Dante Alighieri Society Townsville

Maggio 2014 Contenuto

Lettera del Presidente Lettera dal Comitato

Eventi/Events Carissimi Da ricordare … / To remember … Il Comitato Esecutivo per 2014 e` il seguente, Notizie Italiane Enza Castorina, Presidente Dr. Paul Pagliano, Vice Presidente Barbara Strickland, Segretaria Onoraria

Gabriella Licari, Tesoriere Onorario

Membri del Comitato Vicki Brazier Alf Bonato Loretta Swayn Giulia Scuderi

It has already been a month since the Annual General Meeting. I am pleased to say that the meeting was well attended and in addition, we were honoured to have present Mr David Crisafulli, Minister for Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience, that took time from his busy schedule to attend and voice his support for the Society. In addressing the meeting, David said that he recognized the importance that Societies like Dante have in the community in providing a cultural Committee: President: Enza Castorina input and being a reference point, not only for those members with an Vice President: Prof.Paul Pagliano Italian heritage, but also to those who have an interest in connecting Secretary: Barbara Strickland with diverse cultures. Treasurer: Gabriella Licari

It was with some sadness that our Honorary Secretary Jenny Frischman Committee Member: Vicky Brazier and committee member Gabriel Oriti have left the Executive Alf Bonato Committee. We wish to thank them for years of dedication and service Loretta Swayn to the Dante. Giulia Scuderi

With pleasure we welcome our new secretary Barbara Strickland. Course Coordinator: Susan McKenzie Barbara is newly arrived in Townsville. She was involved in the Dante Alighieri in Brisbane. We also welcome new committee members Loretta Swayn and Giulia Scuderi. They will be a valuable addition to the committee.

The first semester language course has commenced. We have 3 classes with about 30 students. Our teachers this year are Adriano Di Giulio, Barbara Strickland and Monika Leka. As usual our secretary and co‐

The Dante Alighieri Society Townsville, Unit 9/203 Kings Road, Pimlico, QLD Ph/Fax: 07 4728 1167 Email: [email protected]

ordinator Susan McKenzie is very efficient at keeping the administration running smoothly.

The committee has been busy at organizing our popular Italian film night held at the Art Theatre for Sunday 18 May, however we couldn’t miss the opportunity for presenting the Townsville of La Grande Bellezza (The Great Beauty) which has won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year, the Golden Globes Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the BAFTA Award for Best Film not in the English Language, European Film Awards for Best Film, in addition to winning other categories and being nominated in 15 other international award festivals globally. This premiere will be held at the Warrina Cineplex on Thursday 29 May at 7:00 pm.

Also in train are the festivities for La Festa Della Repubblica, to be held at Zizzi’s Restaurant, on Sunday 1 May at midday. There will be as usual entertainment and be an opportunity to be together to celebrate this important National Italian day. Details for all these events are available on our web site www.dantetownsville.com/events.

After the Italian Film night, I will be leaving for – both for business and family (and pleasure!). On my return in late June we will commence organising for the Multi‐Cultural Festival. We are also looking to organize a lunch at the Italo‐Australian Club (date to be announced) dan the language classes for the second semester.

One of the intended projects for this year is the refurbishment of the Dante rooms. When complete the rooms will present a pleasant, freshened environment for students to participate in lessons.

A presto

Enza Castorina, Presidente.


Calendario previsto per il 2014

29 MAGGIO 2014 “La Grande Bellezza” – The Great Beauty Movie screening ‐ Warrina Cineplex Costo ‐ $15

1 GIUGNO 2014 in the North Queensland Townsville Museum – 231 Hugh Street, Currajong Costo –gratis

The Dante Alighieri Society Townsville, Unit 9/203 Kings Road, Pimlico, QLD Ph/Fax: 07 4728 1167 Email: [email protected]

1 GIUGNO 2014 La festa della Repubblica Ristorante Zizzi – Flinders Street Costo ‐ $35

AGOSTO 2014 Cultural Fest – Community Event Strand Park

OTTOBRE 2014 Movie Night – Fund Raising event

DECEMBRE 2014 Dante Annual Dinner Members and friends are always invitate to our end of year dinner to support and celebrate the society’s efforts and successes.

Da ricordare

... / To remember …

 Il nostro programma alla radio ogni Domenica dalle 12 alle 13. The Italian program at the radio station Triple T every Sunday a 12.00 to 1.00pm 103.9 FM Online ‐ www.triplet.com.au Presentatori ‐ George Parison and Armando Rizzo

 Messa in italiano ogni secondo Mercoledi’ del mese alle 9 alla chiesa ydi Hol Spirit. Italian mess every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9.00am Holy Spirit church (Ross River Road)

 Pranzo all’Italian Club. Ogni Domenica BBQ or Buffet Lunch at the Italian club. Every Sunday Fleming Street – Aitkenvale Phone 4779 8019 for details

The Dante Alighieri Society Townsville, Unit 9/203 Kings Road, Pimlico, QLD Ph/Fax: 07 4728 1167 Email: [email protected]

Notizie Italiane

Italia: The land of the calf

By Fiona and Paul Pagliano

Have you ever thought about where the word Italia originated? Two interconnected stories from Ancient are often given as possible explanations. The first comes from Ancient Greek mythology. Here the claim is that the word Italia derives from Italus, legendary son of Penelope and Telegonus, king of the Oenotrians.

Penelope was the daughter of Icarius (king of Sparta, not the one who flew too close to the sun) and faithful wife of (Ulysses in Roman mythology), king of Ithaca. Telegonus was Odysseus’ son to Circe, a sorceress and minor goddess mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey. In the way of Ancientk Gree tragedies, Telegonus killed his father (who he did not recognize) in a fight with a spine from a stingray. To compensate, Circe subsequently made Telegonus and Penelope immortal. They married, lived in the city Telegonus is said by legend to have founded, Tusculum near Rome, and became the parents of Italus.

Italus was the king of the Oenotrians in the southern part of Italy. In Ancient Greek Oenotrians means the land of the vines, particularly wine. The Oenotrians are thought to be one of the earliest Greek tribal groups to inhabit Italy, possibly as early as the 11th century BC. Italus was regarded by Aristotle as the one responsible for converting the local population from a pastoral way of life herding livestock, particularly cattle, to an agricultural one that also included crop cultivation, particularly grapes.

The second account comes from a later time period. By the 8th century BC there were multiple Greek colonies in and on the Southern Italian peninsula. The early settlers used the Ancient Greek word ‘Italoi’ (calf) to describe the region because of its abundant cattle. This importance of cattle to the local population may also explain how Italus got his name in the myth, i.e., king of the land of the calf. Interestingly the Latin word for veal ‘vitulus’ (similar to the Italian ‘vitello’) has its root in ‘italoi’.

Regardless of exactly how the word originated, by the first century BC an alliance of local tribes, including the Sabines, Samnites and the Umbrians. formally began to identify their area as Italia and minted coins bearing this name. Over time the word Italia came to be used to describe the whole of the area covered by the Italian peninsula up to the Italian Alps.

The Dante Alighieri Society Townsville, Unit 9/203 Kings Road, Pimlico, QLD Ph/Fax: 07 4728 1167 Email: [email protected]

It is interesting to think of Italy as being the land of the calf. Italy has a number of indigenous breeds of cattle, many of which are currently identified as being at risk of extinction. The Piedmontese breed is particularly ancient and is depicted in rock inscriptions that date back to. prehistory The breed is a mix of the even earlier indigenous Aurochs (from the Pleistocene era) and the introduced Zebu, a cattle breed from West‐Pakistan thought to have arrived in Piedmont about 25 to 30,000 years ago. Other early breeds include the Bos Primigenius Podolicus, which is thought to have come from Crete and the Eurasian Bos Taurus Macroceros. Currently there are 29 contemporary Italian cattle breeds including the Agerolese from the province of Naples, the Burlina from the Venetian Prealpi, and the Calvana from the Tuscan Appennines (around Prato).

Cattle have clearly played a vital role in Italian life for thousands of years. The cow provides milk, and milk products especially cheese. There are over 300 regional cheeses to be found across Italy, including such world famous and world class cows milk cheeses as: gorgonzola, taleggio, fontina d’aosta, parmigiano‐reggiano, provolone, asiago, and robiola. The meat from the cow, i.e., veal and beef, form an important part of Italian cuisine. The hide of the cow is used to produce high quality leather, used in the manufacture of furniture, clothes and shoes. Italian shoes are arguably the finest in the world, famous for their elegant design and craftsmanship.

Clearly Italy is the land of the calf. It was for the Ancient and it continues to be for modern day Italians.

The Dante Alighieri Society Townsville, Unit 9/203 Kings Road, Pimlico, QLD Ph/Fax: 07 4728 1167 Email: [email protected]