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rtrtrnltt tmrtmL A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF STAMP COLLECTORS. Price 25 Cents Per Annum. K C H. MORELL, PUBLISHER, 76 Baldwin Street, Toronto, Canada. TORONTO PHILATELIC JOURNAL. NOW READY-THE 5TH EDITION OF THE O. TORIES, IN TWOImperial VOLUMES. Postaf/e REVISED ANDStamp BROUGHTAlbum. UP TO 1885. Dealerin UnitedStates Stamps only Box 3?«i, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Prices, postfree andsecurely packed. No.5-Crown 4(0,on extra stout paper,strongly DepartmentSets, Used.Complete. Price. boundin embossedcloth, gilt lettering,sprinkled iUnused. set Agriculture Price.$2.5° i set Agriculture $1.75 edges. The two volumes, 13.50. Executive 3.75 Executive 3.00 No. 6-Crown 410, on extra stout paper, superior State 3-75 State 3.00 embossedcloth, ornamental gilt letteringand JusticeNavy 3.752.70 JusticeNavy.... 3.002.00 border. The two volumes, 14.25. Treasury 2.50 Treasury 1.50 No. 7-Crown 410, on extra stout paper, hand- Interior 90 Interior 35 somelybound, with gilt lettering and ornaments, PostWar Office i.oo85 PostWar Office i.oo35 bevelledboards, gilt edges,and patent expand- 25varieties unused 1.50 35varieties used 50 ing clasp. The two volumes, $5. i set due, unused 1.40 i set due, used 15 No. 8-Crown 4to, on superior quality paper, Unused and Used Periodical Stamps. handsomelybound, extra gilt bevelledboards, 2I cent $0.0360 *' $0.6075 gilt edges, and patent expanding clasp. The 3 08 90 two volumes, $5.50. t 06 8,1 " I.OO 08 Q6 "" i.2$ No. 9-Crown 4to, on superior quality paper, 2.15 handsomely bound in morocco relief, gilt edges, 3.40 2 patent expanding clasps. The 2 vols., 17.50. 6.75 24 9.75 Uniform with the above, being designed as a 36 13.00 companion Volume, I SI oar>£r Stainos. 186';..., ....$1.50 The Imperial Post Card Album 15-pageStandard Catalogue, first edition 25 Circulars and Lists of U.S. Stamps -°5 No. 5a-Style No. 5 (seeabove), post free, fi. lo-page Wholesale List of U.S. Stamps 10 No. 6a-Style No. 6 or 7 (see above), post free, 11.30. All the above Guaranteed Genuine. No. 8a-Style No. 8 (see above), post free, $2.20. All moneyrefunded if notas represented. Remit by Postal No.9a-Style No. 9 or 10(see above), post free, $2.75 stamps.Note,at my expense; Address,if not to be had, send U.S. or Canada Illustrated 12-pageProspectus, post free, on application. HOIR^A-OIE O. JOHSTES, STANLEY, GIBBONS & CO., P.O. Box. ar«. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 8 Gower St., London, W. C. England. Reference: Rev. M. C. Jones,Rector Houseof GoodShepherd, ESTABLISHED1868. FOR DEALERS ONLY. Edwards, Peeke & Co., 2728Calumet Ave., Chicago, III., DAQUET STAMPI ftLBUM IMPORTERS RPQDESRICHESSESContains 1OOB\f Choice Varieties. Wholesale and Retail. 10 packets, 12 1-2 francs, postage i 1-2 francs 100 " 125 " " 10 fill THEBEST filiOMS ON SBIE ST LOWEST PRICES. 35Varieties Foreign Stamps. 0« 100 10 One packet will be given as a samplefor 150 " many rare 26 200 " " 50 one franc and 20 centimes, if 50 300 " " 1 00 centimes extra is sent Every collector should send 4 cents for our Lar^e IllustratedCatalogue, upwards of 400 Surprisingly for postage. Cheap Sets and Unequalled Packets; also extended list of single stamps, at lowest possible prices. pur new Wholesale Price List, for Dealers only, on application. Aswe are dealing exclusively in Philatelic goods, CASH IN ADVANCE. our facilities for supplying the wants of collectors are unsurpassed. Shee s of good salable stamps will be sent on ap- proval, on receipt of a sum of money on account. Orders filled by return mail. «IVEUS A TRIAL. GRUAT & BONN, EDWARDS, PEEKE & CO., 84Faubourg St.Ronore, 2728 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. When answering advertisements kindly mention this paper. KaitrnaL VOL. II. TORONTO, MARCH, 1886. No. i. llecorti of Jtetu Issues. PERSIA.-The5 sh. areen of 1882and the ioc. carmine are surcharged {ofll"a| and regirdingAny informationrecent emissions our readersorchanges, can givewill us be at gratefullyanytime, |""{?''| respectivelyin black,not for official receivedand credited. purposes but for international correspon- dence. AZORES.-The25r.lilac and soor. green, PKRUhas lately given birth to twomore have the surcharge in small letters. horrid looking stamps un- BELGIUMhaslatcly brought perforated, and of the out three new values, the values of 50., blue, and design of the latest value ioc., brown; (see cut), the may be seen in the illustra- former beating the like- tion. 20 centimes, olive ; IK-SS of Admiral Gran, 5oc., bistre, and 2 francs, the latter of General violet. Bologneci. CEYLON.-Two cards for the Postal Union PORTUGUESEINDIA.-There is a new have been issued,50. blue,and xoc.brown. seriessimilar to that notedfor Mozambique Cn\-c;o-On Januaryist, the rollowing inscribed" India Portugueza " i y? reis, black; values were issued for use 4}-2 reis, brown ; 6 reis, green ; i tanga, in this new African State :- carmine ; 2 tanga, blue; 4 tanga, lilac ; 8 5 centimes, green; ioc., tanga, orange. rose,(see cut) ; 250.,blue; PUTTIALLA.-The4a.has been seen with 5oc , green, and postal card surcharge in black and red. 150., red-brown. ROUMANIA-Mr. Eugene Brown has re- LIBERIA.-The new stamps are of three ceived from a correspondent, a 50 bani types. The first has large figure of value in adhesiveof a stone color. hexagon,with "Republic-Postage-Liberia" at the sides and top, and value below, ic., STRAITSSETTLEMENTS.-The 32c. is sur- carmine; 2C., green ; 3C.,lilac ; 40.,brown ; charged" Three cents " in black and there is 6c., gray. The secondhas figureof a replycard 3x3 c. blueon buff. value on what looks like an egg in the TRANSVAAL.-A new 2C. stamp has been centre, and the sameinscription as in type i, emitted, brown on white, current pattern. Thebut on thirdfancy hasscrolls view of: 8c.,a shipblue and; i6c., risingorange. sun, VICTORIA.-DcrPfiilate/isf reports the 3d. ora-ngeof 1870 and 4d. carmine of 1881, with with" Thirty-twoplough and" above palm andtree " inCents the "foreground, below on black surcharge " Stamp Duty." scrolls. Color, dark blue. WESTERNAUSTRALIA.-It is reported that MOZAMBIQUE.-A new set of stamps has an entire new set of stamps is in course of preparation for this Colony. been issued, values as follows :-5 reis, black; i or., green; 2or.,carmine ; 251-.,lilac ; 401., UNITED STATES.-Somethingnew. A brown; 5or.,blue ; ioor., red brown; 2oor., stampedletter sheetis to be issuedsoon, violet; 3oor.,orange. combiningthe letter andenvelope in one. TORONTO PHILATELIC JOURNAL. A POSTAGE-STAMPSTORY. ingperson. He dressedneatly and tastefully, but with no suggestionof foppishness. To PrimarilyI am a postagestamp ; just a be frank,I admiredhim from the beginning common,every day, two-cent stamp, possess- of our acquaintance.Regarding his social ing onlysuch attributes as are peculiar to my and financialstatus, he was a gentlemanof class. Indeed,if I were placed among a artistic tastes-one of the grand army of thousandof my brethrenI doubtif the keen- dilletanti-possessingan amplebank account est observerwould be able to point me out and a pedigreewhich wasnever questioned. as beingin anyway distinguished.A vague The desk,into a drawerof whichI wasso gloomenshrouds that portion of my life pre- ignominiouslythrust, stood in a sunnyalcove cedingits developmentinto oneof thegovern- separatedfrom Mr. Warrack'sstudio by a ment agents(if I may so call myself); and I heavy portiere. This little apartment was indistinctly remember havingonce beencon- a very pleasant place, and Mr. YVarrack nectedin someway with a copyof an English spent considerablemore time in lounging comic paperwhich drifted as an exchangein- than he did in working in the great, bare to an Americannewspaper office, and thence roomadjoining. Art wasa hobbyof mine, quickly into a hugewaste basket. From that and it waswith much satisfactionthat I found time until arriving at my presentstate, I pass- myselfplaced in sucha congenialatmosphere. ed through the handsof paper-dealers,paper Soon after being transferredto the drawer manufacturers, and divers clerks and careless I have before alluded to, I discovered that people,my last distinct impressionbeing re- my quarters were shared by a number of ceivedfrom an engraver'spress. other personsof my own kind, who were re- I canscarcely be called a conceitedperson; posing on dainty perfumedenvelopes. There still I am led to believethat^ my missionin were,however, black stains upon their escutch- the world is an important one. I am kind- eons which showedthem to be foreverruined. hearted, of agreeable disposition and well I made bold to introduce myself to one of satisfiedwith my lot. I frequentlycongratu- thesescarred veterans,and, after a few pre- late myself upon the good fortune which liminary remarks concerning the weather, made me what I am. How much better to politics and so on, said : be, perchance,the bearerof somekind letter, " From your looks (date of cancelling)I a perfumed billet-doux,if you please,than a infer that you have been dwelling with this vulgar revenue stamp, fit only to adorn a box Mr. Warrack for some time, and, being a of ill smelling cigars or gracea barrelof in- stranger,I shall esteemit a favor if you will ferior liquor. tell me such things as you feel at liberty to A man hurriedly places a postagestamp speakof concerninghis private history." upon a letter, which he drops in a convenient " It's a sad case," said my friend, with a letter box, and entirely forgets the circum- deep sigh. He looked haggard and worn, stance. It humbly serves his purpose; be- and was apparentlyin great distress. yond that he does not care. But think for a "How sad?" I inquired sympathetically. moment of the travels of that same stamp, of " A sad case,'' he continued, without heed- the personsit meets,of the messageit bears, ing my interruption, " Lessthan six months and say it is not a sentientbeing.