Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid Kacper Pluta, Tristan Roussillon, David Cœurjolly, Pascal Romon, Yukiko Kenmochi, Victor Ostromoukhov

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Kacper Pluta, Tristan Roussillon, David Cœurjolly, Pascal Romon, Yukiko Kenmochi, et al.. Char- acterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid. 2017. ￿hal-01540772v1￿

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Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid

Kacper Pluta · Tristan Roussillon · David Cœurjolly · Pascal Romon · Yukiko Kenmochi · Victor Ostromoukhov

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Abstract Digitized rotations on discrete spaces are tention than ones defined on the hexagonal grid. usually defined as the composition of a Euclidean Indeed, the square grid is predominant over other rotation and a rounding operator; they are in gen- grids in fields such as image processing, mostly eral not bijective. Nevertheless, it is well known because of its common use by image acquisition that digitized rotations defined on the square grid devices, even though it is burdened with funda- are bijective for some specific angles. This infinite mental topological problems – one has to chose family of angles has been characterized by Nou- between different connectivity relations for objects vel and Rémila and more recently by Roussillon of interest and their complements [8, 9]. and Cœurjolly. In this article, we characterize bijec- tive digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid using On the contrary, the hexagonal grid is free from arithmetical properties of the Eisenstein . these problems since it possesses the following properties: equidistant neighbors—each hexagon has six equidistant neighbors; uniform connectiv- ity—there is only one type of connectivity [10,17]. 1 Introduction Still, memory addressing for representing objects Rotations defined on discrete spaces are simple yet defined on hexagonal grids and sampling of contin- crucial operations in many image processing appli- uous signals with the hexagonal grids, are relatively cations involving 2D data. While rotations defined less efficient. However, several approaches to tackle these issues have been provided [10]. on R2 are isometric and bijective, their digitized cousins, in general, do not preserve distances and Concerning the characterization of the bijec- are not bijective. Over last 20 years, digitized ro- tive digitized rotations on the square grid, the most tations on the square grid have attracted more at- important studies are the following: Andres and Kacper Pluta and Yukiko Kenmochi Jacob were the first to give a sufficient condition Université Paris-Est, LIGM, CNRS-ESIEE Paris, France for bijectivity [7]; Nouvel and Rémila prove its Kacper Pluta and Pascal Romon necessity [12] using their framework introduced Université Paris-Est, LAMA, France in [11]; more recently Roussillon and Cœurjolly Tristan Roussillon, David Cœurjolly and Victor Ostro- provided another proof which is based on the arith- moukhov metical properties of Gaussian integers [16]. It is Université de Lyon, CNRS, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622, also worth to mention that Pluta et al. used an ex- France tension of the framework proposed originally by 2 Kacper Pluta et al.

Nouvel and Rémila [11], to characterize bijective digitized rigid motions [14]. Studies related to digitized rotations on the √ (− 1 , 3 ) hexagonal grid are less numerous: Her—while work- 2 2 (1, 0) ing with the hexagonal grid represented by cube coordinate system in 3D—showed how to derive a rotation matrix such that it is simpler than a 3D rotation matrix obtained in a direct way [6]; Pluta et al. provided a framework to study local alter- (a) (b) ations of discrete points on the hexagonal grid un- der digitized rigid motions. They also character- Fig. 1 Two variations of hexagonal grids, called pointy topped (a) and flat topped (b) hexagonal grids which are ized Eisenstein rational rotations on the hexagonal π equivalent up to rotation by (2k + 1) 6 , k ∈ Z. Arrows repre- grid which, together with their framework, allowed sent the bases of the underlying lattices them to compare the loss of information induced by digitized rigid motions with the both grids [15]. In this article, we consider an approach similar ω2 + ω + 1 = 0. Thus H is the Voronoi tessellation to the one proposed by Roussillon and Cœurjolly associated with the Λ in C. The elements of [16], based on complex numbers. Indeed points in Λ are called Eisenstein integers [2,5]; they are the Z2 can be identified with Gaussian integers, and complex numbers of the form rational rotations correspond to multiplications by complex numbers of modulus with rational α := a + bω, real and imaginary parts. For the hexagonal lattice, we use Eisenstein integers instead of Gaussian inte- where a, b ∈ Z. gers [2, 5]. First, we discuss the density of rational rotations on the hexagonal grid, which were char- acterized in [15]. That is similar to the study of 2.1 Properties of Eisenstein integers rational rotations on the square grid – angles given by right triangles of sides [1]. Then, we The Eisenstein integers form a Euclidean Z[ω] prove that there exist two subsets of Eisenstein in- in C; in particular they possess similar properties to tegers yielding bijective digitized rotations. This the ordinary integers: division, prime differs from the square case, where only one subset and greatest common divisor are well defined. Let is involved. We also show that bijective digitized us consider α := a + bω ∈ Λ; rotations on the hexagonal grid are more numerous – The conjugate of α is given as α¯ = (a − b) − bω. than their counterparts on the square grid for angles – The squared modulus of α is given as |α|2 := relatively close to multiple of π k, k ∈ angle. 3 Z α · α¯ = a2 − ab + b2. – The units of Λ are Υ := {±1, ±ω, ±ω¯ }, where ω¯ = ω2. 2 Eisenstein integers – α is divisible by β if there exists φ ∈ Λ such that α = β · φ. A hexagonal grid H is a grid formed by a tessella- – Given α, β ∈ Λ, a greatest common divisor tion of the C by hexagons of side gcd(α, β) = φ ∈ Λ is defined as a largest Eisen- length √1 . Figure 1 shows two examples of such 3 stein integer (up to multiplications by units) that hexagonal grids. Hereafter, without lack of general- divides both α and β; every common divisor of ity, we consider pointy topped hexagonal grid (see α and β also divides φ. By a largest Eisenstein Figure 1). In such a setting we consider centroids of integer, we mean one of a largest modulus. hexagons, i.e., the points of the√ underlying lattice – α is said to be an Eisenstein prime if its divisors 1 3 Λ := Z⊕Zω, where ω := − 2 + 2 i, is a solution of are only of the form υ · α such that υ ∈ Υ. Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid 3

Moreover, as for the ordinary complex numbers, the product of two Eisenstein integers has a geometric interpretation. Let α, β ∈ Λ, then α · β is equal to a  √  −1 3b combination of a rotation by angle θ := tan 2a−b √ 3b and the scaling by |α|. Note that sin θ = 2|α| and 2a−b cos θ = 2|α| .

2.2 Eisenstein triples

Eisenstein triples (a, b, c) ∈ Z3 are triples of inte- gers such that

|α|2 = a2 − ab + b2 = c2.

+ ≤ Thanks to symmetry, hereafter, we consider only Fig. 2 Visualisation of Λρ for 0 < a, b 2000. Note that the axes were scaled for a better visualisation effect and the positive primitive Eisenstein triples, i.e., 0 < a < distance between two consecutive axes’ ticks is 30 c < b, gcd(a, b, c) = 1 and either a + b + c . 0 (mod 3) or 2b − a + c . 0 (mod 3) [4]. The later condition, is that we excludes triples which lead π to rotations by k 3 , k ∈ Z, e.g., (1, 1, 1). Note that, if gcd(a, b, c) = d ∈ Z+ the rotation by a + bω re- θ0 duces to that given by the primitive Eisenstein triple θ 1 d (a, b, c), with the scale factor. Let us then denote the set of positive primitive Eisenstein triples by + Eρ and consider the subset n √ o + 2 2 + b c b Λρ := α := a + bω ∈ Λ (a, b, a − ab + b ) ∈ Eρ .

+ A part of Λρ is illustrated by Figure 2. Moreover, we denote by Eρ and Λρ, respectively, the set of primitive Eisenstein triples and a subset of Λ which + is defined in a similar way to Λρ .

Lemma 1 ([4]) Positive integers a, b and c form b − a a a pair of primitive Eisenstein triples a, b, c and ( ) Fig. 3 Geometric interpretation of a pair of Eisenstein  √  (b − a, b, c), if and only if there exist s, t ∈ Z, 0 < −1 3a triples, (a, b, c) and (b − a, b, c), where θ = tan 2b−a s < t, gcd(s, t) = 1 and t − s . 0 (mod 3), such  √  0 −1 3(b−a) that and θ = tan b+a

a = s2 + 2st, b = t2 + 2st, Notice that the union of triangles of side lengths c = s2 + t2 + st. (a, b, c) ∈ Z3 and (b − a, b, c) ∈ Z3 is equal to an equilateral triangle of the integer side length equal to b (see Figure 3). For more information about For the proof, see the discussion provided by Gilder Eisenstein integers we encourage the reader to look in [3]. into [3, 4]. 4 Kacper Pluta et al.

Furthermore, we state the following results re- 3 Digitized rotations lated to factoring of primitive Eisenstein integers and used in the later sections. Given a α ∈ C, rotations on C are defined as Lemma 2 Let α be an Eisenstein integer such that

α is not the product of an integer and an Eisenstein Uα : → C C · ∈ α·x (6) unit. Then α = α¯ υ where υ Υ, if and only if x 7→ |α| . |α|2 ≡ 0 (mod 3). According to Equation (6), we generally have Proof Solving α = α¯ · υ where υ ∈ Υ, is equiv- Uα(Λ) * Λ. As a consequence, in order to define 2 | |2 alent to solving α√ = α υ, whose√ solutions (in digitized rotations as maps from Λ to Λ, we com- C) are α = ±|α| υ, where υ means any root. monly apply rigid motions on Λ as a part of C and Two possibilities occur: (i) υ ∈ {1, ω, ω¯ }, which are then combine the results with a digitization oper- squares in Λ; this is the first case in the Lemma; (ii) ator. To define a digitization operator on Λ, let us υ ∈√ {−1, −ω, −ω¯ }, whose roots are not in Λ but in first define, for a given rotation and scaling factor Λ/ 3; in order for α to be an√ Eisenstein integer, its φ ∈ Λ and for all κ ∈ Λ, the hexagonal cell modulus |α| must contains a 3 factor. ut ( ∀υ ∈ Υ+, ( kx − κk ≤ kx − κ + υ · φk ) + Lemma 3 For a given α := a + bω ∈ Λ , con- Cφ(κ):= x ∈ C , ρ ∧ kx − κk < kx − κ − υ · φk) sidering γ := (s + t) + tω ∈ Λ where s and t are generators of (a, b, c) (see Lemma 1), we have where Υ+ := {1, ω, −ω¯ }. Figure 4 ilustrates some α = γ · γ, (1) hexagonal cells with different φ. Finally, we define D → |α| = c = γ · γ,¯ (2) the digitization operator as a function : C Λ such that ∀x ∈ , ∃!D(x) ∈ Λ and x ∈ C (D(x)). 2 C 1 |γ| . 0 (mod 3) , (3) We define then digitized rigid motions as Uα = gcd(γ, γ¯) = 1, (4) α D ◦ U|Λ. gcd(α, c) = γ. (5) Due to the behavior of D that maps C onto Λ, digitized rotations Uα are, most of the time, non- bijective (see Figure 5).

Proof Equations (1–2) are direct consequences of the parameterization given in Lemma 1. ω −ω¯ For Statement (3), let us suppose that there ex- 2 ω−ω¯ ists ν ∈ Λ such that γ = µν with |µ| = 3 and 3 µ ∈ Λ. Since the squared modulus is multiplicative, 2 2 2 ω−1 1−ω¯ |γ| = (|µ||ν|) and thus c = 3|ν| , which means that 3 3 3 divides c. From [4, Theorem 1], we know that 3 does not divide c for a valid prime Eisenstein triple, −1 0 1 which contradicts the hypothesis that ν exists. ω¯ −1 1−ω To prove (4), let us consider prime factors {πi}n 3 3 0 of γ (resp. {πi }n of γ¯). We have γ = π1π2 . . . πn (resp. γ¯ = π¯1π¯2 ... π¯n). Such prime factors are uniquely defined up to their associates. From (3) ω¯ −ω 3 and Lemma 2, prime factor decomposition of γ and γ¯ have no common factors (beside units) and thus ω¯ −ω gcd(γ, γ¯) = 1. Fig. 4 Visualization of hexagonal cells: C1(0) (in black) Statement (5) follows from Equations (1–2) and C(2+ω)(0) (in red). Dashed lines and white circles—which (4). ut represents points—are not included in hexagonal cells Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid 5


0 0



Fig. 5 Examples of three different point mappings: digiti- Fig. 6 Visualisation of a mapping between Λ and Uα(Λ). zation cells which contain zero or two points of Uα(Λ) are Arrows which corresponds to bijective and non-bijective marked in green and red, respectively. Moreover, such cells mappings are marked in blue and green, respectively. Be- have labels which correspond to a number of the points. saids, points without any images are marked by red balls White dots indicate the positions of the images of the points (see Formula (7)) of the initial set Λ under Uα

provided that S (Λ, Λ)∩C (0) = S (Λ, Λ)∩C α (0). α 1 α |α| 4 Bijectivity of digitized rotations In other words 4.1 Set of remainders S (Λ, Λ)∩((C (0)∪C α (0))\(C (0)∩C α (0))) = . α 1 |α| 1 |α| ∅ Let us compare the rotated lattice Uα(Λ) with Λ. The digitized rotation Uα := D ◦ Uα is bijective 4.2 Eisenstein rational rotations if and only if ∀λ ∈ Λ ∃!κ ∈ Λ such that S α(κ, λ) ∈ C (0). This is equivalent to the “double” surjectivity 1 The key to understanding the conditions that ensure relation, used by Roussillon and Cœurjolly [16]: the bijectivity of Uα is the structure the of images  α  ∀λ ∈ Λ, ∃κ ∈ Λ, U (κ) ∈ C1(λ) of S α(Λ, Λ), i.e.,  (7)  α  ∀κ ∈ Λ, ∃λ ∈ Λ, λ ∈ C α (U (κ)) |α| α α · ω G := Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Zω. provided that κ and λ in the first and the second con- |α| |α| ditions of Formula (7) are the same (see Figure 6). For this reason, we start by looking at G, and dis- cuss its density. In the case of the square grid, it is Instead of studying the whole source and target known that the equivalent of G is a lattice if and spaces, we study the set of remainders defined by only if cosine and sine are rational numbers, i.e., the map rotations are given by primitive Pythagorean triples S : Λ × Λ → α C [11, 13, 14]. When on the contrary cosine or/and (κ, λ) 7→ κ·α − λ. |α| sine are irrational, G is an infinite and dense set Then, (7) can be rewritten as [11, 13, 14].  In [15] we proved that in the hexagonal grid ∀λ ∈ Λ, ∃κ ∈ Λ, S (κ, λ) ∈ C (0)  α 1 case a similar result is obtained for rotations corre-  (8)  ∀κ ∈ Λ, ∃λ ∈ Λ, S (κ, λ) ∈ C α (0) , sponding to Eisenstein integers. We shall say that a α |α| 6 Kacper Pluta et al. rotation Uα is Eisenstein rational1 if α is given by restrict to denominators t that are prime; since these a Eisenstein triple and then we have the following can be chosen arbitrarily large, the approximation result [15, Proposition 9]. property still holds. Now consider s/t,(s + 1)/t and (s − 1)/t. For Lemma 4 The group G is a lattice of rank 2 if and t large enough, they are all very close to x ∈ , so only if α ∈ Λ. R approximation is not an issue. Among these three When G is not a lattice, then we have the fol- numerators, only one can be equal to 0 mod 3, and lowing. we consider the two remaining ones. Finally, we note that the two numerators cannot be multiples Lemma 5 Whenever G is not a lattice the corre- of t, because their difference—which is equal to 1 sponding digitized rotation is not bijective. or 2—would also be multiple of t. ut Proof (Sketch) Since G is dense, there exist µ, µ0 ∈ We recall that any Eisenstein rational rotation G ∩ C1(0) such that S α(κ, λ) = µ and S α(κ + 1, λ) = which is not given by a primitive Eisenstein triple 0 α 0 0 µ . Then, we have µ + |α| = µ for some κ, λ. On the reduces to such, i.e. if α < Λρ, ∃!α ∈ Λρ, such that contrary, if this is not the case, then G is not dense. the corresponding rotations are same. ut

We hereafter, consider only Eisenstein rational ro- 4.4 Reduced set of remainders tations for the bijectivity characterization. Working in the framework of Eisenstein rational rotations defined by α ∈ Λρ, allows us to turn to 4.3 Density of Eisenstein rational rotations Eisenstein integers as |α|G ⊂ Λ. For the reason that Eisenstein integers are nicer to work with, we do Let us focus on the density of rational rotations, in scale G by |α|. Similarly to the former discussion, general. In the case of rational rotations given by after scaling G by |α|, we consider the finite set Pythagorean triples it is known that they are dense of remainders, obtained by comparing the lattice [1]. On the other hand, in the case of Eisenstein |α|Uα(Λ) with the lattice |α|Λ, and applying the rational rotations we provide the following result. scaled version of the map S α defined as

Sˇ : Λ × Λ → Λ Lemma 6 Eisenstein rational rotations are dense. α (9) (κ, λ) 7→ κ · α − |α|λ . Indeed, Formula (8) is rewritten by ∈ ∈  Proof Let θ R be any angle. Then there are u, v ∀λ ∈ Λ ∃κ ∈ Λ, Sˇ (κ, λ) ∈ C (0)  α |α| R such that θ := arg(u + vω). For a rational rotation  (10) ∀κ ∈ Λ ∃λ ∈ Λ, Sˇ (κ, λ) ∈ C (0) . to have an angle close to θ, we need α = a+bω ∈ Λρ α α b v 2 + to satisfy a ≈ u . The same reasoning holds for Let us consider γ ∈ Λ such that α = γ ∈ Λρ the square roots of α (see Lemma 3). Hence, we and |α| = γ · γ¯ (see Lemma 3). We then see that might as well work with γ = (s + t) + tω, and Formulae (9) and (10) are multiples of γ. Since s+t prove that the ratio t takes a dense set of values division by γ removes the common multiple while in R. Equivalently, we prove that any number x ensuring results to stay in Λ, let us define can be approximated with arbitrary precision by a 0 S γ : Λ × Λ → Λ ratio s/t where s, t ∈ , gcd(s, t) = 1 and s − t (11) Z . (κ, λ) 7→ κ · γ − γ¯ · λ. 0 (mod 3). The first constraint is satisfied by the Then, the bijectivity of Uα is ensured when rational approximations of a real number. There  0 remains to show that we can choose s, t ∈ so that  ∀λ ∈ Λ, ∃κ ∈ Λ, S γ(κ, λ) ∈ Cγ¯ (0) Z  (12) −  0 s t . 0 (mod 3). Without loss of generality, we  ∀κ ∈ Λ, ∃λ ∈ Λ, S γ(κ, λ) ∈ Cγ(0), 0 0 1 Note that the relevant notion in hexagonal geometry is provided that S γ(Λ, Λ) ∩ Cγ¯ (0) = S γ(Λ, Λ) ∩ Cγ(0) 0 not that cosine and sine are rational numbers. ⇔ S γ(Λ, Λ)∩((Cγ(0)∪Cγ¯ (0))\(Cγ(0)∩Cγ¯ (0))) = ∅. Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid 7

5 Characterization of bijective digitized ω −ω¯ rotations ω−ω¯ 3 In this section we provide sufficient and necessary α ω−1 1−ω¯ conditions for bijectivity of U . Our goal is to prove 3 3 that the bijectivity of Uα is ensured if and only if α is given by a primitive Eisenstein triple such that −1 0 1 its generators s, t are of the form s > 0, t = s + 1 or ω¯ −1 1−ω s = 1, t > 1. 3 3 Before going into the main discussion of this section, we note that the cyclic order of the vertices of C (0) and that of C (0) is invariable. It is due ω¯ −ω γ γ¯ 3 to the fact that |γ| = |γ¯|, Uγ = U−γ¯ and 0 < s < t. Also, the vertices of the hexagonal cells Cγ(0) and ω¯ −ω C (0) are not in Λ. Indeed, the vertices of C (0) are γ¯ 1 Fig. 7 A unit cell C1(0) and its set of vertices V. The outer 2 2 not in Λ (see Figure 7) and |γ| (resp. |γ¯| ) is not a hexagon is the result of the multiplication (2 + ω)C1(0), multiple of 3 (see Lemma 3). Therefore, vertices namely, C(2+ω)(0), where the red arrows indicate the new position of the vertices of Cγ(0) = γ · C1(0) (resp. Cγ¯ (0) = γ¯ · C1(0)) are not in Λ. For the simplification of the following ζ ζ0 discussion we scale the cells Cγ(0) and Cγ¯ (0) by Finally, we then show that either 2+ω or 2+ω , is 2+ω so that that the vertices are in Λ (see Figure 7). 0 an element of S γ(Λ, Λ). First, we have that 0 ! Lemma 7 If s , 1 or t , s + 1, then ∃φ ∈ S γ(Λ, Λ) ζ e + 1 (1 − 2e) ∈ ∪ \ ∩ = − + − s ω (17) such that φ (Cγ¯ (0) Cγ(0)) (Cγ¯ (0) Cγ(0)). 2 + ω 3 3 Proof Thanks to the symmetry, we focus on one of and the vertices of C (0), γ¯. Then we consider the ! γ¯·(2+ω) ζ0 e − 1 2(1 − e) two closest points of C (0) ∩ Λ to γ¯, namely, = − + − s ω, (18) γ¯·(2+ω) 2 + ω 3 3 ζ := (γ¯ − 1) and ζ0 := (γ¯ + ω). Note that since 0 < s < t, we need to consider only this case. where e = t − s. We notice that Formula (17) (resp. We now show that if t , s + 1 or s , 1 then ζ < Formula (18)) has integer values when e = 3n + 0 Cγ·(2+ω)(0) or ζ < Cγ·(2+ω)(0). Figure 8 illustrates 2 (resp. e = 3n + 1), n ∈ Z. We note that from ζ examples of such a situation. Lemma 1, e . 0 (mod 3), therefore either 2+ω or ζ0 ζ Let us consider the closest oriented edge of 2+ω has integer values, namely either 2+ω ∈ Λ or ζ0 Cγ·(2+ω)(0) toγ ¯, namely, ` = (−ω · γ, ω¯ · γ). ∈ Λ. 0 2+ω To verify if ζ and ζ lay on the left-hand side of Finally, since gcd(γ, γ¯) = 1, there exist κ ∈ `, we then need to verify the following inequalities 0 ζ Λ and λ ∈ Λ such that either S γ(κ, λ) = 2+ω or 0 2 0 ζ s − st + t > 0, (13) S γ(κ, λ) = 2+ω . ut s2 − st + s + t > 0, (14) Lemma 8 If s = 1, t > 1 or s > 0, t = s+1 we have 0 respectively. Then by substituting t with s + e, In- that S γ(Λ, Λ)∩((Cγ¯ (0)∪Cγ(0))\(Cγ¯ (0)∩Cγ(0))) = equalities (13 – 14) are rewritten by ∅. e(s − 1) > s, (15) Proof Thanks to the symmetry of Cγ·(2+ω)(0) and e(s − 1) > 2s, (16) Cγ¯·(2+ω)(0), we need to focus on a pair of consec- utive vertices of Cγ·(2+ω)(0), for example, γ and respectively. We notice that Inequalities (15 – 16) −ω · γ, and those of Cγ¯·(2+ω)(0), (i) γ¯ and −ω¯ · γ¯ if are violated when s = 1 or when s > 1 and e = 1. s > 0, t = s + 1; (ii) ω · γ¯ and −ω¯ · γ¯ if s = 1, t > 0. 8 Kacper Pluta et al.

These distances are (i) d = 1 − 1 and (ii) d = √ √ 2 6s+4 √ 3 3 1 3 2 − 2t+2 , and thus, (i) d < 2 and (ii) d < 2 . Since the parallel lines go through points of Λ and are (i) parallel and (ii) orthogonal to the hexag- onal grid edges, the space between the parallel lines does not contain points of Λ – except on the bound- ary. This implies that ∀ζ ∈ Λ, ζ ∈ Cγ(0) ⇔ ζ ∈ Cγ¯ (0). ut

From Lemma 7 and Lemma 8, we obtain the (−ω) · γ main theorem. γ¯ + ω Theorem 1 A digitized rotation associated with 2 γ¯ − 1 γ¯ α = γ ∈ Λρ, γ = (s+t)+tω, is bijective if and only if the generators of α are of the form s = 1, t > 0 ω¯ · γ or s > 0, t = s + 1.

(a) Even though rational rotations are dense in the hexagonal and the square grids (see Lemma 6), bijective digitized rotations are not dense, as illus- trated in Figure 10, where numbers of the biggest bijective angles are presented on the unit circle.

Moreover, the asymptotic convergence√ of the an- gles are: 1 for the square grid; 3 (for t = s + 1) √ t 3t 3 and t (for s = 1, t > 0) for the hexagonal grid. π π We note that, the limits are multiples of 2 and 3 for the square and the hexagonal grids, respectively. (−ω) · γ Note that, in the hexagonal grid case, angles of the family generated by s = 1, t > 0, are asymptoti- cally three times as frequent as the angles given by γ¯ + ω generators s > 0, t = s + 1. From the frequencies we can see that angles for which a bijective rotation γ¯ − 1 γ¯ exists covers more frequently the unit circle than in the square grid case. ω¯ · γ Some examples of bijective and non-bijective (b) digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid are pre- sented in Figure 11. Fig. 8 Visualization of Cγ·(2+ω)(0) and Cγ¯·(2+ω)(0) for: s = 3, t = 5 (a); s = 4, t = 9 (b), depicted in black and green, respectively. The usual hexagonal grid is depicted in gray, whereas its mapping by 2 + ω is depicted in gray and repre- 6 Conclusion sented by dashed line segments In this article, we characterized bijective digitized rotations defined on the hexagonal grid. Our approach is similar to that used by Rous- Then we consider the distances between the sillon and Cœurjolly to prove the conditions for parallel lines. The pair of parallel lines are defind bijectivity of 2D digitized rotations on the square by (i) {γ, γ¯} and {−ω · γ, −ω¯ · γ¯}; (ii) {γ, −ω¯ · γ¯} and grid using Gaussian integers [16]. In our work, we {−ω·γ, ω·γ¯} (see Figure 9(a) and (b), respectively). used Eisenstein integers, which play a similar role Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid 9

90° (−ω¯ ) · γ ω · γ¯ 135° 45° −γ¯ γ (−ω¯ ) · γ¯ ω · γ 180° 0°

ω¯ · γ¯ (−ω) · γ 225° 315° −γ γ¯ 270° (−ω) · γ¯ ω¯ · γ

(a) (a)

90° (−ω¯ ) · γ ω · γ¯ 120° 60° −γ¯ γ 135° 45°

150° 30°

ω · γ (−ω¯ ) · γ¯ 180° 0°

ω¯ · γ¯ (−ω) · γ 210° 330°

225° 315° 240° 300° 270° −γ γ¯ (−ω) · γ¯ ω¯ · γ (b) (b) Fig. 10 Distribution of angles whose digitized rotations by them are bijective in (a) the square and (b) the hexagonal Fig. 9 Visualisation of Cγ·(2+ω)(0) and Cγ¯·(2+ω)(0) for the case: s > 0, t = s+1 (a) and s = 1, t > 1 (b). The two parallel grids. In (b), angles obtain from generators of the form s > 0 lines discussed in the proof of Lemma 8 are illustrated by and t = s + 1 are colored in blue, while angles generated by red and blue dashed lines s = 1 and t > 0, are colored in green to Gaussian integers. The main difference between bijective digitized rotations defined on the square tations defined on the square grid. In addition, our and the hexagonal grids is that, for the later grid, arithmetical characterization of bijective rational there exist two families of angles such that respec- rotations is consistent with the symmetry propri- tive digitized rotations are bijective. On contrary, eties of the hexagonal lattice in the sense that angles there exists only one such a family for digitized ro- for which a bijective rotation exists covers more 10 Kacper Pluta et al.

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