The Free Press Journal 30 August 2016
THE FREE PRESSJOURNAL 20 CORPORATE EVENTS MUMBAI | TUESDAY | AUGUST 30, 2016 Dedication and inauguration of SENDYOUR CORPORATE / EVENTS / HEALTH /ART NEWS AND empo&erment :omen Achie!ers Amenities on CR by Suresh Prabhu CORPORATE CORNER PICTURES TO SACHINTIKARE Email:sachin@f !"c#"in A&ard 0/.1 :inners announced IRCTC named fa!ourite go!ernment ONGC)s P 5 Rao revie&s e-commerce platform Russian projects Suresh Prabhu inaugurated amenities for Central Line 9,he +empowerment *omen /chie!ers /ward(,honored the Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, Minister for Railways dedicated 12-car achie!ements of the women from all walks of life),he EM ser!ices on "arbour Line# foot o!er bridges at $ar%at, awardees ha!e made a significant difference in their chosen Shahad, $urla &$asaiwada', $ing(s Circle, Reay Road and Chembur) causes),he award function was attended by the who(s who of "e inaugurated *i-+i facility at $alyan, Lokmanya ,ilak ,erminus, P $ Rao, -irector &;0erations' !isited Moscow and ,omsk of the industry included Subhash .hai, Saro% $han, $ailash $her -adar&CR'# .arden at -adar under CSR# /C dormitory, water One of the largest e-commerce 0ortals in the /sia-Pacific Russian +ederation and re!iewed 3m0erial Energy and the newly ,Dolly ,hakore, Chhaya Momaya, Mrunalini -eshmukh, $rishika recycling 0lant and bio-toilet for differently-abled 0ersons at region, the 3ndian Railway Catering < ,ourism Cor0oration Ltd acCuired /sset 4ankorneft recently) "e was accom0anied by $ S Lulla, 5hawana Somaaya, .urmeet Choudhry, -ebina, Supriya, Chhatra0ati Shi!a%i
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