FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES VA’AOMANŪ PASIFIKA PACIFIC STUDIES PASI 101 THE PACIFIC HERITAGE 20 POINTS TRIMESTER 1 2016 Key dates Trimester dates: 29 February to 29 June 2016 Teaching dates: 29 February to 5 June 2016 Easter break: 24–30 March 2016 Mid-trimester break: 25 April to 1 May 2016 Study period: 6–9 June 2016 Examination/Assessment Period: 10–29 June 2016 Note: students who enrol in courses with examinations must be able to attend an examination at the University at any time during the scheduled examination period. Withdrawal dates: Refer to www.victoria.ac.nz/students/study/withdrawals-refunds. If you cannot complete an assignment or sit a test in the last three weeks of teaching, or an examination, it may instead be possible to apply for an aegrotat (refer to www.victoria.ac.nz/students/study/exams/aegrotats). Class times and locations Lectures: Mon 9am – 10am SUMT 228 (Student Union Building Memorial Theatre, Room 228), Thurs 9am – 10am MCLT 102 (Maclaurin Lecture Theatre, Room 102), Fri 9am – 10am COLT 122 (Cotton Lecture Theatre, Room 122) 1 PASI 101 Course Outline Trimester One 2016 Va’aomanū Pasifika Tutorials: Mon 10am – 10.50am AM106 (Alan MacDiarmid Building, Room 106) Mon 12pm – 12.50pm 6KP/102 (6 Kelburn Parade, Room 102), Mon 3.10pm – 4pm 6KP/102 (6 Kelburn Parade, Room 102), Thurs 2pm – 3pm VZ107 (von Zedlitz Building, Room 107), Fri 10am – 11am 6KP/102 (6 Kelburn Parade, Room 102) Students may sign up for tutorials through Student Allocator https://student-sa.victoria.ac.nz/ Names and contact details Coordinator: Dr Teresia Teaiwa Administrator: Melissa Fiu Room 202, 6 Kelburn Parade Room 101, 6 Kelburn Parade Ph: 04 463 5110 Ph: 04 463 5830 E:
[email protected] E:
[email protected] Office Hrs: Immediately after class or by Office Hrs: Mon to Fri 9am – 3pm appointment Communication of additional information Additional information will be communicated in lectures and on Blackboard.