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Shortage of Vocations Looms in Archdiocese

Shortage of Vocations Looms in Archdiocese

Shortage of Vocations looms in Archdiocese I The Church in the United States, envied by Bishops in every nation of the world for the number of voca­ tions to the priesthood and religious life, is neverthe­ less slowly approaching a crisis in vocations. DENVER CATHaiC And the Archdiocese of Denver is no exception to the shortage of priests. Sisters, and Brothers plaguing the U.S. where, in some countries, the Church. ratio of priests to Catholics ranges up to one for 10,000. THE .VRCHDIOCESE, ’ ac It is even better than the REGISTER cording to the 1963 Catholic Di­ general average for the U.S., rectory, is served by a total of where the average is one priest 323 priests, one for approxi­ for 771 Catholics. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations mately every 700 Catholics in ; the area. But the prospects of maiataia- ing this average in the arch­ THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1964 DENVER, COLORADO VOL LVIll No. 30 ! This is a • far cry from the Situation in Latin .\merica. diocese are dim. The 154 dioce­ san priests serving in the Den­ ver see the past year compare Giant Demonsfralien of Faith March 8 with 141 a decade ago, an in­ crease of only 13 ^ about nine per cent — over the 19-year period. Bishop Issenmann to Address Men In the same 10 years the Catholic population boomed The featured speaker at the Europe, he was .sent to the Re­ nary. He became a Papal in February, 1951; and member from 145,8K to 240,972, an in­ 32nd annual corporate Commun­ gister system of newspapers in Chamberlain in January. 1943; of the reorganized board o' the crease of more than 95,000 per­ ion and breakfast for Catholic Denver. In 1938 he returned to member of the board of dioce­ Catholic Telegraph-Register in sons Or about 65 per cent. men, Bishop Clarence '7. Issen­ Cincinnati and was named asso­ san consultors :n February, April, 1952. The increase in the number mann of Columbus. 0., is noi ciate editor of the Catholic Tele­ 1943; Pro-synodal judge in In April. 1954, he was desig­ of clergy thus is lagging far be­ stranger to Denver or to the graph-Register, the archdioce­ March, 1943; Domestic PreJate nated Auxiliary Bishop of Cin­ hind the skyrocketing increases Register. san newspaper. in October, 1945; administrator cinnati. and in February 1, 1958, in the area’s Catholics. Among the long list of the of St. Louis’ church, Cincinnati, he became the sixth Bishop of Bishop's honors and degrees is IN THE SAME YEAR he in December, 1946; Vicar Gen­ Columbus. AN EVEN MORE startling a doctorate of journalism, con­ also was appointed secretary to eral under Archbishop McNich- fact is that in the past'five ferred by the Register system the late .Archbishop John T. Mc- olas in December, 1947; Proto­ TICKETS FOR THE breakfast years the number of Sisters of newspapers, for which he Nicholas, O.P.. a position he notary Apostolic in August, 1949, may be purchased for $1.75 at staffing archdiocesan schools served in the editorial depa't- held for four years. Vicar General under .Archbishop the K. of C. home, 1555 Grant has taken a marked drop. ment from 1936 to 1938. Then fbllowed a series of pro­ Karl J. Alter in November, 1950; street, or at the Hilton. *And My Cup Shall Bm Full’ motions and ecclesiastical hon­ chairman of the Archdiocesan Men .attending the event will Today, according to the BISHOP ISSENMANN will ad ors. Building Commission in Novem­ assemble at the K. of C. home figures of the archdiocesan So lang the Psalmist of old. And .so. in hands of hungry children living In the world’s dress more than 1,500 Catholic In 1942 he was named a pro­ ber, 1950; member of the Arch­ at 7:13 a.m. to march to the school office, there are 504 nuns like manner, this sad-eyed Latin American lad vast areas of need. They can do this by mak­ men at breakfast in the Hilton fessor at .Mt. St. Mary’s semi­ diocesan .Administrative Council Cathedral for Mass. behind desks in area class­ seems hopefully to be saying as, standing in ing a donation to the Catholic Bishops’ Re­ hotel, Sunday, March 8. follow­ rooms. In 1959 there were 552. the rain, he silently and gratefully munches lief Fund. Last year this organization distrib­ ing an 8 a.m. Mass offered by In the meantime the enroll­ on his daily bread ration furnished to him by uted life giving food to more than 40 million Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in the Triumphs lor S econd Yoar ment of the Catholic high Catholic Relief Services—NCWC, the overseas undernourished children in 70 countries, with­ Cathedral of the Immaculate schools and elementary schoob aid agency of American Catholics. Catholics out regard to race, religion, or color. The Conception. In the archdiocese Jumped by in the archdiocese may put milk in his empty 1964 Catholic Bishops’ Relief Fund Appeal is The annual giant demonstra­ Mullen Orator Wins Legion Crown nearly 5,999 children. cup and In millions of empty cups in the .scheduled for Laetare Sunday, March 8. tion of faith is being sponsored by Knights of Columbus Coun­ The gap is being billed by a For the second straight year ual event winners will be de­ petition, the winner of which small array of dedicated lay cil 539 and other Catholic men's Ed Hoffmann, senior Mullen termined. will be eligible to compete in men and women who are teach­ organizations of Denver. High school orator, won the dis­ the national ipeet for a $4,000 ing in archdiocesan sdiools, 382 Other degrees awarded to trict American I.,egion annual WINNER AND alternate at scholarship awapd. Relief Fund to Help this year as compared with 271 Bishop Issenmann are a doctor­ rhetorical contest. Gloria Howard of Cathedral the legion oratory contest last in 1959. ate of theology from the Uni­ At the archdiocesan speech week were from Catholic high was runner-up to Ed Hoffman versity of Fribourg, Switzer­ tournament held on the preced­ schools. last Sunday. Catholic educators are con­ land, and a licentiate in phil­ ing Friday and Saturday, Ed­ Ed Hoffman will now com­ Other Catholic high schools vinced that the lay teachers am osophy from the .Angelici'm in ward Hoffman and schoolmate pete with other district winners competing were Regis (James World’s Needy, Sick Rome. throughout the state, and, if Kinney), Mt. Carmel (Carla jKenneth Brandt took first place Born in Hamilton. 0., in 1907. 'in the 'A' debate, defeating Re­ successful, will proceed to a Soy), and .Annunciation (Jacob By Dave Millon pointed out in his letter read administrative costs of any Bishop Issenmann was ordained gis High school teams James nine or 10-state regional com­ Williams). 'R e g iste r' A chance to share in U.S. n churches of the archdiocese similar agency in the field. in 1932. Kenney and Mike Leydon, sec­ foreign aid at its finest will last Sunday that, through this After four years of study in ond, and Leo Boyle and Greg V ocation come to Catholics of the arch­ inique program, "we are able, CHIEF EMPHASIS is now be iliaws, third. diocese Sunday, March 8. with limiteid resources, to mul­ ing placed on the needs of Latin Littleton Campaign Set Issu e On that day parishes of the tiply and expand this sum into America and the emerging na­ , .ALL SIX will be the Denver n lw rlM m m I What seems almost an incredi­ tions of Africa for distribution area schools' entry at the na­ taran ia MwMaaal iac- Denver archdiocese will join in The kickoff dinner for the pledges, was followed by the 49 ble amount.’’ of the people - to - people Mission Ropoii tional meet. the national Bishops’ Relief annual operational pledge re­ tiaa. Although the Catholic Relief aid. Exiles from Cuba are aided . Mullen’s Paul Kane and Tom captains the executive se- Fund to help fight the scourges A report on the annual Col­ newal of St. Mary’s parish, Lit­ Barvicea have more than 190 by the CRS as are the refugees McNally gained top honors in ected. Each captain has four of hunger, disease, and ignor­ lection for Indian and Negro tleton is scheduled Thursday, Staff members overseas, and of Vietnam, Hong Kong, India, the ‘B’ debate, with Nanette ance among the poverty- missions, taken up in the Den­ March 5, at 6:20 p.m. or five men under him. a valuable addition to the stricken peoples of the world. hese people are directing an and Pakistan. Thompson and Glenda Miller of Church scIhx^ . But there are ver archdiocese on Feb. 16, The captains and workers saMItional 350 local full-time But, despite the high ef­ St. Francis de Sales’ second, The 252 workers in the cam­ many parishes, particulaily in has been released by the will make 1,229 bouse calls on THE COLLECTION, to be staff members, the chief grass­ ficiency of the reflief fund op­ and another St. Francis’ team, paign will make their pledges the poorer parts of the area, Chancery office. ■* parishioners for pledges on Sim taken up in all Catholic roots work is accomplished by eration, it takes a lot of dol­ Georgia Fleenor and Fred Car­ at the dinner. for which the lack of teaching housands of missionaries and lars to carry on a program that A list of the contributions penter, third. day, Mardi 8, whid has been churches throughout the United made In 'the various parishes Sisters spells the impossibility States on Laetare Sunday, will other volunteer workers. touches the lives of 40 million Part II of the archdiocesan THE STEERING committee designated "Stay-at-Home Soa of the archdiocese will be of maintaining a school, since help finance the overseas pro­ This organizational arrange­ men, women, and children. And tournament is scheduled March originally selected 13 executives day.” The workers and cap­ found on page 2. tains win seek $2M,990 to cover they cannot afford the V aries grams of the National Catholic ment makes it possible for the it takes a lot of giving to sup­ 14 at Regis and Holy Family to act as advisers. The execu­ that must be paid lay teachers. Welfare Conference-Catholic Re­ CRS to have one of the lowest port it. high schools, when the individ­ tive group, the first to make ]IM-<5 expenses. lief Services. Letters have been sent by the Even within the city of Den­ Last year CRS distributed pastor to parishioners the past ver the past September, Catho­ 900,000 tons of food, clothing, three weeks. A 12-page bro­ lic high schools had to turn and medical supplies to more chure will be the final com­ away some 504 boys and girls than 40 million persons in 79 Work to Begin on St. Joseph's High Annex munication. seeking entrance, a'sltuaUon at countries. least partly owing to the short­ As an efficient program of age of Sisters. Work will betgin this month BESIDES STANDARD facili­ diocesan superintendent of at the cooperation shown by the showing the proportionate num­ REPORTS ON the house caUs foreign aid, the Bislwps’ Relief will be made on Sunday, March Fund plan is hard Uk equal. on a $170,00 extension to St. ties, the new wing will include schools. Father Bernard Mulli pastors in this plan to increase bers using the existii^ high VOCA’nON EXPERTS point school facilities over the past 8, following Benediction, which Contributions made to the fund Joseph’s high school on Fox teachers’ lounge, nurse’s room, gan, C.SS.R., pastor of St. Jo­ Catholic high school facilities. out that the critical shortage of two counseling rooms, and a seph’s, and priests from 43 par­ It is expected that the new decade. win be given at 1:$0 p.m. Ad­ are multiplied at many as 29 street, Denver, scheduled for ditional reports wUl be made vocations can be met primarily to 31 times in terms of the large assembly hall seating 100 ishes, a discussion was held on building will enable St. Joseph’s Architect Robert Unstedt of in Catholic homes. M eats and completion in time*for the new persons, divisible at need into the means by wbich the cost of to accommodate an additional Denver designed the artistic on Monday, March 9, and Frl worth of food, clothing, and day, March 13, from 7 to 9 p.m. Sisters can play a role in spu- medicine made available over­ school year starting in Septem­ two extra classrooms. the new building could be 100 students./ and functional building, wbich ring vocations, but the final de­ seas as a result of each dollar ber. At a meeting last week, at­ equitably met. will have an automatic sprink­ Edward Mahoney is chairman cision usually is determined by ^contributed here. Raised on "stitt" columns to tended by the Very Rev. Mon- Archbishop Urban J. Vehr PARISH-STUDENT statistics ler system and up-to-date venti­ of the drive and Mary Lou Mc­ the encouragement of parents. CRS provides transportation conserve available parking signor William H. Jones, arch­ has expressed his pleasure were made available to pastors lation equipment. Kenna is secretary. Only the generosity and wis­ and distribution for surplus U.S. space the new school wing is goods, which are consigned to to have two huge science lab- dom of the Catholic adults who the agency many times without classrooms for chemistry and realize that a call from God is cost. physics, a darkroom, and a spe­ an invitation to a happy and cial room for plant, animal, useful life for their children can ARCHBISHOP Urban J. Vehr and vegetable study. help solve the approaching vo­ St. M ary Academ y Cornerstone Laid cation crisis in the nation and the archdiocese. Throngs of alumnae, stu­ school building is designed to i nearing completion in the high The red brick building will Leading off 'the ceremonies Five Donors Add $65 to Burse dents and their parents. take full advantage of the school. Other facilities include match the Georgian colonial was a procession to the corner­ Five donors in the past week The sum of $9,999 will estab­ and friends of St. Ma:ry s scenic beauty of the mountains team teaching rooms, ample li- style of Uie present convent stone rite. Students of the acad­ contributed $65 to the St. Jude lish a seminary burse la perpe­ academy, [iUs, to the west and will command brary facilities, laboratories for and high school on the 19-acre emy led the gathering of civic burse for the training of sem­ site, at 4525 S. University bon- dignitaries, Knights of Colum­ Cathedralites tuity for the education of a stu­ joined Church leaders and a view of the city of Denver to physics, biology, and chemis- inarians studying to become levard, which the academy bus, members of the clergy. dent for the priesthood. The civic dignitaries the past Sun­ the northwest. I try; acoustical music areas, art priests in the Denver arch­ ! studios, and electronic language purchased from the Hickerson Archbishop Vehr, and Bishop principal will be invested and day to witness the laying of Uie diocese. only the Interest used. SIXTEEN CLASSROOMS are:laboratories. estate in 1951. Maloney through an honor cornerstone of the academy’s Sweep Art The burse .total now stands at guard formed by the senior The Catholic people are re­ new $1,000,800 high school build-' $5,699.14. students of the high school. quested to remember the edu­ ing. Contributors include: Denver. cation of .seminarians for the Show Honors Anonymous, $20; Denver, Mrs. archdioce.se in their last wills AMONG THOSE who used the L.E.M., $5; Seattle. Wash., ARCHBISHOP Urban J. Vehr and testaments. Any amount trowel in laying the cornerstone, Cathedral artists tia d e a Anonymous, $10; Tucson. Ariz., officiated at the ceremony, in addition to Archbishop Vehr, will be gratefully received. which marked a milestone in clean sweep of aU three plac- Anonymous. $5; and New York were Mother Eileen Marie, Pro­ the 100-year history of the ings in the high school division City, B.S., $25. vincial Superior of the Sisters DON.ATIONS TO the semi­ state’s oldest Catholic school. of the art exhibition organized Cure d’Ars parish. Denver, of Loretto who staff the acad- made a payment of $20 on its nary burse should be sent to the Playing a leading role in the by the Denver Catholic Parent- Teacher league last Sunday in parish burse. Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, cornerstone rites were Aux­ iliary Bishop David M. Ma­ Phipps’ auditorium as part of The board of managers of Archbishop of Denver, Chan­ For another story and pk- Court St. Rita. C.D. of A., Den­ loney, the Very Rev. Monsignor its annual Fine Arts program. tiire oa new S t Mary’s acad­ ver, made a payment of $300 on cery office, 1536 Logan street, George Evans, assistant Chan­ its burse. Denver, Colo., 80203. cellor, master of ceremonies; emy bnilding, see page 13. SONGS AND DANCES of the Very Rev. John J, Da- many nations were included In nagher, rector of St. Thomas’ “The Happy Wanderer," also seminary, and Father Francis emy; Mother M. Edwards preK-nted by parochial school­ children. J. Kappes, pastor of All Souls’ Mayor Robert Davidson of Inside the Register parish, Englewood. Cherry Hills, John Milan, archi Winning artists were: tect of the building; Grades 1, 2, and 3; First, The new bailding, part of Tw« CMiiiif •vMrtt sInhw Mm a y H iflrt 3 Patty Kelly, Cure d’Ars; sec­ om mm§9 which already is complete aad John O’Flaherty, the contrac­ ond, Jeannette Turner, Cure 99m w m m I 19. M t k k ’a May ball 9* ■wiiwth is in use for classes, will raise tor; Ed Hergenreder, super­ d’Ars; third, Timothy Marti­ C«9h>ll< CloiriM— wmI Mm Cw9lMlk the capacity of the high school visor; Thomas Mosier, chair­ nez, SL Mary’s, Littleton. to 599, according to Sister Jean man of the fund drive for the MMa ir^T^T^oy 9f4bwf« 9* Patrice, high school prhadpaL new building; Steve Halpin, Grades 4, 5, 9; First, Jackie The present high school enroB- president of the Fathers ^ b Odnzales, St. Cajetan’s; second. O lvin f sl*«|i 9* agMad m iMwr bafwrw Mm meat of the academy is 243. and assistant fund drive chair­ Adrienne M a rti^ , S t Domi­ •I w m m I l«OTM>wt b • o m M wrsiy 9* raiiH After the completion of the man; and Mrs. Albert A. Riede, nic’s; third, Barbara KeQer, fwTM 91m soirH ml Imml, saya Mm MIrwcfwr «f new building, the grade school, president of the Mothers’ chib. Sts. Peter and Paul’s, Wheat- ridge. Mm Ne<9wnMl AMerwMee M cU fy. l clM* ila m of which Sister Mary Gertrude After the laying of the corner­ 1 0 . is principal, will move into the stone, Archbishop Vehr ad­ Grades 7 and 8; Dave Rom- I present high school quarters, a berger, St James’ (1); Rick In Mm flret «f ■ $mrims twHiwf what y*M m iw m m I« dressed the guests and blessed I step that will enable the expan- Smila for Atadomy the classrooms. Blackford, St. James’ (2); TV- •ni sdMeb, IIm Im siM • ! Mm ■rrisMIacaiwii s«i- ision of the present 147 enroll- odore Sandeval, St. Daminlc’s mmw m iM MsrtlMNMrtics cwiwm lMno M ib Im w Showing his pleasure at the progress be­ buildiag drive, prepares to place mortar on Mrs. Riede and members of (3). ' ment in the grade school to 300 ing made on the new $l,tN.8M high school Cwffcwlb alwrfawla mrm |srw|Mriwf fwr Mm ay ew the cornerstone of the bnilding. At left Is the Mothers’ club served re­ High school winners, all from I Sister Mary EMwarda, su- • t * . Stwry M pwfa 3 . buHding at St. Mary's academy, .Archbishop Mother M. EMwarda. superior of the Sisters freshments, and guests were Cathedral, were (1) Bernadette ■ perior at St. Mary’s, reported Urban J. Vehr, right, stands by as Thomas of Loretto at the academv. conducted on tours of the new Kubich, (3) John Hollis, and {that the new dual level high Master, center, chairman of the academy building. (3) Royicne Bolling. The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, March 5, 1964 Page 2 Catholic, Anglican Clergy Irish Dance Scheduled March 14 in Englewood Hold Talks at Canon City ' It will be "a great day for the the women, as well' as the Irish" and everyone else who awarding of special prizes, joins in. at the St. Patrick’s day ; (Diocesan Commission of Rome should preside, but differences are as well as ac­ dance in the new St.iLouis par-! THE COST of the evening will for Christian Unity) as an 'equal among equaK' knowledging their likenesses. ish center. 3310 S. Lincoln be $3 per couple. The proceeds .-\pproximately 125 .Anglican "Both Anglicans and Ro­ This discussion identified the street. Englewood. will go to the St. Louis’ athletic and Roman Catholic prie.st.s man Catholics, despite the common convictions of both St. Louis’ parish will-present I program, the altar boys, and met Feb. 27 at Holy Cros.s note;! divergence, agreed that the Anglican and Roman Cath­ this dance on Saturday. March i the Boy Scouts of the parish. .Abbey, Canon City, for a dis­ olic denominations in regard the Church is 'a supernatural 14, from 9 p.m. until midnight. cussion of "The Concept of society which receives its life to the topic under considera­ the Church in the New Testa­ from the Holy Spirit, a society tion. as well as their areas of ment.” both visible and invisible, em­ disagreement. Each under­ I W.AYNE CASE and his or-; CCD Training Ecumenical dialogues be­ bracing those who have been stands the other better and I chestra will provide the music I Is Scheduled tween the two communions baptized in Christ, the Head both were able to rise above for the evening, and there will i are conducted regularly. The of the Church. The Christian their differences to join in jbe green carnations for all of; A Confraternity of Christian discussions are held without Church in the New Testament jirayer to their common Fa­ .Doctrine teacher training advance publicity, but joint if the New Israel, the mes­ ther. whose sons they arc. as ! Don’t Be a Weaver course on the sacraments be­ statements are issued at the sianic community of the in­ brothers of Jesus Christ. gan March 4 in the Holy Ghost close of each meeting. carnate. crucified, risen and "We look forward to the fu­ That- fellow weaving across Youth center, 416 22nd street, Denver. Two Papers Given ascended .Messiah. Its mem­ ture meetings and discussions 1 lanes and through traffic! Is he .At the Canon City dialogue, bers are those whom He of our clergy and theological :a skillful driver? The Metropoli- The subject of the classes papers were presented by Fa­ unites to Himself by the gift (,'ommissions. Doors closing us :tan Safety Council says NO — was reported in last week’s ther John .A. Sierra. S.F., pas­ of the Pentecostal Spirit. As off from each other have been iHe’s a menace and an accident “Denver Catholic Register” as tor of Holy Rosary parish, He is one, so they are one". opened. May we. by the 1 caus<“rl the Commandments. Pueblo, and Father Chauncey "Christians working towards grace of God, keep them open Minnick, pastor of the Church unity must realize what their through all the years ahead.” of the Ascension, Pueblo. The following statement was released by Episcopal Bishop Joseph S. .Minnis and Bishop Charles A. Buswell at the close of the meeting: Plan Corporate Communion Statement Released More than 1,500 men arc expected to re­ guards; and Jim Peri, director of staging; "The ecumenical dialogue ceive Communion In the S o’clock Mass at standing, Charles O’Brien, co-chairman, and must not be looked upon as the Cathedral Sun^y, March 8. Following l/conard Olivas, chairman of the Corporate a debate, but rather, as a Mass, breakfast will be served at 9:30 a.m. Communion. friendly conversation within a in the main ballroom at the Hilton hotel. Olivas and his committees have h(‘en work­ circle of qualified and inter­ Pictured above, seated, left to right are Lynn ing for the past several months to assure the ested individuals. Neither Mason, grand knight of council 39, Pilot success of this annual public demonstration of "side” wins an argument, but George Stock of the fourth degree honor faith by the Catholic men of Denver. separated Christians come to SUGGESTIONS understand one another the better, to love one another in Christ the more. ROSARIES • PRAYER BOOKS Legal Study Set on Private Schools “To further this aim of the The first comprehensive study THE STUDY, to be a co­I the D.U. bureau of educational ecumenical movement, a sec­ • BIBLES of the legal status of non-public operative research program be­I research. ond meeting between priests schools will be undertaken by tween the U.S.O.K. and the of the Anglican and Roman the University of Denver school D.U. school of education, will be I Werkema, a former adminis­ Catholic communions w a s Parade Haf • MEDALS and CHAINS of education as the result of a directed by Gordon R. Werk- trator in the Denver Christian held at Holy Cross Abbey in .An Irish hat befitting his dignity as honorary chairman $6,100 U.S. Office of Education ema, doctoral student in educa­ schools, plans to study the legal Canon City, on Thursday, Feb­ of St. Patrick’s day parade brings a Gaelic smile to the face ruary 27. Discussion revolved grant. tion and research association in status of the non-public schools of .Mayor Tom Currigan. Helping the Mayor try on his new HUMAN in the 50 states from the stand­ around the topic, "The Con­ headpiece are young members of the committee who called point of constitutional and stat­ cept of the Church in the New on him to invite his participation in the parade. From left are LIVING Testament.” Acting as spokes­ L e i b a i a i m , T e B o c k h o r s t g C o . utory provisions and court de­ Patty Curtin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Curtin, 838 S. men for th e ir respective Jasmine street; Vincent Lamberton, St. Vincent de Paul’s IN CHRIST cisions. Few studies have been groups, two priests presented school, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamberton, 1266 S. University By Frandf F. devoted to this area of educa­ papers outlining the views of BakewtIL SJ. boulevard; Mayor Currigan, and Catherine Curtin, All Saints’ their Church with referencj» to In clip mod«m tion. school, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin, 3005 S. Ingalls this fundamental question — style and pOratlng, way. He explained that the need for what is the Church? Fattier BekcwctI Area of Agreement presents a deft, step- such a study is great because by-step eppltcatton i n s u r e r s most of the significant studies “Though there was a sub­ ot me Splrltwl stantial area of agreement, on the legal aspects of educa­ Indian, Negro Mission Exarclset of SI. If- nevertheless a major diver­ nallus of Leyeti tion have been concerned only gence was noted in regard to to common spiritual with public education. the infallibility of the Church. needs to point out It was pointed out by the An­ Contributions Listed me way to a suc- glicans that ‘although they be­ s’ ctsslul, well rounded HIS RESE.VRCH will cover The following report from the Heart — Colorado SpringA) 15.x tile. The book's GERALD J. HENCMANN lieve the Church to be inde­ Mead — (Mission of Frederick) M75 GERARD R. such crucial areas as govern­ Chancery office lists contribu­ Meeker — Holy Family ' 2 0 X chapters offer one TeBOCKHORST, CPCU fectible, it is not infallible. An­ tions from parishes in the arch­ Monument — St. Peter's Idea a t a tim a fo r mental aid, tort liabilities, par­ glicans reject the notion of (Mission of Elbert) mouphtful considera­ diocese to the annual collection Oak Creek — St. M a rtin 's papal infallibility. ’They rec­ tion which will lead ^tiA m cutcc U ttcc ental rights and responsibilities, for Indian and Negro Mi.ssions Newcastle — Precious Blood ognize the Pope as the Pa­ (Mission of Rifle) 2. x to an Incriase In and corporate rights and re­ taken up Feb. 16: Peetz — Sacred Heart 35.50 135-0241 1130 PUBLIC SERVICE BLOG. triarch of the Western Church, knowledga and lova sponsibilities in the non-public DENVER PARISHES Platteville — St. Nicholas' 25.M ot God. II.Z I and in any major gathering C athedral s<24 61 Rangely — St. Ignatius' 4 7.x schools. of all Christians, the Primate A ll Saints 343 SI R ifle — St M a ry's 17.x A ll Souls' (Englew ood) 577 24 Roggen — Sacred Heart 33.75 A nnunciation 75.00 Silt — Sacred Heart 10. x Blessed Sacrament 600.01 Steamboat Springs — Holy Name 31.92 C h rist the King 63fl.0() Stonetiam — SI. John's 11.15 Choose From Our Cure d 'A rs 226.00 Strasburg — (Mission of Hugo) 57.x G uardian Angels 90 00 Stratton — St. Charles’ 82.x Holy Cross (T hornton) 302.33 Victor — St. Victor's 6.15 Fine Selection of Holy F a m ily 270.M Weiby Assun>ptlon 182.23 Holy Name (Ft. Logan) 143.93 Weldooa — St. Francis' Holy Rosary 70.00 (Mission of Brush) Holy Trinity (Westminster) 311.00 Wiggins — Our Lady of Easter Greeting Cards M ost Precious Blood 442.50 Lourdes more M other of God 149.93 Woodland Park — Our Lady M ount C arm el 200.00 of Woods N otre Dam e 193.50 O ur Lady of F a tim a (Lakew ood) 375.00 O ur Lady of Grace 83.50 O ur Lady of Lourdes 132.50 O ur Lady of V isitation 25.00 Presentation 252 82 CLARKE'S ' Sacred H eart 93.90 St. Anne's (A rva d a ) 543.30 St. A nthony's 205.13 MARCH 8 St. Bernadette's (Lakew ood) 340.50 St. C alatan's 92.50 IV Sunday of I.x;nt St. C atherine's 450 00 Denver, St. Joseph hospital CHURCH GOODS St. Clara's Orphanage 17.00 St. D om inic's 326.95 xBrlggsdale, St. Joseph St. Elizabeth's 178.50 Security Village, Holy Family 1633 Tremont Place TAbor 5-3789 St. F rancis de Sales' 550X St. Ignatius Loyola's 242.70 Commerce City, St. Catherine St. James' 4X.X N.B. .Mis.sions marked with an St. John the Evangelist's 532.X St. Joseph's (C.SS.R.) 7737 asterisk (x) may have 13 Hours' Charge Account's Invited St. Joseph's (Golden) 141.72 of Exposition of the Blessed St. Joseph's (Polish) 63.X St. Leo the G reat's 72.50 Sacrament instead of 40 Hours' St. Louis' (Englew ood) 407.79 St. Mary Magdalene's (Edgewater) 250.X St. M a ry 's (L ittle to n ) 498.50 St. P atric k's 105.70 Sts. Peter and Paul (Wheatridge) 375.X St. Philom ena's 586.50 St. Plus Tenth (Aurora) 265.X St. Rose of Lima's 2X.X St. Theresa's (A u ro ra ) 373.50 St. V incent de P aul's 585.X

PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER A kron ~ St. Joseph's 64.25 Aspen - - St. M a ry 's 201.18 Basalt ~ St. Vincent's 15.X Boulder — Sacred Heart 420.X Boulder, South Sacred Heart of M a ry 99.05 Breckenridge — St. Mary's 12.X Briggsdale — $t. Joseph's 1.40 B righton — St. A ugustine's 315.15 Broomfield » Nativity of Our Lord 275.X Brush — St. M a ry 's 47.07 Burlington — St. Catherine's 20.X Cascade — (Mission of Sacred H eart, Colo. Springs) 12.50 Castle Rock -r St. Francis' , 39 27 Central City Assumption (Idaho Springs) 5.X Cheyenne Wells — Sacred Heart 51.45

COLORADO SPRIfTo S - Corpus C hrist! 375.32 D ivine Redeemer * 876.56 Holy T rin ity 225.77 Pauline Chapel — (Broadmoor) 240X Sacred H eart 462.32 $t. Mary's 452.X Hoty F a m ily — S ecurity V illa g a 124.25 C raig — St. M 1 c^a tl's 68.79 C rippla C reek - St. Peter's 19.50 C fW k - St. P ater's 11.91 Deer TraH — (Miulon of Hugo) 56.X Derty -> St. Catherine's 107.88 OLINGERS EAST COLFAX AT MAGNOLIA CHAPEL East Lakt — (Mission of B righton) 52.60 Estes Park Our Lady of the M ountains 21.77 Flagler — St. Mary's 12.X Fleming — St. Peter's 72.X

FO RT C O LLIN S ~ St. Joseph's 416.x at Rosaries Fort Lupton — $t. William's 27.60 F o rt M organ — St. Helena's 39.30 F rederick St. Therese 30.25 (Georgetown — Our Lady of Lourdes 10.X Philippine mahogany paneling, warm and rich, characterizes the chapels and drawing Glenwood Springs — rooms of three of Olingers Neighborhood Mortuaries — 16th at Boulder, East Colfax at St. Stephen's 153.55 Grand Lake — St. Anne's Magnolia, and Englewood (2775 South Broadway), (Kremmiing) 7.X G R E E L E Y — The softest shade of blue accented with ivory distinguishes the interior of the Speer at Our Lady of Peace 4I.10 A GREAT WAY TO SPEND WASHDAY!”! St. P eter's 372.21 Sherman drawing room. Grover — St. Mary's 3.X Haxtun Christ the King (Hotyoke) 5 90 an autom atic clothes dryer m ade it possible These service rooms are all finely appointed and properly furnished. They are air condi­ , Hotyoke — St. Patrldc's SiOi ! Hugo — St. A nthony's 32.W W T $ » « h » r mm eAem eon ahopplns than ever before. No aodden rfw ven or wfadatonna tioned cool in summer, comfortably warm in winter, soundproofed and softly lighted. : Hudson — St. lia d o re 9.75 Idaho Springs — St. Paul's 10.X to u r or dirm or ewt* A vomAn't fot to have delay th in fi. 'Hie dryer doea ciothaa ju a t right in 1 iilft _ St. Cetherine'i 18.13 tizzbe to preptfe b natf—vaabday or not. Anci, thia any veatber. Tiod out for youneUl Juiestnn^ — St. Anthony's 55 X Kiowa St. Ann's 21 64 ia where aa dotbea dryer ienda a hand. Kit Carson — St. Augustine $ 21 4‘ It awards b v pieoty o ( time to fet ready for thoae Ask your appliance dealer or I^ibI^c S ervfaa Com- . . . truly O l i n g e r ' S do offer more Kremm.ing _ st. Peter's 12 X Keenespw'g — Holy Fam.iy 24 X apecial o rraairw And beaidefL a new automatic faa paziy repreaentative juat boar aaay it ii t* m m a s or eiecthc dryv doca her family'a lauztdiy better automatic p i or electric cloths dryer. p LEADVILLE - 4 55 -36 63 Annunciation 96 95 St. Josepn's 76 X I L.mon — (Vission of Hug-I 2'' X PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO SERVING DENVER S FAMILIES SINCE 1890 . LoMisvihe — St. Louis' 60 25 AS rSV£STOM-OWSED UTlLrTT . Loveland — $*. John's 135 X i Manitoo — (-Mission of

i Whole Barrel of Irish Fun ThurseJay, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 3 On Tap at St. Patrick Fete ►v As many activities as can be for a couple at the Dune'; hotel Tickets for the S8th annual expected at a good old Irish in Las Veiias. N'l v., 'aiU be St. Patrick's Charity Ball and I get-together are on hand forgiven both at the luncheon and luncheon are available at the 'those who take part in the St. at the ball The prize, will in- Catholic Charities office, 166.i Patrick's Day commemoration elude room,, meal,, and bev- Grant street; the Knights of sponsored by Catholic Charities crages The trip can be taken Columbus office. l.iS.i Grant : « ! ■March 17. at the winners' convenience street, the hotel's catering of- ■Nationally famous Will Back. Favors also will be given at the fice, and from members of the his piano, and orchestra will dance and luncheon, Irish Regis association, the cost play at the St. Patrick's Day is $3 a person for the luncheon Charity Ball in the Silver Glade and $.1 a couple for the dance. room of the Cosmopolitan hotel. Dignitaries of the Church and The dance is at 9 p.m State are expected to attend. '■ The dpy's events will begin ii'-. PL.W'I.N'G IN the Centurv at 10 a rii. with a Solemn Mass jrpom of the hotel at the same in Holy Ghost church, 19th and ! time for the youager set will California streets. be the Road Runners, a rock The celebrant of the Mass will f jnri A Consul Advises I’n’ roll band, which will give a be the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wal­ preview of their performance ter J. Canavan, pastor of Im­ Consul-General of France for the Western region of the i Friday, March 6, between halfs maculate Conception cathedral United States, M. Victor Gores, discusses with Mrs. Blake : at the Regis-Colorado State uni- The sermon will be given by Hiester (left), honorary chairman, and Mrs. John Scordo the : versify game at the Regis field- the Rev, Bernard Mulligan, ‘‘Aprll in Paris” program of the Catholic Parent-Teacher i house. The Road Runners are C.SS.R., pastor of St. Joseph’s league education conference to be held at the Denver Hilton jg j-giease a record soon church. The Cathedral choir hotel on April 14. The Consul-General is showing his guests a ,, Denver frish will sing. brochure on Lourdes, one of the «reat shrines of France^ wh ch he considers to be a major element in his country s ^ “sing along” religious tradition. ,3j luncheon, sched­ Swim Suits Needed J 4 : f C : uled to begin at 11:30 a.m. that At Ridge Home day at the Cosmopolitan hotel’s j h ' At St, Thomas’ Seminary Rites The Wheatridge State Home Silver Glade room. Will Back Si.\ members of the Hierarchy attended the Denver, Bishop Bernard J. Sullivan, S.J., CPTL Conference will accompany at the piano. and Training school for retard­ Will Back ed children needs swimming solemn closing of the Forty Hours’ devotions Titular Bishop of Helicamassus and retired A piano «duo of Hazel and suits of all sizes , and volunteers March 2 in the chapel of St. Thomas semi­ Bishop of Patna. India; Bishop Charles A. Marie will be entertaining in to help conduct swimming class­ nary. Denver. Pictured after the ceremonies Buswell of Pueblo, and Bishop Raymond G. the Gun room in the evening. es for children in the home. are. from left, .Auxiliary Bishop David M. Hunthausen of Helena, Mont., who delivered Sets Tribute to Jim Peri, vice chairman of ..\lso needed are phonograph Maloney of Denver. Bishop Hubert M. Newell the sermon in the ceremonies. the dance committee, said Tom records for the recreation pro­ of Cheyenne. .Archbishop Urban J. A’ehr of Lee, general manager of the gram at the home. hotel, has reserved all the Culture of France j hotel’s facilities for the ball. He THERE ARE about 12 chil- Most Archdiocesan Grads in College isaid there will be dancing in idren from the institution taking ; the lobby. The banquet rooms France, known as "the eld­ program will open with school- I swimming lessons from 6 to 7 .\ large proportion of the 7K4 St. Joseph's, 1; St. Mary .Acad- J.orelto, respectively, .Another and the Broadway Arms are est daughter of the Church,” children’s demonstrations at Ip.m. each Wednesday at the, graduates from Denver Catholic emy, 1. Cathe.iral graduate joined the also re.served for the affair. gave far more to Western civi­ various levels, Mrs. George E. 120th street center, at 20th and j high schools in 1963 will pursue Seminarians were from Cathe- Medical missionary nuns. lization through her ancient re­ iMcCaddon being master of cere­ Curtis streets, according to Mrs.,their studies in .33 Catholic col- dral, 1; Holv Familv, 2: Mach- SINGERS AND DANCERS ligion-based culture than any of monies, in the grand ballroom Louise Smalldone. who IS direct- lege.s and universities in 19 bpuf Mullen 3 from the Irish Regis associa­ and St her follies can discount. of the Denver Hilton hotel. ing the swimming program. states as far apart as "ashing- fj-ancis 5 To stress this Christian heri­ tion and the Irish Loretto asso­ With volunteers to teach the ton. .New York. Omaha and Prizewinning exiilblls by pu­ ciation are also on the luncheon tage is the aim of the archdio­ classes and additional swim­ Louisiana. vNINE iv f r.R.\ni:.VTireGRADUATES joined pils in the arts, sciences, and program, as are the Very Rev. ming suits, about 30 children cesan annual education confer­ languages will be on view. Of the 207 graduates electing the Sisters of Charity of Cin-: ence, to be held April 14 in Monsignor Richard Heister and could be accommodated, Mrs. to continue their studies in cinnati, all from Cathedral high; ALL FORMS Denver, its theme being "April Mrs. Frank Gold, president, members of his Cathedral choir. Smalldone said. Catholic institutions, 16 entered school; six went to the Sisters will be master of ceremonies The catering manager of the in Paris.” schools of nursing, 13 joined of St. Joseph from St. Francis at the luncheon, scheduled for Cosmopolitan hotel, Chris La- THOSE WHO WISH to volun­ OF INSURANCE seminaries and 23 became nov­ (5). and Machebeuf (1); and 12:30 p.m. at the hotel, where teer as instructors or to donate FRENCH CONSUL General ventis, is planning a special ices in religious orders of wom­ three to the Sisters of the Pre­ the guest speaker will be swimming suits may contact for the Western region of the Irish menu, featuring baron of en. cious Blood. Holy Family (2). Bishop Charles Buswell, D.D. Mrs. Smalldone by calling 455; J U.S., M. Victor Gores and his Irish beef. and St. Francis (1). of Pueblo. i Special prizes of two nights Bill Mclree 2372. staff arc rendering great assist IN ALL, 57 per cent of Cath­ One each from Marycrest, PHIL BRONCUCIA, ance to the conference commit olic high school graduates went Cathedral, Machebeuf, and Holy INSUROR tee so as to :mpart a truly ‘Challenge Instead of Chore’ on to further study. College reg­ Family joined the Sisters of French flavor to the day. istrations were highest for Lor­ 101 University Boulevard Charity. B.V..M., the Carmelites, DU 8-6244 M. Gores, Chevalier de la etto (26), Regis (11). Creighton Marverest, and the Sisters of legion d’Honneur and holder Sister Enthusiastic About New Math (10) and St. Michael's (4). of the Croix de Guerre, has con Candidates for schools of nurs­ ducted researches into the his­ The following article is the al Mount St. Joseph. for the exchange of ideas con- but certifies that they have ing came from Cathedral, 3; tory of the Church in France first in a new "Denver Catholic She has also attended the Uni­ corning science. It promotes completed a course in what Sis- Holy Family, 2; St. Francis’ 9; He feel- that the pilgrim Register" seires, designed to versities of Detroit and Colo­ new science teaching tcchni- ter Jeannine regards as one of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES shrines, such as Lourdes, ani give parents an insight into the rado, the Catholic University of ques, in-service aids to science the most promising fields of ap places like the Rue du Bac, programs — some of them America, Washington, D.C., teachers, and research in sci- plied science, Memorial Held • STATUES • ROSARIES • MEDALS strange and new — that are Creighton university, Omaha, ence education. On math teaching in present- where St. Margaret Mary re • PICTURES • PRAYER BOOKS ceived the miraculous medal shaping the future lives of stu­ and Earlham a Quaker college. day classes. Sister Jeannine For Missionary from Our Lady, arc more truly dents in area Catholic high Her studies brought her THE .ARCHDIOCES.AN an-1 Marie was enthusiastic over the ■Sinsinawa, Wis. — Observ­ • PENDANTS • BOOKS • PLAQUES .schools. France than the boites of Mont­ ' “credits in prerequisite mater- nual science fair is a .barometer ;“new approach” to the subject, ance of the centenary of the of the success of the associa-; martre or the salons of the in­ The "Register" reporter Is ials in chemistry and physics.” j death of Father Samuel Mazzu- tellectual avant-garde. interviewing the chairmen o/i tion’s methods. j “I FIND THAT youngsters|(,belli, O.P. famous missionary Complete Line of Rellsioui Aiticlei (or Church ond Home This Imperishable France can archdiocesan high school com-j “I TEACH biology as well as Some Denver youngsters go understand what they are do-|of the .American Midwest was still wield a good Influence In tnittees in the uartous areas of'math and science,” Sister directly to the bi-state science ing, she said. They under-jbeid here by about 1.50 diocesan a troubled world, and the con. study to gather information fair in Boulder, a “regional” stand why things are true, and|c|ergv and Dominican Reli- A. P. WAGNER & CO. sulate h preparing a display of for the series. science fair, with their experi­ retain that knowledge longer.” igious" pamphlets and other literature * , , mental‘ apparatus and exhibitsi Learning by rote, the math-| Mazzuchelli labored to illustrate the religious and Last year two students, one CHURCH GOODS By Chris Hernon f r thorfr 1 hi k nH nm. t™^*-*^* !amoog thc Indians in Michigan i educational aspect of the na­ Some of the best high school r m M lie SfrerZ "’“^h and Wisconsin and founded par-1 tion’s heritage. rom Mullen, proceeded directly as m earlier days. i^hes in Wisconsin, Illinois, and math - science students, those 606 14th St., Between California & Welton M. Gores was approached by taking the modern computer to the national science fair. I “The whole tendency is to up ig^-a. Making up one of his Mrs. C. Blake Hiester, honorary course at the University of Colo­ •Each year we have a math,grade math teaching and fortify spiritual families are the Dem­ TA. 5-8331 chairman and Mrs. John Scor­ rado extension in Denver, have and science tournamen Sis- the grasp of it. It has become inican Sisters of Sinsinawa. do, of the Catholic Parent a Sister sophomore as class­ ter continued, held on the last j a challenge instead of a chore,, Teacher league, to enlist his as­ mate. Saturday in April. St. Mary’s a dare instead of a drudgery.” | ■ sistance, She is Sister Jeannine Marie, academy is the locale for 1964’s \ s math is the language of I chairman of the mathematics tournament.” i science, the C.C.S.T.A. is a. HE TOLD his guests that he and science departments of the Students from Pueblo, Colo- unifying influence, its officers' was delighted to act in a con­ Denver archdiocesan secondary rado Springs, and Boulder lakeland members helping it achieve F E N C E ELCAR sultative capacity, and would part, together with the major- its goal: “To help our young- schools. ^ • ...ttie region’s most re­ further, in every possible way, Interviewed by the Register ity of archdiocesan science stu- sters to become better math spected name in wood and their plan to present the “true” at the convent of the Sisters of dents. and science students.” '■*' A * it France to the people of Denver. Charity of Cincinnati who staff wire fence. Phone for a free, The Catholic Parent-Teacher THIS YE.AR the association the Cathedral high school. Sis­ TO DO THIS, teachers enrich courteous estimate and ex­ league each year holds Its edu­ has a committee working on their own knowledge and use all ter Jeannine was happily confi­ pert instaDation. cation conference to demon­ dent that the “new math” and scholarship possibilities for high aids to make them better teach­ strate and exhibit (he work of the fresh approach to science school students to go on to the ers and better mathematic­ the Catholic school system In are benefiting both teacher and national science foundation. Dif­ ians. Sister Lydia Marie and Colorado. Its 64 units have a pupils. ferent universities arq spon-; Sister Mary Gloria are also of- total of S2,0C0 parents. Sister Jeannine Marie -soring programs for teachers aslfjcers of the association. This year’s event will be the THE TEACHING Sisters had added, noting with appreciation|*'“V f o’'*'"'" i - ^ S'*'®*' first to pay tribute to the found that the math teaching'that biology courses have also V®*, ° o' cathe-1nine Marie concluded, “that, be-j Christian culture of a great program needed correlating been updated and are interest-Dame. I cause of thc annual science fair,| European nation. from primary through second-; catchingiiciiiiiK ascia well asda thoroughuiuiuuKii. 'i l ' • „• i foura- t athollc: . ' students’ interests------in------science ex- In succeeding years, the na­ ary to tertiary education She ioined the Sisters of; are participating in thc ■ perimentation has increased tional “flavor” will derive from They are, therefore, among Charity at Mount St. J o s e p h , ’‘hlch does | and improved. Research is a other ancient and noble states, the most ardent explorers of after being graduated from c o l - l ^ ‘*’“'" crediu or diplomas,personal thing” ______each of which has exercised a streamlined instruction, and lege. ' worldwide influence, in the zealous proponents of “dis­ Two years ago she was named: Americas as elsewhere. covery” methods. president of the Colorado Catho­ Born in Richmond, Ind., Sister lic Science Teachers’ associa­ ON APRIL 14, the “French’ Jeannine Marie attended public tion. grade and high schools before The organization has the aim S J i o p p i n ^ Chess Play majoring in physical. education of providing a common forum Sponsored By A lu m n i As a result of the many articles appearing in na­ An unusual party, a chess. tional publications condemning the so-called high cost party, was sponsored by thel h of dying, many people are compelled to “shop” when Catholic Alumni club of Denver! on Feb. 28. More than 20 selecting a mortuary. Although we are appalled at CACers gathered to match their i wits on the chess boards. i these diatribes, they do present us with the opportu­ The chess enthusiasts will: meet again on March 23. nity to prove to families that a beautiful service need THE MONTHLY buiness not be Expensive. Further, we provide a PERSONAL meeting of the CAC will be held at the University club. 17lh and I SER\’ICE at NO EXTRA CHARGE. Sherman streets, March 18, be-! ginning at 8 p.m. On the pro­ gram is Dick Baker, who will, discuss "Space Flight to the Moon.” Father said,**Pull yourself up by Other items on the CAC cal­ endar this month include the your own bootstraps. Save!” women’s retreat at El Pomar.i Father knows best Bet you did chores before you got your allow­ retreat house. Colorado Springs. I March 13-15; a discussion op the ance, too! And there's just no denying that a "bootstrap” savings controversial Sen. Barry Gold- account at American National Bank can help achieve your own water from .Arizona. March 16. a swimming party. March 12. at goal faster. Bank interest up to 4% per annum. Your money is JVem m M ertuarm ,Im . celebrity pool; and an hour of fully insured, instantly available. This is a handy situation for nocturnal adoration at Holy- Ghost church, March 26. many people looking for financial progress. How about you? HLA.G IC E T tlA X j If the shoe fits, wear it CATHOLIC COLLEGE gradu ; ales may find out more about these activities by calling the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ■I. EMMETT yOOSAN - DIRECTOR C.-VC, membership chairman, Stout 244-6911 Mary Bennett, 477-5416, MFMBER r.Dl.C. 2406 FEDERAL BLVD. 433-6575 Vocations Save the Heroic I n an “indifferent world” marked what may be known as martyrs by by “phlegmatic religious toler­ profession, those who have embraced REGISTER ance,” the modern-day martyr is a the religious life, which in itself is a myth. martyrdom, a dying to even the law­ This stark statement, made re­ ful ties of the world. cently by Dr. Hans Frei, an Episco- Men and women who devote their ?alian and professor of theolo^ at lives to God 0 v e the world a contin­ Our Rumiurf ale University, was challenged at the ual living reminder of the end to which ■ -/f . very time he made it by news of all men must come. i '-i'; more priests being murdered in the The married can give an example Congo. of virtuous family life, but they cannot Advise and Dissent It is true that this is a most un­ illustrate, merely by their state, the heroic age, but martyrs there are, as supreme need to put God above ev­ M many as there were in any other age. erything else. Only those who have • Against Aperthy and because of the martyrdom of died to the world can do that. Editor, the Register: m h \ priests, and religious, as well as lay Dr. Frei remarked that Commu­ li We would like to express our thoughts as homemakers, missioners, the impetus to heroism is nism has succeeded, with brainwash­ concerning Mrs. Madeleine Bonsignore, a Christian Family kept alive in others. ing, in making “would-be martyrs” Movement leader in Illinois. We are sure Mrs. Bonsignore did Dr. Frei contends that “it is diffi­ look “uncomfortably pathetic rather not mean women must become “social butterflies” in order cult to be a martyr in an affluent so­ than heroic.” He should read their to become more aware of the “world outside their home.” She ciety, which is religiously indifferent lives. realizes too many parents are leading an "ostrich-like exist­ and tolerant.” Missionaries in China, like Father ence” when it comes to the facts of life concerning vital issues A religiously indifferent society is John W. Clifford, S.J., in his book. and the Communist world movement. Apathy is the forerunner never tolerant of anything that chal­ In the Presence of Mine Enemies, have of dictatorship in any form. Many parents think their obliga­ lenges its existence. This was verified tions as patriotic citizens begin and end with that periodic visit shown by example as well as writing to the polls. in the Roman empire and the Chinese that Communism can be withstood by empires, which persecuted Christians, never giving into it. Previously, the 88th Congress was labeled as a “do nothing Congress” . Congress claims since there was so little “public though they were tolerant to religions The priestly and the religious voca­ outcry.” it was in its fashion expressing the will of the people. they could control. tion. are the constant reminders this .A letter or postcard is of great significance! A silent citizenry TTiere are countless silent martyrs world of heroless novels, spineless suffers appalling consequences. It is public apathy when we today in the affluent society who are governments, and flaccid organization do not take the time to study the vital issues. 'Hie least line of deprived of advancement, and in some men has that heroism exists and only resistance is not always the most secure way! Government cases, of a decent livelihood, because heroism can save us. £ is everyone’s business, and a democracy such as ours gets its they would not bend to corruption. These vocations are the fullest a . strength from the will of the people. These people find inspiration in answer to man’s need for the heroic. It seems today, you sometimes meet citizens, who are almost afraid to show any particular devotion to their country. Mrs. Frank G. Connelly and Mrs. Leo Rider For Heaven’s Sake Williamsport, Pp.

• Nawf for Mrs. Murray How Do You Survey a Beatle? Editor, the Register; By Frank Scully Are they like perhaps those hardware, I asked him to Congratulations go to Commissioner Robert H. Lee for his courageous reported statement in the Register (Feb. 9). Do PAROCHIAL scliool stu­ now older sisters and brothers autograph the ladder. It wa« all radio and TV stations know of this “fairness doctrine?” dents, having come out higher who have forgotten how they a joke and we both appreci­ Those in a position to do so, should see to it that all radio and on the average than public swooned over the swivel hips ated it, God have mercy on TV stations do know. school students in Iowa State of Elvis Presley? his soul. University tests, it would be Or are they an improve­ f a s h i o n s With a twist of fate, it may even reach the Murrays. They ment and a final acceptance I ALSO TALKED to Rudy h n a i u i ! |H C don’t seem to know, “This country believes in God.” interesting if we had a Gallup VAN!!'' poll of some sort which indi­ that all of them, Beatles in­ Vallee, who was a neighbor of [S'WOBISM !H1IM!I Oscar Bibeau, Providence, R.I. cates how the Catholic schoo' cluded, are Just human be­ ours and an old friend, about children came out as opposed ings, subject to the same of this desire to touch some­ to others in following the God’s laws and fortified in body exceedingly popular at • AttoHishod by M torfal latest of our many madnesses their restraints by what the the time. He said it didn’t have Editor, the Register to be whipped up any more b - . ^ K o s l — the Beatles. Lenten season means to Cath­ I read with great astonishment, the editorial entitled “The General opinion is that it is olics? than the natural wind has to be whipped up. It just comes Poor We Have Always” which appeared in the Register re­ impossible to tell if these four Of course, we may never ceived during the last week in January. young men from Liverpool, get any statistics, like the on people and while you may Poverty be pleased at first, you’re ab­ 1 say “astonishment” advisedly. How a paper which pur­ all wearing hairmops like one Iowa State University Intelli­ solutely disgusted in a little Of all Its forms spiritual poverty ports to represent the Catholic view can completely ignore the of the Three Stooges, can gence Tests, to help us one while. Is the most to bo pitied Papal encyclicals of the last 20 years and publish the tripe sing at all. way or another. And It could this editorial represents, is beyond me. He told me about an inci­ In appearances In New be argued that this is only On the Home Scene If it is “the” Catholic view that the Government of the dent in Hartford where he York at the Ed Sullivan Show teenagers on vacation and United States should not do everything within its power to and his Connecticut Yankees and two performances at that the rest of their days and erase the blight of poverty which afflicts many of our citizens were to perform. He was get­ Carnegie ha'I, the teenagers nights are quite normal. throughout the land, then “the” Catholic view Is the biggest screamed so wildly that the ting out of a cab, and his But when you get college bunch of baloney that has ever been foisted upon your readers. voices of the quartet were clothes were being torn off Bach's Celestial Counterpoint students acting like kids and If your editorial Is “a” Catholic view, why not say so? If drowned out. him, before he could get freed having seen a taped version By James M. Shea ‘‘Wie wunderbar sind deine was as much praise of God it is your "own” view, why don’t you have the Intestinal forti­ Showmen from other. parts from his practically psycho­ weeks ago of these Beatles on MOST of the pictures of Werke!” Do you need a trans­ as it was entertainment for tude to say so? of the country, having seen if pathic fans. the Jack Paar show and not heaven that I’ve seen include lation of the German, or does music-lovers. If I, for one minute, thought that the cost of this attack not heard the performance knowing the difference be­ 'They don’t do thU to royal­ evidences of music — choirs the psalm speak to you im­ No music cntic, I have to on poverty was, as you put It; "to make the State chief edu­ and the terms under which mediately? “How wonderful tween tape and live perform­ ty and they don’t get a chance of angels raising their voices rely on my instincts and on cator, storekeeper, and nurse” then the picture would be en­ they had performed, have are Thy works!” the judgment of experts as to ance, beg you to get the auto­ to do It to the President. They in praise, or harmonizing with tirely different. But who advocates such? said a show would have to strings, or splitting the welkin “My believing heart, shout the quality of the per­ graphs of these Liverpool may be able to shoot them but Why shouldn’t the government “assure all citizens of gross $25,000 a night and even with loud trumpet notes. for Joy!” “I trust His grace, formance. But I don’t need Rock and Rollers, the founda­ the opportunities of rushing decent living standards regardless of economic reveries or then those who put it on tions under you begin to ou them and tearing their This all seems right enough, which shields me from all to read any reviews to know whether I’ve been transported vicissitudes of human life and health?” This is the same kind would not make a nickel. shake. clothes off in gratitude and for music possesses the twin evil!” These and other frag­ by an experience of beauty of nonsense that was used against the Social Security System appreciation are few. qualities of beauty and mys­ ments from Cantatas and BUT PM MORE concerned I have been in contact with tery. It does have charms, and from the composer’s Passion and joy. And I don’t need St. 30 years ago, and the same type of shortsightedness being with how Catholic kids react all sorts of performing stars We work so hard as parents it is indeed the food of love. According to St. Matthew and Cecilia’s angel to tell me that spread about medical care to the aged. . . . to this latest madness. Are for half my life and the only to rear our children to act Recently we attended a con­ Passion According to S t John, there is some relationship be­ Walter B. Phelan, they like all others in this re­ time I asked one to autograph temperately in all situations cert that gave new emphasis together with a concerto and tween the sounds of such a Democratic State Chairman, Wyoming spect? Are they like their something for me was when and it would be much more to these old reflections — a an instrumental suite made concert and the hymns of grandmothers who went hys­ the late Alan Ladd opened his helpful to know if some sta­ concert of music by Johann up a program of music that heaven. terical over Rudy Vallee and hardware store and I bought tistical survey more reliable Sebastian Bach sung and • Gloil to Rood A rlklat his megaphone? Are they like a ladder and he was telling than the Nielsen ratings were played by the Bach Aria group Editor, the Register: everybody what a great writ­ to assure us we were on the their mothers who went equal­ with the support of the Cin­ Ponder and Print In your issue of Feb. 2 I read the article by Monsignor ly hysterical over Frank Sin­ er I was. So to see if he could right track and doing far bet­ cinnati Symphony orchestra. Francis W. Carney , about Dr. Rock and his PUl. I listened write at all, as well as sell ter than average. atra? The soloists included four to that broadcast on television and was surprised at his (Dr. vocalists, notably Eileen Far­ Rock’s) lack of knowledge of theology. With his views, I would rell, and men who performed Diploma not want to put myself in his hands for medical treatment, Here I Stand superbly on violin, cello, pi­ because in his last statement he said it would be five years ano, flute, and oboe. Next before they would know if it is successful, and who wants to time I see one of those medie­ take such a chance. '> val illustrations of the beatific All-Important? state I'm sure my mind will And in your Feb. 9 issue, I read the article of Bishop El- No Compromise Possible By G. J. Gustafson, S.S. tional Association for Per­ well about parochial schools, and think it is high time Cath­ project the Bach .Aria group sonal Rights in Education into the picture, for the mu­ “THE PRESE.NT public olic parents quit dragging their feet and get up and fight for By Frank Morriu How can such a culture ex­ them. Thank goodness there (NAPRE), claimed recently their parochial schools. . . I am glad we have people like sic they played and sang school monopoly of the educa­ in a talk to the Serrans in The steady fall of the pro­ pect that its youths will turn are still those who hear the came closer to deserving the tion tax dollar must be ended Bishop Elwell and Monsignor Carney. to answer a call that admits voice that speaks to the heart Milwaukee, WIs. portion of religious vocations adjective “celestial”’ than if freedom of mind and con­ We would add that he is Mrs. Z. L. Tonne, Manhattan Beach, Calif. of no compromise, that de­ of mankind as It has from compared to population could anything else I’ve ever heard. science is ever to be fully at­ speaking the real language of mands total commitment? the first moment of mao’s well betray the secularism tained in American educa­ the First Amendment, which, that is hardening the heart of Thank goodness there are creation, “Where art thou?’’ ’THE WORDS, for the most tion.” Dr. Francis J. Brown, • Just ¥flio*s Hoto nitod? still youths among our chil­ believe it or not, proclaims the modern world. and who can respond, “I am part, were no less designed to professor of economics at De- that Congress shall make no Editor, the Register: dren who refuse to accept the here, waiting to serve as you But, answer the apologists raise men’s hearts and minds Paul University (Chicago, law prohibiting the free exer­ Our myriad disseminators of falsehood are forever depict­ temptation we hold out to command.’’ tor the present as the best heavenward. 111.) and chairman of the Na- cise of religion. ing the Right as being “divisive” and imbued witti "hate” while possible moment anlil the Congress has not done so, portraying the Left as humanitarian idealists animated by the next moment pomes, there b perhaps. But the Supreme concept of global fraternal solidarity. plenty of dedication — look at Profiles and Perspectives Court in its new role of leg­ T V absurdity of such characterizations is apparent srben the peace corps, the col­ islator definitely has, in re­ reflecting upqn the statements of revolutionaries of the Left: legians who volunteer their cent decrees. For it was Lenin who proclaimed: “It roust be bloodshed on summer vacations serving the Dr. Brown’s point is that a colossal sqale. We must revolt, and when we revolt there ^oor and needy, the tremen­ "every school teaches two Mmll be no mercy. In Russia first, and then from one end of dous concern among youth for Reminiscences of a Parish Priest things; Its academic content Europe to the other, they roust perish — down to the man who sociological solutions to age- By Joseph P. Kiefer through the ordeal. .And God’s goodness seemed alwgys there (reading, arithmetic, science, keeps a stall in the street.” old problems of hunger, war, MOST READERS who address letters to the writer of this when I needed help the most. In spite of the hardships, I etc.) and its educational phil­ A fellow conspirator, Bukharin, callously and affectionately poverty. column refer to me as “ Mr.” That is because my byline does wept when I was transferred to a better parish. osophy, which includes values (the Left does not hate) wrote: “We are making experiments True, these things are not on G(^, man, religion, moral­ not contain my official title. Actually I am a priest and would on the living body of the peoples — exactly like a first-year to be despised for what they ity, rights, duties, and other not trade my appellation for all the honors or gold that the MY LIFE since then has been varied and most interesting. student working on the corpse of a vagabond In the anatomy are. » world might offer. Since this issue of the Register is intended For nearly 24 years I have been pastor of one of the oldest ultimates. This means that the State public school, in operating theater. Here, in Russia, where we are absolute to feature religious vocations, permit me to indulge in a bit of parishes in the area. I have a flourishing grade school and masters, we fear no one. The country, worn out by wars, sick­ THE QUESTION is, how­ soul-searching and reminiscing. addition to teaching academic was coach in football, baseball, and basketball for five years. ness. death and famine (it is a dangerous but sple^id means), ever, are these partial, tem­ On March 19, the feast of my patron, St. Joseph, I shall On several occasions I have served as chairman of our dis­ content, is also imparting porary commitments an ade­ values to its students.” under the perpetual menace of the Cheka and the Red Array, commemorate the 30th anniversary of my First Mass. For all trict Catholic high school. I have done extensive work in radio no longer dares to make the slighest protest. There is not in quate substitute for the full 30 of those years I have been a parish priest — 29 of them as and television. I have lectured and preached in many parts of THERE CAN reaUy never commitment that religious vo­ be a neutral school system, the whole of Russia a single household in which we have a pastor. the country. 1 was selected as the founding editor of our di­ not killed in some manner or other, the father, the iiMther, cations demand? Indeed, arc morally and religiously speak­ a ocesan newspaper and have served in that capacity for nearly brother, a daughter, a son, some relative or friend.” the partial commitments a IN M.ANY RESPECTS, my first six years were the most 19 years. I am a contnbuting editor of a Catholic magazine ing. Every democracy save America seems to recognize John Keenan, Bronx, N.Y. possible attempt (subcon­ difficult; but I was young and fired with enthusiasm. Hard­ and have done considerable free lance writing for various pub­ scious, I am sure) to escape this. The U.S. is the only de­ ships were a challenge and I tried to meet each with courage lications. I have held a number of responsible diocesan offices. mocracy which grants a “ mo­ the demands of the total one? and hope. I had a brief assignment as assistant in a large par­ For over three years 1 have written this weekly column for the The reason I am tempted to nopoly of the education tax ish where the entire burden of administering fell upon me National Edition of the Register. dollar to State schools.” Editor, the Register: think we are compromising owing to the illness of the pastor. I can recall hearing Confes­ with religious commitment is My 30 years as a priest have been teeming with much ac In any case to ignore all After reading much literature in this newspaper and others sions for 10 hours on the day before Christmas, preaching at tivity and little worldly recompense. Even during periods of religion, to prohibit the name partly based on the fact we the Midnight Mass, then celebrating three early Masses the regarding the pros and cons of aid to parochial schools, there compromise today almost ev­ incapacity and hospitalization I have continued my editorial of God, in one’s schools, is to is one question I would like to ask. following morning. I recall, too. that in addition to the usual work. erywhere that absolutes are point out, and not very sabtly, Wouldn’t such aid if granted and accepted give the Su­ duties, I taught catechism to the school children, had 27 pros­ the unimportance of all this. demanded. preme Court the right to put in force their de^ioo of no pective converts under individual instruction, brought Holy It implies that religion and Today is unwilling to pay MA' EXPERIENCES are only those of one man. Other Communion to nearly SO shut-ins each month, and acted as moral training are a week-end prayer, Bible reading or religious instruction in our schools the p ii« of dedication and priests have accomplished far more than I under more adverse as they have in the public schools? athletic director- for the high school teams. I even wrote and circumstances. The fact that my fellow priests are able to ac­ pursuit at best One’s import­ eternal vigilance necessary directed several plays produced by the )'oung folks of the par­ ant tasks and duties are at­ Mrs. A. Shepard, Westfield, Me. to mamtaln absolutes. It is complish so much is proof of what their vocation means to ish. Finally, I had to make all the arrangements for the pas­ them, the happiness they find in pursuing their lives of dedica­ tended to in five fall days. unwiUing to draw the lines, tor’s funeral. Then what really connts is a bey’ond which compromise tion. and the help from the Divine Master who always seems ‘Wbol Da TWy HhoamV After his death, I was sent to a mining town where only a to be on band at the opportune moment. diploma or a B.A., not a bap­ cannot be carried. tismal certificate. Editor, the Register: few of the men were employed. This was during the depression My only regret is that I could not achieve more in the years of the 30’s and the people were in great want. Our aver­ TO RETURN to Dr. Brown. The cartoons aimearing in the Register lately are a scan­ This can be carried into al­ years allotted to me. Would I do it all over again if I had my age monthly collection was seldom over $80 and with that 1 It is his view that academic dalous wonder. Week after week we look at these cartoons most every field of modem choice? .Absolutely, without any reservations! There is a joy aid can be given through a social endeavor. Law no long­ had to maintain a school, pay three teachers, and meet other in serving God and neighbor in the religious life which no and wonder, “What do they mean?” expenses. For nearly six years 1 received no salary. The'' States Junior G.t. Bill under We hear comments about them from Catholics and non- er deals in principles that career in the world can equal. I am sure that thousands of which parents not accepting rest on a foundation that can­ thoughtfulness of relatives and friends somehow saw me priests, sisters, brothers, and lay missionaries throughout the Catholics, and realize that they are a source of scandal to the State's educational value both. We try very hard to "understand” these artistic crea­ not be compromi.sed; morals world would agree with all that 1 have said. In giving up much, system would receive tuition tions to see just what “ message” they have but somehow no longer are Judged on Com­ RL Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D. they have received all. grants for their children in mandments that cannot be Foanding Editor, Register System of Catholic Newspapers the form of vouchers negoti­ they have an uncharitable tone. compromised; learning no 1913-19CI MAY MANY MORE young men and women heed the call able only at approved schools They seem to be oriented toward a “one world” mentality. longer depends on truths that that Christ addresses to them. In losing their lives in Him. of their own free choice and In contrast, Paul H. Hallett’s column is usually very good. cannot be compromised. Page 4 they shall find Love in its most exalted expression. conscience. Mrs. Ira Barthelemy, New Orleans, La. Thursday, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 5 Registorials

t ' H Seminary for Older Men Our Readers Say . . .

; U<--:on. .\I;i" — Thi re- The- Pope .lohn seminary ‘.vill. Kdito:. Tie. Register Thoughtless Critics ^pon-c !o th" Di\inc Call may be for delayed diocesan voca­ t,- cnmi- at any ace.” .'aid thi late tions only I'ardinal Cushing Personally and on behalf of the Colorado Region of the l'o;ii- .Ifihn .X.XIII when di'Cj.-s- said the, s( mmary will not ac­ .National Conference of Christians and Jews. 1 want to thank i S i'v.: \ocat:ons to t.nc priesthood. Would Wreck Schools cept candidates for the various you for your cooperation in the observaifce of Brotherhood religious order- \nd l(ob'-rt E Saunder- at week. Feb. 16-23. \ By Paul H. Hallett The only unchastity there is 49 years of age is a piime ex­ Stressing the need for suiiport Some criticisms made, or or can be begins in the mind. • . n ample of this statement But of the national seminary v ar- If any mature citizen got throu.gh the week without realiz­ allegedly made, by some It is simply Impossible to where will he study.' .\lmost dinal Cushing -em a letter to (.'alholics of the job done by have an unchaste action un­ every seminary i- geared for all diocesan luiest' in the na­ ing that it was Brotherhood week, then he or she did not read the parochial schools would, less there is an unchaste in­ the high scliDol and college stu­ the newspapers or listen to radio or watch TV. The coverage I t tion if accepted and acted on, tention. sin of unchastity dent He has pointed out that St. given this year's observance was really wonderful Let's hope wreck not only the Catholic- can be complete without ever Cardinal Richard ( tishin- of Jerome. St. Augustine and St. that it will -have a lasting effect throughout the .vear. schools but the very structure going-over into action, but no Boston has supplied the answer John Chrysostom were among of the Church itself unchaste action was ever Realizing the existence of the several persons who received a Sincerely. Incredulously. 1 read over committed without unchas- problem of what to do 'with an late call to the priesthood. and over again certain un­ tity of mind. Bill Grant. Chairman older man who obviously has a The Cardinal has nceived published criticisms of the Brotherhood Week 1964 Did the alleged Catholic vocation to the priesthood. I'ar- supitort from acros.s the nation. Catholic schools allegedly who made this statement ever dinal Cu-hing took it upon him­ He mentioned one benefactor made by Catholics in the aca­ hear of the words of our self to build a seminary for .ate demic world, all of whom had who has offered to pay for all Ixjrd: ' He who looks upon a vocations. dishes needed to equip the sem­ Ivdi a passion for anonymity, as woman to lust after her has The Pope .lohn X.Xlll .Nation­ inary well they might. Hardly a one already committed adultery al .Seminary for delayed voca­ Young Artists’ Winning Smiles ".Itt't pick them out and send of these assertions could pass tions will be ready for its first with her in his own heart?” me the bill.” the benefactor the test of elementary p.sy- students in September of this In ascending order (above) are three divisional winners of said ;ril make up for the chology and logic, let alone I WOL'I.D NOT have it last Sunday's Fine .Arts day contest sponsored by the Denver year. orthodoxy. breakage, too. as long as I am ESTABLISHED 1872 thought that this specimen Catholic Parent-Teacher league: Jackie Gonzales (Grades 4-fi); Saunders, the superintendent alive." had no close competitors for Patty Kelly (Grades 1-3) and Bernadette Kuhich (High School) of schools at I'armington, Conn., THE DRIFT OF these crit­ excellence in the bad. Very Winner of the Grade 7-8 section, Dave Brnmberger of St. will be among the first 10(1 stu­ RELIGIOUS ARTICLES icisms” (they were, rather, close to it is a quotation from James’ is represented by his street scene, on the easel at left dent who will he housed in the Junior Books blind vituperations) was that another one of the vainly of the picture. (See story this page) .Massachusetts seminary. CHURCH SUPPLIES the boy or girl graduated by wise. Leaders to Meet the Catholic school is not Appeals to morality and the The second training course COMPLETE LINE taught to think for himself. faith as motives for reading or in 1964 for leaders in the Jun­ Thinking for oneself,, these not reading a book are nearly Dinner Honors Postal Official ior Great Books program will OF CONFIRMATION SUPPLIES critics seem to say, is think- futile.” Has, then the Church start on Monday, March 9, at m't as they wish it. MEDALS • CHAINS wandered in the dark when A testimonial dinner on Feb .perinlendcnl. 14lh division. ing. and travel. Mrs. Klein is 9:30 a.m. at the ‘‘Register” of­ One of the first principles to 27 honored Vladimir \ Klein, preaching against the occa­ Omaha, 194S-.i.i: acting regional the former Rose Triimmer of fice, 938 Bannock street. See Our Selection of Easter be borne In mind by anyone who will retire .March 16 as di- Omaha, They live at 7‘200 W. sions of sin? “An aesthetic transportation manager. Wich­ The leader trainers for this .And St. Patrick’s Day Cards who wanU to make critical argument against a bad book ' rector, transportation division. 31st place with their youngest Judgments is to avoid sweep­ course, which will run eight STORE HOURS is far more convincing. Tell­ Denver region. United Stales ita and Denver regions, cover- son, .Stephen \ Klein, a Regis ing statements. This critical consecutive weeks, will be Mrs. 9 a.rn. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, ing a student a book is ‘vile’ Post Office Department ling eight states. 1955-.66: direc­ list is fuii of them. I shall high school student Joseph R.van and Mrs. Robert 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays or ‘filthy’ often sends him ' Friends and employes of the mention only one, which I tor. transportation division. Den Munroe. scurrying to get it. If pupils The Kleins have three other shall not dignify with a reply: transportation division arranged ver region, since 19.i6 .Anyone interested in the pro­ are told the book is poor, bor­ the dinner, held at the Albany children, all grown: Mrs, Beat-' “Catholic schools invariably gram is asked to contact the ing or poorly written, there is hotel. 1120 Broadway 534-8233 breed complacency and-nr dis­ AFTER RETIREMENT he rice Klein Smalley. M .\; Dr. Parish JGB chairman or Mrs. .seldom an urge to read it.” gust.” ! Speakers at the dinner in- plans to devote lime to his hob­ Robert J. Klein, and Dr. Law­ Munroe, leader training chair­ To single out all the errors We can give pornography its i eluded Post Office Department bies — reading, model railroad­ rence C. Klein man. 422-3164. in this list of attacks on the due. A pornographic book can­ I officials from W ashington and a parochial school would be to not be boring to anyone, un­ U.S. Senator. fill this page. I can mention less possibly he has read the J F. Jones, director of do only two of the most egregi­ same stuff before. mestic transportation, Washmg- ous. Top-prize must go to the It can be disgusting, shock­ following uncut jewel of aca­ ing, offensive and a burden on demic unintelligence': your conscience, but boring "Be less protective” — this it is not; to tell a young man pundit advises the Catholic otherwise is to lead him to English teacher. “Stop con­ doubt either your intelligence fusing chastity of mind with or your honesty. chastity of action. 'You can’t He can be kept from read­ keep ^em from the corner ing a book by an appeal to his conscience, never to his liter­ • • • • drugstore.” • •••• ary taste. • • • • I HAVE SEEN hundreds of letters revealing profound ig­ WE HAVE too much faith norance of Catholic teaching in the conscience, loyalty, and and hopelessly scrambled scholarship of our Catholics rM ..ie Moith !> logic. But never, in a quar­ in the academic world to be­ ter century of editorial work lieve that these quotations on a Catholic newspaiier, have from men who will not allow 1 seen anything to equal this their names to be published for the sheer sublimity of the are in any degree representa­ asinine. tive. N V Vladimir A. Klein Course in Better Driving Ion, D.C., was toastmaster at the dinner, C. G. Crossman. di rector, Denver region. Post Of Is Scheduled for March 9 fice department, gave the wel come. C. C. Scott, deputy as Denver’s nationally known sical demonstrations, colored sistani postmaster general, bu • • • A l l Driver Improvement School will slides and visual aids will be • • • • used. In addition, traffic litera­ reau of transportation, gave the conduct a safety and driver .im­ ture will be distributed. provement course in March for address; Sen. Gale W McGee Judge Finesilver will be as- (D.-Wyo.), member of the Sen­ Denver high school students and 1# • • • X t their parents, announced Judge siste'* by experienced safety ate Post Office committee, gave COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THE professionals, traffic engineers, Sherman G. Finesilver. director; the felicitations; David Bunn, of­ of the school, !licensing officials, chemists, lawyers, In.-irance underwriters fice of regional administration, The course will start Monday, and doctors. postmaster general's office, pre­ March <«, at 6:30 p.m., at Wyer auditorium of Denver Public Li­ Denver residents will pay no sented a certificate to Klein; brary, 1357 Broadway. The class class fee. and W. H. Hill, acting director, i will consist of seven two-hour transportation division, gave the sessions, to be held twice week­ JUDGE FINESILVER urged appreciation. ly on Monday and Wednesday all Denver teen-agers 15 years » evening.. or older, whether licensed or Klein, who was bom in Brainard, Neb., on Sept. 16, TECHNIQUES OF motor ve­ not. to enroll in the free classes. Written parental permis.sion will 1906, entered the postal depart­ hicle operation, freeway, winter ment on Oct 15, 1927. when he and mountain driving, safe driv­ be necessary. Judge Finesilver also requested the parents to at­ became a substitute railway ing practices, and extensive re­ postal clerk. view of traffic laws will be tend with their children. He was graduated from stressed. The effect of alcohol Those completing the course on driving ability will also be will not have to take the writ­ Creighton university in 1929 He discussed. There will be no be- ten examination when applying served in road, terminal, and hind-the-wheel training. The pro­ for their operator’s license. transfer office assignments un-| SEE gram will also cover the recog­ Those wishing 11 enroll may til 1932; in railway space ac-' register at Opportunity School. nition of causes of accidents and counting in the SI. Joseph dis­ THESE GREAT accident prevention. Actual phy­ 13th and Welton streets. trict, 1932-34, in mail di.spalch and schemes analyses in the COLOR MOVIES ON Rejjister System of Catholic Newspapers 14lh division headquarters, 1934- Here's unsurpassecJ 36, CHANNEL 9 President...... Most Rev. Urban J Vehr, D.D He was assistant chief, "RIO BRAVO" JotmC.rn. Natural Color Editor and Business M anager...... Rt. Rev. John B, Cavanagh schemes division. 1936-39: chief, Associate Business Manager ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty executive .section, 19.39-44: chief, SAT., MAR. 7 Managing Editor ...... Miles F. Porter personnel and payroll section. with a picture so Associate Editors Linus M. Riordan, Paul H. Hallett, Clement J. 1944-45; assistant general suiier 9 P.M. intendent, 194.3-48; general su- Zecha. James R. Walsh, and David R. Millon. bright, so true, News Editor ...... Edward Smith Production Manager ...... Robert W. Lynch Advertising Director...... John J. Murphy "RED SKIES OF you have to see it Circulation Director ...... Julia M. Boggs MONTANA" to believe it. The Denver Catholic Register FRI., MAR 6 3-5 P.M. "GARDEN OF And RCA Victor Published Weekly by EVIL" THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY. (Inc ) TV is easier £38 Bannock Street. Denver. Colo 80204 FRI., MAR. 6 Telephone, 825-1145 P 0 Box 1620 10:30 P.M. than ever to own. Tha HALMSTAO Mark 9 Senes 14-G 73 M 'AUNTIE 265 sq. in. picture Subscription. £4 00 a year. Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. MAME" Foreign countries, including Philippines. $7 00 a year. CARS SOLD! SUN., MAR. 8 Second Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado Sine* March 1, 1963 9 P.M. Thursday, Morch 5, 1964 42 ED T Y N A N ’S ASK about our Special Trode-ins^Liberol Terms!

OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER FREE Home Delivery— FREE 90-Day Selervicf The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. We confirm Rias the official publication of the FREE One Year Warranty— FREE Set up and Initallation archdiocese. Whatever appears In its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. NEW We hope The Register will be read in every home of 1964 VALIANT the archdiocese. We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste In the children of the irvhdioi'ese for the reading of DELIVERED DENVER PIANOS-ORCANS 1332 BROADWAY CH. 4-4556 The Register. CampM* Saitt A Sarvk* APPlIANCfS TV-HI-FI « URBAN J VEHR lot Jr. free Parkinfi at 1321 Lincoln— Open Mon. and Fri. ^ight$ Feast of St Francis de Sales Archbishop of Denver 5225 E. COLFAX Jan. 29. 1960. Til. :m -oo:w u Page b The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, March 5, 1964 r “ I ‘ f T * ~ r I I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|l|llllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll)llllllllllllilllll|||||ll ....Inlllll lllNlllUllil: IlllllllllllllllilllillllllUlllllllllllil rashion txpert Donates Time, Talent I a n i n h To Archbishop Guild's Style Shows I 0| lntM to iVDMEN i A well-known lady of fashion, Tickets will be sold at the St. Catherine Laboure mem­ door for the annual spring fash­ Mrs. Evelyn Peterson, fashion bers will attend the fashion ion show, to be held Starch 10 director of the May-DF store, show in lieu of a March meet­ Denver, has been associated in the grand ballroom of the ing. I with the .\rchbishop Guild of Denver Hilton. Returns may Catharine Manson ot Our Rachel Hatton Denver’s annual fashion show also be made at that time, but Lady of Sorrows circle has been Court St. Rita M em b ers 'for 15 years. During this time ways and means chairman, in Washington, D.C., to attend Of Colo. Springs ishe has donated her time and Grace Rome, has requested cir­ the funeral of her brother, Her­ Plan Business Meeting cles send returns to Margo bert Palacios, who was profes­ In Music Event Funk by March 7, and thus re­ sor of social studies and acting Members of St. Rita’s Court ual donations to the seminary duce the congestion that will dean at the Catholic University Rachel Hatton, wh.T teaches otherwise occur at showtime. 625, Catholic Daughters of burse by March 12, fs all money of .America. at Divine Redeemer eleiren- This will also make it easier America, will hold a business for this project must be sent to Catharine Maloney will enter­ the state chairman, Mrs. Rood tary school, Colorado Springs, to determine which circle will meeting on Thursday, March 12, be awarded the gift for selling tain Mystical Rose circle at a of Leadville, prior to Palm has one of the principal leads breakfast meeting. in the court's club house, 765 the most tickets. Sunday. in the Colorado Springs Chor­ Pennsylvania street, Denver, Vessel of Honor circle mem­ Betty Welch will come to the ale’s presentation of Arthur beginning at 7:46 p.m., with the THE Junior Council, made up bers will meet in the home of meeting of Servants of Mary Honneger’s dramatic sym­ grand regent, Mrs. Grace of some 10 members of the Margo Funk. New officers are group at Janet Dipetro’s home Remke, presiding. phonic psalm King David, to Carol Young, Margo Funk, and court, as well as the counselors be presented on Sunday, to teach rosary-making. New Plans for the upcoming state Helen Wilkinson. Ernestine members are Rosemary Scham- for the various junior groups, March 8, 3:20 p.m. in the Fine Tucket will have a potluck din­ convention, to be held in April Arts Center. Colorado Springs. peau and Gloria Garmone. in Durango, will be outlined by met March 2 in the home of ner for Sacred Heart of Jesus the state regent. Miss Catharine Miss Rose Hattendorf to make Miss Hatton, who holds a circle. Mother Beloved members will Maloney. If enough members final plans for the Junior Cor­ bachelor of science in music meet at Gayle Canino’s home March 12. Rosemary Laguardia are interehed, a bus will be porate Communion Day, to be education from the College of Style Show Interview chartered from Denver to the held on March 7 in Holy Ghost Mt. St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, will be the March hostess for St. Gerard’s circle. The meet­ convention city. Tentative res­ church, Denver. Cincinnati, is also organist at In Ouild fashion Show Set March 8 on Radio On Saturday, March 14, the St. Paul’s church, Broadmoor. ing of Holy Cross circle will be ervations, therefore, are advised Pictured above are some members of the .Archbishop’s board of managers will hold a Two area events,' the Arch­ March 13 in Emogene Tomsic’s at this time. Members are re- j Mrs. Evelyn Peterson Guild, Denver, who will appear in the guild’s annual spring THE MUSIC retelling of the bishop’s Guild style show and home. minded to make their Individ-1 meeting in the club house at fashion show, to be held March 10 in the Hilton hotel, Denver. life of David is under the di­ talent to direct and moderate the St. Patrick’s day parade, i Precious Blood members will 10 a.m., with the chairman, Mrs. Left to right, front, are Rosemarie Kellogg, Virginia Koonce, Louise Brown, presiding. rection of David Porter, a the event, one ot the largest will share the spotlight on dine out at their next meeting. PaeSH • BCAUTIPUl I and Betty Gassen; rear, Bernice Robinson and Marge Menard. graduate of St. Ambrose col­ style shows in the Denver area. “Project ’64’’ over KOA Radio, FLO W ER S I lege, Davenport, la., and at Mrs. Peterson originally be­ Denver, Sunday, March 8. PAST DSLiveay fngagecf present on the faculty of gan her career as a concert Mrs. Diane Gamel, publicity PHONS S CHAROB Cheyenne Mountain h ig h chairman for the March 10 fash­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Kaug pianist. Her talent and interest Psychologist to Address school, Colorado Springs. as a free-lance model, however, ion show, will be interviewed on of Lakewood have announced the public service program at h d t U S h f i ^ George Garriques will sing brought her to the then May the engagement of their daugh­ Tabernacle Unit AAarch 6 5:30 p.m. The event will be held the title role. Others in the Company as an assistant buyer 366-3511 ter, Dorothy Frances, to John at 8:15 p.m. in the grand ball­ Healy, also of Lakewood. The cast are Josephine Estill and for the dress department. She The Tabernacle society will ney Glassman, assistant chief of gave this up, feeling she would room of the Hilton Hotel, with bride-elect is a graduate of Kay Davis. Narration will be meet Friday, March 6, at 2 p.m. psychological services at the SHOP-AT given by Clifford Kolsrud and be better suited in the produc­ proceeds going to the guild’s Colorado State college. She is in the home of Mrs. John El­ Fort Logan Mental Health cen­ many charities. I'lilH FABRi Jane Howbert. Lillian Bueno tion end of fashion. She enjoyed a teacher in the Littleton Public liott, 951 S. Garfield street. Den­ ter. At 6:30 p.m., Capitol Mortuary McCue, nationally known au­ fashion-thinking in the way of S R iJ A L lb i Schools. Her fiance is the son ver. of 1331 Sherman street, Denver, HOME of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Healy thor, will have one of the projecting fashions, color pro­ The speaker will be Dr. Sid- THE TABERNACLE society speaking roles. She also is di­ motions, public relations and sponsors of the program, will of West Springfield, Mass. He will assist in furnishing vest­ rector of the dramatic seg­ general overall coordination be­ present an interview with James T pick up the is a graduate of Purdue Uni­ ments, altar linens, sacred ves­ Eakins, parade chairman. This versity and is employed by the ments. tween all fashion areas of the Moss, Holy Hour store. Married to a former sels, a confessional, and other year’s parade will be Saturday, Bureau of Reclamation. phone' TICKETS for the perform­ newspaperman, who died three furnishings requested by Father March 14. A June wedding is planned. Of Fatima Club ance can be obtained from years ago, Mrs. Peterson has Anthony Weinzapfel, chaplain Activities of wide community and dial... W Jean Ives, ticket chairman, two daughters. for the Catholic group at the interest are featured each week Slated March 1 on “Project ’64.’’ Other inter­ TUKTIONAUY 634-6432, or at the Chinook Her hobbies, in addition to center. A Mass and Holy Hour, spon­ esting broadcasts Sunday will 7 ’ THS RNtST IN book store box office, Colo­ babysitting, include music, art, The interdenominational chap­ 623-4193 POH71IAIT PHOTOOUPHY sored by Our Lady of Fatima be at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, and 4:05 rado Springs. and books. She has traveled el at Fort Logan has recently ( UIMI.U taM UmwiUiv D a ta p a p o m c s First Saturday Club, will be p.m. coiat.„oit W W M UI w ill im U. suaswwrs throughout the United States held in Holy Ghost Church, Den­ been reactivated. BAKERIES and has toured Europe. ■ wmutUM.11. Wins Woolompplty hf fngagad ver, beginning at 12:10 p.m. on Mind Your Mannors UkwMh IWrIct I. 7MT Wm . Home of Fine Pastries March 7, and will be followed A TOUR was taken by mem­ IN 1950, the Archbishop’s bers of the Tabernacle society Your Colorado State Patrol 66 So. Broadway Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lentz by a luncheon in thfe Denver says that the courteous driver Guild ■ members approached Tea Room at 1:30 p.m. Both March 4 to acquaint them with t COlPAX A V t • S M 4 U ) 753 So. University of Denver have announced the will have far less accidents CUSTOM MADE 1350 Coiorado Bivd. Mrs. Peterson and asked her to the services and the luncheon the work of the Fort Logan engagement of their daughter, than the road hot. . . so mind 2410 East 3rd Ave. stage a fashion show for the are open to the public. Mental Health center. Laurie Anne Lentz, to Robert your motor manners and live. benefit of their charities. She The spiritual director, the Dr. Glassman’s talk will be a o'. Christensen, son of Mrs. Vir­ graciously accepted the chal­ Very Rev. Monsignor William follow up of the tour. An invita-‘ ginia Christen­ DRAPERIES t SPECIAL UNTIL lenge and the original show was Monahan, urges all past, as well tion is issued to all Catholic sen and the housed at a local hotel where as active members to attend r CA R PETS M ARCH 14th late Henry B. women who are interested in 400 persons attended. The show this Mass, to be offered in Room Size Christensen of the vital work of Tabernacle so­ was staged in following years at memory of one of the club’s and Smaller l v w V 7 0 20% SAVINGS ON HOME FURNISHINGS Denver. T h e other hotels. The growth and ciety to attend this meeting. SUPCOVERS members, Mrs. John La Tour- Lirguit tuiic4lon> In tiM City DRAPU RUGS CARPniNG bride-elect is a success of the show brought it ette, who died recently. As a graduate of Mt. to the grand ballroom of the charter member of the tele­ rFiirnitiirA U r n iT U r e in u>e bouse *^'**’"' at no extra cost to you! FURNITURI CURTAINS Carmel h ig h Denver Hilton Hotel in 1962. phone committee, she, as well Mew JMexico Ogtii bii4 WBaMiriBy IvtGlGfi school, Denver, LACI TAILS COVIRS Last year 1,600 persons as her daughter, Rita, who pre­ T ill $:X fJH . and at present watched guild members model ceded her in death, took an Girls Begin hi{i^fUDW fii?lioi>] is a senor at ni S U P C O V IR S the latest spring and summer active part in promoting this E.M.W. Loretto Heights m u m n u n . .C N W Y c a ia M in L m h fashions. This year, Mrs. Peter­ particular devotion to Mary. Postulansy where cash talks college. Her 2500 Curtis Street son is again working with the Also attending will be mem­ 2141 So. Broadway fiance attended St. Joseph’s Colorado Springs — Beginning SUerman 4-2754 guild to stage another success­ bers of the Junior Catholic 623-4281 high school, Denver, was grad their studies for the Sisterhood ful show at the Hilton, to be Daughters. Strvlng Mttropolltin Dtnvtr Slnc« IN ] uated from Regis college in at Mt. St. Francis, mother house 1962. A late summer wedding is held Tuesday, March 10, at 8:15 of the Poor Sisters of St. Fran- p.m. Tickets will be available RESERVATIONS for the planned. 6TH AVE. at the door or by contacting a luncheon can be made by calling OLIVER'S guild member. John IvaTourette, 377-1062, who I Luncheon, Card Party will carry on this service for MARION NOTICE his wife, or Miss Mena Heiser, Meat Market The Annunciation parish Missioner to Conduct 623-2067, by Friday, March 6. g “Serving Denver Since 1923 With Qmlity Meats" group to assist Mt. St. Vincent’s Price of the luncheon is $1.85 Second Annual Rummage Sale Home for Boys will meet in the Retreat for Women per person. CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER home on Thursday, March 12, • SPONSORED BY The Rev. John Nathan La at 12:30 p.m. for luncheon and Bauve, Divine Word Missionary, Fresh Poultry Fish cards. Admission will be 75 ingagad ST. JOSEPH'S ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY will conduct a retreat for wo­ cents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M, y PrW tnIuMi Maul Cuttun tu Survu Vuu men from four Denver parishes CHURCH HALL:W.6thAve.AGalapagoSt. Klocker of Wheat Ridge have nwiM 7»-4t» Mil a. MS * v ^ Mrs. Marie Smith Martin and (Sts. Peter and Paul’s, Holy announced the engagement of FRIDAY — MARCH 6th— Noon to 8 P.M. her committee invite all to at­ Family, St. Pa­ their daughter, Helen Louise, to Miss Ortiz—Miss Flores tend. trick’s, a n d Max S. Kudar, son of Mr. and cis Seraph, are two girls from SATURDAY— MARCH 7th— 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Guardian An­ Mrs. Max Kudar of Jackson, New Mexico, Barbara Ortiz and gel’s) on the A R T Itn Wyo. The bride-elect is a 1963 Dolores Flores. Many Items of Value BIAUTY lALON w e ek e n d of graduate of Loretto Heights THERE'S STILL TIME...... The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PERK UP WITH A March 6-8 at college school of nursing and is NEW HA IR STYLE . . . Joe Ortiz of Ruidoso, N. Mex., ro N4VI YOU* ciomu And Many Not So Valuable the El Pomar working as a public health-nurse ■ASTER SPECIAL Miss Ortiz is a graduate of Rui­ Hilr Cut. SaimpM a Sul - S4.n retreat house, for the Jefferson County health C U A N I O ' Rta. SU.M Pumunuiit Only SUM doso high school and attended QUAUrr 0»Y Something for Everyone — Come One — Come All B r 0 a dmoor, department. Her fiance was 2924 E. 6th Ave. 322-8032 C o l o r a d o , graduated from Regis college, the College of St. Joseph in Al­ AND IXM tnr MfSSfO Springs. He is Denver, in 1962 and is now em­ buquerque. also scheduled Miss Flores is the daughter FOff m i winriND. Rr. Li Saw * ployed in Denver. A wedding is to give the re­ planned June 6. of Mrs. Fred J. Flores of Las treat for junior and senior stu­ Vegas, N. Mex. She is a grad­ "JAfi, TLcum. you, Cart J auaI" 2290 Gold Bond Stamps dents at St. Mary’s high school uate of Immaculate Conception in that city on March 4 and 5. Women's Press Club high school and attended the Father La Bauve, who re­ Eileen O’Hayer, editor of Ex­ College of St. Joseph in Albu­ O ne Noui w ith tha purchata of thosa and olhar spadolly markad ilomi at your ceived a Brotherhood Award tension magazine, will be a querque. She also worked for ^ storo thru March 7, 1964. from the National Conference special guest at the tea on Sun­ a year as a nurse aide in St. of Chrisiins and Jews in 1962, day, April 19, honoring Mrs. Anthony’s hospital. Las Vegas. " m m m ’ recently conducted a retreat for Lenora Mattingly Weber, Host­ The two girls will receive the THE MOST IH DBV OLIAHIHO members of the Colorado ess for the .April affair to be Franciscan garb next August. FREE Gold Bond Stamps FREE Gold Bond Stamps held at the Catholic Daughters Springs District Council of Cath­ After a two-year novitiate they There Is a One Hour Martinizing near yon 4 0 with tha purchoto of 7 5 with tho purchosa of olic Women. General theme was of America clubhouse, will be will complete their studies at “The Place of the Passion of the Colorado Catholic Women’s the community’s juniorate at the Check the Yellow Paget for Nearest Location Christ in the Christian Life.” Press club. college in Albuquerque. Mrs. Raymond Nixon, president GRAHAM CRACKERS FROZEN PIZZA of the Colorado Springs unit, and Mrs. Vernon L. Rottman, spiritual development chairmen, Busy Baker Brand. 1 -lb. pkg. Chef Boy-ar-dee SausaQe or Cheese arranged the details ot the re­ SPRING'S ELEGANCE treat. Approximately 38 women were in attendance. FREE Gold Bond Stomps in FASHION FREE Gold Bond Stamps 1 0 0 3 0 0 with tho purchosa of WHAT ABOUT YOU? with tha purchoia of 1964 WHOLE PORK LOIN Presented by lO-lb. bag POTATOES Cut and wrapped any method pre­ ferred. Av. wt. 10 to 16-lbs. Place THE ARCHBISHOP'S Russet, U.S. No. 1 Ckirdenside order through meat department. GUILD Directed by FREE Gold Bond Stamps FREE Gold Bond Stamps 175 with tha purchosa of 1 2 5 with tho purchase of MRS. EVELYN PETERSON Fashion Director of Moy-D & F 10 No. 14 cons 10 No. M cans A FRANCISCAN SISTER! TUESDAY, AAARCH 10

HOLMES SARDINES GIVING YOURSLLF to a life com at 8:15 p.m. plelaly dedicated to tha lalvatloo of wuls . . . through prater, work, sac- Mustard or Oil LIBBY POHED MEAT rlftce. and joy . . . hy using your GRAND BALLROOM . DENVER HILTON talents as a Nurse, Laboratory and X-Riv Technician. SecreUry, Ac-1 cuuntant, UleUUan. S e a m s tre s s , Stamps for Hospital FASHIONS MOOEIFD BY MEMB6RS OF THE GUUD & THEI8 CHIlOefN Cook, as well as In other hospital departments and tn a new estenston j Tickets — $1 ! of our work In the Catechetical and > Mrs. Robert J. Slattery (left), Mercy Hospital Auxiliary Social Senrlee -Flaldi . . . Available at the Door, or Qill I president, presents the first books of L-I-F-E stamps U sisters SAFEWAY THaaa is no oaeA Taa c h a k it t i ; Mary Kevin (center), chairman of the hospital governing GRACE ROME 429-5176 board, and Sister Mary Grace. (Writs*—firing your age—to Vocation KATHERINE DONALp 322-4260 (evenings) Director. 767 SOth St, Rock laland. The auxiliary members have been saving L-I-F-E Stamps We reserve the right to limit qaantiUes. None sold to dealers. nilnoli, for further details of this to help fulfill their $100,904 pledge to the Mercy Hospital Fand ALL FOR CHARITY happy lUaJ drive. Thursday, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Poae 7 Personalized Charity Is 0 | iHtBitflgf t f l W O M t M Musical Program fo Be Featured CU)B Adopted by Littleton Circle Beiblehem Guild Style Show March 8 By Ernie Sanchez |ing clothes, shopping, and pre- The Bethlehem Mission Guild | played by 16 models represent be part of the group responsi­ The Mediatrix of All Graeejparing Easter baskets of food,'j^^hron^shorsY^^^^^ ing eight parishes: St. John’s, ble for stuffing envelopes four circle of .St, Marv’s church inidothing and household items'o at ^ n m in the Bles.sed Sacrament, St, There-;.. „rtine Littleton has found a way ,o,for the family of a needy pa-lBie^sed Sacrament schooUym- ese’s and Pius X. both of . A u - ; ** ' " f ’ seeing, sorting Regis Mothers’ Club I channel I^-nten sacrifices i? I^gan M e n t a 1 fiajjjyjji ^973 jrjjj, street, Den- rora: Cure d’Ars. St, James’. other work, some The Regis Mothers’ club will help a family in need. Health center. ^.jj| g|.j entertaining Christ the King, and Sts. Peter ‘ of which may be done at home, have its annual day of recollec­ The 15 members of the group musical pro^am in addition to and Pauls Wheatridge. Interested persons are asked tion on Thursday, March 12, in will spend their spare time mak- .V 25-VE.AR-OLD laborer re- the latest spring styles for the college chapel. cently became an out-patient ofj\^•Qfnen, the teen-ager, and linv Gifts will be awarded and re-[to call the Bethlehem House, Father Harry E. Hoewischer, the center after being confined:tot. Tickets are Sl per person, freshments served. Proceeds [ 5939 e . 17th avenue, 388-3322. will be given to the Bethlehem S.J., of the department of edu­ for a mental breakdown fori M/Sgt. Peter Dauglitry of 1,500 Attend Fathers to be used in their work cation of Regis college will con­ about six months. Lowry Field will open the show in the Taitung, Formosa, mis- Seton Guild duct the services and deliver Smorgasbord The loss of a job and income; with a selection of songs. He the talks. to provide for his wife and six won the .A.T.T.C. award sp^- I The meeting of the Seton The Regis guild a n d the In Canon City chiidren during the six months;sored by the .\ir Force, two THE Bethlehem .Mission Guild .guild will be held March 6 at Friends of the Library of Regis has put a severe strain on his years in a row. Canon City — Alumnae and was organized in 1%0 with thejj^g Margery Reed Mayo nurs- college also are invited to par­ means, and though now he is Miss Jean Schoendaller, who intehtion of stimulating lay par-| ticipate. students of St. Scholastica’s 1128 28th street. academy were hostesses to 1,500 re-eraplo^'ed and adjusting, he will offer a program of songs, ticipation in this work. To datej^iZi The program will start at was classified as one of the pa- has been soloist at Masses on guests who enjoyed the turkey it has been a successful opera- 9:30 a.m. There will be two Spccialish in Party Pavtrtat and roast beef smorgasbord tients in need of outside help. Sunday at Christ the King tion. One of the guild’s most im­ conferences in the morning. Feb. 23. All Grace circle heard of the church. Denver. Mrs. Patty portant accomplishments has! MARY ANNE Lunch will be at 12:15 p.m. The case from Mrs. Mary F r a n c e s 'Bauman will accompany the been the shipment of more than ‘ In spite of the snow, guests women are asked to bring their Young, volunteer services c o -j lingers and play background 10 tons of medical supplies to! BAKERIES own sandwiches. Pie and coffee came from Salida. Pueblo, Col­ the Bethlehem Fathers’ mis-■ orado Springs, Denver, and oth­ ordinator at the center, and style show. She can be bought in the lunchroom cided to “ adopt” the family un-l*^ organist at St. Philo- sions. All Butter for $1. er parts of the state. A brown CAKES and gold afghan was awarded til the man can get back on Church, The guild would welcome i There will be one conference fo r to an academy freshman, .Angel feet, said Mrs. H. W. Witt, cir- Ginny Kay, a Denver fashion more members, both active and; after lunch, and Benediction at P o rtits Dickson of Denver. cle president. ; coordinator, will comment on inactive, .\nnual memberships' 2 p.m. will conclude the day. the sports, casual, afternoon •n d The next activity to be spon­ Other groups helping the fam­ are $1 per person: $2 per fam-: W td d lfig t sored by the alumane is a day ily are the Salvation .Army and and evening wear and chil- ily; perpetual. $25,00 per person. ■ Call Blue jay Bridge Club of recollection to be held from dren’s stvles. which will be dis- Mefxhant's P arit73)4f29 The Cathedral Bluejay Bridge the Volunteers auxiliary at the' Those who wish to take' an- 33 W. Girarda Engitwood ^ TtMOMi 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, March iWestland Shopping Cantor — U7*7aMi club, sponsored by the Cathedral center. active part may help in the 8. ^ 25 Broadway - 777-74U * high school PTA, will meet Mon­ medicine housfe, do office work. Father .Anselm Amadio. day, March 9, in the Prague I.N.STEAD OF BLVl.NG all £ room, lower floor, at 1526 Logan O.S.B., of Holy Cross abbey will the items of clothing the fam­ street, at 7:45 p.m. ' direct the exercises. The fee for ily will need, members of the Thareslans’ Holy Hour the day is $1.50. Reservations circle are going to make as 4995 Quitman Reservations for couple or I can be made by writing or tele­ table may be made by calling many of them as they can, said Sean Patrick Cavins, left rear, is pictured holding open phoning the aeademv office. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsen, DE 3- Mrs. Witt. “That way they will Phone the door of St. John the Evangelist church, Denver, for his 275-7461. 5673, at $2 or $4. all have a personal part in this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cavins, and his two sisters, One time 500 bonus points and charity,” she added. Patrice and Mary Susan. St. John’s will he the scene of a Holy 477-0814 prizes will be awarded for high Hour for Vocations on Sunday, March 15, at 2 p.m., which is omore from Pueblo, and Karen; ‘^a the score and big and little slams. being sponsored by the Theresians, a group of Catholic laywom- Clote, a freshman from Denver, LINOLEUM • FORMICA • FLOOR TILE Parking is available on the en who foster vocations to the religious life. Mrs. Cavins is were awarded a certificate andll^f "P,,"’ '!’« f. WALL TILE • CERAMIC • CARPETS church lot on Pennsylvania president of the Denver chapter of the Theresians. pin for their entries in the; ® world. street. Scholastic Art contest in Den-peace and understand- The Bluejay club meets every ver. Their pictures will be en- j ‘'’f, second Monday evening. Holy Hour for Vocations tered in the national contest Mr.s. Young explained that Several members of the art this was the first time any or­ MATCHLESS MEATS Single Girls’ Retreat class, instructed by Robert ganization or club was provid­ The Catholic Alumni Club oi To Be Held at St. John's 1 Ifench. entered paintings in the ing a basket during Easter. This (72nd and Federal Laconte Shopping Ctr.) Denver is sponsorit\g a women's ! contest. sort of thing is done mostly 429-3391 retreat Passion Sunday Week­ The Theresians of Denver will THE THERESIANS are a around Christmas and Thanks­ visitor end, March 13-15 at El Pomar sponsor a public Holy Hour for group of Catholic laywomen who ON WEDNESDAY. Feb. 19. a giving, she said. Father Juan Burghart, 7 years ie business! Featuring Retreat House. The Rev. Joseph Vocations on Sunday, March 15, foster vocations to the religious spelling bee was held. The win­ Mrs. Young said this warm S.V.D., a native of Denver and Fully guaruntued Green, C.P.P.S., will be the re­ at 2 p,m., in St, John the Evan­ life through an organized pro­ ner was Charlotte Cornelia, charity came at a perfect time now a missionary in Argen­ freuier buef treat master. gelist church, E. 7th avenue and gram of prayer and education. freshman, who has been Fre­ for the patient. “It has worked tina, returned recently to see FRESH FISH Cost for the weekend is $20. Elizabeth street, Denver, This will be the first Holy Hour mont County champ, and was out wonderfully after the brave relatives and friends in the FOR YOUR This includes two nights lodg­ The Rev, John V. Anderson, sponsored by the women, who a student of St. Michael’s school. effort he made,” she said. area, including Mr. and Mrs. ing and meals. chaplain of the group, will con­ hope to make it an annual Runnenip was Pat Begley, who The former 24-hour patient John Zigler of Commerce City, V 2 LENTEN MENU duct the services. He will be BEEF Any single college graduates event. foundered on “braggadocio.” now is not only looking forward cousins of the priest. ’This was i r HALIBUT or registered nurses who are assisted by the Rev. Charles B. "March is vocation month in A current events contest was to getting back to a normal the first visit here since a Woodrich, vocation director for ★ PERCH interested may call Sue Gon­ the schools of the archdiocese held Feb. 26. After a pitched plain in his life’s pursuit, but brief stopover in 1941 for Fa­ the Archdiocese of Denver. zales, 756-3919 or Marge Rooney, and what greater help could we oral battle, Mary Jane Hicks is even enrolled in a beauty ther Juan, whose family ★ COD 733-0M4 for reservations before offer those girls and boys who was declared winner, with Col­ school training to be a beauty moved to Argentina in the ★ CATFISH , March 7. Group to Fete stand at the threshhold of their leen McDonough one point be­ operator, Mrs. Y’oung said. early 1920s. He stayed at the 37V ★ SMELT adult life,” said a spokesman. hind and Joanne Traub one There are several other cases Divine Word Missionary head­ Friends of Library “It might be your prayers at point behind Colleen. such as his at the hospital, she BEST PRICE EVER — NO CARRYING CHARGES The Regis Women’s club. Students From quarters, 1000 East 16th ave­ this holy hour which would give said. nue, Denver, before his vaca­ Friends of the Library, will not one of these youngsters the SHARP FREEZING — CUTTING have a business meeting in Foreign Lands Seminary Auxiliary tion was cut short by the ill­ added Grace needed to make St. Thomas seminary auxili­ ness of his assistant in Ar­ FREE DOUBLE WRAPPING - DELIVERY March. It will join with the The Christian Family Move­ News Deadline! his or her choice. It might be ary will meet Friday, March 13, gentina. Regis Mothers’ club in a day of ment will entertain the foreign The deadline for news stories your prayers which would give at 10 a.m. in the Knights of recollection on Thursday, March students from the Colorado a father or mother, or both, the and pictures to appear in the 12. school of Mines and their fam­ Columbus basement meeting “Denver Catholic Register” is strength they need to encour­ room. Friends of seminarians Members and friends of the ilies on Sunday, March 8, at Monday at 5 p.m. Correspond age a daughter or son to answer are invited to attend. college club can make reserva­ 5:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Fa­ a call to the religious life.” ents are asked to have their tions by calling 757-3150. tima hall. material at the “Register” of­ This is an outgrowth of the Quean of Heaven Aid fice at this time to assure pub favorable response to' a similar Greeley Retreat Day In deference to Altar and Ros­ lication in the followdng Thurs Trading Stamps entertaiment provided for the f’ather Francis F. Bakewell, ary society of St. Catherine’s day issue. foreign students of the Univer­ S.J., of Regis college will be parish, which is sponsoring its Take Brighton sity of Denver Feb. 2 at Most retreat master for the annual annual St. Patrick’s benefit card Precious Blood parish. day of recollection to be held party March 17, the monthly DRY CLEANING Priest to Rome CFM couples will furnish pot- in St. Peter’s parish in Greeley meeting of the Queen of Heaven AND LAUNDRY Father Roy Figlino, pastor of luck dinners, and entertainment Saturday, March 14, from 9:30 society, scheduled for that date Call Saint Augustine’s parish in will be provided by the Medi­ a.m. to 3 p.m. sponsored by the will be held Tuesday, March 10. CASCADE Brighton, will be leaving for cine Type Indian dancers. The Altar and Rosary society. The annual spring card party Rome the first of April. dancers are a local group who n5-«37l All women of the Greeley dis will be held Friday, April 24. The parishioners of Saint study Indian folklore and do au­ trict of the Denver Archdiocesan Augustine’s have been saving thentic Indian dances. Mor-Valu Stamps and after col­ A third such event will be Council of Catholic Women are' lecting 150 books presented Fa­ sponsored for the foreign stu invited. ther Figlino with a trip to dents at Lowry field, either dur­ Those attending are asked toi Rome. ing the latter part of April or bring a sack lunch. Coffee will the early part of May. be furnished. THE GIFT was in honor of FYither’s 25th anniversary as a Such Love Is Seldom ! priest. Father Figlino has been with the Brighton church for 19 years. Father Figlino plans on spending about a month in Rome. He will tour the Vatican City and also anticipates hav In the time it takes YOU to read this a Dominican ing an audience with Pope Paul Sister of the Sick Poor can soothe the brow of a dying VI. man; or change the dressing on a cancer-stricken He is starting his trip with mother too poor to afford nursing care. a 16-day tour with the Catholic Pilgrimage company. New York. High points of the tour YOU are invited to participate fully in the wonder­ will be London, Paris, Nice, ful charity of assisting hundreds of destitute Denver Barcelona, and Rome. families who are not only desperately poor—but des­ perately ill. THE BRIGHTON parishioners saved Mor-Valu Stamps in 1 Surely no other charity could find greater favor group project plan and pre with God. And we are catling on YOU to assist in this se n t^ the gift to Father Fig­ noble work. lino in October. But don’t be alarmed, dear friend. We’re not ask- Shown above planning the “Fashions on the Ballot” style ing you to: show sponsored by the Denver Jane Jefferson Democrat club, to be held in the tea room of the Denver Dry Goods on Sat­ urday, March 7, 3 p.m., are, left to right, Mrs. Robert Knous, Spend 8 to 16 hours a day seeking Mrs. Katharine McNamara, and Mrs. Robert Howsam. Mrs. out the sick poor; Elizabeth McBride is prize chairman. General chairman is Mrs. Tom Currigan. Information and tickets can be obtained Prepare food in poorly equipped kitchens; by calling 433-0243. Wash out soiled linen; Bathe bed-ridden patients; .Administer shots or give medicine; V IS IT Y O U R Scrub floors and clean antiquated bathrooms; Listen patiently to the same complaints, CATHOLIC LIBRARY hour after hour. No, we're not asking you to do any of these things. The Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor will attend to ALL PARISHES WELCOME .... all of these laborious tasks. .All w’e’re asking is for your financial assistance. OPEN 11 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Rev. Roy Figilao As you know, the Dominican Sisters depend on CLOSED MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS this Annual Appeal to raise money to cariy on their inspiring work. They depend on your generous help. YES— 1 would like to help— Dr. James P. Gray OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. OPTOMETRIST Free Browsing THE DOMINICAN SISHRS OF THE SICK poor; Eyes Examined Membership Fee $1 Per Year ... 2501 Gaylord St., Denver 5, Colo. Visual Care Contact Lenses THE REST Amount of My Donation $ ______Access to thousands of dollars MAIL THIS COUPON 213 Colo. Bldg. W IT H Y O U R NAME______..... ______f • 1615 Calif. Of Catholic Literature IS UP ADDRESS______' For Appointment Call: TO YOU! DONATION TODAY! 825-8883 625 19th St. Naxt to Holy Ghost Church Paqe 8 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, March 5, 1964 From the Viewers' Mailbag Opera on Radio Giuseppe Verdi's opera Don Carlos will be broadcast Sat­ Bowing One’s Head Sadly, Humbly urday, .March 7, at 12 noon, over K''\\ Radio, Denver, via Following are letters re­ mcnl . . . The Beatles did no; newspapers and magazines of guests — just nothing but but because you failed to not­ the Texaco - Metropolitan ceived pertaining to t , J. misrepresent themselves . . . criticism leveled against the Beatles and more Beatles. Is ice the other so-called family Opera Radio network. Zecha's "Is Television Rais­ .More power to Fid Sullivan. Beatles, especially by our par­ TV raising my boy to be a entertainment. Evidently you Principal roles will be M'n" ing Your Boy to Be a Beatle" We are fed up with the likes ents and elders. Why can't Beatle? Maybe sd — I’m not didn't see Mitzi Gaynor. She by Krancn Corelli, Leonie Ry- which appeared in the "Den of .Jackie Gleason, Red Skel­ they give us a chance to have so sure there's anything wrong had a slinky, low-cut gown san ’k, Irene Dalis, Giorsio \er Catholic Register” Feb, 27 ton, Jack E Leonard, Joe E. our fads: they had theirs! I with being a Beatle. (Turn to Page 10) Tozzi, ,\icolae Hcrleas, Con­ and the National Edition of I.ewis, etc. We need a change. don't see what is wrong wi.ih (Signed) ductor will be Kurt ,\riler. £ the "Register” Feb. 23. Can you furnish it for US'* the Beatles. I really enjoy F. A. Walter Slezak will be one of Several times in the past their singing and I'm sure oth­ Denver. Colo. "Is m y the intermission gues's Who pays you. I wonder' after starting to read your ar- ers agree. The 'Beatles made .May 1 ask. are you hired ticle-;. I have resolved to never 'Pudding Basin” haircuts and Boy, am I mad at you. chUd Tryouts a t, Regis to insult the reading public'.’ read another However, this "collar-less” jackets a fad, but A'ou’re not nCy friend anymore 5'ou should know ih'Te are past week I did. and was I what’s wrong with them and — and to think I really en­ old enough The Regis College ,\rena tbroe sides to everv subject: disgusted with your type of their fads? joyed your column in the past, Theatre, Denver, will conduct "5'our side, my sid<-, and the writing! That space would well (Siggned) when -you didn’t use big words to start tryouts for female parts in right side," have been left vacant for want Confused (I'm thirteen) and thought you George Bernard Shaw’s plav Re. F'cb. 27 issue the of something worthwhile to Jacksonville, Fla really knew what you were piano lessons?' Saint Joan Saturday, March 7, joke is on whom'’ The Beatles read Please try. and please talkin,g about. And why am from 9 a m to 12 noon in were refreshing, a novelty, try hard, in the future to write I don’t quite agree with I upset — because after read­ Room 221 of the Regis Center, f j O , something to take our atten­ something which vve can stom­ your article. Perhaps if you ing your words about Ed Sul­ on the Regis campus. tion off temporarily, the pre.ss ach. put half the time in thought livan and the Beatles my folks •Anyone unable to attend notices of the Oswald case, the (.Signed) in planning your column as tore up my Beatle book and these open tryouts may ar­ i assassination of a great Pres­ Perle Grey Mr. Sullivan does in planning told me I couldn’t watch Ed range for an appointment by ident, the Liz Taylor affair, Denver. Colo. his TV show a jet would be Sullivan anymore (I don't care railing Reginald F. Bain, di­ etc . . . More power to Fid at your Bannock street loca'- cause they don’t know the rector of the arena theater, at Sullivan if he can furnish us Don't you think there should tion for a quick flight to New Beatles finished their appear­ 433-6.56.5, Extension 34 Regis with a moment of free breath­ be a concerted effort to have York and some real Sullivan ances on the Sullivan show). will present Saint Joan May ing. A'ou did not have to go the Fid Sullivan show dropped fame. I’m over 40 and think But what really bums me up 1-2-3. see them This is a free coun­ from the TV' (network)? The the Beatles are the best thing at you is that they took away try. or at least we are led to .American television audiences to hit the entertainment world my Beatle wig . .. Don’t use believe it is, nr were you too arc not all illiterate and un­ since Billy Jones and Ernie my name or next thing you yellow to say, "No. I zlon't cultured people. Even teen­ Hare, the original Happiness know they’ll take away my want to go see the Beatles'’” agers were disgusted (with the Boys. So there! Beatle record. tDINING : Elvis Presley went to Eng­ Beatles segment on the show) Sincerely, Sincerely, i m land. Did he go there to ele­ and want somethin,g done Gladys B Unhappy vate their tastes in about it. The program tonight Denver, Colo. Colorado Springs O U T ? i shows? . . . (Feb. 3) was a disgrace . . . Who arc you to criticize our Good entertainment is appre­ I agree with you to a Try Our ♦ This letter is referring to tastes? Our type of entertain- ciated by all jveople. Why point. Let’s get rid of the Ed your column . . . I was thor­ spend money to bring the Sullivan show and the sad- oughly disgusted with this Beatles from London? face host and fill that time FAMILY STYLE Far Educators, Parents, Groups column, not because you were Siheerely, slot with one hour of the writing against the"^Beatles — CHICKEN DINNER Nelle C. Barnes Beatles every Sundgy, with no Charleston, S. Car. To answer this and other THE Sex Education Recording Released Sacred Heart Program questions, music education The Beatles may not be the experts have prepared a 24- .An outstanding new record­ MESA Rev. F'rancks L Filas, S..1., equally realistic approach. greatest foursome to come Has Father Houlihan 4 ing for educators and parents, Chicago au­ page booklet, ■‘‘Questions 4 THE RECORDING is ideal along, but I will lake them The Rev. Robert F. HoulL ".Sex Education of Children thor, theolog­ for individual fathers and anyway in preference to han, S.J., dean of Regis col­ Ansvsers .About A’our Child TREAT for Parents,” has been re­ ian, and fam­ mothers who are worried •Ymerica's own Mitzi Gaynot- lege, Denver, will appear on and Music.” For a free copy, leased by the Faith Through ily life coun­ about the problem of explain­ RESTAURANT who did a subtle bump and the Sacred Heart Program visit your Baldvsin dealer. Education Corporation. It is a sellor. ing sex to their little ones. It Sunday, March 8, 8:15 a.m., (M TIlAtM iaUaAU 56U0 W. Colfax grind routine on Ed Sullivan'? And examine the exquisitely two-record (four-side) long- This al­ is narrated with warmth and Feb. 16th show . . . I thought on KBTV, Channel 9, Denver. egntieendkab AnnpAeirf A* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A playing recorded by the bum is no understanding. it in very poor taste, especial­ He will speak on “Dedication IMirUounUntniHlghPI^ styled Acrosonic piano for "canned” stu­ It will also help smaller dis­ ly in the evening when so to the Work of God.” third in iM n, MM dbi jm campMw the home-a piano with such dio lecture. It cussion clubs wanting a step- M corano* i f MwMOonal, Hour of St. Francis many children were tuned in a series entitled, "Our Senior nUbna/.ngtoMUMdteifMin. sensitive action and superb was deyelopcd by-step approach to a most to the Beatles. Citizens.” In Colorado tone that it encourages PLAN Raymond Burr will be the by Father Fil­ difficult subject. (Signed) Springs, the same day, on host for the Hour of St. Frar,- as in talks .Not least of all, it can be children to love music from NOW K. McGrath KKTV, Channel 11, at 9 a.m. KOA Presented by eis’ pre.sentation of "Comfort­ before mom F r. f ii». used by home-school associa­ Randolph. N A’. Father Joseph Christie, S.J., Radio News the beeinning. TO able Kelly” on Sunday, March than 500 audiences in a dozen tions whose budget does not will speak on "Personal One­ 7:00 a.m. WESTERN 8, 9:1.5 a.m. on KRDO-TV, JOIN years. Thousands of people permit travel expenses for an I have read many articles in ness.” M on., Wed., FEDERAL Channel 13, Colorado Springs. have responded to this talk so outside speaker. F rI. SAVINGS IN OUR enthusiastically that the pres­ While primarily intended for ent recording was made just parents, this transcription can GIANT t e X as the talk was delivered in also serve as educational ma­ ki/^\/irC Classificafion J ST. PATRICK'S an auditorium to an audience terial for marriage prepara­ / V I L / r I l O By Legion of Decency J of appreciative husbands and tion enursos. Officiat Piano and Orgaii, jietv Terk World’s Pair, DAY wives. The recording will not he Following »re classifications of motion piciuros by Iho Legion of Decency for 1964-65. Father F'ilas recommends distributed through reenrd motion pictures currently playing in Denver area In first-run, neighbprhood. and orive-in theaters, as well as those appearing on teleyision In both the Denver CELEBRATION beginning with the children shops or stores, hut is avail­ and Colorado Springs area. Dally listings must be checked for time, place, and 1623 California St. from their earliest years. He able only through mall. Each TV station. Ratings of movies on TV are checked against listings found In "TV Guide" magazine. Classifications are- A-1, Family; A-2, adults and adolescents: Phone 222-9701 shows how such education can album, at $.5.90 (plus 36 cents A-3, adults only; A-4, adults only, with reservations; B. morally obiecllonable In GREEN BEER be successfully and calmly ac­ for postage), is individually part lor all; C, condemned. IComolled by Tom Otiicer) Current Movie.s; complished directly through registered in the name M the All Iht Wiy Home, A-1; Amcrict. Rio Bravo, A-3; Solid Gold Cadillac. GREEN BREAD the turbulent teens, all with subscriber. It can be ordered Amtrici, A-1; Any Numbtr C*n Win, A-2; Lefeyette Escadrillt. B; Notorious. T y ic u n m c L fijo A aiL flijjjiA lc L A.l; BaltiA ot tM Stxn, A-I: Charadt. A-3; Edge of Derlcness, A-2; Knock on And, of Course, the positive, probing delicacy from; F.T.E. Corp., Box 517 A-1; Claopatra, B; Dr. Strangalova, Any Door, A-2; None But the Lonely of an extremely relaxed and — (GR). Skokie, III. (60076). A-4; Easy Lilt, A-4; Global Allair, Heart, A-2; Combat Squad. A-1; Cos­ Our World Famous A-3; How Iht Wtst Was won, A-1; mic Monsters, A-2; Union Pacific, A-1; Knilt In tha Watar, C; Lovt on a The Sniper, A-2. SPECIAL IRISH COFFEE Pillow, C; -Lovt With fho Proptr Stran­ SUNDAY. MARCH I ger, A-3; Man in the Middia, B; Auntie Memo, A-3; i'll Cry Tomorrow. 'S even Days in May' Man's Favorite Sport, A-3; Mlsadvtn- A-2; Folies-Bergere, B; Angel Babyw B; LENTEN SUGGESTIONS MARTINIS tures ot Morlln Jones, A-1; One Man's Reap the Wild Wind, A-1. Way, A-1; Seven Days In May. A-3; By Tom Officer trip him up. MONDAY MARCH 9 Sunday in Ntw York, B; Tom Jonts. Alaska Highway, A-1; Moon Is Down, PIZZA: OLIVI, TUNA, SHRIMP, Coded messages referring to Overall, the film is haiidleil A-4; Thb Victors, A-3. A-2; I'll Cry Tomorrow, A-2; Slattery's Hurricane, A-2; King of Khyber Rifles, ANCHOVIE, MUSHROOM, ONION, DUFFY’S a horse racing pool. Incrim­ in good taste, issuing a warn­ Neighborhood, Drive-Ins; A-1; Underwater Warrior, A-1; Painting inating letters. A military base ing on the dangers of a mili­ Big C ountry, A -}; Com m ando, un* the Clouds With Sunshine, A-2; A Song GREEN PEPPER, CHEESE. to Remember, A-2; It Happens Every hidden in the U.S. desert .\ tary dieialorship and the as­ listod; Otad Ringor, A-3; Dr. No, 6; SHAMFlOCK 55 Days at Peking, A-1; 4 for Texas, Spring, A-1. COMBINATIONS BY RBOUEST damaging confession eon- sertion that the Chiefs of Staff B; Gunfight at Comanche Creek, A-3; TUESDAY, MARCH 10 nuisl always how to the real Johnny Cool, B; Kings of the Sun, They Made Me a Killer, A-2; Es­ ME LLESS SPAOHEni M U TLU S RAVIOLI el^R&RESTAURatllT eealed in a cigarette ease. A-2; Lilies of the Field, A-1; Marilyn, capade, A-2; Painting the Ctouds With These arc a few of the ma­ leader of the U.S. — the Pres­ B; Stolen Hours, A-2; Strait-Jackof, Sunshine, A-2; She Knew All the An­ Full Quart Spaghotti with Saute and Cheese...... 99 ident. A-3; Sword in the Stone, A-1; Ticklish swers, A-2; River of No Return, B; jor ingredients of Seven Days Affair, A-1; Thunder Road, A-2; Tor­ Hasty Heart, A-1; All the Young Men, t I645TREM0NT in May, the political-military pedo Bay, unlisted; Well of Noise, B; A-2; Stars and Stripes Forever, A-1. For Pickup Orders Call ONE disappointment is that Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?, B. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 : 1332 Broadway - 244-4556 thriller currently at the RKO Double Exposure, A-2; Ox-Bow IncI- | 936 -23 36 the plotters are not punished. dent, A-2; Hasty Heart, A-1; Cause for i International 70 theater, Den­ On Television: 1044 So. Federal Blvd. ver, and the Cooper theater, They are allowed to resign — SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Alarm, A-2; President's Lady, B; Cip- but no legal action is taken Vengeance Valley, A-2; Border Treas­ tain Horatio Hornblowtr, A-1; Small | Colorado Springs. ure, A-1; Attack of the Crab Monsters, Town Olii, A-1; Man on a Tightrope, against them. A-1; Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys!, B; A-2; Ydlew Sky, B. The time is the near future THURSDAY, MARCH 12 The citizens are dissatisfied Gembler'i Choice, A-2; You Were DENVER AUDITORIUM THEATRE with a recently signed nuelcnr Meant for Me, A-1; Bride Came C.O.D., A-2; Captain Horatio Hornblevirtr, A-1; 3 Days Only — 4 Performonett disarmament treaty with Rus­ His Majesty O'Keefe, A-2; Sailor of the sia. At this point the Joint King, A-2; Earth vs. tho Flying Sau­ cers, A-1; Spiral Staircase, A-2; Caged, NEXT TUES. Ihni THURS. at 8:30 P.M. Chiefs of Staff plot to kidnap A-2; Long Gray Line. A-1; Demetrius end the Gladiators, A-2. the President and install a FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Matinee Thurs., March 12 at 4:00 p.m. hero-general as leader of the Dart Mountain, A-2; Dangerous Pro­ Triumphant Return of One of the Mo,( fession, A-2; Born for Trouble, B; country. Caged, A-2; Gunfightcr, A-1; The Hunt­ Beloved Shows Ever to Plav Denver V.ARIOL'S views of ideolo­ ers. A-2; Jubal, A-2; Haunted Stran­ gler, A-3; Love Me or Leave Me, B; gies and moralities arc de­ Broken Arrow. A-1; Indestructible Man, ‘SMASH NIT MNSICAI Full OF picted in the film. The gen­ B; The Heireu, A-2. RODtERS & HAMMIRSTEIN DEUONISr' eral is a cold, unemotional STAGE GUIDE - UFE MAGA2M man who feels the Soviet can FAMILY: Carnival, Sound of Musk. not be trusted, as no treaty ADULTS: Hollow Crewn. has ever been honored by that m m JOHN nation. He is ready to seize ‘Insight’ on TV military control and keep the “Vision of Freedom.” a dra­ MEItHR tMPREElEN U.S. on a war-alert basis. His matization of the ideas of private life, however, helps .Xmcrica’s founders, will be In The Aword WiAniag Muifcal presented on Insight Sunday, •March 8, on KBTV, Channel 9. Denver, at 10:30 a m. Pat­ rick MeVey will portray BREWED WUH PURE Thomas Jefferson. Father El- Mink end Lyrkt by ROCKY MOUNTAIN wood Kieser is host. RODGERS I HAMMERSTEIN LINDSArrCROUSE SPRING WATER. H E A R ! •iMflwHeg ASK and U 4R N I KATNERHE MlOENBEHr „ MCHiiT oiHrrTa. t, •« On KOA Radio i

ll0:2# Every Sunday evening.! IN MKSON-COMPANY Of $01 ‘The Sound ot Music’ J Questions on religion sub-| One of the most charming musicals ever presented on the (mitted by the radio audi-| PRICES— Eves. Orch $6.00; Mezz $5.00; Bale $3.50 .itage is returning to Denver March 10 12 at the Denver audi­ jence answered on the arch-j MATINEE SOID-OUT torium Theater under the maiuigement of Hugh Hooh< Knter- J diocesan broadcast. t tainmcnt.i. Pictured above in a .irene from RrHigcr.i and Uam- t I TICKETS ON SALE AT merstein's "The Sound of Mu.^ic" are Katherine Hilgcnberg, •\ Booklet on Catbotic THE D fN V U DRY 6 0 0 D S CO. rear. a,t the .Mother .Abbess, and Barbara Meister as Maria Church available free of (4rh noer, DowWewa Stoco) 9:3* to 1:11 OoUy Alaiaa S-3222 Rainer, a young postulant irho later became the in'Je of Baron cost to all inquiries. •r la M naa ONLT al V aa,kaa', Caalar la Ckarrj Craak Skaafla, L'on Trapp. The musical is based on the experiences of the Caaur: Stall Oliva D nu. 7 tla Eaal CaHaz; Ttes’a C w atfr fka* la LakeiMt famed Trapp Family singers. Miss Meister is formerly of WRITE TO Pueblo and launched her career from there as a protege of Ask and Learn, Station the late tenor James Melton. This road company of the original KOA. Denver 802*3, , IMIM (Mil tllHIf. tlLlti: _£aalav. Broadiray hit is as fresh and origtTwI os when it first appeared Colorado Hoon iMiiatAiwann uaai several years ago. MID-LENTEN DINNER SERVING 1 TO 7 P.M. ^ SPONSORED BY ST ANTHONY’S PARISH ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY ADUITS-Sl.50 St. Anthony Parish Hall — 3801 West Oh 10 CHILDREN-50c DOOR PRIZES ROAST BEEF DINNER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS FAMILY - S5.00 SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH Thursday, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register New Circle Organized Page 9 Lakewood Unit At Our Lady of Fatima DenvelL Neufo To View Slides (Our Lady of Fatima .Mtar and Rosary society will Of Holy Land Parish, Lakewood) be Saturday, March 28, from 9 j (St. Bernadette’s Parish. A new circle of the Altar and a m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Safe­ Lakewood) Rosary society, the Modern Ma­ way store at 20th and Young- St. Bernadette’s Altar and donna circle, was organized field. Rosary society will meet at Feb. 27 by Mrs. Nick Domenico, 12:30 p.m. Thursday, March membership chairman. This cir­ \ POTLUCK supper for hus­ 12, in the church hall. Mrs. Wil­ cle’s project will be to care bands and guests will be held liam Price, the guest speaker, for the albs and altar boy sur­ at 6:30 p.m. March 12 in the will give a talk and show plices. church hall. The meat, rolls, slides on the Holy Land. and coffee will be furnished by Officers and members are: Plans for the fashion show Mrs. Charles Brandt, president; the Altar and Rosary society. .April 23 also will be discussed Mrs. Vernon Rapp, secretary; Those attending will furnish the 3“^ the meeting. vegetable, salad, and dessert. and Mrs. John Mann, treasurer; The retreat for women of the and Mmes. James Weigel, Paul parish at El Pomar retreat Williams, Robert Berke. Arch Sf. Patrick Day house, Colorado Springs, will be Wood, Ix)uis Sturm, and Mef- held May 1-3. .Anyone interested Boost tor Scionco ford. Dance Is Slated is urged to contact the chair- „ (Guardian Angels’ Parish, man, Mrs. John Nusse at 233-' Beaming at the prospects of increased scientffic opportani- CORPORATE COMMUNION Denver) 0497 as soon as possible. 1 of Mf- Carmel high school, Denver, Mother Sunday for the men of the Holy The Men’s club of Guardian The monthly PTA executive! principal, receives a check for $600 for science proj- Name society will be March 8, Angeis’ parish is making plans board meeUng will be held in' '^®®*P** Ce>entano, president of the PTA. in the 8 a.m. Mass. for a St. Patrick’s day dance the school library at 7:30 p.m.' The monthly meeting of the Saturday March 14, in the on March 12. Hoiy Name society will be Mon­ church hall. Mt. Carmel Unit Names day, March #, at 8 p.m. in the The PTA will meet on Doctrine Class church hall. Wednesday, March 11, at 8 Nominating Committee p.m. in the school hall after the The annual bake sale of the Set for Adults (Mt. Carmel Parish, Denver) Wednesday Lenten Devotions. (St. Anne’s Parish. Arvada) Ernest Marranzino and Frank A nominating committee has Pomponio. The Men’s club will meet A class in Catholic doctrine been picked for the Mt. Carmel A bake sale has been set for Dr. Kevin Gleason March 10 at 8 p.m, in the club for adults is beginning this week grade school PTA officers. April 18 and 19. The chairman room. in St. Anne’s parish, Arvada. It Members are Mrs. Fred Bucci. Optometrist During Lent weekday Masses Helping Build Convent is Mrs. Mary Laguardia. will be held for a period of 10 chairman, and Mmes. John Vec- HArriion 2-1970 are at 7:30 and ll';25 a.m. The Mt. Carmel annual ski A check for $3,200 helps to boost the fund pastor, are. from left, Leo Rusan, retiring weeks on Mondays and Wednes­ ci5, Pete Sabell, Louis LaConte, 6160 W. 38lh Ave. train is scheduled for Sunday, for the construction of a new convent in St. president of the Holy Name society; Mrs. days at 8 p.m. in the church and Ernest Marranzino, past March 15. Tickets are avail­ Wheat Ridge, Colo. librar>’. Dominic’s parish, Denver. Presenting the Fred Norris, president of the PT.A; and Mrs. president. able from Joseph Ubonati at COLQUITT’S check on behalf of the parish societies to Fa­ E. Serafini, president of the Rosary Altar so­ Interested Catholics and non- Father Alphonse M. Mattucci, the high school, Don Bmno, Catholics are invited to attend. Family Shoe Store ther Michael T. McNicholas, O.P. (right), ciety. O.S.M., pastor, presented cor­ grade school, and Ernest Registration for the fall term and Shoe Repair Shop sages to all past presidents at Franca. NORTH of St. Anne’s school will be held the past meeting. Those pres­ The high school PTA will meet 72nd & Lowell Blvd. in the gymnasium from 1:30 to ent were Mmes. George Olin- April 7 in the high school cafe­ St. Dominic's HNS to See Fire Films 4 p.m. Sunday, March 8. Regis­ ger, Harry Capra, Mike DeBell, teria at 8 p.m. DENVER trations will be taken for the (St. Dominic's Parish, Denver) The guest speaker will be .As­ monies were held on Tuesday, fourth grade and for a limited REMOUNTING OPTICAL MAY - DAY The Holy Name society of St. sistant Denver Fire Chief John Feb. 25. for the Boy Scouts of number of pupils in the fifth TAILORING Dominic’s parish will meet in T. Horan, drillmaster for the Troop 65. through the eighth grades. RINGS RINGS RINGS the church auditorium Thurs­ fire department, who will show Dispensing Opticians CLfANERS WHAT IS YOUR NEED? day evening, March 5, follow­ fire films and will give a com­ DeWAYNE INtJIlAM "IN WHEATRIDGE" ing the services in the church. mentary. Westminster Parish Sets Wedding, Diamond, Moth­ ers, Birthstone, Poarl, Din­ 4022 Tennyson Street May and Day McCloskey .March 8 is Communion Sun­ day for the Holy Name society Forty Hours' Devotion ner, Lodge, Religious, OF LAKESIDE GRand 7-5759 ‘ We opeiate our own plant” St. Patrick's Day in the 7:30 a.m. Mass. (Holy Trinity Parish, A Mission for Spanish speak­ Baby, Child, Friendship, Westminster) Quality Cleaning ing people will be held at Our; Crucifix, Cameo, Scarab, 455-2538 Dance Scheduled INTERESTED persons may Lady of Visitation church, 2601 i Black Hills Gold. I.akeside Shopping Center (Holy Family Parish, Denver) Forty Hours’ devotion will be­ "th ere t i No Subitllute still join the convert classes be­ gin on Friday, March 13, with W. 66th avenue, beginning (In King Soopers Concourse) (or Experience The third annual St. Patrick’s ing conducted by Father Ber­ March 8 at 7:30 p.m. RYAN'S JEWELRY SATRIANO day dance, sponsored by the procession of the Blessed Sac­ 374C Pierce St. 434-7W4 nard Malvey, O.P., assistant Orders will be taken Satur-, Lakeside Shopping Center Holy Family Men’s club, will rament. Pupils from grades STORE FOR MEN I Block So. of til. Peter B Peul't pastor in the rectory reading day mornings for Communion, Phone 477-3123 BROTHERS be held in the school cafeteria three through eight will take room on Tuesday’s and Thurs­ veils and bow ties for children at 44th avenue and Utica street part in the ceremonies. Altar JANITOR days at 7:30 p.m. boys will march in the proces­ making their First Communion from 8:45 p.m. to 12:45 a m., this spring. Communion sets SERVICI The second special games sion and will take turns spend­ I Saturday, March 14. also are for sale. Rug and UphoUteiy The admission of $4 per cou­ party sponsored by the PTA ing time before the Blessed Sacrament in cassock and sur­ Shampooing ple will include food and re­ will be held on Sunday evening. St. Patrick’s PTA PAUL’S FINE MEATS freshments. The ‘‘Alpine Band” March 15. at 7:30 p.m. in the plice. Complett House which was .so well liked at the church auditorium. Proceeds The devotions will close on M eets March 10 "Where Wheatridge Meats" Cleaning II' fall dance, will furnish the from this party will be used for Sunday, March 15, at 4 p.m. (St. Patrick's Parish, Denver) Floor Wax'ng and music. (the convent fund. Litany of the Saints. On Tuesday, March 10, St. Cutting Only USDA Choice Patrick's PTA will meet in the Polishing Members of neighboring par­ March 14 is the date of the ’YmHumk*rforYtJM’ school gymnasium at 8 o’clock. Steer Beef — Aged to Perfection Walls and Windows ishes are welcome. COURT OF HONOR c c ^ S( Patrick’s Day dance at the March is the month dedicated to Washed Grange hall on W. 26th avenue. We Make Our Own 455 ^ 323 Tickets mav be obtained by caTh ! f father Theo- Expert - Dependnhle ingim- 429-1656. ^ Haas, pastor, will give a Insured 1030 UI.443IAVC. Leadville Altar Unit Sets talk on this subject. The third ITALIAN SAUSAGE — GERMAN SAUSAGE C«ll U$ «sr erat EttlnulH Sunday, March 8, is (Corporate grade mothers will furnish the CORNED BEEF eu S-57S4


ANTIQUE WHITE There's a brisk, vigorous washing for regulars. A Four pre-set automatic cycles plus time settinp pntljr slower, more gentle agitation for delicates. 'The and softly dry any washable fabric. Exclusive E< "NEVER A PARKING PROBLEM' 38th AVE. AT PECOS 4 7 7 - 0 9 3 2 Page 10 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, March 5, 1964 ’-i. Men Will Participate in All-Night Vigil

JI/lcAuliffe Announces Judicial Candidacy i Men from all the parishes of gels when they are imbued with o'clock — Annunciation, St. Fran- the snirit nf '^nffprino anH vnl l' Sales', and ASotfier ef God parlsli. I Denver will participate in the me spirit OI sutiering ana \01 l 12.1 o'clxk—aiessed sacrament. Holy I monthly all-night vigil before untarv sacrifice. Rosary, st. Joseph's (Polish), Cure Gerald E. McAuliffe, a leader ond judicial district at Denver. chairman of thf ( liminal .Af­ ! the Blessed Sacrament in Holy d'Ars, St. Mary's, Littleton, ond Nativity In Colorado’s judicial reform, A pari.shioner at the Christ fairs committee and of the .Iu-| of Our Lord. Broomfield. has announced his candidacy to the King church in Denver, Mc- diciary committee. j ! Ghost church, downtown Den­ I.\ TRUTH — life is a "Way 1-2 o'clock—St. Phllom eno's, St. P at­ rick's, St. Anne's, Arvada, Holy Family, fill one of the newly created Auliffe is a charter member of • Assistant attorney general ver, the night before the first of the Cross.” .\ Christian with­ Friday, March 5-6. and Most Precious Blood. six-year judgeships in the sec- the Catholic Lawyers' guild of .’or Colorado. 1938 to 1940. han­ out suffering is like Christ with ■> 2-3 o'clock—Assumption. Sacred Heart, Denver. Mass will be offered at mid­ out His Cross. He will never St. Anthony of Padua's, St. Louis', Engle­ dling criminal case appeals be­ wood, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Guard­ I ! fore the Colorado Supreme night. Confessions will be heard reach Calvary.^t is because we ian Angel. All Souls', Englewood, Our LET ME HELP ^ HE IS A graduate of West­ all during the night, and Com­ are made like unto Christ by the Lady of Lourdes, and Holy Cross, Thorn­ Court. ton. minster Law school. He was ad­ munion will be distributed every afflictions and voluntary sacri­ WITH YOUR • Service with anti trust di­ 3- 4 o'clock — St. Ignatius Loyola's. St. mitted to practice as attorney vision of the C.S. .Justice de­ hour after midnight. fices, through which we share Catherine's, St. Joseph's, Golden, SI. Plus, CUSTODIAL PROBLEMS Aurora, and Holy Trinity, Westminster. by the Colorado Supreme Court partment, 1942 to 1951. Following is the statment His suffering, that we thereby Sept. 22, 19.30, and to practice of the Rev. William J. Galla­ become memjDers of His body. 4- 5 o'clock — St. John's, St. Rose of • Denver municipal court Lima's, Presentation, Christ the King, in the United States district gher, director of the Denver In this manner we are associ­ Sts. Peter & Paul, Wheetrldge, Holy judge from 1952 to 1961 during Name, Ft. Logan, and St. James'. court in Oct. 1. 1941. Nocturnal Adoration society: ated with the other members of 5- 6 o'clock — Holy Ghost, St. Eliza- I the Mystical Body in the a h saints*. Notre Dame, and St. His legislative, legal and judi­ 1 Catherine. Derby. cial experience includes: LENT IS THE special time in munion of Saints. • Assistant city attorney for the year set aside by our Holy The essence of the spiritual | Denver. 1931 to 1934. •Mother Church in which we are life, according to Catholic teach-1 Family Theater • State Representative from Ticket tor Governor urged to prepare worthily for ing. is to be united with God al­ Father Patrick Peyton's I Denver for 1934 and 1936 the anniversary celebration of ready in the present life and F'amily Theater will be broad­ I terms, during which he was Presenting a ticket to Governor John A. Love, center, the Passion, Death, and Resur­ union with God forever in the cast Sunday, March 8, at 9 for the breakfast to follow the 22nd annual Corporate Com­ Anthony rection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. future life. p.m. on KOSI Radio, Denver. “Tony" Oiwson munion March 8 for Catholic men in the archdiocese are Charles For this reason, it is a lime of Lent is truly the time for sac­ Schools, Institutions, Hospitals, In­ TRY O'Brien, left, co-chairman of the arrangements for the event, dustrial plants are faced with an penance and sacrifice, during rifice and sacrifice is so pleas­ ever-increasing need for expertly- and Leonard J. Olivas, right, chairman. The annual demonstra­ ing to God that wherever it trained floor maintenance and sani­ which we should fill our hearts tation engineering. tion of faith, sponsored by Knights of Columbus council 539, with feelings of true sorrow andj*^®"® it-sclf Cod must be pres- Let me conduct a custodial school that Denver, will be held in the Cathedral, to be followed by break­ compunction. fn t. will train your staff to provide greeter fast in the Denver Hilton hotel. Bishop Clarence G. Issenmann efficiency with greater economies to Lent is truly a time of prayer your organization, of Columbus. 0., will he the principal speaker at the breakfast. hers will join the .Nocturnal For Further Information Fiesta Dishes • Open Stock and sacrifice. In Nocturnal Please Call Adoration we fulfill both of •Adoration society in offering the Gifts ■ Hardware - Paint sacrifice of their rest this first AMERICAN Glass - Toys these admonitions. The gift of,„ ., , . . Pipe Threading ourselves must surely be what SANITARY Window Shades ■ Key 'Each One Teach One' 9- 10 o'clock — Cathedral, St. Joseph's is most pleasing in the sight of (CSSR), St. M a ry M agdalene's, St. Caie* PRODUCTS CO. Duplicating The director of education in sible to accommodate them. the greatest of all Givers Who tan's, St. Bernadette's. Lakewood, and "Largeit Janitor Supply Open Friday & Monday Eves. a Central .•\merican country But even with such a growth, gave Himself for love of us. Our Lady of Fatima, Lakewood. Co. In the W e a r was at his wit's end 40 years 10- 11 o'clock — St. V incent de Paul's, 2X1 Blake SI. - 534-3111 32 Broadway 733-2940 it is less than a beginning. Offer your broken rest as a St. D om inic's, St. Therese.'s Aurora, ago because, after six years and Our LaOy of Grace. In a parish of 1.300 families, sacrifice, offer your prayers as! of trying, the illiteracy rate a retreat group of only 52 is a sacrifice. Ask God lo take' Gerald E. McAuliffe of his country still stood at a poor showing. COMPLETE CAR SERVICE them in e.xchange for the manV| Publisher in Denver 75 per cent. What to do’ W hy M oke a Retreat? TUNE-UP • CARBURETOR • AUTO. TRANS. which time he presided at thou-; blessings showered upon yoir James T, Quirk, publisher It was then that he hit on "I honestly wish, someone Voiir Car Problem — Our Specialty sand.s of trial as well as hand­ and your loved ones. of TV Guide magazine, will be a psychologically sound .^lo■ had told me about this oppor­ in Denver next week. .A re­ EXPERT TELEVISION REPAIR ling general supervision of the gan and plan. You know that this reversi­ tunity 10 years ago.” The ception will be given in his court’s administrative function. HE C.\ME UP with tlie idea speaker had been, and is. one bility of suffering and accept­ ONEIDA GARAGE He guided several important ance is the supernatural foun­ honor on Wednesday. March tliat if every man. woman, of the busy men in the arch­ 11. at the 26 Club, Denver. B IL L K IR K HOC O N E ID A 322-3S55 revolutionary judicial reforms. and child who knew how to diocese. He had security, good dation ol our Catholic faith. • Participation in national read and write would just licalth. moderate acquaint­ There is nothing in the world conferences on judicial pro- teach one otlier person, and ance wiili tlie sacraments, a more sublime. Such an impulse For cedure.s. then that person would pass fine marriage and family; in of the soul alwa.vs goes straight V • Denver district judge 1961- on the acquired knowledge to fact, he saw no reason for to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. o t v ' * * Insurance ST. JOSEPH'S 1962 and legal adviser and ref­ someone else, in less than two making a relreat. eree for juvenile court from generations illiteracy would YET, FEW ME.N have prof­ LIFE IS truly a "Way of the * Surety Bonds MILITARY ACADEMY 1962 to present. be unknown in his country. ited more from the experience Cross.” The only way lo be McAuliffe is a member of sev­ After the 40 years of effort, CALL than he. /" really initiated into the spirit­ • Drikt Work HAYS, KANSAS eral professional groups; The the illiteracy rate went down Self-evaluation in the pres­ ual life is through suffering. .At • Turw-up • Auto Pointing Denver, the Colorado, and the by two per cent. W’hat hap­ first we may suffer without un­ • Front WhttI Alignmtnt ence of God is an entirely new • Body B Ftndor Rtpair Paul T. McGrady BOARDING SCHOOL American Bar associations; pened? encounter with reality. Total derstanding the reason for the American Judicature Society; Once the new knowledge, personal sincerity to one’s be­ pain. Then gradually, as we be­ Corona Auto Service VAN SCHAACK & CO. Conducted by the the Advisory committee to the easily equated with power in lief offers a challenge that gin to comprehend that suffer­ 624 17th Street Colorado Legislative Council on an illiterate country, was ac­ only the brave dare lo face. ing, voluntary suffering, is the Standard Gas & Oils Capuchin Franciscan the Administration of Justice; quired, the fortunate person Yet the convictions that principal means of expiation — 6tb & Corona RA 24867 Phone 297-5636 Fathers Advisory Committee to the Leg­ hoarded his new possession stem from an interview nf we will begin to love suffer­ islative Council on criminal Annual Board and Tuition Fee and was afraid that by sharing 48 hours with Christ cannot ing. For it is only by that sharp code revision, the Denver Judi­ it he would lose some of his he estimated, they have to be knife of pain cutting deep into $990.00 cial Advisory committee; and treasure. "Me first” thinking experienced. our hearts that our souls will WILLIAMS RAMBLER, INC. the National Association of Mu­ degenerated into "me only.” Imago-conscious .Americans be purified. • Senior High School * Member of North Central Ass'n nicipal Judges, of which he is a All Major Sports * ROTC Honor School Three years ago at Sacred are forever using the verb We Catholic men should be Authorized Rambler and Nash Sales & Service * 10 Point Indoor Rifle Range • Civil Air Patrol charter member, and several Heart Retreat House for Men, “project” to stabilize their other civic groups. penetrated through and through Expert Mechanical Work — All Makes * Indoor Swimming Pool empty rooms and empty seats many actions. Images can by the divine truth of the neces­ in chapel were a bit embar­ also be reflected, and, devoid For Catalog — Address Business Office McAULIFFE IS A member of sity of voluntary sacrifice and 230 S. Universily SH. 4-2781 rassing. The average attend­ of advertising or fluent ex­ suffering. In this manner we the Democratic party. planations. they are often ance per each of the 48 re­ really become Christian, other ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ I more reliable since the reflec­ He was bom in Dunlap, la., treats was less than half the Christs, real followers of the March 8, 1904, and was reared tion comes from one’s own capacity of the building. Master. in Denver., He was one of 10 SINCE THEN, thanks to tlie conscience enlightened by the children, one of whom is a enthusiasm of the men who Light of the World. It is only this love of suffer­ THE BEER THAT ing that will in reality calm our member of the Sisters of Char­ have made retreats, the aver­ “DECISIONS, decisions, de­ hearts and give peace to our ity, Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio, and age attendance has hlmost cisions. . .” Another tangible MADE MILWAUKEE at present assigned in Albuquer­ doubled. The only salesman grace that has been experi­ souls. Theoretic Catholicism is que, N. Mex. there is for a spiritual venture enced by many is the strength not enough — we must fer­ is the man who has experi­ to make and keep the resolu­ vently practice the teachings ofi FAMOUS enced what can happen lo tions that God Himself in­ our faith. College Appoints him during a retreat. spires the retreatant to make. Sacrifice brings Our Lord J h i TJtcuil. SioftSL It echoes the words of Wer- The entire retreat is a time of near to us and it is as if He Robert H. Collom fcl in tlie Song of Berna­ quiet contemplation leading to puts His Sacred Heart into our MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. dette: "if you have made a a personal, family, social, hearts. .A heart without sacri­ DOWNTOWN— SIXTEENTH & WELTON The appointment of Robert H. closed relreat, no explanation business decision. fice and suffering is like a ■ ■ Robert M.—Paul V.—M. T. Murray ■ ■ ■ ■ I Collom of Boulder, as purchas­ is necessary; if you have not, Interested men who desire world without revelation: It ing agent at Regis college has no explanation is possible.” to “get away from it all for a sees God only faintly and in a been announced by college of­ |i-|:SI£:Kil:2.KL.|c Concerning retreats, w;Jiat is few days” can make reserva­ dark manner. Our hearts are ficials. Impossible just takes a little tions by calling Castle Rock filled with the music of the an- e Collom has served as a de­ longer. 628-3727 or by dropping a note partment buyer at the Univer­ During 1963, 54 retreats to Box' 185, Sedalia, Colo. sity of Colorado for the past were held at Sedalia. Two Sacred Heart Alumnae I H o m e m a k e r ’S four years. He is married and thousand fifty-two men, in­ SCHEDULE OF retreats for The Colorado Alumnae of the the couple has two children. cluding more than 400 for the March-April; Sacred Heart will hold their With Collom’s appointment first time, spent the weekend March 6-8 and 13-15 — Air first Friday luncheon meeting i Department the college has initiated new as the guests of Our Divine Force Cadets; at 12:30 p.m. March 6 in the centralized purchasing proce­ Lord. Although 52 private March, 19-22 — St. John’s home of Mrs. William St. John, i Patronizt Thoso RtliabU and Friondly Firmi dures. rooms are available, an aver­ parish; 4343 Montview boulevard. Co­ EB!irai.Limj:a.ii;E:a'iBza'i;..iG*a:siBiaii:B3E«e3SGeasni age attendance of 38 was a -April 3-5 — St. Vincent de hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Jack Jones Guest definite increase over previ­ Paul’s parish; McCabe and Mrs. Lillian du ous years. April 10-12 — Our Lady of Rell. Jack Jones, son of famed Since, Jan. 1. 10 retreats Lourdes parish; Benediction at 2:30 p.m. in the. Bacon & Schramm movie tenor .'Mian Jones, will have attracted an average of April 17-19 — Holy Trinity. chapel of the nurses’ home of, be a guest on the Telephone 45.5 man per session. Westminster, Mt. Carmel. St. Joseph’s hospital will follow! Composilion Roofing Hour Tuo.sday. March 10, 8-9 .■U present, if every man Denver, and St. Joseph’s, the meeting. i Til* Roofing p.m. on KO.VTV, Channel 4. who has made a retreat at Golden; Roof Repairing Denver, and KO.A.A-TV, Chan­ Sacred Heart were to return April 24-26 — Nfost Precious unmotis nel 5. Colorado Springs. annually, it would be impos‘ Blood parish. For Building 1517 Cheytnnt TA 5 5351 402< Brighion Blvd. (CtHax at Braatfway) CH. 44S«8 or Modernizing. . From the Viewers’ Mailbag Bowing One's Head Sadly, Humbly

(Continued From Page 8) course, their hair . . What Beatle wig. It would give you STROHMINGER on .. . and shook like a bowl about the women that aren’t a new outlook on life, believe of jelly .. . The following week ever home when their chil­ me. Electric Compani| he had three of the sickest dren come home? The moth­ (Signed) comedians that have ever ers get home in time to get A Reader been seen by television .view­ a few TV dinners in the oven Wheat Ridge C^'flr Uectncil Smer •DmntAL • COOKUCUL •RZSKUm ers. I have proven to you that . . they’re at their card par­ I think your column was not ties . . . The fathers don’t A'ou are such an authority one of the highest taste. Please come till late either . . . what on the Beatles, what do you 1178 STOUT ST. ^ 222-5733 notice the family entertain­ about that? think of this suggestion: Re­ Hera's DENVER COLORADO ment that would hurt some­ I belong to the midwestern member Belle Davis sang a one in the future. Beatle Booster Club . . . in song, "I’m Sending a Letter BATHROOM Oh yes. I'm one of those Little Rock, Ark. Please don’t to Daddy." in the movie Teenagers. be against them. What have Whatever Happened to Baby EXCELLENCE GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. Sincerely A'ours, they done to you? Excuse my Jane? Don't you think that Susan Shfckler typing errors. I've never had with a bit more upbeat it by Kohler of Kohler "Accredited Ihirveyors to the Catholic Clergy” Louisville, K.v. a course in typing, and no would make a great song for JANITORIAL A SANITARY SUPPMES the Beatles? Really now, what one ever taught me. Add btauty and valv§ to 1421 I«th Street - CH 4-877$ or CII 4-259S Today 1 read your ariidc do you think’ Sincerely Yours. DENVER 2. CUIXJRADO . . . it happens that the Kd Sincerely, your hem* with durable, ARROW wash and A Beatle Fan Skip M. Brtt quality Kehler fixtures, wear Sullivan show had the high­ Storm l.ake, la SERVING THE ENTIRE METROROUTAN AREA est rating in T\’ history . . Denver, Colo. Tima poymentt arranged. Ever since there was music Six*! end itylee to fit every The all-cotton Whip is a there has been music hysteria Who is Mr. Zecha’ I sue- A'our Mr. Zecha and Del lENNIE LENNOX gest his four year-old nephew. preference and budget — in •SfTTNiSBr standout in wash-and-wear Women shrieked, fainted, and Carnes (of the Denver Post) DAY and />«TUNNOX« Peter Kleine. he refers to in . . must be old. worn-out six celers and whit*. fought when Franz Liszt sat NIGHT performance! Needs little or no down to play the piano, when his story last week (and a grouches. Shame on .vou let us help yeu plan yeur REAL Beatle fan) should ironing...stays fresh looking the German poet Heine, talked for attacking the innocent pas­ new bathroom, weshreem or about magnetism, galvanism, write his column from now on time of enjoying the Beatles. kitchen. out. He'd probably do a bet­ all day and ^ e “Sanforized- electricity, histrionic epilepsy, • Sincerely, Specializing in ter job. Teen-agers have a Mrs D. (A Mother) and other things that I've Quality Plumbing Plus” label assures you never heard about . . . right to be up in arms. We've Denver FREE been maligned' . . . and Heating Repairs of lasting fit as well as high •And it’s not, “This boy will ESTIMATES AUTUaam be happy to love you. but oh (Signed) The Christophers DiAin m t wash-and-wear qualities. my ai-ai-ai . . .’ It’s: "Oh. Sally .McKone The autobiography of Em- SLATTIRY and this boy would be happy, Denver. Colo. GUARANISeO l>n Williams. British actor SERVICI ON just to love you, be all mine.” now starring in the 'ontrover- A I L M A X E S . . . .And why don’t they do Instead of knocking the i COMPANY The large Collection of sial Deputy on Broadway, M Hout savKi something about the girls? Beatles and Ed Sullivan why will be discussed by Fajher Plumbing and Heating They wear their hair five don't you do something con­ James Keller, M.M.. on the Contractors DIAL S U 1-4494 ARROW Shirts is at inches in the air; one wonders structive, say like . . .• crit­ Chnstophers' program Sun­ if it’s real, dyed, rinced. or icizing the Dick Van Dyke or day. March 8. 11:15 a.m., on , 181 VALIJ2IO ST. what have you . . . My grand­ Danny Kaye shows . . . I’m KO.A-TV. Channel 4. Denver, 7444311 JOHN J. CONNOR, Prtuetnt mother . . . doesn’t object to surprised some group hasn’t and KO.A.A-TV. Channel 5. 3H1 Sg Kaiamatn COTTRlU'S-from $5.00 RoMrt F. Cenfiar. Viet Frtsedem them (Beatles); maybe, of started a fund to buy you a Colorado Springs SALES FKAMK vyATBRS Frtt ENGINEERING Holy Family^ Regis Share DPL Title Regis College j Thursday, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 11 Firm Appoints State Cage Tourney Begins Friday Closes Hoop New Sales Head Leonard W. Palmer, former FINAL .STANDINGS Firing in the 26th annual ■Martin Company section chief Colorado Catholic High School Schools W L Pci. Pis. OP Holy Family It 2 .Uf IltS ft] Slate Friday and Littleton civic leader, has basketball tournament will open Roots It 2 .Mt m 7» been named to head the new Friday night on four fronts and St. M a ry's I I 7 411 10SI N l Mt. Carmet 10 I .SSt M l 1007 Regis colk".^e will close out custom home sales department then move to Regis college | St. F rancis t t .SM 1114 1144 Us 1963-64 basketball season Fri­ at Skufca and Shelton com- fieldhouse for conclusion on Sat­ M ullan 0 10 . 444 t o il 1044 A nnunciation 0 10 .444 804 000 day night at 8:05 by hosting Spany. Denver area home de­ urday and Sunday. Cathadral I 10 . 444 042 047 Colorado State university. M acIM iM ul 4 14 . 222 0S4 1002 signers and builders. A FRENZIED finish of the^ SI. Josaph's 0 10 . 000 027 1042 Palmer, a retired .\ir Force Denver Parok race last week-l THE R.V.NGERS are assured (lieutenant colonel, recently re- end found Holy Family and; start cost them a state tourney of a winning season by virtue ! signed as chief of the Titan III berth and they shared sixth Regis in joint possession of the ,of lopsided victories last week' Support Systems section in place with Mullen and Annun­ flag and heading their respec­ :over St. Joseph's of .Mbuquer- Martin’s plans and programs ciation’s defending state cham­ tive brackets in state play. St. que, 89-67, and St. .Mary of thei pion, all with 8-10 marks. department. As home design Mary’s, .Mt. Carmel and St. Plains, 101-46. engineer with Skufca and Shel­ Mt. Carmel’s Bob Scheck Francis followed in that order They take a 12-8 mark into ton, he will provide profession­ wound up as the individual scor­ in the DPL to also earn state the eSU game as Coach Joe al consulting, planning, .engi­ ing leader of the circuit with tourney berths. Hail savors his second straight neering, and design assistance 371 points for a 20.8 average. Joining this quintet are Canon victorious campaign. as a personalized service to City .\bbey and Pueblo Catholic, He nosed out Chris Kostiuk of The Rams from Ft. Collins prospective home buyers. one-two finishers from the Holy Family who had 360 for will be favored in this windup Southern Colorado league, and a 20 point average. Bill Molitor contest, however. They topped THI^ WEIK’S St. Anthony’s of Sterling, which of Machebeuf with 356, Jim Regis, 93-61, in an earlier game. gained the other spot via a 65-57 Wedow of Mullen with 341 and SPECIAU playoff win over St. Mary’s of Stan Gora of Annunciation with For REGISTER Raadiari THE SPOTLIGHT was on Walsenburg. an even 300 points rounded cut the top five in one of the Corel Walker last Friday as he '43 RAMBLER m ’The far-flung sites setup of the A M E R IC A N 3 OR. opening round was a result of scoringest seasons in Parok his- broke the Regis fieldhouse rec­ Tht Fanqr Ont With ord with 51 points against St. Walht»*wall C«rpttli>9 use of the Regis fieldhouse hy try. Ratflo-Htr. Gat-Saving the college Rangers in their Holy Family won its share of Joseph. It also was a career W heeler Ovtrtfhvt-Ot(»tr Extras high for Walker and the most season finale against Colorado the DPL bunting on the strength Tom Brown, 15, is one of the outstanding players on the Original Price points ever tallied by a Ranger.; $2,332.10 Slate U. of Its point proficiency, pacing Roiling Cowboys basketball team which will play Cathedral Previous high was 44 by Louis Sale Price Thus the Friday slate, with the circuit with a 64.7 per game high’s cagers Sunday, March 15, at 2:30 p.m. in Canavan hall. Stout in 1961-62 play against $1,895.00 all games at 8 p.m., sends Pue­ average. It was just the op­ The Blue Ja.vs also will perform in wheelchairs. The game will YOU SAVE South Dakota. blo Catholic against St. Mary's posite wHh Regis, a defense- benefit the transportation fund of the Colorado Society for flO at Mullen gym; Regis vs. St. minded club which led the The 101 points Saturday was Crippled Children and Adults. Anthony’s at Holy Family; St. stinginess parade with 41.1 the first time Regis passed the, Francis vs. Holy Family at Ca­ points surrendered per outing. century mark this campaign., thedral, and Canon City Abbey Tourney co-favorites were Re­ Walker was "held” to 24 in this Wheelchair Basketball VIC HEBERT vs. Mt. Carmel at St. »=’rancis. gis and Holy Family, along one and sat out the last six I minutes. There was plenty of SATURDAY’S slate at Regis with the strong Abbey club. But RAMBLER additional point production as Benefit Tilt Set March 15 DENVER'S OLDEST DEALER fieldhouse has the lo.sers clash­ look what happened last year when St. Mary’s copped the Roger Harris notched 17, Bill The Colorado Rolling Cow- They'll also be available at SAME LOCATION SINCE 1113 ing In 2 p.m. and 3:30 contests 34M DOWNING ST. AC 3-4M , and the winners meeting in 7:30 DPL title and Annunciation Whalen 14, and Tony Reed and boys will meet Cathedral hi°h'l*’<> door on March"^ 15. and 9 o’clock encounters. jcame on to win state laurels. Jon Rapp 10 apiece. ; Sunday. March 15 at 2:30 Sunday’s action will find con-| .yter this contest Hall will de- ^ ^ wheelchair benefit solation matches at 2 and 3:.30j vote his energies to coaching an ' , Mullen Junior The Big Stretch outstanding group of Denver basketball game at Cathedrals ENJOY MODERN BANKING METHODS and the championship game at! Canavan hall. 8 p.m. i Every shot and every rebound was a big one in the area collegians who will com- Also on the line this weekend Parok M eet Mullen-Annunciation basketball game, which the .Mustangs in the National A.AU tour- Both teams will perform from COMBINED WITH will be the Archbishop Vehr won, 47-46. Here Mullen’s Billy Ixwney (14) comes down with Inament later this month. wheelchairs, the Cathedral var­ Sportsmanship trophy to be Opens Monday the carom in a battle involving teammate Steve Johns (22) j ------sity borrowing them for a cou­ OLD FASHIONED awarded to the school “display­ Fifteen teams have entered and Annunciation’s Stan^Gora (55) and an unidentified Cardi- i ple of practice sessions to be- ing the highest quality of sports­ the Mullen Invitational Junior nal. Both teams just missed berths in the state Parok tourna- | jeome familiar with this style INTEGRITY manship’’ during the 3-day Parochial basketball tourna­ ment. ‘ i of play. event. An impartial board of ment which will get underway The real winner in this game AT A Monday, March 9, at Mullen judges will select the winning will be the members of the Colo­ school after observing the con­ high gym. rado Handicapped Assn., Inc. NATIONAL BANK duct of coaches, players, cheer­ Brother Ambrose, director of Proceeds will help their trans­ \V> leaders, pep clubs and student athletics at Mullen and director portation fund. They hope to IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY, bodies In and around the game of the tournament, said he has purchase one or more .4mblo- sites. room for one more team before cars (cabs with ramps), so that Season tickets for all five ses­ the end of the week so he will the handicapped may become have the full 16-team bracket. sions of the tournament may be more self sufficient on trips such REGISTER NOW FOR A FREE 5300 SCHOLARSHIP purchased at any Catholic high The tournament’s first-round as many of them make annuaUy school or at the Regis field- games will be staged Monday to the Mother Cabrini shrine. '7ou may register of the Auroro Nationol Bank,' 1463 Irontan, house. Adult and student season and Tuesday with action each The Rolling Cowboys, the Aurora, for p FRfE $300 SCHOLARSHIP to the College or Uni­ tickets are $2.50. evening starting at 5:30. Quar­ versity of the/Winners choice, Registronis must be over 21 only wheelchair basketball team years of age, and may designate the name of their chosen HOLY FAMILY had to share ter Finals will be staged Wednes­ ATTENTION MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKS! The in the Rocky Mountain area arc day and Thursday beginning at Denver Parochial league basketball race has been concluded. recipient. Winning recipient must he under 21 yeors of age the DPL crown with Regis when ■good. Make no mistake about at the time of drawing. You need not be a depositor of Aurora That means all of us second guessers can now take the stage and the Tigers were upset in their 6:30, with semifinals Friday and that. They're hard to beat at Notional Bonk to register or win. Registration closes March 16. next-to-last game. 58-56, by Ca­ Saturday. tell how we would have picked ’em, etc. their own game and they play Drawing will toke ploce at the close of that business doy at thedral. The Blue Jays without Sunday, March 15, the con­ But wait a minute. The coaches did all right for them­ many contests each sca.son. This 6 :0 0 P.M . a doubt were, the hottest team solation championship, third selves. In fact, they had such a pat hand in their pre-season Soles Manager is their fourth year. in the stretch, winning six of place, and championship games picks it looks like they should take the saliva test. The team is coached by Joe AMPLE FREE their last seven. But a poor will be played. The Register pre-season poll of coaches comes out of the Appointed new car sales Entered from the Denver area dusty files and reveals that the mentors who took part in that Belmont, former Denver- PARKINS A FULL SERVICE manager at Denver Buick, Chicago Truckers star. General are teams from Sacred Heart, bit of crystal ball gazing scored just about the closest thing to 700 Broadway, is John Prim. NATIONAL BANK St. Rose of Lima, Blessed Sac­ a direct hit. manager is A1 Calli. Charles A veteran of 25 years In the Thompson is director of the • 2 MIVE-IN WINDOWS OPDI rament, Christ the King, All Gus Fahn, who wanted to take a different approach to the retailing and merchandising 1 AM. TO 6 PJa. $ $ $ $ = 0 Colorado Handicapped Assn, i Saints, St. Louis, St. James, final standings, had predicted the order of the race would business and more than 10 • WALK-UP BANKINS The public is invited to the! t A.M. TO t pja. if hird*to-com#-by dollart art Presentation, Sts. Peter and closely parallel the free throw percentages of the clubs. Gus hit years in auto sales, Prim • BUSINESS AND PERSONAL waited on ianitorial and main* Paul, St. Vincent de Paul, St. target with Holy Family on this count, but other than that he joined Denver Buick the past contest. Tickets, priced at $l' CHECKINS ACCOUNTS tenance materials that fail to do « SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND T IM t the iob. Mary’s, St. Thereia and Our doesn’t have too much to crow about. .August. A native of Denver, for adults and 50 cents for stu-! For the record, here’s how the teams finished, how the dents and children, are on sa’ej CERTIFICATES WE CAN SUPPLY COMPETENT Lady of Lourdes. They are he is married and has four • AUTOMOBILE LOANS MAINTENANCE EXPEKTS TO joined by Divine Redeemer of coaches had them figured, and how they wound up in free throw children. iin advance at H & M Taylor| • BUSINESS AND PERSONAL TRAIN YOUR CUSTODIANS IN Colorado Springs and St. An proficiency: 'shop. 1017 E.Colfax and at the| SIGNATURE LOANS THE PROPER USE OP THE • BANKING BY MAIL PROPER EQUIPMENT. thony’s of Sterling. TEAM STANDINGS COACHES FREETHROH Dave Cook Sporting Goods | (FINAL) PICKS (Stores at 16th & Larimer and; 4% Interest Paid Yearly on Savings WE ARE IN A POSTTION TO PERCFNT.WE Jgx Clinic Set QUOTE ON ALL TYPES OF Hand-Made Holy Family (16-2) 2 60 ;6101 16th .street. ' JANITORIAL SUPPLIES, FLOOR Regis (16-2) 1 56 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS TYROL RACER AND QROUNOS EQUIPMENT. St. Mary’s (11-7) T:t 52 For AAarch 10 Mt. Carmel (10-8) 5 51 THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED St. Francis (9-9) T3 57 ALL AUTO Body Aurora National TO ALL INSTITUTIONS, SKI BOOTS CHURCHES, SCHOOLS & HOS* Mullen (8-10) 8 58 1463 Ironton BANK Phono 364-7671 PITALS AT NO OBLIGATION. Pro(tJ»lon»l Flttlno & Paint Service Annunciation (8-10) 9 56 .. 1010 C H E R O K E E t Cathedral (8-10) 10 56 DENVERo COLORADO { MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPCfRATION Discount Sale — « 6 5 RHONE 34MI41 ( MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DUMONT SALES CO. J. Hans Wittman Machebeuf (4-14) . 7 56 EDWARD RUFo Owner ( St. Joseph (0-18) ' 6 54 1741 >LAKI ST. COLORADO Shoe Co. "7^ 3103 E. Colfax 355-1991 It’s obvious from this that the (Detroit Pistons of the National surprise team was Cathedral, |Basketball association, formerly OFFSET-LETTERPMSS which got off to such a slow 1 guided North Carolina univer- LITTLETON start, then was the hottest thing sity. MIMEOGRAPH going down the .stretch. STENOORAPHIC^ GAS i APPLIANCE CO. F.\NS IN GREEN BAY never SERVICE 3601 Titan Rd. 798-2621 WILUAM APGAR has been forgave .\dlai Stevenson some LlltU ton, Colo. named director of athletics at years ago when, as a Presi­ Canon City Abbey. It’s the first dential hopeful, he referred to time a layman ever has been that city’s pro football team as given this post. the Bears. A TRANSMISSION Father Philip Boyle, head­ Now they say President John­ master, said Apgar received a son detected the makings of a Malloy new 5-year pact and a substan­ U & GEAR, INC. tial pay boost. similar blunder during a recent i OFFICE Apgar, who has been head visit to St. Louis. One of his! 'T*’® second in a series of tax coach of football, basketball and speech writers had referred to „„ „„ 4_».,»„_!wi11 be held at the .\urora Na- Automatic & Standard Transmissions track, will relinquish the cage the Cardinals as an .American , post. He’s bowing out in grand League team. But LBJ, the re- Bank, 1463 Ironton, WE REPAIR-REBUILD-EXCHANGE style with the No. 1 team in port goes, spotted the goof,..goof i 7 to .9 . p.m. . on EXPERIENCED • QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ! the CREDIT TERMS the Sonthem Colorado circuit prior to delivery and got thel^^*^ subject. The Most .Ad- and a berth in the state Parok Redbirds in the right league, ivantageous Form of Business /•J a f f U E Y ASK ABOUT OUR NATIONWIDE WRITTEN Organization For You.’’ WARRANTY ON PARTS & LABOR tourney. Apgar’s Bears finished in a tie with Pueblo Catholic Regis Malloy of the Tax De­ C A LL FOR METROPOLITAN in football play, then bowed to WE H.AVE received several partment of Paul L. Schmitz & FREE PICKUP 366-3898 AREA the Shamrocks in a playoff. sports releases recently from Company, C P.A.’s will conduct telephone ORDERS 2248 DAYTON - AURORA Bill formerly held coaching persons in this area who got the clinic. He was chosen by posts at St. Joseph and Regis them to us too late to do any the Aurora National Bank to DELIVERED SAMEOKY high schools in Denver and also good. Remember, if your sports conduct the clinics as a com­ at Rocky Ford. item is newsworthy, we’ll be munity service. 744- happy to use it. But also re­ No admission is charged. member our deadline is Mon­ However, due to the popularity WALSH, GILL & SMITH BOWLERS FROM Arvada, day evening. Some releases of the subject.s, reservations Walsenburg and Stratton walked have arrived so late that the must be made to attend. i'n s u r o r s off with top honors in the recent event to which they pertained Make reservations at the Au­ Knights of Columbus state-wide was already underway or cora- rora National Bank or call Est. 1864 invitational tournament at Lafa- pleted. 364-7671. yetle under sponsorship of that Peter J. Walsh, Managing Partner city’s Immaculate Conception Council 5237. Skufca, Shelton Display 1010 GUARANTY St. Joachim Council 5064 of Arvada won the team title with BANK BLDG. DENVER MA 3-7245 3019. Roger Klieson of Stratton Hom e-The Contemporary' Council 2099 won singles, while Walsenburg Council 2139 had a •A home, “the Contemporary.’’ in the price range from $19,000 U n i V E R S l T Y Hiiiillliiiiiliii pair of first placers as Wally acclaimed the “home of con­ to $40,000. For The Finest Cleaning Padia won all events and Ed tainment" by Better Homes and This home offers a new con-' Pazar-Bob Benine copped dou- Garden magazine is on display cept in home selling for the And Repairing (bles. .All scores are with handi­ company, according to William cap. by Skufca and Shelton company. Skufca, secretary of the firm, ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUCS 6124 S. Broadway. Littleton. Skufca and Shelton also has a remodeling department and NEW RUGS and CARPUS WORD FROM the East is that SK lFfA AND SHELTON, a handles trade-ins through its H IllS PRESS'." Notre Dame alumni groups tn seven-year building firm, has newly organized real estate of-’ the Boston. New York, Philadel­ built over 250 homes in the Den­ fice. Coll phia and Cleveland areas have ver area and now has an an­ , ^ ( w y |)u I a s united in solid support of Frani nual volume of over $1,250,000 A SECOND HOME by the ( W per year. 125 5R0ADWAY McGuire to become Johnny Jor­ firm is now ready for inspec­ I 2630 E. 3rtl 333-8840 or 322-8361 | dan’s successor as basketball Th? "Contemporary'' is one of tion at 3331 South Locust in I Also Wall to Wall C le a n in R In the Home I mentor many custom-built designs of Gaiser Holly Ridge develop­ PENVEK COlO iiillllillilUtHIUIHIflRIIRRuilltUli'.lt‘llliilllttWIWt!HRI«iili«j.tijitmuMiu;m»flai;viuurtil,rtji„H,iu,iiii„,.i.;i,f,,.,i;;milH!i Uk. McGuire, now coaching th'- the firm, which builds homev. ment. reports Skufca. The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, March 5, 1964

Cathedral Youthg A ttend Conr*nfion (Cathedral High School, Denver) Attending the National Honor Society convention on the Colo­ rado university campus, Bould­ er, Sat. Feb. 29 were Sue Boba- ( t e t i i e e lek, Karen McCormick, John Ryan, and Sister Margaret An­ From the High Schools thony, moderator of the Monsi­ gnor Canavan chapter at Cathe­ dral. Patriotism was the general Driver Education theme of Tuesday’s assembly, at which personnel from every armed service spoke. Course Set at FROM CHUCK MULQUEEN'S PET SHOP & AQUARIUM Mt. Carmel High New Wing at St, Josephus High CLOSING OUT (Ml. Carmel High Schiml, si. I’hilnmena’' parish '.vill a. Denver) tend the 8:1.5 a m. Mas^ on This is an architect’s drawing of the pro- plans for the building were made at a meet­ STOCK The entire sophomore d a 'S at -'larth 8. Girl Scout Sunday.! P "t> e d new science addition being planned for ing of school officials and pastors of 43 par­ FROM 333 HOLLY ST. Mt. Carmel high school will be Following the Mass, the girls, ^1- Joseph's high school,Denver. The view ishes the past vteek. See story on page 1. enrolled for the next six weeks " ‘H served breakfast in thei looks northwest from Fox street. Preliminary a l l ' s t o c k Freshman Leaders in a driver education cour.se. school hall. The girls are re- MOVED TO OUR Concepts to be stressed in the boosted to wear their uniforms, M A IN STORE Freshman class officers elected at Cathedral high school course include personal respon- Volunteers are needed to are, left to right, Janice Jacques, secretary; Stan Lenis, treas­ sibility for safe operation of a transport the young Catholic pa- Luncheon Club to Hear Frank Bukaty at urer; Kathie Hart, vice president, and Stan Royal, president. car, awareness of responsibili- tients from the .National Jewish 1090 SO. GAYLORD ties of parents in giving permis- hospital to church on Sundays Frank Bukaty, regional field Bukaty Was formerly a voea- tion. He is a former member Sion for a child to drive, and -'hout 12 patients attend the 9:.30 training and education special- tional counselor psychologist of Lafayette Council, Knights Ihe idea that a driver’s license am . Mass. This work is shared ists for the Dc'partment of De­ with the Veterans Administra- of Columbus, Kansas City, Mo. St. Joseph High Students is a privilege, not a right to hy several families. Anyone in-iff'nse. Office of Civil Defense, ” ” , ~ He and his wife are members which one is automatically en- terested m assisting is asked to I Floyd McCall fo Be of AII saints’ parish. They have titled. • contact Father Leonard Urban,' Featured Speaker ’hree daughters. Compete in Speech Meet The curriculum will include a-^sistant pastor. j Photographer Floyd McCall, 25 to 50% (St, Joseph's High THHSH STI DKNTS, coached by Officer Joe Hale of. The Columban Fathers, living| 722 Bellaire. Denver, will be a noon in the OFF School, Denver) , th( Denver Police department,’In their rp'w home. 4833 Mont-j u L by Sister Mary ^ ..,. varsity dinner Sunday, March 8. at 5:30 p.m. After the dinner the Father sald,"Pull yourself up by ment .Agency. These tests indi- baseball coach and assistant members will be guests of Father David Costello, assistant pas- I cate the career for which the football coach at Kansas |tor, for the Catholic high school championship basketball game. your own bootstraps. Save!” student is best suited. SnCUMflUlLOR Sophomores also had their Father knows best. Bet you did chores before you got your allow- . hearing checked with an audio­ ance, too! And there’s just no denying that a "bootstrap” savings 1543 LARIMER ST.- 830 17th ST. meter furnished by the health department. account at American National Bank can help achieve your own The Student Council has dis­ goal faster. Bank interest up to 4% per annum. Your money is ENGRAVED tributed Lenten mite boxes to the students. These will be fully insured, instantly available. This is a handy situation for turned in after Easter. many people looking for Tinancial progress. How about you? PLASTIC MOTHER MARY FLOR- If the shoe fits, wear i t SIGNS & DESK PLATES ENCE, assistant Mother Gen­ eral of the Sisters of Loretto. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK and four other Sisters visited t7th and Stout 244-6911 BRONZ-E TABLBTS St. .Mary’s on Feb, 28. They MEMBCR F.D.I.C. presented a vocation panel for the senior girls. A light supper was served. Members of the National Honor society at St. Mary’s at­ tended the state-wide National Honor society conference at Colorado university. Boulder, on Feb. 29. I THE Retreats were scheduled fo r, March 4 and 5. Retreat master | for the junior and seniors was Father John La Bouve of Indi- i anapolis. Ind. For the freshman j and sophomores. Father Robert i Dore came from St. Catherine’s | REGISTER parish in Denver. .America’s National Catholic Newspaper College Official To Begin at Cathedral High From St. Louis Pep club rosalty for the Cathedral high row, Diane Kottenstette and Monica Broder­ Visiting Area school dance Sunday, .March 15, at the Cherry ick; front row. left to right, Judy Horvat. Announces 2 PILGRIMAGES Hills Country club are, left to right, back Pat J’lamer, queen, and Kathleen McGuire. Patricia Barrett, admissions counselor of Webster collage. .St. Ixiuis, is visiting high schools in the Denver area to assist The first step is yours— to the 38th students interested in enrolling in the four-year liberal arts col lege operated by the Sisters of Loretto. INTERNATIONAL For almost 50 years the col­ your gift to Easter Seats lege was exclusively a women’s school. Effective with this year, however, men are being ad­ FUCHARISTIC CONGRESS mitted to the fine arts depart­ ments. which include drama, music, and graphic arts. Twelve men are now taking their full BOMBAY, INDIA courses toward bachelor degrees at the college, at which 600 young women are enrolled Nov. 28th-Dec. 6th Ad\ance registration for next year indicates that the male enrollment will increase.

TOUR A ] TOUR B Powwow

I REGISTER TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Long Distance makes SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK for wonderful family R I P.O. Box 1620 reunions. So get DEPART NOV. 12 | DEPART NOV. 14 the family together I DENVER, COLORADO and visit with a favorite relative this I Please send me information on evening. Only Long 31 DAYS 27 DAYS Distance keeps you in I Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimages. touch so personally. VISIT VISIT Try it and see.

* Honolulu * Dolhi | • Paris • Tel Aviv j Name * Bangkok * Paris * Jerusalem * Bombay I Address' MOUNTAIN 255.0M CRIPPLED CHILDREN AND ADULTS WERE * Romo • Hong Kong * Delhi • Beirut STATES TREAHD LAST YEAR AT EASTER SEAL CENTERS • Tokyo • Bombay • Rome • Cairo TELEPHONE • New York i^ • Athens T’-ui'sday, //arch 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 13 Forty Hours' Rife to Open Blessed Sacrament Unit Two-Week At St. Francis' on Mar. 6 / (St. Francis do Sales Parish, and will close Sunday, .March 8. Slates Recollection Day Mission Set Denver) with a Solemn Mass at 5 p.m. (Blessed Sacrament Parish, .bers of the Holy .Name society Because of the Lenten evening The Forty Hours’ devotions Denver) 'and the three scout organiza- services and Forty Hours devo­ At Cathedral will open on Friday, .Mareh 6, The Rev. Edward D Borkow- tions will receive Communion tion. evening Masses this week with Solemn Mas.s at 11 a m.. ^ki. SA' D , will condudt the an- corporately in the 8 a.m. Mass, (Cathedral Parish, will be on Wednesday, Friday, nual day of recollection spon-, ------mission will be conducted and Saturday at 6 o’clock. The Pancake Event church will bo open for visits -c^y^rBi^lS^tc^^nOblates P fan n in g 'S ^ rc^ ^ r " to the Bles.sed Sacrament Fri­ Set Mar. 8 by day and Saturday evenings un­ '’This S ritu ? e x e rd s e 1 s oien M e e t i n g J ^ e mission will be open io Stratton PTA til 9 p.m. to all women in the parish. t ,, Denver and Boulder S , S o r n S an^evenTg sm '- The Holy Name society. Cub groups of the Oblales of St. ices have been scheduled. THE DEVOTIONS wii; begin (St. Charles' Parish, Stratton) Scouts, and Boy Scouts are in­ Benedict will hold a joint meet- at 9:30 a m. with a conference. The annual pancake breakfast, vited to receive Communion on at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. March THE FIRST WEEK of the sponsored by the PT.A will bel Sunday, .March 8, at 8 a m. The thenie of all of the confer- g Christ the King church, mi.ssion will be for the women held Sunday, March 8, at St. • ences will be E\eryda.\ Spirit- p- avenue and Fairfax and the girls of the parish; the Charles' hall. Stratton. THE HOLY NAME society ‘•n''- street, Denver. i second week, for the men and The Knights of Columbus will will meet in the high school li­ The Rosary will be recited at The highlight of the meeting boys. meet Tuesday, March 10, at brary at 8 p.m. Monday, March 10:15 a m. by a member of the wjn be the showing of film Evening servjces, consisting 7:30 p.m. 9. Following the meeting, at 9 Altar society. strips on Moses and the lead- of the Servile Rosarv, a short p.m., the featured speaker will Confessions will be heard ing of the Israelites into the; instruction, sermon, and Bene- A DAY OF recollection fo • the be the new chief deputy district from 10:1d a.m. unUl 11 a.m. Promised Land as part of thCu . women of St. Charles’ parish, attorney, Theodore A. Borrillo. at which time Mass will Le theme of “saivation historv’ Stratton, and St. Mary’s parish, who will speak on ’’Pornograph- offered. God’s love. i o'clock during the women’s mis- ic Literature.” All interested pa­ Flagler, will be held on Sunday, 1 There will be a recess at The meeting will begin with'®'®” P*” - for the rishioners and parents of grade March 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 noon for lunch. Participants are Benediction in the church, fol-i"'®'’' and high school students are in­ 3 p.m. The conference will be asked to bring a sandwich. The lowed by the customary singing | The morning services will be vited to attend. given by Father Blase Bonpar.e. New Atademy Building Altar and Rosary societv will of Compline in English. I at 7:45 o’clock and will consist M.M. Luncheon will be .served! A talented speaker, Mr. Bnr- furnish coffee. The showing of the film strips' of Mass and short doctrinal in­ rillo and another deputy district Sixteen classrooms form the major part of will accommodate 500 students. Note the by the girls of the CYO. The conferences will be re­ in the church basement will last struction. Confessions wlill be attorney, Leonard Plank, have construction taking place at St. Mary’s acad­ white overhangs on the windows and white about one hour. Friends of the The meeting of St. Mary’s Al-' emy, Cherry Hills, southeast of Denver. Some pillars, used in carrying out the Georgian sumed at 1 p.m., with another heard after the evening devo­ tar and Rosary society will be| made state-wide appearances Oblates are welcome. before civic groups to muster 243 students are moving into the new building Colonial style of existing buildings on the conference at 2 p.m. and Bene- tions and during the morning held Thursday, March 12, atj Masses. support to eliminate pornogra­ this week. When fully completed, the academy capipus. (See story on page 1.) ' diction of the Most Blessed Sac­ 2 p.m. I phic llteratare. Mr. Borrillo, his rament at 2:30 p.m. League to Meet Next Thursday, the League ofj .'^T THE CLOSE ()f the mis- THE FOLLOWINfl mothers! wife, and sn month-old son are members of Cathedral parish. SINCE FATHER Borkowski’s the Sacred Heart will (love a Papal blessing will be will serve the first Friday' : ordination his assignments have meeting in Sodality hall at f® those who attend, breakfast to the school chil­ 1 included seven years as h mis- p.m. ! The mission in the Cathedral THE ANNUAL Boy Scout din­ dren: Mmes. Bill Crasser, Bill Lorettines to Note : sionary in India, a teaching post At 3 p.m. Thursday there will will be preached by Fathers Je­ ner will be hold on Sunday. Hornung, Gene ,Iostes, Twila in the Middle West, and public.be a Holy Hour, closing with rome M. Hurley, O.S.M., and March 8, in the high school Bohl, and Del Kordes. relations. Benediction at 4 p.m. Patrick M. McNamara, O.S.M., cafeteria at 1 p.m. He and F'ather Edward L .; There will be a PTA meeting members of the Servite mission Th* flrm i llittd h tri dritrvt Honored j uests will include to bt rom tm btrtd whtn you oro Luis, also a Divine Word Fa-An the school hall on Tuesday, band. dlitributing your p«(ron«gt to Father Dean Kumba, scout tho dlffortnf lints of busintti Century in State Iher, have been stationed in;March 10. at 7:30 p.m. chaplain; the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ Denver since July, 1361. Theirj Pictures of the Father and Son gnor Gregory Smith, V.G., P.A., The new $1,000,000 high schooMhe new high school thribe located next to the resource residence is at 1000 E. 16th: night may be ordered from Mrs. HUNT CLEANERS pastor; Sam Apodaca. scout­ building now under construction north to complete formal, center, so that listening rooms avenue. ' W. Baca for $1,50 each. COMPLETE LAUNDRY A master; Jack McFadden, John at St. .Mary's academy in, quadrangle characteristic of Tor tapes and records will be They give missions and con- Th?re will be no Holy Name ALTERATION SERVICE ST. PHIIOMENA'S Boussellaire, and Clyde Ham- Cherry Hills will mark the cli-j Georgian architecture, available for students u.sing the retreats, days of recollec- Society meeting next Sunday Servicing St. Jam es • SI. Tlveresa'i sath, area scout executive. and novenas in a five- because of the annual corporate and Christ the King Parishes PARISH max of 100 years of educational! THE FOCAL POINT of thei'*h‘'ary 1 HOUR SERVICE ON CLEANING The PTA executive board will service to Colorado for the Sis-i pew high school will be a forum The language laboratory, mu­ state area — Colorado, Utah, Communion and breakfast at m i I. im AVE. • iss-fm hold a meeting in the grade ters of IvOretto who staff the'or assembly area that will serve sic department, and typing de­ Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kan­ the Cathedral. school auditorium on Monday, academy. .as the school’s ‘ all-purpose” partment are equipped with the sas. March 9, at 7:30 p.m. t Bob's Beauty Equipped to provide the fa­ room for assemblies, art ex­ latest in teaching aids, second CURE d'ARS PARISH' Seven mothers assisted the cilities for the latest advances hibits, dances, meetings, and re­ to no other school in the area, ON SUNDAY. March 8, mem- t Barber Shop E. HND A DAHLU ST. Specializing in PTA deanery chairman, Mrs. in -educational techniques, the citals. the Sisters believe. Permanent Wav­ Charles Turner, in cutting the new structure forms a marked The administration wing will ‘Geod Study Habits^ SUNDAY MASSES ing and Latest in material for 22 First Commun­ contrast to the "White House” contain the facilities needed to THE PRESENT St. Mary’s|(st. Vincent de Paul’s Parish. 6:00 - 7:30 — 9:00 - 10:30 - and 12 Noon Hair Shaping ion dresses for the Pope’s store­ between 14th and 15th streets maintain a complicated school campus is the third to be occu- Denver) No Evening Mass 2630 E. 12th Ave EA. 2-4723 house recently. I on California street in which plant: Principal’s office, clock pied by the academv since the' c- . i ■ Sister Carmencita, elemen- CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4:00 A 7:30 the pioneer Sisters of Lorettoi programing system, two - way Msters came to Denver a cen- , . , , 3050 Dahlia St. 322-1119 I in the state held their first I sound system, conference tury ago. The first .site on Cali-! curriculum consultant for ST. THERESE PARISH I classes. ; rooms, work rooms, and fac- forma street, where the Denver ^ ®r®hd.ocesan schools will iully lounges. Post building is now located be guest speaker at the St. Vin­ cent de Paul PTA meeting Mon­ THE THREE SISTERS, Moth- 1 The 16 classrooms in the proved inadequate to the ex- day, March 9, at 8 p.m. SUNDAY MASSES er Johanna Walsh, Sister lg-|school arc designed so that they ipandlng needs of the school, and nalius James, and .Sister Beat-lean be made larger or smaller jin 1911 the Sisters moved the Her topic will be “From Test­ TOLVE LIQUORS 6:00 - 7:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 •11:15 & 12:15 ing to Good Study Habits.” The CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4 to 5:30 4 7:30 to 9 rice Ryan, who came from, by utilizing movable, sound-1 academy to 14th avenue and Dahlia Shopping Center — 3360 Dahlia Santa Fc in June of 1864 tolproof partitions between the!Pennsylvania street, where it Sisters and lay teachers of St. Rev.s. John J. Regan, Francis Pettit Vincent’s have completed a list Free Delivery — EA. 2-5977 found St. Mary’s academy, | rooms. remained for 40 years 1243 Kingston St., Aurora EM. 6-0735 of good study habits and will M( K KI. IKA J\M( L M( KLV___ff spent their first winter in Den-: Team-teaching classrooms are When the Sisters acquired the ver in a just barely successful designed to provide group study, distribute it to those attend­ NANCY JIM JfiKItV MALT Hickerson estate in 1951, the ing tho meeting. battle against freezing in the | Movable walls will allow con- PAIIKINC. IN REAR present convent was the onlv •Another feature of the PTA version to individual classrooms I’SE Ri:.\R ENTRANCE bitter weather. building on the property and; meeting will be an explanation Please Patronize OPEN 8 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT Students in the new building within minutes. served as both grade and high | of the National Sisterhood VO' DUCKWALL’S Please Patronize will run no such peril. Besides An art department, located in Your REGISTER the north end of the building, • cation conference by Mrs. Ger Denver's Newest Harry's Liquors providing for the physical com­ The present school building, Advertisers and fort of the girls, the new high will be illuminated by skylights, aid Henceman. This year the Suburban Variet Store Your REGISTER OF AURORA built at a cost of $388,400, was and will be equipped even with annual conference will be held Mention Full Line Imported school will include such modern dedicated by .Archbishop Urban! at Loretto Heights college Aug. DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTSE a ceramic kiln for firing clay THE REGISTER Advertisers and features as tram teaching ; J. Vehr in 1953. | 22 and 23. Urd a DahNa ni-NU and Domestic rooms, ample library facilities, art objects and sculpture. | Mention WINES - BEERS up-to-date laboratories for phys­ A resource center will allow | LIQUEURS ics, biology, and chemistry; the faculty and students to pro­ THE REGISTER acoustical music areas, art stu­ duce teachin,g films and tapes,, • ice Cubes * dios for training In many which can be channeled to 9.508 E. (OIFW AVE. media, and electronic language classrooms by closed-circuit tel-| W. F. (W A LT ) A N G E R E R . 36« 741} laboratories. evision and audio programing PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE The present Georgian colonial direct from the rc.sourcc center.' MRCALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVICE campus of the academy was The laboratories in the sci- St. Vincent de Paul's Parish INirchased in 1951 from the e.s-!ence department, located at the tate of the late A. R. Hickerson. i west end of the lower floor, will so. UNIVIRSITY ILVO. t I. ARIZONA With the completion of the j bo provided with such facilities! ALL SOULS, ENGLEWOOD ALL SAINTS OUR LADY OF FATIMA SUNDAY MASSES new building, the convent, the as offices, dark rooms, a green ’ 6:4$. 8:00. 9:30, 11:00 and 12:15 original structure on the cam-!house, and storage rooms, CHERRELYN ten's Pharmacy Confessions' Saturdays 3:30 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. pus, will be flanked by thej A library, featuring the latest ta. C PEHR. Br— . grade school on the south and!built-in aids for research, will, DRUG STORE AAjffibar tA St. ViAcaal de ‘•avf'i Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eugene A. U’Sulllvan, Pastor In tlckn«t> And In Htalth Rariali 23UE. Arizona 744-6119 LINCOLN DRUG Havt YMir Doctor Rhvno Phone 789-2561 Ut Your Protcrlgtlofi BROADWAY it QUINCY Paramnum Hotghh Shopping Cantor E N G L E W O O D SERVING ALL SAINTS, NOTRE DAME, 1M41 W. tAtti Ave. Arthur Gueth Is Speaker FREE PARKING Preisser'sRed&Whitei ST, ANTHONY AND HOLY NAME PARISHES ALL SOULS, ENGLEWOOD ST. CATHERINE’S Grocery and Market For Regis Honors Banquet * Free Delivery ^ Gold Bond Stamps «7l-iS«f 4SS-tW4 BUSY CORNER FANCY MEATS. VEGETAKLES veteran news bo presented to students. DRUG FAIR AND QUALITY GROCERIES 2345 So. Federal 935-4661 DRUG STORE repoi'ier and commen'.alor, and Highlight of the award pres 4204 So. Bioodway Frrf Oelivfry 777 iW publi ■ relations representative Professional Pharmacists entations will be the naming of Fw F rti DtllvirY a* PtiKilpllon YOUR CATHOLIC DRUGGIST DAN CAULFIELD }U1 E Ohio Avo. (S. Univ. and Ohio) for Lmpiic .Savings Building "1964 Men of the Year” winners. and Drug Nttds W. 38(b Ave. k Fi>deral Blvd. and Loan Association, Denver, The awards will be presented Phone 78I-S52I Denver, Colo. will be the guest speaker at the by the Very Rev. Richard F. I SERVICE sixth annual Students Honors Ryan, S.J., president of Regis. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ banquet at Regis college Sun­ ALL SOULS, ENGLEWOOD day, March 8. THE PARENTS WEEK pro­ PHARMA CARE Alameda Drug Store gram, March 4-8, opened with V. 0 . PaMrMn. Prop. the annual Honors convocation PHARMACY Cut Rale Drugs in the Regis fieldhouse Wednes­ “ F'or Better Health” day. NOW OPEN Fountain Serviee Sundriut Your Parish Service Station 47M $. IrftMhiraY TtItpNoM 7H U lf Your Business Appreciated F'riday's program will include Litttttana CeMrade H#r# it a htipful dirtetory. Look for fht lilting of your registration at 3 p.m. in the Re­ Atomoda A to. trooGwoy n*oiby •‘poilih" l•rvic« ilolion. lit fii«ndly opeiolor gis center. Parents will be CATHEDRAL ST. MARY’S, LITTLETON it otking Ihii ipeciol meant fo invit* your potionog*. guests at the Regis-Colorado You’ll find Ihot thii exlio fiitndlinEii it matched with State university basketball cheerful lervice and expert oHention for your cor. game in the field house Friday s e u 4 LISS He’t ready to leive you with got and oil, tiret, bof- night. postgame hospi'ality oCO coffee will be held in the Regis PexaU teiiei, lubrication and other convenient tervicei. By PRESCniPTIONS CAI.I.ED "pulling in" ot hit ttotion regularly, you will retipro- center. DRUG STORE FUR AND DELIVERED mtu4 cote hit ftiendlinett and get the belt in tervite. On Saturday parents will at­ Cvilai al Dawning Dtnttf tend a Mass and breakfast with 25M W Main LiMloton, Colo. CATHEDRAL their sons. A bus tour of metro­ ST. JOHN'S ST. VINCENT DE PAUL politan Denser will also be '.leld HOLY CROSS, THORNTON Phil's Conoco Sorvico Saturday morning. "Howdy" Parents will be guests at the Jteni Qhuq, CITY VIEW DEDICATION For Complete Bob's Place president’s reception and facul­ Your druggist is proud of the public service his profession “Killing Piescriplions Is the I Mr. Gaeth’s topic at the ban- ty coffee on campus Saturday Piofessionol Phoimocy renders, and aware of its responsibilities. He knows that Most Important Part of Auto Service !quet, an event of Regis col- 300 So. Colo. Blvd. afternoon. Ph. 287-5535 his job is vital to the health of your community. , Uur Business I lege’s annihil Parents Week. In addition to the honors ban­ N Lm «>na e SHia • Cirdi • CoamaOca nSNM COWTOWN. lh«$rn(un (4i>o. 14th Avo. ol FofwtyiyoMo COIXJ. Iwill be “The Genius of Amer- quet. Sunday's schedule also in­ Bant; and by four grandch idren and on 'X't. 29, 1 8 /4 . shc TO* Mary (Mayme) Costello, 72, of 13 great-grandch'idren. crivrd her education in Ireland i C. F ord; a daughter. M rs. P atricia JOHN H. MITCHELL and came to Denver from New! Eastis, Denver; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Sadie Housley, 78, of 1928 G»’an» sne Woodhouse, Denver; and Mrs. Nellie is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Norah John H. Mitchell, a ret r#vd ranenor. York ill 1905. JACQUES Baas. Glendale, Calif.; a brother. Phillip Navarro and Mrs, Margaret S. Chance.'! died local hospital Feb. 28. He Ford, Denver; and by a grandson, both of Denver; two brothers, Walter! niarricd Dan Cionin in! David Mlchae. Eastis, Denver. Requiem and Austin Sullivan, both of Denver; and;, ^fRu.em H.gh Mass was offered in; Cork City, Ireland, in AugUSt of! BROS. High Mass in Sts. Peter and Paul's by two nephews. Requiem Mass m the church March 2. Boulevard; i q i a i church March 3. Interment in Mt. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 'Tiortuaries were in charge. ‘ 1 Olivet. Oiinger mortuaries. Feb. 29. Interment in Mt. Olivet .Howard .Vl'lcheli, who lived at 8600 E ^rs. Cronin Was a member mortuaries - avenue, was born in Nita, / , w d h d iiitmuer OALLOCLY la., on July 2, 1892. He came to Denver Of the Tabcmacle S O C ic tV and . Audrey C, G allogly, 45, of 1144 Ogden l a a s 'owa in 1911 and spent 50 years the Lovola Altar and Rosarv' T a W i. " r ? m ;!'. L« Laas, 58 of S3A A. u.h Z marnPd ihe tormar Ton, v-.f.n SOCietv.' Patricia Bostwicx, ner i™inai, ™ >. ,5 jurvived by tier moiher, .. , ,,,, Mary McAllister; « :Mrs. .Mary Dixon, Covington, Ind., by ° McAllister, Los Angeles, cant.; a SIS e. I daughters, and by a brother. O ra ______sui.* js Sl'RVIVFH hv lu-n I Mrs. Patricia ? Dixon, Hastings, Mich. Requiem Mass in i u" L r- w I grandson, Kevin Bostwirt. Requiem H i^ . 5, (laughlprs. Mrs. Trances Dwy- Refurbished Oscar Male Hall ^2*” mie'r'ment' In Mt. Dlivei. Day-fioonan J'™'"’ o i'T'o' Howard mor- er. \shosc hu.sband. \Incent Cathedral high school’s old gym, Oscar and dkector of the project; Vince Bruehler, m M i i f H i D Dwyer, is managing editor of Malo hall, got a new coat of paint. Taking and Philip Mueller; front row. Jim Meir and ' names to (e nmem^ertnf y Mountain News, and part in the project were, left to right, hack Roderick McDonald. Robert Ertmer was not LiemenM Marquez, 76. of 4844 w. 30th ‘ wtiwiwfiiiwiMBMviiBHgMgwiM^waaa^MBswwwt Mrs. Mary r* Starley,— i — i_* bothas .eof t Den­-, . m o n u m en ts avenue. She is survived by her husband row. Clarence Meir. Elmer Gerken, organizer present for the photo. Luciano Marquez; a son, Joe Marquez, ver; a son. Dan Cronin. Spring- Of Distinction four daughters, Mrs. William Manza- M a rc h , 1964 field. Ill ; a brother, Patrick SINCE 1902 JERRY BREEN nares, Mrs. Jack Whatley. Mrs. Albert rwi»uw»?»ru»FOLLOWING m ARE k c THE int names ot » r* i i Chavez, and Mrs. Sarah Bargas. all of priests who have served in the Arch-if-OUllLy CO a R. I r e Priest-Son Offers F lorist Denver; two sisters, Mrs. I. G, Mar- dixese of Denver and died m the month! land; and also bv cichl ‘^rand Requiem High FUass Sung 12700 W. 44th Avt. quez, Denver; and Ramona Gonzalez. Los'of March. The liviw faithful are asked,i • * « ^ 1321 Champa Angeles, Calif.; and by 25 grandchildren' to remember them in their prayers. Children and nine great-grand 4J4.7M4 — OPEN DAILY and 23 great-grandchildren. Requ'em Requiem Mass One block East of Mt. Olivet 266-3131 0 God, who, in raising Thy servants chiklicn. Mass in St. Mary Magdalenr's church to tho dignity of Bishops and priests, ______Feb. 27. Interment in Mt. Olivet How­ did give them a share in the priesthood For Carl Staab in Littleton For His Mother ard mortuaries. of the Apostles, we pray Thee admit - , i i*# MftWTAwft forever more into the 'I Initnri \ A I n \ r Carl J. Staab. a retired Kan- entitled 'Picnic at Night." Requiem Mass was offered M O NTANO c A, 4 lY-ifl com pany. Through C hrist O u rl wnilQCI VVOy Ignacio Joe Montano. Sr., 63, of 1729 Lord. Amen. (Oration from Mass for De-' ' •sas farmer and the father of couple lived there and in Hays, for Mrs. Helen M. Wagner in Market street. He is survived by a son, parted Priests.) Ignacio Joe Montano, Jr.^, A rvada; a Kans., until four years ago when c, »__ _ u u ou- daughter, Mary Isabelle Romero, Den- Rev. Joseph J Abbott, March 20, 1948 New Designation Crestline avenue. Littleton, Mr. Staab retired from farm- ‘ * church, Chicago, by John L. A ylw ard , M arch 22, 1963 SWIGERT BROS. [ver; four sisters, Maria Tafoya. Laso!'- h ^'o - AA " ^ ,. Teb. 26. He was 86. ing, Thev then moved to Denver Joseph F. Wag- Vbgas, N.M.;_ Petra Goyales, Lamar, The 'United Way Campaign Rev. Manuel De Fransisco, C..M,. .March Roquiem High Mass was cele-1 Mr. and Mrs, Staab cele-1 • treasurer at St. j Colo.; Abigail Gardner, El Paso, Tex.; 13, 1947 will be the banner under which OPTOMETRISTS •X and M rs. Lupe G reco, Pueblo; and also o o „ ' l,^K» m c i,k.„a e . ... -u , ...... brated in St. Mary’s church, Lit­ Thomas’ seminary. Denverr >>|by nine grandchildren. Requiem High ^ ' ih o Mile High Lnitcd Fund COn- brated their 62nd wedding an­ xhMass in Mt Carmel church Feb. 27 yyinij.^ p p^j|„ j j ^ ducts iUs annual campaign for tleton, Feb. 29. Interment was niversary in 1962, Mrs. Staab Mrs. Wagner. 86, died March Interment In Mt. Olivet. 1957 . , .• Devoted To Your Complete Vision Care I over ion local and nationa in Mt. Olivet. Oiinger mortuar­ died a few months later on 2 in Chicago, where she lived « '■ '’*‘1^''^' * Henneman, s .j, ^'^''cn I welfare agencies in ies were in charge of arrange­ March 3. 1963. all her life. She has seven living ments. Mr. Staab has 60 direct children. OPTICIANS sireeL ^she irTurvivrt °by two Ton?, 3'- the fivc-county metropolitan Vincent and Trenton O'Connor; a daugh- Rey j„iian Layton, C M., March IS area, MR. ST.\.\B was born March descendants. Two daughters are Sisters of fer, Daleen Garland, all of Denver; a 1939 21, 1877, in Catherine, Kans. He H. W. SWIGERT Jr., O.D. WILLIAM FARRER brother, Joseph Devereaux, Las Vegas, ■Announcpmcnt was made fol­ Providence, Sister Rose Loretto Rev. J. B. LiciottI, March 11, 1950 married Pauline Schmidt in HE IS SURVIVED by 10 Nev.; a sister, Minerva Devereaux, Den­ Rev. Joseph L illy , C .M ., M arch 21, 1952 lowing action by the executive and Sister Marie Cyril. FRED SMALDONE ver; and also by nine grandchildren and Catherine on Oct. 23, 1900. The H. W. ODIL, O.D. Rev. Joseph M Llaurado, S.F., March daughters, Sister M. Paulita, Father Wagner has been at five great-grandchildren. Requiem High 5. 1954 committee on the recommenda­ Mass in St. Philomena's church March 2. tion made by Frank H. Ricket- .Muncie, Ind.; Sister M. Carlita, St. Thomas’ seminary since Interment in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ Rt. Rev. William F. Murphy, .March, Given Scholarship Ellis. Kans.; Lydia Brungardt, 1550 California St. 534-5819 tuaries. 1942 son, Jr., 1963 general campaign 1957. Rev. Raymond L. Newell, March 5, 1944 chairman, at the Fund’s annual (Cure d’.Lrs Parish. Denver) Victoria, Kans.; Bertha Mader, PERRY Rev. John Perse, March, 1936 Albuquerque, N. Mex.; Alexia Jacob A. Perry 70. of 6271 Monaco, r ,. Rev. Monsignor Percy A. Phillips, meeting. John Haley, an eighth grade I Commerce City. He is survived by twO| March 20. 1920 Ricketson said. “The word student at Cure d Ars school. Keberlein, Littleton: Irene i Isons, Robert K. and Wayne Perry; two'„^ « « Staab, Denver: Edna McCall, I i daughters. Thelma Lombardi and Laur-;2,^V. Benedict Pedrott., March 26. 1957 •fund.’ as commonly understood son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ha­ # Nutley. N.J.; Viola Emery, Den­ J 4 letta Herke; two brothers, Anthony Perry, ,o!’« 'by the public, is a misnomer ley of 3633 Monaco parkway, Brighton ^all of Denver; and Samuel Perry. Longi ver; Pauline Ehler. Denver; Beach, Calif.; a sister, Frances Perry, Rev. Richard Smyth, March 13. 1936 for us, since it has a singular has been awarded a scholastic and Kathryn Hoffman. Hays, Denver; and also by nine grandchildren Rev. James M. Walsh, March 5. 1937 connotation, whereas our cam­ scholarship to Regis high and two great-grandchildren. Requiem Rev. Norbert j. Walsh, March 8, 1953 Kans.; two .sons, A. J. Staab, T R B V i n o Mass In Our Lady of Grace church’ (Readers arc Invited to send in paign . includes more than 100 school. Topeka, Kans.; and .-M Staab, M arch 4 changes and additions.) separate organizations.’’ Two students of Cure d'.-Lrs COLONIAL k PE 3-0013 ^ Lacrosse, Kans.; three sisters, PRIETO “Our campaign is simply a school were named first and sec­ Jacoba P rieto, 81, of 2534 L arim e r ond place winners in the pri­ Sophie Pelzel, Catherine, Kans.; MORTUARY street. She Is survived by three sons, Mr. Milchpll rpnchpd In Morgan and method or way of raising money MR. AND MRS. JACK IT . tiR N U IN Arapahoe counties. mary section at the Inter-Pa- Susan Meier, Hays. Kans.; and "The Satisfaciion of/i Service W ell Revdered” John, Tony, and Andrews Prieto; four for many agencies, not a single Own«ri and OIZKlon daughters, Carnnen Prieto, Mrs. Manuel He was a member of the Hoty Name , rochial Art contest at Phipps Anna Goetz, Oakland, Calif. agency." he said. - Wtmbtr St. Aufuitln«-| Church - Soto, Mrs. Roman Valdez, and Mrs. s x le fy . auditorium March 1. Patty Kel-l®ud by 28 grandchildren and 20 4 TWO CHAPELS TO SERVE YOU Bennie Bernal, all of Denver: and by He is survived by his wife; two sons, Brighton, Colorido 25 grandchildren and six great-grandchil­ \V. T. Blackburn, chairman great-grandchildren John H. Mitchell and Joseph P. Mitchell; ly, daughter of Mrs. Mary Kel­ dren. Requiem Mass in Sacred Heart of the board, said that there CHAPEL OF ROSES MEMORIAL CHAPEL four daughters. Mary F. Winkleblack, ly of 2990 Hudson street, was church Feb. 27. Interm ent In ,Mt. O livet. Josephine Talbert, and Berrreice Homer, will be no change in the corpo­ lOb SO. LOOAN ST. Trevino mortuaries. first place winner. "The Circus 420 I. ALAMEDA AVi. all of Denver; and Catherine Patterson, rate name of the organi7.ation, Ph.; P Itrl 1-2701 Ph.: P iirl 1-0011 Commerce City, Colo.; a stepson, Walter Lady” was the title of her paint­ RIEDEL Vetten, Denver, two stepdaughters, Anna only in-the name of the cam­ Fred Riedel, 69. of 4052 Clayton. He Christensen, Omaha, Neb.; and Eugenia ing. Is survived by his wife, Ann Riedel, paign. "FOR PEACE OF MIND" Redger, Denver; four brothers, Walter, Jeannette Turner, daughter j Denver. Requiem Mass in Our Lady of Coloradc Springs FUNKIIAL PLANS AVAILABI.K. INSUKANCt UK IKUb'l' Oes Moines, la.; Charles, Stewart, la,; Grace church March 2. Howard mor­ of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of V ( i Patrick. Denver; and Jim Mitchell, PLANS TUHOUOH AMKlUCA'b LfcAUlNU U•KPUKAill)^. tuaries. Sioux City, id.; three sisters, Nora Flares Help 3390 Krameria, was second ROSS Wright, Denver; Catherine Plister, Edge- place winner with her painting monl, S. Dak.; and Mary O'Neill, Sylvia N. Ross. 44, of 4320 E. 12th Please Patronize ' avenue. She is survived by her hus­ Boulder, Colo.; and also by 20 grand­ Our State Patrol says drivers J. D. CROUCH children and four great-grandchildren. C. D. O’BRIEN band, Alfredo R. Ross; two daughters, arc learning that flares can Your REGISTER Sylvia 0. Balbona and Liliiam M. Ross, MRS. FLORENCE PERRY both of Denver; her parents, Mr. and prevent accidents when engine Advertisers and ’^ ’^ENVER^BY^OODSCO- Mrs. Luis Ignacio Novo Ferrer, Havana, Mrs. Florence Perry, of 1801 W. 33rd, LEGAL NOTICES tm ii ofiini SHOPS NitH coHnocHCi Cuba; a sister, Maria Amalia Garcia avenue, died Feb. 27 In a local hospital trouble OP flat tires foPCC them Mention Larios, Havana. Cuba; a brother. Luis after a Short IMness, She was 79. ,,,e roadway at night. IN THE COUNTY COURT )« « M ■ 4IniiM I (III 0m ,(ial-O liiii)m s jU U . 4t»iii I XU Ignacio Novo Valle, Santiago de Cuba; Mrs. Perry was born in Italy on July:™, u • „ ___ „ ™ In and for ttM City and County of THE REGISTER and by one grandchild. Requiem High la, 188,, and came to the U S and i T h e bright red flame warns on- Donvar and Staff of Colorado Mass in St. Caletan's church ,March 4 Denver at the age of 16. coming traffic tO sloW down in No. P 31113 Interment In Mt. Olivet. Trevino mor IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF i She was m wrieo James Perry PETE BERONI M tuaries. In Denver in 1901. Heto died in 1933. plenty Of time. SO why not STEPHEN FRANK GRATZER. carry a few flares and be ready also known as STEVENSON She is survived by a son, John, FURNITURE STORE Denver; six daughters, Mrs. Nettie Tar­ In Tirntt.rt nttinr mrrtnrists S STEPHEN F. GRATZER, dnd as Millie Grosso Stevenson, Ventura, 3 Quality Apparel antino and Mrs. Tillie DeBell, both of to piouci otner motorists «= jjephan f. gratzer, oacaasao UPHOLSTERING . C alif. She is survived by Charles R. Denver, Mrs. Marie Vecchio, Golden; well as yourself? NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION RE-UPHOLSTERINO AND 1 Stevenson, Ventura, Calif.; four sisters. REPAIRING 1 Mrs. Jill Lind and Mrs. Pearl Cunv FOR DETERMINATION OF IN COLORADO SPRINGS Rose, Nellie, and Josephine Grosso, and mins, both of Burbank, Calif.; and Mrs. HEIRSHIP Slip Covtre and Driptrlpt || Jean Smyth, all of Denver; a brother, SINCE 1872 Jean Means, Long Beach, Calif.; and by THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 1 MaM to Ordpr 3 Andy Grosso, Greeley; and also by num­ 14 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, COLORADO: 1 Fumltun MiB* tp Ordtr J Kiowa and Tejon Streeta erous nieces and nephews. Requiem High and one great-great-grandchild. M gnutnants To alt persons interested. GREETING. r i 14-t3 Sq, W ah u tcli M E . 14411 W Mass in Mt. Carmel church March 5. of TAKE NOTICE that there has been Interment in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ Requiem High Mass was sung March Oittinctlon filed in -the above-named estate a petition tuaries. 2 in St. Patrick's church.. Oiinger mor­ asking for a ludicial ascertainment and tuaries were In charge of arrangements. determination of the heirs of such de­ TRUJILLO E r i c k s o n cedent, and setting forth that the names, NOLAN FUNERAL HOME Charlene TruliMo, 16, of 5113 Broad-1 addresses and relationships to decedent "THE ONLY CATHOLIC OWNED AND OPERATED way. She Is survived by her m other. | MEMORIAL CO. of all persons who are or claim to be FU 7AL HOME IN COLORADO SPRINOS" Corina Paris: four brothers, Buddy, Ro­ SPEER ELVO. AT RTH AVI. heirs ot said decedent, so far as known land, Rickey, and Chuck Paris; two sis­ 2a-1ZU to the petitioner, are as follows,, to-wit; ■ THE NOLAN FAMILY ters, Bernadette and Robin Paris, all of Libraries HEIRS I MEMBERS NATIONAL CATHOLIC FUNERAL DIRECTORS OUILD Denver; and by her grandparents. Mr 1 I Name, Residence. Relationship. Frac­ and Mrs. F W. Kolbc, Spokane, Wash,; tional Interest ME. 2-4742 and Juan Solano. Denver. Requiem High Barbara Brinksneader, Chrlsney, Indl-j Mass in Holy Rosary church March 3.1 Announce ana, Sister, 1/6. | Interment In Mt. Olivet. Trevino mor : Josephine Briggeman, RR 2. Tell City, 1 .1 tuaries. | Indiana, Sister, 1/6. I LEGAL NOTICES Children ot Frank Gratzer, deceased 1 LYDIA J. BARKER i Programs b ro th e r: Robert Gratzer, Tel! City. Indiana, WESTERN Electrical Requiem High Mass was offered in; An adult film program. ' Fo-, IN THE COUNTY COURT Nephew, 1/30. Chain Link and Wood Fences ' St. Francis de Sales' church for Lydia M rs. Edw ard - B iandford, 817 12th J. Barker, who died Feb. 24 after a In and for the City and County Construction Co. I'Us on Alaska.” will be pre-1 ot Denver and State of Celorado Street. Tell City, Indiana. Niece. 1/30. < long illness. She was 85. Mrs. Antionette Yaggi, 731 11th Street. • Etilnutn '• Sbrvtci CbUi Interment was in Mt. Olivet. sented at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday. No. P-31111 FENCE • NweemlulMe c awiewbfe NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Tell City, Indiana. Niece, 1/30. | Mrs. Barker lived at 1201 S. Bannxk March 10. at Ross - Barnum Paul Nachtrab 6M-ai6 • R tw iriiie e Vira ucky. Grand-niece. Marrh a t Ro'sS-Cherrv Creek ^ tne City and County ct Denver,. 1/90 want you to see it! The motif with the Denver Housing Authority, in .SKirtn 1-. dl nuss vntrr> desiring to Mary Anne Popp. 2417 Jacobs Drive, SUPER MARKET $t. Rose of Lima's church Feb. 29. inter­ branch library. E . Third avenue » |e c * , to the s)ame shall f)le written New Albany. Indiana, Grand-niece. 1/90. 1 coLoeAoo spaiNOS ■ AuaowA ment was in Mt. Olivet. Howard mor nnrl Milvvaiikop Ktrp**t -*biec’c* with the COuM on o' Betty Sue Fein, 1344 Minton Drive, is contemporary . . . with tuaries handled arrangements ann .MIluaUKOe strett. inqianq, Gr»n«..ii«:,, 1/90 QUALITY M A TS Mr. Koinvsn di«) at nis Horn, 1713 Chari,. Ba-th, John 5»«y>,n Fain, 1344 Minion Drlv,. bold striped walls and brass flinatrli,’wnmess. ne was n 'a se. •'■OK '•'••••■ CHILDHEN. Den- And^^g^. ‘Vy^c^ateky . ' E.«olor 1 90 Albany, Indiana. Grand-n«>h«,, >• 8 PRODUCE i u K f t DRIVE IN Mr. Kotman was born July 7. 1905, -n ver public library- programs AMor-iey tc' tte es’a*» Jane Louise Becht, 1116 M-lton Street. sconces and wood veneer Chicago. He attetsded schools mere th*» u'poL- rtf' Equ’^o'e B dg LouisviUe, Kentucky. Grand-niece. 1-W. Nationally Advertised came to Denver In 1936. aurmg Wk secono Meek 01 C:-'»do K:c: L Paul Weadick. Attorney at Law. J S MOTEL He and the former Eioise J Yonker -March will feature: Pn Dated at Denver. Colorado, this 2i*h ME. 3-2069 :i p m.. »'ednesda), March 11. at <*^3 ^ny person desiring to day of February. 1964 COlORApO SPRINGS. CCKO. Cat*. Sprliiei plays showing the exciting : Woodburv branch librar%'. w. abject to me same shail nie written Ob- Stephen C Bench, / ------j; 33rd avenue and Federal boule- ..tt-?: T -a S ' new shoe fashions . . . v a r d . S VaxT, <4 Daou-V Cl«rt *1 Aqn* n.,*.,!'.. joH-i B Ca-'a-*,. a-v3 which, in our opinion have ?, D a n c e p r o g r a m , f e a t u r in g Da a->a* a-v= cpsta o E -^ast f Gayisyq Largest Selectiofi in the Mrs, Rhoda Gersten. to be held , M A Y■ INSURANCf COV w W e never been prettier! Come Reeky MeuntalA ArM at 3 45 p.m.. Thqrsday. March oaava.. co-yaas Gaava-, ccip.atrec1 =>wb ca* ?r va'ch 5. 19u .Last Pjc-ica’ion. V.*rch 26 1964. Tanganyika Priest Wants Coughlin & Co. Moves Thursday, March 5, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 15 Center to Combat Ignorance To New, Larger Quarters Brighton Group A native priest has a plan to slowly among the people of his help stem Communist influence, area. His center envisions a Coughlin Sc Company, Inc. has Gerwin, vice president and Holds Banquet which reportedly has had a dispensary to bring medical moved to new and larger quar­ manager of the municipal bond The Brighton Knights of Co­ hand in recent strife in Tan­ care to his people, and a center ters in the First .National Bank department; James Coughlin, ganyika, Africa. where adult education could not lumbus Council 3285 recently building, according to Edward assistant vice president of the held a past grand knight ban­ A plea for help from the Rev. only fight Communism but also Coughlin, chairman of the board bank department: Henry Jen­ illiteracy, ignorance and dis- quet in the honor of A1 Dinges, J. Kwembe reached the Regis­ for the investment banking firm. sen, manager of the institution­ Jr. ter, here, just as news of the I ease. The new business offices take al sales department; and Wal­ •Mr. Dinges was presented a first "mutiny” in that country i Tanganyika, recently ind- un the larger portion of the 12th lace Waterman, comptroller. broke. j ependent under a Catholic Pres­ past grand knight pen and also floor in the building. Since 1932. Coughlin Sc Com­ In" a letter bearing endorse- ident, was revealed as a prime a rosary for hs work on the new pany, Inc., has grown with Den­ Knights of Columbus home. m ait of his Vicar General, Fa­ target of the Communist con­ OFFICERS OF the organiza­ ver and the Rocky Mountain spiracy when violence broke ther Kwembe told of his efforts tion are Edward Coughlin, area. During these years the out shortly after the Red take­ ,ALSO HONORED were the to build a community center in chairman of the board; Walter firm has been engaged in the Mlali where lectures refuting over of Zanzibar, 45 miles off following past grand knights Coughlin. president; Herb investment banking business in its coast. and their wives; Mr. and Mrs. Communist ideas could be giv­ White, vice president of the all of its phases. Its brokerage en each evening. Father Kwembe’s address is Agency Manoger (Tyde Peterson, Mr. and stock sales department; Robert service includes stocks, munic­ The priest reported that Com­ P.O. Box 640, Morogoro, Tan­ Mrs. Larry Mancini, Mr. munism has started to spread ganyika, East Africa. Newly appointed manager ipal bonds, industrial bonds, and Mrs. Pat Dinges, Mr. and and vice president of the Easter Suiutay Mass banking facilities, mutual funds Mrs. John Mildenberger, and Moore Insurance agency is and statistical research. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gabel. Bach's 'Passion'To Be Televised Bruce E. Chittendon (above), An Easter Sunday Mass in Tribute also was paid to the formerly assistant manager of the Cathedral of St. Peter in COUGHLIN Sc COMPANY, Honorad for Sonrico state chaplain. Father Roy Fig- Johann Sebastian Bach’s the agony, and the crucifixion the Denver office of Conti­ Chains, Cincinnati, 0., will be Inc. specializes in Catholic lino, to the district deputy. Bill "St. Matthew Passion" will be of Christ. nental Insurance agencies. A Church financing and has pro­ A total of 1,180 years of service to Mercy hospital was telecast Sunday, March 29 Nelson, and his wife, and to the final offering of the sea­ The cast includes John Boy- graduate of the University of vided millions of dollars, recognized at the hospital’s annual employe dinner, which was Mayor and Mrs. Manse Wall of son by the NBC Opera Com­ den, baritone, as Jesus; Mau­ Denver School of Business over the NBC-TV network. through the sale of bonds, to Brighton. Archbishop Karl J. Alter will attended by 150 persons. Here Sister Mary Kieran, administra­ pany Sunday, March 22 on the reen Forrester, alto; Judith Administration, Chittendon is Catholic institutions locally, re­ ’The guest speaker for the be celebrant. The program NBC-TV Network, KOA-TV, Raskin, soprano; Mallory married and the father of four gionally, and netionally. tor of Mercy, awards 25-year service pins to Lou Zelgler, left, evening was Andrew Martelon. Channel 4, Denver. The pas­ Walker, tenor; Donald children. He lives at 1953 S. will be carried by KOA-TV, The firm also has. been of kitchen supervisor, and Mrs. Ethel Barrier, aid in surgery. Denver. sion-oratorio will be given Gramm, bass; and John Mc­ Leyden street. The Moore service to dioceses and arch­ EIGHTY-ONE Knights of Co­ agency deals In all lines of Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who participated in the cere­ complete in a three-hour pre­ Collum, tenor, as the Evan­ dioceses as well as religious or­ lumbus and their wives attended sentation. This performance is gelist. Smaller roles are sung fire, casualty, and bonding in­ News Deadline! ders throughout the country. monies. looks on. the banquet. a repeat showing of the pro­ by Lee Cass, David Clatwor- surance for 15 major com­ duction shown last spring on thy, Julian Patrick, and Rob­ panies. W. Max Moore is The deadline for news stories NBC-TV to public and critical ert Falk. The perfonnance president. and pictures to appear in the acclaim. Last year the work was conducted by Alfred Wal­ “Denver Catholic Register” is MARKET PLACE was performed in two parts. lenstein. Obey All Traffic Signs .Monday at 5 p.m. Correspond­ RENTING'HIRING The Palm Sunday showing "St. Matthew Passion" was Skillful drivers rarely slip ents are asked to have their OF MILLIONS BUYING-SELLING this year will have both parts W A I S I T A D S produced by the late,Samuel through stop signs 'and signals. material at the “Register” of­ in one program. Chotzinoff, and was directed They obey traffic laws and fice at this time to assure pub­ The "St. Matthew Passion" by Kirk Browning. Frank common sense according to the lication in the following Thurs­ tells the story of the betrayal. Skinner was designer. day issue. Metropolitan Safety Council. Phone KE. 4-4206 Today fo Place Your Classified Ad in the Register — Ask for the Classified Department

New Classified Ad Deadline . . . Your Parish Real Estate Guide NOW - Tuesday at 5 p,m. Only Want Ads received by phone or mail before 5 P.M. Tuesday can be published in the cutrent week’s paper 36— St. Louis (Inglewood) FOR RENT HELP WANTED FEMALE SITUATIONS WANTED FURNISHED APTS. 25 HEARING AIDS 39A I Block From Ciltiodrol 3 Bedrooms up 2 down Exparlencad typisit, ittnoi, offica work- MALE 11 One block East of Broadway, 3 rooms Spiclout 4 room furnltfiod oportmont. art naadad Immadlattly for tamporary private bath, laundry, near bus. Rea­ HEARING AID Assume large loan at offica work. Man wants steady maintenance or |anl< sonable. 433-4064 — 477-3425. lit. floor too bock tnironct, loti of $93.00 per mo. P.I.T.I. torial work. Journeyman, carpenter by RENT A NEW POPULAR J cloMt ipoco. NIco for } or 1 MANP.OWER, INC, trade. m -9 m . Sunny 4 room semi-basement apartment. 4265 So. Lipan Nicety furnished, private bath, also BRAND HEARING AID. ANY “Let Me 5how You This" K E 4-73S5 1534 California SITUATIONS WANTED private entrance. Utilities furnished. On GLENELLEN APTS. two bus lines. M arried couple. $70 per 14]} Ptnniyivtnio WHEN BUYING OR SILLING F E M A L E 1 2 MODEL. FOR FAST FREE APFRAIUL mo. 4515 Bryant, 4SS^17. CALL YOUR Wanted Baby sitting |ob by mature. (ALL RENT - ANY AID.) CATHOLIC REALTY FIRM HOUSEKEEPER Catholic Mother In east Denver, no APTS. TO SHARE 25A Far mare latannatiafi can house work. 322-5611 For Motherless Home. Take 7»-4$35 Jail a Stana'i Thraar ■ 1 WILSON & WILSON Rooms for Girls, Catholic Daughters of School teacher in Wheatridga wants to From Church and Schools Am erica, 765 Penn. Also rooms available IIN S. SWAY SU. 1-4471 complete charge of house share dupiex ilk* apartment with another 4 bodroom homo. $15,400. for weddings or receptions. TA. 5-4547. employed woman. Call 422-0401 weekends, SEWING MACHINES 40 Is this • 4 45 and children. Call for inter­ Ftnctd ytrd, full flnlshod bosomont. 43 eves. At your convonlenco wo will show 1 COLFAX view. 798-5726. EVENING BABY SITTING 1463 White Like New you this lust call lE N , 744-1564. 1 37— SI. Mary (Littleton) UNFURNISHED APTS. 26 Does most everything. Will sacrifice for JOBS WANTED $10.00 ~ TA 5-SOIO. f 7 11 BY CATHOUC MOTHER F O X R E A L T Y 1 L 6840-44 South Prince Way . Spacious 2 bedrooms, ceramic bath, air 5S5-4M4 1443 Paplar 333-9382 i conditioned, range, refrigerator. Naar 2 & 3 bedroom brick homes* across from ' church, shopping, transportation, park­ 1 > Baby sitting, licensed home, day care. ing. 175 So. Sherman. Dial A smell 1____ the new St. Mary's ctiurch. Garage, base­ Widow over forty who is 22nd and Pontiac, 322-6157. Zigzags, AAonograms, darns, and mends. 6— llessed facramanf ment will show anytime. Call Ramona looking for a quiet home. Makes buttonholas and sews on buttons. 5 14 V j 4941 MONTVIIW BtVO. Bedford. 79S-0094. Help in kitchen and dining HOME TO SHARE 19A THE JACKSON APTS, Also mekes fancy stitches, all without 5 BDRM t.e iV i BATHS OFFERS attachments to buy. Assume 3 payments room during week-ends. Catholic woman In Lakewood area, de­ of $111 or $1.50 cash. CH 4-6450. Gracloui largo family homo hai bttn HICKAM REALTY Housekeeping for three dur­ sires woman in 30's to share lovely' e Prestige, quiet and strate­ axianilvaly ramodalaO and In axcalleni ing the week. One and a half home and expenses. Call 7B9-1567. gic location. condition. 3) foot living room, formal din­ 44 W. A lam tda RA 2-2121 • Rents are reasonable MISC. WANTED 44B ing room, lunroom or dan, linlibad bunt., days off. Uniforms, fur­ HOUSES FOR RENT 3 car garaga. Faaturai axqulilta carpat- • Adults 4 1 ' Nativity of Our nished apartment, no ex­ 24 Ing 1 draparlai, hoi watar boat and S penses. $150.00 per month. UNFURNISHED "See resident manager at LIBRARY BOOKS W ANTIDI Idti. Wall plannad dacor throughout of- Lord (Broomflald) To be uatd In SI. Anmony'a Sctnol, fan Immadlafa Impraiilon of charm. The Number by the Parish Heading Over Each State qualifications. Write to Attractive 5 bedroom, 2’/5 baths, lovely 195 Jacks^ St.” yard, double garage. Convenient location. lor IM cMIdrtn. Juat call *34-1*4 137.300. J IM NEW COMB, FL-5-M34 Director, Sacred Heart Re­ 10 A.AA. k> 3 P .M . or IM Convant Ad it the Key to its Location on the Map, PRIVATE OWNER Avatlabla soon. 2550 South Jackson, 75^ treat House. Box 185. Se- 7127. OFFICE SPACE RENT and wq will maka arrangatntnlt lo 3 Bedroom Rambler. pkk IMfli up. dalia, Colorado. (Sedalia is OR LEASE 28BB TH A N K YOU VanSchaock&Co. Comer lot, large family room, 30 miles south of Denver). FURNISHED APTS. 25 17— Metre Dame 20— Our Lady of Lourdes O ffic* and Apartmant bulWIng, axcaHant, 171 UMV. Blvd. a iA L T O a H 7 -IN 0 fully carpeted, full basement, Should have car. attached garage. Close to Nortti D efivtr location. NO DOWN 01 CATHEDRAL APARTMENTS KA Y MORAN TRUCKS FOR SALE 6 0 IlMMd facniiiMiit SOUTHERN HILLS GARDENS schools, churches, swimming 4774317 Nt dating Cttfs ^ 1470 LOGAN ST. 3004 SO. C LA U D E CT. H at 4 BDRMS., pool and recreation area. $700 l*e — Z7B OMC pkk up. Top tbapg 3 BLOCKS 34« W. Iowa, Pricad balow tppraltal. IV^ Batht, taparaft dining room, elactric HELP WANTED Across the street from immaculate EDUCATION 29 maka oWar. 4430 Ingalla, 434-1744. down. Conception Cathedral. Furnished buf­ Formal dining room, 1 badroomi, IVk klfchan, family room A l car garaga. I l l A g aft W ay 444-3471 To Blessed Sacrament, 3 large JOE R A Y, 744-1114 MALE OR FEMALE 8A fet apts., with full kitchens and prl- bedrooms, sleeping porch, fire­ balht, 1 car garaga, covtrad patio and vatf baths. Ntwiy radecoratad, roomy, GRAPHO-ANALYSIS place in living room. Large many txfrai. Exctllant larmt. Movt In 42— St. Philemoao clean and quiet, utilities furnished. What does your writing reveal? WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE whilt you qualify. MANAGERS AND $60 to $65 per m a M gr. on premises. “YOU” dining room, new kitchen, new Nka Pipca Ta Uva** bath and new plumbing. Price VanSchoock&Co, 1341 - 47 STEELE CONSULTANTS can analyze basic traits in I “OUR PRESENT STOCK” GREENBRIER REALTY CO, 17S Univ. Bhrd. REALTOR If7-NN AC. 2-9006 only $13,900. SeEl FHA or G.I. i m 3a. o r ty m - iiT f 1 stoTY w ith 3 badroom t. IVk b a lh t In (Ctlorade Area) weeks. “Yes Only 8 Weeks" 14 Haw 1044 CMC CALL JACK JOHNSON, 31— St. Jamas •ach unit. Hat bean complafaly ramodal- Men or women needed for new product. FURNISHED APTS. 25 From VS to 3 Tom Dor Lady of M h n a ad with naw alactriclly. plumbing, roof, Call Mrs. Smith for appointment. 364-8131 (E-653) 255-4472 Alto U uttd Commarclal, at •fc. Pricad to tall. 435-4644 (Lohauraod) . MM BAIT IXPOSITiON 3 Comfortabty Furnished Rooms. Plenty Your Lakawood OMC or write to 4365 West Florida, Denver. ''O ftIN i TO S RaM.** Call Jta Plank, 3334113 of heat and only 1W blocks from St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 Francbltad OMitr Lovtiy C«p« Cod for i«r9t fem lty. Cola JOHN F. BRUNO KIDS GONE 4 bedrooms 7 beths pKit 7 more Mooai Francis dt Sales church. Convenient to Wt spaciallzt In NoiitixMst Donvar. 4341 la s t Catfax R aalftr 333-4M4 bedrooms, bath and spacious den shopping and transportation. Rtflnad me- Arvada, Lakawood and WMatrldga Rial CLEMES MOTOR CO. HOME TOO LARGE R LTR .—1134 S. Cala. Ilv d .— SK. 4-3441 TM nrmt llittd hurt tfttqm It b# In finish^ basement. L»rg9 living hire lady or retired couple. Cali PE $-5470 Ettala. Frompt, caurWovt talat aorvlca. 6— SacniiiMnf room with firtplact. Saparste dinitig rtmambarad whan you are distribut­ Your local rM ito r lor 20 yaarv SSU Watl Colfax Avt. O w ntr u llin g balow F H A , 117,130. 1-3 room, alactric kitchen, large patio, 46— St. ViiKoot 4a Paul after 4:30 P.M. watkdayt and anytime ing your patrunaga In the dlHartnt HACKHOUSi IIAITY 21 y rt. at Hm aamt locaticn. badroom brick, full finlihad battmanf, 1M hot water heat. 7 car garage. S^ta- Sat. or Sun. lints el busintu. IS3S W . M M Av l OR. 7-U 7I Must Sell! balht. Oanvtr wtttr — naar Wtitland cular View! Space for swimming p ^ or Tennis court, with circular •hopping canftr. 2 story home on 2 lots in Park drive. IDEAL LOCATION! Hill, Blessed Sacrament area. 3 "Call BB S-tOM" WULFF OF DENVER Beautiful 5 bedroom brick. Full bedrooms, plus finished base­ Rttlfar 3T7Mi finished basement, rec. room. 3 ment. New disposal and water Lady of PotioM baths, 45 ft. covered patio, ex­ heater. 220 wiring in the kitch­ cellent condition. 1615 So. Fair­ en and utility rooms. Drapes (Lokawood) 32— St. Joha th# ★ SERVICE DIRiaORY ★ fax. included in price. $18,750. WUl Uvaagallst sell no down GI or min. down irw wwwRr wwwwwwww, 756-8241 KE. 4-4205 FHA. See this now at L Sat Thli HaiM "Anytlnw Dally Al Yaur Canvanltnca"! 752-758 ELIZABETH 46— St. Viocaat da Pawl 2270 ALBION ^ ] Ragrtam Brick , ,Ona lloer plan with full nnlHwd ASH HAULING I CARPETING A UPHOLSTERY DECORATING HEATING 355-3795 ’ batannanf, Intarcom. Loft of cloaat^ Home plus income. Older brick fspact. TMi prqparfy It tpaclouti double. 4 baths, full basement, BONNIE BRAE Miller Trash Service ! CLEANERS Ptparing, pakiflng. tlaaming. laxturkig, , though for Intidt and outikta family pititar patch. All work guartfltaad. Christ H m K i i i f fun gamai. < fenced yard and double garage. QUAUTY HOME Pickup Anytime AL. 5-1932 3= aLTR. - B34 S. Cfta. tM . SK SM I 1445 SOUTH LOGAN 934-3593 Wall THt, vmyL UnolaAi < > UNEN SBIVia Mambtr of Hofrt Oamt Ftrbh I lag yaar a*Tnaat, >■ *** ] I Floarkig. Carpab < > r ^ h r i s t Hm K lag 33 ff. Ihrlng room wIRi n iq p U c 33— St. Jaeaiili Call 825-1145 { Raat al baUaata. iNlurM ki ttili nkt oWtr I bod- < > LINOLEUM AND | ; WESTERN brldL Iirtri boaroomi In <; ’RLE SERVICE. INC. < > 5250 VALE DRIVE rinliMd bttqmqnt. DouMt f t n a t , 969 ACOMA ^ I F r» t E tfim a fta — < ► TOWEL SUPPLY CO. VIRGINIA VALI MW klMMiL Will Iqkt ntw u r fv I Guarantttd inttatiaHon < i I7a Id Broadway n u m PERFECT FOR LARGE FAMILY. 3 44J« tquay or Mil wllfi only 14 Double For Rent ^ ^3SM U p M SlTM t 4IS-73Z2< ) Bdrma.. 3 batht on lit tiotr, ptua lamita tl,0a doom. ZonM R - t Call D M n. HOLY GHOST m m 1C L a G w rS a ROOFING room, 1 bdrma. A Vt balh In bimt. JOI m t F Y 4-4S4A ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL ♦eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei' RAY, 744.1114 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished. To Introduce You to the Register Cla.ksified Section ALL TYFErtEPAItS REIBUNG REALTY bouse. Can be used for homel GUHERS All Work GdiranTttd PARISH Lkantad-Tnaarad VanSchoock&Co. I4M M. WkWonnort FY 4-3471 and/or business. 1V4 baths. Ten ' FOR $1.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS TERMS-FREE ESTIMATI 173 UM v. aivd. RRALTOR M14 TA S44H ant pays utilities, $70.00 per TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP Gifttars, SpoMtf 9 Ow nllsni to f h Income Property PAINTING a DECORATING month. I This offer good for Classified^Sedion only. (Lakawood) FROFEUIONAL - palnllnB, daeoraf- 8 units close to town. Can up in­ kig and papar hanging. Fraa aitfcnala. "This house is selling for a Blair Kittleson Does not apply to Real Estate Display C a n Nad - 10-1111. $1,000 less than comparable come with minor repairs. Pres­ TTiorauaily Exparlancad. AC. 2-95T3 Advertising. TRASH HAULING homes in area” LAKIWOOO MANOR OtpandablA Guaranfatd. ent income $325 per mo. Pay off TRAIN HAULINO 173S W . 50th Avo.' FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX ly Trensfarred Owirar FOR COURTBOUS SERVICE $225 per mo. $1,500 down. 288- Amtrkm Roefiog Day ar NlOd CaRi 2 bedroom frame, carpet and with your EA. M t a “This Is a lovely home far Norlh Danvtr ■ Whaatrldga 8164. ______Shtet Metal Co. 1431 M gf) llra a f drapes. Minimum down, fin­ A family with children." Lakawood Mtiingt CB 444« nse Dewrieg FOR RESULTS AOVOmSE ancing available. Call 422-1963 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, fur­ J. TMt b prtcag lor i gMck Mb Im Call Kay Moran AllarSaAL tu Id M IN THE with Privoialy Ownad lit,IN FHA tr attaim 4Vk% bgn Mametr al AR Sculi' ParWi SERVICE DIREaORY Laird Realty nished or unfurnished. Newly artib 3117 m tnIW y paym anb. Naar CAU KE 4-4205 ar 4 » 1307 decorated. You can walk to 1 0 " Hwly CrwM and 13 mlat. ia dawa town. $45 00 and up. TV SERVICE-APPUANaS $10,650 •awa Danaar, BHck, H t MMn, daakla "NO DOWN GI’’ tnraga, 3 Miraanu an and 3 mara Our Pwsonoliztd “ Sight and Sound Our Sperialli" i Mrmta 1 BttAt In WmtM d bitamanl. ElactrH kHck- Sarvicn Sails Homes “Pensioners w ill enjoy IaM •«. ft igc an. larga paNa, Maaty fancad yard M l BMiHit rm m it here” AL'S APPLIANCES lATf* vNIfty rwtm Salts en«i Senrice all maxes VACANT. IMMIOIATI barv CamaHng. drtnai and many CLIP $1.00 TO IT AND MAIL TO ftOiSttSIONa Cemmefce City's axtrat. Saa N naw at 333 R l t D ST. W lT o n * Qassified Advertiting, The Register 5CHROEDER « WEAVER ta 7 -im . TV Apcitaecd s*'- ISM S. i t a t dway SH 4-3313 288-8164 Box 1620, Denver 1, Cole., or phone it in to KE. 4-4205 1731 W. C a H tt A v t. S34-7I73 J09 >Iunacu Holy Name Breakfast the incmbcMs in WaK (St. ( athcrinc's Parish, hall foirowiny llic Mass Comiiirrcf City) The Men's cliih will meet Till' Holy .\atiii‘ soncly of St. .Monday. March 0. ;il H P ni. in ratluTino’s parish, Cnmnirrcr (he cafeteria. .Inhnny Dee, head ( ily. will rccfivc Cfimmiinioti of the Denver City Parks and coriioiati'ly in llm 7 DO a in. Itecreation program will he the ■Mass Sunday, Mau h S. Kiiest speaker. V faltuTs' and sons' hrnakfast Dee. the former coach o' the will 1)0 sorvi'd followin;; tho DC Truckers haskcthall team Mass. stands a pood clmnce of coach- iinj! the Notre Dame haskcthall Recollection Day Set it'^'f next year, lie will have (Mother of find Parish. Denver); Society to Meet The licv Kohert K,k,,iscii. I f"'' liastur of SI. Anthony of I’a j (IDdy (ihnsl Parish. Denver) The .-Mtar and Rosary sorn-iv dua's church, will conduc.t a day' PTA to Convene of recollection for all women of; ■if Holy (iliost palish will iiiei 1 (St. I.onis’ Parish, laislewood) the parish Wednesday, March March 9 \ S' Pati'u k Lenten SI. Louis' l’T\ will meet at luncheon w ill he sen ed folliivv me the 12 10 p m Ma s Mass will he offered at 9 DO iK p.ni. .March lo, in the calc- Recitalioii of the Rosarv in a 111 followed hv hreakfast in leria. The topic for the eyeiuoi;. the church will hcRin at 2 the D,asc,nent.. J_onfcrences , , yya^,^^. .,,i"V'ocation,s." will he discussed o’clock, followed hv the hii-i he;;iii at IILDO a in. iii 1he;| iiess session church, with a break at noon club, the first pre-idcnl of the St. Louis Men'^ clul). and .Mrs The all-|iaris|i lard ]iait\ for liineh The day will end with sponsored hv the society |s Benediction of the Bl’ssed Sae- Kathryn Smilli of tlu' Theresi- ails. scheduled for March 19 at 1 rament at 'i DO p ni Perch Steak o’clock Liinclu'on will In' served Coffee and sweet rolls will he A FATIIKIt SDN haskcthall and prizes awarded. served at a small charue by the Maymc and Margaret (larrett Altar and Uosary society. The Rame will he held Sunday. March k. at 2 p in, m the new and Mrs. Bertha Krc'idl will he society will serve free coffee in charge Tickets mav he ob­ and tea diiriuK lunch. Those at- Rvni. Donations of 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children tained from .Mrs M,ie 1, IcndInK nre asked lo hrinfi their Thompson at the door. T own liRlit lunch will he asked. Proceeds will r o I toward the purchase of a score­ Codfish Steak To S p e a k on C ouncil View Color Film board for the R\m. (.Notre Dame Parish, Denver) (St. .loseph's Parish, The Ilojy .Name society of ^ Kt. Cnllins) SATIRDW, M\R(H It, at .Notre Dame parish will meet (In Wednesday the Altar and the new parish center at 9 pm . the Wayne Case orchestra will on Thursday, March 5. at S p in Bosary society of St. .loseph's in the [larish hall. Father Don parish met in the church hall he playiiiR for the St Louis Men's cliih SI. Patrick s dance. aid K Dunn, assistant pastor, Haddock Steak after recilinR the Rosary in the will speak on "The N'atican church. St. Martha's Rrniip was The Price is $D per couple. ,\ll are miled to attend Council.” host and arraiiRed for a color Senior hieli school students in film entitled "Realm of the public schools will have a dav Wild " New Circle to Meet (.''(. Hose of Lima's Parish, of retreat on Monday, March' Howard WerlshauRh (if the 2D. in .-Ml Saints’ church. V S Forest Service showed the Denver) The 20 members of the new .luninr high school students film and did Hie commeiitarv. will have an afternoon of recol Ca.tfish St^ k St. Therese circle will hold their first HieetiiiR Thursday. March h'ction on Sunday. March 15, in Slate Book Fair Notre Dame church. (St. .lames' Parish, Denver) 5. .\nyone interested in joiiiiiiR Mrs 11,ink Waidiiian. Rcneral may call .Mrs Jo llol.’niaii at 9.D5 05.55. Meeting March 12 (liaii iiian of the SI Janies' inir- (Our Lady of the Lakes isti Book Fair, and her conimil- Sunday, March S’ is ('(iiiiimm- BREADED, ion Sunday for all men and Chapel. Red Feather Lakes) lee invite adults and children to The next meeting of Ihe Den- j .illend the fair in the schnoL hoys of the ))aris)i Tlicy will at­ tend the S a 111. Mass. ver group for Our lady of the' ( nfeleria Friday, Marcli fi, froiiii Lakes chapef, IL'd Feather SEA PAK BRAND D9 pill, Saturday, March 7.! Till', A'Ol'Nt; married Uikcs.^vill he held at 12:Dfl p lu from S DO a m. lo ti ji in ; and; wonien's club is open for new Thursday, March 12. in the Sunday, March S, from S .DO; menihers .•\iiyoiie interested home of Mrs, Ren t’aldwell. S5s a m to SiDfl p in should call Mrs. Larry Varney, S. Pearl street lO-OZ. PKG. More than 2.000 paperback 9.D0.5317. hooks — fiction, biopraphies, Mrs. Marie t'oimors. chair­ Literature and Law and classics — will b' available man for the vestment commit­ (St. John the Evangelist's from 35 cents to $1. tee, thanks the followinR women Parish, Denver) Mrs. Kenneth Beebe i.s the as­ for completion of the new gri'eii Father Lawrence H. Sf. Peter, sistant chairman; Mrs. Robert vestments: Mines. Jean De- moderator of St. John's Holy Lacerte, treasurer; Mrs, Rose Lisa, Rosie YoimRor, Flsther Name society, urges all men KlanaRan, staff chairman; and Homan, Lorraine {'liapman. of the parish to attend the meet Mrs. Frank Difirappa, publicity, j^linnie Martiner. and Catherine ing of the society March 10, . M.artine? The meeting will feature a Tills r ATllOLlC Family I Some 200 puhlic high sehool speech hy Ted Borrilln and movement will have a Dialocue students attended the retreat Leonard Plank on "Objection Mass at S o’clock on the first Alarch 1. able Heading Material and tin- Saturday of every month. I’of-' \ss|s|juR the retreat master, Law" fee and doURhmits will he serv ll-'alher Blase Bonpane. M 51 . Mr Borrillo and Mr P'.aiik members of Ihe Denv er Disirn ' Minrney’s staff, will di'Ciiss :hc legal aspects of the current mm ” : c i geed ‘‘■•u -ii. ‘.'o’ ' sectarian cam;'aign to discoui- V.'p r-gsor^p jg p f q V-» to I "" t QUO'" age the sale of gray-lmc ;'o: ? * o<. nographic literature The meeting, which will bege with Benediction a: 7 15 ;i m 111 the church, w ill he hi .d ;i V Ihe school cafeteria

S f. Patrick’s ( . i ,g?' 25" -.z’ce’' s',' "cs Party Planned IM. Paul's Parisli. Colorado Springs i .V. Paul's .Vi'.ar .ind K o sary society. Colorado^uin,-. will hold Its annual Patri.’s - dessert card pan/ Saturd.);, March H, at 1 TVni ;n Paulric Menior.at scho/l Tickets arc $1.25 each SOLE FILLET - - p/ 59c The speciXl pri.’e w;”, be a $100 gift cRrtific.ito from I ' Vugs Southga^ center Rcsv^atioiis m.,r, he 'm.i.i- hy calling M's p .'’v 11'K O.D.d/I oD. or M l’s \y :i;.|-i PERCH FILLET / c HDD 0s;0 49 Preview el Book Pair Control Motor Vehicle Father Frank Freeman, assistant pastor at St James' Sv..:fii. d::\c:« k-'- ’ ’ll church, shows (,ary Tomieh and Mary I on H inricy some of 'C’..cs .c'.i ■ :o, ■.i ’’., '.C' ii” It’’ the 2,00(1 hotvks that will be available at the Book Fair March conirvil, Mclr 4'oi;lj: CORN MEAL MUSH oi K /i. 25c K. 7. and 8 in the school rafrieria, 1250 Newport siren. ''afetv v'ouiir'.!