Table of Contents Introduction: ...... 3 Mission Statement: ...... 3 Vision ...... 3 Objectives and Strategies ...... 3 Problem Statement ...... 4 Market background ...... 5 Market Analysis: ...... 5 Internal Analysis ...... 5 External Influences ...... 5 Competitive & Comparative Analysis ...... 7 Situational Analysis (SWOT) ...... 7 Strengths ...... 7 Weaknesses ...... 7 Opportunities ...... 7 Threats ...... 8 Research recommendations: ...... 8 Integrated Marketing Communication Plan: ...... 9 Target Market ...... 9 Top line goals: ...... 9 Brand Analysis & Recommendations ...... 9 Marketing Communications Mix ...... 10 • Social Media/Online Promotions Plan ...... 10 • Promotion Plan ...... 11 Public Relations Plan ...... 12 Conclusion: ...... 14 Recommendations ...... 14 Measureables ...... 14 Conclusion ...... 14

Advertising Plan to be handed in October 29, 2012.


• Appendix A – CWTA 2012 subscribers

• Appendix B – CWTA 2011 subscribers

• Appendix C – Competitor Analysis – Rogers and TCC

• Appendix D – Tactics, Timeline and Budget

• Appendix E - Subscriber and Revenue Market Share

• Appendix F – Rogers Article

• Appendix G – Public Analysis Chart

2 Introduction:

Bell Mobility is a subsidiary of Enterprises (BCE), Canada's largest telecommunications company. Bell Mobility was actually the first in Canada to establish a cellular network and continues to provide consumers, businesses and organizations of all sizes with solutions to all their wireless communications needs through Bell Mobility, SOLO and Canada

Mission Statement:

To delight. Simply put, that’s their mission: To delight customers with the products, services and customer support that Bell provides to customers every day.


• To bring outstanding products and services that help with daily life; • To provide products and services that are wanted by customers; • To remember that technology can be fun, and excite with creative and useful new product innovations; • To ensure that pricing information is presented clearly; • To be helpful and courteous in the customer’s dealings with Bell; • To be accessible to customers through the medium of their choice, whether it be online, in-store or by phone.1

Objectives and Strategies

To be recognized by customers as Canada’s leading communications company.

Bell is making significant investments in developing and delivering the most innovative communications and media services to Canadians. In that way, we will continue to create value for our shareholders and rewarding careers for our team members, while ensuring we have the financial strength to fulfill our Bell Let’s Talk charitable commitment to mental health and multiple sponsorship programs across the country.

Our goal is focused around 6 Strategic Imperatives:

• Accelerate wireless • Leverage wireline momentum • Expand media leadership • Invest in broadband networks and services • Achieve a competitive cost structure • Improve customer service

1 Source:

3 By executing these imperatives, we will continue to achieve our primary business objectives to profitably expand our customer base and grow revenues, operating income, free cash flow and return on our invested capital.

Problem Statement

Bell currently provides the largest wireless network coverage in Canada; however, it is currently only the second largest mobile provider in Canada. They are losing their subscriber base and market share major competitors as well as to new and accessible wireless providers. Bell Mobility would like to increase their numbers of new subscribers (new to the wireless network and from other existing providers) while retaining their current customers. Over a one-year period, Bell Mobility would like to increase their market share by 5%. They can achieve this by providing an incentive for customers to switch providers, providing competitive rate plans, as well as a referral incentive for existing customers.

4 Market background

Market Analysis:

In order to fully understand Bell’s position in the market, it is first important to understand the wireless market as it stands for telecommunication’s service providers (TSPs). According to the CRTC 2012 Communications Monitoring Report, there is currently a network provided to 99% of Canadians2. The wireless market sector consists of three large facilities-based national wireless service providers (WSPs), and a number of smaller regional facilities-based WSPs. A number of new facilities-based WSPs have recently entered the wireless market sector whose mobile services are accessible to 55% of Canadians. There is, therefore, a constant growing market for new and existing WSPs. Bell Mobility is currently losing subscriber and revenue market share therefore needs a new incentive with which to attract new customers and keep their current ones.

Internal Analysis

Currently, Bell Mobility has a very strong and recognizable brand image. It is also the second largest mobile provider despite having the largest network coverage in the country. Even though Bell currently has two popular mobile provider subsidiaries, SOLO and , through all three distributors, Bell Mobility offers a large range of products and services, and continues to be the first to provide new networks, such as the new -LTE wireless networks. Bell has received criticism for its inconsistent customer service provided. Many customers find the need to cancel their contracts and switch to other providers, as they do not receive the service they desire and now have access to no-contract, competitive rates with other providers.

External Influences

Competitors: • Bell’s major competitors are Rogers and , with increased market share being lost to new WSPs, such as Wind that offer no-contract, competitive, and often lower, plan rates

Demographics: • The number of new subscribers to mobile providers are constantly increasing


2 Source: see Appendices A and B

5 • Consumers looking for best rate plans to keep in contact with a large range of contacts located from coast to coast

Social and Technological: • With constant technological updates to , consumers are looking for the latest models • Consumers are motivated by society to keep up to date with technology • Consumers expect a high standard of customer service, especially over the phone

Economic: • Consumers are continuously financially motivated to find the best rates from mobile providers, especially in times of financial hardship • Quite often, customers do not switch mobile providers due to expensive cancellation fees and phone balances with their current provider

6 Competitive & Comparative Analysis

Bell Mobility offers a wide range of superphones, smartphones, and tablets at competitive rates. It also has the largest network coverage of all WSPs, covering nearly 97% of the population. However, Bell has now been knocked down to the number two position in subscriber and revenue market shares, closely followed by TCC. Bell has a very strong brand image, and is highly recognized by the public as a leading mobile provider. Bell must therefore offer a new incentive for customers to switch or newly subscribe to Bell’s services. By offering a monetary incentive for customers to pay off their existing phone contracts, up to $180, Bell can then promote its large network coverage and first-rate products and attract these customers by giving them “a way out” of their constricting contracts. No other mobile company offers this type of incentive publicly. Furthermore, when advertising this promotion, new customers will be acquired by being shown the benefits of being a Bell customer. In order to retain current customers, they will be given an incentive to refer friends and relatives with other mobile providers and will receive free services, such as free voicemail and call display.

Bell’s two main competitors are: Rogers and Telus Communications Company (TCC)3

Situational Analysis (SWOT)

Strengths • The most extensive wireless networks in the Canadian industry, with a footprint that covers 97% of the population • An established leader of Canadian wireless and continuously innovating • An unmatched line-up of superphones, smartphones, tablets • Market outreach through subsidiaries such as SOLO and Virgin Mobile • A unique, monetary incentive to switch over from existing providers or to become a new mobile user

Weaknesses • Serving Quality on the First-line Customer Service • Retaining the commitment from customers to the company

Opportunities • Constant Technological Upgrades • New and existing customer referral opportunities • Building brand equity and reputation • Retail outlets as areas to attract new customers

3 See Appendix C


Threats • Strong Competition – Rogers and TCC • New up and coming wireless companies with lower rates and competitive phones, such as Wind, etc. • Ensuring that customers coming from other companies legitimately owe money on their contacts or phones

Research recommendations:

Research Questions:

In order to fully understand the targeted market, Bell Mobility must investigate certain questions, such as:

• What motivates customers to go with a specific mobile provider? • What motivates customers to stay or to change mobile providers? • If they are unhappy with their provider, how long would it take for them to switch to another provider? • Would a monetary incentive make customers want to switch in order to cancel their current contract? • What is most important for customers to receive from the mobile provider? • The latest technology? • Network coverage and reliability? • Customer service? • Competitive Rates?

Understanding the answers to these questions, Bell would be able to come up with specific strategies and tactics in order to achieve their goal of increased market share. With numerous other providers offering the similar services and products, Bell must really target the most important needs of customers.


In order to understand what customers with other providers want, it would be useful to find out the wants and needs of their current customers loyal. They can achieve this through email and text blasts where customers can answer questions at their convenience. Telephone surveys and focus groups could also prove useful as you can get more qualitative and in-depth answers from customers. For the focus group, it would be ideal to have customers with other providers present.


Integrated Marketing Communication Plan:

Target Market

For Bell Mobility, their target market have three constituents:

• Customers with other mobile providers • New customers to the mobile market • Current customers

All three constituents consist of very broad demographic and psychographic characteristics. In general, their target market includes people who are old enough to have a cell phone or buy one for another (such as a parent), and who are all financially motivated. Mobile customers are looking for the best deal and the best network. Bell must therefore attract new customers by offering them monetary incentives, such as a cancellation incentive with their current provider, and competitive rates for their mobile phone plans.

Top line goals:

• To be recognized by customers as Canada’s leading communications company. • To attract new customers and existing customers with other mobile companies to switch over to Bell • To increase subscriber and revenue market share • To retain loyal customers

Brand Analysis & Recommendations

Brand Image:

• Very strong, and recognizable brand image • Logo and colours – blue letters, white background

Brand Positioning:


• Seen as a leading communications company • Known for large network coverage

9 Negative:

• Reputation for inconsistent customer service • Seen as large corporation with a monopoly over the market • Rates that are on the high-end

Recommendations: In order for Bell to acquire new customers and to be seen as a reliable, customer-service oriented company, it must first continue to address first-line contact issues, in their retail stores and on the phone. Also, by offering new low-rates and a monetary incentive to switch over, customers will see the brand as one that cares for its customers and wishes to retain them.

Marketing Communications Mix

Marketing Objective:

• To increase market shares by 5% by acquiring new customers to the mobile service market and from existing mobile providers, and by retaining current customer loyalty

Marketing Communications Objectives:

• Communicating pricing, product and service information clearly • To be seen as the largest network provider with competitive rates and a commitment to customer service • To inform customers that they will save money if they switch and have access to the largest network coverage • Customers no longer need to feel as though they are restricted or constrained by their current cell phone contract

Marketing Communications Strategies:4

• Social Media/Online Promotions Plan

• Online communication o Objective: § To appeal to a wide-range demographic public o Strategies: § Communication through Bell Mobility website § Advertisements on social media, such as YouTube advertisements

4 See Appendix D Tactics, Timline and Budget

10 • Email and Text message communication o Objective: § To communicate to existing customers of new incentives (free add- ons) for referring family and friends that are with other mobile providers o Strategies: § To send out email and text message blasts at least once a month communicating referral incentives

• Promotion Plan

• Printed Media communication o Objectives: § To reach out to new customers and customers with other providers and inform them that they will save money if they choose Bell Mobility as their provider o Strategies: § Posters, billboards, advertisements, etc. to be put in locations, such as transit locations, where a wide-range of customers with see them


Public Relations Plan Introduction:

Situational Analysis:

The current situation for bell is a highly competitive market in which customers have no incentives to switch companies. Bell Mobility is one of Canada's "big three" mobile telecommunications providers, and Telus Communications Company (TCC) being the other two. Although Bell Mobility provides the largest mobile network, it currently has the second largest amount of mobile subscribers, behind Rogers.5 The plan is to attract existing customers with other providers by giving them an incentive to cross over and become Bell Mobility customers. One of the main barriers for customers to switch from any cell phone company are the cancellation fees and/or remaining balance on their contacts. We are proposing is to offer customers to pay off some or all of their remaining balance (potential up for $180.00) so that they will be able to cancel their existing contract.

PR Audit:


Known for being the first new network provider (ex. The new 4G-LTE network) and latest phones, Bell currently offers a rebate for trading in old phones. The problem with this incentive is that it does not address the issue that most customers do not switch providers due to restrictive contracts. Bell has also been known for inconsistent customer service. In order to stay in line with their mission statement6, Bell must focus on bringing excellent service that will match up to their impressive network coverage, and products and services that they offer.


There has been a vast amount of publicity made for no-contract, cheaper rate plans, from companies such as Wind, and Koodo7. Although their networks have no comparison to Bell’s network coverage, the public has increasingly switched over to these smaller WSPs. An analysis of Bell’s rates and contract restriction policies is needed in order to compare to these providers.

Public Perception

5 See Appendix A, B, E 6 See page 3 7 Koodo is a subsidiary of TCC

12 Bell Mobility is the most recognized wireless network service provider, and has the second largest amount of subscribers. It is known for its reliable network and as a leading Canadian company. Unfortunately, it has lost a lot of its appeal due to the perception of inconsistent customer service, and its focus on bringing new products as opposed to lowering prices to more competitive rates.

Public Analysis

Three key publics8 that are targeted and affected by this plan are identified as follows:

• KP1: Customers with other mobile providers • KP2: Customers new to the mobile market • KP3: Current Bell Mobility customers Objectives

The objective of this public relations plan is split into two objectives, the first addressed to KP1 and KP2, and the second addressed to KP3:

• The public relations objective is to have new customer acquirement increase by 5% over the span of one year through customers with other providers by providing the largest mobile network with competitive rates, the latest phones and monetary incentives. • The public relations object is to increase the number of subscribers by a having an increase in the number of customers that retained and stay loyal to the company. This can be measured through a reduction in the number of lost customers by offering them an incentive to stay loyal and refer other customers.


Message Strategy:

• To motivate customers to switch by informing them they will save money if they switch • Bell has the largest network coverage in the country, which is worth the switch • Bell offers great customer service and are there to help you get what you want

Social Media • Implement YouTube advertisements, Twitter accounts, and Facebook advertisements • Revise website to include promotional advertisements

8 See Appendix G for a public analysis chart


Printed Media • Use of posters, billboards, and advertisements on transit/in transit locations for a wide range of customers can be reached • Advertisements in newspapers and magazines



• To increase market shares by 5% by acquiring new customers to the mobile service market and from existing mobile providers, and by retaining current customer loyalty • Communicating pricing, product and service information clearly • To be seen as the largest network provider with competitive rates and a commitment to customer service • To inform customers that they will save money if they switch and have access to the largest network coverage


Strategies: • To appeal to a wide range of customers through social and online media and promotional (print) media • Ensuring that key messages are conveyed to customers • Reconfiguring the front-line of contact – customer service – with customers, ensure consistency • Analyse consumer research to determine the needs and wants of mobile customers • Implement new competitive rates

Measureables • This IMC plan will have reached its objective by the end of 2013 if there is an increase in subscriber and revenue markets shares by 5% • The number of people acquired from other companies will be measure through a reduction in those companies’ market share figures Conclusion

Bell Mobility is a widely known brand and company that Canadians have come to know as the provider of the largest and most reliable network. The reduction in market share over the years shows that there needs to be more accessible rates and other incentives to bring customers back. Consistent and reliable customer service is another essential in keeping customers loyal and referring their friends and family.