CBAV NewsLetter NewsLetter of CBAV Inc., Vol. 25, No. 1, March, 2011 Community Broadcasting Association of Victoria Incorporated ASSOCIATION NUMBER: A0000434R ABN: 55 160 850 487 Postal Address for CBAV: 36 John St, Kangaroo Flat, 3555 CBAV Email address is
[email protected] Telephone: (03)-5447-9359 CBAV renewal making progress National and licensing issues addressed at AGM Great Roll-up for CBAV more frequent communication by engagement guidelines, seeking five newsletter, year business plans and budgets February Workshop (CBAA had been pushing for two the commissioning of a station by Ken Thompson years), details on sponsorship, etc - survey seeking input on issues and process is far more intrusive than in A large gathering of station services that stations would like the the past. The attitude of ACMA is representatives heard from CBAA CBAV to cover, and hardening as the availabilty of President and its CEO on a range of the scheduling of the next spectrum is more precious than ever issues affecting the sector at the workshop in May, 2011 whilst all - telco's seeking frequencies for recent CBAV workshop. A summary these matters are being progressed. other commercial services, etc. of the discussion is outlined below. Importantly, the CBAV wishes to 4. APRA is looking to develop a The AGM was also held in February uphold the values and foundations packaging approach to broadcasting where a number of new members upon which the sector was built. and streaming - which may reduce were elected to the CBAV costs to us. Committee. The whole event was CBAV hopes to work in a manner extremely well received and there is that supplements and complements 5.