The Chronicle Monday
THE CHRONICLE MONDAY. MARCH 23, 1987 ' DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 82. NO. 120 Computer accelerates towing By KATHY NOONEY used to take her staff weeks can now be Computers are making life easier for done overnight. "In terms of automation, everyone,'almost. neatness and clarity. I think it's been a According to Elizabeth Campbell, ad real improvement," she said. ministrative services manager at Public According to a pamphlet given to car- Safety, a system installed at her office in owners upon registration. Traffic Control 1985 is just now enabling her traffic con will impound unregistered vehicles trol staff to track down, notify and tow receiving more than four citations, regis car-owners who have violated university tered vehicles receiving six citations in a parking regulations. twelve-month period and found illegally "This is the first year we've taken full parked and vehicles suspended from advantage of their capabilities." Campbell parking on campus. said ofthe computers. The pamphlet says parking privileges Consequently, Traffic Control has sus can be suspended for 120 days after a car- pended a record high 225 cars from park owner has received four or more fire lane ing on campus, according to Campbell. citations, four or more moving violation She said last year the number of suspen citations or a combination ofthe two total sions issued was "somewhere in the hun ing four in a 12-month period. Car-owners dred mark." And the 40 letters sent to car- who receive 10 or more citations in a 12- owners by certified mail last week, noti month period, remove a permit from an fying violators of suspension, set another other vehicle, use a removed permit, or record.
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