Restoring Qinetiq to Strength
' .... • '1 ••• Restoring QinetiQ to Strength QmetiO Group pie Ann1Jdl l<.t por! dmJ /\/.11111111., 1n1u SATURDAY Comp;iny <eg1s11~tuw Num~1 4586941 Registered office ~s auc~mgharn G;;.te () London SWlE 6PD ~ ,, "' >~< Cu~tomercont~ct Te~m z Ci >< Q1net1Q - ... 0 Cody Techooloiy Parl mNr 1"1'.:ly Prod F;unt>Orough (/) 0 s: H~mpstiore ::c ~ "' GU140LX 0 0 ,. United t..mgdom c: • (/) Tel •44 (O) 0700 JOO 94) m wwwQmet1Q com CQine!IQGroupplc 0 QIN!: TIQ/U/CM/AR1000027 "' 1ell6RC10 oeae I •••• ••~I •n• Olredor~ llepo11 - 8u)jne;~ Revk'w Q1net1Q uses its domain knowledge to provide technical advice to customers 1n the global aerospace, defence and security markets Its unique pos1t1ornng enables 1t to be a trusted partner to government organisations, predominantly in the UK and the US, including defence departments, intelligence services and security agencies Key facts • We employ more than 13000 people worldwide 6 900 people m the UK and Australia and 6100 people m North Amenca • Our sc1entrsts and engineers solve some of the world's most important problems • We are the UK's largest research and technologyorgamsat1on • We are the world's leading suppher of m1htary robotics • More than 85% of our workforce carry h1gh·level national security clearances Contents 0,1,.dn,.. Rt>porl - Ou\l[)('\o' R.vtew H~nrt.ll St.if< nwr<h Peiformanc:e independent Auditors repott ., The bu>iness~t a glance ConsohdJted income statement Ch;wmansstatement Consolidated statement of comprehensive income " Chief E~ecutwe Officers review Consol1dated statement of cha.nge5 mequ1ty .," Perfoi maoce Fev1ew - O.net1Q NOrth Amero 10 Consollddted baOOC.e sheet Performance ltev1ew- EMEA 11 COnsotld<lte<I cash flow statement " Choe I F1nancaal Officers revrew 11 Notestothefinanc.
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