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ALC-2019-Awards-Dinner-Program.Pdf WELCOME Welcome to the 2019 Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner! The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) is delighted to honor this year’s awardees for their exceptional contributions to our communities, our culture and our nation. This year’s awardees are outstanding examples of the difference we all can make to better our world. The annual Phoenix Awards Dinner is not only an opportunity to celebrate and honor the achievements of our exceptional awardees and to thank the Congressional Black Caucus for its service, but it is a time to renew our efforts to eliminate the many political, social and economic disparities that continue to exist for millions of African Americans. The impact of civil and social movements over the last 50 years has played a pivotal role in changing the trajectory of American history. This year’s theme, “400 Years: Our Legacy, Our Possibilities,” commemorates the resilience and courage of African Americans and our African ancestors, and celebrates our opportunities for global impact for generations to come. Since its founding in 1976 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit, public policy, research and educational institute, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. has remained committed to educating and empowering the next generation of leaders through scholarship, internship, fellowship and study abroad programs. Our mission is to advance the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy and educating the public. Thank you for supporting the mission of the CBCF and for attending the Phoenix Awards Dinner. We value your leadership and look forward to staying in touch with you year-round. Please visit and follow @CBCFInc on Instagram and Twitter for the latest information about the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation,Inc. OMAR J. DORSEY ISHA SESAY Actor International Journalist KIANNA KELLY-FUTCH ANTHONY HAMILTON Miss District of Columbia’s Artist, Singer and Songwriter Outstanding Teen Video Presentation . Who I Am Greetings . Isha Sesay and Omar J. Dorsey Co-Emcees National Anthem. Kianna Kelly-Futch “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. Kianna Kelly-Futch Remarks. The Honorable Mayor Muriel E. Bowser Mayor, District of Columbia Recogniton of Leadership Programs. David A. Hinson President and CEO, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Invocation . Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II Remarks . Rep. Cedric L. Richmond Board Chair, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. DINNER Remarks . Rep. G.K. Butterfield and Rep. Frederica S. Wilson Honorary Co-Chairs, 2019 Annual Legislative Conference Remarks . Rep. Karen R. Bass Chair, Congressional Black Caucus WELCOME & INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Performance .........................................Anthony Hamilton MOMENT OF SILENCE Spark Session .....................................Dr. Julianne Malveaux PHOENIX AWARD PRESENTATIONS CBCF Chair’s Award ....... Dr. Calvin Mackie Author and Entrepreneur CBC Chair’s Phoenix Award . .Dr. Wanda M. Austin Co-Founder, MakingSpace, Inc. ALC Co-Chair’s Phoenix Award . Rep. Barbara Lee Member of Congress ALC Co-Chair’s Phoenix Award . The Exonerated Five Harold Washington Award . Rev. Al Sharpton Founder, National Action Network PROGRAM Each year, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. recognizes extraordinary individuals who, through their efforts and accomplishments, have made significant contributions to society. These individuals receive the prestigious, CBCF-commissioned Phoenix Award. Legend says that the phoenix bird lived a solitary life in a faraway land. When the phoenix knew its time had come, it chose the tallest palm tree on which it built a nest filled with essences such as myrrh and cassia. At the next dawn, the sun ignited the fragrant spices as the phoenix expired. After nine days, a fledgling phoenix rose out of the ashes. Like its namesake, the Phoenix Award symbolizes the immortality of the human spirit and an eternal desire to reach its full potential. As we honor this year’s awardees, we recall North Carolina Representative George Henry White’s 1901 farewell address to Congress. Born enslaved in Rosindale, North Carolina, Representative White was elected to the House of Representatives in 1896. He campaigned for increased spending on African- American education and proposed a bill that would make the lynching of American citizens a federal crime. Representative White was aware that his outspoken comments on civil rights would result in the loss of his next election. In his last speech to Congress, Representative White issued a declaration to his colleagues about the future of the Negro in the American Congress: “This, Mr. Chairman, is perhaps the Negroes’ temporary farewell to the American Congress; but let me say, Phoenix-like he will rise up someday and come again.” CBCF CHAIR’S PHOENIX AWARD is presented to an individual whose work and accomplishments serve as a role model for the African American community and the African Diaspora. This year’s award is presented by Rep. Cedric L. Richmond to: DR. CALVIN MACKIE Entrepreneur, Inventor and Author Dr. Calvin Mackie is an award-winning mentor, an inventor, an author, a former engineering professor, an internationally renowned speaker, and a successful entrepreneur. His message as a mentor, author, speaker, and entrepreneur continues to transcend race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and time. A lifelong resident of New Orleans, Dr. Mackie graduated from high school with low test scores requiring him to undertake special remedial classes at Morehouse College. He completed his degree in Mathematics at Morehouse in 1990, graduating Magna Cum Laude and a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. He was simultaneously awarded a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech, where he subsequently earned his master’s and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1996. In 2009, then Louisiana Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu appointed Dr. Mackie to the Louisiana Council on the Social Status of Black Boys and Black Men. The board elected Mackie as the chair where he led the state’s effort to create policy and programs to positively impact the quality of life for black males and families in the state of Louisiana. Committed to community service, Mackie is an active member of the 100 Black Men of Metro New Orleans. In 2014, Dr. Mackie founded STEM NOLA, is a nonprofit organization founded to expose, inspire and engage communities about the opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Mackie continues in his role as President and CEO of the Channel ZerO Group LLC, an educational and professional development consulting company he co-founded in 1992. He has presented to numerous civic and educational institutions, government entities, professional associations, and businesses of every size and industrial focus. Through his travels and online mentoring presence, Mackie reaches millions of students and professionals annually. Dr. Mackie is a devoted husband to his wife, Tracy, and father to his two sons, Myles Ahmad and Mason Amir. ALC CO-CHAIR’S PHOENIX AWARD PresentedCBC to an individualCHAIR’S who PHOENIX exhibits the AWARDhighest standards of dedicationis presented and ability each yearin inspiring to an individual social awareness who exhibits and communitythe highest standardsengagement. of dedication, ability and creativity. This year’s award is presented by Sen. Cory Booker to: This year’s award is presented by Rep. Karen R. Bass to: LEE PORTER ExecutiveDR. WANDA Director, M. AUSTIN The Fair Housing Council of NorthernCo-Founder, New MakingSpace, Jersey Inc. Dr.From Wanda victim toM. victor: Austin Mrs. is Leean AmericanPorter is affectionately businesswoman known aswho the “Mother of Fair Housing”. In 1965, Lee Porter and her husband were initiallyis internationally denied housing recognized in Bergen forCounty, her work prompting in aeronautics her to volunteer and forsystems the Fair engineering. Housing Council She of is Bergen co-founder County. of Lee MakingSpace, moved up the Inc;ranks a to systems eventually engineeringhold the executive and directorship leadership in 1971,development a position consultant;she still holds toand this a day. motivational The Fair Housing speaker. Council She has aboutserved 4,000 as clients, and also helps the homeless. interim president of the University of Southern California forLee Porterthe 2018-2019 has been the academic recipient of Theyear, Record’s and led Community the institution Service Award,through a tributea crucial to her transition lifelong dedication period. She to ending is the discrimination former president in housing and and CEO combating of The racism. “Lee is feisty, hard-working, and determined to give everyone--regardless of race, sex, handicap,Aerospace or religion--the Corporation, opportunity an independent, to find the housingnonprofit they chooseorganization and can dedicatedafford,” said to Phyllis the Kronick,application a former of science vice president and technologyof the Fair Housing toward Council. critical issues affecting the nation’s space program. Recent housing discrimination surveys conducted found that minorities that tried to obtain housing were discriminated against 75 percent of the time. In Bergen County, the majority of the blacksFrom areJanuary in Teaneck, 2008 Hackensack, until October and Englewood. 2016, Mrs.Austin Porter led believes the thatorganization’s housing is the 3600 most importantemployees thing and in a managed person’s life.
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