A bi-monthly journal of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions July-August 2014 Historic Preservation Economics—Taking the Long View ‘72-80 ‘80-88 ‘88-96 ‘96-04 ‘04-12 ‘80-12 increase decrease College Hill HD % change by property 4 Taking the Long View: Tracking 10 Historic Districts 14 Stewardship of the 20 Spotlight on !"#$%&'()*+%,$-./)%0(.1$2.)$- the Impact of Local Historic District and Economics – Built Environment: Local Designation on Property Values in Recent Lessons A Case Study in Preservation !"#$%&'()*+%3.-*'4.5%64$-$47"*.')%&'88.--.') Greensboro, NC, 1972-2012 Material Flows Incentives !"#$%&'()*+%,$-./)%0(.1$2.)$- 23 Heads Up 24 STATE NEWS: Contemporary 28 State News 30 Spotlight on a Preservation 31 CAMP Design and Historic Districts Organization: WMF Curriculum Vitae: Jo Ramsay Leimenstoll, AIA Contact:
[email protected] I am a preservation architect and educator. I believe that the historic built environment is profoundly important to communities and individuals because it provides us with a sense of identity and orientation. Knowing who we were allows us to ask questions about who we are becoming. Education North Carolina State University School of Design, 1973-76, Master of Architecture University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1969-73, BFA Studio Art, Art History Minor 1981 Architectural Conservation International Course International Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments, Rome, Italy Professional Experience Professor, Department of Interior Architecture, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Teaches advanced interior architecture studios as well as courses in preservation theory and architectural conservation and a summer preservation technology field school. Since the spring of 2016, directs the UNCG Main Street Fellows, a team of graduate and undergraduate students providing design assistance to the NC Main Street Program.