2008 ANNUAL REPORT NEW YORK STATE A ss EMBLY COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES Sheldon Silver, Speaker Keith L.T. Wright, Chair THE ASSEMBLY STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY KEITH L. T. WRIGHT CHAIR th Assemblyman 70 District Social Services Committee New York County MEMBER REPLY TO: Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Harlem State Office Building Asian Legislative Caucus th 163 West 125 Street, Suite 911 Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force New York, New York 10027 212-866-5809 COMMITTEES FAX 212-864-1368 Codes
[email protected] Correction Housing Room 844 Legislative Office Building Albany, New York 12248 518-455-4793 FAX 518-455-3890 December 31, 2008 The Honorable Sheldon Silver Speaker of the Assembly Room 932 Legislative Office Building Albany, New York 12248 Dear Speaker Silver: On behalf of the Assembly Committee on Social Services, I respectfully submit to you the Committee's 2008 Annual Report. Sincerely, Keith L.T. Wright Chair Committee on Social Services 2008 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES Keith L.T. Wright Chair Committee Members Majority Minority Aurelia Greene Louis Tobacco, Vito Lopez Ranking Minority Member Jeffrion L. Aubry Gregory Ball John J. McEneny Janet Duprey Alec Brook-Krasny Thomas McKevitt Jonathan L. Bing Peter Lopez Luis M. Diaz Crystal D. Peoples Matthew Titone Charles Lavine Alan Maisel Committee Staff Jeanine Johnson - Legislative Director Lahmar Louis - Committee Clerk Nancy Holmes - Legislative Assistant Program and Counsel Staff Donald Robbins - Legislative Coordinator Elaine Fernández - Senior Analyst Cassandra Kelleher - Associate Counsel Jennifer Marrero - Committee Assistant Alison Jacobs - Executive Secretary TABLE OF CONTENTS I.