The Past in the Present THOMAS R. TRAUTMANN University of Michigan
[email protected] Abstract: The theory-deadness of antiquity under the ideology of modernism, the theory-deadness of Asia under Eurocentrism, and the theory-deadness of the precolonial under post-colonial theory converge to hide the aliveness of ancient Indian phonological analysis in the present. This case study of the hiddenness of the past in the present leads to a consideration of how historians of the ancient world may act to illuminate the present. Faulkner has said, “The past is not dead, it is not even past.” The objective of this paper is to show, rigorously and through a par- ticular case, that the ancient past is essential to the understanding of the present, because the past lives in the present. If the argument succeeds it follows that the study of ancient history is not something that comes to an end at some date in the past, but has a continuing life in the present. It also follows that historians of the recent past cannot elucidate their field fully without the help of historians of the ancient past. It is not easy to demonstrate, because contemporary forces actively hide the continuing life of the past in the present. The hiddenness of this history is produced. There are, to be sure, areas of contemporary life whose pastness is not obscure. Everyday life contains abundant material contrivances and prac- tical routines that we know we owe to the ancestors. Learning from our parents how to button a button or tie a shoe, we set out upon a lifetime of performed routines that reenact techniques and use products of human inventiveness that we vaguely know we owe to some anonymous fore- bear, transmitted to us by an unbroken chain of teaching and performed iterations.