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Minutes a meeting of the Parish Council held on the 18th December 2018 at the Village Hall, . .

Councillors present: James Rudgley (Chair), Hutton, Derrick Folbigg, Graham Pendrey, Tim Wood, Noreen Byrne

Apologies: Ann Lovesey MBE, Di Ames, Stuart Southall

In Attendance: Stephen Moon (Borough Councillor)

Clerk: Joanne Lee


1. To receive and approve apologies for absence.

1.1 Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Lovesey, Councillor Southall and Councillor Ames.

2. Declarations of interest in any matter - being prejudicial or personal. To consider the granting of any dispensations.

2.1 Councillor Folbigg declared an interest in item 4.1.

3. To confirm the minutes of the following meeting:

Full Council Meeting - 20th November 2018 Finance Committee _5th December 2018 Planning Committee - 5th December 2018

The above minutes were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

Public participation - standing orders suspended for a period to allow members of the public to address the Council

A resident attended the Parish Council meeting with issues regarding the lighting on Road. He confirmed he had already contacted Highways regarding the intensity of the lighting and he would like the Parish Council to investigate. This issue is item 4.1 to be discussed.

4. Highways 4.1 Discuss a residents complaint regarding the high intensity of light around the Hare Meadow entrance - the Linden Road site and agree a plan of action. The Parish Council agreed the level of lighting to the entrance of the Linden Homes estate was too intense and not necessary. It was also agreed that the level of lighting on the south side of Bedford Road was also too intense. It was agreed by the Pa sh Council that Planning and Highways would needed to be contacted by the Clerk for t ir Initial:. ... 2018/2019 - 119

comments on the number of additional lights that have been installed and question if this is until the houses are all sold or are they a permanent fixture. Action Clerk to contact Highways and Planning to question why the development has such intense lighting installed in the entrance on Bedford Road and this needs to be reviewed. Action Derrick Folbigg to supply Clerk with quote from the policy and reference so this can be used in the Clerks correspondence with Highways and Planning. 4.2 An update on safety concerns for Bereford Close safety barrier. To discuss and agree further action to be taken. The Parish Council were advised of the comments made by Linden homes and that they were not prepared to install a safety barrier. An extra post has been installed however the Parish Council agreed that this had no extra safety effect. The Parish Council agreed that this needed to be referred to Highways to investigate the safety issues. Clerk To contact Highways to look at the safety issues regarding Bereford close. The residents petition regarding this matter and Linden Homes response should be included in the correspondence sent to Highways. Clerk Contact the residents who raised the petition and advise them of Linden Homes response. Also to advise the residents that the Parish Council has agreed for Highways to be contacted to look into the safety issues. 4.3 Discuss a residents request to replace all Parish Council Lighting to LED lighting. The Parish Council discussed and agreed that Highways should be chased with an answer on when the LED lights will be adopted and changed to LED in Great Barford. Action Clerk to contact Highways to obtain a date when the lights will be changed to LED in Great Barford. Action Clerk to contact Cardington Parish Clerk to obtain costings for changing over street lighting without the Council adopting them as this Parish has already actioned this. Action Clerk to put findings on next Clerk report. 5. Planning. 5.1 Discuss and agree comments for Tree Preservation Order 18/03044/TPO . Ash Tree GTPO 7/190/21140 - Fell - Replace with Liquid Amber - Liquidambar styraciflua - approx. % metres. Application for tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area. 4 Green End Road, Great Barford, , MK44 3HA. Great Barford Parish Council had no comments. 5.2 Discuss and agree comments for Cert of Lawful Use and Dev (existing) Application 18/03077/LDE Use of various outbuildings as office (Unit 5), office and storage (Unit 1, 9-13, 14-15) , workshop and storage (Unit 2-3, Unit 4, Unit 22», storage (Unit 16-17 and 19), domestic storage (Unit 6) (storage Unit 1-20), High Barns Farm, Bedford Road, Roxton, Bedfordshire, MK44 3ET Great Barford Parish Council had no comments. 6. Borough Councillor Report Councillor Moon updated Councillors of the 2030 Local Plan details. 2018/2019 - 120

Appendix 1 7. Clerk's Report Appendix 2 8. Police report Councillor Hutton advised the Parish Council that the stickers he supplied had been well received by vans. Councillor Byrne updated the Parish Council of the Neighbourhood Committee Policy and that this report will be sent to councillors by Councillor Byrne shortly. Appendix 3 9. Neighbourhood Plan update Councillor Pendrey gave an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. Appendix 4 10. Discuss and agree the grass cutting quotes . . Clerk advised the Parish Council that the 3 quotes are in process and that these will be presented at the next Full Parish Council meeting. Action Clerk to give Russell Harley a copy of the grass cutting plans. 11. Discuss and agree Village Hall car park Bush Maintenance quotes. The Clerk advised the Parish Council of the 3 quotes obtained. The Parish Council agreed that the quote given by Russell Harley would be accepted and agreed for him to proceed with the work. Action Clerk to advise Russell Harley that his quote was accepted and that he can commence the work agreed on his quote. . 12. Confirm Councillor Howard's resignation as a Parish Councillor. Clerk confirmed the resignation of Councillor Howard's resignation and advised that the Bedford Borough Council had been notified. 13. Discuss and agree the candidate for the Parish Councillor vacancy. The Parish Council agreed that Toby Waltham would be invited to become a Great Barford Parish Councillor with immediate effect. 14. Discuss and agree Ace Quote to fix the CCTV Village Hall camera. Discuss and agree the future maintenance for the CCTV Village Hall Cameras. Clerk advised the Parish Council that Ace have attended the village hall and confirmed that a new internal hall camera is required and the existing camera is not able to be fixed. The Clerk has chased Ace for the quote and will give this information to the Council at the next Full Parish meeting. The Parish council also agreed that they felt the external CCTV camera's should be the responsibility of the Parish Council however the internal CCTV camera's should be the responsibility of the village hall. Initialt·· 2018/2019 - 121

Action Clerk to contact the village Hall and advise them that the Parish Council feel that the internal hall CClV camera at the village hall should be paid for by the Village hall and not the Parish Council. Action Clerk to put on next Full Parish Meeting with quote from Ace. 15. Discuss and agree the amendment to the Clerk's employment contract. The Parish Council discussed and agreed the amendment to the Clerks contract to include that the Clerks hours are 24 hours per week and the extra hours attended for Committee and Full Parish Council meeting can be submitted to the wages department at Bedford Borough Council without the approval of the Parish Council. Action Clerk to amend Clerks contract with the amendments agreed by the Parish Council. 16. Update on the new salary scales 2019 -2020. Discuss and agree. Clerk advised the Parish Council of the new salary scales 2019-2020. The Parish Council agreed the update. 17. Update on the removal of the Yew tree in the Graveyard. Discuss and agree further action to be taken. Clerk advised the Parish Council of the response from the Diocese advising they were in favour of the yew tree being pruned instead of removed. The Parish Council agreed that the Yew tree was to be pruned by 1/3 and shaped by Russell Harley. Action Clerk to contact Diocese to request permission to prune the Yew tree by 1/3 and shaped. If Diocese agree then Clerk to advise Russell Harley to prune and shape the Yew Tree. 18. Discuss and agree payment for BA TPC. The Parish Council agreed the payment to BATPC of £440 for the Affiliation fees for 2019-2020. Action Clerk to arrange payment for BATPC for £440. 19. Discuss and agree the draft Budget and Precept for Great Barford Parish 2019/2020. The Parish Council agreed the draft Budget and Precept for Great Barford Parish 2019- 2020.The Precept for 2019-2020 was increased to £63,000. The final Budget and Precept amount will be agreed at the next Full Parish Council meeting. Action Clerk to arrange Finance Committee meeting to finalise any amendments to the Draft Budget and Precept Parish Council. 20. An update on the new Great Barford website Councillor Rudgley gave and update on the progress of the Great Barford website. 21. Agree Great Barford's Parish Clerk's overtime for attending and minuting Full Parish Council meetings and Committee meetings. The Parish Council agreed the overtime for the Clerk of 6 hours for the last Planning and Finance Committee (05.12.18) and Full Parish Council meeting.(20.11.18) 22. Website and Facebook - to receive any items for content No items received. 2018/2019 - 122

23. Correspondence report and information in relation to business from previous meetings. For information only. The Parish Council agreed for Councillor Rudgley's name should be put forward for the invitation to Buckingham Palace. Action Clerk to put forward Councillors Rudgley's name for the invitation to Buckingham Place. 24. To approve and authorise invoices received - (councillors will receive a copy of invoice payments at the meeting). The following cheques were approved for payment by the Parish Council Meg Bumstead for the work completed on the Garden of Remembrance to bring the area to the correct standard £ 171 All other cheque payments on Appendix 5 were agreed for payment and signed by the Parish Council.

Date: (<; -0 \-7--.011.

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Appendix 1

Great Barford Parish Council: Update from Borough Councillors Stephen Moon and Sheryl Corp - December 2018

Local Plan 2030

The Mayor's Executive's Local Plan, determining sites for housing and employment growth to the year 2030, has been agreed for submission to the Planning Inspectorate.

The Local Plan period has been reduced from the year 2035 to 2030, lowering the housing need figure, and was subject to a new public consultation from 18th September - 30th October. The final allocations are set out in the below table, taken from the report:

Policy 35 - Amount and distribution of housing development

A minimum of 3.636 new dwellings will be allocated and distributed as follows: i. Bedford urban area: 2,532 dwellings (of which 1,785 dwellings will be delivered by 2030) ii. Urban extensions: 210 dwellings iiL strategic brownfield allocation: 1,000 dwellings (of which 100 dwellings will be delivered by 2030) iv. Criteriondeleted v, Key service centres: 2,000 dwellings vi. Rural service centres: 260 dwellings

In the settlements listed below, it will be necessary to identify sites to meet the following levels of development, generally in and around defined Settlement Policy Area boundaries. Other than in Roxton, all sites will be allocated in Neighbourhood Development Plans: Bromham - 500 homes ii Clapham - 500 homes iii Great Barford - 500 homes

Sharnbrook - 500 homes iv Carlton - 25-50 homes v Harrold - 25-50 homes vi Milton Ernes! - 25-50 homes vii Oakley - 25-50 homes viii Roxton - 25-50 homes (see Policy 28) ix Turvey - 25-50 homes Willington - 25-50 homes -

It is not dear why the Stewartby option has been reduced; that is a brownfield site and capable of taking well over 1000 homes, not just the 100 it has been allocated. This rejection of a brownfield site and at the same time the selection of yet another greenfield site in for 500 houses is going to be challenged.

The 500 dwelling allocation for Great Barford has been retained. We opposed this at Council and will do so before the Inspector, We have argued consistently that brownfield sites should be developed before any more greenfield sites are built upon. In our judgement, the Stewartby site is ,nitia,:"f 2018/2019 - 124

capable of taking far more than the 1000 homes it has been allocated and that removes the need for the 500 allocation of Great Barford, Clapham, Sharnbrook and Bromham. As with virtually every 2018/2019 -

other village, Great Barford residents accept that there must be some expansion, particularly of housing that will provide for local needs. Organic growth of the villages taking into account local needs, combined with the brownfield sites is sufficient to meet the needs of this Local Plan and we will continue to argue that the Council has got it wrong.

Because of the shortened time period, the Local Plan is going to be subject to early review to take account of the strategic implications arising from the 'Oxford - Cambridge Arc' and associated developments. As a consequence, and in the light of planning guidance, the need to identify sites for Garden Villages will mean that the proposed Garden Villages will be subject to continued speculation and developer pressure.

The role of the Planning Inspectorate is to make comments and, where appropriate, suggestions for modifications so that the Local Plan complies with national policies and legal requirements. Local authorities are not obliged to take on board the views of the Planning Inspector, but doing so could ensure the Local Plan is deemed to be 'sound' should it be subject to challenge from developers in the future. Depending on the workload of the Planning Inspectorate at the time of submission, it may take several months for the Council's Local Plan to be reviewed.

Bedfordshire Police Funding Boost

Bedfordshire Police has received a special £4.57m grant from the Home Office in response to 'exceptional' demands placed on the force by gangs engaging in violent crimes. It will cover the cost of 'Operation Boson'; Bedfordshire Police's response to gang, gun and knife crime.

School Cameras

The Council is to allocate a sum of £650k, from a predicted underspend on this year's budget, to purchase 38 cameras to enforce parking restrictions outside of schools as a means of improving safety. The maintenance costs will be covered by the income from fines issued.

Flu Vaccine

The Council is reminding those aged 65+ that they should contact their GP to receive a flu vaccine. Last year 8524 people did not have the vaccine and it has been highlighted that some:,;ot ose would have subsequently needed treatment over the winter months.

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Winter Maintenance

The Council's website provides updates on winter maintenance, including gritting operations. It also notifies residents of changes to school and adult services transport, bus services and waste collections. See http://apps.bedford.gov.uk/winterupdates/

Cllr Stephen Moon: 01234870061; [email protected]; Facebook search 'Cllr Stephen Moon'

Cllr Sheryl Corp: 07734888988; [email protected] Appendix 2

Clerks Report

7.1 The Clerk advised the Parish Council that Naturesign have visited site again and rectified the Lectern Pound sign. They also advised that the sign was made from a higher grade marine (performance) ply which is sealed at the edge. The Parish Council agreed that the sign was not fixed to the standard expected and that Naturesign must return to the Pound sign and recitify this. If on the next visit the Pound sign is still not suitable then payment will be withheld and the sign will be returned. Action Clerk to contact Naturesign to request that the sign is rectified again and if this is not completed satisfactorily then we wish to return the product, unpaid. 7.2 The Clerk advised the Parish Council that the consultation for the no verge parking schemes for Willoughby Close and full scheme for Huntsfield is to commence on 17th December. The Parish Council agreed that the no verge schemes for Willoughby Close(£900) and the full scheme for Huntsfield (£850) was agreed to proceed. 7.3 The Clerk advised the Parish Council that the bin at the top of Brook Lane is broken and that Bedford Borough Council have confirmed that this is not their bin. The Parish Council agreed that they require a bin quote replacement from Bedford Borough Council. Councillor Hutton also supplied the telephone number for Paul Pace (Chief Environmental Officer) to ask his advise on if the bin is definitely not the property of Bedford Borough Council. Action Clerk to contact Paul Pace to ask if the bin is Bedford Bough Council property and to obtain a replacement cost

7.4 The Clerk updated the Parish Council that the defribillator is now returned and pads have been replaced and the defibrillator is working correctly. The Clerk advised of the costing for a new defibrillator for the village hall if supplied through Heartbeat. Councillor Bryne advised that this may be possible for lottery funding to supply this and will advise the Parish Council of her findings in the future. 2018/2019 - 126

7.S The clerk advised the Parish Council that Ed Burnett advised that tree whips would be easily trampled and would not make good protection preventing the allotment plot holders making gaps in the hedge. The Parish Council agreed that there was no further action they felt they could take. 7.6 The Clerk advised the Parish Council of the response from Johnathon Sahota regarding the obstructing signs on the Crossroads. He advised that they felt the sign did not need any alterations. The Parish Council agreed that as there had been a recent road traffic accident that the answer from Johnathon Sahota was not acceptable. Action Clerk to contact Highways (copy in Stephen Moon) and advise them of the details of the recent road traffic accident and request that the obstructing sign be reconsidered as this is a safety hazard. 7.7 The clerk advised the Parish Council that Committee meetings will now be held at the office at no cost.

7.8 The clerk advised the Parish Council that the suggestion of hook or pegs hammered into the ground level to hold the nets down at the village hall would not be suitable as Russell Harley had confirmed that these would damage the lawnmower and if these are removed by residents and left on the field these could also get caught in the lawnmower and cause damage. The Parish Council agreed that no further action would be taken.

7.9 Councillor Hutton gave the Parish Council an update on the surface dressing works that took place in late summer 2017 did not pass muster when checked by the engineer. He advised that the contractor has now agreed to replace the failed section of the surface dressing within the extents of the village with a superior resurfacing treatment at no cost to the Parish Council. It is expected the work will be carried out late 20181 early 2019. The remaining defective surface dressing works will be programmed for early summer 2019. 7.10 Councillor Rudgley advised the Parish Council of the bad damaged condition of the Bedford Borough council verge on the access road, Roxton Road top of Brook Lane. and this is getting were as the weeks continue. He advised that he had contacted Johnathon Sahota to rectify this.

7.11 The Parish Clerk advised that Meg Bumstead had now completed the clear up of the Garden of Remembrance area and has confirmed that in future months she will approximately require only 2 hours per month to keep the area tidy. She has invoiced the Parish Council £177 for the clear up work. The Parish Council agreed the payment of £171 for Meg Bumstead and agreed the future monthly maintenance (2 hours) of the Garden of Remembrance would be actioned by Meg Bumstead.


------2018/2019 - 127 Aooendix3 40L34893L18 02/11/2018 01/11/2018 8N Assault occasioning Bedford Road Gree actual bodily harm (ABH)

40L38546L18 19/11/2018 18/11/2018 19/11/2018 30C Burglary - Business Bedford Road Grez And Community

40L36993L18 11/11/2018 10/11/2018 11/11/2018 28E Burglary - Silver Street Grez Residential - Dwelling

40L38156Li8 17/11/2018 16/11/2018 17/11/2018 28E Burglary - Willoughby Close Gres Residential - Non- Dwelling

40L39226L18 22/11/2018 04/11/2018 22/11/2018 8L Harassment - Grez without violence (course of conduct)

40L38078L18 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 8R Sending letters etc Gret with intent to cause distress or anxiety, Malicious Communications Act 1988

40L3496iL18 02/11/2018 01/07/2018 01/10/2018 86 Sexual Grez

40L39593L18 24/11/2018 23/11/2018 24/11/2018 45 Theft from a motor Pyms Close Grez vehicle

40L36653L18 10/11/2018 09/11/2018 10/11/2018 45 Theft from a motor A421,Barford Gre, vehicle Road

40L35013L18 02/11/2018 02/11/2018 02/11/2018 45 Theft from a motor Roxton Road Gre: vehicle

40L35738L18 06/11/2018 13/06/2018 48 Theft of a motor High Street Grez vehicle

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Appendix 4 GBPC Neighbourhood Plan Update - December 2018

Following the "Inception Meeting" with AECOM, held on 06 November, we were informed that after Locality approval, a "site visit" would be organised for sometime in December. As we had not yet been contacted, I have enquired about a date, but was informed they are "quite busy with Christmas coming up and many clients wanting their work before the holidays" but they will let us know soon.

The Site Visit is only expected to take about 1/2 a day, so we still hope this can be achieved before Christmas, and can be accomplished within the shorter hours of daylight. But realistically, it's more likely to be in January.

Following the Site Visit, AECOM will continue a "desk top" assessment, and after applying our additional local criteria, it will provide a traffic light rating of each site. This will give each site a rating of either:

• GREEN, for sites most suitable to be allocated within the Neighbourhood Plan, • AMBER, for sites that are potentially suitable to be allocated if constraints could be mitigated/resolved through a planning application, and • RED, sites not considered suitable to be allocated.

The final report is expected around March/April time.

BRCC continue working on the Green Infrastructure Plan. We expect to hear soon about when they will be ready to hold the next stage, "Drop-In Session", to allow a public airing of their draft proposals.

This event will be organised, to be held at the Village Hall, as soon as we have confirmation. Posters and Social Media (Facebook, website) invites will be used to advertise the event, and hopefully to attract a decent size audience. Feedback can then help to refine the draft into the final report, with another public event to show the outcome.

Again, this is expected to be available around March time.

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Appendix 5

Payments. Direct debits December 2018 Payments Date Company Description Amount Cheque No 18th December Russel Harley Grass Cutting £1020.00 003402 2018

18th December Russell Harley Maintenance and Materials £778.03 003403 2018

18th December Bespoke Media The Bugle December Edition £600.00 003404 2018

18th December The Community New Pads for Defibrillator £87.60 003405 2018 Heartbeat Trust (Solutions) Ltd 18th December Great Barford Village Village Hall Hire for Meetings in £220.00 003406 2018 Hall Oct/Nov 2018

18th December Anglian Water Water Bill for Allotments Sep - Dec £142.70 003407 2018 Business (National) Ltd 2018

18th December Meg Bumstead Garden of Remembrance £171.00 003408 2018 maintenance and clear

18th December Joanne Lee Book of first Class Stamps £4.02 003409 2018

Direct Debits Date Company Detail Amount December 2018 Bedford Borough Council Salary Cost (incl NI and pension) £1417.66 December 2018 E.ON Monthly street lighting £241.76 November 2018 TML Telephone £26.83

Rinzfenced funds Amount Average speed cameras donation £3000 Village Hall car park maintenance fund £10,000 3 months running costs £15,561 Total £28,561 2018/2019 - 130

Community Infrastructure Levv Development Payment Received Silver Street £3515.64 Apr2016 Green End Road (The Paddocks) £3878.44 Oct 2016 Green End Road (The Paddocks) £3878.43 June 2017 Linden Homes £26,642.25 Oct 2017 Linden Homes £53,284.50 Apr2018

Project Expenditure Paid CCTVupgrade deposit £1083 incl VAT Feb 2017 CCTVupgrade £4143 incl VAT Apr2017 Swings £8745.60 incl VAT Oct 2017 Tommy memorial £776.30 incl VAT Jun 2018 Total incl VAT £14,747.9 Total excl VAT £12,294.3

Current account balance as of os= December 2018 = £152081.59 Reserve account balance as of osv December 2018 = £48743.77