Social Work Student Perceptions of Group Work and the Presence of Value Themes That Correspond to Group Work Success Sandra R. Williamson-Ashe, Ed.D., MSW Norfolk State University
[email protected] Kirsten S. Ericksen, Ph.D., MSW Norfolk State University
[email protected] Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Volume 14, Number 2 (2017) Copyright 2017, ASWB This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the authors and advance notification ofASWB. Abstract themes reflect the worthiness, success, or failure Often group work is used as a teaching tool in the active engagement process of teamwork. to enhance a students’ experience in group Overall, the small group process is productive, socialization and academic achievement (Kolb, rewarding, and enhances the student’s decision- 1984; Humphrey, 2014). During the 2001-2002 making and problem-solving abilities. Students and 2002-2003 academic years, Baylor College of self-reported that working in a group improved their Medicine administered the Value Teams Survey to a achievement and that working with their peers was cohort of students during their psychiatry clerkship. an important skill. Knowing that students recognize The psychiatric medical science study results the value and importance of group work proves to showed that team learning is perfect for problem- be an advantage for instruction in higher education. solving, communication, and class engagement, The student-acknowledged value themes can be as well as providing clinical information (Levine incorporated into course learning goals in order et al., 2004). This research study explores what to successfully meet the Council on Social Work students report or perceive is valuable from group Education (CSWE) guidelines.