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Russia and Belarus No. 257 23 October 2020 russian analytical digest RUSSIA AND BELARUS ■ COMMENTARY Russia’s Role in Relation to the Political Protests in Belarus 2 By Margarita M. Balmaceda (Seton Hall University/Harvard University) 2020: Year of the Great Break for Belarusian Statehood 3 By Siarhei Bohdan (Freie Universität Berlin) The Standoff over Constitutional Reform in Belarus Leaves the EU and Russia on Opposite Sides of the Barricades 5 By Fabian Burkhardt (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg) At a Loss: The Kremlin Has No Winning Belarus Strategy 7 By Arkady Moshes (Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki) Russia vs. the People of Belarus: Towards a Geopolitical Revolution? 9 By Ryhor Nizhnikau (Finnish Institute of International Affairs) Puzzled by Belarus, Russia Struggles to Respond 11 By Oxana Schmies and Joerg Forbrig ■ INTERVIEW Lukashenka’s Waiting Game: How Russia Has Tipped the Balance in Belarus 12 Interview with Lev Gudkov (Levada Center for Public Opinion Research, Moscow) ■ OPINION POLL The Attitude of the Russian Population towards the Presidential Elections of 09 August 2020 and Related Protests in Belarus 17 Institute for European, Research Centre Center for Center for German Association for Russian, and Eurasian Studies for East European Studies Security Studies Eastern European Studies East European Studies The George Washington University University of Bremen ETH Zurich University of Zurich RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 257, 23 October 2020 2 COMMENTARY Russia’s Role in Relation to the Political Protests in Belarus By Margarita M. Balmaceda (Seton Hall University/Harvard University) DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000446834 leksander Lukashenko may have withstood the first of Belarus’s steel production and nearly $1bn exports per Awave of protests, but the writing on the wall does year, or top nitrogen fertilizers producer Hrodno Azot. not bode well for him. Both of these factories depend directly or indirectly on When the demonstrations against fraud in the the energy rents accrued by Belarus as a result of its August 9 presidential elections started, Lukashenko unique energy relationship with Russia—BMZ on low was caught by surprise, showing how much he had lost energy prices needed for the energy-intensive foundry touch with Belarusian society. The apparatus of repres- process, and Hrodno Azot on nitrogen produced on the sion may not have changed much since the 1999 disap- basis of natural gas (production of nitrogen fertilizers pearance of opposition members Viktor Hanchar, Ana- not only depends heavily on gas as a source of energy, tol Krasouski, Yury Zakharanka, and Dzmitry Zavadski, but also as a raw material, as it constitutes 80% of the but Belarusian society had. When, eight days after the material needed for its production). These rents—and beginning of the protests, he made a point of visiting their clever management—have been highly significant the flagship Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ) factory, hop- for the stability of the Belarusian regime since the early ing for a boost of support by provoking the audience, he 2000s (see my 2014 book Living the High Life in Minsk), was shocked by the loud boos and chants of “ukhodi!” but have been substantially reduced in the last years (meaning: “leave!”). Since then, he has redoubled on as a result of changes in international energy markets. repression and also on attempts to secure the loyalty With less rents making their way to the nomenklatura of the security apparatus, such as through bestowing, and trickling down to the population as a whole, the a day later, official state awards on 200 security -offi legitimacy and appeal of the Lukashenko regime has cials related to post-election operations. Since that visit gone down significantly, and, conversely, the need for to the MTZ, Lukashenko has been unable to avoid the raw repression has gone up. The levels of violence used reality of how tenuous his control over the country (and by the security apparatus in the last weeks are unprece- also over the country’s nomenklatura) is. With pressure dented. They may hold the regime in place in the short from below, local majors are quietly facing the choice of term, perhaps even for a few years, but the entire edi- the extent to which they should enforce repressive mea- fice of Lukashenko’s power is becoming increasingly sures ordered from above. Lukashenko’s September 24 feeble, hence the need for increased repression. Next inauguration to a new presidential term, conducted in time around, it may give up right away. Within this back- secrecy and without previous public announcement, is ground of increased repression, Lukashenko’s agreement an example of his growing awareness of the tenuous- meeting with jailed opposition leaders, including former ness of his power. presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka on October 10, Another significant development visible already from is an example of how tenuous the situation is, and how the first days after the elections has been the strikes at desperately he is holding on to power. important export-oriented factories, such as the Bylo- russian Steel Works (BMZ) in Zhlobin, home to 80% About the Author Margarita M. Balmaceda is Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University and asso- ciate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 257, 23 October 2020 3 2020: Year of the Great Break for Belarusian Statehood By Siarhei Bohdan (Freie Universität Berlin) DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000446834 t seems obvious that Belarus–Russian relations and sional life in the finance structures of the Russian Gaz- Iintegration should be considered as a dynamic proc- prom empire and until very recently remained the head ess rather than some static construct, yet too frequently of Belgazprombank1—entered the presidential election analyses handle them exactly so, for example by con- campaign. Although he soon got arrested, the staff and sidering the framework of the Union State of Belarus network of activists he managed to organise contin- and Russia as the basis for describing the current links ued working and became the basis for an innovative between Minsk and Moscow. After almost two decades and brilliant campaign which included the merger of of Russia’s dominance over Belarus slowly diminishing, the three candidates’ staffs and featured three women this year saw a radical change of the dynamics. Never as alleged leaders of the campaign to replace Lukash- before in the history of the Republic of Belarus have we enka as president2. witnessed such active Kremlin intervention into Bela- Second, a detachment of Russian mercenaries rusian politics as today. This can be said with respect to was detained near Minsk a week before the election. the Belarusian government and its opponents. A series of explanations was offered by the Russian side, Considering the position of the Belarusian regime, for instance that they were travelling through Belarus one sees something which resembles an incremental to Turkey, Sudan or Venezuela, yet all of them seem capitulation. Politically, Lukashenka made a U-turn and implausible. Two aspects of this incident are remark- switched from lashing out at Russia before the election able—whatever formal work contracts these mercenaries to calling for Russia’s help and verbally attacking the had concluded at the time of the arrest, most of them West, NATO and all neighbour states. Militarily, Minsk had participated in the wars in Syria and the Donbas and launched in mid-August extensive and provocative mili- were affiliated with the so-called ‘Wagner’ private mili- tary exercises on NATO borders and increased the scale tary company. Neither ‘Wagner’ nor other such groups of joint manoeuvres with Russia. Economically, it has are known to use Belarus as a transit route for their threatened to boycott the ports of the Baltic republics deployments. and reduce or stop transit from the Baltics and Poland Needless to say, both Gazprom and ‘Wagner’ are via Belarus. All these moves correspond to the wishes fully integrated into Putin’s regime and, therefore, these of the Putin regime—both articulated (e.g., it publicly cases are no operations of some rogue or marginal actors. demanded that Minsk join its plan to boycott the ports Moreover, the public statements of Babariko only added of the Baltic republics for about three years) and pre- new questions regarding his affiliations and depend- sumed (provocative drills on the border with Lithua- encies. For instance, he quite positively described the sce- nia and Poland near the so called “Suwalki Gap” were nario of Belarus being incorporated into Russia3. Con- never proposed openly, but they surely correspond to cerning the controversial package of Belarus–Russia the wishes of Putin’s generals). integration measures focused on introduction of a com- Lukashenka suddenly moved to undertake the steps mon currency with Russia (i.e., the Russian rouble) in cited in the by-far-not-exhaustive list above some days exchange for continued preferences in the gas and oil after the manipulated election which saw unprece- sphere, which had been fiercely opposed by the Belaru- dented incidents of probable involvement of Russian sian government because of its harmful consequences actors, some of whom are not known to act without for the country despite the Kremlin’s pressure, Babariko Putin’s sanction. Let’s remember two outstanding cases. made
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