Of Rayagada District, Odisha

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Of Rayagada District, Odisha '(ffiffi'ffi}] ffitr;sjflT *5p rffiu$ilT Sffiffivffiwmmpffi'ffi r} E' ${.;\ Y"&ffi ,qL}A ffi g S"g'ffi,E il Y- #K}K SF$,"& *r'{"} ${ ',ei''iffi,'Y:kH, {" W{.}h.:'p t''fr:g'i,33lNt-l fr'|:t}WW IWrN'}k4: 'W'E:{yfuW (FOR PLANNING & EXPI,OITING OF MINOR MINERAL RESOURCES) {}r }}$H A .l EqycSndq pt'i' Notil'itriition No. S'O' :]61l(li) Ne w' l)clhi' .,\s l 25'l'.Ju1.v.2018 : (lt'lMA',l'li i-itrr i,]l\-\'] it(]\i\'ltlN'1" l'oll.l'ls'l' ANI) cHANGII l\,il Nls'l'[tY i"{ lllul'llf & i'(li l a,{ 'k; I ;,* : RAYAGADA i: COLLtrCTORATE, : i t : : CONTENT PAGE NO SL NO DESCRIPTION I INTRODUCTICN ,) ES IN IHE DISIRlCI ? C)VERVIEW CF N/ INING ACTIVITI 2 3 GENERAL PRCFILE 4 4 GEOLCGY 6 5 DRAINAGE AND IR RIGATION PATTERN 7 6 LANDUSE PATTERN WATER SC ENARIO 7 7 St]RFACE WATER & GR Ct]ND ()o B RAlNr,AtL 3 cllN4At.tc CCNDIiICI.i I 9 DETAILS OF,\AINING I, EAS ES B r0 DETAILS CT RCYAL TY COttECIED 9 il DETAILS CF'PRODI.] C I]ON 9 l2 ,MINERAL ,\/AP OF iH E DISTRICT VALIDITY 9 r3 LIST OF LCI HOLD ERS AtO NG WITI'1 BLE IN THE DISTRICT 9 14 TOTAL A/INERAL R ES ERVE AVAILA t0 t5 QUALITY/GRAD E OF A/INERAL t0 t5 USE OF NAINERAL NAINERAL t0 17 DEi\^AND & SUPPLY OF T HE CF TIIE DISTRICT 12 IB l'/INING LEASES A/ARK ED CN THE N4AP OF 12 t9 DETAIIS CF ARE AS WI]f RE TI'IERE IS A CLUSTER A/lNlNG tFiASES r5 20 DETAIIS OT ECO_S ENSITIVE AREA (AIR, WATER, NOISE, t5 21 IMPACT CN TH E ENVIRCNI'/ ENI SCIL FLORA & FAUNAL, LAND USE, AGRICUIIURE' FOREST ETC.) DUE TC /\AINING IN1PACT CF )6 REAAEDIAL MEASURES TO MITI GATE THE AAINING ON THE ENVIRCNN,IENT AREA (BESl PRACTICE 23 R EC lo N CF /\/IN ED CUT ALREADY II'APLEMENTED IN THE DISTRICI, REQUIREA/ENT AS PER RULES AND REGULATION, PRCPOSED RFCL AIIAI'ON i'LAN) PLAN 24 RISK ASSESSMENT & DISIT STER NAANAGE/\AENT 11, ',,i-r,: .)tr 1,) DETAILS ()F THE OCCUPA TION HEALTH SSUES IN THE 20 DtsTRlcT. (LAST FIVE- YEAR DATA OF NUA^BER OF PATIENTS CF SILICOSIS & TUBERCULOSIS IS ALSO NEEDS TC BE SUBA^ITTED) 26 PIANTA NCF EVELC NT IN 2l RESPECT CF LEASES ALREADY GRANTED IN THE DISIRICT 27 ANY CTI.]ER ATICN 21 LIST OF PLATES DESCRIPTION PLATE NO INDEX MAP F THE I NAAP SHOWI TAHASILS 2 RCAD MAP OF TI'1E DIST AIINERAL MAP CF E DISTR 4 LEASE/PC IAL AREA A/AP OF THE 5 I t 2 | i" ;11 ,1,11 PLATE I!O- 1 INDEX IVIAP Hffiffi$& ' 'i..t-lt".-L #m*ww lii ":::!a:'::r ODISHA *t., .--r i .." L^^ i,' I .... I Huy*Eudo {* '+: I I I t PLATE NO- 2 MAP SHOWING THE TAHASILS OF RAYAGADA DISTRICT TA &.\: i,\,{.:; .h{..7 P. 21i.1:N524. lull?"? : ?l-,t..r:.:.1:.t t.; t..;.'! ia.i+1.',t'tz.jl i r;*tl,rrt:,:t|i 'tl;r*"y:, ,ir ,.1 .j t: .i 't4"r.4.i!i@: ""., '..; at ii ?1 L*qerr d 11.."','i\',i.'ai .1. 't . ,ri. a,:,....r4): , :,::.:.:.:;-:.: -t,", -. ,.:/,:': ). :,., .\:." '::i t-. ". .. .- .:.r': j t. j : ' 'i "? -t:.-- ' t- t I ,,,,*, PLATE NO- 3 MAP SHOWING THE MAJOR ROADS OF RAYAGADA DISTRICT N*\Ys\{tr\ i'J",\ rr ffiffiAm &,9.qp -: & l. $:i"i{'fir$J &rnbc,$;r.li |.iishtirnsi I lri1Si.,"trr1 * ${ i\t"i\$+.&Nm$ : N.$slj$r l{{ir$d S.i;{,rCih*ilr l-)i sis rt til*sxrsqlsr :* l.lti,u * ilL),dr. 1,.r,_; $l,ir [-:*ii:.rl j ti LEst rsi i {r,,, ; t){$r*r l*u*r: :,- i ;.r r i,,J r.r :r t-:i '* * Fec.,a{rrJ l,ltlrlrt'r-& rtc:l.i * * $iser$f$qa$ttr+.{${ *l,i,tp;;, s H -ir . ,i r .rri , i rr '| 'i-1 '1':il \{,1r'lr'J* 0 ::* r[i]fu;,r1,;1'g1 & r,"1{hr F}irf, fi l+r{t/nli &il,)t{{$,i .6ii r^ii-l+,.i $Ji;.rlil',* * )i' u1.'i- rI rll.:.r--, t., t o'- -.r.1.1.;.,u AY.e,ilA $ill\,\,*rcirli.-r & llA t,ri lli *' I r .: ,- I t r,.$i l, r:"'. F lti;ltrir:l _.'j. {,rq I tU fiu & 5*r]lih,:rtll l{i:S.&itirr } *. inrr:tihol" tu .,i!l;;.1 rrS ir iirt;rir ri @NNNI. f{ l}H1}S s*:.{J.1p:6 i i$:i!ir(ttiilt .'-, Pffi}1A.i:Sl".i i\ . cr,\.q r:r.!:., !.:l "!..: .l r r.ft: !'liFedieLd,Fn '.?-i .r 1"..-:."'1 , PREFACE ln complionce to the notificotion issued by the Ministry of Environment ond Forest ond Climote Chonge Notificotion no. S.O.36ll (E) New Delhi doted 25-07-2018. the preporotion of district survey report of rood metol/building stone mining hos been prepored in occordcnce with Clouse ll of Appendix X cf the notificotion. Every effori hos been mode to cover rood metol/building stone mining locotions, future potentiol oreos ond overview of rood metol mining ociivities in the district with oll its relevont feotures pertcrining to geology ond minerol weolth. This report will oct os o compendium of ovoiloble minerol resources, geologicol set up, environmentol ond ecologicol set up of the district ond is bosed on doto of vorious deportments like Revenue, Woter Resources, Forest, Geology ond Mining in the district os well os stotisticol doto uplooded by vorious stcrte Government deportments. The moin purpose of preporotion of District Survey Report is to identify the minerol resources ond developrng the mining octivities olong with other relevont doto of the District. 1. INTRODUCTION Royogodo is o district in southern Odisho, o stote in lndio, which become o seporote district in October 19?2.lts populotion consists moinly of tribes, primorily the Khonds ond ihe Soros. ln oddition to Odio, Kui ond Soro ore spoken by the district's indigenous populotion. Royogodo covers on oreo of 7,584.7 squore kilometres {2,928.5 sq mi), ond is divided into eleven blocks. Agriculture is the chief source of income ond poddy, wheot, rogi, green ond block grom, groundnut, sweet pototo ond moize being the district s mojor crops. Royogodo district is known os the most fomous region of the stote becouse of its longest humon history. lt hos long ond glorious historicol records evidenl by copper plotes, rock inscriptions os well os different coins, which cleo.ly indicote the region wos the centre of ottroction in oll oges. ln the third century 8.C., during the reign of Ashoko the Greot, it wos covered under Kolingo empire. The district is surrounded by Kandhmol district in tlre l\orth, Gojopoti districl in the fost, Koroputdistrict cnd sotcte of AP in the South ond Kalahondi in the West. 1lltt:.n., OVERVIEW 2. OF MINING ACTIVITIES IN THE DISTRICT. Royogodo district hos o potentiol reserve of grophite, mongonese, bouxite, chinocloy, limestone, quortr, gemstones elc. The foilowing oo,ogroprs ore o brieF occount of the minerols of the district. Bouxite The district hos mony high level bouxite occurrences. lmporlont bouxite deposits of the district ore siiimoli, Kutrumoli, Bophilimoli, Sosnucohumoli, Lokhorosi. Kutrumoli ond Sijimoli deposits extend into both Royogodo ono ,olot-,ondi districts. Gibbsite is the moin oluminous minerol. Alzos content ronges from 44 to 57'80%' Sioz content is between 0,40 to 8.74%, Fezo: content ronges belween 16.2 to 27%' The resource of bouxite in the district is more ihon 6io \,,,i. However, this figure is likely to be much higher in view of numerous cc.-,,c-ces of smoller ploteoux whose potentiolify hos not been quontified throL-,g- l=-c ec explorotion. Almost oli the ploieoux rising more thon 9oo m obove MSL cc--o,- ocuxite which hove been explored by Drrectorote of Geology ond GSl. Mongonese Mongonese ore deposits in the district ore ossocioted with knondolite suite of rocks belonging to Eostern Ghot Supergroup. Nishikhol mongonese deposit is the most importont, single lorgest deposit in the oreo with o reser,.,e of neorly lo.2mt (Mn-28-38%)' lt is currently being mined by oMC ond fed to Vjsnokopotnom Steel Plont' The other deposits podokono-Toidhcdsh in the oreo ore i(7mt), Kuttingo- Debjhollo(1 mt) etc' Azlongonese occurrences hove been reporled oround Devoiholo' Kutingpodor, Nisikhol, Rukunibodi, poikoronipinco, (crdhoronipindo, Tolodoshi, Upordoshi, podokono, Kinchikhor, Koko, .i,i3;,,13, Srrlijodi ,Bolkopoi,Bhitordurki, sikopoi, porigudo, Kotubodi, Sunokhunfl, Anjorni, Bodo Siringur, Purunoponi, Mondhoro etc. Mongonese content vories from r% Io 38%. Grophile Grophite occupies o very prominent position in the district with regord to its extension' reserve ond number of deposits. There ore quite o number of grophite deposits in the district occurring of the contoct of the khondolite ond the gronite gneiss' The importoni occurrences which ore under octive mining ore in the fomous 2 | i' ,,' ,tt.: Iumudibondh belt. Neoriy 150 occu,rrrences of grophite hove been identified. The .A most importoni occurrences of the oistrict ore Bondhomondi, Sologudi, Birido, Noringpongo, pongodi, ef Jogdolpur, Dukkum, Hojoridongu, sodo, Minoholo, Picholigudo, Rouli, Bhitordulki, Jhologudo, Sikoborhi, Koliopolli. Potroni, Gondrugom, Dollurgom, A/olimundo. Disidoku, Deulbodi, Alondo, Budogudo, Murkokono, Ajoygorh, Pipligudo, Bhitorsojo, Kumbhikoto. Borogoon, Dongipodor. Tutter etc. Grophite is mostly of crystolline floky te & voriety. lt occr,lrs in form of disseminotions, veins, pockets, lenses ond olso os bedded deposits. Azlinerolisotion is controlled by lithology, strotigrophy ond structure.
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