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College Voice Vol. 96 No. 8

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2012-2013 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2012 NEW LONDON. CDNNEOICUT VOLlWIE XCVI· ISSL.E8 Collaboration, Catharsis and Closure Vandalism's Impact on Connecticut College


One of the most difficult issues to cope with as a Floor Governor is the in- creasing number of vandalism incidents our campus has seen over the course of not only this semester but also over the course of the past two years. Merriam-Webster defines vandal- ism as follows: "Willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property." Sociologist Stanley Cohen goes further by breaking vandal- ism down into six different categories: I.Acquisitive vandalism (looting and petty theft). 2. Tactical vandalism (to advance some end other than acquiring money or property - such as breaking a window to be arrested and get a bed for the night in a police cell). 3. Ideological vandalism (carried out to further an explicit ideological cause or deliver a message). 4. Vindictive vandalism (for re- venge). 5. Play vandalism (damage resulting from children's games). 6. Malicious vandalism (damage caused by a violent outpouring of dif- fuse frustration and rage that often oc- curs in public settings). Connecticut College has been of- fecled by the first, fourth, fifth and sixth categories. as far as we are concerned. We can further break these four catego- . dow.u into eubl)lpes-iDtentional vandalism and non-intentional vandal- ism. Non-intentional vandalism is when you decide to swing on an exit sign and, not properly estimating its durability, break it; or when you accidentally spill a drink and forget to clean it up. Inten- tional vandalism is when you are in an overly energetic state of mind, decide that it would be hilarious to break an exit sign and do so, or when you pour out a drink in the middle of the hallway because you do not live there and don't care about whether or not the hallway is clean. Both of these types of incidents PHOTOS BY LIZ CHARKY AND ANDREW NATHANSON and all of their variations have had a profound effect on Connecticut College not just in a financial sense, but also by things to come. Presently, Andrew Marco HELEN ROLFE student-run midnight-vigil-cum-support- always true, recalling their first rehearsal, affecting the well-being of the residen- , 15 burst into the lobby, urging attendees to STAFF WRITER group taking place three days after the Kent when "David basically admitted to us that tial community. We would like to first come upstairs "for the meeting." We soon State tragedy. The plot soon thickened, nothing existed. He said, 'If you want to address the financial effects and share When Ishowed up at TansiU Theater to reached the performance space, but anyone however, as these characters began reading leave right now, just get up and leave, I some statistics. see and usher for a play called 4 Dead in who had then been expecting to settle into Seamus Heaney's The Burial at Thebes won't be offended."" At the end of the 2010-2011 school Ohio: Antigone at Kent State, Ihad little conventional theater seats - complete (itself an English translation of Sophocles' Coming up with original material wasn't year, incidents of vandalism cost the , to no idea of what to expect. And neither, it with a reassuring degree of physical classic tragedy Antigone) aloud together the only challenge that the actors faced. student body around $50,000. The fol- seemed, did anyone else. distance between actors and spectators - in the hope that the play's explorations of Julian Gordon ' 14 said that one of the lowing year, this number had increased This general feeling of what-the-heck- would have been sorely disappointed. rebellion, redemption and the true meaning biggest difficulties of the creative process to around $75,000. As of November is-going-to-happen-next started with the Instead, the thoroughly disoriented and of justice might start to heal the emotional was figuring out which materials to include 15, 2012, the number of vandalism ., instructions we volunteer ushers were confused attendees went ahead and took a wounds that the shooting had inflicted and which to omit. In The Burial at Thebes, incidents over the whole semester is given for the evening's performance. seat on anyone of the couches, beanbags upon them. for example, monologue and dialogue 223, whereas exactly one year ago, the House Manager Alex Iezzi ' 15 passed out and thick rugs that surrounded the stage. The production incorporated not only interact with speeches from a Greek number was only 116. If this number mock newspaper clippings (headline: "4 There were a handful of rows toward these two dramatic texts but also '60s chorus. With these chorus sections, just continues to increase at this rate, the 'Bums' Killed at Kent") and directed the the back of the theater that offered up protest songs (both recordings and live as with any other mat.erials, the ensemble student body will pay roughly $150,000 three of us to approach audience members traditional seating, but these were set aside performances by the actors), quotations always had to consider (as Gord(ln put it) in vandalism expenses at the end of the as they entered the theater lobby. Having for overflow accommodations in case the about the Kent State massacre from primary "00 they fit in our world'!' academic year. Depending on where ., you live on campus, you may have to cornered our unsuspecting victims, we performance sold out. sources and additional dialogue that the But their intensive four weeks of writing, pay hundreds of dollars in vandalism Were then to urgently ask, "Have you Sold out it was, and for good reason. ensemble of actors wrote themselves - aU revising, assembling and rehearsing (a fees. While some students come from a , . beard jhe news?" and thrust the flyer into In drawing upon a number of sources in a tidy, fast-paced seventy-five minutes process Jaffe called "collective creation") wealthy enough background to pay for • their hands so they could read it before for its inspiration and content, 4 Dead in of action. certainly seem to have paid off. During these fees without a problem, many of show began. The clippings provided Ohio revealed itself to be a thoroughly But, as director David Jaffe related in a the talk back. several audierq I1lOI1lbers the us COMot afford these extra expenses. cohesive, captivating and moving piece of expressed bow much play had touched background information about the play's post-performance talk between the creative the Each of us has had residents come up theater. The actors' identities and realities catalyzing' incidentr National Guardsmen's team and the audience, the wide variety of them. One grateful lIlIendee surl1med it up to us and express how difficult it will be fatal shooting of four Kent State University were constantly in flux, yet their skillful content in the final product represents a perfectly: "I ... have a friel\d who was there for them and their families to pay this studenlS during an anti-war protest on May storytelling and emotional honesty always mere fraction of aU that they had come up [at Kent Statel. And I feel like, with this extra charge on top of the charges for ' . 4,1970. remained crystal clear . with: "There's so much creativity that isn't performance, I can go back home and tell tuition, textbooks, transportation and But this invasion of personal space was At first, the eight-actor ensemble drew us even in what you saw." However, Spencer him, 'Your friends have t-t honored.'" • living expenses. a mere portent of even more unorthodox all into the gripping scenario of a fictional, Lutvak ' 16 revealed that this wasn't CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

t On Senior Giving Consolidated Key Is Ke$haA Bond Through the Athlete Profile Cards Feminist? Years

Editor in Chief Meredith Boyle Could our IPs and key cards be The surprising truth behind a After fifty years of Bond and Molly Murphy, captain of questions the current program. merged into one? raunchy pop star. many faces, do we have a favor- women's ice hockey. ite?

EDITORIALS - 3 NEWS - 2 OPINIONS - 6 I ARTS -7 SPORTS - 4 News & Features DECEMBER 3,2012 THE COLLEGE VOICE Indian Food Initiative May Fuse Key Card Vendor Gives Stud en sa and School ID Together Break


Imagine a world thaI only requires Halls one card, one magical card that would let you into any dorm, dining hall, bookstore, snack shop, private ven- ANEEKA KAllA dor, laundry machine, taxi, and library. STAFF WRITER Wouldn't life be so much easier? You would never need to worry about for- Every other Wednesday, Rajan getting one of the cards, and you would Kunchandy, better known as Raj, only need to use one slot in your wallet. comes to campus bearing freshly Recently, there has been an initiative made Indian food from his restau- to merge the two keycards into one. In rant, Mirch Masala, located at 156 the process of doing so, the keycard Kings Highway in Groton. In con- . would expand in value and also be able junction with his partner, Kunchandy to include other vendors and services. has owned and operated the restau- One card would increase productivity rant since 2005. and could be accepted at selected res- Originally from .Kerala, a state lo- taurants or fast food places in the nearby cated in the southwest region of In- New London area. In a broader sense, PAIGE MILLER dia, Kunchandy immigrated to the the single card would make it easier for Students at any other college would Another advantage of a single card the single card for vending machines, United States in 1997 and opened up the students of Conn. Money could be tell you that they only have one key- would be its added security. Students restaurants, the bookstore, Coffee his restaurant eight years later. added to the card online, and could be card. What is the need for two? As would be able to "swipe in" to events Grounds, Oasis and laundry. Imagine Since 2006, Kunchandy has been valid on and off campus, making it very Dailey told the room, "We think you on campus, ensuring that only Conn not having to put money on your card partnering with the Connecticut similar to a debit card. deserve what most students have at any students participate in such festivities. for laundry every month! College Asian Student Association When Assistant Vice President of En- other school." Additionally, if you were to lose the The next step in getting this process (CCASA) to bring food to campus. terprise Systems Jean Dailey and Sean The idea was proposed last year but card, you could shut it down online, approved is to voice our enthusiasm. The take-out boxes are intended to Murphy presented their case for the unfortunately did not receive funding rendering it unusable if anyone were to SGA will most likely send out a review be a fundraising event for CCASA as single card at this past Thursday's SGA - there wasn't a single group leading pick it up. A new card could be issued of the keycard project.jepresenting the well as an opportunity for students to meeting, they represented the Above the motion and, therefore, the' initia- immediately and nothing would be lost. student body's support on the matter. form relationships with local busi- Current Level (ACL) efforts for this tive received much less attention. This If this motion is not passed, students Most people don't think twice about ness owners in the New London com- initiative. ACL is responsible for the year, there is an added motivation to will continue to use two cards, and there having two cards, but in reality, it is munity. way funding is spread out across earn- pass this legislation, as the Blackboard will be no online portal, and things will wasteful and ineffective. It's time that Fifteen perceni of the proceeds pus - the group carries a lot of weight, System that' controls the locks on dorm continue as they have been. The locks we move forward efficiently and get the but also needs the support of both SGA buildings is about to expire. Thus, this would need to be redone and the Black- legislation passed so that everyone's and the student body at large in order to change to one compact card needs to be board System replaced. However, if it life can be made easier. In the long run, Catering to the Conn palate, pass as legislation. made now in this time of transition. were to pass, we would be able to use the change is definitely worthwhile.' Kunchandy makes his food for us with fewer spices, as he claims students are used toa An Evening of Fine Food and Discussion milder taste. At his restaurant, the food tends to have more of Sprout hosts first Harvest Dinner a.kick.

ANNA LINK the end of a growing season. The timing ganic. only about two acres arc actually worked, CONTRIBUTOR seems appropriate, seeing as we arc getting Once everyone had been served, By- Because the method of double digging that Kunchandy earns every week On Friday, November 16, Earth House ready to wrap up the end of a semester," me called farmer Bob Bums to the stand. is so energy-intensive, Burns's Zen train- are given to CCASA. Leela Sama- was bustling. Instead of waking up and explained Byrne. Burns is not an average fanner, as stated ing comes in handy, Bums ststed that, in roo '14, CCASA's treasurer for the smelling the coffee, the tenants of Earth By 4:30 PM, the house was packed on his farm's website, "Raben Bums Sen- Buddhism, "there is an irnponance of the second year in a row, says that the House woke to the smell of fresh veggies with people. The living room was buzz- sei founded Aiki Farms in Ledyard, cr in here and now." He uses this Buddhist prin- money is used to fund small events and basil ... okay, maybe there was a little ing as friends chatted amongst themselves 200 I, bringing together his twin passions ciple to teach his Aikido apprentices and that the organization holds on cam- coffee mixed in there too. Staning at the while eyeing the feast that awaited them. of Aikido and farming." Bums' farm sup- fellow farmers to be present in their daily pus like Sushi Night orBubble Tea crack of dawn, members of Sprout were up Delicious food was alrcady on display, in- plies multiple New London County restau- work: "we learn how to not be tired and Night. Raj also caters CCASA's mul- and ready, preparing for what would be the cluding homemade focaccia bread; roasted rants that share his concern with the health how to get it done now. Connecting your- ticultural performance, "Fusion," ev- first Harvest Dinner. vegetables; salad with fresh grown lenuce; of both the earth and of customers, and a self to the earth also connects you to the ery year and gives the college a very Organized by Sprout pmlident Merry organic soups from the local and organic desire to sell food with high natural and earth energy." For Bums, there is no such generous discount. Byrne '13 and other members of the stu- New LondOn restaurant Mangetout; pick- nunilional value. He accomplishes this by thing as procrastination, and no such thing Every week, Kunchandy brings to dent-run organization, Harvest Dinner, led radishes (grown in the Sprout garden using an extremely bio-intensive technique as putting it off until tomorrow. Allowing Cro a chicken dish, a vegetable dish, featuring farmer Bob Bums, was a great itself); and, the most anticipated of all: that be ca1ls "double digging." Instead of his farming to be in1Iuenced by this spiri- rice and traditional Indian bread opponunity for members of the college to ~ pumpkin and apple pies with just using the surface material, he must tual guidance results in a very rewarding called Naan. He distributes the food oome together for a night of healthy dining whipped cream. Each dish came com- dig his way into the subsurface of his land, work ethic. in takeout containers for five dol- and open discussion. plete with handmade informational carda, making this technique much more energy- One thing that all the Harvest Dinner at- lars a box. Kunchandy says some of ''Traditionally, harvest dinners were tied stating wbcrc the food had corne from and intensive. tendees and current readers should remem- the popular dishes among students to harvest celebrations, which celebrate whether it was vegan, vegetarian or or- His involvement does not stop there, ber is Burns' advice for what we students are Chicken Tikka Masala, Mango though. Bums takes his farm to the next can do. When asked how we can reform Chicken and Chicken Korma. Cater- ~~;;;:~~ level by including a Buddhist meditation our habits, Bums advised us, "have your ing to the Conn palate, he makes his center well as a karate center. as own garden, there's nothing better. Have food for us with fewer spices, as he Throughout the discussion, around ta- your own little garden that feeds yourself claims students are used to a mild: bles, the many ways in which spirituality and leam how to use every fiber of that er taste. At his restaurant, the food had guided Bums in his farming, leading garden." tends to have more of a kick. him to his success became apparant. Burns While it may not be possible for every Although they don't particularly stressed the imponancc of keeping things Connecticut College student to maintain enjoy standing in the long line that small. He referred to his farms as a "break- his or her own persona1 garden, it is an idea usually wraps around the lobby of even farm," meaning the profits that he to keep in mind. One day, our four years the student center, Conn kids find makes just match what he spends to pro- here will come to an end, and we as gradu- Mirch Masala take-out boxes to be a duce all of his crops. ales will have to stan thinking about the refreshing change from Harris' typi- "The power of the universe is in being kind of "real" life we want to lead. Maybe cal food. Alek Chandra '16 is one small. The bigger you gel, the less control then we will remember Bob Bums and of many regular customers and con-·· you have," Bums said. how to keep life small and in control. • fesses, "I feel as though Mirch Ma- Out of the five acres of his family farm, sala provides a nice escape. for the ,.....,...... tI_...,~ .... students here on campus and myself from the familiar food in Harris and www.whydrive.biZ ATTENTIONclubs,departments, campus offices ?ther dining halls all while diversify- 109 Our Cultural intake. Mirch Masala H.~if welts: and academic centers: serves' as an opportunity for students to try food they might not have oth- erwise had the chance to experience The College Voice has recently started accepting while here on campus and all for a . advertisement requests from on-campus clients. relatively inexpensive price." . Students also enjoy the conve- nience of not having to leave campus We will charge a base fee of $5 and prices will vary 10 order to indulge in Indian food. The take out boxes have been a-Iong- thereafter depending on size, organization (student or standing SUccess for both Mirch Ma- staff-run) and amount of design work needed. sala and CCASA. The organization ~opes .to Continue building upon its commltled relationship with the res- Interested? Contact Melissa Fopiano at taurant well into the future .•. [email protected]



Editorial THE COLLEGE VOICE 1be views and opinions expressed in The College Voice are strictly ~hose~f.stu- dent authors, and not of Connecncut College. All content and editorial decisions remain in the bands of the students; neither the College's administration nor Its faculty exercise control over the content."

MEREDITH BOYLE On Senior Giving Editor in Chief ANNIE MITCHEll. AYANOELSON The culmination of time spent at My second problem with the se- the college. I am more likely to give any institution is remembered over nior giving card is its ambiguity. Stu- after seeing a poster describing the Managing Editor Creative Director and over again by donation drives; at dents are rightly given the option to difference thai one gift made (wheth- Connecticut College, the cost of an earmark their donation. The catego- er in funding an internship, a portion EDITORIAL STAFF education is only partially covered Ties include "area of greatest need," of one student's tuition or a sustain- NEWS Emily Brouwer by our tuition, so the school depends residential education, internships, ability initiative), than I am after a OPINIONS Jere/lMays, Ayla Zuraw-Friedland on student and alumni donations to faculty support, library, sustainabil- few free glasses of booze. ARTS &:ENTERTAINMENT Melanie Thibeault, Mark Ferreira keep vital campus programs going. ity efforts, science education, inter- Here's the caveat in all of this. My SPORTS Daniel Moorin In the spring, I went to my boy- nationalization, financial aid and position could be mistaken as anti- friend' graduation at Bates College. campus renewal. A few of these are giving, but I'm not stupid and I know The class of 20 12 hadn't even turned extremely vague: internships, faculty money is important. Personally, I'm PHOTO Cecilia Brown, Maia Schoenfelder their tassels before the Alumni Giv- support and intemationalizatlon in going 10 'donate a dollar this year WEBMASTER Ayano Elson ' ing speaker was up at the podium, particular. For example, J want my and save {or a while so that my next WEB CONTENT Fred McNulty preaching about the importance of donation to go directly to CElS in- donation is large and has more of an MULTIMEDIA Peter Herron, Liz Charky giving back. At Conn, as early as temshiss. However, if I check off impact. But my decision aside, the ADVERTISING Melissa Fopiano September the class of 2013 was al- "internships," is it guaranteed to go program as it is fails us not because ready being hounded to "give." there? Could it fund research intern- it's asking for our money, but be- The real question here i : what ships that professors provide over cause it doesn't provide us with the DESIGN STAFF does it mean to "give"? the summer? Could it fund other in- proper information to help us make The Senior Giving Program is ternships on campus, at the Office of our choice about where our money PHOTOGRAPHERS Cecilia Brown, Liz Charky, a well-oiled machine. Recruiting College Relations for example? For goes. The school can't claim to be Andrew Nathanson, Maia Schoenfelder members of the graduating class, students who donate, knowing the starting a trend of future donors if they table, host fancy events and pur- real destination of the money is ex- those donors don't even know how to GRAPHIC Samantha Grainger Shuba, Paige Miller port to encourage participation over tremely important and the card does make an educated,thought-out dona- total money raised, but three things nOI give enough information. tion. about the program rub me the wrong My third problem with the Senior This brings us back to the question WRITERS way. The first two can be found on Giving Program is its confusing mis- of what does it mean to "give"? Fi- NEWS Aneeka Kalia, Stephanie Reeves, Anna Link the card handed out to the graduat- sion. The Synergy Society statement nancial contributions are what keep ing class. on the card negates the campaign's our school running, but why can't we OPINIONS lJ Ramos, Andy Stein-Zeller; Peter Herron, Just one look at the card suggests push for participation. My conversa- adopt a better-rounded giving strat- that participation isn't the only goal tions with students on the commit- egy? At the beginning of this year, Mike Amato, Emilie_Vansant, Cory Scarola, lerell Mays here. While students can offer any tee have told me that statistically, the incoming freshmen class piloted sum as low as a dollar, the Plati- students who give before graduation a new orientation day of community A&:E Samantha Grainger Shuba, Ben Zacharia, num level donation is $100. The are more likely to continue giving in service in New London. The day was Patrice Newman; Luca Powell card reads, "A gift of $100 makes the future. However, if the goal is to a great success, and I think it should you a member of the Synergy Soci- mold current students into future do- be replicated in the senior year SPORTS ety, recognizing the commitment of nors, chucking a buck at an info table with projects on campus - a physi- Connor Doyle young alumni who give at a leader- just to participate in senior events cal way of thanking those who have ship level." The italics are my own. doesn't seem like the best strategy. contributed to our time here. A cam- Here's my question: if the program And this is what many students will pus beautification project wouldn't really encourages participation no do. , eliminate monetary donations rather Contact Us matter what the dollar amount, why In response· to these three con- supplement them. I'd feel a lot bet- conractd' is a special society reserved for those cerns, here are two propositions: ter about my monetary gift if I knew 270 Mohegan New-London, <;;:r 06320 who shell out 11 'Benjamin? And why First, jn....addition to hosting events 'that ~it accompanied byisomething" .. , , > ,', .. - is this high donation correlated with with champagne, desserts and special concrete and visible. leadership? Since when do we as a announcements, I suggest the pro- -Meredith ·Wednesday- 9PM - eRa 215 college equate one's ability to pay gram add an information campaign with one's leadership potential? on how exactly senior gifts benefit • • (Your opinion goes here). As always, we welcome letters to the editor. If you're interested in writing a letter,please read below. No unsigned letters will be published. Letters to the EdItor: The editor-in-chief must contact all authors prior to publication to verify that he/she was indeed the author Any and all members of the Connecticut College community (including students, faculty and stall) are en- of the letter. couraged to submit articles,letters to the editor, opinion pieces, photographs, cartoons, etc. The College Voice reserves the right to edit letters for. clarity, length, grammar or libel. No letters deemed to AUsubmissions will be given equal consideration. be libelous towards an individual or group will be published. In particular, letters to the editor are accepted from any member of the college community on a first-come, The College Voice cannot guarantee the publication of any submission. These policies must be made public first-served basis until noon on the Saturday prior to publication. They should run approximately 300 words in knowledge so that every reader may.maintain equal opportunity to.have their opinions published. length, but may be no longer than 400 words. Please submit your letters by either filling out the form on our site at www,tbecoUegevoice,orglconlact- All submitted letters must be attributed to an author and include contact information. IWsubmltIetter or by emaOing it to [email protected]. SPORTS· 4 ------~-~R2~!s DECEMBER 3,2012

Camel Athlete Profile: Molly Murphy Connor Doyle sat down with senior and second year women's ice hockey captain, Molly talk hockey, academics and Harris Refectory.

CONNOR DOYLE MM: Of course my first game ever sor/class? Can you comment on this CONTRIBUTOR with the Camels stands out (against Mid- academic experience? dlebury), the surge of emotions Ihad then MM: I dabbled in a couple random Name: Molly Murphy and having always heard about the repu- classes in hopes of finding my academic Year: 2013 tation of the Camels being a hard-nosed, prowess, but I'd have to do a double time Hometown: Woodstock, CT never-stop/fast paced team. I never fully of this. I) I took Islamic Traditions my Previous School: Pomfret School understood our motto until I was on the sophomore fall with the goal of becoming Position: Defense ice for the first time. From there it has more aware of what was going on in the Academic Major: Economics been awesome to see that tone continue Middle East and to decipher the media. Favorite Harris Refectory MeallItem: and transfonn as our talent has increased. Then learning the different interpretations Soft chocolate chip cookies from the bak- of the Qu'ran allowed me to understand ery (in moderation of course). CV: Have you set or Identified any the different views like that of extrern- team goals for the 2012-2013 season? ists. I was also interested as my dad was CV: What is the best part about lac- MM: Domination in the NESCAC ob- deployed my entire freshman year in Af- ing it up for the Camels? viously! Of course 1 can name statistics ghanistan, so I held a personal interest MM: I've always said that I could never and downing opponents, but my gOM for in which I learned what my dad and our play an individual sport for two reasons. I) this season is to set a new reputation for troops may have experienced overseas as I'd dominate and 2) would absolutely be this program, We want to be the team in cultural differences. 2) Away from that a mental case because I individually feed which other NESCAC opponents know class, I tum back to my economist side off of others and absolutely love this team they are the underdogs; to be absolutely and would have to say International Fi- Murphy's leadership shines on and off the ice. we have together in the locker room. With feared and idolized, as tearns know they nance with Professor McKenna was ab- real academic is a win. scenarios. I've also enjoyed working with so many personalities matched together must be on their best game to win. I want solutely my favorite class. I have always the other captains this year. Such different with the work ethic of this team it is just to create a legacy for which Camels en- enjoyed Professor McKenna's economics CV: How will the leadership summit personalities really allow you to see all as- an amazing feeling. The cliche statement ter and leave that locker room for every classes. [f I could draw up an ideal class help you in 2012-2013 and as you move pects of the team. But at Conn in general, of always working towards a greater goal game and practice knowing they are the for myself, it would be how McKenna on into your professional career? balancing sports, athletics and Housefe!- with others can never be overused in my best in the league; that they will domi- explains and runs his classes. But not MM: With this being year two hold- low duties my four years here have been head. I never stop smiling when 1am with nate; a deserved arrogance. This team can only that, I liked how ill the end, I could ing the reins of captainship, I can abso- extremely formative as I find a sense of this team. absolutely achieve that and with our work then apply all the hard-nosed economics I lutely see all that comes with this position self. And in the end, I think it's a good ethic, we will have earned that reputation. had learned to the real world. So yes, any to help me in the future. It just builds a sign to say I am proud of who I have be- CV: What is your most memorable topic that helps me understand what CNN confidence in you that you leam to tame come! I think that mindset will carry me moment of playing for the Camels? CV: Do you have a favorite profes- throws at me and allows me to feel like a and just think and work clearly under all far in life .•

NESCAC POWER RAN KINGS IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Complied by the College Voice Men's and Wo~en's Men's and Women's Squash: . Swimming and Diving: This is the first installment of the winter NESCAC Power Ranking. The Power M: Conn 0 - 9 Trinity vs Coast Guard Ranking will be posted weekly and will rank the eleven NESCAC schools based on W: Conn 0 - 9 Trinity M:Conn 168 - 120 USCGA men's and women's hockey, men's and women's basketball, and a combined rank- W: Conn 170 - 86 USCGA ing of men's and women's swimming and dMng. Women's Ice Hockey: Men's Ice Hockey: Conn 1 • 0 Hamilton MEN'S WOMEN'S AVERAGE Co~n - Midd MEN'S WOMEN'S LAST SCHOOL HOCKEY HOCKEY SWIMMING SWIMMING Conn - Hamilton Conn 2 - 3 Williams AMHERST 2 3 2 2 - 2.25 1 ~ Women's Basketball: Men's Basketball: WILLIAMS 4 8 1 3 2 ...... Conn 61 - 66 St. Joseph's (Conn) Conn 68 - 33 Coast Guard BOWDOIN 1 1 5 8 3.75 3 ...... TUFTS 7 3 4 4.67 4 ...... MIDDLEBURY 3 2 8 8 4.75 5 ...... SO YOU DON'T MISS IT CONNCOLL 9 5 4 3 5.25 8 ......

BATES 8 7 7 ...... Women's Basketball:· 6.5 Men's Ice Hockey: vs Albertus Magnus ·vs Colby TRINITY 5 4 10 11 7.5 8 H 12/67:00 PM 12/77:00 PM vs Rivier HAMLTON 8 7 9 9 9 vs Bowdoin 7.75 ...... 12/84:00 PM 12/33:00 PM Luce Field House WESLEYAN 8 • 11 8 8.25 10 ...... Dayton Arena COLBY 10 9 • 10 9.25 11 ...... Men's Basketball: Men's and Women's The poll was devised as foIIowI: Sports Editor, KatIe Karlson ranked all NES- vs Salve Regina 'wimmlng and Diving: CAC schools In each aport. Th_ renkh)ga based on NESCAC standings 12/82:00 PM we'" vs Williams as well as quality wins arid.lnftuenclal 1oIae8 to NESCAC opponents. These Luce field House 12/81:00 PM scores were averaged to ~ • compoelte overaJI ranking for each school. Lott Nattatorium

• - OPNONS·5


Camel Co- Vandalism'sImpact on Connecticut College Creates New Online 'Movement'


This summer Bryan Gross '15, a key member on the Connecticut College bas- ketball team in his first year, was strug- gling with. severe neck injury that no doctors were able to diagnose. After several months of rehab, his phenomenal ambition and work ethic were beginning to wane. "I wanted to stop making all these ap- pointments. I thought I might not play basketball again. I just felt like quitting," he said. What got him through the sum- mer was a website he and two friends created:, one of the most exciting websites and passionate online communities I've ever seen. In- stead of apathetically complaining about the expectations and confines of the soci- ety we Livein today, lVoicelnside makes real the idea 'Do You.' On the website there is an impressive assortment of short stories, music videos, poems, raps, artwork and a bunch of those awesome photos with quotes that you know you love, all shared by members of the on- line community. It's a supportive, fun and inspirational space to express who you are and what you love. There are MAlA SCHOENFELDER some heartbreaking stories expressed on here as well, and it is obvious that this CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 website has profoundly helped a lot of While we cannot deny the seriousness a privilege and not a right. mentioned scenarios. Fuck that. The people through some really bad times in of vandalism's consequences, there are Some specific acts are particularly custodians help us keep the dorm clean, their lives. much deeper issues concerning what infuriating. The second floor of Free- but it is not their job to tend to incidents One of these stories is Daniel these incidents say about student char- man has had toilet seats broken off and of the most despicable nature. It is Out Giguere's. Daniel is one of the co-found- acter at Connecticut College. We are tossed on the floor at least five times this job as matriculated students to prevent Itfeels degrading when ers of the site and his story is the reason fortunate enough to go to a school with semester. In Johnson, people have been these incidents from happening in the the whole thing got started. When he was an honor code, a school where the ad- constantly breaking exit signs, which first place. Not only will taking preven- students pull these acts of starting high school, his mother shot and ministration gives us certain liberties cost $185 to replace. All over campus tative measures against vandalism help killed his father and has been in prison that students at other-schools couldn't there-is broken glass, ripped down post- -the school start to come O\,Jtof the anar- vandalism in our dorms. You ever since. He dealt with severe depres- even fathom. Yet every day we see little ers, unwarranted fire drills, vomit in the chic rut it is currently in, but it is also a sion and considered suicide. things that represent the general demise sink, on the floor, in the shower, on the lovely way to thank our custodians for disrespect the effort, dedication "It would have been understandable of respect for this honor code and for sidewalk and dried alcohol festering taking out OUt trash, making the bath- and time we have spent for him to drop out of high school after this institution of learning. There is a outside of OUt doors, with rarely any rooms smell nice, and everything else everything," Gross, one of his closest campus-wide sense of entitlement that student doing anything to clean any of that they do that makes our lives easier. trying to provide a pristine childhood friends admits. "But he turned since ill.any of us pay so much money it up. People have urinated in the hall- As memhers of the Residential Edu- out being class president, getting straight to go here we have the right to treat the way, broken lights and done idiotic cation and Living staff, we put forth living environment. As, becoming captain of the basketball campus as we wish without regard for things with fire extinguishers. When a vast amount of effort to promote a team, and finally he got recruited to all of the opportunities ,it has given us. these things happen, the dorm becomes healthy and positive environment for play for Kenyon College." Last Febru- We often choose, in varying degrees unsafe and unsanitary. It smells hor- our houses. We also invest time and the ary, Giguere posted a YouTube video of severity, to abuse the freedoms we rendous, it looks shameful and no one school's money into our houses so that entitled 'I Wish I Had the Courage'. It have. We manipulate the way the honor wants to be a part of such a putrid living our residents share a great experience act out against these atrocities. Tell was terrifically honest and expressed his code works instead of rightfully treat- en vironment. and leam to appreciate the opportuni- someone if you saw something wrong, inner turmoil without any self-pitying ing it as our one common creed. . One more aspect of this issue that we ties that Connecticut College offers to or encourage the responsible party to sentimentality. "He just posted it on Vandalizing a wall, a hallway, a door, would like to address is that the custo- its students. It feels degrading when come forth and own up to his or her Facebook and all of a sudden it blew a window or any other property of the dians clean up this mess if the people students pull these acts of vandalism wrongdoing. It is only through such up! People from other schools and cities college is as much of an honor code responsible do not. One might think in our dorms. You disrespect the effort, self-governance that this college will were watching it. It got 5,000 hits with violation as cheating on an exam. It that a custodian's job is all-encompass- dedication and time we have spent try- once again take flight and restore its full no promotion or anything. People started shows an utter lack of respect for our ing, and that a routine mopping of the ing to provide a pristine living environ- dignity. It is only through individual ac- sending him stories similar to his own. school and our peers. It undermines the floor is as tolerable to them as is picking ment. tion and protest against the bad that this He told me this and I was just amazed. I fact that the honor code is a privilege half-full beer cans out of a toilet filled We ask all of you to take these college can truly he defined by honor .• encouraged him to tum it into something and not a right; just as going to Conn is with vomit, or any other of the afore- thoughts into consideration. Speak and bigger," said Gross. The mantra of IVoicelnside is 'Be the Movement' and it could become one, given the excellently produced website and the daily content that's linked to Facebook and Twitter. Most importantly for "the movement" is the fact that this is The Business College Tours not just a self-help or awareness site, nor of is it geared for a target audience. This is for anybody who has ever had a tough day, or lost faith in what they're doing MIKE AMATO sity and their brother and their brother's chase. A college education is important, What is the point I am trying to with their life, or couldn't quite find the STAFF WRITER brother? I made the terrible mistake of do not get me wrong, but the practices make? Colleges ate generally the same. courage to say 'Hi' to that girl. "I encour- crossing off the "yes send my name to that colleges use to recruit us are often Connecticut College is just another age everyone to go on the website, and We all loved the hundred college schools" tab when taking the PSAT. vicious and pathetic at the same time. NESCAC school. The academics are read the content and see that community tours we went on; there was something From that day on, I received heaps of Campaigns, slogans and witty remarks the same, the athletics are the same on there. And if you feel comfonable, exciting about the hyper-optimistic fan mail from everywhere. I did not try to convey to a person the sense that and the students are the same. This is express yourself to the world," Gross guides, the throng of other students even know that Lincoln, Nebraska had this college is the only one right for not necessarily an absolute statement, said. with bright eyes and tired legs, and an International School of Canoe Carv- them. Admission officers could not care but it is highly probable that there are Telling and hearing stories of all at- that one mom, or in my case, dad, who ing. As an intrepid kayaker, I burned it less if the college was a match made in going to be many similarities between tistic forms can have an enormous effect asked a list of questi9ns ranging from immediately. Regardless, I had stacks heaven for the student; they want high populations of similarly aged students. on people who are dealing with mental the amount of closet space to the types of paper, and am still receiving let- application rates to foster a high compe- The only differences between schools health issues on all levels of the continu- of trees planted outside the student cen- ters, which are thrown out every day or tition and a low acceptance rate, all of are the campuses themselves. Why go um. This website is utilizing the miracle ter. The information given was some- burned to heat the home. While it is im- which will increase the school's reputa- on tours? To see the place. Connecti- of the Internet and the phenomenon of times helpful, often already known and portant to learn about colleges, it is also tion and gamer more income. cut College is one of the most beauti- social networking to create a story shar- sometimes completely irrelevant. Nev- important to not bury our planet under We do not need to be babied into ful campuses in the country, so we edge ing community of real value. past everyone else on this fact alone. At the end of last summer, before re- ertheless, we had to go on them, find a colored brochures showing students our college choice. We are not adults but we do have a high school diploma. Forget everything else that colleges turning 10 Ohio to play his second year school that was right for us, apply and having "a fun study session" in the li- That alone should allow us to he given tell you. It's what you see and hear of college basketball, and just shortly hope those official-looking letters in the brary. It shouldn't he the case that we as students are nothing more than pawns actual information about a school, not on your own that is important. All the after IVoicelnside was up and running, mail weren't rejection letters. some pamphlet boasting the 10:I stu- other pieces of information chucked at Daniel Giguere travelled a few miles Of course those tours were useful in a giant business. Or should it? Universities and col- dent ratio in large bright yellow and you through mail, tours, information from his hometown of Great Falls, Vir- in the decision process, but could they the high financial aid statistic hidden in sessions or college websites should be ginia 10 see his mother in prison for the have been better? I remember hearing leges create a massive industry that em- ploys teachers, maintenance workers, the bottom comer in anny camouflage. considered, but not heavily relied on. first time in five years. He forgave her some absurd facts about the school at College tours, the starting point of this Unless you are Harry Potter, you have for what she did. As for Gro s, you can one unnamed college. A later review administrators and countless others. journey, give us boatloads of informa- no reason to snatch the mail with glee see him and his heaJtIly ne k on the hard- showed how wrong the tour guide Who pays for this (and for your profes- sor's giant salary)? We do, of course. tion that varies little between institu- when some unknown school sends you wood in Luce Fieldhouse all season long was. It seems like these "guides" are We are potential buyers ~n our senior tions. After all, no school is going to a letter telling you that you totally need playing for the Camels. And despite be- just sales associates trying to get their year of high school. Now, as Connecti- shout from the heavens that they have a to come to their school like, right now.· ing ten hours from each other, the two of weekly sell mark. them will be adding content and taking On the same topic: how many let- cut College students, we are the cus- 75% admission rate at that they have a strength from the movement they cre- ters did you receive from every univer- tomers who have made a very large pur- teachet to student tati? of 100: I . ated .• OPNQNS·O ------O-~i~~v2ns DECEMBER 3,2012 Star Wars, George Lucas Ke$ha ...A Feminist? and Copyright Mythology

JERELL MAYS AND AYLA ZURAW·FRIEDLAND OPINIONS EDITORS NOI thaI long ago in a common room very. very nearby. Kolton Harris '14 and Professor Jeff Slrlltx>ne of the English de- JllII1Il'Ontheld a discussion about perhaps the largest cultural phenomenon of the last century: Star Wars. "Star Wars is a 101 more complex than even just the movies:' said Harris near the beginning of the discussion. Indeed. the movies touch upon age-old themes such as the hero (Luke Skywalker) presented with a quest that he RlUSI. albeit unwill- ingly. accept nnd rise 10 complelC, as weU as Oedipal srruggles between father and son. trnbone kicked off the discussion with a YouThbe clip featunng scene-for- scene cornpari ns of the original three movies nnd a film by Akira Kurosawa named Hklden Fortress (1958). The vi ual similaritie lite often uncanny; George lu- cas acknowledges that many elements of Star ""liS. such as the droid companions R2-D2 and C-3PO and the rescuing of solo trip to the Galapagos Islands after her Princess Lela, were highly inlluenced by EMILIE VANSANT own way, Ke$ha confronts social taboos world tour to meditate and write her soph- Kurosawa's film. STAFF WRITER of how women view men, objectifying the omore album. Some tried to portray this But has gone far beyond mere film. latter for a change. Her music echoes the mini-vacation as another feminist move, Recently, Disney purchased Lucasfilm Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, sentiments expressed by feminists such as I'm not a huge Ke$hafan citing Virginia Woolf's essay "A Room for a whopping $4.05 billion dollars, and Betty Friedan ... Ke$ha?1 know. crazy. Yet Naomi Wolf in her 1991 book The Beaary Mylh: "The fact is that women are able to myself, so it was initially hard of One's Own" to admire Ke$ha's surely the tar Wars frnnchise is easily one of the according 10 recent media, this assertion grueling isolation as a courageous escape most profilable in the history of the world. might not be as ridiculous at it sounds. view men just as men view women, as ob- for me to even entertain the from the world. Of course the pop star ate Star Wars merchandise comes in literal- Not your typical Rosie the Riveter, Ke$ha jects for sexual and aesthetic evaluation." this up, describing her journey as such: ly-and Istress the use of this word "liter- has made a name for herself through her In her song "Booty Call," Ke$ha idea that a pop star singing "I ally"-every single form imaginable, from raunchy party music. Believe it or not, again defies common female stereotypes "As I sat there on that rock in the middle of the ocean, in a place stuck in time ... I bed beets to coffee mugs and doormats. undemeath all the drugs, sex, booze and through bold gender reversal. There are wanna dance with no pants on" During the discussion. Strnbone talked mountains of glitter, there just might be a probably a million songs out there sung by was smiling, but I knew that the biggest could ever be comparable to the about how Star W,"S has become some- lyrical nugget of female empowerment. female artists about a guy, but how many chaUenge of my life was staring me in the I'm not a huge Ke$ha fan myself, SO it characterize him as simply a booty call? face.I knew that ifl didn't rise to the chal- thing like mythology and yet not quite the famous feminists of the same over the years. "Everyone knows [the was initiaUy hard for me to even entertain How many tell him to not get "attached lenge and write a spectacular sophomore st ry of Star Wars)." said Strabone. "Yet the idea that a pop star singing "I wanna when I call you up trying to get some twentieth century. album, my career could be short-lived. anything goe ."Through the sheer mass of dance with no pants on" could ever be ass?" I hale 10 admit it, but Ke$ha's bold I took a deep breath, meditated, and fell merchandise, children are capable of tell- comparable to the famous feminists of lyrics do stand out as unconventional. The the wind hit my face. Ilooked at the blank ing their own tar Wars stories through ac- the twentieth century. However. Ke$ha best part is that she doesn't pretend to hide page and realized that [ was right back tion figure and play-sets, This i because has been recognized for her songs that deeper messages undemeath the heavy 'where it aU sWted, a girl \Vith a crlrl:Y mythology lacks a single author; you could confront sexual double standards. Crit- electronic beats. Listening to her album While I agree that this evidence does dream and a notebook. I took my pen and write a sci-fi rendering of the story of the ics love her bold reversal of gender roles, makes you feel trapped in a loud, endless advocate for Ke$ha's secret feminist side, wrote one word: warrior." Cue cacopho- Trojan War tomorrow and Homer couldn't epitomized in her unapologetic odes to house party, and that's exactly what she I cannot be deluded into thinking the artist nous symphony. Honestly, I couldn't getting totally wasted and having a great intendsf. has the same progressi ve mindset as some sue. There lite thousands of stories within imagine overcoming a challenge like that. the Star Wars universe that go weU beyond time. I'm not saying that there's any sub- Ke$ha's treatment of men might re- of her feminist contemporaries. Media has I mean, she has the entire world of femi- p0- what i offered in the films thanks 10 the stance behind Tik Tok other than the flect her unusual upbringing. According to attempted to further solidify this theory by nism sitting on her shoulders. If Ke$ha hundreds of authors who have contributed tenrial substance abuse of Jack Daniels. her biography, her mom wanted to have delving into Ke$ha's childhood, fawning can't produce more glittery, auto-tuned LOthe Star Wars mythos over the years in That's the point. Ke$ha's lewd lyrics lite a child, but did not want a relationship. over how she used to make her own outfits goodness ... who will women tum to next? various form of narrative uch as books. exactly what they sound like, and in many Some sperm banks had reportedly been in- and calling it a rejection of conventional J think I can safely conclude that graphic novel •and video games. cases illustrate how male rappers regard fected with HlV, so she asked some of her beauty. Ke$ha herself downplays the ef- Ke$ha's feminisl front only holds valid- But thi i where SUlr Wars differs from women. friends to try 10 get her pregnant. Ke$ha fect of her self-styling, referring to her ity in her lyrics. After her instant rise to previous mythology: I could wrile my This notion is best exemplified by her still doesn't know the idenllty of her fa- make up as "face paint" and her hair as fame with the debut of her album Animal own ve",ion of the Empire Strikes Back. hit "Blah Blah Blah." in which Ke$ha ba- ther, but is completely satisfied with the "a lion's mane." Let's be real for a second in 20 10, Ke$ha made it clear she wasn't but Disney wouldn't leI il see the light of sically says she isn't interested in chitchat, way her mom played both parental roles here. No matter how much the media tries looking for the Same type of career as Kel- day-IUlless of cOW'SCIhad their permis- she just wanlS to gel down 10 business. during her childhood. This mighl explain to portrny Ke$ha as a hero, confronting ly Clarkson or Britney Spears. She wanted si n.That's wh. t h. made Disney's recent When asked aboul writing this hit, the star why her mother, a herself, is societal standards beauty, it's undeniable fame, and she wanted it now. She's casu- purchase of SUlr ""liS SO significanl-we simply says. "I'm a young, responsible so influential in Ke$ha's work. She even that the pop star still walks out on stage ally crude and callous to critics. Yet de- are once again being reminded thaI Star woman who can work and party as hard as danced around in a penis costume onstage looking hot and dangerous. spite aU of this, she still deserves some "'lIfS is in fact intellectual property, some~ any man. So, if IwanllO talk aboul drink- in Budapest while her daughter sang, In addition, Ke$ha gained a lot of pub- credit for flipping the sexual standards of thing owned by a corporation and (argu- ing and sex, I'm going to do it." In her "Grow a Pear." Talk aoout a dynamic duo. lic attention when she decided to take a popular music .• ably) intended '0 generate revenue. Star Wars can really only be altered by the own- ers-according to Professor Strnbone. this IS a new concepl in mythology. Take for example the infamous Star Wars Christ- mas pecial that aired in the seventies; il The War on Men? has since been eliminated from the official movie canon and is rather hard 10 find. I might IlOl enjoy the three prequel films CORY SCAROLA profoundly simplifies women's thinking advantage and obscurity. We can accept absolutely no reason to claim that women as much as the original , but thaI doesn't STAFF WRITER into: "women good/men bad." And to top the fact thaI maybe women just tend to should return to the "pedestal" they had mean I could gCI them removed from the off her argument, which is stellar by any want to get married more than men now, before the feminists carne around (you canon. Star Wars i the firs. real example On November 26. an lIIIicle on the Fox kindergartener's standards, she brings in and it's not a Social Darwinist uprising know, the one in the kitchen) so the men of copynght mythology. IlOl 10 men.ion News website raised an interesting - and, some hard data. The data state that since that's causing this shift in feelings. Men can return to theirs. There are no pedes- mythology inspIred by a visual medium. if I'm being perfectly honest, an unneces- 1997, the percentage of women who give are not "retreating from marriage" be~ tals; there are no scripted roles. No one II is partially the rigidity of the Star Wars sary and nonsensical- question: is there a marriage top priority has risen from 28% cause of anything that women did. And has the right to tell us who to be other than canon thaI has helped it 10endure over the war on men? to 37% while the number of men who say furthermore, we can accept that just be- ourselves. yean. but many have expressed anger Suzanne Venker claims Ihal there is; marriage is a priority has fallen from 35% cause women are doctors and lawyers and . And as for those claims that women over Ihis lack of control. It's no secret that and, furthennare, that the war was tailed to 29%. Clearly, this is compelling evi- politicians and soldiers now, that does not are brought up to see men as foes that dence that drives Venker's point home in a a large majori.y of Star IIbrs fans hold a by women. Venker goes on to say that mean they've stopped being women. is ~e media's fault. For the most p:m, it men playing second fiddle in society way the only she. in her superior ways of strong dishke tOr the three prequels Ie- are There is no "feminine nature" that Isn t the good men that get the attention of thinking, can identify. In addition 10 that, 1ea.'iCd stlllling with ThePh

Arts & Entertainment DECEMBER 3,2012 THE COLLEGE VOICE Are we Bonded toJust One 007? James Bond throughout his fifty years


The new installment of the James Bond movies, in line with the fiftieth anniversary of the series, has brought to light some sweel nostalgia. There have been twenty-three Bond movies, but what many people may not realize is that there have been six different James Bonds, almost·three whole generations of one man. That is one elderly British sPY and sex symbol. Our history lesson for today will explore the evolution of Bond through the years. ' Though 2012 is the fiftieth anniversary of the Bond we know - the British Bond - there was an American Bond at one point. "Jimmy Bond" was the star of the 1954 Casino Royale, an LA production. Barry Nelson played Bond, but unfortunately he did not produce enough Bond-power, and the film ftopped at the box office. The first "recognized" Bond film came eight years later. Sean Connery starred in the 1962 movie Dr. No. A huge hit at the box office, the film launched the Scottish actor's career. Originally, Ian Fleming, author of the Bond books, thought that Connery would not be able to pull off the sexual, yet dangerous prowess of Bond. How wrong he was. Connery proceeded to star in six more married. Unfortunately (or perhaps of the newer movies. At least the old of interesting facts about Daniel Craig: series'lack of plot. For many, however, Bond movies, breaking hearts and fortunately?), Mrs. Bond was ultimately movies had terrible special effects so he is the only Bond to have been born the thought is that there are still plenty exploding Russian 'spy planes for over killed. Lazenby refused to make any that the violence looked cheesy enough, after the Bond series began; he was of explosions and naked chicks, so who twenty years. Connery is the iconic. more Bond movies, claiming that he but still was able to be understood and born in 1968; he is the only one to play cares? Bond, and he without a doubt set the bar was treated with condescension for not appreciated. .Bond after Ian Fleming's death. He was Along with the evolution of James high for the subsequent Bonds. What having had a longstanding film career After his twelve-year reign, Moore a pretty controversial choice for Bond Bond comes the evolution of the Bond made Connery such the perfect Bond before Bond. passed along the role to Timothy Dalton. due to his appearance; 007 is generaIly girls. They now have personalities, was his playful, ftitty style - both in After it became clear that Connery Dalton played the role of 007 closer to tall, dark and handsome, whereas Craig backstories and emotions beyond the bedroom-end mid-battle. He made had-given up the-role of Bond for good, the .original creation by. Ian Fleming. has Aryan features like blonde hair and mere lust. Shocking though it may be, Bond less of an action hero and more of British actor Roger Moore became He was more hesistant, and less of the blue eyes. women in Bond movies have somewhat a dangerous comedy act. Not to mention the new Bond. Though he is not as "thrill-seeking, careless character that Craig's Bond is the most distinct from evolved, but they still have a long way that Scottish accent; my knees are weak famous as Connery, Moore had the later Bonds, and even Connery and past Bonds, including Timothy Dalton. to go to be considered anything but just thinking about it. longest career as James Bond (twelve Moore played. The role morphed back Craig has morphed 007 from flirty, sexualized objects. Is that the point of Sean Connery took a one-movie years), and was voted Best Bond at the into the handsome, devilish playboy surface-level Connery, who was all the Bond girl? Or should Bond and his hiatus in 1969, and the role of 2004 Academy Awards. The directors with a gun with Pierce Brosnan - the smoothness and sex appeal, to a focus relationship with women evolve just America's favorite British spy was created a more tech-savvy Bond out shockingly hairy and tan Brit. He is by on self-examination and emotional like Bond himself? played by an Aussie. George Lazenby of Moore. He is the source of Bond's far my least favorite Bond. His banter angst. With Craig, there also seems With the latest addition to the Bond played a sexualized Bond in the film On famed gadgetry. This is very different with other characters, especially the to be excessive violence, torture and series, it is interesting to look back Her Majesty's Secret Service. 'Director from Fleming's books, but has been a female ones, comes across as sleazy car chase scenes, taking the perfectly at the films that carne before it and Peter Hunt quipped that, "We wanted defining factor in how the newer Bond and misogynistic, as opposed to the proportioned violence from p.ost Bond consider the past fifty years of the same someone that oozed sexual assurance... movies are being compared to the old playfulness of Connery and Moore. films and multiplying it to same level spy who has yet to age. Ithink we can just wait 'til women see him on screen." ones. I prefer the gadgetry as opposed .Now we've reached 2006 with the as 'M' rated videogames. Thank you, all agree that he's done, both as a spy Lazenby was the only Bond to ever get to the endless nonsensical violence newand(hopefully)lastBond.Acouple Atari, for contributing to the Bond and a sex icon .• Poet Laureate Marilyn Nelson Takes Students on an Imaginative Journey

when a jazz band actually did perform LUCAPOWELL in the Boston Zoo. The poem portrayed STAFF WRITER the scene from behind the limiting en- Last Thursday, November 29, our closures of primates, zebras and lions, very own Charles Chu room was whose connection with the live inusic graced with incredible talent. For an allowed them to transcend to some- hour, maybe only a small sliver of thing greater, "And where there had the day, roughly sixty Conn students been. at most. a nest of boughs to re- packed into the room, occupying its ceive it.•music built a cathedral in their stiff black leather seats, many even sit- senses." ting on the floor, to hear Marilyn Nel- Only a few moments later, we were son speak. The five-year Connecticut tugged into the front seat of the next state poet laureate gave a truly inspir- poem, "6 Minute Dog Fight." an in- ing performance. Taking our cramped tense World War 11 dogfight harken- ensemble on a lyrical ride through the ing to her father. a Tuskegee airman. African countryside, and then spiraling Resurging from the fiery conflict, the .with her in the cockpit of a Tuskegee poem could not escape questioning airman's fighter pilot, most of us were how 1940s America hailed its heroes not present in New London, but rather into the role of second-class citizens. accompanied Nelson's words to wher- Nelson's recital then took a dive ever in the world they sought to go. into intensity. As an audience, we got , And depart with her we did. In fact, familiarized with a theme in her writ- ing: spirituality. or at least its pursuit it took less than one poem to recogmze the origins of Nelson's literary fame. through poetry. We heard her dialogue The author of close to thirty works, with an omniscient but snarky muse. ranging from' poetry collections to questioning human existence and its context in the scheme of things. Then translations and even children's books, we followed ber to the backseat of a she is something of a big deal. She is jeep in Africa, churning through a dirt 'even the founder of her 9Wll artist's colony. Soul Mountain Retreat. in East highway. As hitchhikers hopped on and off her car. the poem impressed upon Haddam, Connecticut. That Thursday her audience the temporary nature of MAlA SCHOENFELDER afternoon, Nelson debuted one of her relationships, worlds which she de- how the rest of my fellow audience was If there was any way to judge the were still tangled somewhere in Africa. most recent collections: Faster than scribed as colliding and falling apart, doing. I was surprised by how the back quality ofthe reading, it was by our own or lingering in a musky cockpit 10,000 Light (2011). .. The Zen-like nature of her thought pro- end of the Chu room bad been gelling professors. When I let my eyes wander, feet too high, when Nelson dismissed , Her first poem was an illlagmallve cess wove neatly between the two po- progressively more crowded. It seems it was to the bowed and balding crowns us in a very motherly manner, assuring free verse tided "Live Jazz Franklin ems, in 'a manner at least mildly arous- so strange how floor space could all of our own poets and writers, who all us that by now we must all have been Park Zoo." In it, Nelson brought ~ to a ing to the poetry junkie in everyone of a sudden become a commodity in seemed to be induced into some sort of so tired. No one seemed fazed though; place in her imagination where animals present. a room usually reigned by one or two literary coma. It was impressive and a Nelson gave a truly memorable perfor- relate to music. The scenano was a hy- At times I couldn't help but check more studious types. little bit hilarious all at once. Most of us mance .• pothetical recreation of a time in 1978

,j l Q' • • ARTS· 8

Arts & Entertainment DECEMBER 3, 2012 THE COLLEGE VOICE Music Professor Paul Althouse Celebrates Over Forty Years at Connecticut College


Professor Paul Althouse, Connecticut College's Director of Choral Activities since 1970, will retire at the end of this semester. Althouse began conducting choral groups while an undergraduate at Harvard University and went on to found and lead the Yale Bach Society during and after graduate school. In addition to teaching and conducting, Althouse developed an expert presence in the recording industry as a reviewer of more than 900 major and boutique label recordings, serving for a period as Executive Editor of American Record Guide. During his tenure at Conn, he conducted most of the major works in the choral literature, including Requiem senings of Mozart, Verdi and Brahms; Beethoven's Ninth Symphony; Bach's St. John Passion and B-minor Mass; and Stravinsky's Les Noces and Symphony of Psalms, as well as exploring an extensive range of smaller-scale works as director of the Connecticut College Chamber Choir. He recently sat down with Ben Zacharia '13, a seven-semester tenor in the Conn Chamber Choir, and Pianist! Adjunct Music Instructor Patrice Newman, to talk about his enduring passion for music, career highlights at Conn, favorite musical works and current cultural riches.

College Voice: How do you compare your views of music in your student years versus how students and yonng adults today connect with musical trends?

Paul Althouse: There are many more •musics' around now than there were, particularly forms and degrees of popular music. It used to be easy to categorize popular forms: Tin Pan Alley, jazz, country and western that we called "hillbilly," rock, of course- which comes in in the mid-50s and was really an extension of the blues. Now, the landscape is much cloudier. There are lots of very esoteric rock bands. interesting jazz going off in many directions and electronic composition. which crosses over into movies with lots of interesting music. It's a much more varied landscape.

CV: How do you see 'classical' music continuIng to fit Into the enjoyment of people Interested In so many "musics"?

PA: What is loosely called 'classical music' has always been a minority sport; maybe engaging three to five percent of populations. I think people still do respond to music that I find dear and important, but maybe not in the same way. Now, ninety-seven percent of what people enjoy is a ANDREW NATHANSON brave new world of music, media and movies. But the numbers of people really responding 10 whal classical highlights of your career at Conn? tell the whole world. They're sort music has to offer are probably about There are many more 'musics' around now than there were, of cosmic. I mean, it's all there, but the same. particularly forms and degrees of popular music. It used to be easy PA: Doing the [Bach] St. John it's hard to get to because the music Passion in 1985 was really great, is kind of simple. It's sort of simple CV: What InspIred yon to 110 Into to categorize popular forms: Tin Pan Alley, jaZZ, country and the Beethoven 9th, the Stravinsky on the surface, but, you know, he says mnslc? western that we called 'hillbilly,' rock, of course - which comes in Mass. The Brahms 'Fest- und everything Mahler says without the in the mid-50s and was really an extension of the blues. Now, the GedenksprUche' [Festive and bombast. PA: In college, I was going to go Memorial Verses] was a piece ) into math to become a high school landscape is much cloudier. ' always, always, always wanted to do CV: Are there any moments In math teacher. Then) took physics and and did with the Chamber Choir a your musical career where you it just about killed me. ) was in a very Ferris, who was also the conductor of PA: Oh, all of my classes were like couple of years ago. Earlier, we also had a revelation, like you Just sat good choir at Harvard, which was the the Harvard summer school chorus, that! Iused to teach the analysis classes did [Stravinsky's] "Les Noces" with back and saId, "Wow, tbls Is really inspiration - the university choir, hired me as assistant conductor. and I really did enjoy that because I Robert Craft conducting the concert. amazing," conducted by a wonderful musician, found that I had a lot of discoveries I prepared the choir and orchestra. John Ferris. He ran an informal CV:. Have the ways you Interact to make as well. There are a lot of Elliot Carter was in the audience. PA: A transcendent experience? conducting class. I guess I did okay with choirs changed In the last few really neat things in the pieces that we Gregg Smith [Robert Craft's long- Yes, that happens, and I think iI'S because he divided up rehearsals and decades? looked at. We started with chant and time assistant] set the whole thing up. probably not a good thin)! when it gave me some of the parts to work. it became a reprise of music history. He came up to me when it was over happens. You sort of lose control Then when I was a junior, the Harvard PA: I think I'm better than I was We started in the Middle Ages and and said, "What are you doing in New over .what you're doing, and 'it gets graduate chorale lost its conductor. twenty years ago. I'm a better listener would analyze Bach, etc. That was London?" a little bit too exciting. If you're on These were all Harvard graduate and better conductor. In terms of really the course that was the most a podium, you start to think, "Maybe students, so you can imagine what a interacting with singers, I don't think exciting. Counterpoint was close. I CV: Any composers yon wish you I'm going to fall off .:" But there are bunch of jerks they were. But they you can fake it; you kind of are what loved teaching counterpoint. The hard could have Included In your final some moments when thoughts flash needed a conductor, so I said, "Oh, you are. If you aren't the right person thing about counterpoint was trying Conn concert? through your head where things just yeah, I'll do it." ) thought I could do for the job ... it's obvious. to make the right kinds of suggestions couldn't be any more beautiful than anything. During the first concert, we to student work. That could be very PA: Schubert.. but Schubert writes they are right now. There were some had to start some Bach over because CV: There used to be more mnslc hard to do; in analysis you don't have so little for chorus. He had such a in the last Chamber Choir concert _ the harpsichordist, who was a friend classes offered at Conn, Any you to do that. command of harmony, and of course in the Vaughan Williams. And some of mine, started in the wrong meter ... particularly loved to teach? the melodic gift is there, too. Some of of the SchUtz seemed so right there .• it was very embarrassing. Then John CV: What were the musical Schubert's pieces just seem like they