October 1993

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October 1993 News from The Ayn Rand Institute ocToBER1993 Upcomlng Events Gene,ralNews "Fountainhead" Celebration on Objectivist Weekend: New ARI Staff: I The Institutewelcomes Ginger Clark, Invitationsand auctioncatalogs have been sent to current who hasjoined the ARI staff as ProjecfsOfficer. Shetakes contibutonsfor the Ayn Rand Institute'ssecond 1993 ban- the placeof Kathy Kroeger,known to many readersfor queVauctionhonoring the 50ttranniversary of the publica- her work over the last five yearswith campusclubs, the tion of The Fountainhead.Please call ARI if you havenot speakersbureau, Institute publications,and numerous yet receivedyour invitation. The gala eventwill be held otherprojects. Kathy is leavingto join her husband,who November6 in Boston. For specialmom ratesat Boston's hastaken a new job overseas;she will continueto work Back Bay Hilton Hotel, call (800) 874-M63 by Oct. 15 for ARI on an occasionalbasis, on specialprojects and as andmention the ARI banquet.For highlightsof theApril a consultant.t) RichardRalston, a long-time Objectivist eventin Los Angeles,see our July Nevvsletter. with extensiveexperience in the publishingbusiness, has beenhired by ARI to developprojects aimed at increasing Ford Hall Forum 1993: LeonardPeikoff will speakin thepresence of Objectivistworks in universitiesand high Bostonat the Ford Hall Forumon November7. ht his talk, schools.Mr. Ralstonwill work on a half-timebasis from "Modemismand Madness," Dr. Peikoff will discuss"the his officein the Bostonarea. astonishingsimilarity betweenmodem art and schizo- phrenia." For eventand membership information, call the Oblecttvtsm in the Media Forumat (617)373-58m. In Medicine: 0 The Sept.9 issueof TheNsw England Boston Reception: In conjunctionwith Dr. Peikoff's Journal of Medicineran a letter from Mark Hurt of the talk, SecondRenaissance Books will host an informal re- Objectivi st HealthcareProfes si onals Netwo rk, in response ceptionand book displayon the aftemoonof November7 to an editorialattacking free-market medicine. In his let- from noon to 5 pm in the Maverick room of the Back Bay ter,Dr. Hurt championslaissez-faire capitalism in medicine, Hilton Hotel. All areinvited without charge. referencingA1n Rand. 0 The Objectivistview of Clinton's healthcare plan was presentedby Dn. CristinaLeport and 1994Conference: SecondRenaissance Conferences (a GeorgeReisman in a lla-hour interviewon KTKK radio, corporateentity separatefrom SecondRenaissance Books) Salt Lake City. f Dr. PeterLeport spokeat length against is pleasedto announcea two-weeksummer conference in nationalhealth care at a forum sponsoredby the Orange Secaucus,NJ, July 1994. The principal lecturerwill be County(CA) PsychologicalAssociation. LeonardPeikoff. For more information,write to: Sandra Schwartz,SR Conferences,130 FederalRoad, Suite 56, RussianEducators: "Teacher'sNewspaper," a weekly Danbury,CT 06811. Russianpublication for teachers,elementary through col- lege,will carryan articleonThe Morality of Indivi&nlism: Regional Conferences: 0 The fifth TexasObjectivist Essaysin the PhilosophicFoundations of Capitalism.The SocietiesConference will be held Oct. 29-31 in Austin. articleincludes information about the book'sessay contest. Lecturesand concurrentworkshops are scheduled.Con- tact SteveRogers, Hill Country ObjectivistAssn., (512) P.C. versus New Zealand: Objectivistphilosopher 282-5528.0 The secondPacific Northwest Objectivist Gary Hull, interviewedrecently on New Tnalandradio, Conferencewill be heldin Union,WA, March24-27,1994. discussedthe philosophicroots of "political conectness." TWo-daycourses will be conductedby Edwin Locke, Host LindsayPerigo reported that many listenersphoned Andrew Bemstein,and Gary Hull. ContactPamela L. to saythat the philosophicalperspective helped them un- Benson,(206) 376-5858. derstandwhy P.C.is so "horrible andthreatening." Publlcatlons Obiectlvlsm in Academia The Objectivist Forum.' A boundand indexed collection Reterence Text: Afullpage, devotedto Ayn Randin the of all48 issues(1980-1987) is availablefrom TOF Publi- latest edition of The RoutledgeDictionnry of Twentieth- cations.This bimonthlyjoumal, editedand published by CenuryPolitical Thinkers,summarizes The Founninhead Harry Binswanger,contains 12 articlesby Ayn Randnot and Atlas Shrugged,and presents the writer's interpreta- anthologizedelsewhere. The cost is $48 surfacemail; tion of the effectsof the Objectivistmovement. $52 air mail to the westemhemisphere; $70 air mail, overseas.Write to P.O.Box 1895,Murray Hill Station, Campus Clubs New York,NY 10156. New Speaker: The newestaddition to the ARI Speaken Foreign Editions of Ayn Rand's Writings: The Rus- Bureauis Dr. PeterLeport, a southemCalifomia surgeon. "Medicine: sianedition of The Morality of Individualism:Essays in His talk, The Death of a Profession,"is a thePhilosophic Foundations of Capitalism(as reported in slightly editedand updatedversion of LeonardPeikoff's last month'sspecial edition of the ARI Nelrslerer)is the speechof the samename. Dr. Leportmost recently deliv- ered latestin a seriesof Objectivistwritings in otherlanguages. this speechto the BrotmanMedical Group, a 350- memberphysician's Hereis an unofficial guideto otherforeign-language edi- organizationin southemCalifomia. _..-'-_ tions_ofAJn R=and's thatmav be in print: I Dutch: New Talks: "The Basisof a TheFountainhead, The Virtue of Seffishness,Atlas Shrugged Woman'sRight to Abortion"and "The Mind as Heroin (ChristianMorgenstem); i French: TheVirtue of Selfish- Ayn Rand'sAtlas Shrugged,"by Dr. Andrew Bemstein; ness (Les Belles Lenres); O German:Atlas Shrugged; "The Traitsof AmericanBusiness Heroes," and "Coping I Hebrew:Anthem (Zmora Bitan); 0Italian: Wethe Liv- With StressThrough Reason," by Dr. Edwin Locke. lng (Longanesi& C. Societa); 0 Nonvegian:Anthem; ABhassisted Campus Talks: For more information, 0 Pornrguese:The Fountainhead(Ateneu Objetivista), contactGinger Clark at ARI, (310) 306-9232. The Virtue of Selfishness(Editora Ortiz), Atlas Shrugged Date Speaker School Topic (Instituto Liberal); 0 Spanish:The Virtue of Seffishness 10-5..... Salsman......... U-Texas ...............Capitalism and the Environment @lastygraf),We the Living (PIazay Janes); I Swedish: l0-13 ...Salsman.........U-Connecticut.....Capitalismandthe Environment 10-19...Schwartz .......U-Chicago .....,.....Virtue of Selfishness TheFountainhead (Bra Bocker). Expectedto be released I 0-26 ...Bernstein ....... Northwestern U .,.Right to Abortion soonare: TheFountainhead in Japanese(C.LA. Publish- 10-27 .,.Sanford ......... Boston U .............Environmentalism 11 -1 .....Binswanger ... U-ilinois .............Laisse-faire Capitalism ers),and Wethe Living in Russian.Please let us know 11-10...l^eport............UCLA..................Medicine: Deathof a Profession of any additionsor corrections. 11-11.... Ridpath ......... U-Minnesota........ Morality of Capitalism 11 -1 5 ...Bernstein ....... U-South Florida ..Right to Abortion 11-16...Bernstein.......U-Florida.............MindasHero inAtlasShrugged 11-17...Bernstein.......FloridaState........MndasHero inAtlas Shrugged I I -l 7 ...Sanford ......... Comell U .,.,........Environmentalism l1-18 ...Bernstein ....... Carnegie-Mellon ...Rational Egoism/Fozntainhead I 2-2 .....Salsman......... Boston U .............Philosophical Stare of Economics IMPACTis publishedbimontNy by theAyn RandInstitute. All rightsreseryed, copyright @1993. palsanbaguo1oeiloC ssaJppv 0Z99-Z6Z06 V) . A3d 13C VNIUVW. 9lZ 3I|DS. AV/r\ AIIVUIWqV Otgt wsl^U-)3fgo.io tN3w3)NYAqv lrHI uo.J utLNS) 3HI EIDIIISNI ANYU NAV EHI.
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