
Film and Literature Summer Assignment

Novel: by Film: ​ ​ Jurassic Park (1993), directed by

Welcome to Film and Lit! For your summer assignment, please complete the following for Jurassic ​ Park and its film adaptation. You can read the book or watch the film first -- whichever makes the ​ assignment easier for you to complete. It is due in its entirety on the first day of school. ​

1. Read the novel. You will need a hard copy that you can write in and bring to school. As you read, annotate the novel (see example below), focusing on characterization. Notes will be ​ ​ checked at the beginning of the year. What qualities and attributes define the characters? What goals drive their actions? How do they interact with each other? What are their roles in the story?

2. Watch the film adaptation. As you do so, take notes, again focusing on characterization. ​ Look at the above questions and consider them again as you watch the film. Pay attention to any changes that are made as the characters are portrayed in the film. You may handwrite or type ​ your notes, but you should have the equivalent of one typed, double-spaced page at least. List your notes in an outline or bullet point form. Notes will be checked at the beginning of the year.

3. Compose a two-page response paper, typed and written in MLA format. In your paper, ​ thoughtfully respond to the following two prompts. 1) Choose a major character in Jurassic Park (Alan Grant, John Hammond, Ellie Satler, ​ ​ , etc.). Compare and contrast the portrayal of this character in the novel and its film adaptation. Does each characterize this person in the same way? Refer back to your annotations and the questions above. Use quotes from the text (use MLA citation if needed) and refer to specific moments from the film. You must choose a major character who is ​ present in both versions.

2) Which version of Jurassic Park did you prefer -- the novel or the film? Why? There is a ​ ​ bevy of differences between the two -- did any affect which you liked more? You do not need to use specific quotes from the text here, but your response to this part of the paper should show that you have considered both versions and your answer carefully.

The following will be due upon your arrival in class on our first day of school: 1. Your copy of the novel with your annotations 2. Your notes on the film (handwritten or typed and printed) 3. A hard copy or online submission of your response paper in MLA format that is proofread Requirements for annotating/note taking: -these should be handwritten, either in the book OR on a separate piece of paper -they should be organized; either by chapter or concept, whatever works for you -7 areas to focus your annotation: -Main idea (what you think) -Supporting information -Vocabulary (new words or ones used in a new way-look them up, too) -Connections (to things you already know or to you) -Points of agreement and disagreement -Questions that you have about the text -Rhetorical strategies (strategies the author uses to convince you of what he/she wrote)

*Annotation hints: -at the end of each chapter, write a one-sentence summary to refer back to to refresh your memory of what you’ve read -use a highlighter to emphasize the most important elements from above -your annotations are for YOU-so there is no right or wrong way to do them, but that being said, there is a difference between being thorough with the assignment and rushing to get it done For questions, email Mr. Frost, at [email protected]