Kardzhali District
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Kardzhali District Chernoochene > Population (2014) 151,329 KARDZHALI > Area (sq. km) 3,209.1 ARDINO MOMCHILGRAD > Number of settlements 472 DZHEBEL > Share of urban population (%) 41.4 KRUMOVGRAD Kirkovo Overview ardzhali District is relatively underdeveloped in predominantly rural population characterises the dis- Keconomic terms, but its recovery from the crisis has trict. The age dependency ratios have deteriorated but been steady in recent years. The district’s employment are relatively better than the country average. Educa- rate has soared, but incomes have remained among tion is definitely faced with challenges – performance the lowest in Bulgaria. There have been no significant at state matriculation exams keeps getting worse and domestic or foreign investments in the district. Some the number of college graduates in the workforce is in- municipalities have featured good utilisation of EU sufficient. With regard to the number of crimes against funds. Municipal taxes in Kardzhali District have been the personality and property, Kardzhali is the second relatively low, but the development of administrative most secure district in Bulgaria. The indicators pertain- services has seriously lagged behind. ing to the district’s cultural life have demonstrated rela- Kardzhali is among the smaller districts of Bulgaria. A tively limited cultural activities. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Weak Unsatisfactory Average Good Very good Weak Unsatisfactory Average Good Very good Income and Living Conditions Demography Labor Market Education Investment Healthcare Infrastructure Security and Justice Taxes and Fees Environment Administration Culture Kardzhali District 41 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Income and Living Conditions Infrastructure The economy has steadily recovered in recent years and The road network density in Kardzhali District is above Kardzhali District is no longer among the five poorest the country average, but no highway goes through it. districts of Bulgaria. GDP per capita was 6,139 BGN in The quality of roads has improved slightly but is still very 2012. Incomes have remained among the lowest in the low compared to the country – 31.3% of roads were in country, with pension incomes standing out as the low- good condition in 2014 compared to 40.5% in Bulgaria est. Nonetheless, salaries grew steadily at the rate of as a whole. The railway network density is one of the 16% in 2012 and 2013. lowest in Bulgaria; there are territories too far removed The share of the population living in material deprivation from the railway lines which are therefore exclusively was almost 40% in 2012, but this indicator has greatly serviced by automobile transport. varied over the years. The levels of relative poverty have The households’ connectivity to the Internet has bet- risen – 26% of the population was below the district’s tered in Kardzhali District. Almost 66% of households poverty line in 2012. The inequality in the allocation of already had Internet access in 2014. Use has remained incomes has also surged – the ratio of the incomes of the low, however, compared to the country, and barely poorest to the incomes of the richest 20% of households 40% of the population aged 16–74 used the Internet is now seven times. in 2014. Taxes and Fees Local taxes are about the same or below their national Labour Market counterparts in the municipalities of Kardzhali District. The district centre of Kardzhali has low taxes: 1.3‰ on The employment rate in Kardzhali District steadily re- non-residential properties of companies, 2.2% on the covered from 2011 to 2014. It reached 49% in 2014 , a sale of property and low taxes on vehicles. Ardino, Dzhe- figure above the average for the country, for the first bel and Momchilgrad are among the municipalities that time in ten years. The unemployment rate has slightly impose comparatively higher taxes. dropped for the past two years. The district’s economic activity has risen though still counting as relatively low Charges for household waste are relatively high through- – the economic activity rate of the population 15+ was out the municipalities in Kardzhali District, over 10‰ 51.5% in 2014. for properties of legal entities, in almost all municipali- ties: only Chernoochene Municipality lowered it to 9‰ The demographic replacement rate plummeted in re- in 2015. The highest rate is in Dzhebel, 14‰, while it is cent years to almost 61% in 2014, which means that 10‰ in the district centre of Kardzhali. there were 61 youngsters aged 15–19 about to join the workforce, per 100 people aged 60–64 about to leave it. Administration The municipalities of Kardzhali District are seriously lagging behind in e-services and the provision of one- stop shop services. With regard to e-services, only Mom- Investment chilgrad Municipality is performing well in 2015, and FDI levels in Kardzhali District went up from 2010 to Ardino Municipality provides the good example in pro- 2013 but were relatively low compared to Bulgaria. The vision of one-stop services. Cadastral map coverage is district still had the smallest number of non-financial among the lowest in the country, encompassing barely companies in Bulgaria weighed against the population 3.4% of the district’s territory as of 2014: the munici- in 2013. It has seriously lagged behind in expenditure palities of Dzhebel, Kardzhali, Kirkovo and Krumovgrad on the acquisition of FTAs as well (106 m BGN in 2013). were partly covered. The municipalities in Kardzhali District have managed Kardzhali District has drastically lagged behind in the to utilise EU funds relatively well – they were paid more 2015 Active Transparency Rating of local government than 97 m BGN as beneficiaries under operational pro- bodies by the AIP Foundation. Nonetheless, the mu- grammes as of 31 January 2015. A large portion of the nicipalities of Ardino, Dzhebel and Momchilgrad con- utilised funds were concentrated in the regional centre siderably raised their ratings in 2015 in comparison with of Kardzhali (66 m BGN) and also in the municipalities of the previous year. The municipalities of Chernoochene, Momchilgrad (21 m BGN) and Ardino (6 m BGN). Kardzhali and Kirkovo still have very low ratings. 42 Regional Profiles 2015 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Demography With a population of 151,329, Kardzhali was among for the past six years. Such data distortions have not the smaller districts in Bulgaria in 2014. The district been observed elsewhere. The infant mortality rate has traditionally has a very negative net migration rate of diminished in recent years to 6.3‰ in 2014. the population. An exceptionally high (probably one- off) positive net migration rate of 12.1‰ was ob- served in 2014, which made Kardzhali one of the few districts with a real increase in the population for the Security and Justice past year. There was a natural decrease but its rate According to official data, Kardzhali has been the second was comparatively low in comparison with Bulgaria. most secure district in Bulgaria after Smolyan; 2 crimes Kardzhali is one of the three districts with a chiefly ru- against the personality and 30 crimes against property, ral population – only 41.4% live in towns and cities. The per 10,000 people, were registered in 2014. This is three district’s age structure has deteriorated, but the age times less than the country average. It can also be con- dependency ratios have remained among the best in cluded from the data that the court works relatively ef- Bulgaria. Nevertheless, there are 1.3 times more people ficiently and quickly. The share of criminal cases decided aged 65+ than people aged 0–14 and those aged 65+ by the District Court and closed in the first 3 months was equal slightly more than a quarter of the working popu- 99% in 2013, constituting the highest share in Bulgaria. lation aged 15–64. The share of pending criminal cases was low as at the end of 2013 – 3.8% compared to the country average of 8.5%. Judges’ workloads were relatively low in Kardzhali District, reaching 6.6 cases per judge per month, com- pared to the national average of 8.3 cases per judge, per Education month. Kardzhali District ranked second in Bulgaria in the number of teachers in primary and secondary schools in 2014 – 12 students per teacher. The relative share of dropouts from schools remained below 2% in 2013. Environment The share of repeaters was still exceptionally low (0.5% in 2014). The grades from state matriculation exams Kardzhali District is characterized by exceptionally low were much worse in 2015 compared to previous years emissions of pollutants (carbon dioxide) into the atmos- – the average grade fell to 4.06; the share of failures phere – they were barely 6.5 t/sq. km in 2014. Collected soared to 11.4%, and is now among the highest in the household waste per capita soared in 2013. country. Population access to public sewerage connected to Kardzhali District has faced a serious challenge with uni- waste water treatment plants is less than 5%, which is versity graduates. The relative share of graduates aged an extremely low share in comparison with the nation- 25–64 in the population has increased in recent years al average. Less than half the population (44%) live in and it reached 20% in 2014, still far behind the country settlements with public sewerage, the lowest share in average. The number of students has not changed sig- Bulgaria. Several waste water treatment plants are be- nificantly in recent years, there were 1,017 of them in the ing constructed, and the ones in Kardzhali and Mom- district in 2014. chilgrad are to be launched in 2015. The expenditure on environmental protection increased in 2013 total- ling 26 m BGN. Healthcare The number of beds in MpHATs has remained unchanged in recent years and has continued to lag behind com- Culture pared to the country – 598 beds in 2014.