Wireless Communications Week at YRP
No.33 Early Summer 2006 35 Wireless Communications Week at YRP Wireless Communications Week at YRP ber of experts from Europe, China, Korea was held at Yokosuka Research Park on and Japan for presentations and exhibitions March 28-30. on the next generation of mobile communi The rapid diffusion of mobile phones has cation systems. made mobile communications a part of our In IMT-Advanced Workshop, sponsored daily lives in Japan. Thus, wireless commu by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Com nication systems have become an integral munications (MIC), Ms. Noriko Furuya, Par part of social infrastructure as well as a driv liamentary Secretary of MIC, made the ing force for Japanese economy. Japan is, opening remarks, Dr. Makoto Nagao, Presi even from a global perspective, an advanced dent of NICT, gave a welcome speech, and nation in the field of mobile communica Mr. Shun Sakurai, Director-General, Radio tions. We have led the way in promoting ad Department, MIC, delivered a keynote ad vanced wireless systems through research dress. Later, Dr. Nagao showed Ms. Furuya and development, international standardiza NICT's research accomplishments and ex tion, practical application, and populariza perimental demonstrations for new genera Ms. Noriko Furuya, Parliamentary Secretary, MIC tion. tion mobile communications. WCW at YRP, Japan's leading R&D base The outline of WCW at YRP is as follows: for mobile phones, brought together a num March 28 [Presentations & Exhibition] projects and standardization activities cen NICT New Generation Mobile Communica tered on the International Telecommunication tions Symposium Union (ITU) are actively being carried out to wards the practical application around 2010.
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