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S918 THE LONDON GAZETTE, ISra SEPTEMBER 1959 anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Gov- electricity. ernment, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the ' -3. Copies of'the Order (and of the map referred confirmation of the Order. to therein) may be inspected free of charge at The Town Hall, Hayes, Middlesex, at all reasonable times SCHEDULE during the period of six weeks from the 26th The area bounded by Gillygate, Slutwell Lane, September 1959. Friarwood Lane, Mayors Walk, Mill Hill, Ropergate 4. Within the said period any person who will be End, Ropergate and Market Place, Pontefract. affected by the Order may by notice in writing to Dated 18th September 1959. The Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local /. F. Rook, Town Clerk. Government, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the Municipal Offices, confirmation of the Order. Pontefract. SCHEDULE (398) An area of approximately forty-nine acres bounded by a line running south from the railway line (British COUNTY BOROUGH OF BARNSLEY Railways—Western Region) along the eastern curtilage of the Public Record Office, continuing south along The Barnsley Smoke Control Order No. 1, 1959 the rear of Cheltenham House and Nos. 2-64 (even) 1. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Skipton Drive, east along the rear of Nos. 67 • to 1 County Borough of Barnsley in exercise of the powers (odd) Pinkwell Lane, north to Pinkwell Lane, west conferred on them by section 11 of the Clean Air along the southern boundary of the Recreation Act, 1956 on the 15th day of September 1959, made Ground, north along the western boundary of the an Order entitled the Barnsley Smoke Control Order Recreation Ground continuing north along the rear No. 1, 1959, declaring the area described in the of Nos. 31-9 Carnarvon Drive, east along the rear Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area, which of .Nos. 73-15 Glamis Crescent, north along the rear Order is about to be submitted to the Minister of of Nos. 13-1 Glamis Crescent and 131-129 Bourne Housing and Local Government for confirmation. Avenue, across Bourne Avenue, along the rear of 2. Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order Nos. 110-112 Bourne Avenue and 2-34 Stormount and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act if, on any Drive and continuing north to the railway line, then day after the Order has come into operation, smoke running west along the railway line to the point first is emitted from a chimney of any building within mentioned. the smoke control area the occupier of that building Dated this 14th day of September 1959. shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding £10 unless he proves that the emission of George Hooper, Clerk and Solicitor of the smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel other (159) Council. than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels include anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and electricity. BOROUGH OF RHONDDA 3. If confirmed -the Order will not come into opera- Confirmation of building byelaws tion before the 1st day of August 1960, or before a (Smoke Prevention Amendment) later date determined by the Minister of Housing and Local Government. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Borough 4. Copies of the Order and of the Map referred ef Rhondda, intend, after one month from the date to therein may be inspected free of charge at the of publication of this notice, to apply to the Minister Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Barnsley, at all of Housing and Local Government for confirmation reasonable times during the period of six weeks from of building byelaws made by them under the Public the 26th day of September 1959. Health Act, 1936, and the Clean Air Act, 1956, the 5. Within the said period any person who will be effect of which will be to require the provision in new affected by the Order may by notice in writing to buildings of such arrangements for heating or cooking The Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local as are calculated to prevent so far as practicable the Government, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to .the emission of smoke. confirmation of the Order. E. D. Wilde, Town Clerk. Municipal Offices, SCHEDULE' Pentre, Rhondda. An area bounded by a line commencing at the llth September 1959. junction of Church Street and Regent Street, and (074) continuing in a southerly direction along the centre of Church Street to Market Hill, continuing in a southerly direction along the centre of Market Hill to its junction with Eldon Street, continuing in a North BOROUGH OF PONTEFRACT Easterly direction along the centre of Eldon Street The Borough of Pontefract (No. 1) Smoke Control to its junction with Regent Street continuing in a Order, 1959 Westerly direction along the centre of Regent Street to the commencing point at the junction of Regent 1. Notice is hereby given that the Pontefract Street and Church Street. Borough .Council in exercise of the powers con- Dated this 16th day of September 1959. ferred on them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956, on the 15th day of September 1959, made an A. E. Gufillan, Town Clerk. Order entitled the Borough of Pontefract (No. 1) Town Hall, Smoke Control Order, 1959, declaring the area Barnsley. described in the Schedule hereto to be a smoke (360) control area, which Order is about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. BOROUGH OF ALTRINCHAM 2. Subject to the exemptions provided by virtue The Borough of Altrincham (No. 1) Smoke Control of section 11 (4) of the Act if, on any day after Order, 1959 the Order has come into operation, smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building within the smoke 1. Notice is hereby given that the Mayor, Aldermen control area the occupier of that building shall be and Burgesses of the Borough of Altrincham in> guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceed- exercise of the powers conferred on them by sec- ing £10 unless he proves that the emission of smoke tion 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956, on the 1st day was not caused by the use of any fuel other than of September 1959, made an Order entitled the an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels include Borough of Altrincham {No. 1) Smoke Control anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and Order, 1959, declaring the area described in the electricity. Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area, which Order is about to be submitted to the Minister 3. Copies of the Order and of the Map referred of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. to therein may be inspected free of charge at the 2. Subject to the exemptions provided by virtue of Municipal Offices, Pontefract, at all reasonable times section 11 (4) of the Act if, on any day after the during the period of six weeks from the 25th day Order has come into operation, smoke is emitted of September 1959. from a chimney of any building within the smoke 4. Within the said period any person who will control area the occupier of that building shall be be affected by the Order may by notice in writing to guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceed-.