3 a Summary of Local Representation Theory for GL(2)
3 A summary of local representation theory for GL(2) All representations from now on will be on a complex vector space. Some references are Gel- bart (Automorphic forms on adele groups), Bump (Automorphic forms and representations) and Goldfeld–Hundley (Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, Vol. I). 3.1 The p-adic case z Fix a prime p. We put G = GL ( ), Z = the center, A the diagonal subgroup, 2 Qp z !" #$ 1 N = ∗ the standard unipotent, B = AN the standard Borel and K = GL2( p) the 1 Z !" #$ standard maximal compact. Recall that a representation (π, V ) of G is called admissible if (i) π is smooth, and (ii) for each compact open subgroup K! of G, the set of K!-fixed vectors, K V ! = v V : π(k)v = v for all k K! , ∈ ∈ is finite dimensional. The local comp% onent of an automorphic represen& tation is admissible, so these are the representations we are interested in classifying. In fact, any smooth irreducible representation of G = GL2(Qp) is admissible, so the class of irreducible smooth representations is the same as the class of irreducible admissible representations, but this was not known at the time of the classification of the latter set and is inherently needed in the theory we recall below. 3.1.1 Finite-dimensional representations The finite-dimensional representations are relatively easy: any irreducible smooth finite-dimensional representation of G is 1-dimensional (Schur’s lemma), and these are all of the form g χ(det g) #→ where χ is a smooth 1-dimensional representations, i.e., characters, of Qp×.
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