A Broad Bandwidth Suspended Membrane Waveguide to Thinfilm
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A Broad Bandwidth Suspended Membrane Waveguide to Thinfilm Microstrip Transition J. W. Kooi California Institute of Technology, 320-47, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. C. K. Walker University of Arizona, Dept. of Astronomy. J. Hesler University of Virginia, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Abstract Excellent progress in the development of Submillimeter-wave SIS and HEB mixers has been demonstrated in recent years. At frequencies below 800 GHz these mixers are typically implemented using waveguide techniques, while above 800 GHz quasi-optical (open structure) methods are often used. In many instances though, the use of waveguide components offers certain advantages. For example, broadband corrugated feed-horns with well defined on axis Gaussian beam patterns. Over the years a number of waveguide to microstrip transitions have been proposed. Most of which are implemented in reduced height waveguide with RF bandwidth less than 35%. Unfortunately reducing the height makes machining of mixer components at terahertz frequencies rather difficult. It also increases RF loss as the current density in the waveguide goes up, and surface finish is degraded. An additional disadvantage of existing high frequency waveguide mixers is the way the active device (SIS, HEB, Schottky diode) is mounted in the waveguide. Traditionally the junction, and its supporting substrate, is mounted in a narrow channel across the guide. This structure forms a partially filled dielectric waveguide, whose dimensions must kept small to prevent energy from leaking out the channel. At frequencies approaching or exceeding a terahertz this mounting scheme becomes impractical. Because of these issues, quasi-optical mixers are typically used at these small wavelength. In this paper, we propose the use of suspended silicon (Si) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) membranes with silicon micro-machined backshort and feedhorn blocks. Deposited on the membrane is a “single sided” thinfilm radial probe which extrudes partly into the waveguide. To simplify eventual assembly, the membrane based radial probe is oriented orthogonal to the E-field in the guide. The proposed waveguide to microstrip transition is a variation on the rectangular probe design that finds a wide range of use at the lower microwave and millimeter wave frequencies. Extensive 3D electromagnetic field simulations are reported in this paper. It is found that the a thinfilm radial probe on top of a suspended membrane is able to couple with 85% efficiency to an entire TE10 mode dominated waveguide bandwidth. This includes a 0.5 dB loss in the 0.035 λo “air” space above and directly below the suspended membrane. The input impedance of the probe is seen to be insensitive to airgap variation beneath or above the membrane. When combined with micromachining techniques, the discussed transition enables technology transfer to large RF bandwidth spectroscopic imaging arrays at terahertz frequencies. Keywords Suspended membrane, waveguide to thinfilm microstrip transition, radial probe, micromachining, hot electron bolometer (HEB), superconducting-insulating-superconducting (SIS) tunnel junction, array re- ceivers. I. Introduction The majority of SIS mixers (and most of the non-quasi optical HEB mixers) to date employ planar circuit probes that extend all the way across the waveguide [1]-[3]. An important reason for the popularity of this kind of probe is the convenience with which the active device can be biased, and the IF signal extracted. Unfortunately this kind of “double- sided” probe exhibits a poor instantaneous RF bandwidth when constructed in a full-height waveguide (≤ 15%). When the waveguide height is reduced by half, the probe bandwidth improves dramatically to a maximum of ≈ 33% [2]. However, reducing the height can result in significant fabrication problems (cost) and increased RF loss, especially at frequencies near or above a teraherz. An alternative approach to the “double-sided” probe is one that does not extend all the way across the waveguide. For this kind of probe, referred to from now on as a “one-sided” probe, the modal impedances add in series. The real part of the input impedance only comes from the single propagating mode and is relatively frequency independent. These probes are typically implemented in full-height waveguide which minimizes conduction loss and eases fabrication complexity at terahertz frequencies. Though a rectangular version of the “one- sided” probe is used quite extensively by microwave engineers [4][5] and was introduced to the astrophysical community by Kerr et al. [6] in 1990, it is seen to be fundamentally different from the proposed radial shaped probe. Experimentally we have found a constant radius probe implemented in the described thin-film configuration to give vastly superior performance over the more traditional approach. Regardless though of what method is used for coupling to the waveguide, the issue remains of how to physically mount the junction. To circumvent the difficulty of hand-mounting tiny substrates (on which the active devices are deposited) we decided to explore a membrane morphology[3][7]. As it turns out, this technology is easily extended to array applications at both submillimeter and terahertz frequencies. Hot electron bolometers (HEB’s) are the mixing element of choice in the teraherz regime and have, by virtue of their simplicity, a very large fractional RF bandwidth. To find a suitable match, we have investigated a variety of fixed tuned and frequency scalable full- height waveguide transitions. We find that a constant radius “single-sided” probe with a90◦ fan angle is able to couple very efficiently to a full-height waveguide over nearly a 50% fractional bandwidth[8][9]. Because HEB’s come in two styles, diffusion cooled[10] and phonon cooled [11][12], it is natural to look into what kind of membrane is most suited for the device of choice. Phonon and diffusion cooled HEB mixers function by different mechanisms based on the way thermal energy of the hot electrons is removed. In the case of the phonon cooled HEB’s, the electron-phonon coupling is the main cooling mechanism. Thus a fast phonon escape time is required, and the superconducting films (NbN) are typically made very thin (3-5nm). To facilitate the cooling of these devices we have opted for the use of a 7 µmthick silicon substrate. As far as the diffusion cooled HEB’s are concerned, their main cooling mechanism is thru the contact electrodes (Au). The diffusion cooled HEB could also use a silicon membrane, but in theory performs just as well on a 1 µm thick silicon nitride (Si3N4) membrane. We find that both membrane styles give similar RF performance, though the Fig. 1. Isometric view of the original (850 GHz) contacting 1 µm thick silicon nitride membrane. Deposited on top of the membrane is a “double-sided” probe which has a instantaneous RF bandwidth of ≈ 4-5%. Input impedance is 40-j20 Ω, and the waveguide is full height. 1 µm silicon nitride membrane is likely to be the easier one to scale to THz frequencies. It should be noted that GaAs is a viable alternative to the use of silicon as a membrane[7]. II. Suspended Membrane Morphology In Fig. 1 we show an isometricview of a 1 µm thick silicon nitride (Si3N4) membrane on top of it’s silicon support structure. An across the guide ”two-sided” probe[1][3] is connected to a niobium based SIS junction. This particular device had been in use at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in 1997-1998, until it was upgraded to an all NbTiN based quasioptical SIS mixer [13]. Recent computer simulations[14] suggest this structure has a 4-5% instantaneous bandwidth, which in fact has been confirmed by measurement on the actual device. In this particular design we had the membrane physically touch the base pedestal (Fig. 1). In practice this proved very difficult as the membrane tended to break upon contact with the pedestal. To make matters worse, simulations show that the performance of the membrane probe is critically dependent on the airgap directly beneath it. Being aware of these shortcomings, and having powerful electromagnetic field simulators to our disposal[14][15], we endeavored upon a new design. We require the silicon nitride membrane to be suspended by 12 µm on both top and bottom. Based on experience, suspending the membrane significantly increases reliability and eases assembly. In practice it means that the backshort and horn blocks will be separated by 25 µm. Though the “air” gap is quite large (≈ λo/15), it does guarantee the design can be scaled to terahertz frequencies. Unfortunately, the open space can cause higher order (evanescent) modes to be excited, possibly degrading the overall mixer performance. The solution is to use “photonic crystals junctions” as described in a recent paper by Hesler [16] et al (Fig. 2). Essentially these cells act as quarter wave RF choke structures, and scatter/block the RF fields. Simulations show that they are only needed in the horn (top) block. Placing them underneath the membrane does not appear beneficial. Since we plan to laser micro- Fig. 2. Layout of the silicon micro-machined backshort and horn block. The membrane is suspended by 12 µm. Photonic crystals in the horn (top) block are used to scatter fields leaking into the airgap between the blocks. The first RF choke section is positioned on top of the suspended membrane, while the remaining two sections are directly on silicon. IF and bias lines run over the RF choke to the edge of the substrate. Simulated fixed tuned RF bandwidth is 50%, radial probe impedance locus of ≈ 50 Ω. machine [17] the backshort and horn block out of silicon, adding photonic crystals is trivial. The physical dimensions of the cells (fo = 900 GHz) are: 76 x 76 x 8 µm. As discussed, we have opted for the use of a ”one-sided” thinfilm radial probe to microstrip transition, as simulations[9] have shown the potential for huge fractional bandwidth (≈ 50%).