Tuesday 6th June 2017 Queen Elizabeth Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, , G51 4TF Shaping your career in research

09:30 Registration with tea and coffee 10:00 Welcome Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak DBE MD FRCP FAHA FRSE FMedSci, Regius Professor of Medicine, Vice Principal and Head College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, 10:10 The research landscape in Short talks on the outlook for clinical and non-clinical researchers • Professor Laura Machesky FRSE FMedSci, Professor of Cell Biology, CRUK Beatson Institute, University of Glasgow • Mr Damian Mole, Senior Clinical Lecturer, 11:00 Structured networking with tea and coffee Designed to facilitate quick introductions between attendees 11:45 My MedSciLife Hear more about ‘the person behind the science’, at different stages of a research career • Dr Margaret Cunningham, Chancellor’s Research Fellow, University of Strathclyde • Professor Iain McInnes FRCP FRSE FMedSci, Muirhead Professor of Medicine and Director of Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Glasgow • Professor Eve Johnstone CBE FRSE FMedSci, Professor of , University of Edinburgh

13:00 Lunch break with tours: Clinical Innovation Zone or Imaging Centre of Excellence 14:00 Pitching Ideas: Presentation Skills • Simon Cain, Westbourne Training & Consulting Can you drive home a message; to funders, peers or senior colleagues? In this interactive workshop you will learn simple tools and approaches to deliver a compelling argument.

15:30 Tea and coffee break 16:00 Research Culture: Visions of 2035 Imagine that you are a member of the UK research community in 2035: what does your ‘idealised’ research culture look like? How does it support a vibrant and diverse workforce? And how does it maintain and improve research excellence? Discuss these and other issues at this Royal Society run workshop.

17:30 Closing remarks Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak DBE MD FRCP FAHA FRSE FMedSci 17:40-18:30 Drinks reception

acmedsci.ac.uk @acmedsci @AMS_Careers #AMSGlasgow #MedSciLife medscilife.org