The Lutheran Confessions and 'Sola Scriptura' "
Vol. XXSIII Spring, 1969 KO. 1 TIIESPEIXGFIELDEE is p~~blishedquarterly by the faculty of Con- cordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, of the Lutheran Church -Ilissouri Synod. EDTT'ORl-41_ COZIZITTTEE EEICHH. HEIATLES,Editor R,iu~~o..;nF. SLRGGRG, Boo!: He??iezrEditor D.2~~11)P. ~CAEP.,'4ssocinte Editor ~~AKKI. SIFEGE, A,snciatt. Editor ~'I:LSII)E~TJ. I. 0. PKELS, EX officio Contents RESPOSSES TO "\VH:Ill COLTXI1 I'AIFST TO THE 'SOL,I GI'lATI-I' 1U THE 1.L 7 HER-\s C CISFESSIOSS 1s I*OLJ'ES'' Hrc IIA~:~J. Sc HUT TZ ERICH13. HL.,ISTZO RESI'OhSES TO "THI LCTHLI'l.1S CONFES5lOn'S AND 'SOI-A SC RIYTL;RL4' " EV(:ESE 't. KLLG FKED ~K,WER lndcx~rfi?, 13~~sTO RELIGIOUS PERIODICAL LITERATURE, published by the Amcric(i?i Tt~eoJog~culLihroq Association, JI~Corn~ickSenzina~? Lihrnn, Chicr~go.: 'llnor~. Clergy chdngcs of .~ddressreported to Concorda Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri, will also cover mailing change of The Syrizzgfielder. Other changes of address should he sent to the Business Manager of The Springfielder, Con- cordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois 62702. ilddr~ssconlrnunications to the Editor, Erich H. Heintzen, Concordia Thee logical Seminary, Springfield, Illinois 62 7 02. A Reaction to The Essay: "The Lutheran Confessions and 'Sola Scriptura' " I. O!?servatio~zson the essay itself HE ESSAY very properly recogni~esthe fact that the Lutheran T Confessions are Trinitarian, i.e., they point the church which is pledged to these confcssions to the Triune God as her God. The Trinitarian faith, moreover, confesses "Sola gratia" as the chief article of faith, and views all theology, also the Scripture itself, from the vantage point of this article.
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