Royal & Derngate Relaxed Performance Thursday, 20th December – 2pm

This visual resource is for children and adults visiting Royal & Derngate to see a performance of Peter Pan. This visual story is intended to help prepare you for a new experience and help you to become familiar with the surroundings and the performance.

This performance is bright with live music, high energy in places and contains some dark scenes with moderate threat sequences. These sequences are not sustained. We have made the usual amendments to the volume and lighting levels but due to the nature of the show you will experience moments of louder sound effects and darkness.

Welcome to Royal & Derngate. This is what the building looks like from the outside. This is the main entrance of the theatre.

The words and pictures on the windows and walls tell you what shows are happening inside.

When you enter through the front door, you will see a big space with lots of stairs, tables and chairs in an area called the Foyer.

The Box Office is also in the Foyer. It looks like this.

This is where you can buy tickets or collect tickets that you have already paid for. There may be other adults and children waiting to buy or collect tickets when you arrive.

You will be met by one of the ushers, who will be wearing a black shirt with white writing like the ones above. You can ask an usher if you have any questions and they will do their best to help you. When it’s time for Peter Pan to start, an usher will tell you where you need to go. You might see some adults and children sitting at some of the tables having something to eat or drink from our Theatre shop or bars.

There are bars in the Foyer where you can buy drinks and snacks. The main bar looks like this. You can also bring your own drinks and snacks with you.

There is also a stall selling merchandise, which looks like this.

If you need to use the toilet, there are toilets on every level of the building. The toilet doors look like this:

The disabled toilet doors look like this:

When you enter the Derngate auditorium you will see a big open space in front of you, which is where the stage is. You can find your seats and make yourself comfortable. The usher can help you find your seat. There are lots of people in the show. They work together for the whole show. One of them will introduce themselves talk briefly about what will happen in the show before the performance starts. When the performance begins there will be some lights on stage. You will hear lots of different sounds and songs throughout the performance, and there will be different coloured lights onstage.

These are pictures of what you might see on stage:

About half way through the show, the performance will stop. There is now an interval. This is a short break of around 20 minutes. You can use this time to visit the toilet or get a drink from one of the theatre bars. You can also sit in your seat and wait for the show to start again. It’s up to you.

When the performance ends, the performers will come out to the middle of the stage and bow for you. The people around you will start to clap. You can clap, if you want to. This is the end of the show.

During the show you might find something funny. You can laugh if you want to.

You might see or hear something that makes you feel sad. It is okay to feel sad, but don’t forget, it’s not real.

You might hear other people in the audience cheer, clap, shout out or scream. You can join in if you want to.

During the show you might feel that you need to take some time out. If you do, don’t worry about it, find an usher and let them know. They will take you to the chill out space where you can relax and return to the show when you feel ready.

This is the basic story of Peter Pan:

In Peter Pan, Peter Pan takes Wendy and her siblings to . There, Peter is plagued by the pirate Hook, who is himself plagued by the crocodile who bit off his hand. In the end, Wendy, Peter, and the escape Hook's clutches.

One night, Peter Pan flies into ’s room and convinces her and her siblings to come to Neverland with him. Jealous, the fairy tries to sabotage them, but is found out and temporarily banished for her efforts.

In Neverland, Wendy and Peter live with the Lost Boys, who are constantly under attack from the pirate, Captain James Hook. When Hook captures Peter's friends, he seeks revenge on the pirate and drives him to jump off his ship into the mouth of a crocodile.

Wendy and her brothers return to the real world, where their family adopts the Lost Boys.

This is who you will see on stage.

Peter Pan is a free spirited and adventurous young boy who would not grow up. He can fly, and lives on the island called Neverland.

Wendy Darling is a young girl who is befriended by Peter Pan. She flies away with Peter to Neverland to be a mother to him and the Lost Boys. John and Michael are her brothers.

Tinkerbell is a fairy and Peter Pan's companion at the time of his adventures with Wendy Darling and her brothers. She is known for her loyalty to Peter but is very jealous of Wendy and .

Tiger Lily lives on the mystical island called Neverland. She once was captured by Hook who planned to kill her. Luckily, Peter Pan came to her rescue and freed her. To thank him for saving her life Tiger Lily became allies with Peter.

The Neverland Warriors live on Neverland and are known to make ferocious war against and his pirates.

Mimi, the Magical Mermaid is a very friendly mermaid and possesses special powers. She helps Peter in his battle against Captain Hook.

Smee and Starkey are Captain Hook's right-hand men. They are clumsy and incapable of capturing any of the Lost Boys. Rather than engaging in Hook’s evil schemes they find excitement in having fun and playing pranks!

Captain Hook is a pirate and captain of The Jolly Roger. He is Peter Pan's archenemy and is determined to get revenge on Peter for cutting off his right hand in a battle and feeding it to a crocodile.

List of scenes
















Notes about the show

These notes are intended to assist you in preparation of your visit to see Peter Pan, giving detailed information about some of the sensory content of the performance.

Act 1

 At the beginning of the show, the orchestra will play some music and the lights in the auditorium will dim slowly. The lights will remain on at a low level throughout the performance.  You will see Nana, Wendy, John and Michael and there will be smoke that you might smell.  The nursery window opens. Light and smoke comes through the window, as Peter flies in and lands on the mantelpiece.  After a while, Tinkerbell appears on roller skates and there will be a small flash but no loud noise.  At the end of the scene the stage will fill with smoke and slowly rises into the air. We see Neverland appearing in the background.  We see the Forest of Pan, assisted by the Neverland Warriors, and a Totem pole either side. There will be fireworks that you might smell (but no noise) and 3 Neverlanders holding flaming torches. Tiger Lily is carried on stage on a plinth and leads the Neverland Warriors in a dance number.  After the number; the Lost Boys, Peter and Tinkerbell enter with Wendy, John and Michael.  At the end of the scene Peter lifts a conch shell and blows to make a noise. Peter, Wendy, and Tinkerbell run off.  Mimi appears driving on a motorised Tortoise with 2 boys and the Neverland Warriors either side. After she sings a song, Peter and Tinkerbell join her on stage.

 Next you will see Smee and Starkey for the first time. They will be doing a funny routine. They will be playing a violin and smoke will come out of the violin.  You will hear some villainous music and thunder. Pirates enter, waving pirate flags. One pirate pushes on a Skull Pirate Chair with Captain Hook sat in it. Smee and Starkey enter again and Smee has a parrot. During the scene the parrot will laugh out loud. At the end of the scene Peter flies in and lands amongst the pirates. Two pirates grab Peter but he kicks them off. Peter is having a sword fight with Hook. You will hear a loud ‘tick tock’. Tinkerbell enters behind Hook with a large alarm clock, the alarm rings in Hook’s ear and he screams and run off.  You will hear The Teletubbies music and Smee and Starkey enter dressed as Teletubbies. They do a funny routine with Hook which ends with Smee catching a invisible ball in the magic bag  We are now in Tiger Lily’s Indian Camp and The Neverland Warriors perform a war dance. The music is fast and the dancing is very energetic.  In the next scene; Peter, Wendy, John, Michael and Tinkerbell enter. The scene ends in a very energetic dance number with lively music.  Smee and Starkey enter and do another funny routine.  Tinkerbell skates on and is joined by Hook and the Pirates. They are having an argument and the pirates cuts off her wings – don’t worry, it’s not real. The pirates cheer and exit with Hook. Smee and Starkey help Tinkerbell off.  We are now in Peter’s underground home. John, Michael and the Lost Children are playing and Hook and the pirates appear on top of the hideout. You will hear villainous music and the pirates leap into the hideout and seize the children. Hook and the pirates lead off the children, as Mimi enters. Smee and Starkey enter, supporting Tinkerbell. During this scene, Tinkerbell will drink poison and collapse on stage. Mimi will ask the audience to help save Tinkerbell by chanting, clapping and stamping their feet, and you can join in, if you would like to.  The Warriors perform a spectacular dance routine. They form a final, triumphant tableau as Peter soars above them brandishing his sword

with hand loop. The house lights will go up, which means it is time for the interval. Act 2

 At the beginning of Act 2 the orchestra will start playing music and the house lights will fade slowly.  You will see the deck of The Jolly Roger. The scene starts with Captain Hook singing with the pirates and Starkey entering.  You will hear the villainous music and then there is a funny scene where Mimi sings with Starkey. You will hear a beep sound from a remote control which is part of the show.  We are now in Crocodile Creek with Peter, Lily and Mimi. During this scene you will see a crocodile’s head appearing on stage with a little bit of smoke.  We are still on The Jolly Roger and it is now night on the galleon. The stars are out. The Lost Boys are in groups spread around the deck. Wendy, Michael and John are seated forlornly. During a singing number Mimi, Lily, Tinkerbell, Smee and Starkey all enter.  We go into a karaoke routine with Smee and Starkey where you will hear funny sound effects and the music will keep changing.  Mimi enters and dazzles Hook. Starkey ushers the children through a door, unseen by Hook who is under Mimi’s spell. Hook is doing a number pursuing Mimi, who manages to avoid him. Mimi runs to the wing and jumps overboard, you will hear a splash.  Peter flies on. Tinkerbell, Tiger Lily and the Neverland Warriors invade the ship. The pirates jump on Peter and he emerges victorious from the scrum. The other goodies defeat the pirates who run off. Now there is a sword fight between Peter and Hook. Hook pulls a dirty trick and overpowers Peter, and stands over him. You will hear a ‘tick tock’. The Neverland Warriors grab Hook and he gets flown out in a cargo net.  The Neverland Warriors perform a victory dance.  At the end of the scene the children are going back home.

 Smee and Starkey enter and they do birthday shout outs to the audience. Mimi joins them and they sing a song with some funny dancing.  All that’s left is the finale – the cast will sing and walk onto the stage to bow and the audience will clap. The house lights will turn on and it is the end of the show.  We hope you’ve enjoyed the show!