; Illinois. Folkloretold ofanimals frozen and neithertearn led by more than guishedon the sidelines. For more information George Roy "ill <1922-), director, is in their tracks. T W T f ' \, eight points before before George "Wejustdidn'tmakethcplaysthe tf·. Call 234-6341/7578/9797 'J'{)r1uy 1.', the :J54t1l, , ," , ".': 71 ' SOUHCE TilE WEATIIEH CIIANN~;IA,,199J ~, last4{minutes," saidAsbury, "With ti _ Washington went ahead for good lin)} I)} 1~~:J I.lTul Uw :...... ~,~~:~~(:rl~~~ldCC"ICnd"r.Accordl>lIb ~Iarianas GTT~r.'1·ekr ,tf~·.~~: o~ ~ basically a veteran Jearn, including if, Fax: 234-9271 ~()tI, r1l.ly t4}uLl ,'... _ TOI>AY'S SPOHTS: On this day in [I] at 55-53 basket by Dare with 1911~J, Dennis Potvin of the New York TODAY'S MOON: "'Irst , C/r6.~ - 1'" &J~ :::.~':'.~' 7:rJremammg, two senior guards thathavebeen to fii or drop by TOIJAY'S 1I1STOltY: On this day in Rangers scored his916th point, break war a thousand times, we didn't do 1907, phYSICISt Albert Michelson quarter. (;&,~ ..;,...... ,;) The Colonials then scored nine tf.... our Garapan office ing Bobby Orr's NHL career scoring much of anything right It was a ~.. • became the first U.S. scientist to reo record for defensemen. . )----"'J1. , of thenext 13 points to open a 64­ ceive the Nobel Prize. "Four·flusher" originated in poker ~"'''5' as a name for a player who bluffs that 234• 9271 - 57 lead with 2:02 left to play. put­ ~~e~~;;,~~~~(66-63 ~~~~~a~~:~··~·"·'~··_f.;i~_ TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS: Harvey TODAY'S QUOTE: "Problems are he has a flush five cards in the "'.J::~;' ling the game away.. Firestone 0868-1938), tire manufac­ the price you pay for progress." ­ same suit· when infact heonly holds turer; Walter Adams 0876-1956), as- Branch Rickey four. ------_.__._------_._-- ",' -. ;'-'" .. tJ p . ,.. - 16-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-MONDAY- DECEMBER 20,1993

~••• 0.. 0 .. PORTS...-... ;aRNE "'M Brown KO's Norris to wrestWBC title. PUEBLA, Mexico (AP) ­ withNorrispostponedbecauseof from the outset, and had the in 30 fights and pointedly ended stopping previously unbeaten Simoo. Brown, a formermF and illness, made the most of his de­ champion in trouble in the third, any debateabout whetherNorris: Andy Holligan of Englandafter , WBC welterweight champion, layed opportunity, dropping the only to have the bell intercede. assomehaveclaimed,iscurrently five rounds. Referee Artbur knocked out Terry Norris in the championinthefirstroundwith a But therewas no savingNorris, the best fighter pound-for-pound , Mercantesignalledit wasover as fourth round Saturday night to hardrigbt. He put him away for in the fourth after Brown's dev­ in the world thebellsoundedopeningthesixth claim the WBC super welter­ keeps at 1:06 of the fourthround' astating right landed. "I thankGod andDonKingfor round. weight title. with another big right Brown, 40-2 with 30 knock­ this great opportunity," Brown Chavez, whose admitted goal Brown, who twice had fights BrowncarriedthefighttoNorris outs,handedNorrishisfourthloss said."IprovedI'magoodfighter." is to win 100fights and then re­ Brown's victorystolethe thun­ tire,had Holliganintroublein the der from the evening's featured second,andtheBritonwasbleed­ performer, Julio Cesar Chavez, ing freelyfromthenose andeyes Grants keys Bulls win over Spurs whosatisfiedhis Mexican fansby until the bout wasfinally halted IN ATLANTA, Kevin Willis points, but it got no closer. Pacers 108,Nets 98 retaining the WBC super light­ A crowd estimatedat between scored a season-high 31 points Malone,JohnStockton,Tyrone In Indianapolis, Haywoode weight title. Chavez improvedto 30,000 and 45,000 in the Saturday.night as theHawkswon Corbin and Felton Spencer each Workman scored 10 of his sea­ 89-0~1 with 77 knockouts by continued on page 15 for the 15th time in 16 games, had four points in the 16-2 run son-high 21 points in the final , defeating Denver 102-96for the thatliftedUtahtoitsfourth straight 3:46 and Reggie Miller had 28 Nuggets' ninthstraightroadloss. win. Malone, called for his fifth points, lifting Indiana to victory The Nuggetskeptitcloseinthe foul with10:46left,finallyfouled over New Jersey. ',..Kin-- ._g....-. s in'" ..-10th first half,leading4746with4:16 out with 16 seconds left after Miller made all four of his 3­ left in the secondquarterbeforea getting26pointsand14rebounds. , point attemptsand RikSmitshad 14-0run put theHawksinfrontto . MacLean scored 29 points, 22 points and a season-high 13 straight NHLloss stay and gave them a 60-47half­ whileRex ChapmanandMichael reboundsforthePacers, whohave TORONTO (AP) - Kingsof theroad they are not.· time advantage. Adamseachhad20fortheBullets, won three consecutive games to . Los Angeleshasnothingin commonwithRogerMiller's classic Mahmoud Abdul-Raufscored winless in December. pull withinone of the .500mark. song (King Of The Road)as the Kingslost their10thstraightroad 22 points for the Nuggets, who Heat 113, 76ers 90 Workmanalsopassedforasea­ game Saturday night, 4-1 to the Toronto Maple Leafs", slipped to 9-13 overall and 2-11 In Miami,Glen Rice scored 30 son-best eight assists while Dave Andreychuk scored twice and set up Bill ~erg's goal. on the road. points and 29, and matchinghiscareerscoringnight Andreychuk's first goal was the 400th of his career. His second The victory improved the they combined for 13 in a 144 for Indiana, which won for the gave the veteran forward a league-leading28th of the season. Hawks' record to 16-5 overall third-quarter spurt that lifted the fifth time in six outings.All five Jamie Macoun alsoscored for Toronto, whichwonfor the first and 10-1athome.ItwasAtlanta's Heat past Philadelphia. winscameafterWorkman entered time in four games. Luc Robitaillegot the Kingsgoal. . first gamesinceThursdaynight's Clarence Weatherspoon's 18 the starting lineup at pointguard The Leafs led 2-1 going into the third period and, true to form, loss to Indiana ended the team's points was high for the Sixers, because of injuries to Pooh theKingsfailed to mountacomebackas theirroadrecorddropped franchise-record winning streak who played their sixth game in Richardsonand Vern Fleming. to 2-14-1. at 14. eight days. Thelosswastheseventh straight "Obviouslywe arefeelinga littlefrustrated,"saidKings captain LaPhonso Ellis had 18 points The Heat led 79-69 before the on the road for the Nets,who got Wayne Gretzky. "Everybodyis pretty down but feeling sorryfor and 13 rebounds and Brian Wil­ 76erspromptly erasedtheadvan­ 25 points and 12 reboundsfrom yourself or moping aroundwill not get you out of it."': . '.' liams a season-high 16pointsfor tage, and Moses Malone's layup and 21 points Asasubplotto theKings' woes,itappearedcoachBarryMelrose Denver, but evened the score at 72-72 with from Kenny Anderson. and generalmanagerNickBeverly arein themidst ofanastyspat was held to four points and nine 4:07 left. After a by The game was close until an After losing 2-QFriday night at Buffalo, Melrose criticized rebounds. Mutombo, averaging John Salley,Smithhit a3-pointer 18-8Indianarunin thefinal3:46, Beverly for supplying him with "too many small players" and fourblocksa game,didnotblock for a 76-72 lead and dunked an keyed by Workman,who started added the Kings could not win with theircurrent roster. a shot. alley-oop pass on Miami's next the burst by snappinga 90-90 tie Jazz 102, Bullets 96 trip down the floor. with a layup. Beverly responded between periods Saturdaynight, sayinghe InLandover,Md.,KarIMalone Rice, who missedhis first four Rockets104,Mavericks93 . didn't like to seethecomplaints go public. "I don't want-tomakean issue about (what Melrosesaid) at this scored nine points in the fourth shots of the second half, then In Houston, Houston pulled .point," Beverly said. "We have enough problems." .. quarter after picking up his fifth scored six consecutive Miami within two victories of the best foul, and Utah ralliedfrom a 15­ pointson twolayupsandanalley­ record in NBAhistoryby ateam Melrosedidn'twantto expandon hiscommentsfrom Fridaybut point deficit to hand Washington oop slam, giving the..Heat an 84­ with one defeat and pushed Dal­ Gretzky backed his coachand said "there are 22.guyswho would go through the waIlfor him. . its 10thstraight loss. 76leadwith1:03remainingin the lascloser toarecordforconsecu­ Down'91-83with8:44left, the third quarter. tive losses as HakeemOlajuwon "That is part of thereasonwhywe are struggling," said Gretzky Jazz held the Bullets without a Smith capped the 144 streak scored 28 points. aboutthe Kings' lackofsize."Ifthey(Kingsmanagement) canget some size, I am sure we would welcome it." untilDon MacLeanhit by laying in another alley-oop The Mavericks (1-21)losttheir a layup with I:08 to go. That pass, from Brian Shaw, and Mi­ 18th game in a row, twoshort of The last time these teams met at Maple Leaf Gardens was In Game 7 of the Stanley Cup semifinals last spring, but the same brought Washington withinfour amiled86-78afterthreequarters. continued on page 15 emotion was missing Saturday. Macoun opened the scoring for Toronto 94secondsintothegameon a slapshotfromthe leftpoint that was neatly deflectedpast goalie Kelly Hrudey by'the Kings' LongBeach overPenn prized defensernan, Rob Blake. The leadlasted 18seconds. TheTorontodefense,whichhasbeen overworked with the absence of Dave Ellett.and Todd Gill to State in NCAAvolleyball injury,left Robitaillein frontand he swept the puckpast Potvinat, .continued on page45 MADISON, Wis. (AP) ­ JenReimershad25killsand 19 Schwerm's consecutive kills. Nichelle Burton had 28 kills and digs for Penn State (314). .Penn State took a 6-2 lead in the Danielle Scott 21 as as Long The matchin the Universityof second game, but Long Beach Beach State defeated Penn State Wisconsin f'ieldhouse drew rallied to lead 12-8 behind Colonials beat Pepperdine 15-13,12-15,15-11,16-14Satur­ 11,114 spectators for a two-day Burton's six kills. But Reimers, WASHINGTON (AP) - Be­ Carolina two weeksago. day for the NCAA volleyball , attendanceof21 ,384,arecordfor who had nine kills in the game, fore the start ofthe 1993-94sea­ championship. On Saturday, the young theNCAAtoumamentFinal Four. helped the Lions score the last son, George Washington coach Colonials had another close one Penn State led 5-0 in the final PennState, one of five schools seven points and pulleven in the Mike Jarvis said one key to suc­ against Pepperdine. Sophomore game but Long Beach pulled to make it to each NCAA tour­ match. cess forhis youngteamwouldbe Yinka Dare led a balancedattack ahead 10-8. The Lady Lions re­ nament since the event began 13 Penn State wason the way to a its ability to survive under pres- with 21 points, and George builta 14-11 lead,butLongBeach years ago, trailed 8-0 in the first third-gamevictory,leading10-5, sure. , Washington overcame poor tied it 14-14on Burton's block, game.The Lady Lions tied it 12­ whensetterJoyMcKienziehelped That opportunity presentedit­ shooting to pull away in the clos­ Long Beach (32-2), the 1989 IZon JennyMyszewski'skill and Long Beach go on a 10-1 spurt. self only twice early thisseason, ing minutes for a 66-59 victory. champion, won its final 16 went ahead 13-12 before Long TheS-foot-7seniorhadfourkills, in a loss to No. I NorthCarolina Itwasthefourthstraighttriumph matches. Beach rallied behind Brita 16 assists and three digs. and a victory against South continued on pagel15 ~arianas %rie~~ _. Mlcronesla's Leading Newspaper SInce 1972 ~ ;~", P.O.Box 231 Salpan, MP96950 • Tel. (670) 234-6341 • 7578 • 9797 ;- 4; L------=------J:CiFax: (670) 234-9271 I::~~.