The Oxford Companion to English Literature, 6Th Edition
H Habbakkuk Hilding, the name given to *Fielding in a in this century it has been much imitated in Western scurrilous pamphlet of 1752, possibly by *Smollett. literature. HABINGTON, William (1605-54), of an old Catholic Hajji Baba of Ispahan, The Adventures of, see family, educated at St Omer and Paris. He married Lucy MORIER. Herbert, daughter of the first Baron Powis, and cele HAKLUYT (pron. Haklit), Richard (1552-1616), of a brated her in Castara (1634, anon.), a collection of love Herefordshire family, educated at Westminster and poems. A later edition (1635) contained in addition Christ Church, Oxford. He was chaplain to Sir Edward some elegies on a friend, and the edition of 1640 a Stafford, ambassador at Paris, 1583-8. Here he learnt number of sacred poems. He also wrote a tragicomedy, much of the maritime enterprises of other nations, and The Queene ofArragon (1640). His poems were edited found that the English were reputed for 'their sluggish by Kenneth Allott (1948), with a life. security'. He accordingly decided to devote himself to HAFIZ, Shams ud-din Muhammad (d. c.1390), a fam collecting and publishing the accounts of English ous Persian poet and philosopher, born at Shiraz, explorations, and to this purpose he gave the remain whose poems sing of love and flowers and wine and der of his life. He had already been amassing material, nightingales. His principal work is the Divan, a col for in 1582 he published Divers Voyages Touching the lection of short lyrics called ghazals, or ghasels, in Discoverie of America. In 1587 he published in Paris a which some commentators see a mystical meaning.
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