r" ,0/ COWIGH Ah= , 'mmLE ADER; TWBNTY-FOUATH VEAR-N’o. 10 (No 1210) B C.THOMDAY.THOUSDA JLI.Y 5ih. 19» Subacription $3.00 Ycarijr in Advinrr

noa PBRCRsrTAOl lg •GRAfflIM saHK\«CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS bicorrbr is cm ur SHAWNIGAN LAKE SCHOOL' OUEENMARGARm •pom WKlP^Giving Utx\ •------DVROtB COLUenOSS Happy Gathering ai School For Annual Prite Day Papmmt at Otp ol Ouncaa . ^F.D.™ and Col Foster Ontline PoBcies taxta brtert tba prtMltp dtla. Bishop of Cohnnbia Deificates New Chapel PHdv »»* pn» dtp ti Quern Pt14k7 rw fuuoMT boOten «1Ui hma SOUL naebrd t new high Utrgtrvt't Srhoai Duncan, and toera H« ftnouol ipvta umI pcttupm^. ItrtI UiB Ibar. accordiv to wat a btpv gatoaftne in toe sebaM TtM kncraeoft vw Hm tad «• To Be Followed Ogma toads artUaMr bp Hr. -Sports aod Prize Giving haU lor ton clannt ftmeuon. ■BO «m U« iWWn ■iOnilil Tht JasMB OidR (Up cltrt arms] meCtoawM Uctna wm - NBMSl inoriMt. wMeb «M o( ■ Tba total

THE COWICHAN LEADBft. Dj^CAN, VANCOin^BE BLAND, B. C • TlnfiHUy. jnly 5th. 1928. 1^^ PkfcTwo Thursday. July 5th. 1928, f«E GfJWfOMAS. LEADER, DUM A.\, VANCOLTER ISLA-SD, B. t Page Three LAKE COWICHAN to 1 ytara- ' Mr 4-.a Psteer Am ivtanwl li hU COBBLE HQl s.s'jc:" AalnucA | tome st Uie roM tt tAs lake fnm ------JMsr BUTT »to Stocks and Bonds * SAd nder ; Camp #. Ntxm Crtok. fw •

I / ... I pfi Thuraday. July 5th. I92A THE COWICHAN LEA)cm'PPUCAN. VANroI TVER ISLAND. B. C. Page Seven Th«r«Uy,JnlySib, liia. tot on Ut* toHlaUn ul lUm r^trc Six TIIE romi llA.N LEAIIER, VANCOUVEit IsiWNWtt'C. Adm It- Xvw*. Utol Btam W toWn 11 ASI>EIV NEWMAMGEMENT bar* • tabkl ptoni ea to' uu aua* SHAWMGA.N LrVKE Ctwreb to »ttoarp «C Itw Utt Paihat THE CamaroQ Proa Calgary Takea Petar Rondraslt. IB* plonm Oo«- FIRE! NATIONAl E. ft N. R. Poet kbaa nitoienaryr INSURANCE FOR BA1U CRYSTAl^ AND TABi£TS canciiu witiDiiis. uiifa Ttar* ar* lUn paapta. uraaa* t< A«he«ol Malh 91.75 Or 4atr 1*1. Hr. r. M. CUwanai. tar toy. who b(ll**« tost Uto itant tbwtb LESS PARK] WM D*m Itolihtd aad new wed. Cara N.-m« Ilaih Salt* ... 91.50TtM elmuie *VI«M* at laa aba*' IM TM| **>UbLU uuma yean pan amnl tovaia- THRILL II you are paying too high a wtena* II «M aaad ewrr day Ine Yanilcy-. Hath Sail* ...... 91.00■Ufin PubBe aelMl tasa plw* an •VXWI*/ I UMlOtM] taoUrM, CMiatoaa PaeUa Ballway. at rate, let me quote you lea yean tirs-iam). OF Du lUny»fy uUalli Salt* 85rmds7 sMmiae. • hrf* eattertne at Agent for Fire ln«nranrcCo pataatt and tnaa* aUiriltnt. aad at IM MTiiluitl aM rr--'— BaO- May I atto laaaiit toai Uw nem- (irorina Ki»*c Uaih Salt* 75c hvvr tun* tame leMLiM «V. iMfciiaine Mr. a E Bnaiay bene(UwC.EEpmamtlntoe of Canada. Milter* National ol.l KtiKli.h UietuUr liath Salt 75C btattae i&* tonka* e< am CWw FINECAR of Chii-agu. Merchant* ’ Fire Var lleltoD. Mr. Catototoi oeaacM pal- spot, pm bato* tba Qatoolw nac-jarr. "Fire Insurance Fact*" PM* W ibt merawna and rteam atmta Pr. BandwiaH aerrkd in INI a A. THORPE A. R. MANN Unb iMM. »0# **nry a mp TONiQtrr Far WiUU Pteaa Co.. I'irloeM Tba oaw ObMmobll* blfh-eoniprtaolaa a^am in supply all sire* dMAet bad baeo tanaro w. doien...... - 98.75 Ei^omy or Wide Mouth Madbn dalierr* ii* S3 hena-power wtd)0«tba ma of Crab Meat, ^-Ib. tins____ 35# Fhoea Ordan: Mia Dell, Ne. 147 Sheet Glass. Aftar Un award* had bata praMBl- CinidA Dry Ginger Ale, pints, ^ jara,.pinia ...... fl-45 apaeJol foaU. Tba to*alst*d eh*a*l* aad «d Un Khaal ■*** an txhIMUen of White Wonder Soap. 6 bars 36# or Lcara at Dtir* Kirnimicrp sllaocad iatrHon add to OlitatooMle'a ■». ■alaulubl* ata*o*pbtr* of luxury. Sad) ‘The Valley of the pfapUcal drlB and rtaa plAP la Un ^ief Toilet Rolls, 8 in carton; Quarts------...... 91.75 Kbaal enau^ an or whiab wa* daat Munro Scotch Mill, 2>{>lb. tins 70# per carton ...... 88# Halfgallokia apacial r*ia<»cfiia •• Loerjop HpdnaUe artib rtm and predaiaiL Thn hetm ...... ahmtar*. riebtp - ■ ■ - m 10 Un tiebad Inatnimaai paim. arcalarator atill fnrtbarfnrtbar In era*** ib* p of ewatoc and drivtoc. * DtaWea Giants’ Canadian Pacific Raihrey Company Not wltbout______•V. (Peter B. Kyne) teT PROCURABLE teraMd “Th* Fio* Car a______•ML Mto OMhOBL ■ paas. laad vlibom ImtiAeatiao b*** ariUco said. “Ton With Hlllo. Sill, .nd Dori. Xmroa hi* pm «Mp. ‘Whsi I *M an top can bnp a Mca«r car bm um a batter oto*.* wap to tohaaT; aM KmaaUi Root DRY GOODS AT EXCEPnOWAL SAVINGS Their tir>t o>-»iarring vehivie *inre their marriafe. aoBf ''Ttw •otto.- ’ la a partkalartr :apm5wmb6^ j \ %lury lukl among the l•eaaliful Rcdwcxid (or- awoct. char telca. nauadi of ehaar* tomlo Cua^mad C'l' of California. |>rovide!> !«■> '^ntational thrill*, in the r«r trarhan. tnaitto and vhtian niis famous train is now running and conneetk.ii* ft.nw troeehi a inaM loecctofbl achool ptar Holeproof Hooe Kitchen TowcOfaif Unen TowelUng ■ Mih haa bean uaad for I hrralh'iaking moaieni!> Mhen the logging train run< wild to an end. Pongee Silki Island points are shown below: 2-DOOR SEDAN hanU-tad bobira fer a jikI the mo*l irrmendoH^ ft>lic comlial yet screened. A snperior lot of Pure The latto wlanm wen aa raUawi' and other clearing line* Get your Kitchen Tow­ tt,re.a*iery. Values el* and Roller Towel­ 36-tncli All Silk Pongee ‘1165 caep. Marlarh N. B. JtaU: aUetto- Mime check* and some Uave DUNCAN daHy _ 107.* .\ Al Liwrtvo. Vaueowfo. for 0 Newt and Comedy with Stan Laurd and Hardy, braotta Up to $li0 In three ling now and save onc-ineh colored bor­ natural color, suitable rmFotoHMOtorta S lucave Cliemainus, daily 1177 A M nodWaT^re S pair of “Hata Off." entitled *Tbe Piniahing Toach." ders. X'alucs up tn 40c. lor rhildren's wear and groups, all I" lie cleared money. Clearing at, Clearing at i yards Arrive Nanaimo, daily . 1230 I'M at.....65#,78#,88# per yard ------18# for ...... 81-00 tennii dreases. yd., 58# TW Origliil UUi—laak far It *l tba Vaam** aoJImial as Uave Nanaimo, daily .... 2.I.M' M tasOLDSMpBILE PINl CAb CEAlCrS ■^tST PSOCUEABLr* Arrive Vancouver, daily —...... - 4JN) r M * __ J": U net peMibbto er ntoptayrd by Uave Vancouver, daily ------—.... A301' M MONDAY, TUESDAY and WE Sheeting Sole Uqwir CatotiM OaaiO ar bp ibr OaramiOaramnanl ml fIriU.hftriU.h (Caluntola. TK05 PITT. LnUTBD Broodeloth Offer GnblWe Running time, Vancouver to Montreal. 88 hours 30 min- Pure white, free Iroin ReninitTaVe Running time. Vancouver to Toronto, S3 hours 10 min*. DUNCAN, a C BBBE DANIELS IN 36-inch Bmadclulh. in dressing; 63-inch. 5T# AH kinds of uselul ar­ good design* on found­ 72-inch ______67# Check Ginghana, and For tickpts. sleeping ear reacrvitions. ett. apply to ticles, Brassieres, A TOWER OF STRENGTH ation ol cream and vari­ 81-inch ______78# B. ft N. Agentsat Cberaainns, Duncan or Cobble Hill ous colors, (uitable lor Unbleached, double other Remaanit, all to PtODUCrOFCB4EBAL M< Blouses. Gknes, White AuMirancea in force (net) $1,487,990000 rma. Mbit tanh; waataal pro- tmixka and house warp; 63-ioch_57# be cleared al ‘FEEL MY PULSE’ . k Keunth Rant: a«ap. Mm frocks. Reduced from 72-inch ______67# Dress Skirts. Hosiery, An bereaae of $231,500A» New Auurancea paid for 328,408^X30 Q0hoiS (A Comedy) OUbaa. Mtot papular bop aad ftfl 69c to...... _....48# 81-inch ______78# alt to be cleared at 48# HALF PRICE b DIrMan IX. bp vMa ol wltohr*. An increaae ol $624I8XXX) And Beautiful FLORENCE VIDOR In lau Akaander and M» OMMa. Dotal Income 102774X300 nrtp MeUanb wrlUne cartlflanlto Mail Courtship. Honcymotm Mate and a Surprise Climax An increaae of $23901X100 ElIII ror Un tehaoL Payments to Polkyholdera and Dcnefidariea 42724X300 -< NO MATINEE WEDNESDAY — OoDon of pnm were Hr. and Hn. Total Payment! since organisation JOOXMOkOOO...... J. C DarMtoa. Mr. and Mr*. H. Mra Haton Burlap. Hra. H. Reserve for Unforsecn Contingencies 12700900 125Times A Wpid*. UlM Rue Economy Values in Boots and Shoes Surplus over all Liabilities and Contingency GUEST Reaerve 4S780XXD Ditlilan L p « M roi- order of anrlt: Doyt ’ Broni) Coif Men’s Tan and Black UdlWPitoitOn.- Hinn-PatoitOlw- An increase of $U7»XI0r .1 « la A—Irma OerawetL Rs’b BooU Calf Oxfords Slrap PumiM Stnp Pumpt Asuis at Derember 3Ut. 1927 40IJ05XX30 i,m. V h, I, ndtor. Ida Rbb. Rtanhp Palhnd. An increase of $S6,O.S4,OQO Around the World 3lade on the latest square Low rubber h«ls. A very to, •< M> la, r. to, Orad* »la d-Ullian PeOaod. Cla*- Panel) loles and rubber Military and low heel*, DivUenda to Policyboldera IrKreased for Blgbtli Sto 7 M** toe model All solid loan shoe lor the jroung to^ito u uu viiu.ij toj^auto ClK Soeercign Ip TwIaL TVlBto DarhML RWIpB heel*. Sites I III 5>^. Will rubber top lifts on heels. Succe^ve Year leather. The best shoe lor RoberUon. Badlt Lanto. told Pm. BMC pm O Danihip. Lanewd Raa wear like iron. Pr 93.86 the price —— f7.50 Five doIUr value. 98.96 ____ Um tail Cmpmf______Onda « la t-^-Rorrla HinMa. Thai- SUN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA IT* • nrti'i'h Jack AhniMta. Xaan* CernweO. Charth Oorowea C WALLICH. RESIDENT AGENT , eiiocelatc Sboppt Onda I t« »-Uar|arl* J*au. Joanii* PtUand. Jack VunaW. Btttp Cowiehan Station E. ft N. Rly. Ktoc. Doris Baoiran. Rdiib «ato. THE DAVENPORT OP DUNCAN OtaaM Madia HanM Pitan and Knrp Ht« nt ror rataana mnina- Greater Ready-to-Wear Inducements Than wan baU Be beboal Mb* Waoiiaa panU- Tba atianmnn waa: Mtowto- AH Children's Dresses and Pkntic Dresses Reduced tM SebeoLL I: OabkMOak RIB tdtaU. >: H ohm Dtotoa Frhtor Hid Satunter Min Bap bebaal. I Sprir,g pMts. Suits and Millinery at new low prices. .Vltractive, vrcll - made Spectal Q ilittisc IVttses, siaea 36 to Wide Range of Ladies' Spun Stir Tennis Dresses an PiMap 42: genuine values at at popular prices. eeoa rwiito. 11 waa a HarWaa l.li;ilT I.CN'CHKS TEAS wtod-up am a raar at aebaol Ha 91.98 Up-to-lhe-minntc Styles Always in Slock SOMETHINC Plawa and HIb Waettan Ind ebarf* IK ».\IF..M.M)F. CANDY and rantrad abh anltlanaa (ran Kboton and narmta Tba dap wai perftrt. maap tpena annto wm DA\ ENI*()KT ICE CRE.AM ktnUp Mnlaatad and Urn wat an ahunrtarwa or lea crtain. pep. nuu View for and (nUL Wlnnm at Un rnnu McCLARY’S Open TW 12 pjB. thnv a and mdar-1. BtbHa RlU- Hardware Opportimities hr: 2. W. BanUtaa IVERYONf Bop*. • and andtr-l. iatn HaV*: BYNG Wragg Building Kenneth Street >. Totianr Lnab. Aluminum Camp Cooking Out­ Flit destroys flies, mosquitoes, Otrb. k and under I. O. HcOal- fit for four persons. Consists moths, ants, bed-bugs. A high % South AMF.KICA- RANGE ol 16 pieces, weighs 6>^ lbs. quality inseclide. Bottle and '^Irh. • and widar—I. Baahb and all pieces nest securely in­ AFRICA CRUISE WoadnilT: 3. DoroUip Prrrp. iri sprayer ...... — 60# Ban. B and unS0-l. BekM* Okr- side ll-ql. cook pot . ..910.00 fromNEWYOIlK.Jnn.22 Khan; 3. Jinunp ^aatt. Oirla. 10 and nndrr-doen Ahcand. Flashlight Special, throws a TI.U. I iiquiil wider. No belt Tfic «i>ri aad RealRxGwmance Bops. II aad undar—t. Jack Ak«. ’ FartCy Cups and Saucers in six X-Il. One application will andar: 3. Bale Pm. $66.00 keep flies and insects away lor patterns. Sec table display. Oirb. .IS and under—I. Mar|oato UiU animal*, •iiaiimoj miop*. You Jratt; 3. mnlto PtUand. 72 hours. Quart bottles .. 85# Cup and saucer ...... - 95# «rr It all. ailb Ih* maettato i“ M Hera yuan of oormal use are crowded tawaaSwa. ibdkpwfRkedfidiL LUbaa PMbnd. Boys' Peanut Straw Hats. ford Cord. Khaki and ^ ean ran. bi>n-l. OaibM Me^: For July and August loio a few months of cootiomms, gnwl- It'* nom too aariy to ntob* raamw Merino and .Balbriggaa Scoot style, all *izc* 85# Striped Moleddn Pants. VANOOUVEB DAILY PB0VDYC9 ttoOto Plm «dtoiQ. —d HlotototM llBekHa Daman. there is nothing better world. Underwear b two-piecc All aiiet. Regular $4J0. tnOTOIIT 8QUAM. TAIONIVM, A E odwed by Cbatmlat. 8m*Sr X nito nm.' Hacw on dm vam iDurteeo-buodrwl-ecre iqtllrH tacOim fc>c totoioa md maereb 11 % than one of these Eogtisfa Bojr»’ Vbot* Clearing at _____ 93-75 - Dapt.aA.E Ciainl Moams Mtowdne. IS and undw. kup»-l. and ctMDbbatkm atylea. tract of the Gnaaral Motors I Dteroauooal Vhb baow Gaoaral Mann care n toe aod ObbM Mn^: 3. E Has. Flannel Suita. Medium Men', BUun of road U of to* ieermy. wiUwoa of toOto ia oM aeo fw Aptotokae ...... at Ow ckaaM Special qoafity. Reduced Save the eyes of the boya ow cbm toilUoa a*U« of 0 shade of grey, partly Sniped all-wool Flanne! fdriviagU hindiatoi bh«r aba tamt ty tba prices range frdm 68# during the hot weather. lined Sites 34 to 42. Reg Blaxcra, alzea 36 to 42. to---- —------91.38 Visora ciearbg at only. Reduced froa $7.50 to. (Plaas Ml llBtoa FlaMp) SIZOO. CleariDg at 96-86 each------18# GENERAL MOTORS V CANADA ‘S? ncAD orriei and rACTO«ita-o»HAwA.OMTAnio Onadian tobair ol Um itilMiiii CNIVROttT -FOHTtAC -OlDbMOPILK -CARLAHO • M»LAUCMUH-«UICR • LA9ALLC • CADIUAC • AM •«!Sato tvfltom Ar* raa a -ftevtaw* a la HIto Weatten Ub bueqr wMm al (Aatww h« plasm) OCNaSAL HOTOaS TRUCK aO Uw pvpUL MU* Weottan wm tokm bp •nrprba and bar Umaki COWICHAN MERCHANTS, LTD. wan fTMlad with round* at appbuto ACME MOTORS LTD. tram lb* bappp ebUdnm. Cowfchu VaOer’i Bl( Dwntoat Aim PHONE 496, DUNCAN

lIVa ■:% THB COWICHAN LEADEB, DUNCAN, VANCOUVKB ISLAND, B. C ThtiPMlay. TtiTy 5th. 1928. in CROFTON DOINGS Tfaartday. July 5th, 1928. THE COWICHAN LEADER. DUNCAN, VANCOUVER ISLAND, R C Ptge Nine maw BaMi riM m ciaw *e te tte MM. Ito eraaa aad FOR SALE BENCHSCHOOL miL akltoecb «wt Boeh m lUttina. beU OBt un Ite Ml. and iili,audl Happy Dsy at Cherry Point- VMU bttee MteAed al Ite rad et a MALAHAT PARK Honour RoU WloAcrs SPRING BLOSSOMS Announcement Vacation Time ISX Acn, Mmn. H. R. and H. S. Cray wiah to annoiuicc that wmy Maoima m Tb» ttvmd te Ite *wy iwirriM wtem»- SUBDIVISION The ^iiiiy iMlonr emlixiied «n all ihr Spring B0WI AMr* «w ibe *Ua«___ ()uamichaQ Lake atee tfcttrad irtto rwiSrau et uw crraiion* make- it more p>ipular rirry day. Ihajf have taken over the Oaklaod-Pontiac Sales Garafc. trow vtUcti om chnwve eOUmM teetraei rad tte vUBte MWtoore re­ aecpi the Gat. Gilt. Tires and Acceuorica. which will Is here sfaln, with its csU to the Crest Outdoors, ceived mm ML The traoUw «m Frontage aB m baad to a«M vtui ite ttsaa- MILL BAY INN I’F.HFUME - F.ACE I'cmDEK - T.AUTM KtiU be handM by Mr. EU Plaakm. pwtotton and to oUwr vajm. ud Mr. sandy Bra. h—Large Water­ In the course of the next few weeks, tli Five acres cletred, boose of Sto fw pnOeMser. CREAM.S - BRILLIANTINES .\NI) I.OTION Tb i. P. tetter, tte teacher, wai bury front and View Lots We have eecured the ocrvicce ol Mr. Harry Coraey, of people win forsake the cities to seek rest snd 5 raeuu. Ban for 6 head; nar* ftato etoft to flntth. aod darr ORAND OPENING who will take cbarfe of the shop. cbickea bouse for 300 Urd*. WB aad Helen StotwoU to Onte m. awKh prate ice tte palm te took Reasonable Reslrkliont recreation by lake and stresm and In the depths GoodMiL Iter Lowe. RMItew Drama. Jeesk nakt tte psrtuc euelt a wiwatt. g far 58 y**n mi tmn, it WOKL teobel Reteoa aad Date ChiM HANCE Company's water available OAKLAND AND PONTIAC CABS of the cool. KToen Forests. risrebsse pries on ttnna te orate XV.i Mnrtel ttooswi and SHAWNIGAN LAKE 'I^HE tkw tlwl ftvss Uw metl mfls>g« hte oUb Satnntoy Evening For prices snd particuUrs fS,6M.OO kUejotte ABdari ta Grade TL: JaeS Rcpaln — Battery Charfing Waahing — Storage I bOm Bulb-tn at tbt factory. FkaatoM ■Owuaitt*rM Pm* aiil apply- teet Use batt natariab, pterliMstf aeoaoraim MaxvdL DoeiM JULY 7lh. Pram ■ p.m. ___ and WllOte A atttune^^tte CM naMfh MaQdiT. dly M the prfantey BiwlMta. SpaAl praVstiw, br- -...... a L A A Or*a* I to OrMi 4—Tak> TUI. Wired A. Wlett Mm aut and UsUe love look HaU M TUeeter ot tott «wX Atewt GOOD ORCHE.STR.V umbe. OwM Aadiwi. Ate Wmmy. Remember tab hundrad pmona aUeoded. Mr C. WALUCH — USED CARS — Bsutc, Financial and Insur­ u Hlsb aebael...... C XL Diehle. M P. oecupted tte ALL WELCOME Yottp local Fk wlotii Daalw aavsa yoo mooey and M In Danran chair, rad «ete brun, en the ts- Real Estate and Insurance ance. Auctioneer and Valu­ Afier ite Mewol anreltM aU the 1927 Pontiac Sedan De Luxe Mode!, like new. arpwos yott hotter. Lot Urn hactdb yow tiro rw|Mrte This is the month of July when the Fire Hsxsrd ator. Notary Public. at the rnrthnvnicid eteUan Mr ADMISSION: 50, Agent «te. rad aaasr Parana and ntrate B. D. Twta. ol Vicicrta. • wr, 1926 Chevrolet Sedan, only gone 7.0CO miles. is at its height Be rigidly csrcful with Fire. Block. Itetraeuva iilrtite ra tte peUrWa of thkiry ■■leente Dond l>aa-. Ite CtettervaUw party Mr R. R .A. \V. CurtiKvIlurM. Prop. Cowichaa Station. E. ft N R 1926 Ford Touring, bumpen front ami rear. Tires tike Ttw aonw M. Bamw.«( aw fnw Get yoor camp fire permit, hiye it always with PboM 106 tTSTV-SSJE! ~ te. CbcttmaUve caAdMi# lar new. etoea. «bi ta tte bar M Mte aM- . Hr. tee aitt Him. BowbI. ■tealt rtdUi*. •pake (itUcaJlr et Uac a team of wtopbiw polw Oom yon aad follow its simple instructions. The eon* wort el tte Ial0 foernterai tnd 1921 Ford Light Delivery, new rear end. Uw Bho irmlni Oa. at CreT - evUuwd OoterrraUva sUtera A PW a wteto el daia the igo. sciousness of dobig yoor part to Protect the t to tte tes. A vtT7 e of era*draw to Mr. (bate vm «w tew tew Mr laa«aa uw w ._ tM Btedtt toad apotooM At tte Uw Kiae cup. Ttei wte. ta Ctmrw Forests will add materially to your enjoyment cloH at Ite niiiOns a teSH aoporr or oapt uoato. a an a«r ov to iae- VM trrvad te atevmlfao Uteta taad atera U U Otef Iw tte ant Tlre«tone of that. On PMdar Iiiiilid, Mrs Mar, C- COWICHAN-NEWCASTLE ELECHON BUILDS THE ONLY ten awtta. Uteral condMau to GRAY BROS. Mr. aai Mn. a. W. llanrar tew ■qttattlL teU a ttartinf In tte B eUM-DIPPEO TIRES L A. A. Han. Bpvard al «w bsndnd •Sacdhet at arhudir Ttam aiimdiitt Ur J Btuart MAGLAR OAKLAND AND PONTIAC DEALERS B. C. FOREST SERVICE ..M ocrvpted Ite Chau The Hoti Public 4 tu HcKrate. weakuw tor an hour BURNS TOOTH PASTE (OpfXMite County Club) ■na. *w a at tte ichi Langton Motors, Duncan and a tel/, dealt aith Uw week

be^tnesahe b te mdar vbm an ujiuta EVERBADY FlashligfaL Both gentlemen will -|»eak«mthe *cirtu-e crr 2.' year- .d c.tiiimtou- .rnd -ali«factr itiu-ri>-r ii-r .uni Lt . until it was repaired the ^tory liiniiturc-' think about: emaller SO^palr cable carried - worid-wlde pop­ unabated... the markets to the ends of the earth demanding ever HiLU^and yuarler pint 5«C mcreasing quantities. ^ * th* burden of trane-barbor n.iH pint 80<* Throughout the ularity, think of ealla. lint- $1.30 Th« pMt ttn year* hav* Mca t______Itland aiul two atadona on the Outen Char- uMBBmmgD thia: . grow from 14 million to 27 million dollar* .. lotte Ulanda. a C. TELEPHONE CO. ROGERS' BRUSHING LACQUER world, the pro­ •n Incraao* of 89%. Oor Bnnual catch total* "DRIES WHILE YOU WAIT” nwly half tba ontir* CsaadUn prodoction, as hsabcen don* toderelop and coosory* ductive Dunlop oor Sshlng ioduatry, there atlll remain* a great COMES IN 18 BEAUTIFUL SHADES Over 26,000,000 and ‘’Kins Salmon, ” our marine *il*er mine most pmie think et tteir Ctevreitt teator as a account* for at loaat IS mUUon dollar* a year. deal to be Bccompllihcd. The vaatneaa of our M NKW^^etaJtr . ;,,^^** ”** propertiea cover DunlopHresare water* and the extent and rvggedne** of our ao vast an area Tha dlttrlbucloo from our Prorlncial hatch- coa*t make organised protectlra aad admta- Bet. vfailc MW car sain on tte Ctorrralet tealtr't Wo«*t on the road to­ me* of mlUkm* of «*lmon egg* to renew the iatratloo extremely coatly. noMw for torioa ta bottacM. ihcj (erw eel, eat tid# al AGRICULTURAL BUILDING hto •ctivitiea. He ami mi eelr —t! can feet te moM alee that if combined day. Dunlop ^rv**t that toe* Into th* neU; the Tte*ty But the ufeguardlng of our SaheH** U a eteiaage tto«& betw*» Canada *nd the United State* for the matter which now command* the oaracat Bverr seed, nccnslol Cbrvrelet teaJtr m* i alae te a into one place Tires are avail. protection of the PadSc Halibut (March. 1923) attention of our government, who realize the toed. (DcetMlol Used Car dealer. prodding a doae eeaeon from Novemher Uth Importance of conserving ihl* basic Induitry. Pram hit captricaca ta mUIas CIttvretot urt, te knows they would form able in every to February 15th; roodemlxed canneric*. 83 ateter-car vttota . . Ha kitewi that it to Jm« •• la»- In number^ and eane Federal Flahlng Uw*. ^ the oldest induiiry of our Dominion, penaat (or him to a«U a Utrd Car at a new cat .. Ht a ‘Dunlop City” fiihing ha* bm one of the largest revenue ■now* that Uatd Car teytra tert a rl|bi to aa mock (or City or Town— carefully admInUtered, ar* th* foundation of ttodr dollar and aro raiitled to aa compitit aaiialactloa an Induatry that wUI conClnu* to grow. •• MW car boren . . He knows that aatlaSad Uatd Car of over 100,000 at the leading owMtt will avcntoally tecome proiptcta (or now can .. ^xa fam* of BrItUh Columbia** Whaling Ha ksowa tba vtlM o( food-will. acres. dealers. for foreign In abort, oar boriacaa oa CbtvraUi dtaltra deprada en DANCE Dutiness has been anm ataerasset which undoubtedlyundou oar repotation aa uad car dtaltra. Thathat la wrwhy...... y IncrSS'tu'mlM*^? aura o( a asoara dtal and a aoun it-(or-dollar K. of P. HALL. DUNCAN Induatry. Th* y«uly catch, now about 4M. I* ha* created one of the moat aniaalng r PRACTICALLY of our basic Industrie*. Well may w* be proud RENEWED I wbaa you tey a atad car bare. talua between one station on Vane of our Fisheries! Many a stained and tiMitied, BUTTOtm ----- TO-MORROW ----- Dunlop Tire ® Rubber Goods Co. but ulherwise scrviccabte mn 4md mrOmUnd y»„r frarinttitinfr's’t 1 suit has been rrlwrn in the fttrnu . . . t/ip /Aral 011/ smJtn4 Urm l»frttnJi "%c(ytn handsul skilled dry deanert. FRIDAY, JULY 6th Limited Canada — Jtilft tatrm tr*irt 0/ tkru totteM/rarau a nru , I J Every day customers are youmiU From 9 pm. ^f4ftr wHiM#/arm. ^Jtrrtiuj*mr iSowW Hg©(oi(Sair ( astounded ^t the iraniform- From atkin that dry cleaning—at ask for — PIMLOTTS 5-PIECE ORCHE-STR.4 — so small a coti--has ■'■HOS. PITT. LIMITED wrought againf ON GRAND TOUR DUNCAN, a C FOR SALE BY Good Supper and Best Floor on the ItUnd HOWARD BROS. BritishColunbi As Progress Kenneth 8t Dtmcai Duncan Garage, Limited DRY CLEANERS ^ AOWOMP J ADMISSION: Gcau $1.00 — Udiet 50e aad TIP TOP CLOTHES m

Thnraday, July?ih, 1928. Pkfc Ten the COWICHAN leader, DUkCAN, VANCOUVER ISLAND, a c. Wr%t»»: I rraActt ^ ConsoEdated School Oak. PVnamad fiwB Ofidt I w Oradt f -W'lanirwe .Baf^ SO. kwa tlaa- tm. !■: keawta Btaiu. 1«: Dooflas mm FRONTAGE . .li: taanard Ttiorpt. Tt: 4 acref, Buni(atow 6 rtiomt, mfnlcrn Mniution, Electric Hrirn Auehuucl...... wsBW ,ni KaUUnnKauutan urwn,thwn, nm navv*. Ain OiWw. ChflsUaF DUHNt 9m. ta: Jack VldaL I«: light. tetc|ibonc and mail delivery. Garage and ntUp. Ooaetaa Alikaa PnwwM flaw OrwW ' to Ondi workshop. vsspss.. ^ giMinta’iai’Cw.s; Price fSOOO. -aurr Blair. Saha taudw. Okek FOX’S HAlF-YEARlY duiMwv KWMO HaekT. *«« Tan MBS’lircka^ iWb. IJ acres Modern Bungalow, 5 rttoms, t Winnuiw, OonMtr rwem. nwar ------Biuk ABare. S«; ----- J. BM Ltm. VlaM WUM for furnace. Gravity ariter supply. Tekpho •nd ABaa OiWdiw, WluWuu Berk, _ _ t»: karyt r. r—Vidal MarsarM Ecr> fevSK■Huia. m npas wtumikr. SALE

L rISjMmt Price 94500. •W. AknlMM. BaBtr. Bdnaud PowVDaaetaa PiwamM km____ 5 acres, seven roomed dwelling. htD plumbing, boaiboase. AttML . -^lunaJ^M awQa rwd. Pmm TMctHT la rtwrea. Mr. k. T. WaS' soull bam and chicken house, hlail delivery and krd. Friday, July 6, to &ttur(lay,Aly 28 On trial krkr Thomaon. Price 04000. k-Pnmiiaer. John kaaaar kaki.tOndt SI — daney. Clara Andrrwn: I. Ivy Waunen. Mtl- KatbMn La Qawni; BMiata MaAdm. AM Ai raki Naesaa. TO RENT mawad Bam Oradr S In Oiada I -Clan Aadwsaa. Brakb MeAdaw. HERE YOU WILL FIND 6 roomed dwelling, nicely situated oo onlskirU el town Laaetwa Clarveea Bnaa. ma­ KailiMB U ~ “ ------limits. Price 983.00 per month. ck WrsMo. mte put, CkarBa Stock. BrWn - metaW Wttl la Jm taati. TWM MWn. MiBUr Bonnk J------May OMUMn.LaaAr Maat MMkr caa. tmw Immb. J«aa Alikan. H«1 Modem tally furnished dwelling. Light, water and tele* I rkM owte Oruman. Wataw Jaynn.Brtc WUXS. «Ud rtonerv phone. Price 940.00 per month. Hanry MUM Rakart Maan. Jaak BHt- Proaotod froia Orada • to Oradt I d Parke, OMl CtarV. AM AIUml •Hay Comptou-LuDdlr. 7M; Patrick Bigger& Better Bargiliiis HalMV. nS: Ivy WaUnoa. tU: Olavnald. Uaaayaki Nacano -Htmn - - Oraeory.- les;...... ' ' ... .. Bias—Kwpwtt Wwk I«.1i Halan Chtaa, TkS; Mm Wood- Klal prlwa Wumey and v The^RcddmU of the &iUre Cowichan District and Vicinity Hare Como cnek. Its. Aka Piwwt. 74.1: Maty Hackaa. ISS; Bdear Bvaaa nJ: . Harry ABdm«: To Bocofnho Tlioio Hilf-Teorly Sole* As Worth-While OpportanUfat of J. H. WHnrOME & CO. MVT mvaea. nS; Aka 0«yn. TU; RanM PWldan.IlJ; Lwra Janaia«t. UNITED IIS. OarMa Whaa. TtS: kaetw C«ma. Its. net Hanh. I«: Jekaa r la dktr. MM U- *w*w- DUNCAN. E C vneat. m». naaarti Svciatih. at: II PHONES mdtwi maat. n.a: wimaiB me. Oa Tburadar sAcTTMea. Jnw tUL f7S. Jowphiav DaM. CT: Juba Dun- tbr pvidk er DhMon X of Un Prtn- Economy Buying nine. M S. aunl^ Holi^ M: Mar ary Bebaol eart a ihcrt pratrawwa tar iht eukrutaawm ol ihrtr pat- rtU and rrlMds The Season has boon unnsusUy late so the Reduction on an Sommer Goods ana. Hi: LMoard CiMueb. 0 4: tbr Ratli at Hso- qw aad ethar ptteri wm I«»arU will be Exceptionally Liberal to oisuro eomplele clearance. 4IS: Brie Piu. . ky Mr. A k Wbittakrr ai talhm: On trial- Cbarba Stock. M; Vkkt kiaiar BaDi -Ptanrirney. HwiW SAFEGUARD YODR SAYINGS WoDwv. S4. JarvU. MpertaanL >ur*»m TTuea. BiUir RviRy aal

BT THE PURCHASE of SELECTED BONDS '.^SrSn. -» .w- — WORTH-WHILE SAVINGS awar Batk lOiada 8) —Pran- . _,7. UoroUiy WUUa: dcpcrtwaal. CKbrr apr^ prim wen Kivm Icrr Maraarti UlQar;. aiteadaaca. Der- IN EVERY DEPARTTWENT Wo deal in all cUuoa of InveoUnent Secoritios othy WUUa Joan Andaraw. Jack An- dwton. Bdith OIrwa. Okra RanMn, Aaiy atnw and bUwr WhliMhar; •aad wwk tad prosnu ta Ovrtrudt and win be pleoMd to bid on jour requirements. kalBiM and lakk Tauba: alUadaBM SEE THE WINDOWS AND TABLES fOR DAILY BARGAINS to BUM Baflly and Bddk OuQMity. PVaMeto d kwa Orada 1 to Orada 3 a. MS: tan Ckrk -MWtol Jarvk. rnda BBa. Patv •am SCIkCOar. . M4: BOUl ~ ' bto OniatMb. WUwvr Okra kaamv tS: Wit MikrT WWttskvr. CyvU OctmM onma. tIJ: ______.Jar»am TnaaMak. Oar- M« uuda ttolBiw. Tvennr MraaB. Mar- On trIaS-Darla Haert. ikS: ••rrl OHalD and Artbur TtaU: Raqr Oburvhia 87: man Ban«t. Ht; -nuMiaw. t^iatn-'T^r* ’ Jack OaaUa FOX^S For^Value ttubart Brown. 881: Bk OrWvc. 84: Pronwtad tren (kadr 1 B to Oiadr J. H. WHnrOME & CO. bUmral Bavltr. 814; . A—Amy amw. vkddu Delbrnty. LIMITED am. 814. TMto Tatotaa. Hovaca Laa. Laaoard Manawr Baki lOradr 4>—Pran- Hapton. Bert Bran. Ralpk OarflaU. Station St. Opnean- B.C. Omey. Orani Droeban: BlfB Cbme. tdtBr Dwicaa. DUNCAN, & a MarkrW Mowv: attmdMca. Markrta 8Ceet«. RonaM KnHwwaa. rraan Oradt 4 ta Brawn. HcrBa Woodward, Pwiwtod (ram Oradt IA to OrMa Ptowo tod (row O;^ IB to OraM -Ora.nl Dnubara. 714: naory. Lett LmaUw; OriM*. 71: Dorn Pox. 7*4: Ckwrrwi BtomPw 3—Barrlt OMttor. Urka Actottaaa. lA-Bdak Banit. AXtrad Bavaec AltkiD. M8: Dane Savaf*. f7- Petty Bawadwt, Jataa Oetaaaaa. Jate Bauy Rmrard. kaywend Porvoy. Daphnr llobMa. Ml: MurM Will- DWk. ItoyiBoad Brown. Brity Yo«^ Vwonka Otok, Jack DoufkA Asm kau. 474: DetW SUaa. Ml: Brity Day, knthkan Brown. MUng Otawi. Ow- ottiyouiy Duneaa. uaratn Jobnicai. Dor------MrIM------Andetm:j— autndaaca Alfred Bulceek. 82: Sort kyta, 4I.I: blarletiv othy TakoC Cowichan Creamery Moore. 8»4: VIvleam YaM. M3: othy Tlpwci. BybU Vkkrri. (yrald Oavaea. DenAby TaaMw la cbaift, MM M. VaylW. Omrec Parltc. Ml; Oocald OrUTIn. KdiCTinan. S3 3; Association Oa uial—Caall Sauih. TncMT la cbnrta. Mr. O P. Wallca. BSTABUSHED leee . TTiilmi CantWdB. by Port. Read Our Cash Prices FEED Bva Fare. Jena ewria. low BUTTER EGGS Woodward. Noraaa AIUml PtwBolad rrwa Oradt 8 to Oradi 8 Marearvt Phtip. M: Tbotma Ckurch. 'a 84; Ake - • •tan.• -It: -Rabana • - We Are At Your Service lUlaU. II: DMrv MartaL 71; Raw- Pawtatl. 78. Batty AkBswaa. 78: COE AND BUDDERS’ SUPPUES " BakMPard.71: Onr stores stwsys stniyi ready to serre yoa^th the finest qnRllty foods st prices thst offer s. WI DELIVER reel ssTfait oo year weekly badfot If U Is not convonient to come to the store. Jnst telephooo Not. 47 or 48, Cowkhsn Station 825X2, and yoor orders will bo ddirored to yovr Utobca with­ PHONE VOUB ORDER out any additional charfo.

Royil Purplfl Tflfl. t te* of surprisiBg qumlity. ‘lUi Sio, IbW CiMur. TW,w«k«------100' week, per lb. --- ;------61# Support Your Own E •3; Clyda It Serves Yoa Best After AU On inat-Laalk Ttawpaan. M. ' Raman AIUmb. M: Ckir OartkM. H: Arttaw Balky labMUi. M. John iiindw, CEStikol wort dur- SPECIAL VALUES-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . tne tom: kdward Batowna, wort dariae lam akmt t BflrtlcttPMn, QuAkcr brand.. 2>js, per tin 38# Ttubar ta chant. MM Inm. Harry Honw'i DeubU Crram Cuitard. Mb. tin 88# KflUlei'fl Diudte Oraage Marmihide. 4-lb. tia 70# Mayy DOES YOUR CE SHIMMY, . Bken Pord: as- C. 4 B. Sweet ChutiMy Pickles, bring conUinera: Ubby ’fl Petud Hc«t^ yia, i tins for______10# irndraff. . . per Ih...... — -...... 85# Wanaev. took raaipfwn Raban Dnk- STEER HARD OR WANDER m Brnrato Ttaorpa. Buy LantUa \ Prawriad trtaa Orada 4 B to Otak WHEN DRIVING? 8 —Mary Bona. M4: Tafcao TayMa. Squlrrtl PbobM ButtM. per lb. 16# Pure Olive Oil. direct from France: Market Day SiWm. 2-lb. pkt 89# 7«8; Arthur Sir Ota. 78: Barkara Pick­ 4-01 bottle -___ :...... 80# 4-lb. packet------56# ard. TIJ: JoarpniDt Yaua. 734: Da­ Pu« Ltnl, a Ibi for___ __ 37# vid IVkard. Til; Ink Oimpliia. Chocolate Bclaira, per lb------86# Aylmer Soup, per thi- M4: Robm Ookaeo. MJ: Dannu DO YOUR FRONT TTRE8 Royal Brawn Vinegar, per bot.. 15# Ocrflald. M: Juphbu WUM. N8. Red Arrow' Sedaa, per packet 80# CooldBg WEAR UNEVENLY? Rotvri Bona. UJ: Andrew Louder, •8: Wlfflara Oo.n. 83:8 Robart UcOrr«. Houichotd AoubobU. per bot, 15# Spntt’a Deg Cakea. 5-lb. i^a 60# On trtol-Ortald BaUth. I B. A K. Wheat PUkea, Urge packet cto Aodtraao. Mt; I Ubby'e Perk aad BeoBS. 2t, 2 Uns Spnlt’i Puppj Bbaiiu. f-lb. ucb. for------4^ We have ineulled a •4; Ptoyd OlBMtaad a for------85# iOradr IA>—Mod- Old Dutch aaaaBM, per UaU# Cora Breema, good value at, “Rnnlm Axle Gange” eknry. Rakwt WatUDcr: depart- 45#, 66# and 70# \^th which we can cure say or all three trenblM u Awn WOM Orape NutB, per packet------IT# B Orada lA to Hetaa Tomato Ketcfam large bottk 8, OMful lUe knd very r. M: Jim sai». Ubby ’e Corned Beef. 1 a. per tin 83# for...... —...... 30# atrong 08#,F, 91.45 and 01.75 -4

scary AlthM. 718: Oacry* Uanika. MJ: Vtok Wadt. «i 8: Makolm Alt- ken. M7: Joan vnUi. M: Kayoha DUNCAN GARAGE LTD. Kirkham’s Groceiteria DUNCAN, R C.. Phones 47 and 48. COWICHAN STATION, Phono 826 X2 I