AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 2006 EDITION HONG KONG MONETARY AUTHORITY 55/F, Two International Finance Centre, Incorporating the Summary Version of the HKMA Annual Report 2005 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong Enquiries (852) 2878 8222 Fax (852) 2878 2010 E-mail
[email protected] pantone 8001C silver 7M 25Y 60C 100M 34K 79K 香 港 金 融 香港金融管理局簡介 管 理 二零零六年版 局 二 零 零 五 年 年 報 香港金融管理局 香港中環金融街8號 附二零零五年年報摘錄 國際金融中心2期55樓 電話(852)2878 8222 傳真(852)2878 2010 電子郵件
[email protected] pantone 8001C silver 5M 25Y 60C 100M 34K 79K THE HONG KONG MONETARY AUTHORITY Established in April 1993, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is the government authority in Hong Kong responsible for maintaining monetary and banking stability. The HKMA’s policy objectives are • to maintain currency stability, within the framework of the Linked Exchange Rate system, through sound management of the Exchange Fund, monetary policy operations and other means deemed necessary • to promote the safety and stability of the banking system through the regulation of banking business and the business of taking deposits, and the supervision of authorized institutions • to enhance the efficiency, integrity and development of the financial system, particularly payment and settlement arrangements. CONTENTS THE HKMA AND ITS FUNCTIONS 2 About The HKMA 16 Maintaining Monetary Stability 17 Promoting Banking Safety 18 Managing the Exchange Fund 19 Developing Financial Infrastructure REVIEW OF 2005 22 Chief Executive’s Statement 28 Economic and Banking Environment in 2005 32 Monetary Conditions in 2005 34 Banking Policy and Supervisory Issues in 2005 36 Market Infrastructure in 2005 38 International Financial Centre 40 Exchange Fund Performance in 2005 42 The Exchange Fund 44 Major Events 1993-2005 48 Abbreviations 49 Reference Resources The first part of this booklet introduces the work and policies of the HKMA.