G E T I N V O L V E D A T W W W . C E N . U K . C O M F R I N G E G U I D E F O R C O N S E R V A T I V E P A R T Y C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 1 9 CENTRAL ROOMS 3 & 4 WELCOME TO THE CEN HUB CEN is an independent forum for conservatives who support conservation and decarbonisation. We're made up of a Parliamentary Caucus of over 40 MPs and Peers and a wider grassroots membership. MEET OUR TEAM SAM HALL DIRECTOR MEGAN TRETHEWEY SENIOR PROGRAMMES MANAGER LOIS TOOLE JUNIOR PROGRAMMES MANAGER & OUR BOARD BEN BEN GOLDSMITH BENET CALDECOTT CHAIR NORTHCOTE GET IN TOUCH:
[email protected] TWEET US YOUR PIC TURES: @CEN_HQ # E C O T O R I E S C A N W E B U R N W O O D F O R E L E C T R I C I T Y & R E A C H N E T Z E R O ? SUNDAY 4:00-5:00PM - PANEL We need to work towards the UK's ambitious net zero target - does biomass fit within this new trajectory? Chair: Sam Hall is Director of CEN. He was previously Policy Advisor to then-Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Rt Hon Michael Gove MP. He was also the Head of Research at Bright Blue, leading their work on energy and the environment.