Jeff Seibert, Jr
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!e News April 30, 2010 Gilman School Volume CIX No. 6 Cotton Lecture Interview: Jeff Seibert, Jr. BY RISHI BEDI prepared me incredibly well for Stan- newly-founded companies. On the likeli- needed for great ideas to come to frui- ford and beyond, especially in the writ- hood of his working for a “big company” tion. He encouraged students to pursue “RT @GilmanSchool: Edwards ‘88, LQJDUHQD´DI¿UPLQJWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI in the future, he says, “I’m not opposed their visions, describing how household Seibert ‘04 Return for Cotton Lecture” a variety of skills regardless of one’s pro- to working for a big company, and prob- names such as Facebook and Twitter This tweet came from Jeff Seib- fession. ably one day will, but for the time being started out as mere ideas too. ert, Jr., a 2004 Gilman graduate who However, Mr. Seibert found himself I love the quick pace, varied work, and Seibert spoke of Entrepreneurial spoke at the school in April for the H.K. self-teaching the “technology aspect” of constant excitement that startups of- Thought Leadership seminars he attend- Douglas Cotton Memorial Lecture. Mr. his education, which eventually became fer.” ed as a Stanford student as a catalyst for Seibert, a designer, entrepreneur, and the foundation of his career. This part of Outside of his work for and his own entrepreneurship. Perhaps his FRPSXWHUSURJUDPPHUIRXQGHGKLV¿UVW Gilman’s curriculum, he notes, could be Slouchback, Seibert enjoys a lot of out- inspirational presentation here will do company while still at Gilman. Before VLJQL¿FDQWO\LPSURYHG$VDZHEGHYHO- door activities – “basically anything the same for a Gilman student, with “the his graduation from Stanford Universi- oper in the company he started in high away from the computer,” as he puts it. next big idea,” the “Google killer.” As he ty, Mr. Seibert founded Increo Solutions, school, Arios Software, Mr. Seibert re- )URP VXU¿QJ DQG ELNLQJ WR H[SORULQJ said, “inaction is the only true path to “transforming”, according to him, “the calls, “It drove me crazy how many stu- beaches (in Massachusetts!) and taking failure.” way you work with documents online.” dents thought computers were good for ZHHNO\ GD\ WULSV 6HLEHUW ¿QGV UHIXJH +HLVDOVRWKH&KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2I¿FHURI nothing but playing silly Flash games or from work in the great outdoors. Slouch, LLC, and is presently a software writing Word documents.” In order for Returning to technology, I asked Seib- engineer at the creative use of technology to blos- ert if he had an iPad and his thoughts on I did not have a chance to meet with som, Seibert believes it vital that “there the revolutionary device, as a long-time Mr. Seibert after his lecture, but thanks should be computers available with cre- Mac developer and Apple summer in- to Facebook (and its creator who pur- ative software on them for students to tern (who has stood next to Steve Jobs!). sued it, over a hot-or-not ratings site), I use.” He used it to write his lecture and pur- was able to contact him with a few ques- Beyond Gilman, Seibert entered chased it the day it came out, for good tions. start-up life while still a student at reason: “because I am way too obsessed As we as upper schoolers approach Stanford, beginning the life of a self-de- with Apple and everything they make.” graduation and will have to choose ca- scribed “startup junkie.” Following the He notes, however, that he is still deter- reers paths, I decided to ask Mr. Seib- acquisition of his document collabora- mining the purpose it serves in a poten- ert about what we have in common: the tion company, Increo Solutions, by Box. tially new market, but he “loves it.” Gilman education, and how it prepared net, Seibert joined Box’s development In his remarks at the Cotton Lec- him for college and beyond. He opined, team. In his speech, Seibert emphasized ture, Seibert spoke about students being “Academically, I feel Gilman truthfully the appeal of multi-faceted leadership in ‘techie’ and ‘fuzzy,’ stating that both are Photo Courtesy Jeff Seibert. BY ALEX FANG ¶ 7KHVKRZLV¿OOHGZLWKKLODULW\DQG romanticism, and will be an overall fan- “[It has] unforgettable characters, it tastic time. Mr. Rowell says, “It is a big, is very funny, and has one of the greatest fun production that everybody can en- scores in musical theater,” says director joy. It is a classic American musical in John Rowell about Guys and Dolls which every sense of the word.” will be up April 29th, April 30th , and Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for May 1st at 8:00 P.M. and May 2nd at 2:00 students. To reserve tickets or for more P.M. Under the direction of Mr. John information, please e-mail gilmanthe- Rowell with help from musical director [email protected]. Ms. Elizabeth Fink and choreographer Ms. Julie Foley, Guys and Dolls tells the story of gamblers, Salvation Army work- ers, and nightclub entertainers in 1950s New York City. Guys and Dolls focuses on Nathan Detroit (Mark Irwin ’10), who is engaged to Ms. Adelaide (Sarah :HOFK53&6¶ DQGKLVDWWHPSWWR¿QG a place to gamble. He enlists the help of Sky Masterson (Josh Siems ’10). Addi- tionally, there are Salvation Army work- ers who try to clean up the gambling in New York City, one of which being Sis- ter Sarah Brown (Meghan Stanton BMS Jim Poggi and Max Brodsky rehearse the Graphic by Cesare Ciccanti Crapshooter’s Dance. (Photo by Seth Gray) Features: Nuclear Summit: Washington, D.C., Sitting on the Porch? (page 2) Exclusives: Interview with Jeff Seibert (page 1), Blue and Grey Day Photo Essay (page 3) Arts: Guys and Dolls Musical Preview (page 1) Sports: Washington Capitals: NHL Playoff Outlook, NFL Draft Review: Ravens (page 4) April 30, 2010 Gilman School Volume CIX No. 6 Fresh Air Club As most of you have probably no- unlock the doors gives rise to another WLFHG&DUH\+DOOOD\VFODLPWRWZR¿UVW point. This is the fact that we students ÀRRURXWGRRUWHUUDFHVRQWKHEDFNRIWKH have more say in the school than we be- building: one located directly off the long lieve. By no means am I suggesting that hall of library windows and the other one student has the ability to revise the just outside of Centennial Hall. On these honor code or change the long tradition porches lie a multitude of picnic tables, of the “shirt and tie” dress code. My ex- giving Gilman students an ideal location perience does show, however, that we to sit in the sun while doing homework can push to change some of the small- or just hanging out. As you have also er aspects of Gilman that have a much probably noticed, however, the terraces stronger bearing on our everyday lives. seem to have remained desolate for quite We have the tendencies to sit back and some time now. Rarely have I ever seen complain about our “lack of voice” in anyone on them since the refurbished the school and argue that the student Carey Hall was opened. This is due to the bulletin board is worthless. When we fact that the doors used to access these are able to shake our disposition to shy areas have always remained locked. away from confronting administrators Now, my initial intent with this edito- about pressing issues in our daily lives rial about the terraces was to assert the at school, however, we learn that the ad- Springtime here and the doors will open soon (Photo by Nick Cortezi) uselessness of such space if it were to ministrators are more approachable and remain locked. I hoped that the admin- understanding than we initially believed. istration would agree to reopen these ar- As the new Editor of the News, I felt eas for student use. I assumed the terrace that our inability to use the terraces doors were locked due to faculty con- was something important enough to Poor Little Iran? cerns of safety, unruly student congrega- the student body that I publicly address U.S. Excludes Iran From Nuclear Discussion tions, or an increase of students dipping it. Though I accomplished my goal in a out of study hall. When I approached different manner than originally an- On April 12, President Obama hosted is necessary to establish diplomatic ties Mrs. Turner and Mr. Schmick on the ticipated, I now realize that just com- the Nuclear Security Summit in Wash- with Iran now and at least allow its lead- issue, however, neither had any idea plaining gets us nowhere. We really ington to discuss how to secure the ers to express their views on the world as to why the doors were locked. They GRKDYHLQÀXHQFHZKHQLWFRPHVWRWKH world’s nuclear materials and prevent stage. The act of ignoring and sanction- both assured me that the doors could be matters that truly affect our day-to- them from being acquired by terror- ing Iran ensures the continuation of its unlocked for student use. Thus, a pro- day school experience, and we there- ists or so called “rogue nations.” Yet, nuclear program. test of this issue is no longer necessary. fore have to act on our opinions. As the underlying current of the meeting Obviously, the United States did not Though my central argument was the great, prophetic Beastie Boys once was of course the United States’ issues strive to create more tension when it did eliminated, the ease with which I was VDLG ³\RX JRWWD ¿JKW IRU \RXU ULJKW´ with Iran’s—among other countries’— not invite Iran to the summit; the goal able to convince the administrators to -DFW growing nuclear ambitions.